• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 189 Views, 7 Comments

Anomalies - Gfmlp

Time travel can have unexpected consequences, especially if some inhabitants of those lines of time created reach another world.

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01) Adapting to the New World

A few days after some Equestrians came to Gravity Falls, Pacifica had gotten an old house so Rarity create a business to sell and make clothes, Wendy had bought some apple seeds for Applejack to plant. Rainbow Dash stayed in the Mystery Shack and finally Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had bought some land in the middle of the forest from the Northwest, on that land they built a house to live there, but most of the time they went to see how were the other ponies and spending time with Dipper and Mabel.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were now in the Mystery Shack, Dipper noticed that Princess Celestia seemed a bit worried.

“Celestia, why do you seem worried?” Asked Dipper.

Before Princess Celestia could answer, Stan who was passing by and had happened to hear Dipper's question, decided to remind them of something that happened a few days ago.

"Maybe you're worried because you remembered that Preston Northwest almost ripped them off and in a very simple way," said Stan with a smile and with a clear intention to make fun of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"That was funny at the time, but you don't have to remind them all the time," said Dipper, remembering what happened a few days ago.


A few days ago before they started building the house that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna now live in, when they were buying the land from Preston Northwest. Preston quickly realized that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna didn't know about some words and decided to try to scam them, shortly before Preston Northwest finished explaining the contract they were going to sign Dipper appeared and listened to the final part of the contract, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna agreed with everything and were going to sign, but before Before they signed they were interrupted by Dipper's laughter, the two had ignored the laughter of other inhabitants but they couldn't ignore Dipper's laughter and went to ask him why he was laughing. Dipper explained to them that he thought at first that he only thought that the two of them were pretending that they did not understand, but when he saw that they were about to sign, he realized that they were not pretending and explained that he wanted to say all the words that he could hear. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna realized that they were about to be scammed. Preston had to make another contract, then they signed to buy the land without being cheated, although they all noticed that Preston seemed not to care that Dipper had revealed, rather it seemed that he didn't care what they thought of him.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna immediately afterwards went to warn the others who had arrived in Equestria not to sign anything they didn't know what their words meant. Dipper theorized that Preston realizing that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted to buy land, Preston immediately made a contract for them to sign quickly so he could scam them, because he knew they would soon learn what those words meant because they visited the Mystery Shack.


Back in the present, Princess Celestia was a little upset with Stan for making fun of it, but she also knew that Stan had every right to make fun of them for falling for such a foolish scam in retrospect.

“While I am worried that Preston could be someone very dangerous, what worries me is that there are more people like Preston and also what I was thinking was that the mayor is still alive,” said Princess Celestia.

Everyone reminded the mayor that he seemed like he was going to die at any moment because of how old he was.

“If I sometimes forget that this city has a mayor, from what I understand he is over 100 years old and in Gravity Falls the mayor is for life unless there is unless he is removed from office,” said Stan.

Dipper, Mabel, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash now understood thanks to what Stan said how it was possible that someone so old could still be mayor.

"It's also in the Northwest's interest that the mayor is old enough to continue doing his business without consequences," theorized Dipper.

“Let's stop talking about it,” said Princess Celestia because she didn't want to keep talking about Preston Northwest.

They all went to do their respective activities.


A little later Dipper saw that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were alone, he decided to ask them questions about his world.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Said Dipper.

“Dipper, I thought that you had already understood everything about our world thanks to the explanation of the Entity of about the timelines of where we lived”, said Princess Celestia.

“What else do you want to know Dipper?” Asks Princess Luna.

“I also want to know those who ended up ruling Equestria, because some of them already knew of their existence, I mean Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek and Discord. I didn't want to ask the others Applejack and Rarity because I didn't want to make her remember bad things from her life and I feel that Rainbow Dash is not a very reliable narrator, because she was a soldier loyal to Nightmare Moon, ”said Dipper.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna understood why Dipper didn't want to ask the others and decided to tell him about those enemies, but they wanted Stan, Pacifica, Wendy and Soos to be there too.

