• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 201 Views, 1 Comments

Star Wars: The Dark Side of Everfree - sonicdash123

Having trouble getting over the dark past, Charming Thunder goes camping with his school of Canterlot High. A mysterious magical presence is also in the air during their trip.

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Chapter 3: New Magic

Charming Thunder sat down alone at the picnic table as he reflected on the dream he had. He didn’t like the fact that was called weak by his own mother and slammed his fists on the table without breaking it. A loud crash was heard and he looked up to see the newly built dock was destroyed by a boat. He stood up and was about to investigate until Twilight ran past him. He turned to see her run into the forest and decided to follow.

After a few minutes of walking, Charming Thunder followed the path in the forest hoping to find Twilight, but decided to give up. He then punched a tree in anger which caused hand to be in pain. “Darn it, Twilight!” he yelled. “Why must you run off on your own like that?” Sunset and Spike were walking on the path until she noticed him by himself as well. She hid behind a bush and grabbed Spike to hide with her. He then shook his head and deeply sighed. “I just hope it wasn’t something I did to hurt her at the Friendship Games. She just doesn’t understand that there is so little left in me!” He then began to quietly cry. “What is happening to my life as a normal human being?”

Charming Thunder

And in my twisted past
There’s not a slightest trace
Of anything that hints of forgiveness
And with this guilt I carry
Only comfort from my friends
I see, but deep within is losing faith in me

As my dream dies
As the time flies
Loved a lost illusion
Helpless even
Cold and driven
By my pain and suffering

Charming Thunder placed his hand on the trunk of the tree.

No beauty could move me
No kindness improved me
No power on earth, if I can’t move on
No passion could reach me
Sunset’s lessons have taught me
How I could love her again and be a normal person too
If I can’t move on, what then?

Charming Thunder picked up a stick and swung it around like a sword without hitting the tree.

Long ago I should have done
All the things I could have been
But careless and greedy, I moved away

Charming Thunder swung at the tree with his stick really hard which caused it to break. He then got on his knees and banged his hands on the ground in anger. Sunset became overwhelmed at his situation as she eavesdropped. He then quickly looked up at the blue sky.

No pain could go deeper
No life would be cheaper
No point anymore, if I can’t move on
No angel can redeem me
No hope left in me now
Hope I could’ve stood up and then finally said no
But it did not happen
If I can’t move on

Charming Thunder got up from the ground.

Let them all be rid of me

A snap of a twig was heard and Charming Thunder quickly turned to the bush where Sunset and Spike were hiding. He slowly approached the bush to investigate. He tilted his head and then decided to head back to camp. Once he was far enough, Sunset got out of hiding with Spike. “Should Twilight know about this if we find her?” Spike asked.

“I’ll tell her later,” Sunset said. “I never knew that he went in to look for her as well. Let’s press on.”

Charming Thunder was in the aquamarine tent making final adjustments to the robot and checked the readings on his pad. The results were green and he thought it was time to turn it on. He flipped a switch on the back of the robot’s head and stood back. The robot’s antennas raised up and the robot raised its head and looked around. It jumped around in joy as Charming Thunder was surprised that the project was a success. He smiled and walked up to the robot. He held out his two hands to let the robot jump on them for him to hold him. “Amazing!” Charming Thunder said. The robot then beeped to communicate. He then puts it on the ground gently as Peter enters to see the little robot.

“It works?!” Peter asked. Charming Thunder gave him a thumbs up. “Wow. You really are a genius at robotics.” His spider sense went off as he quickly turned and looked outside.

“What is it?”

“Normally my spider senses would go off whenever there is danger, but everything is calm as--” Peter stepped out of the tent until he got knocked down accidentally by Rainbow’s super speed. Charming Thunder rushed out with his robot and helped him up on his feet.

“You okay? Was that Rainbow Dash?”

“Sure looked like it. What is going on here?” Rainbow stopped in front of the two while Twilight and the others arrived. “You really should learn to look before you run, Rainbow.”

“Sorry,” Rainbow said. “Trying to get used to my new super speed.”

“Super speed?” Charming Thunder asked. “You have powers now?”

“Yeah! And not just me.” Charming Thunder looked at the others. “Applejack has super strength. Rarity can make barriers. Fluttershy can communicate with animals. And Pinkie can make explosions with sprinkles.”

“Either I should be freaked out or jealous. This trip is getting weird by the minute.” The robot beeped and jumped up and down. The others noticed and Fluttershy knelt down to its level to pat it on the head.

“You finished your little project?” Twilight asked. “That’s great!”

“And you were worried that it would blow up in his face?” Peter asked.

“For now, this little guy needs to shut down for a bit and recharge just in case,” Charming Thunder said before flipping the off switch and carrying the robot back into the tent.

