• Published 28th Dec 2022
  • 199 Views, 5 Comments

Pistachio's Exquisite Hearth's Warming Adventures - Camaleao

Magic was everywhere, sure, but gifts flying around and waking up ponies was definitely on the weird side of things.

  • ...

Do Princess Twilight put a spell on every pillow in the Canterlot Castle?

Pistachio woke from a comfortable slumber but refused to open his eyes. His body laid on the thick mattress, cozy like a cloud - or what he imagined a cloud would be like if he could spread himself in one, and adjusted his head in a pillow so soft it could be only by magic. Before falling asleep he even wondered if Princess Twilight put a spell on every pillow in the Canterlot Castle or if they were made of some foreign fiber he didn’t know, a treasure from a distant corner of Equestria.

Either way, that was a mystery he could solve another time. The world was really quiet, the kind of silence that made everything frozen in time. There was nothing but the softness around his body and the darkness over his eyelids and the fullness in his stomach, the best way anypony could fall back to sleep. The light soreness in his muscles was a memento of the merry night of celebration just a few hours ago. Pistachio refused to move, cuddled to the heavy covers.

What a night.

He knew Rarity had the fame of being a generous pony. He experienced it firsthand when she showed up in the Acorn Acres and gave him the greatest, most avant-garde country hat Pistachio had ever seen. She was so nice for a designer superstar, her hooves so clean, her mind so bright, and he was sure that was the best Hearth’s Warming of his life.

The farm fashionista just couldn’t believe when Rarity herself showed up on his door one year later to ask him, Pistacio Acorn, to help her finish her vision for Manehattan’s Fashion Week. The most brilliant pony in the industry asking for help, his help, in a major event across Equestria. He couldn’t help but smile every time the memory popped up in his head, still surreal and a little dream-like.

He got to sew three different pieces, while Rarity embroidered against time until the dead of night. He got to meet Coco Pommel and Hoity Toity and Suri Polomare, just to find out she wasn’t as nice as he thought she would be. He got to see Rarity’s work - his work - walk down the runway, under the lights and the blinding flashes, knowing tomorrow it would be in all the best papers in Equestria, spread in articles that he had read so many times in his life.

“Pistachio, Darling, this is all thanks to you,” Rarity had said to him, hoof over her chest. “I want to compensate you for your help somehow.”

“Tell me, have you ever been to Canterlot?”

Pistachio could never forget how his stomach fell when he heard those words.

“Would you like to come to the Hearths Warming celebration? Me and the girls are coming to spend some time with Twilight. We see her less these days and I miss her deeply, you see. Would be exquisite if you came, the experience is truly something else.”

Sweet Celestia. A party at Canterlot Castle with Princess Twilight herself.

“Mom and Dad would be disappointed if I’m not with them at this time of the year, Miss Rarity.”

“Oh, I understand. I could arrange for them to come as well, but please, don’t feel pressured. Just tell me if you decide to celebrate with us.”

Pistachio was sure there wasn’t any pony in Equestria as brilliant or as generous as Rarity.

Lost in that limbo of consciousness, unclear if the images showing up behind his eyelids were dreams or memory, the stallion was taken aback by a loud thud in the window. The panels shocked against the wall, letting the cold wind invade the warm room in a second.

Pistachio jumped out of bed, heart clashing against his chest. The blood rushed to his head and moved by the adrenaline he searched around the room.

Was that a Changelling attack? They were all transformed and incorporated into pony society these days, but... Maybe a bugbear? Worse, a thief?

His wide eyes saw nothing in the dark room. He checked the corners for an intruder, opened the wardrobe, and even looked under the bed, taken by a courage he would never have if wasn’t for the suddenty of the situation.

“Is anypony there? I know karate” he lied, hoping his voice didn’t shake too much.

The only answer he received was the sound of the heavy velvet curtains floating around the window and the howl of the wind.

Deciding he was alone, the stallion let go of the breath he was holding. With his temples pulsing and hooves still shaking a bit, Pistachio noticed a small package in the middle of the room, lit by the faint light that came from the outside world. He walked to the mysterious item laying on the floor and surrounded it a few times, trying to figure out if there was anything weird with it.

The package wasn’t larger than a shoe box, all wrapped in green. A gift. There was a tag attached to it with a name he couldn’t quite read due to the lazy hoofwritting - Noonbrazer, maybe? - and light like there was nothing inside of it. The stallion shook it a little and the package returned a muffled metallic sound.

What he was supposed to do with that, he wondered.

