• Published 15th Feb 2023
  • 314 Views, 10 Comments

Moondancer's Memories - InfiniteDreams

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Study session

The next evening, Moondancer made her way to the café downtown. Sunny had sent her the directions. As excited as she was to get started with her homework, she waited so they could all look at it together. After about a 15-minute walk, she arrived at the café. Sunny and Sour waved to her from a table just outside the front door. She smiled and joined them, unpacking her bag.

"Good afternoon, girls," She greeted them.

"Hello, Moondancer. Nice to see you again," Sunny said. "I was hoping my directions were clear enough."

"You guys happen to know the equation for photosynthesis?" Sour Sweet asked.

Moondancer sat down and wrote the equation in Sour Sweet's notebook.

Sour Sweet cringed. "Okay...how do you remember that? Is there like some special trick?"

"Repetition, mostly," Moondancer organized her own homework sheets. "It's 6 carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules, converted by light energy and chlorophyl into a sugar molecule and six oxygen molecules."

"Thank you so much," Sour Sweet said, actually seeming sincere.

"Of course, it's very simple once you get familiar with it." Moondancer explained. "You just have to-"

"Hey girls," A voice cut her off. She looked up and saw a girl with white and blue hair in 2 ponytails, also wearing glasses.

"Hi, Sugarcoat," Sunny Flare greeted her.

"Are you studying for the science exam tomorrow?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, and suffering at the same time," Sour Sweet replied sourly. Then she smiled. "But good thing we have Moony to help us out a little bit." She pulled Moondancer in for a hug. "And to keep us company, of course!"

"I don't think we've met," Moondancer looked up. "I'm Moondancer."

"Sugarcoat." The girl introduced herself.

"You're friends with Sunny and Sour?" Moondancer asked.

"Not friends specifically, we have several of the same classes so we study together sometimes," Sugarcoat explained in a bored tone. "I don't have time for friendship outside of studying. We use each other, basically. That's the most common type of friendship in our school. Now, I have to get things done." She walked into the café, most likely to find a table by herself.

Moondancer stared ahead for a minute. "Wow."

Sunny Flare laughed. "Yeah, contrary to her name, she does not sugarcoat things at all. I always found it funny. This is what I meant by when I said, you're one of my first real friends. You just seemed really bright and friendly."

"Um, excuse me?" Sour Sweet pointed to herself.

"Yes, Sour Sweet," Sunny replied. "You're a good friend too."

"Sugarcoat, huh?" Moondancer thought out loud. "She seems like a robot. Sure, I love studying and learning, but there's more to life. At least I know that much. I hope I never end up like her."

"She does get the best grades, but at what cost?" Sour Sweet said. Becoming a studying robot, I guess!"

"Yeah," Moondancer said, then paused. She looked over to Sunny. "She could use a friend, don't you think?"

"We've tried," Sunny answered. "A couple other girls have tried too, no one can get her to open up very much. You can try, but I doubt you'll get too far. All we get from her is some answers for exams and homework. Or else we'd just leave her alone."

"But why does she study with you?" Moondancer asked. "It must benefit her somehow."

"Huh..." Sunny began. "I don't know. Never thought about it. There's got to be some reason."

"Oh, okay." Moondancer said. She looked down at her papers again, noticing how late it was getting. "So, where were we? Let's do a few more then we can get something to eat."

"But I'm hangry now," Sour Sweet complained.

"Come on, you wanted my help, I'm helping you by pushing you to do a little more," Moondancer said. "2 more?"

Sour Sweet thought for a moment. "Okay, fine," she finally accepted.


After a few minutes, the girls had gotten their food and returned to the table. Sour Sweet and Moondancer were having French fries, and Sunny had decided on a cookie.

"I can't believe you guys let me get this," Sunny laughed. "I won't be able to fit into my school uniform if I keep giving in and getting sweets."

"Oh, just enjoy it," Sour Sweet said. Moondancer was about to get back into her homework assignment, however she noticed a girl across the street, wearing the Crystal Prep uniform. She had short blue hair. Moondancer thought for a moment, she had actually seen this girl in science class that day.

"Hey who's that?" Moondancer asked Sunny, as she pointed towards the girl. "She's got the same uniform on."

Sunny noticed the girl, and lost her smile. "Ugh, that's Indigo Zap."

"Sounds like you don't have a very pleasant view on her," Moondancer said.

"No, she's not that bad," Sunny replied. "She's a basketball player."

"Not only that, she's the captain of the basketball team," Sour Sweet added. "And a few others as well. Basically, she's the best at every sport there is."

Moondancer nodded. "Good to know."

"I don't get along with her personally, we're quite opposites as you can tell," Sunny explained. "Sour Sweet knows her better since she's also on a couple teams."

"Well, all I know about her is she's a snob and pushes me and all the other teammates way too hard, no matter what. Even if we're sick."

"The one thing about her is that she's not the brightest...academically." Sunny continued. "She makes up for it though, she is the best athlete in crystal prep. Just don't mess with her." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "She has been in trouble for bullying. There's this one girl she pushed in a locker once, and that poor girl was stuck there for hours trying to get out."

