• Published 20th Dec 2022
  • 529 Views, 2 Comments

Zenkaigers: All Sentai Go Go Go - Kamen rider accel

  • ...

Gear 001: The Travelers/ The Colour Full Heroes

Some individual were soon existing a store as Everyone was once again gathered in their common temporary residence as they traveled the Multiverse and reached their 'Final' World so to speak.

"Okay…so any rules here?" Makoto asked, "Mainly for me?"

"You are going to get a few looks here, but they'll shrug it off," Tsukasa stated, loading a new film into his camera.

"Yeah, but what kind of world is it?" Ben asked.

"Go and check. I am not needed at the moment and need to get some…gifts. This world is closer to the time period my primary universe is set on. I promised some friends I'd…scratch off their wish lists," he held up a little notebook and began flipping through it, "New Switch Controllers, games, plush toys, a flashdrive of trashy romcom K-Drama." he looked at Skurd, "I'll leave you a copy."

"Good man!" he cheered.

"...What year?" Noel asked.

"2021," Tsukasa replied before everyone blinked and found her gone, "And she took Build's special credit card…" he walked off, "Younger sister, follow. We're going to the Tokyo Pokemon Center…"

"?" Lambda tilted her head.

"All things Pokemon…including…fluffy plush toys." Tsukasa explained, "Come along or get none for yourself."

"2021…Oh! Sword and Shield are out! She's going to get her Yamper plush!" Makoto recalled.

"...Yamper?" Lambda tilted her head.

"Corgi with a heart print on its tushy," Makoto replied before blinking as Lambda was gone.

"Just explore on your own." Tsukasa sighed, "Also…don't freak out by how diverse it is here!"

"Freak out? …He must mean you guys," Ben noted once Tskasa left, looking at Bobo, Rex, and Naoto.

"Hey!" the trio barked with annoyed looks.

"Okay! Time to go out!" Makoto declared, reaching for her clothes when Mai and Sari grabbed her and pulled her into the back, "Huh? Huh?! Hey! Lemme go! EEK!" a few moments passed and Makoto walked out, grumbling in an oversized Mr. Smoothy's T-Shirt and shorts with the mascot on the left hip, "I like my method more…" she walked out and the veil went over her, replacing her outfit with a black sleeveless t-shirt under an open orange sleeveless vest and blue jean shorts, black stockings, and black fingerless gloves that reached up to below her shoulders and a pair of black and orange running shoes, "Not too shabby."

"You just want all the free outfits…" Mai sighed.

"That, and do you know how hard it is to find a bra that fits that good?" Makoto complained, poking her chest, "These things are a perfect fit and praise be to the Dimensional Veils!"

"Makoto, you're close to breaking one of your list of rules!" Mai warned.

"...She has a list of rules she has to obey?" Ben asked.

"300 on the list and counting," Mai replied.

"I…will trust they are pertaining to teenage tomfoolery…" Ben looked to his girlfriend.


"Most of them are because she read this one list Steel showed her while you and Rook were sent out to deal with that issue in New Orleans," Sari explained, "I can never look at a chainsaw near a projectile weapon the same ever again."

"I love you…but you realize I worry about you sometimes for a reason…" Ben muttered.

"Oh like you don't have that whole chapter dedicated to the rules for you in the Plumbers handbook!" Makoto argued.

"I do not," Ben defended.

"He does," Mai, Rook, and Sari confirmed, showing Rex and Naoto Rook's copy.

"'Rule 404: Ben, the IT Department is up in arms with you and using Upgrade to bypass their security system to get access to a signal in Japan for that last Sumo Slammers app event only available in Japan. Stop abusing Upgrade Jury Rigg ReBoot ANY ALIEN to cause anything that gets IT up in arms again!'" Naoto read, "...wow."

Rex snorted back a laugh, "'Rule 87: Ben, I don't care if it works, you cannot use Upchuck to eat a nuclear warhead an atomic bomb a Kinecelleran Bomb ANY Weapons of Mass Destruction and then not aim at the sky. That's the fifth time you blew up George Washington's face and the Geosapiens are forming a church worshiping you for bringing in big payments we have to give for their services on repairing it!'"