Not knowing what else to do, Pistachio overcame the itch to open the mysterious gift, grabbed the package, and decided to leave the room.

If before going to Canterlot the idea of being in the castle got the fashionista excited but a little self-conscious, now the clacking of his hooves on the marble floor comforted him; although imposing, those halls had a welcoming aura and made his creative mind boil with ideas.

It was hard to take off his eyes from the hoofmade garlands placed at every guest’s door, the artwork featuring important ponies of Equestrian history, or the exquisite patterns of the rugs hanging on the walls, as Miss Rarity would say, but Pistachio made a true effort to focus his wandering mind on the mission before him: there was a mysterious package and was up to him to find the owner, whoever they were.

How could he do it? He had met many ponies that night but couldn’t remember one with that name. He had met celebrities, like Spitfire of the Wonderbolts and others just like himself - aspiring artists, florists, farmers, and even a Doctor wearing a really long scarf. He had seen griffons and hippogriffs and even a Dragon.

Coming to think of it, maybe Noonbrazer wasn’t even a pony after all.

“Pistachio Acorn, is there something wrong?”

Startled, the fashionista grabbed a flick of gold in his peripheral vision that came with the mellow voice.

The golden blur turned into a pony. A pegasus wearing heavy armor and standing right next to a large wooden door.

“What, no. It's all right.” he offered a coy smile as if caught doing something naughty.

“Wait, you know who I am?”

Sweet Celestia, could it be that only a week after Manehattan's Fashion Week ponies were already recognizing him? Pistachio’s heart fluttered in his chest.

“You are a colt from Ponyville. Came to Canterlot in the Friendship Express with both of your parents after Rarity put your names in her VIP List.”

“How you know all that?”

“I’m a member of the Royal Guard, it’s my job to know about the guests.”

“I see. Of course.” The earth pony cleared his throat, fighting the heat that climbed his cheeks until the point of his ears. He wanted to clarify to that guard he wasn't a colt, he was a stallion, but the words died with the curious look of the other pony over him.

“So are you looking for somepony?” The pegasus pointed to the green package with his eyes.

“Yes. No. In a way. Do you have any idea what it’s written here?”

The guard answered without barely batting an eye.

“Moon Dancer.”

“No way, really?” Pistachio checked the tag, impressed. “And who’s that?”

“You don’t know?”

“Not a clue. I was asleep when this box fled right through the window.”

The pegasus guard scratched his chin, brow raised in an arch. There was no way anypony would believe a story like that, right?

“Not the weirdest thing that happened tonight, if you want to know,” he chuckled, “Moon Dancer is a friend of Princess Twilight. She’s staying the night in the right wing, third floor.”

Pistachio stared at the other stallion, wondering if all the guards had to remember everything about every pony and every creature inside those walls. He forced his mind to create an approximate plan of the castle only to realize he had no idea which wing he was, let alone how to get to Moon Dancer’s door.

“You want some help to get there?”

“Can you read minds? I sure do, Mr...”

“Flash Magnus.”

The earth pony giggled as they started walking.

“What’s so funny?”

“I just remembered an old pony tale I heard when I was a foal.”

“About a pegasus strong and brave saving Equestria from mighty dragons?”

“That’s the one. Your parents must have been big fans of that story.”

“You could say that,” the pegasus said with a grin. “Many ponies find it inspiring.”

“It’s a fine tale and all, but I always been a fan of Mistymane’s.”

Pistachio watched the guard furrow his brows for a moment and then laugh. He couldn’t help but notice the dimples that formed in his cheeks and the small lines around his eyes.

“What? You don’t like it?”

“That’s not it, not at all,” the stallion dismissed with a hoof. “What do you like about that story, kid?”

“Oh, where to start?” the fashionista grinned, “Mistymane was really brave, Mr Flash. And kind and generous.”

“Flash Magnus, Rockhoof or even Starswirl would certainly try to take Sable Mane in a fight. But not Mistymane, no sir. She understood what her friend was going through and she did something extraordinary.”

“Also, she was a creative genius, a pony that truly understood beauty.”

“It’s somepony from the history that I would give anything to meet.”

“Is that so?”

Pistachio kept walking a few steps before realizing Flash had stopped in front of a wooden door in the middle of the corridor. He had a funny smirk on his muzzle and his shoulders trembled under the armor.

“Sorry. I get really caught up sometimes.”

“I bet Misty’s cheeks would get all red if she heard that, you know.”

“Why’d you say that?”

“Anypony would think she is used to it, but she’s pretty shy when it comes to compliments.”

Pistachio scratched his head. “What is that supposed to mean?”

