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Chapter 1: The Beginning, The Darkness Risen and The Defenders of Light

Author's Note:

Sea serpent=female=Aqua

Plus if there's anyone out there who would like to help me with the rest of the story, you're welcome to give a shout out.

Also, Tit-oh would be more like Titan but with the first three letters in it with oh at the end.

Many explosions covered the area as an entire war ensued across the land. Creatures that looked like animals and walking on two legs fought monsters that are covered in darkness as they fought. Each of them did their best to fight off these monsters before one by one they fell and were killed as each monster struck them with dark mighty blows.

As these paladins of light fell, five nights with five different glowing gems charged in and was able to defeat the monsters with a single blow. One is a lion with a bright red mane with yellow streaks with red and yellow armor as he wielded a sword. Each blow he struck to the dark monsters set them ablaze with each slash from his sword.

Another one is a blue sea serpent with a perfect body as her armor looked like it was meant for the water as it was dark blue with a Lapis gem in the center of the armor chest plate as she wielded a trident. She showed off amazing acrobatics as she flipped and jumped over a few of the monsters before she stabbed the ground with her trident and a tidal wave washed them away.

One is a pink Falcon that flew high in the sky while her armor was pink and made for flight. In both her talon like hands are claws that created tornadoes with each strike at the dark monsters. She used the tornadoes to give herself an extra boost in our flight as she struck each one.

Another one is a yellow bear whose armor looked heavy but he was strong enough that he knocked down each dark monster with one big swing of his hammer that it created mountains. Just then a green wolf jumped off his shoulders with a crossbow in hand. She showed off amazing agility as her armor was helped her blend into her environment as she fired at each dark monster.

These knights showed no sign of backing down as if this war was going to be won by them. Just then, dark bolts of lightning shut down and knock the knights back. The five knights then saw six dark figures walking towards them before they quickly got up and charge towards them. These six monsters seemed stronger than the others as they were able to overpower the knights.

The lion fought one that seemed to be the leader as it had a big sword and had dark purple eyes while his claws were as sharp as daggers. The lion was being overpowered by the Dark King as he watched his fellow knights being overpowered by his followers. The falcon was being zapped by two dark mages as they cast lightning bolts to shoot her down.

As the Dark King slashed him in the eye, the lion saw both the yellow bear and the green wolf being hold down by dark general with a whip that send a dark power surge through the whip and severely injured them. Another dark general was holding a instrument before she strummed the strings of the instrument and the sonic screech was damaging the two knights.

The lion was then kicked through some rocks with just one hit by the Dark King as the sea serpent was brutally beaten by the sixth dark general as he had her pinned down while he was beating her down with his club. Once they were all down, the lion was using his sword to keep himself up as the dark generals approached from behind their dark king. "You have failed, Leo." The Dark King told the lion. "The light has fallen and once the prism is destroyed, darkness will rule the world."

"You may have defeated us, but the light will never be gone from this world." That was the last thing Leo told the dark King before the dark King gave one last lash and Leo fell to his knees and fell to the ground. Leo summoned up the last of his strength and looked at his fellow knights who were holding glowing geos in their hands and looked ready to do something. Leo then took his geo from his chest armor before they each slammed them into the ground. The Dark King and his generals then saw five pillars of light from different edges of the land as they felt something holding them tight.

The Dark King and his entire army started to fade as a enormous six pointed star appeared as they began to seep into the ground. Once they were gone, Leo and his fellow knights felt their last breath beginning to fade before a prism with six crystals around it floated to each one. Leo's vision was blurry but he saw the prism shined down on his fellow knights before it hovered above him and it shined down on him. He started to feel his body change before everything went black.

Many years later, the land that was once the battleground between light and darkness is now the magical land of Equestria. The land itself has been ruled by two alicorn princesses but the names of Celestia and Luna and was saved by six mares. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

These six mares had protected and saved Equestria from those who wished to harm it with the most powerful magic of them all, the magic of friendship. This group decided to open up a school to spread friendship to other creatures such as the dragons, the griffins, the yaks, the hippogriffs, and the changelings. But little did they know that a young pegasus filly by the name of Cozy Glow had used the school to drain Equestria's Magic and get rid of it forever. But her plans were thwarted by Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Sliverstream, and Yona.

They have saved Equestria's Magic, but little did they know that by draining Equestria's magic that another kind of magic was being drained and something dark will soon emerged. Right now in Ponyville, a red earthpony teen colt with a yellow mane and tail with red streaks in them while he was wearing a red and yellow jacket with a black t-shirt and pants walk through the streets as he was getting used to the surroundings.

He noticed Mr and Mrs Cake were carrying a few boxes of cake until he saw Mrs. Cake tripped and he quickly caught her and a few of the boxes. "Are you okay ma'am?" The colt asked her as she stood right up and he helped with the boxes.

"I'm fine." Mrs. Cake told him. "I got to say I've never seen you around here before. Did you just moved here?"

"I did." The colt answered as he sent the boxes on the counter in the kitchen. "I'm Blitz, Blitz Flame. I moved here because I just transferred to the school of friendship."

"That's nice to hear, but you're here a bit early. The school doesn't start for another couple of weeks or so." Mr. Cake told Blitz before noticed a red jewel that is wrapped around a piece of string around his neck. "That's a nice gem you got by the way."

"Thanks, me and my grandfather found it on one of his excavation expeditions." Blitz told the two. "As for why I'm here early, is because I couldn't help but feel the burning desire to see the place of my new school. Meet the residence of the town and everything." He was about to head out before he looked back at the couple. "By the way, where can I meet my new teachers?"