"Aw come on!" Ben groaned.

"Well, may as well get going," Sari noted as she walked out and the veil replaced her outfit with a cream and yellow-orange business suit, "Huh?"

"Guess you're gonna be a businesswoman here," Makoto noted.

"So we have jobs here?" Rex asked.

"Apparently," Sari replied as Mai walked out and the veil swapped her outfit for a white and red business suit with skirt instead of pants.

Mai patted herself before finding a business card, "Huh…Looks like we're interviewers for a tourist podcast, Sari."

"Yeah, I don't think this one is a win for me honestly…" Sari sighed, "But we'll go with it 'till we can find something nice. This is Tokyo afterall."

"True," Mai nodded.

'...Oh you have no idea what's in store here,' Tsukasa thought, overhearing them from nearby.

The group quickly made their way into town, only to be left in awe at the diverse groups of people who called it home. Beyond the normal human people who walked the street going to and from work or home, there were two more types of people inhabiting this dimension. The first of note were the same height as humans…but were…well to them, Robots…Or some kind of techno-organic life form as they were eating and acting like regular people, which alone could have been the most amazing thing they witnessed…but then there was the Second group of Co-Inhabitants. A race of shorter anthropomorphic animal humanoids. Literally any and every kind of animal they could imagine was represented by these people and their fur, scales, and skin came in a much wider variety of colors and hues then normal animals as well. But…it was amazing they all lived together like nothing was wrong. It was all peaceful to be honest, they lived together like friends, family and even lovers given they spotted maybe more than one couple of different species.

"No way…Mobians?" Ben pondered.

"Mo-what?" Makoto and Mai asked.

"Before I got the Omnitrix, I used to read this comic series about a group of freedom fighters composed of beings like these," Ben explained, "I can't remember the life of me what it was called, but I remember the name of the race: Mobians. I think the last issue I read was 156. I gotta check the attic at my parent's house when we get home."

"Okay…that explains the animal folks, but…what about the robo-people?" Rex asked.

"No idea," Ben replied, "They do seem friendly enough. And considering Mobians, which hate robots if I remember right, are cool with them…they may be good folks." he looked at the Omnitrix, "I wonder if I could get a sample later…"

"This world seems really nice…I wonder what's wrong…" Sari muttered, "It's never that easy."

"Gotta be something more to it," Naoto muttered as he looked around, "Like maybe there's some shadow organization controlling things, or some type of underground mafia empire.."

At that, a sudden and large explosion blew apart the side of a building making people panic. At that, an army of cybernetic soldiers clad in all silver with masks covering their heads, the visor resembling an old computer screen with a mouthguard made of keyboard keys acting as 'teeth'. Each one held a staff with what looked like an electrical plug acting as a bident. They cheered as they began attacking people, Human, Mobian and Robot alike. Many marched down the street as more explosions rocked the street.

"..." the group gave deadpan looks at a sheepish Naoto.

"Bow you lowlife scum! Human, Mobian, or lowborn Kikainoid! You shall all bow and serve the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo!" a lead robotc soldier shouted, he looked more advanced, more intimidating as he had thicker combat armor, with giant gears over each shoulder, and around his arms, and a fanged mouthguard. His bidant-like weapon was more intimidating as instead of two spikes it was topped with two crimson chainsaws. He laughed as he backhanded a poor Kikainoid who got in his path before kicking over a human, "Today is the day your world submits and you all become slaves!" he gloated.

"Alright, it's my fault!" Naoto complained, "So the world gets invaded by an evil empire…literally not the worst thing right?"

"No! Still bad! Very Bad!" Sari and Makoto complained.

"Well…we might as well step in and stop these guys," Rex sighed as he stepped forward and threw his arms out…only for nothing to happen, "Huh?" he blinked as he tried again, "...What the…?" he tried moving his arms again and again…only for nothing to happen, "...uh, guys….I can't activate my nanites."

"What?" they asked.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Ben asked.

"I…don't know. My powers have shut down on me before…but…not like this." Rex explained.

"..." Sari looked at her hand before snapping her fingers…and nothing happened, "?!" her eyes widened as she flicked her wrist...and got the same result, "...oh no…"

"Uhm…guys…please tell me this is just a bad day for superpowers…" Mai muttered.