After they arrived Princess Celestia and Princess Luna began to tell about those villains after they arrived, the first one they told was about King Sombra who enslaved the inhabitants of the Crystal Empire, everyone was surprised to hear that King Sombra could manage to make an entire kingdom with all its inhabitants could make it go away.

Then they talked about of Nightmare Moon, everyone was shocked to learn that Nightmare Moon was a corrupted version of Princess Luna.

They talked about of Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings, Dipper thought that attacking ponies to absorb love was stupid, because in a moment they would run out, it would be much more convenient to look for another source of food and now he understood why in that reality that the Entity described even after the Changelings won they were still hunting ponies. They all agreed with what Dipper said.

Later they spoke of the story of Tirek's past, his ability to absorb magic and that thought that all the magic of the ponies should belong to him, everyone hearing that thought that he was just someone very greedy and vindictive.

And finally they talked about Discord, that he was a god of chaos, about his powers and that his race was called Draconequus. They told how he acted when he arrived in Equestria and suddenly he became an evil, sadistic and extremely cruel being, after those horrible things he did he calmed down, but he continued causing a lot of chaos until we used the Element of Harmony to turn it into stone.

“So the Discord from the reality they came from when he broke free from his prison, he went back to being as evil and cruel as the first time he turned evil?” Pacifica asked.

“Not only did he become a bit more chaotic, arrogant and he also started pulling pranks that only hurt everyone, but never at the same level of damage as when he first turned evil,” Princess Celestia said, immediately after speak. "In fact, I don't think he'll ever be that evil again, he always surprised me that he suddenly became that cruel."

“I was very surprised by that too, sister,” Princess Luna said.

“I have a question, is there no one the same or similar to Discord?” Dipper asks.

"Not that I know of, why do you ask that Dipper?" Princess Celestia said.

"It's just that it's rare for a unique being to say that his race is Draconequus," Dipper said.

"You're right that's something weird" said Princess Luna.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna realized that it might be possible from what Dipper said that there might be more Draconequus and they were glad that there was no other Draconequus or similar being in Equestria or Gravity Falls.


At night in the cabin where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were staying, while Princess Celestia was sleeping and in her dreams she saw the whole city of Gravity Falls and suddenly she saw the same city of Gravity Falls, but now the sky it was red and was several places destroyed or on fire, there was also a pyramid floating in the sky and in the background of the sky there was a gigantic red cross, unfortunately Princess Celestia did not pay much attention to that cross, because she was more attentive to the city. A few seconds after seeing that the image began to shake and distort like television static and she saw other cities on fire and with a lot of chaos but those cities were from Equestria, before Princess Celestia processed what she had just seen he woke up.

Princess Celestia was very scared and suddenly Princess Luna entered her sister's room.

“Sister, are you alright?!” Princess Luna asked her sister with concern.

"I've just had the most terrible dream," Princess Celestia replied.

Why do you think I'm here? You know as well as I that this was not a dream, but a vision”, said Princess Luna.

“Sister, there is something very strange about the vision I just had. I couldn't see what had caused this, and I felt that I didn't see the whole vision,” Princess Celestia said.

“So you think so too, sister”, said Princess Luna.

“What I don't understand is why it showed not only images of Gravity Falls, but also of Equestria, which doesn't make sense since they are from different worlds,” said Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna spent a few hours trying to find out who could have done that and also because it seemed that the vision was cut off, as if someone had done it on purpose.


In another dimension someone was watching Princess Celestia and Princess Luna while she laughed, suddenly the Entity came to that place.

“You seem very proud that you blocked Princess Celestia's vision, but you couldn't completely block her,” said the Entity.

"If I had completely blocked the vision, her sister who can see dreams would have noticed my presence, besides, she couldn't see any inhabitant of Gravity Falls or Equestria, she couldn't see the cause of why everything was like this," he replied to what the said Entity.

"In that you are right," said the Entity.

"Besides, I'm sure you didn't come to visit me to point out that I couldn't completely block the vision and because the surprise that you have for everyone in the future would also would harm your plans you if I continued the vision, even if you have nothing to do with the danger of the future that the Princess almost saw," he replied to the Entity.

"You're right about that, actually I came to thank you for blocking the vision," the Entity said and left.