Moondancer's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh."

"Yeah," Sunny said. "The general population of students aren't that friendly or unfriendly. There aren't that many, just a few who go out of their way to hurt others."

Moondancer was glad that Indigo Zap was only in one of her classes. But there was no need for her to worry, as long as she was careful and stayed with her friends, she would be completely safe.


Moondancer handed in her science exam the next day. She was not worried, knowing she had studied properly. As she looked at the other students, she realized she was almost the first one to finish. There was another girl in the back of the class, with purple skin. She had her pink and purple hair in a bun, and glasses similar to Moondancer's. She noticed this girl never interacted with anyone. Maybe she could use a friend as well.

After all the students had completed the exam, the teacher was announcing the highest scores. "So, great efforts by all, the top score was a 100 and the lowest was a 33."

"What loser got a 33?"

Moondancer turned around and saw Indigo Zap in the row behind her, whispering to another student and laughing a bit. Indigo looked in her direction, and Moondancer immediately turned back around, not wanting to look her in the eyes. Especially after hearing the story Sunny Flare told her. She would rather not know what it's like to be shoved in a locker.

The teacher continued, getting their attention. "In first place with a 100 is Twilight Sparkle. Second with a 96 is Sugarcoat, and third with a 92 is Moondancer."

Moondancer's eyes lit up, and she looked over to Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare. "Wow I got third place!"

"Yeah, good job I guess." Sour Sweet said indifferently. Moondancer didn't think too hard about it, she was just proud of herself in that moment. She would have liked to be second or first, but maybe next time. Twilight Sparkle...she didn't remember meeting anyone like that. She smiled up at the teacher as she was given back her exam. Sour and Sunny received theirs as well, but they looked miserable.

"Did you not pass?" Moondancer asked.

"No, we did," Sunny answered. "Just hoping to get a better score, but at least we passed. Thanks for studying with us this week, though."

As Moondancer got lost in her thoughts, she heard the same voice from earlier.

"What the heck?! Is this some kind of mistake?"

"No, Indigo Zap there's no mistake," The teacher told her as she returned to the front of the class. Moondancer tried not to laugh, assuming Indigo had gotten the lowest score. Well, that's what you get for making fun of others.


The hallways of Crystal Prep were busy as the 3 girls were leaving the classroom for the cafeteria. Sunny and Sour still looked a little disappointed.

Sunny Flare sighed. "That exam was something!"

"That Sugarcoat is way up there," Moondancer said. "Must be nice. She didn't even seem happy when she got the results."

"Nothing makes her happy," Sour Sweet replied. "Or unhappy. She just is."

The girls walked for a few moments, then Moondancer stopped. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom before lunch," she told them. "Save me a space at the table."

"Why, of course, deary," Sunny reassured her. "We'll wait for you to start eating." She and Sour Sweet continued to walk, turning a corner. Moondancer turned to head to the bathrooms, when she heard them laughing in the distance. What could be so funny? She didn't want them to wait too long, so she walked quickly. Running was strictly forbidden in Crystal Prep, as many other things were. She was turning a corner when she remembered that other girl who she hadn't caught the name of yet. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't look around the corner, and ran into someone, almost knocking her off her feet.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," Moondancer said, adjusting her glasses. She looked up to see Indigo Zap.

"Watch it!" Indigo snapped at her.

"I know, I didn't mean to," Moondancer said, not wanting to anger her any further.

"Okay, whatever," Indigo replied, then paused for a minute. Was she really okay with what happened? "So, you're good at science, huh?" Indigo asked.

"I really enjoy it, yes," Moondancer said, laughing nervously. She didn't know where this was going. "But not as much as that Sugarcoat, it seems," Moondancer continued. "Anyway, I'm just going to the bathroom." She took a step ahead, but Indigo blocked her way. Moondancer's heart started pounding in her chest. She noticed this section of the hallways was not very busy, as most students had already gone to the cafeteria. They were the only ones in the area.

"Um...excuse me." Moondancer stuttered, hoping it would work.

"Hey, I'm not done with you," Indigo said. "What's your name again?"

"Moondancer," she replied, looking like she was about to have a panic attack.

"Indigo Zap," Indigo introduced herself casually. "I'm known as the best athlete in Crystal Prep. But I'm sure you've heard, yeah?"

"I actually have," Moondancer replied, trying to stay calm. "I- I can't really talk right now."

"Oh, sure you can," Indigo continued. "So, anyway, I need to get my grades up, you're gonna help me out. You wanna do this the easy way?"

Moondancer struggled to find words, she wanted to run away but she knew she wouldn't get very far, as Indigo was surely faster than her. "I don't want to do this at all," she finally answered.

"Well, you're going to, or you're going to regret it," Indigo threatened her. "You're doing my homework today. I'll give it to you right after class then you'll give it back to me tomorrow morning. And it better be perfect, you understand?"