"Uhm…this isn't good…" Ben spoke, slapping the Omnitrix dial several times to zero effect, not even a sound.

"Please stop…" Skurd groaned, "I can't feel even a tiny bit of any samples right now…It's as if my ability to 'taste' them is gone."

"...Oh don't tell me," Makoto whispered as she rushed over to a fallen pillar…and grunted when she tried to lift it up, "...guys…I think our powers are gone!"

"Wait…all of us?!" Ben shouted, "We're…just…normal meddling young adults…hahaha…."

"Bow human!" the Robot commander shouted, kicking Ben over.


"Ben!" Makoto gasped before glaring at the robot, "Hey!"

"Hmm?" he blinked before he was punched…and slowly looked over at her.

"...oh c-" Makoto began before she was thrown by him, "KYA!"

"Makoto!" Ben panicked, running to her side.

"Alright, buddy, that's enough!" Rex shouted as the Robot looked him over.

"Curious…you and that woman don't seem human…are you…Half-breeds? You seem part cybernetic…no matter, probably lowborn trash like the rest." he grunted, swinging his staff and smacking Rex away.

"Oh this is not good," Sari whispered as some of the evil robots began to surround them, "...Mai…by any chance can you still fight with your spear?"

"I'm pretty sure Japan has harsh laws about weapons being carried in the open…so…no…" she muttered.

"You got spunk Humans, but unlike Mobians you lack any power! No weapons…you can't hope to stand up to the Tojitendo! This world shall be ours!" the leader laughed.

"Like Hell it is!" two voices shouted as a white and Silver blur ran through the grunts and jumped into the air to land a kick to their Commander's back sending him flying off into the distance. Then shruiken came in hitting the other grunts.

As the commander flew through the air, he was bombarded with rapid fire from what sounded like gatling guns making sparks fly. The commander rolled along the ground before somehow landing inside a trash can, knocking it back up and flipping the lid onto the top. The grunts who were in the path of the gun fire…suddenly fell over and began exploding one by one.

The white and Silver figures stood before the gang as they stared at their saviors. The white one was clad in an all white bodysuit with a red stripe going down the center and framed on each side by smaller stripes of, yellow, green blue,purple and pink. He had a golden chest plate which extended out over his shoulders with a central symbol in his chest plate resembling the one from the canvas Tsukasa revealed, and a cape hanging behind him, white on the exterior and red on the interior, he had a white helmet with a red stripe down the middle, a large golden V crest antenna, with a blue visor. The symbol 45 stamped in the center of his helmet's head.

The silver one was donned in a primarily silver bodysuit, the upper half of it looking as if a banner with white trim was draped across his torso at a diagonal from the right hip to left shoulder.His arms , hands, and neck were pitch black with silver armor over his lower arms and white boots with two black lines near the top of each boot.His head was covered in a rounded helmet with a black mask resembling a shuriken. On the center of his helmet's forehead was a gold 39 while a gold oversized buckle resembling a rectangular case was fitted on his waist.

"...Super Sentai~~" Makoto silently squealed with stars in her eyes.

"What now?" Ben asked.

"Super Sentai! There Super Sentai!" Makoto awed, hugging Ben from the side, "And where there's one, there's a ton more! A whole team of five to seven! Except Kyoryuger, where there were so many~!" she gasped, "He looks like he's from Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, the first Super Sentai series, And He looks like from Shruiken Sentai Ninningers the 39th Super Sentai who are know to the flashest ninjas of the series!"

"Wow…talk about big numbers…talk about bogus…" an older voice sighed as a heavily armored figure walked up next to the White Sentai Ranger, his body was black and red with a T-Rex head acting as chest armor, his black helmet had a red band across his forehead with 16 stamped on his forehead, with two horns on the sides of his head and a crest atop his head.

"He looks like an all red version of Shinka Gattai Daizyujin from Zyuranger~" Makoto squealed out.

"Don't worry, adorable humans! I shall make sure you are not harmed!" a voice cheered as a yellow robot like the first jumped up beside them, only his chest resembled a lion, with a yellow helmet clad with 5 horns forming a crown like head dress around his helmet and the number 25 on his forehead.

