• Published 29th Dec 2022
  • 329 Views, 2 Comments

Little Lies At Christmas Time - Brony-wan-kenobi

It all started as a little lie told by Spitfire. However, she she got called out on it, she decides to bite the bullet...and do everything in her power not to be found out!

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The Story

Spitfire let out a sigh, one hand holding her smartphone while the other continuously tapped upon the surface of the nearby end table. The fiery-haired woman kept her gaze on the time, her heart rate quickening for brief moments whenever the digits changed. Another minute gone, bringing her closer to the hour she was dreading.

Tonight she was not dressed in her standard flight suit, nor was she dressed in any of her normal Air Force uniforms. Nor was she wearing one of the casual outfits she owned, dawning her classic aviator bomber jacket to go with it when she went to the bar scene or even one of the local nightclubs in Canterlot. She always thought she looked her best in that along with her aviator glasses, faded and ripped jeans along with tight jeans that almost seemed to mold to her perfect ass. That was the sort of outfight that told those who caught her eye that, if they took the chance, they would be in for a wild ride tonight! But no, she wasn’t wearing anything like that this night. Instead, Spitfire was dressed in a rather revealing dress that she absolutely despised with all her being. The damn sleeveless thing was held up by the barest of straps, sparkling blue whenever a light shined upon it. The back was almost non-existent, revealing her orange-colored skin from her neck down all the way to just above her rear. As for the front, there was a thin V-cut running down the front showing off a slight amount of her side boobs (thankfully just the barest hint) and running all the way down and stopping just above her hips.

The designer called this a ‘tasteful amount of skin’. Well, in Spitfire’s opinion, she was just a horny pervert who wanted to see as much skin as possible to fantasize over during her long lonely nights! No doubt she had a lot of them.

Just thinking about it brought out a groan from Spitfire, nearly tossing her phone aside so that she could bury her face in her hands while screaming. The only reason that she had gone to that designer and had bought this ‘dress’ was mostly due to a lack of time. As in she needed the dress ASAP! She didn’t have days or weeks to have that perfect dress made just for her.

Oh, why did she let Soarin’ talk her into going to the Air Force’s Christmas Party? And why did this party have to be a ‘black tie, no uniform’ event?

Throwing her head onto the back of the couch, Spitfire let out a groan as she remembered how she had gotten into this damned mess. It had all started out so good-naturedly, her and Soarin’ just shooting the breeze as they talked about their latest hook-ups. Soarin’ was over the moon as he was really hitting it off with a famous singer: Coloratura or Rara as she liked to be called. From the sound of it, she wasn’t a bitch who was full of herself or looking to have fun on someone else’s dime. And considering that their last date involved going to the countryside for some sort of country festival, it sounded to her that they were comfortable without the elite style of enjoyment. It honestly made Spitfire feel a bit…jealous. As much as she hated to admit it to herself or anyone else, her last several dates had all been one-night stands. A little bit of fun that lasted just moments longer than the memory of a firework in the night sky as it quickly fizzled out into the next one. The names of those women she had partied with, both in the club and in bed, were all forgotten about come morning.

So, Spitfire had decided to embellish a bit as she talked about her new girlfriend. One that she had been seeing for some time now. One that was totally real! And she might have told one or two little fibs here and there that caused Soarin’ to raise an eyebrow at the stories. When he did question her, something inside her damned she defend herself! She was a fighter, not some coward who backs down! So she demanded to know if he was calling her a liar, one thing leads to another, and before she knew it she was agreeing to bring her girlfriend to the party.

Just one little problem, however…she had been completely lying. There wasn’t anyone new. There wasn’t a girl’s name in her contacts that she could call for help. Not even that newbie Rainbow Dash since everyone in the Air Force knew she was living with her girlfriend Applejack. And if she did try to approach one of the other girls on the air base, she was sure they would use this as leverage against her for all the crap she put them through during training. Hell would freeze over and be served on a bun before she’d give them that! So, she had three options. One; admit she was lying to Soarin’. Two; ask someone she trusted to hook her up for the night. Three; pay someone to pretend to be her date.

