• Published 22nd Feb 2024
  • 291 Views, 0 Comments

Facing the past - reynosoashlee14

A member kicked out of the Apple family and Ponyville due to a somewhat serious conflict returned to close the gap with the family before going to jail.

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Prólogue: The black sheep of the Apple family

You may be unfamiliar with Johnathan Apple, also known as Applejack Apple's twin brother, who is the bearer of the element of honesty. However, it is a little-known fact that his existence has been concealed by his family in all official birth records and the Apple family tree.

Why, you may wonder? Well, many years ago, a conflict arose between two siblings that still persists to this day. Applejack frequently scolded his twin brother, and Granny Smith ultimately expelled him from the family, forcing him to endure continuous rejection. This rejection persisted even after he was expelled from his home following the sudden demise of his parents.

Jonathan attempted to reach out to other family members, but they chose to ignore him. Consequently, he became the outcast of the family, the black sheep, so to speak.

It is indeed a sorrowful tale. But why, one might ask, would a family that prides itself on mutual support and teamwork be capable of casting out one of their own?

The explanation is quite simple. Even though it may sound horrendous and repugnant, the truth is that I fell in love with my twin sister.

I am well aware of the disgust and condemnation that this revelation may elicit. I have heard it countless times before. Leaving that aside, the Apple family values honesty and hard work above all else. I was honest with my sister and my family, and that turned out to be the gravest mistake I ever made. Perhaps if I had been deceitful, I would still be by my sister's and brothers' side, without their hatred towards me.

However, what transpired in the past cannot be undone. Whether you find satisfaction in knowing the truth or not, it matters little to me.

Life is crap.

I have spent years living in the shadows, hiding my true identity and suppressing my feelings. I have watched as my sister, Applejack, became a hero in Ponyville, admired by all for her honesty and integrity. Meanwhile, I have been condemned to a life of solitude and isolation, my true self buried beneath a facade of conformity.

The pain of being rejected by my own family is indescribable. It cuts deep, like a knife to the heart, leaving me feeling hollow and empty. I have witnessed the joy and love they share with one another, while I am left to bear the burden of my forbidden love alone. It is a heavy weight to carry, one that has consumed me for far too long.

Since childhood, I have always known that I am different. I feel a connection to a world that transcends societal norms, a world where love knows no boundaries. However, in a society that values tradition and uniformity, my desires are deemed unacceptable.

My heart longs for a love that society deems unnatural, and so I have learned to conceal my true self in order to fit in. I often ponder what life would have been like if circumstances had been different.

If I had been born into a family that would have accepted and supported me, perhaps I could have found happiness. But alas, that is not my reality. Instead, I am left to watch as my sister shines brightly, her radiance guiding others, while I remain hidden in the darkness. During my darkest moments,

Every day, I wake up with a heavy heart, pretending to be okay when in reality, I am breaking inside. It is exhausting, putting on this facade for the world, pretending to be normal when all I want is to scream out my pain and sorrow. But I can't. I must carry on, smiling through the tears, because that is what is expected of me.

I often wonder what my life would have been like if things had been different. Would I have been truly happy, living authentically and without fear? Or would I still find myself trapped in the same suffocating cycle of sorrow and longing?

Regardless of the unanswered questions, one thing is clear – I must continue to persevere, to endure the challenges and disappointments that come my way. Perhaps, one day, the darkness surrounding me will lift, and I will find the happiness and acceptance I have always longed for. Until then, I hold onto the hope that someday, somehow, things will get better.

A young stallion of 25 years, thin and somewhat tall, but at the same time with a height similar to that of a mare, was quenching his thirst by drinking water from a river in the middle of a forest.

"Wow, I was so thirsty!" The young stallioncommented as he emerged from the river and observed his surroundings.

"Well, now let's move on." The stallion approached his belongings, which were arranged next to a huge rock. He took his things and stored them in the backpack he was carrying, putting it back on. The young colt sighed deeply as he gazed at the river when suddenly he noticed a red apple falling from a tree.