"An all yellow Hyakujyu Gattai Gaoking from Gaoranger!" Makoto awed, "...Are…Is the motif of this Sentai based on the mechs of past Sentai?"

"AW~! You have a super fluffy-fluffy tail!" he called out as his green optics sparkled, "That's so adorable!"

"No touchy," Makoto stated quickly, "Only my boyfriend may freely touch and the rare occasion my friend Noellie needs it."

"Hai…" he slumped only to yelp when a Pink armored figure bonked him on the head.

"Mou…what's wrong with you?" Unlike the first two she was much more slim and form fitting, with a gold M symbol on her chest, her helmet had what looked to be a witches hat atop her head with these gold spikes forming blonde hair peeking out from under it, a 29 on her hat as her pink helmet act like a mask over her silver mouth and green eyes, with two long shoulder capes ending in blades, with silver arms dragon themed boots. She spun the Yellow robot around, "You don't just bother people out of the blue like that."

"But fluffy-fluffy!" he complained, only to be glared at, "Sorry Ma'am!" he saluted.

"This is most wrong…" a voice spoke as a large bulky blue robot stomped over, he had what looked like a set of tires on each arm, with a large silver chestplate resembling the front of a heavy vehicle, large armored legs, blue helmet with two handle like horns on each side, with a 30 on his forehead.

"A pink female Magiking from Magiranger and a blue Daibouken from Boukenger…" Makoto awed.

"Makoto, Ben's about to die from lack of oxygen…again," Sari deadpanned.

"AH!" she gasped, pushing him back enough to catch his breath, "Sorry…" she replied in concern.

"Love…hurts…" Ben groaned.

"Wow...that's gotta be a bummer…" the red one muttered, "Anyway, you young people get to safety, we got this handled! Leave it to your elder!"

"They're not gonna listen to you, old man…" the yellow one muttered.

"You are being an extra big butt today…" the pink one sighed, her mouth actually emoting her frustration.

"Mina, stop fighting your making us look bad. The readers and viewers want to see some action" The silver one told,' Great I'm thinking like pinkie now'

"Zenkaigers…" several people whispered, peeking out from cover.

"Ah…oh since it's just us six today, so let's do that!" the White Ranger cheered, "Let's go everyone!"

"Right!" they all cheered.

"Himitsu no power…" the White Ranger shouted as he thrust one hand out, "Zenkaiser!"

"Kyoryu Power! ZenkaiJuran!" he cheered, raising his arms up before he began dancing around and coolly pointed to his right.

"Hyakuju Power! ZenkaiGaon~!" he growled, pawing at the ground before jumping and landing in a roaring stance.

"Mahou Power! ZenkaiMagine!" she waved her arms around slowly, before interlocking her fingers and holding her arms across her chest in a cute pose.

"GoGo Power! ZenkaiVroon!" he held one arm up before kicking his left leg back and bashing his fists together.

"Shruiken Power! ZenkaiGin!" He flipped back and landed on the ground and did a peace sine.

At that, the other four jumped as they landed to either side of Zenkaiser to form a line up.The silver one jumped Infront of him and held his hand like Zenkaiser and crouch down.

"Roku-nin Sorotte!" Zenkaiser shouted, holding out his hand.

"Kikai Sentai…Zenkaigers!" the six declared as they posed, a large hologram of their symbol forming in the air behind them.

"...Ahh~" Makoto gasped out as she fainted, her tail going nuts with stars in her eyes, "They did the thing…"

"Zenkaigers!" people began cheering, losing all sense of fear, coming out of hiding and taking video and pictures of them.

"It's them!"

"The Zenkaigers! We're safe!"

"Kick their butts!"

'It's one thing about Super Sentai being popular….seeing it first hand however…' Naoto thought.

"That's right! We're the Zenkaigers!" Zenkaiser cheered, waving back to them with a chuckle, "Domo!"

"Don't ignore me!" the robot commander snapped as he stumbled out of the trashcan, garbage clinging to his armor.

"Eh? He's not a World Monster?" Magine blinked.

"It's just a lame old Kudaiter…" Gaon groaned.