And given who she was, it was no surprise she had gone with the third option.

Thus, here was waiting for her ‘date’ to arrive. To her credit, she hadn’t been dumb enough to pick up just any girl off the street or at one of the more casual sites one might find. Instead, Spits had used one of the higher-end sites that specialized in situations like this. Men and women who could play the part of a romantic partner for a night of social or family gatherings. All they needed was a little information on what you were looking for, pay the deposit, and the rest would be paid to the escort at the conclusion of the date. But the best part was that they kept everything about their girls close to the vest, making sure that no one out there would know what they did for a living. Even going as far as to make Spitfire sign a contract promising that she wouldn’t take any pictures of her date, post them online, and say that that girl was an escort. Her date wasn’t cheap either as a single night drained a good chunk of her savings. Not everything or even close, but just enough to leave a good-sized dent. But it was a price worth paying so that no one would ever find out that she had lied.

The only downside was that Spitfire had no idea what her date looked like! She had been told it had been done like this to ensure that the identity of their escorts remained classified. Sure the site had asked Spitfire what she was looking for as well as any extra details for the event, but there was probably only so much they could do with that info and…

A sudden knock on the door nearly caused Spitfire to jump off the couch. Without bothering to check her phone, the woman quickly moved to the door with her heart pounding in her ears. As she reached for the doorknob, her nerves got the better of her for a slight moment. A fear came over her, one she hadn’t felt since the day she had brought her first girlfriend to meet her parents! But why was she so nervous? Was it because she was letting this stranger into her home? Maybe. She never brought any of her previous conquests back to her place out of fear that they would become a little too attached.

Whatever the reason, Spitfire steeled herself as she quickly opened the door…and her jaw dropped at what she was. Standing there in the snow was a woman whose skin was the same shade of bright yellow as her own. Her orange hair was long and frilly, going down her back. Honestly, with how dark it was and how puffy her hair was, Spitfire thought there was a bit of a glow around the woman when the light from her home fell upon her. Taking a step back, Spitfire saw that the woman was wearing a purple dress that was the same color as the woman’s eyes. A dress that clung to her nicely, showing off every single elegant curve she had to offer with a window just above her breasts.

“Well, didn’t know it was that kind of party,” said the woman, a smirk appearing on her lips as her cunning eyes traveled down Spitfire’s body. “Had I known, I would have worn something better for the occasion.”

“What?” asked Spits dumbly, needing a moment for her mind to reboot. It wasn’t until she looked down at herself, remembering what she was wearing before a blush appeared on her face. “Oh, this. Yeah. Last minute table scraps for tonight.”

“Really?” asked the woman as Spitfire gestured for her to enter. Once inside, Spitfire closed the door. “Don’t tell me you don’t have anything else for the occasion tonight?”

Spitfire rolled her eyes before leaning against a nearby wall. “For parties like this, no. All I have is a black dress I wore to a funeral a couple of years ago and a few outfits I wore to weddings. To be honest, I rarely ever go to these things and, when I do, I just wear my uniform. These things are not my scene; just a bunch of old farts and brown-nosing brass schmoozing with each other for hours. It’s not worth shelling out the big bucks for a dress.”

“I see,” said the woman, an almost predatory smile appearing on her face as she looked Spitfire over once again. She then moved closer, wrapping an arm around Spitfire’s waist to bring them close. Close enough for her to whisper in Spitfire’s ear. “Well, I’m glad that my services for the night are worth the ‘big buck’. And I promise that you’ll get your money’s worth.” That got a bit of a blush on Spitfire’s face, her toes curling at the tone her date was using.

“Ah, well,” stammered Spitfire as she was slightly taken aback. Normally she was the one putting the moves of the girls and had assumed that it would be the same here. After all, this woman was working for her tonight and would find it easier to just go with the flow. It seems she was mistaken.

“Come on, we’d better get comfy with this if I’m to be your date tonight,” said the woman as she released her hold on Spitfire. “We are supposed to be close, right?”