"They're out of town for a while, but I'm sure they'll be back soon." Mrs. Cake told him. "But you're welcome to look around bit more." Blitz smiled and and gave them a small bow before he headed out. Blitz then walked around town and when he saw someponies needing help, he went to help them. Whenever they asked why he helped, he explained that his grandfather told him that you help just one you help everyone. He didn't care about how hard the job is to help out as long as it brought smiles on those who he is helping.

He soon ran into Flash Sentry who was transferred from the Crystal Empire to protect Twilight Sparkle as she is the Princess of Friendship. Flash told him that Twilight would be his headmare at the school and that he sort of missed her and her friends as they came back from the Crystal Empire and went to the Everfree Forest to return the Elements of Harmony back to the Tree of Harmony.

"I can't wait to meet them." Blitz told Flash as they walk. "I heard about all of their adventures and what they did." Blitz noticed a concerned look on Flash's face.

"They're taking too long, they should have been back by now." Flash mentioned before the entire ground began to shake. The residents of Ponyville try to keep their balance as dark crystals were rising up from the ground. A huge cluster of dark crystals rose up in front of the castle and who stood on top of it was a familiar yet dark king that was defeated twice, or thrice: King Sombra.

"Hello my new loyal subjects!" King Sombra shouted as the residents of Ponyville looked at him with shock and fear.

"How are you still alive?!" Flash shouted at Sombra as he held his spear well he took a defensive stance while Sombra let out a evil chuckle.

"Oh, that's for me to know and you to just be quiet." He told them with an evil grin. "And don't think that your princess of friendship and her little friends will come and save all of you. When they returned the elements back to where they found them, I destroyed their sorts of power and now there's no chance of hope." What he just told them struck fear in the hearts of the residents but Blitz tightened his fist as he didn't like what he was hearing.

"What did you do with Twilight?!" Flash shouted as he flew towards King Sombra with spear in hand. Sombra just had a grin on his face when Flash came close before a crystal shot up and knocked him away and crashed into a building. He was then choked by the throat when King Sombra lit up his horn and blood red aura was wrapped around his throat and lifted up in the air.

"Look upon those who try to be a hero!" King Sombra announced to the residence of Ponyville as those with families kept their young close to them. You'll be set a perfect example for those who try and define me--" His sentence was cut off when Blitz punched him right in the face and knocked him to the ground, causing him to let go of Flash. King Sombra got up in the ground and found that his nose was bleeding from that punch from Blitz. "How dare you attack me!"

"I dare because you are not a king!!" Blitz shouted with anger at Sombra. "What kind of a king tries to set an example of front of young ones when somepony was trying to do the right thing and bring you down?!" He then pointed at King Sombra with fire in his eyes. "Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia and Luna, even Princess Cadence are better rulers than you'll ever be in thousands of years!! You may think you can get rid of hope, but hope will never be rid of that easy!!"

Sombra wiped the blood from his nose before he had an evil grin on his face. "You may have delusional believes, but I like that fire within you." He said as he charged up his horn. You would make a perfect soldier for me." He then blasted Blitz in the head and Blitz held his head in pain as a mind control spell was attempting to take over. Sombra then got confused as the spell should have taken complete control by now.

Blitz grunted and screamed as he held his head and pain while trying to fight off the spell. The gym around his neck started to glow as he stood up and glared at Sombra. He then let out a yell as his whole body was covered in this fiery red aura and his yell was almost like a roar that destroyed the dark crystals around him and knocked Sombra back a few feet. The residents of Ponyville were amazed about what Blitz just did before he put his hands on his knees as if he was drained a bit from that roar.

"What just happened?" He asked himself before he noticed the gem glowing. "What's going on with this?"

"How were you able to break free from my spell?!" King Sombra demanded as he got up from that roar. "You're just a earth pony!!" He summoned his magic as a sword made of dark crystals formed in his hand. "I will not stand for a lowly earth pon-- Gah!!" His sentence was cut off when something red flew by and attacked him. It looked like a small red lion that looked all mechanical as it attacked Sombra every time it flew by him.

Sombra was getting annoyed at the small robotic lion that he swatted it away and it flew in the air. Blitz saw it flying before he ran and quickly caught it before he fell to the ground. He got a good look at it as he never seen anything like it before. "Thank you for catching me." The robotic lion told Blitz. Blitz thought for a few seconds as he was processing what just happened at that moment before he yelled in fright before he tossed the robotic lion up in the air. Once the robotic lion landed on the ground, it got up and shook itself. "I guess I should have expected that."

"You can talk?!" Blitz asked the robotic lion before he was pushed out of the way by Flash when King Sombra shot a beam of magic at him.

"Question the weird robot lion later!" Flash told him as he pulled him off of the ground. "We need to evacuate everypony!" As everypony started to flee for their lives, dark crystals were shutting up and trapping them. Flash and Blitz looked to see King Sombra using his magic to trap the residents from running away. Blitz then saw the Cakes running with their twin foals in there arms and can tell that they were going to get trapped as well. Blitz tried to run over to them and the Cakes knew they would get trapped as well so they tossed their children towards splits and he caught them just as dark crystals trapped them.

"Mr and Mrs Cake!" Blitz called out before King Sombra blasted near his hooves. He then held on to the foals in his arms as he started to run while the robotic lion was following him. Blitz could see Flash doing his best to get the others in the town to safety. He saw Flash then grab three fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders and were almost in the clear before they got cornered when King Sombra created a wall of dark crystals in front of them and Blitz.

"Time to end this little nuisance." Sombra declared as he aimed his sword at Blitz and it was powering up with his magic. He then fired a giant bolt of dark magic right at him and just when it was about to make contact, a prism suddenly appeared and created a shield of light that protected Blitz, Flash, the CMCs, and the Cake twins.

