• Published 21st Jan 2023
  • 88 Views, 9 Comments

EverAnarchy - Prince of Cavia

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Apple Bloom checked her gear again. She had enough totems and crystals for the battle.

“You have everything?” asked Scootaloo.

“Yes. We may go.”

Above their little outpost, there was a group of flying machines. Apple Bloom got her elytra on, set the attributes on her client, and flew up.

The machines, made mostly out of redstone and slime blocks, started moving forwards. Scootaloo had her TNT at the ready.

There were many Crusaders there. Many were carrying shields with the CMC sigil.

“CMC on top! Hussar go away from our server!” shouted one of the new recruits.

Apple Bloom circled the flying machines. The spawn area was quieter than usual. It was good, she won’t have to fight off the griefers.

The TNT duplication machines started working. Soon, large quantities of TNT started dropping on the ground. Only bare rock stood behind.

The goal was simple, make spawn a barren wasteland without a single tree or grass block, so the new players would starve to death and quit.

In the distance, Apple Bloom noticed several lavacasts. As she remembered from one of Sweetie Belle’s videos, it was once a big spawn base. It was already griefed beyond recognition, but Apple Bloom still feel bad about griefing it even more.

As the flying machines slowly flew closer, and with no enemies nearby, Apple Bloom decided to fly closer. She speed up her ElytraFly hack, and quickly flew to the town.

From below the cobblestone and lava, you could have seen some colorful blocks. There was not a single intact building left. Her search hack hasn’t detected even a single chest.

Apple Bloom flew on the outskirts of the old base. Then, she saw a lone ruin.

In the middle of a player-made forest there was an outline of a sole building. It seemed to be made out of red planks. Around it, there were fences.

Apple Bloom noticed a wither floating nearby, shooting skulls randomly. While this area was designed to be destroyed, the sight of whiter destroying a tree made her angry.

Apple Bloom landed and took out a bow. She shot the monster with it. The three-headed creature turned towards her and started shooting skulls.

Apple Bloom quickly ate an enchanted golden apple and drank a strength potion. She charged towards the monster.

She took out obsidian, placed it and started placing crystals. The health bar of this whiter started quickly dropping. Once it was at halp of its hp, Apple Bloom took out a sword. Soon, the monster fell.

Apple bloom drank some milk to remove the withering effect, then ate another golden apple. She also took out xp bottles to mend her damaged armor.

“Apple Bloom, where are you?” asked Scootaloo over the direct message.

“I’m at the sanctuary ruins. There is no one there.”

“Okay, if I find anyone, I will PM you,” said Scootaloo. Apple Bloom walked towards the ruins.

This red building saw better times. There were many holes from the whiter explosions. This building was also set on fire at one point. Being so close to spawn, it wasn’t surprising.

While Apple Bloom was looking at the ruins, she felt that something was off. She had kind of a deja vu.

She imagined some ponies. These colorful creatures from memes somehow seemed to fit there.

She imagined an orange mare with a stetson hat. She imaginated a large red stallion. She imagined an old grandma on one of the remaining benches. Finally, she imagined a small filly with a ribbon. For some reason, it felt right.

“Grandma, may I go play with the crusaders?” asked the little filly.

“Yes, just come back for dinner.”

She saw the filly run through the door. She saw the mare and the stallion outside.

“Where are you going, sis?” asked tge orange mare.

“To the crusaders!”

“Have fun, and try to not get into trouble.”

The filly started running. Apple Bloom decided to follow her. They passed many trees. They seemed more life-like than usual.

The filly approached one of the trees. It was now only a trunk with two plank blocks floating nearby, but Apple Bloom realized it was once a treehouse.

She imagined three fillies playing in this treehouse. Then she started to wonder why it seemed so… real?

Apple Bloom broke one of the plank blocks, and took it with herself. Whatever was here before, she will get a souvenir.

She walked back to the red building. She took a plank off it as well.

I wonder who lived here. It must have been a nice place, Apple Bloom thought.

In the distance, the flying machines were approaching, destroying all vegetation in their wake. Apple Bloom put on her elytra and flew up.

She saw Scootaloo and other crusaders on the machines. They started to bomb the edge of the forest. Apple Bloom felt a bit sad.

Then, she remembered why they had to destroy this area. New players are ruining the server, griefing monuments and spamming in chat. Hussar and his kid fanbase had no regard for the server’s culture, and so they had to be removed. Once they all get stuck at spawn with no food and no chance to escape, the queue will drop to manageable levels.

Still, as Apple Bloom watched the trees getting destroyed, she still felt sadness.

Once we finish for today, I’m gonna hunt new players at Zero-Zero, she thought.

Apple Bloom saw as TNT dropped on what once probably was a treehouse. She wondered if these fillies would approve of their base getting griefed. Probably not, but it had to be done.

The machines continued their bombing. They finally reached the red building. Duplicated TNT rained on it.

Apple Bloom felt as if it was her own base getting griefed. This was once someone’s home…

I wonder what that orange mare would think about it, she thought.

The red building disappeared. The old tree farm turned into barren stone. No new player could have passed it without starving.

Still, for some reason, Apple Bloom couldn’t shake this weird feeling. It was as if she forgot something important.

Well, not much work to do for today. Later, I'm gonna do some PvP, she thought. She looked at Scootaloo. She was glad to be a part of a project.

Author's Note:

Just a quick fic to show what happened after Twilight left the Blockworld.

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