Many years have passed since the last time I saw them.

He forced the ideas from his head and chose to press on, and for a long while the man with the green eyes meandered through the forest's paths, tripping over tree branches and leaves and occasionally bumping into boulders and other items. He didn't have a set destination till he delightedly smiled upon seeing a village in the distance. At last, a hotel to sleep in and eat before he left.

His face lit up with a smile as he considered it.

"Just as I arrived here" The blonde said, looking at the duo of officers, "I knew I had made a terrible mistake. The weight of my past actions hung heavy in the air, and the officers' questioning only served to remind me of the gravity of my situation.

"Don't you think it was a bad decision to come to this specific town after your 'Incest' and 'Manipulation' charges?" One of the two officers asked, raising an eyebrow. "Jonathan."

Jonathan sighed, his gaze falling to the cold, hard floor. The officer's words cut deep, exposing the truth of his poor judgment. Why had he returned to this place, knowing the accusations that awaited him? It wasn't just for food, he knew that. There was something else, something he couldn't quite put into words.

As he sat in that dimly lit interrogation room, memories flooded back to him - memories of family turmoil, gaslighting, and whispered secrets that tore his world apart. But there was also a sense of unfinished business, a need to confront the demons that haunted him in this small town.

Jonathan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his mind racing with regrets and excuses. But deep down, he knew he had to face the consequences of his actions, no matter how painful. The weight of his past mistakes pressed down on him, making it difficult to breathe.

"I... I had to come back," Jonathan finally whispered, the admission heavy on his lips. "I need to make things right, to face the truth and find some kind of redemption."

The officers exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the complexity of the situation. Jonathan's journey to this town was more than just a misguided choice - it was a desperate attempt to seek closure and forgiveness, even if it meant confronting his darkest truths.

As the hours ticked by, Jonathan found himself grappling with his past and trying to piece together a way forward. The road ahead was uncertain and rocky, but with a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness, he knew he had to stay and confront the demons of his past once and for all.

" I'll be frank with you, Jonathan Apple. You won't be dragged on for much longer if you don't provide evidence that you did something about the charges against you. You'll be released in two weeks," The police officer explained, his tone firm but not unkind.

Jonathan nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of how he could prove his innocence. He watched as the two officers left, their footsteps echoing down the sterile hallway. But the guard, the one who had been assigned to watch over him, remained behind.

For a while, no one spoke. Jonathan found solace in the pages of the books he had been provided, losing himself in the stories and escaping the harsh reality of his situation. But eventually, the guard approached him, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

"Hey..." The guard called, his voice tentative.

Jonathan raised his head, his eyes meeting the guard's curious gaze. "Uh... yes?"

"How did you end up here? I don't remember any case involving you." The guard's question was genuine, tinged with a hint of curiosity. It was common for crime cases to be announced throughout Equestria, ensuring that Princess Celestia remained informed.

"Oh... that. Well, I ended up here because..." Jonathan paused, his mind racing for an explanation that would satisfy the guard's curiosity. Then, an idea sparked within him. " you would like to be told it as a story"

The guard agreed, "Sure, I could use some entertainment." With that, he reclined in his chair, eager to listen to the tale.

19 years ago

"Hey!" shouted a small orange colt with emerald green eyes, similar to those of a real emerald. "Get down from there! And give me back my handkerchief!"

AJ, a filly with the same color scheme as the colt, stuck out her tongue.

"No, not until you apologize to me, Jhonny!" she demanded.

"Did what happened earlier really bother you?" the colt rolled his eyes.

"YES. DO YOU THINK TAKING AWAY MY HAIR TIES WOULDN'T MAKE ME ANGRY AT YOU?!" She looked at him very angrily because of that.

"...Wow..." the green-eyed colt exclaimed. "Big Mac was right, fillies are such crybabies."

