• Member Since 13th Jul, 2018
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I'm a college student and member of many fandoms, including MLP. I'm a total Fluttercord shipper.


Discord is confronted by an angry group in Ponyville for his actions in helping Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. Fortunately, Fluttershy is there to defend him.

And even more fortunately, he knows that he can find safety and comfort with her.

Day Four of #FluttercordWeek2023: Safe Space

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Oh, this is precious :heart:

Seeing timid Fluttershy stand up to others to defend Discord warms my heart!

Not gonna lie, I really don't see why people blame Discord for the S9 villain fiasco. Yes, the Terrible Trio were only able to attempt their takeover because of his actions, and sending them anywhere within 50 miles of a genuine artifact like the Bewitching Bell was a horrible idea, but from what I've heard it sounds like what happened was simply due to mistakes on Discord's part, not malice. As much as he might deny it, he has a big ol' heart, and he was genuinely trying to help Twilight. The only problem is his lack of real-life experience (he's basically only tried to function as something other than a pure Spirit of Chaos for a few years) led him to make some huge mistakes, something that honestly makes sense as a character flaw for Discord; he's so used to being able to just snap away threats or problems, he doesn't know how to actually deal with them, or give them proper weight until they show him "oh wait, I can't just snap this away, this is a problem." He's a little kid trying to make something nice for his big sis, not realizing that putting the cake in the oven for an hour at 350 degrees isn't the same as putting it in for a minute at 1 million degrees.

Oh, I agree with you! Discord's actions were from a mistake, not malice, and he did help as best he could once he realized the whole situation was out of control. And I like to imagine that he helped rebuild Canterlot as a way to make amends after the finale.

Still, I can also see him facing some pushback from most of Equestria's citizens in the aftermath. Eventually, the whole truth of the story will spread, and everyone will know it was just a mistake. That doesn't mean he won't face challenges until that happens, though.

A mistake after multiple from a supposedly reformed individual who's been given a free pass and no consequences.

Mistake or not, I'm personally not fond of the spoiled brat "friends in high places" treatment, Discord can be held to the same standards as everyone else or frankly I'd not care if God defended him.

Loyalty means not turning a blind eye when it suits you and Honesty means staying true instead of silent when it benefits you.

Discord represents the worst aspects of avoiding consequences by connections and his continued lack of responsibility on par with his mistakes is nepotistic in feel and hypocritical in practice.

He get's push back because he's universally an annoyance at best and a genuine threat to everything around him at worst and "I'm sorry" doesn't clean the slate after multiple offenses.

Beautiful story.

I agree with the comments here, Discord did not do this out of malice and I like the analogy of the little kid trying to do something nice for his sister. Shows you that despite being very sarcastic and witty, he´s naive.

I loved the scene when Fluttershy asked him if his heart hurt, that was so precious.

Aww this was a pretty nice story and yeah there are ponies and creatures are still mad at him for what he did back in season 9 midseason finale almost causing letting the three villains win but luckily Fluttershy backed him up and not only that when they got to the cottage he actually admitted that even though he never really get physically hurt I mean he does but emotionally it can be effective sometimes words hurt but Fluttershy will be there for him if he needed it and that is pretty sweet this was pretty good keep up the good work

I take that as an unfortunate result of bad writing. The writers constantly used Discord as an easy way to bring conflict and ignored his progress that the writers initally intended for him. That is why Discord gets so much hate and why so many see him as, as you say, a spoiled brat with "friends in higher places".

I'll admit, I'm extremely biased. I love Discord. I love that he was reformed and I DO think some of his mistakes are a great example of 'taking two steps forward and one step back' since progress is rarely ever linear. I did not like how the show handled Discord in the end. But I DO agree with GeekCat that, in this gross mishandling of Discord in the finale, the writers did at least give Discord a different shade of intention here, since he tried bringing conflict to help prepare Twilight, rather than to simply annoy her or to find himself friends in darker places like he did with Tirek.

But I need to stop, because I don't intend to change your opinion because honestly, why are we trying to talk about this? What is your intent? Why did you read this when the description clearly let you know how this was gonna play out? His actions are going to be interpreted differently depending on how you feel about Discord as a character. What did you want to see instead, what were you hoping for? If you want to critique the work, then give it in a way that helps, rather than talk about how you see Discord. GeekCat likes Discord. She won't want to write something that puts him in that light. She doesn't feel it as an inaccurate representation, or if she does, not in this particular situation.

Help us understand. Don't just talk our favorite characters down. That will not make us want to listen or reconsider how to write him in these situations. We like Discord and Fluttershy's dynamic, so you also need to keep that in mind. We can't change how you see Discord, but you can't make us love him any less, either.

Loved this as always! Especially since clearly Discord is still learning how to process and express his emotions properly. And it's always great to read Fluttershy as the Defender, rather than the Protected.

"It's just...being with you is the best feeling I've ever felt," he quickly explained. "You're a walking source of warmth and light and safety, and that incredible feeling has to cancel out the minor bad feelings I have right now, right?"

Also LOVED this part. What a good way to describe it, especially since it's still somewhat new for him. He's still learning! ♡ Yes, Discord. That can help.

"Okay, okay!" she laughed, tapping his shoulder. "But you're going to have to let me go if you want me to make some tea."

"Ah, there's always a tragic catch to life," he joked, setting her carefully on her hooves.

Ain't that the truth! :rainbowlaugh:

P.S. You have a little typo in your description when you list the names of the Trio. Just so you can fix real quick when you get a chance, if you want. Not a big deal!

My intent was an answer to the question of why Discord is so unliked.

I'm here because I give the benefit of the doubt, but it's once again a story giving Discord a slap and consoling him like he's a child that stole a cookie rather then an individual who's only real redeeming quality is his humor, who attempted to put the entire country if not world at risk for one persons ego.

Naivety is not an excuse unless one is completely unworthy of their power for the incompetence behind it and thus not worthy of respect in that situation.

Discord is hardly a well written character and his redemption boils down to the same mentality I've stated by the shows own admission-only it then fails to actually make Discord do anything good for anyone outside of small slice of life skits while proving he's completely worthless where it counts.

You can like the character but that's your prerogative, if he'd stayed a villain as the proposed embodiment of Harmony's antitheses he'd be a lot more enjoyable to me.

Partly because I don't have to pretend everyone being forced to tolerate and rebuild from his incompetence and sheer power is a good thing.

"It's just...being with you is the best feeling I've ever felt," he quickly explained. "You're a walking source of warmth and light and safety, and that incredible feeling has to cancel out the minor bad feelings I have right now, right?" A second Discord appeared behind him, holding up a big green checkmark.

I love this description of how Discord feels about Fluttershy!

You always write these two so well and I really enjoyed the interactions they had throughout this little tale.

his actions in helping Turn a, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow

If Discord is blamed for all that’s happened in the "The Ending of the End", then they might as well be blaming Celestia.

This was a good one dude!😀

Happy 1st (late) Anniversary!

Underrated story. A nice slice of life set just after the finale. Everyone feels in character, iand t has some truly poignant moments between the pair pencilled in between the usual Discord shenanagins, and feels like it could actually be canon. Thanks for writing it! :twistnerd:

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