Moondancer was almost in tears. "But I-"

"And don't tell anyone else," Indigo cut her off. "Or you'll be in trouble with me. Got it?" Moondancer stared up at the ceiling, unable to look her in the eyes. "Well?"

Moondancer nodded, looking off to the side. "Yes, I've got it."

"Good," Indigo smiled, stepping back. "See you." She started towards the cafeteria, leaving Moondancer behind, tears running down her cheeks. She just stayed in the hallway, leaning against the wall for a minute. What had she just agreed to?


Once Moondancer had taken a few minutes in the bathroom and regained her breath, and gotten herself under control, she went to the cafeteria to join her friends. As promised, they were sitting at their usual table and had an empty space with a chair, just for her. The sight of her friends made her feel just the slightest bit better. As she got her plate and sat down by Sunny, she noticed they had started eating already.

"Sorry, we had to start eating," Sunny apologized. "It had been 20 minutes. Is everything alright?"

"Mhm, good," Moondancer replied automatically. Things weren't really good though. She was about to change her answer, but Indigo's words replayed in her head again. What would Indigo do to her if she found out that she told someone? No, Moondancer didn't even want to think about it. She glanced at the other students in the cafeteria, and noticed how quiet it was in Crystal Prep. In her old school, the students were always excited for lunch time so they could sit with their friends, and spend time together. But it wasn't the same here. Sunny and Sour seemed to be the exception, though.

"You aren't eating?" Sunny's voice brought her out of her daydream.

Moondancer noticed she hadn't taken a bit of her sandwich yet. "Oh, right," she said, picking it up. "Just thinking of something else."

"Fair enough," Sunny said. "You wanna go do homework at the café again?"

"Not today, sorry," she told them, before taking another bite of her sandwich, despite feeling sick. I have a bit more homework than you do.


Moondancer looked over the assignments on her desk, sighing. She had been doing her own homework all evening and revising it, actually enjoying it. She had completely forgotten she had to do Indigo Zap's homework as well, but at least it was basically the same as her own. After another while, she had nearly completed it when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Moondancer grumbled. Her mom opened the door and entered her bedroom, walking up to her desk. "What?" she snapped, not intending to sound so annoyed.

"Hello to you as well," her mom said.

Moondancer instantly felt guilty. "Sorry. I'm just doing a lot right now."

"Moony, you're still doing homework?" her mom asked gently.

"Yes, I am," Moondancer replied.

"But at dinner you said you were nearly done," her mom commented.

"I had...forgotten about something else," Moondancer explained. It was actually true.

"Well, must be a big something because that was 2 hours ago," her mom told her. Moondancer looked at the clock, she hadn't realized how much time had gone by either. It was nearly 8:30. "Have you done anything else?" her mom asked.

"Come to think of it...no, I haven't," Moondancer responded.

"Well, why do you seem to be so tense?" her mom questioned, sitting on her bed just across from the desk. "I thought studying made you happy, no matter what subject it was."

Yes, this was true, but doing the same homework twice was not her idea of happy at all! "I'm just not feeling too well," Moondancer said, really wanting to avoid lying whenever it was possible. She had never kept anything from her mom before, but her fear of Indigo Zap got the best of her.

"Oh, that's too bad," her mom said. "I forgot to ask. Did you see your friends today?"

"Yeah, I did," Moondancer replied. Honestly, she wasn't up for recounting the day's events. "Can I just finish this up and get some sleep?"

"Of course," her mom said as she got up, walking over to her. "Just don't work too hard, and remember your health is most important. I know you like to check your answers 3 or 4 times but maybe take it easy the next few days, especially if you think you're getting sick."

Moondancer smiled. Her mom always cared for her so much. "I'll try."

"Okay," her mom whispered. She looked into Moondancer's eyes for a moment, then continued. "And you would tell me if anything was going on, right?"

Oh, no. Moondancer didn't know what to do. There weren't many ways to answer that question, that wouldn't make her suspicious. She took a deep breath. "Yes, of course I would mom. I'm just..." she stuttered, looking down at her papers. "I want it to be perfect."

"Okay, but only 15 more minutes," her mom insisted.

"Alright," she agreed. "Goodnight." She waited until her mom had left the room, then sighed, realizing she had outright lied to her. So much for enjoying the evening. After about 10 minutes of double-checking the assignments, she decided it was good. She took extra time to make sure Indigo's was as perfect as her own, as much as she didn't want to. But she definitely didn't want to find out what Indigo would do to her if anything was incorrect. It was 9:30 by the time she had finished her nighttime routine and gotten into bed. She didn't have time to tidy up her desk at all; it was normally a little messy though. She snuggled under the light green sheets, her favourite colour. Closing her eyes, she hoped she would be able to get some good rest tonight. As it turned out, she was more tired than she thought and fell sound asleep.


Author's Note:

Oh gosh, I'm getting more views now 😳I really hope you all are enjoying the book. I have written 4 more chapters, and hopefully I can get them all published soon because I have more books planned. :) I have too many ideas and not enough time!!
P.S. sorry Indigo Zap fans 😂