"What is that?" Scootaloo asked when they saw the prism. King Sombra didn't know what it is either and tried harder to break through it only for his dark magic to be rebounded and knock him back.

"Finally, the prism of light has arrived." The small robotic lion told them before he turned to them. "All of you, we must go in! Not only to keep you safe, but to meet your fellow Celestial Knights!"

"My fellow what?" Blitz asked the robotic lion.

"No time to explain!" The robotic lion exclaimed before he blew up and grabbed each of them by their shirts and tossed them into the prism. He then went into it himself before it flew away. King Sombra got up and shook his head before he noticed they vanished and so was the prism. He didn't say anything he didn't have time to chase down that teen colt and started to use the mind control spell on the residence of Ponyville. Little did he know that from the shadows watching him the whole time and was intrigued by the darkness King Sombra holds.

Blitz and the others suddenly opened their eyes to find themselves in a chamber with a large round table in the middle of the room that they are in. The room itself seem be made of crystals but none that Flash Sentry has seen before, neither have the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Where in tarnation are we?" Apple Bloom asked as they looked around.

"That talking robot lion just threw us into a floating prism and I think he saved us." Blitz guess as he looked around before he saw the robot lion itself sitting on the table. "You! Who and what are you and why did you bring us here?!"

"That's an odd way to say thank you." The robot lion remarked as Blitz handed the twins to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "And I have a name. I am Leo, the Celestial Knight of Fire. Or at least I was before I became this."

"What do you mean?" Flash asked before they saw four other creatures walked in the room. One is a light blue male hippogriff, wearing a shirt with a ocean like pattern with blue shorts. Another is a female Griffin with pink tips on top of the feathers on her head while she wore a dark pink tank top with leather jacket and ripped jeans. Another is a Everfree Deer doe with a green coat as she is wearing a light green t-shirt with a dark green vest over it while she is wearing brown shorts. And finally there's a Abyssinian cat with bright yellow fur with blue eyes as he wore a dark yellow coat with brown stripe in the middle in the shape of a v.

Then other robotic animals joined Leo on the table. A robotic blue sea serpent, pink falcon, yellow bear, and green wolf. "So, this is your champion that your geo chosen Leo?" The robotic sea serpent asked when she saw Blitz.

"Yes Aqua, he's my champion." Leo answered the serpent before she turned to the robotic bear. "Goliath, is everything prepared for what they're going to go through?"

"Of course it is, Leo." Goliath answered before he turned to the Abyssinian. "But I have a feeling they would want answers right about now."

"But we should probably introduce each other first." The doe suggested sheepishly. "My name is Fana and it's really nice to me all of you."

"Well I'm Aquila." The Griffin introduced herself. "And for the record, I didn't agree to this."

"I'm Marina and this place looks incredible." The hippogriff commented as he looked around the place.

"And I'm Chung-lee and that introductions are out of the way, can you tell us what's going on and why we're here?" The Abyssinian cat asked.

"You're here because you've been chosen by our geos." The robotic Falcon answered. Blitz then saw each of them pull out different color geos. Aquila has a pink one, Chung has a yellow one, Marina has a blue one, and Fana has a green one. When Blitz held out his, they all shined and the room they are in glowed as if the geos they are holding reacted to one another.

"I am Leo." The robotic lion spoke. "The Celestial Knight of Fire."

"I am Aqua." The robotic sea serpent spoke up. "The Celestial Knight of Water."

"I am Farukon, but you can call me Faru for short." The robotic falcon told them. "And I am the Celestial Knight of Wind."

"I'm Goliath!" The robotic bear declared. "The Celestial Knight of Earth!"

"And I am Lobo." The robotic wolf was last. "The Celestial Knight of Life. And you five are our champions to defend your world from the darkness that is to come."

"If you're talking about King Sombra, then he's definitely a threat to Equestria we need to deal with." Flash spoke up as Leo shook his head.

"I'm afraid that Umbra you call Sombra is not the darkness we are about to tell you about." He said before the five little robot animals walked into the center of the table and pressed a crystal on it. The entire room that they are in changed into a field where they saw a bunch of creatures covered in darkness charging towards them. Flash and Blitz stood in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the twins to defend them from the strange creatures. Fana was about to be hit by one of them as she held her head and shut her eyes tight but nothing happened.

They all noticed that these creatures didn't notice them before Chung was about to grab one of them and his paw went right through it. "It's all an illusion." Marina said with amazement. "Are these your memories of what happened before you became like that?"

"Very perceptive and yes." Aqua said before she started to explain. "These creatures you see before you are called the Nether-wisps. The low ranking ones are called Terror Guards as we fought them on the land you call Equestria very, very, long ago."

"These Nether-wisps wanted nothing more than to destroy the light and cover the land in their darkness." Goliath added. "But like the five of you, we were chosen to defend the light by an ancient and powerful relic: the Prism of Light."

"The very same prism that you all are in." Faru told them. "And another thing you should know about it is that it has a mind of its own. It shows us visions and protects the light from anything that tries to harm it."

"But that is not important." Lobo spoke up. "You see, our battle against these Nether-wisps lasted about a few years to no end. Their King, the Nether King, and his five dark generals were on the top of they're dark pyramid and were the most powerful of them all."

"We knew we couldn't defeat them, so the prism showed us a vision of us sealing them away along with our fellow knights." Leo continued the explanation. "It gave us these geos to allow us to do so. When you hold is our geos and there are many others here in the prism while others are lost out there." They then saw both armies of light and darkness fighting against each other as they saw their original forms before they became these little robotic animals. "We gave everything we could until they arrived and when they thought they had us beat, we executed our plan and sealed them away."