Twilight was working on a lantern by herself at a table. Charming Thunder sat at a table with Peter and the others. He looked at Twilight who was alone with Spike. He closed his eyes before going back to making his lantern. “Okay, everyone!” Gloriosa said. “It's time to watch your lanterns fly!” Everyone began to get up while Charming Thunder noticed Twilight talking to Timber again. He huffed in anger and looked away. He did not pay attention when he now stood next to her. “Ready? And....go!” Everyone let their lanterns fly. Everyone was admiring the view until there was a thud and everyone looked, seeing Pinkie's lantern hit the ground with a thud. She was disappointed and then smiled again.

“Oh, well!” Pinkie said. “Now I get to eat it!” She began to eat a marshmallow from her lantern. “Yep, beautiful and delicious.” Peter had his arm wrapped around Sunset’s shoulder as everyone watched their lanterns fly.

Charming Thunder was resting until he heard rustling coming from outside of his tent. Without waking Peter up, he looked outside of the tent to see Sunset run into the forest for some reason. He snuck out of the tent and followed her.

Charming Thunder went deeper into the forest as he wondered why Sunset was up. He then stopped to hear her voice, “Twilight, there's no Midnight Sparkle,” she said. “There's only you.” He then hid behind a tree and began to eavesdrop more.

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“Yeah, Sunset,” Charming Thunder said, which made Sunset and Twilight jump in shock. “How did you know what she was thinking?” He then stepped out of hiding.

“When I touched your hand, I could see things,” Sunset explained. “I could understand why you were leaving. My new magic...! This is my new magic! This is incredible!” Charming Thunder was surprised at this news.

“No, it's not!” Twilight shouted. “I'm infecting you now!”

“Twilight, you have to stop looking at this as a bad thing.”

“Easy for you to say. Magic turned you into something beautiful. The last time I tried to use it, it turned me into a monster. I'm just so afraid it's gonna happen again.”

“Yes, last time I turned into something amazing, but I've let magic turn me into a monster, too. So if anyone understands what you're going through, it's me. I can help you, Twilight. And the rest of our friends can be there for you, too. But not if you run away.”

“Woah, leave me out of this!” Charming Thunder said, angrily.

“And what has you all worked up all of a sudden, Charming?” Sunset demanded. Charming Thunder growled as Twilight began to look over her options.

“I'll stay,” Twilight said. “But I still don't think it's a good idea for me to be near the rest of our friends right now. Not until we know why this is happening.” Twilight then looked at Charming Thunder with concern as well. “What is going on with you, Charming? Really?”

“Lips sealed,” Charming Thunder replied.

“Sunset?” Sunset nodded as she approached him.

“Get away from me. I don’t want you to--” The three then heard rustling coming from the bushes. Charming Thunder got into a fighting stance just in case. they saw something in the view and both Sunset and Twilight screamed. Then they heard a guy scream as well. That is when they see that the guy was, in fact, Timber Spruce. “Of course. Who else would be here?” Charming Thunder turned away with his arms crossed.

“Wait,” Timber said. “Twilight?”

“Timber?” Twilight said. “I'm so glad it's just you!”

“I’m not,” Charming Thunder said to himself.

“Wait, what are you doing out here?”

“With an axe?” Sunset added.

“I was chopping down firewood,” Timber said.

“In the middle of the night?”

“We needed more for tomorrow night's campfire. And if I didn't take care of it tonight, it would be one more thing Gloriosa would add to her list.” Timber then imitated Gloriosa. “I’ve got this!” Twilight giggled at what he did. Charming Thunder shook his head with annoyance. “What about you three? Why are you hanging out in the woods in the middle of the night?”

“I was sleepwalking. Twilight found me and was bringing me back to camp.” Twilight nodded. “Charming here just happened to be helping.” Charming Thunder looked at the three and then looked away with a huff. “Don’t mind him. He usually likes to get his rest without any interruptions.”

“Come on. I'll walk you guys back. I'll protect you from Gaia Everfree.”

“Come on. That's obviously just a spooky story you made up to tell around the campfire.”

“Oh, no. It's legit. How else would you explain what happened at the docks? And that weird thing where the earth shook? Come on. I know a shortcut back to the tents.” Timber and Twilight began to walk away. Timber never noticed his pocket was spilling glowing powder. Sunset, Spike, and Charming Thunder looked at it.

“Legit, huh?” Sunset knelt down to investigate. “I think we just found our 'Gaia Everfree'.”

“But why would he work so hard to make us think she was real?” Spike asked.

“You heard what he said about wishing his sister would sell this camp. If nobody wants to come here because it's home to some angry ancient nature spirit, it sure would help his cause.” Charming Thunder gasped at the news. He then walked past Sunset, but was stopped by her. “One of these days, you are gonna have to tell me what is going on in your mind.”

“You will find that it is in many places if you do,” Charming Thunder said before he continued to walk away.

“We should tell Twilight,” Spike said.

“About both Charming Thunder’s thoughts and Timber’s fake story? Not yet. She's obviously going through a lot right now. We should probably be a hundred percent sure before we tell her the guy she likes is a jerk who's trying to run everybody out of camp.”