• Member Since 9th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


I'm not the greatest writer, but specialising on short and simple stories of cute ponies from MLP:FiM and G5. Just your fan from the UK.


Silverstream just can't focus and concentrate on her class' next assignment and needs something to stay on track. Luckily her changeling friend has an idea to help her concentrate for their upcoming test. Ocellus might regret that later...

Cover art Silverstream
By artist Setharu

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )
Comment posted by Quoterific deleted Feb 4th, 2023

Silverstream is definitely Pinkie Pie with feathers, isn’t she?

Ah, the wonders of coffee. It's a miracle juice, after all.

Internally, Ocellus shuddered. Silverstream was already Pinkie Pie-levels excited every day. The thought of her with too much of this brown liquid is something she didn’t want to think about.

I mean both Pinkie Pie and silverstream have in commonly they tried her lol

“Don’t know! Lost count at the twenty-eighth.”

Oh sweet mother of celestia 😱

Lol that was a pretty funny one and yeah coffee can be something else if you can't handle too much caffeine and apparently silverstream couldn't handle it and she went to supercharge all because she could not pay attention and Ocellus was pretty worried for her friends so she was trying to help even though coffee was not the best idea for silverstream and she went into a huge Sugar Rush when she got to school and even explaining how the pillars are even though some of them are kind of silly answers after that little sugar rush it looks like Twilight is trying to ban coffee now because of Pinkie Pie and silver stream but that was a pretty funny one keep up the good work

Oh boy, Silverstream + coffee = one scary/hilarious griff to deal with & one enjoyable story! :rainbowlaugh:

Happy you liked it ^^

Silverstream... with coffee...

Where is the horor tag ?

If Silverstream is bad on coffee, I imagine Pinkie Pie getting caffeine on board would be a


I'm honestly shocked it's taken someone this long to write this story.

11497252 Honestly, she should probably be in the hospital.

I wanted this to be funny. And it delivered.

Thank you for your kind words :twilightsmile:

10 bucks says she caused a 10 car pileup during her buzz. Great story, had me DYIN'

At least with Silverstream you aren't as likely to rip holes in the space-time continuum like you would with an over-caffeinated Pinkie Pie. :rainbowlaugh:

Yikes, everyone should count themselves lucky that Silverstream didn't do any real damage besides confusing the other students a bit. That could have gotten ugly.


Silverstream is like AppleLauda when he sees the Nürburgring on Kudosprime

For some reason I don't read a lot of fanfics here but I checked out this one and it was pretty entertaining. And yeah, Silverstream with over 28 cups of coffee... Now imagine Pinkie drinking that much coffee.

Also, only a few minutes ago I was feeling pretty down, not feeling like doing anything, be it exercise, my Star Wars rewatch, or starting a new FFVII playthrough. But I think that went away after reading this. I should read stories here more often. (E-rated of course)

Silverstream, having had 28 cups of coffee? Oh dear.

Great idea for a fic, and great fic!

She flew out of the room and came back in with a bin full of discarded coffee mugs. Every creature’s eyes widened at the number of cups poking out of the trash can.

Say goobye to your kidneys lady!

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