"But how did y'all end up like that?" Apple Bloom asked them with curiosity as the others wonder that as well.

"The prism itself saved us and shown us another vision of Nether-wisps being free from their seal and five champions being chosen by our geos to defend the new world." Leo explained before he turned to Blitz and the others. "Those five champions are the five of you."

"Whoa, hey wait a minute!" Aquila shouted. "One, I do not like the color pink. Two, I did not agree to this! So why don't you take back your geo and find someone else to be your champion." She set her geo on the table and turned to walk away before Faru flew up to her.

"I'm afraid that's not possible." She told Aquila. "Our geos has bonded to your spirits and you have gained our abilities and powers. So finding a new one is completely out of the question." Just before Aquila could object to it, the walls of the inside of the prism started to glow bright. "Uh-oh."

"What does 'uh-oh' mean?" Flash asked with concern as the gathered around the table and a ball of light started to shine and it showed Twilight and her friends in Canterlot castle with an injured Discord on the ground and King Sombra near the throne. "He must have taken over catch a lot while the girls were trapped!"

"This prism must show any darkness that's happening right now." Chung suspected. "But it looks like those girls have it under control." He pointed out as the girls were marching towards Sombra before a magical surge went through them, similar to the Elements of Harmony.

"That's not what's the prism showing us." Goliath told him. "Look in the corner of the room!" They looked closely and saw a shadowy figure there. "Looks like one of the Nether King's men got out and is waiting for something."

"But what's that thing waiting for?" Fana asked with concern.

Twilight and her friends were lifted up in the air as Sombra looked at them in shock. "This is impossible! You can't have this much power!" He shouted at them. "I destroyed the source of your power!!!"

"You can't destroy our friendship, Sombra!" Twilight told him with confidence.

"We keep telling you!" Rainbow Dash added.

"But you bad guys just can't seem to remember!" Applejack remarked before all six of them had their eyes glowing bright as a rainbow laser shot up and aimed right towards Sombra. When the rainbow laser struck him, he saw his whole body began to crack and knew this was the end as he felt himself being destroyed. As he exploded, the shadowy figure in the corner moved so fast and quickly grabbed his blood red horn as it flew in the air.

A rainbow pulse scattered everywhere and destroyed all the dark crystals well also freeing all the ponies there was under his control, including Spike and Starlight. As the Mane Six landed on the ground, they saw nothing left of King Sombra and this brought much joy. "We did it! We did it! We did it!!" Pinkie Pie shouted with so much excitement as she bounced around.

"I can't believe we were able to do that without the elements!" Rarity explained in surprise yet excitement.

"I know!" Twilight agreed as she wondered if Flash was all right now that Sombra was gone.

"Let's see how Discord is doing and then we can--" Applejack started to say before she saw something standing where King Sombra once stood. "Who in Taurus is that fella." The girls turned to see some sort of creature with a wolf skull for a head, claws that looked sharp as knives, and chest armor made of black iron material. And its right claw it was holding Sombra's horn and just being near it send a chill down their spines.

"So much darkness and this is just the horn." The creature said in a deep dark tone as he looked at the horn he was holding.

"Who and what are you?!" Twilight asked the creature as she and the girls took a defensive stands, except for Fluttershy who was hiding behind Applejack in fear of this creature.

"I am Skullhound." The creature introduced himself. "And I can just smell the stench of light everywhere. I don't know how we failed on destroying the light, but I will fix that for my master." He then stabbed the ground with the horn as shadows began to rise up and took form of soldiers wearing purple and black armors. These creatures had only one eye on their heads and holding spears as they were beating the ground with them. "Terror Guards, it's time to fix this and bathe this world in darkness."

"We won't let you do that!" Twilight declared at Skullhound before she fired a beam of magic right at him. He let out a light chuckle before he easily deflected the beam and shocked the girls how he did it.

"If this is what you want, then allow us to grant you a painful yet swift demise." Skullhound told the girls as they were taking a step back. "Attack!!" With his order, the Terror Guards charged at the girls as they begin to make a run for it. Twilight channeled her magic and teleported them outside before they saw more of the Terror Guards attacking the city of Canterlot.

"Twilight!" Princess Celestia called out as she and Princess Luna flew down and saw the mayhem that is happening. "What is happening and what are they?!"

"He called them Terror Guards and I have no idea how they came to be!" Twilight explained.

"Who called them Terror Guards?!" Luna asked before Skullhound burst through the walls of the castle and landed on the ground, holding King Sombra's horn tight in his claws.

"It's time to bring darkness to this town and finish what my king has started!" Skullhound declared. "And since those annoying Celestial Knights are no longer here, it will be even easier now!" He gave one slash of his claws and destroyed at least multiple buildings.

"That looks really bad!" Fana said with so much concern as they saw the Terror Guards attacking character lot and seeing how powerful Skullhound is.

"I need to get out there and save Twilight!" Flash shouted before he turned to the small robotic animals. "How do I get out of here?!"

"After the ceremony will be complete." Leo explained before he and the others went over to five pedestals with items that looked like flip cell phones that are red and black with with a white crystal on the front of each of them. "These are your Geochangers. Each of you place your geo above each one and we can begin the ceremony of transferring our powers to you."

The five of them that has their geos looked at one another and wasn't completely sure if they should go through with it. Blitz then took one last look at a lot being attacked as he tightened his fist and walked over to the pedestal with Leo on it and held out his red geo. "I'm in!" He declared. "I'm not going to stand by and watch my home get attacked by these Nether-wisps freaks!" He then turned to the other four with a determined look on his face. "And if you don't help out, your kingdoms might be next on their attack list!"