The pegasus didn’t answer. Instead, he brought attention to the door in front of them, pointing to the place where a moon and stars cutie mark carefully stood inside its garland.

“This is Moon Dancer’s room. You want to knock?”

“Oh, no, I don’t wanna disturb anypony at this time of the night, Mr. Flash. Let's just leave it here.”

He placed the package right in front of the mark so the pony inside wouldn’t miss it in the morning.

Even though Pistachio was a farm pony, used to walking up with the sunrise and in no way a lazy stallion, he knew he would be completely sluggish after spending the night with his head in those incredibly soft pillows. If Moon Dancer was anything like him, it was best to leave it in the easiest spot to find.

He wondered what the pony inside those walls was like. A personal friend of Princess Twilight could be a famous dancer or a fast Wonderbolt with a name like that. How could anypony mistake them and send Moon Dancer’s gift to him instead was a question itching in the back of his head.

The fashionista hoped he could find some answers in the morning. For now, Pistachio turned back into the corridor they came from with Flash Magnus right by his side.

“Hey”, a mare voice called.

Turning his head in surprise, Pistachio saw the pony take form before his eyes.

Standing in the open space between the well-lit room and the door frame was a short mare. She still had a frilly dress on, all purple with many layers; Pistachio knew right away that that mare have not gone to sleep at all. She adjusted her thick pair of glasses.

“Are you delivering gifts?” Moondancer asked.

“Not really, I just-. A package for you fled right through my window.”

“I see,” she mumbled, “The same thing happened to me. I found this gift over my bed when I got here after the party.” The unicorn moved away from the door frame, revealing a tiny red box in her hoof that they couldn’t see before. “But it’s not for me, it’s for Lemon Hearts.”

The earth pony stood in silence for a second, absorbing the fact that inexplicable things happening in the castle was a frequent occurrence and those ponies from Canterlot didn’t seem that impressed by it. Magic was everywhere, sure, but gifts flying around and waking up ponies was definitely on the weird side of things.

“You think you could give it to Lemon Hearts? I’d do it myself, but it’s late and I just got to the best chapter of my book.”

“Leave it to me,” Flash stepped in and grabbed the small box.

“Thank you,” Moon Dancer nodded to the pegasus, then looked to Pistachio, “and thank you for bringing this to me,” she pointed to the package right in front of her door, “Not everypony would leave their bed in the middle of the night for a pony they don’t even know.”

“Aw, shucks,” the younger pony scrapped the floor and looked away.

Pistachio crossed the halls bearing the silliest smile on his muzzle. He trotted a little faster to keep up with Flash’s pace, meeting him up near the door.

He had stopped for a few moments to watch the snow falling behind the frosted glasses with Princess Twilight and her friends. The fashionista took a special interest in Miss Rarity’s glass - the composition, the colors, a fantastic piece for a fantastic pony. He could stare at it all night.

“Mind if I come with you?”

“Don’t feel like sleeping anymore, kid?“

“I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. There is so much to see here.”

Flash laughed. “Alright, I’ll give you a little tour, then. Let’s take the long way to Lemon Heart’s chambers.”

The guard led the earth pony through many corners he could never expect to see, even in the light of day. Points of the castle not included in the traditional touristic tours that other ponies might not find that interesting, like the library or the halls that led to the kitchens - which Pistachio had to see only from afar since the pegasus made sure to reinforce it was for personnel ponies only.

Everything was so different from hours before, so quiet. The only sound in the world was the clacking of their hooves and the mellow voice by his side, a real contrast from hours before with many ponies singing together and laughing, the cacophony of plates and cutlery, music, flapping wings, and joy.

“Behind those doors is a trophy room.”

“Right there is a music chamber.”

“This way is the Princess’ lab.”

Pistachio couldn’t hoofpoint when he started paying notice to Flash with so much around him fighting for his attention. But between gold ornaments at the top of columns and the choice of fabric for the curtains in the south wing, Pistachio regarded the way the pegasus kept marching pace even when he casually walked and the sense of pride in his voice when he introduced all those locations in the castle.

He noticed the casual way Flash nodded at other guards - ponies he didn’t take note of until this point. Golden dots standing everywhere, but almost invisible.

“And there is the main entrance to the gardens.”

“Mr. Flash, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Don’t you feel lonely being on duty in the Hearths Warming night?”

The pegasus stared at him and bewilderment showed in the lines of his muzzle. Pistachio cringed a little when he realized how personal his question was. Maybe he was invading the privacy of a pony he just met, but the fashionista couldn’t help when it popped into his mind.