“Ah…right. Right!” exclaimed Spits, getting a hold of herself. Quickly grabbing her purse, she managed to fish out her keys before heading toward the door. “And we’d better go over a few things on the way there. Like how we first met, favorite foods, and whatever else there is. Does that sound good Miss…”

“Adagio,” said Spitfire’s date. “Adagio Dazzle.”

“Can you believe Colonel Sanders over there? Just who does he think he’s trying to fool with that toupee? It looks like a cat that was glued onto his head!” Spitfire snickered into her champagne glass, doing her best not to be heard doing so. Though it was hard as she agreed with Adagio’s remark.

So far, the night had been a resounding success! Spitfire had walked into the hotel event hall that the Air Force had rented for the evening with Adagio clinging to her air and head resting on the pilot’s shoulder. Instantly, Spitfire could feel several pairs of eyes landing on them. Some looked shocked at what she was wearing for the night while others seemed determined to burn the image of the two women into their minds for all eternity. She had to admit, not a bad start.

From there, Spitfire made the rounds as she spoke to her various superiors. People like Commander Updraft, General Jet Burst, and so on. Most of these old geezers did a double take when they saw what Master Sergeant Spitfire was wearing before quickly composing themselves. From there, Spitfire watched Adagio in action as she played the part of the new girlfriend flawlessly. She kept conversations going, seeming to get a feel for each of the top brass naturally. The escort avoided going into shop talk as it were, keeping everything easygoing and friendly…until they walked away where she would then make a gagging gesture where no one could see. Spitfire felt the same, not joining in but giving a light chuckle all the same.

Soon enough, the pair spotted Soarin’ and his date. Spitfire’s right-hand man was dressed in a slightly worn but tasteful black suit while his date went with a similarly colored (clearly brand new) black dress with matching gloves that nearly went all the way to her shoulders. Honestly, they might as well be called sleeves at this point! Like so many before him, Soarin’ could not hold back the surprise in his eyes when he saw what his superior was wearing while his date gave her a more quizzical look. Like she had been expecting Spitfire to be wearing something different than what she was. Thankfully, Adagio came to her rescue claiming that she had bought the outfit for the evening.

“You know what they say: when you got it you’d best flaunt it,” laughed the escort with a devilish smile. “Besides, you know as well as I do that she looks hot as hell in it.” Spitfire then watched as Soarin’ seemed to stumble with his words, his eyes shifting nervously between his superior and his date.

“Nope,” he said at last. “Not going to touch that one.” The group laughed at his attempt to avoid ticking off Spite or his date.

“So Adagio, where did you and Spitfire meet up?” asked Rara once the chuckling had subsided, her tone showing clear interest.

“At this club not too far from here,” answered Adagio. “I think you know the one I’m talking about. Berry Blitz?” When Soarin’ nodded, Adagio continued. “Well, you know how every Wednesday they have a live band playing? Well, I was there scouting the…talent.”

“You’re a talent agent?” asked Rara, leaning in a bit closer.

“Yes, my and my sisters started up Dazzling Stars after our own career in the music world failed to take off,” said Adagio before sighing. “It’s still pretty small and most of our ‘talent’ is only good enough to play at bars where the audience is so drunk that they believe they’re hearing the greatest rock concert of all time. But that night…” As Adagio trailed off, she let out a bit of a shutter. “Yeah, the Pink Geese. There’s not enough alcohol in the world that could save them. The only way I could get through the first song was to rip on them relentlessly. Luckily for me, I heard this little firebrand doing the same. Made the rest of the train wreck far more enjoyable. From there, well, we just hit it off.”

Spitfire did her best not to look surprised by this. The cover story they had pieced together had been that they had met up at one of the bars that she usually frequented. But they had never gone into that level of detail about the how. Had Adagio been working on that story in her head this whole time? And how did she know about the live band night?