Each of them stayed quiet for a bit before Marina walked up to the pedestal with Aqua on it and held up his. "I will do it." He told her. "My kingdom was in fear of the Storm King before those six mares showed up and got rid of him. I will not let that happen again!" Fana looked at her geo before she walked up to the pedestal with Lobo on it.

"Us deers of the Everfree care so much for the life around us and we will not let those things destroy it all." She said with a determined look on her face before Chung stood next to her and hold out his in front of Goliath.

"Same for me!" He said. "My home Kingdom was free when the Storm King was defeated by them and I'm not going to let it fall again."

"Well you have fun." Aquila told the group as she didn't care. "Like I said, I didn't want to be part of any of this at all." Blitz thought about how greedy Griffins can be and that gave him an idea about how he can get her to join in.

"Too bad." Blitz said in a dramatic tone. "I'm pretty sure the princesses would have paid a royal reward if we saved the capital of Equestria. You know, the usual gems, diamonds, rubies, and tons of gold." Aquila then hold out her geo in front of the pedestal with Farukon on it really fast.

"Let's do this." She said as the others looked at Blitz with impressed looks. Each of their geos started to glow as well as the Geochangers in different colors. Each of the robotic animals on the pedestals started to glow before Flash and the CMCs was blinded by a bright light when the glow shined on the five of them.

Back in Canterlot, ponies were running from their lives from the Terror Guards as the royal guards did their best to fend off against them, but they were proven to be too strong. Even three Alicorn princesses weren't enough to beat them, including Skullhound. The rest of Twilight's friends were helping the ponies get away from the danger. "You all are just as pathetic as the knights I once faced." Skullhound told the three princesses who are already out of breath.

"We won't let you win." Twilight told him before she was grabbed by him by the throat.

"You need to learn that darkness will always rise whenever there is light." Skullhound told her before she saw him raise the blood red horn in his claw and prepared to end her. Just when he was about to bring it down, Flash manage to fly in and punch him in the face to knock him back and let go of Twilight.

"Flash!" Twilight called out when she saw him save her.

"Another light loving nuisance!" Skullhound shouted in annoyance as he glared at Flash. "Do you think you have what it takes to stop me?!"

"Not me, them!" Flash told him as he pointed towards to his right. Skullhound look towards that direction and saw Blitz, Aquila, Marina, Chung, and Fana with determined looks and in different outfits walking towards them. They were all wearing white pants with long black boots while the tops they're wearing are completely different. Blitz is wearing red, Aquila is wearing pink, Marina is wearing blue, Chung is wearing yellow, and Fana is wearing green. Their tops are all long sleeves with a golden line down the middle while a symbol on the right side of the chests that looks like the prism sits.

"Who are you five?!" Skullhound demanded before he sensed a familiar power emanating from the five. "N-No, it can't be!"

"We're not gonna let you destroy anything or anypony around!" Blitz shouted at Skullhound.

"We're going to take you down and protect our light!" Aquila stated.

"And if any of your little dark pals come around." Marina started.

"We'll take them out too!" Both Chung and Fana finished.

"Who are you and how do you have the power I can feel from you?!" Skullhound demanded.

"You're about to find out. Let's go!" Blitz shouted as they each pulled out their Geochangers. Once they flipped up the phones, they pulled out their geos before they crossed their arms.

"Geo Change!" All five of them shouted in unison before they place each of their geos in the slot in their changers just above the numbers before they dialed in 3, 5, 1 and closed the changers as a voice came out from their changers as the white crystal on the front glowed bright.


As the five of them thrusted their changers forward, small warriors in the colors of their geos appeared around them. As they slowly created a circle with their changers, the warriors danced around them as they chanted:


Once they held the Changers up high, the pressed the buttons on the sides and they were bathed in a light when the circles they made fly around them and hovered above them.


Once the light vanished, they're wearing full body suits with the small symbols that were on the right sides of their chests was fully on their chest. They had full head helmets on with black visors, sabers on their backs that are silver and gold with holes in the guard. One the forehead of their helmets are gems and the shape of animals. A lion, a sea serpent, a falcon, a bear, and a wolf in the colors of the same suits they are wearing. They each are wearing white gloves and boots as the females are wearing skirts and on each of their belts are golden belt buckles with buttons next to them and holsters that hold blasters. The ponies around them were amazed of their transformation and then they each did oppose while they did a roll call.

Knight of the burning flames: Geo Red!

Knight of the swift winds: Geo Pink!

Knight of the surging water: Geo Blue!

Knight of the strong earth: Geo Yellow!

Knight of the growing life: Geo Green!

Protectors of the light, united we shine bright! Celestial Sentai:

Geo Ranger!

Once they were done they looked at each other and were amazed by their suits. "Oh wow! This is amazing!" Geo Red exclaim.

"Really amazing!" Geo Blue added as he looked at himself.

"Now this is something you don't see every day!" Geo Yellow commented.

"Let's admire ourselves later after we deal with these guys." Geo Green reminded the boys as she pointed towards the enemy.

"She's right, but first..." Geo Pink said before she ground hold of her skirt and ripped it off. "I'm not a big fan of skirts as I am of pink."

"Okay, now let's get them!" Geo Red shouted as they charged at the Terror Guards. Red jumped kicked a few of them back before he punched a few. Pink and Blue blocked off a few of their spears before they delivered punches right to their chests while Yellow picked up two of them and threw them at a wall. Green got cornered by a bunch of them before they dog piled on her, except she was able to crawl out beneath them and pulled out her blaster.

"Geoblaster!" Green shouted as she blasted the pile in front of her before she back flipped to dodge an attack from behind. While in the air, she blasted a few more and landed safely before she roundhouse kicked one in the head.