“What are you talking about?”

“Hum, you know,” he scratched the back of his head, “it’s a time to spend with friends and family after all.”

“I guess you’re right, kid.” Flash Magnus smiled, the dimples reappearing on his cheeks. “But I don’t feel lonely at all.”


“Well, yes. The ponies in the Royal Guard are like my family these days. And do you wanna know a secret?”

Pistachio stared at him.

“Princess Twilight sets up a celebration for those on the Staff who can’t attend the Hearth’s Warming Party. So all those ponies in the night shift are going to party on first thing in the morning.”

“No way.”

“It’s been a Tradition for centuries for what I been told.”

There was so much Pistachio didn’t know. He grinned.

“Besides,” the pegasus continued, “I take pride in my job. It’s because of me and those fellas that everyone in this castle can get a good night of sleep until the morning comes. There’s no place for feeling lonely, this is a job of joy and honor.”

Flash Magnus left the small red box in front of Lemon Heart’s door followed by Pistachio. They found two other packages laying around, both with names unreadable for the fashionista, but quickly deciphered by the guard. That way they extended the mission for another hour, bringing the colorful packages for their owners and chatting.

It was almost morning when a scream interrupted their casual walking. The pitched voice of a mare in distress cut through the stillness of the walls, making the fur in Pistachio’s neck bristle.

“It’s coming from this way,” Flash spread his wings at a wild angle and rushed to the end of the corridor, leaving behind himself a trail of gold and a gush of wind that almost dumped the other stallion to the floor.

The earth pony ran as fast as he could to the entrance of the throne room taken by the adrenaline. When he arrived, three other ponies beside Flash Magnus - two earth ponies and a unicorn - stood before the great shining doors. Pistachio recognized the voice of princess Twilight scolding somepony he couldn’t see and a few other voices buzzing over each other.

“Princess, is everything okay?” Flash asked when the guards forced themselves in with a thump. They inspected their surroundings in the search of any immediate danger in a hurry.

Pistachio watched the startled alicorn sigh and place a hoof over her forehead.

“I’m sorry for alarming you, there is no need to worry.”

“We heard somepony scream,” the unicorn guard explained.

“I told you all this commotion would bring unnecessary attention, Twilight, but you never listen to me.” A creature different from everything Pistachio had ever seen spoke in a dramatic tone. He stood floating in place with tiny mismatched wings and had a claw placed over his chest.

“C’mon, not now, Discord,” an orange mare that Pistachio recognized as Miss Rarity’s friend Applejack reprimand them.

“It was just a little spell that went wrong, that is all,” the Princess reassured them, “I went a little overboard, but it’s no reason for concern, really.”

“Alright, back to your positions,” Flash Magnus ordered after a moment, as he analyzed everypony in the room. The guards looked around one last time before leaving with the wishes of a merry Hearth’s Warming from the purple alicorn and all of her friends.

In the middle of packages of all shapes and sizes, many of them wrapped in colorful papers, was Miss Rarity. She stepped gracefully over scissors, ribbons, and scraps of all kinds scattered around and opened a bright smile when she approached Pistachio.

“Darling, what are you doing out of bed so early?”

“It's kind of a long story, Miss Rarity, but a present went right through my window a few hours ago.”

Princess Twilight snorted and Fluttershy patted her on the back. “Discord was only trying to help, Twilight.”

“What’s going on?”

“Twilight tried a spell to deliver some gifts to everypony in the Castle, but things got a little out of hoof, you see “Rarity explained.

“And whose fault is that?” Rainbow Dash hovered above the head of the pegasus guard, who stood in the middle of the room. “Hey, Flash” She bumphooved him with ease and then flew right next to Applejack and a pile of tags.

Pistachio watched as the earth pony fixed it in a yellow box and passed them for the blue pegasus to write on names. The fashionista immediately recognized the lazy hoofwritting.

“Twilight needed a plan to deliver gifts to everyone in the castle and Rainbow suggested we made a competition to see who could deliver it in eeeeevery room first.” A pink shadow grabbed him by the shoulder with big blue eyes staring way too close. Her breath brushed the tip of his nose.

“AJ thought it was a good idea, but I knew I couldn’t win this one, so I suggested Twilight to build a big party cannon where we could fit everything and then BOOM!- an excited Pinkie Pie held him in place and took no pausing for breathing as she explained.

“But Twilight didn’t like our ideas so much, so she said ‘ooooh, I know just the spell’. And then Discord showed up and went all “let’s make things exciting” and everypony including me thought he was adding some cool fireworks to the best gifts we could find.”