"What did you say?" the filly asked, getting off the tree and approaching her twin.

Jhonny trembled and backed away, somewhat scared. "...Nothing."

AJ looked at him. "I don't believe you. Speak up now."

Nervously, Jhonny laughed, while Applejack prepared to give him the beating of his life.

Calm down, Sis, it was just a harmless joke!" He made a desperate attempt to get away from her, only to have Big Mac show up. Johnny caught sight of him and dashed over to seek refuge behind his older brother, while Applejack continued to shoot daggers at him with her green eyes.

"Come on out, ya scaredy-cat! "She scolded him, her eyes still burning with anger.

Johnny grinned and playfully stuck out his tongue. "Ha! Gotcha!" He teased, until Big Mac decided to stay out of their silly quarrel.

Once Big Mac left, Johnny was left defenseless. "Oh no..." The trembling of fear, moving away slightly.

She grinned victoriously "Well, well, well...look who finally decided to show their face."

Nervously, Jhonatan let out a laugh and shifted his gaze towards her, saying, "Hehehe, AJ, let's try to stay calm. We shouldn't get aggressive."

She chuckled softly and replied, "Well, well, well. Apologizing won't hurt, you know."

Jhonny stayed quiet, not really feeling the need to say sorry to her. I mean, what harm did he really do? He just took off her hair ties, it's not like he caused a huge problem.

It wasn't like he did something really terrible, like throwing a rock at her or anything. She always complains about Rarity being overly dramatic, but what about her? Applejack can be just as stubborn, if not more!

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at her reaction. Seriously, apologizing wouldn't hurt her, but she was making it seem like the end of the world.

Jhonny couldn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of it. It was just a small thing, not worth all this fuss.

He thought to himself, maybe she just enjoys being the center of attention. Making a big scene over something so trivial.

Jhonny couldn't help but find her reaction a bit amusing. It was like she was trying to make him feel guilty for something so insignificant.

He wondered if she would ever let it go. It seemed like she was holding onto this grudge for dear life.

Jhonny knew he had to stand his ground. He wasn't going to apologize just to appease her dramatic tendencies.

He couldn't help but think that she was being a bit hypocritical. She always preached about forgiveness and understanding, but here she was, refusing to let go of a small incident.

Jhonny decided to brush it off and move on. Life was too short to dwell on such petty matters.

Jhonny let out a sigh and responded, "Nah, I won't apologize. I mean, seriously, what's the big deal? You always have your hair tied up, so I thought I'd do something unexpected by taking off your garters."

Applejack's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at Johnny, her cheeks flushing with anger. "Ya thought it was alright to snatch my garters without askin'? That ain't 'tryin' somethin' different,' that's invadin' my personal space!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration.

Jhonny nodded "Yes, ¿¡what's the problem!?. YOU woke me up without me wanting to!"

Applejack looked at him getting angrier and she shout to him, "Now hold your horses, ya numbskull! That ain't even close to bein' the same thing! I ain't roustin' you outta bed just so you can do homework from home! That's a whole different kettle of fish, I tell ya!

Jhonathan rolled his eyes " I don't see the difference."

Applejack let out a growl and turned around towards some of the orchards " Ah'm hittin' the road, Ah'll lend a hoof to Pa with them apples, yer plum frustratin'.

She walked away from him, Johnny did not care and headed inside the farm house.

He went to his room and read some books until midnight. There was a knock on his room door.

"Who is it!?" He shouted at the door, still paying attention to the book.

"It's me, you Father"

Author's Note:

Here my first fanfic on this site, patiently waited for your criticism and your opinions regarding the plot and narration

And what do you think of Jhonathan? He is a male Mary Sue? (I don't know the masculine term)

Hopefully not, Oh I forgot to mention that this is an Applecest combined with AppleOc (AJ x OC) so it's an Oc x Canon incest. If you don't like incest or Applecest, I better recommend read something that suits your expectations.

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