"Celestial Saber!" Both Red and Blue shouted as they both draw out their sabers and started to strike down each Terror Guard in their way. Red ducked under an two spears from two Terror Guards before he sweep the legs and slash them before they fell. Blue ran towards a wall and flipped over them before he gave a few slashes at them and grabbed his blaster to blast a few more.

Yellow had both his saber and blaster as he either slashed or blasted the enemy around him. "Hey guys, why don't we turn this fight up a notch?!" He suggested as he had one in a headlock before blasting it in the face.

"Great idea!" Red shouted before he pressed the button next to the belt buckle and it opened up to reveal a geo that is red with a white line down the middle. He took it out and placed it in the hole of his saber and gave the disc around it a spin. "Geo Blaze Sword!" He declared as his saber transformed into the exact same sword that Leo once wielded long ago, only it looked like it had a trigger on the handle.

With his new sword, he slashed through the Terror Guards as the sword was set ablaze. Once he was surrounded, he gripped the sword tight before spitting around and slashing through the enemy and they exploded from the flames that covered them. Pink jumped and landed on a rooftop before she pressed the bun on her belt buckle and took out the same geo except it was pink and placed it in her saber and spun the wheel. "Geo Sky Claws!" She declared as saber transformed into two claws that Farukon wielded long ago.

She then leapt off the building and with one swipe of her claws, she said that Terror Guards flying up into the air before she slashed them as she ride the winds and they each exploded before she landed on the ground. Blue dodged a few of the attacks before he slashed them back and pulled out another geo like Red and Pink did before he placed it in a saber and spun the wheel. "Geo Sea Trident!" His saber transformed into the same trident Aqua once wielded long ago.

With the trident, he stabbed the ground with a pitchfork side of the trident to him to cause geysers to burst up underneath the Terror Guards before he leaped into each one to strike them. Blue then jumped out of the water and with one hit from his trident, the geysers of water combined and made the Terror Guards crash into each other before the exploded. Yellow used his saber to push back a few of the Terror Guards before he took his geo and placed it in his favor before spinning the wheel. "Geo Mountain Hammer!" He declared as his saber transformed into the same hammer that Goliath once wielded long ago.

Yellow brought his hammer up before slamming it down to create a Tremor that made the Terror Guards be juggled up into the air. Yellow continued the slimming down his hammer before he spun around and knocked the Terror Guards high up in the air before he jumped and slammed his hammer down on each one for them to crash into the ground and explode.

Green was doing her best to keep the Terror Guards off her as she pulled out her geo from her belt buckle before one of them knocked it out of her hand. "No!" She shouted before kicking back a few of them and blasting a few with her Geoblaster before she tuck and rolled to grab her geo. Once she got it back, she placed it into her saver and spun the wheel as a glowed bright. "Geo Life Bow!" Her saber transformed into the crossbow Lobo once wielded. She then took aim at the Terror Guards before she fired a bunch of green energy blasts from the crossbow and took out a few of them.

"Enough!" Skullhound shouted as he had Fluttershy hostage while holding Sombra's horn close to her neck. "Make another move and this little yellow thing gets it!"

"Now that's just playing dirty!" Red shouted in frustration.

"Now, tell me how you were able to obtain the powers of those who--" Skullhound was about to demand before Leo and the other robotic animals flew in and attacked him, causing him to let go of Fluttershy and she ran towards her friends who comfort her.

"It's okay Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash told her before she looked at the robotic animals that are attacking Skullhound. "What the heck are those things?" The robotic animals then landed on a rock nearby and they each glared at Skullhound.

"You were always the one to play dirty tricks." Farukon told him. Skullhound recognized her voice and instantly recognized each of the robotic animals on that rock.

"The Celestial Knights, or what's left of them!" Skullhound said before he let out a chuckle. "So this is what you're reduced to, small easily destroyed creatures?"

"And another thing about you, you tend to get distracted after when something else gets your attention." Aqua added before Green blasted him with her crossbow that made him step back. Red then charged in with Pink and started slashing at him with his sword and her claws. Pink then got on top of him and continuously slashing him with her claws before she leaped off and Red did a flying drop kick that send him flying back.

Yellow then charged in before swinging his hammer to hit Skullhound and send him flying towards Blue who stabbed him right in the chest before flipping him over and tossing him into a wall. "There's are two things that I don't like, and that's bullies as well as monsters who threaten innocent lives!" Red shouted at Skullhound as the team gathered together.

"I can't...believe that a bunch of...brightly colored creatures as yourselves...are able to overpower me!" Skullhound panted as he struggled to stand up.

"Believe it you skull headed freak!" Pink shouted at him.

"You won't hurt any of our kingdoms across Equestria!" Green declared.

"Because we'll always be there to protect them!" Yellow added.

"Just as the Knights who believe us did long before!" Blue shouted.

"Because together, we shine as bright as the sun!" Red declared before each of their weapons started to glow bright before they were lifted up in the air. The hammer was then placed on the sword as the grip of the sword moved down to look like a trigger before the trident was placed near the top of the blade. Both claws then attached themselves to the end of the hammer while the crossbow attached itself to the top of the Trident and the sword before it looked like a completely different weapon, almost like a full-on cannon or a bazooka.

"Whoa! Incredible!" Blue shouted in amazement as he and the others were amazed about how their weapons combined.

"But what is it?" Green asked.

"Oh, let's call it the Geo Bazooka!" Red suggested as he grabbed hold of the trigger of the bazooka.

"I like the sound of that!" Pink stated before the each took a position on each side of the Bazooka and the aimed it right at Skullhound. Each of them then took their main geos and placed them on the crossbow part of the bazooka, charging it up with power for one final attack.