"Rather odd…why did they not send a World Super Soldier?" Vroon blinked confused as he made a motion as if fixing glasses he expected to be there.

"Maybe Eggman sent this one," Gin guessed." Remember, he can be cunning then others may think."

"Sonic is gonna miss the fun, but eh they got stuff to deal with," Zenkaiser chuckled, "Let's do this, Tojitendo! Zenryoku Zenkai!" he cheered before he ran forward and jumped forward into the air to land another flying sidekick to the Kudaiter, sending him stumbling back along the ground. He pulled out a red gun with what looked like a red hawk head resting over a five barreled gatling gun. He aimed it and began shooting down the grunts one after another with amazing aim, each one falling over from the high powered energy rounds his gun fired. He spun around as he began unleashing a rapid fire barrage…yet even with his wild swing and shooting…the bullets only ever hit the grunts and nothing else. As he stopped shooting and spinning, he raised his leg and kicked the Kudaiter in the face, knocking him over again.

The Kudaiter yelped as he stumbled along the ground. Zenkaiser cheered as he ran after him and pistol whipped several grunts out of his way before punching the Kudaiter across the face once he got to his feet. He ducked around the Robot commander's punches and kicks with amazing skill before running around him and grabbing him by the shoulder before yanking him around and tossing him into several of his minions. He grabbed his cape and pulled it up, making it stretch and grow as he used it to shield several civilians from laser fire from the Minions advancing on them.

As his cape returned to normal, he began cranking a lever on his gun before he aimed at them and fired. The minions flinched before blinking as the Hologram of another White Sentai Ranger formed before them, a rainbow pattern going down his mask and chest before he merged with Zenkaiser. Zenkaiser put his gun away as he pulled out a baton-like weapon he swung around and used like a club to bash their heads in. He twirled the baton around before spinning around to deflect a swing from the Kudaiter. He pulled him around before kicking him, sending him flying away, with a sudden burst in power after whatever he did to gain this new weapon.

He twirled the Baton around before he took a step and suddenly took off with amazing speed as he struck all the grunts around him, making them explode. He stopped before stomping his foot and jumping into the air…as if flying up to a building as he attacked the Minions posted there that were shooting from above. He slammed the Baton into the ground, sending a surge of electricity which sent them all flying off the roof and falling to the ground to explode.

"D…Do all Sentai cause their enemies to explode?" Sari asked.

"Oh yeah," Makoto nodded once she regained consciousness, "Especially all the grunts."

"Pretty sure that happens in any toku show," Naoto added, "...mostly Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, but still."

"So…is him…being like…Super powered like that normal?" Rex asked.

"Actually…no…" Makoto blinked, "But before it looked like he fused with someone…can…he borrow the powers of others?!"

"He seems…really excitable," Mai noted, sweatdropping before she, Ben, Rex, and Naoto cringed as they saw Zenkaiser strike one of the grunts between the legs with the weapon, "D'ooooh…"

"Kaito, why!?" many shouted.

"What…it's a fight against evil…and you did that last time na" Zenkaiser muttered, to Zenkai Ginproducing a rose before tossing it…and letting it stab right into the forehead of a grunt, making it slowly fall over and explode, "I don't get why I use roses with this one…"

"...Roses? …Oh! He's channeling a past Sentai!" Makoto gasped as she looked at his forehead, specifically the 45 on it, "...Could it be…he has access to 44 Super Sentai powers not including his own?!"

"Yep…We've lost her…" Ben sighed.

"She's officially gone Tokusatsu Fangirl mode," Mai sighed.

"I really have to binge these shows in case she references one and I miss it," Ben noted.

"..." Makoto blinked upon hearing that before reaching into her tail and pulled out a pen and notepad, "Note to self…have a huge Tokusatsu Marathon when we get back…"

"Come and get it." Zenkai Gin ran at the grunts in blinding speed. As he slashed them in silver blur and then spin kicked one in the head. He pulled out a gun like the zenkaigers but his was blue as he spin the handle and fired few blasts at the grunts. Each by each the grunts fall down exploding as he took more down. He flipped as a spear was gonna hit him from behind and spin kicked the grunt away. He took out a wand and suddenly cast a blue aura on the other incoming grunts as they were stopped in one place." Not so fast..." He then shoot them all down as they all fall and exploded.