“But turns out things got messy and no creature received the present that was meant for them and Twilight freaked out when she found out.” Pinkie loudly gasped for air, inflating like a balloon.

“Oh, what could be more exciting than a real Hearth’s Warming surprise? “ Discord floated near Fluttershy with a smug smile, “Who knows what kind of friendships blossomed tonight because of my little help.”

“Discord, you can’t mess somepony’s spell just because you think it’s fun”, the princess exasperated.

“Pff, Twilight, please. I did you a favor tonight.”

When Pinkie Pie let go of him Pistachio was pushed to the floor, left dumbfounded by the sudden exchange. She seemed oblivious to the matters right beside her, jumping around full of energy. Nopony else found it odd when she surrounded the guard pony, making him move his head around to face her.

“Hello there, Flash Magnus. I Heard Mage Meadowbrook was coming to the party but she got an emergency with some puppies.”

“They were baby otters,” Fluttershy corrected with her soft voice.

Pistachio snickered, lifting himself up.

“What is the matter?” Miss Rarity asked.

“A pony named Flash Magnus knows a pony with the same name as another Legend of Equestria. What are the chances, right?”

The white unicorn stared at him with a bewildered look on her soft face. Pinkie stopped jumping around, Princess Twilight and the creature stopped their dispute and everyone had an amused look on their faces.


“Actually, darling-”

“Clearly the colt knows nothing about the return of the pillars” Discord spoke, “he thinks our friend here is just a Stallion with a weird name.”

“His name is the coolest.” Rainbow Dash interjected

“Well, the information wasn’t that spread after all,” Applejack crossed the room to give him a soft package wrapped in blue, but Pistachio almost couldn’t felt it. He barelly noticed Miss Rarity’s hoof on his shoulder. Their voices sounded distant, almost underwater.

The pieces fell into place.

Flash Magnus. Who knew Mistymane. And Mage Meadowbrook. Acquaintance of Princess Twilight. Pillar of Equestria. Pegasus super hero.

The heat went all the way up from his chest until his ears, burning his cheeks on fire.

“Mr Flash, I, ahn - I didn’t know you were the Flash Magnus.”

Pistachio flinched inside when he remembered that he told a important historical figure his tale was just fine. Sweet Celestia. He would hide in a hole in the ground if he could.

“Don’t worry about it, kid. Now you know” the guard laughed, the amusement showing in every line of his muzzle.

As everypony turned back to what they were doing before - tagging, wrapping and arguing, Flash approached the earth pony and Rarity.

“Pistachio is a big fan of Mistymane, you knew that?”

“Oh, just like me” the white unicorn smiled.

“Bring him with you next time you go to the Crystal Empire, I’m sure he would be glad to meet her.”

“What a delightful idea, Flash.”

“Pistachio, darling, in march I’ll showcase my spring collection at the Northern Fashion Festival and I most certainly could use your help.”

“We could pay Misty’s a little visit after all.”

“Would you like to come?”

Miss Rarity’s words were completely dreamlike and Pistachio felt his stomach fell.

This was definitely the best hearth's warming of his life.

Author's Note:

Happy Hearth's Warming!

Comments ( 5 )

Pistachio's Exquisite Hearth's Warming Adventures

Then why is this story only one chapter long?

Was that a Changelling attack? They were all transformed and incorporated into pony society these days, but... Maybe a bugbear? Worse, a thief?


“It’s a fine tale and all, but I always been a fan of Mistymane’s.”


Hey it's actually pretty awesome to see Pistachio ever since the best gift ever and it was pretty sweet of Rarity to invited him to the castle for hearts warming but apparently things got a little crazy when the gifts got mixed up and it looks like flash Magnus is going to fix that problem as well but apparently the kid didn't know he was one of the pillars but nevertheless try to return to the rightful owners until they found out that Discord mess with them again and Twilight had to explain to him that was not supposed to happen and pistachio put everything together what was going on and apparently he realized that flash Magnus is one of the pillars and even friends with mistmane and he was even invited to go to the Crystal Empire next time and once again this was the best night he ever had well this was a pretty nice story keep up the good work and Merry Christmas

Heh, that was a very cute and cozy story. I really liked how you made Pistachio this wide-eyed colt who was so in love with all the designs and the castle. I also enjoyed that Pistachio didn't really know Flash Magnus by sight, which makes sense considering the Pillars really didn't have much other than drawings to physically describe them.

A delightful Hearth's Warming Tale. Thank you so much for writing it!

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