"Geo Bazooka!" All five of them declared before Skullhound saw them aiming towards him and he looked a bit afraid of what was about to come next. "Geo fire!" They declared as red pulled the trigger and the five geos there on the bazooka were launched right at skullhound. As they fired, the five geos glowed bright before they took form of the Five Celestial Knights original forms as one by one they struck Skullhound. Skullhound howled in pain before he fell into the ground and the our heroes turned with their weapons in hand as they did a pose in an explosion happened behind them.

"That...was...awesome!!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flew around them while the other girls gathered around the team as well as the princesses. Discord even appeared with a shocked expression on his face as to what happened.

"Thank yoy so much for saving Canterlot." Princess Celestia told the five.

"It was our pleasure your highness." Red said with a bow to her while Fluttershy picked up Leo and gently petted him.

"And thank you and the others for saving me." Fluttershy said as Leo was purring from the petting he was getting. Just as they were all celebrating their success, Skullhound emerged from the rubble and was stumbling as he stood up.

"What the...he's still here?!" Pink asked in surprised as the others took a defensive stance.

"Now...I'm really MAD!!" Skullhound roared in anger before he took the horn in his claw and stabbed himself right in the chest. The others were completely shocked that he would do something like that before the horn seeped deeper into him and his whole body started to glow purple. Skullhound then started to expand and grow until he was at least 100 ft tall. "NOW I WILL FLATTEN THIS CITY TO THE GROUND!!!" The others were shocked and frightened about how big he has gotten before he raised his foot and brought it down. Twilight and the other two princesses quickly channeled their magic and teleported them and the group out of the way before they to get squashed.

The group was teleported on top of a building and they could see Skullhound from where they are, destroying buildings as he was stomping his way through the city. "You know what they say, 'the bigger they are...'" Yellow said before he took his saber out and leap towards Skullhound, only for him to be swiped back and crashed into a bunch of boxes on the rooftop.

"The more bones they break." Green commented as they winced at his failed attempt at attacking Skullhound. "How are we supposed to find something that big?!" Just as she asked that, the prism flew towards them and hovered in front of them.

"What's that?" Applejack asked before the prism glowed bright.

"Sparkly." Pinkie Pie said before they saw images of would look to be giant mechanical robots that looked similar to Leo and the other five.

"It seems the prism is showing us how to defeat him." Aqua theorized before the prism shot out five geos at the team and they quickly caught them. They got a good look at them and they look like the heads of the small robotic animals.

"What are we supposed to do a these?" Pink asked as they were trying to figure out how to use them. Red then remembered the vision the prism showed them and looked at Leo. He then quickly grabbed Leo and Leo was wondering what he was doing.

"Hey, what the...?!" Leo shouted before he noticed Red was attempting to put the geo the prism gave him into his mouth. "Stop that!" He struggled to get free from his grasp.

"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing!" Red told him as he successfully made Leo swallow the geo and closed his mouth. Fluttershy then gave him a smack in the head for mistreating Leo.

"How can you do that to him?!" She scolded him. "You don't force an innocent little animal to-- Why is he glowing?" They looked and saw Leo glowing bright and he started to expand in size a little.

"Uh oh, wha...what do I do now?!" Red asked as Leo was getting bigger bit by bit.

"Why not try throwing him?!" Pink quickly suggested. Red quickly hold Leo in one hand, pulled back before he threw him high into the air. Leo yelled when he was thrown before a ring of fire appeared in the sky and when he passed through it, he transformed into a giant mechanical lion.

"What the...?!" Skullhound asked in shock before Leo attacked him and knocked him back.

"I guess that's how we get them!" Yellow shouted in excitement before he picked up Goliath. "Are you ready for this?!"

"Sure, but what would we be called when we're like that?!" Goliath asked as they were thinking about it.

"Ohohohoh! How about 'Tit-ohs'?!" Pinkie Pie asked with excitement.

"I like the sound of that!" Farukon said before landed in Pink's hand. "Let's do this!" Aqua jumped into Blue's hand as Lobo jumped in Green's. Each of them took the geos in their mouths before they were each thrown into the air. Four rings that are made of the elements of which they corresponded to appeared and when they went through it, they grew to the same size as Leo did.

Tit-oh Leo!

Tit-oh Farukon!

Tit-oh Aqua!

Tit-oh Goliath!

Tit-oh Lobo!

"Now we're talking!" Red shouted before him and his team glowed and they suddenly appeared in side each of their giant robot animals. "Whoa! This is insane! He said before he noticed a pedestal with a slot that looked like a sword goes in it. He then took his saber and entered it in the slot. And the others, they did the same and prepared to fight off against Skullhound.

Blue, controlling Aqua, pushed forward and coiled around Skullhound as they were damaging him by squeezing him tight before they let him go to let Yellow and Goliath attack him by clawing at his chest before knocking him to the ground. Pink and Farukon flew high in the sky before they flew down and she used her wings to slash him on the side before picking him up with her claws and flying way high. "Wait, I'm afraid of heights!!" Skullhound shouted before he was let go by them and started to fall.

As he fell, Green and Lobo leap straight towards him and been to use her tail to slam him into the ground before she started to bite and claw at him. Skullhound knocked her off and swiped his claws at each of them and knocked them back. The team inside each of the giant robots struggled to keep their balance when their mechs we're knocked back. "We can't beat him like this!" Blue shouted through a communication system inside their mechs. "We need to come up with a different strategy!"

"We need to work together, as one!" Red suggested before he noticed the belt buckle was glowing and he pressed the button next to it to reveal a geo with a warrior face on it. "I wonder what this does." He asked before Skullhound fired dark beans right at them and damaged them some more.