"Wait.. he can use magic?... But don't ninja use jitsu to fight." Rex asked seeing that.

"Well. The Ninningers blue ninja was know to be the magic ninja. He was trained by magi yellow at the wizard school and he was top of the class. His suite must give him this ability to fight." Makoto explained still in fan mode.

"Ding... Ding...Ding!" Zenkai Gin tapped his nose area." Congrats on guessing it well. Here's your reward!" He spin his wand making chess nut cake appear Infront on her on a plate."Enjoy" he saluted getting back at the fight.

"Best.. day... EVER!" She joyfully said as she ate the cake.

"Nu nu nu Magine!" Zenkai Magine called as she waved a staff resembling the tail of a dragon with an orb on the end before several large gold washbins with tiny witch's hats rained on several grunts, making them stumble into Zenkai Gaon and his large yellow and silver claw-like weapon that tore them apart.

"Ha!" Juran shouted as he tossed his shield into a crowd of grunts, making them fall over before using his sword to block a trio's weapons, "Heh," he smirked before smacking the weapons away, rolling his sword around his arm before he began to slash at the grunts, "This is getting exciting!"

"This is actually a rather good workout! I have been spending much of my time reading, and eating snacks!" ZekaiVroon spoke as he ignored the army of grunts trying to dogpile him, his entire torso then began spinning rapidly as he launched them all off.

"Gh?!" The Kudaiter grunted when Zenkaiser kicked him back, "One day…just one day where we don't have to deal with you meddling pest!" he snapped as he swung his weapon at the White Ranger.

"Hey! Do I look like I have a collar and leash?" Zenkaiser demanded, sliding under it and bonking him on the head from behind with the bottom of his gun, "...Don't answer that." He quickly told Zenkai Gin and him.

"D'oh…!" Zenkai Gin and the Kudaiter snapped there fingers.

"Still…why is Eggman…oh you're a distraction, aren't you?" Zenkaiser realized, "Thanks for making it obvious, I never would have figured it out!"

"Cuz,... Between us we both know you still wouldn't have figured it out." Zenkai Gin told in honest toon.

"Gah!" Zenkaiser put a hand on his chest."Cuz.. why so cruel." He said dramatically.

"I think it's the pure honest sincerity that makes that line sting more…" Ben muttered as the Kudaiter was sent flying over their heads while crying in pain.

"Eggman?" Rex pondered, "...Think it's a duck or a chicken they're talking about?"

"Yes. Yes we are." Zenkai Gin laughed.

"Wh-?! How dare you!"

"?!" the group tensed as they quickly turned, seeing what looked like a rather tall and…rotund balding man with a large mustache looking down at them from a hovering gunmetal-gray and black vehicle shaped like the lower half of an egg.

"I'll have you know brat that I am the greatest scientific Genius in the world!" the man snapped as he glared at Rex, "You better respect me for I am…!"

"AHH! EGGMAN!" Ben realized, making the man stumble a bit, "That's what the main badguy's name was!"

"What is he…Gah!" he cried when Zenkaiser and Zenkai landed on his vehicle, "You two!"

"Hi Eggman!" Zenkaiser cheered, picking and lifting him up, "Were Sorry well mostly I'm really sorry, but we need you down on the ground. This cape doesn't glide and stuff!"

"And you can't be on this thing. It's not good for your age." Zenkai Gin said.

"Oh why you! Don't you dare, you hyperactive ball of energy in a white j-" Eggman began before Zenakaiser dropped him…right into a trash can, "BLAST IT!"

"Nice, so do you know how to drive this thing." Zenkai Gin asked.

"It's okay! I'm great at parking…" Zenkaiser spoke as the vehicle began falling, "On second thought…I'm good at crashing! Definitely Crashing, Help me Cousin!" He turn to Zenkai Gin but he vanished in a puff of smoke," Traiter!", at that, the vehicle landed and exploded upon crashing as Zenkaiser landed next to the Omni Team with a textbook Hero Landing, "Welp…my knee is gonna feel that later…" he groaned, holding his knee.