Such thoughts were quickly pushed to the side as they continued their conversation, moving around the hall as they did so. Adagio continued to work her magic as she played the part of a new lover. She certainly knew how to play the crowd, never going too far over the top with lovey-dovey crap nor did she seem disinterested. Adagio talked like someone who was still getting to know her partner, even making small mistakes here and there about little things so that the whole thing didn’t feel too staged. As she spoke Adagio made small but noticeable gestures. A small caress along the arm sending genuine goose bumps along Spitefire’s skin. A touch here, a light kiss on the girl’s neck to thank her for a compliment. Both women could clearly see that Soarin’ noticed every single thing the pair did, blushing at the sight. By the time they said goodbye, Spitfire felt certain that her lying ass was safe from being called out.

Money well spent.

As the pair walked away from the crowds, Spitfire glanced over at her ‘date’.

“So,” she began. “Dazzling Stars? Should I worry if Rara tries to look you up?”

Adagio smirked slightly, taking another glass of champagne effortlessly as she did. “Come on, you don’t think that this was my only job? I only do the whole escort gig to help keep the lights on until we can find someone out there with a drop of talent. And for the record: yes, sad to say that the Pink Geese are real and they did play at Berry Blitz.”

“And your sisters? What do they-” Spitfire was interrupted by Adagio placing a finger on her lips.

“Sorry there, but that sort of talk is reserved for a second or third date,” replied the orange-haired woman, her eyes holding that predatory look. “But, I will say this. Even though those two seriously get on my nerves, I never would have made it this far without them. I’d probably still be living in a van by the riverside, doing work escorts are better known for.”

That took Spitfire by surprise. “You too?” she asked. Adagio raised an eyebrow before motioning with her glass for Spitfire to elaborate. “You lived in a van too?”

“Well, well. Small world. Please don’t tell me your parents kicked you out when you told them you preferred the fairer sex?” asked Adagio, speaking in a tone that practically screamed that she had heard this before.

Much to her surprise, Spitfire shook her head. “Naw, they were pretty cool about it. Well, as cool as they could be. My dad was bummed that I wouldn’t pass on the family genes and my mom was worried I’d never have any little brats of my own, but they got over it better than I would have expected.” She then sighed. “No, it was when I told them that I was joining the Air Force that pissed them off. My dad wanted me to go to law school like him, maybe even enter politics. My mom, well, the way she talked about the job made me think she had confused flying a fighter jet with being a stewardess. So we got into a fight and, when it was over, I found myself sleeping in my van for the next couple of months.”

“Oh, well…damn,” said Adagio. “Did you ever see them again? Rub in their faces just how far you went without them?”

Now it was Spitfire’s turn to smirk. “Sorry, but that’s something I save for a third date.”

Adagio seemed taken about by that, her eyes wide for a moment before they narrowed playfully. “Oh, well played. Setting the bait like that and dangling it before me. Well played indeed.” She then gestured out at the crowd. “Since you got what you wanted at this party, how about we move to another? There’s bound to be something going on tonight for our second date. Something we can have much more fun with. Make it worth my wild and the third date is on the house.”

“Hmm, I’d like that,” said Spitfire, the two making their way toward the door. “Just let me get changed first.”

Author's Note:

A bit of a challenge for me. Hope you all enjoyed it

Comments ( 2 )

Thanks for writing this for me! I liked it a lot :pinkiehappy:

I thought it was a great setup for a story. That's just the sort of job Adagio might turn to if she were short of money for a time, it utilises her talents for a good price without demeaning her. And I could see Spitfire absolutely as the person who'd hire her, she's practical enough to not have reservations about paying for things, and in the awkward position of knowing how important balancing her image is for her career and position while also having to give the appearance of not caring about such people-pleasing things.

Soarin and Coloratura were a good pairing to include! I much prefer that idea to the Soarin and Rainbow Dash ship that comes up a lot, it seems more evenly balanced.

Spitfire's discomfort and distaste for her dress was a good touch to include, and the shared living in a van thing was an unexpected but great bonding moment.

Fun to think where the tale could go from here!

Thanks again for writing, happy Hearth's Warming :twilightsmile:

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