"Figure that out another time and use the darn thing!" Pink shouted at him. Red then placed the geo in his saber and spun the wheel before a surge of power course through each of their robotic animals.

Geo Gattai!

Each other robotic animals charged forward as Leo roared before he leaped into the air and the bottom part of his body folded back as the front paws folded up into shoulders and a head folded up from the top of his lion head. Parts of Leo's head detached itself and flew about.

Geo, geo, geo, here we go! Gattai gogo!

Aqua hissed before she bend her body and her tail connected to Lobo. Lobo how old as the sea serpent body stood up and were like legs and both Aqua and her were like the feet. Different parts on each of the two flew off them when they connected and formed the legs.

Geo, geo, geo, here we go! Gattai, gogo!

Goliath growled as his head detached and attached himself to the right side of Leo's body as his head attached to the shoulder and at the end of the arms formed a hand. Farukon made a falcon noise as her wings detached themselves from her body and her body attached herself to the left side of Leo's body well her head went up to the shoulder while a hand formed where her head was. The wings formed a sword as the golden parts that flew around attach themselves on to the wings before the sword attached itself to the back of Leo. The legs then attached themselves to the bottom of Leo to form a Giant Warrior Mech.

Geo, geo, geo, here we go! Gattai, gogo!

The Giant Warrior Mech than brought up its hands to grab hold of top part of a helmet and put it on its head before the final two golden parts slammed together and attached themselves to the front part of it to form a knight helmet. Inside the team was transported to a carpet where there was four pedestals. Two on the side of the cockpit and two up straight while there was a throne in the middle of the cockpit. Leo was on the right arm of the throne while the rest of other heads were on the pedestals.


"Whoa! Now this is beyond amazing!" Blue shouted as he and the others from me about the robotic mechs combined into one.

"But how do we control it?" Green asked as Red hopped on the throne and noticed a slot on the right arm of the throne.

"We control it together as a team!" Red declared as he placed his saber in the pedestal and Leo's head glowed when he did. The others decided to follow his lead as Yellow and Pink placed their sabers on the pedestals on the sides and both Goliath's and Farukon's heads lit up while Blue and Green kneeled down and placed their sabers in the pedestal to lit up the heads of Aqua and Lobo.

They then pushed their sabers forward to make Geo Titan-oh move forward before it faced Skullhound. "You only made it easier for me to crush you now that you combine into one." He shouted as both sides charged at each other. Geo Titan-oh was the first one to make a move as Yellow thrusted his saber forward to make Geo Titan-oh throw a punch to make Skullhound step back. Pink then did the same and Geo Titan-oh punched Skullhound again.

Skullhound then composed himself before he used his claws to strike at Geo Titan-oh a few times. The team in the cockpit felt the rumble inside and struggled to keep their balance as Blue and Green struggled to keep the legs balanced. Once they were stable, Yellow made the right arm draw out the sword and swing it forward to strike Skullhound. After Skullhound lost his balance for a bit, Green took this opportunity to deliver a kick to the groin. "Oh, that's got to hurt!" Yellow when he saw Skullhound hold his groin.

"Nice one, girl." Pink praised Green as she hold up her fist for a fist bump. Green decided to let her have one and the two bumped knuckles.

"I thought if he plays dirty, I show him what happens if we play dirty." Green explained.

"And it gave us the opportunity to end this!" Red declared as he stood up from his throne and pulled out his saber. The others followed his lead as Geo Titan-oh ready its sword as the team spun the wheels on their sabers. Geo Titan-oh then made a giant prism of light as each end of it glowed the color of the team before it prepared to strike when it held up the sword high.

"Titan-oh, Strike!" The team declared in unison as they slashed their sabers and Geo Titan-oh slashed its sword right at Skullhound for the final blow as the large glowing prism spun around.

"This can't be my howling end!" Skullhound said his final words before he fell and a giant explosion happened when hit the ground. As the team and the ponies of Canterlot celebrated his defeat, none of them saw King Sombra's horn fly off and fell somewhere within the Everfree Forest. Something cast a shadow over the horn before a hand reached out and pulled out the horn as the one who picked up the horn let out an evil chuckle before leaving.

After the robotic animals shrunk back down and the team transform out of the suits, the CMCs hugged their families as they were safe and Blitz returned the twins back to their parents. The team then joined the Mane Six and the Royal Sisters as Leo explained everything to them. After hearing how the Celestial Knights sealed away the darkness and were turned into this, Twilight had a thought about how Skullhound was freed.

Twilight then told them about Cozy Glow and how she was taught by Tirek to take away all of Equestria's magic and send it somewhere. She theorized that when she was taking away Equestria's magic, the magic that the Knights used to seal away the darkness was also sucked up and weakened. "You don't think the Nether-wisps and their king are all free, do you?" Fluttershy asked with concerned.

"If they are, we'll be here to make sure they don't hurt anyone." Blitz told them as he and the others stood tall, except for Aquila who just set her changer on the table along with the pink geo.

"No, you guys will." She told them as she was back in a regular clothes. "This was just a one-time thing. I told you before, I didn't even want this." She then turned to leave as Farukon flew after her and they can hear her trying to convince Aquila. Now there are two questions that stand, is the Nether-wisps King and his followers free and will Aquila come back?

To be continue.

Comments ( 1 )

Sweet, a power ranger mlp story, and it takes place around episode 2 of season 9, and wow that was awesome! And not to mention the fight and the battle, I bet Discord wasn’t expecting that of his plan to give twilight some confidence, and wow this is amazing, awesome job on the first chapter.

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