"Nice landing" Zenkai Gin spoke as he appeared in a puff of smoke next to him.

"Don't talk to me Traiter!" He looked away." There is nothing on earth, that will make me forgive you..."

"I pay for your next day snacks." Zenkai Gin simply said.

"All forgiven" Zenkaiser did a 180 on that as he wrapped an arm around Zenkai Gin who simply stood there.

"...GRAGH!" Eggman snapped as he pulled on his mustache, "That's the third one destroyed this week! GAH I HATE THOSE ZENKAIGERS! I…!" he began before a beeping went off, making him dig into his pants as he pulled out a device, "Odd…the energy signature is close…by…" he began as he looked directly at the Omni-Team, "...YOU!"

"Us?" Ben pointed at himself.

"Yes you!" Eggman snapped as he climbed out of the trash, "I detected some type of disturbance back at base and happened to find some…odd looking smoothie shop, and you brats are giving off that same energy! ...Hold on…." he began to tap on the device for a moment, "What Zone are you brats from?"

"Zone?" Mai repeated.

"I think he means alternate dimension," Makoto guessed.

"That's what they were referred to in the comics," Ben whispered to them.

"Let's see…no…no that one's locked up…no…Aha ha! Th…wait a minute," Eggman blinked behind his goggles, looking between his device and the Omni Team, "But…that's impossible! Your worlds are supposed to be locked up!"

"What?" the group frowned at that.

"What?" Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin and there teammates blinked at that.

"Oi Eggy…what are you on about this time?" Zenkai Juran asked, "You picking on kids again? You need to find people your own age…oh, but not me, man; I'm still young at heart."

"You can blame a very petty thief," Makoto replied before realizing what he said, "Wait! You sealed our worlds up?!"

"Don't be stupid!" Eggman snapped, "I'm not the one who started that nonsense…I wish I was, but Game has to respect Game. And that was a brilliant strategy, wish I thought of it…Let alone know how it worked."

"You mean the technology the Tojitendo ripped off from our parents!" Zenkaiser shouted, pointing at Eggman, "And it was meant to make friends in other Dimensions; not enslave them!"

"You tell him cuz!" Zenkai Gin cheered.

"So was the Roboticizer and I took that to make my own empire!" Eggman countered. At that, an apple beaned him in the head.

"No one was asking for input…" Zenkaiser crossed his arms over his chest, "It's simple, Eggman, you and the Tojitendo send Monsters and villains…and me my Cousin and my friends sent them packing or exploding back to you! So I don't care how you used to be scary, you're not gonna mess with the people of my world without a good old butt kicking!"

"Used to be?! I am still plenty terrifying!" Eggman snapped.

"Alright then…" Zenkai Gin came in cracked his knuckles, "Then fight me to prove it."

Eggman paused at that; as he recalled how Both Zenkaigers fight, "Mark my words! I'll have revenge!" he shouted as he ran.

"Nu Nu Nu Magine…Banana path~" Zenkai Magine waved her staff around as suddenly the path before Eggman was covered in hundreds of banana peels making him slip and slide down the road and into traffic.


"Ah~, I wanted to try that," Zenkai Gin wined.

"...Seriously that guy…is supposed to be a main villain?" Rex asked Ben.

"He was a lot more intimidating in the comic…" Ben shrugged.

"I'd believe it," Skurd muttered.

"Lord E-GAH!" The Kudaiter cried out as he was sent flying into a group of grunts, "Grr…damn you…!"

"Well looks like your scheme…whatever it was…kinda failed. Maybe next time you should stick to the old formula," Zenkaiser sighed.

"Yup, I say the old back to back fight is better then this one. Just next time won't be of Roll attacking us again of her family thing." Zenkai Gin spoke

"Your not gonna let her live it down are you." Zenkaiser said

"She needs to feel the Shame to not do it again." Zenkai Gin told back as he cranked his gun.

"We'll have to call this game over today, but we'll give you a consolation prize!" Zenkai Juran cheered as he began cranking the same kind of gun as Zenkaiser.

"Next time learn to leave the adorable Humans and Mobians alone, you cold soulless machine…" Zenkai Gaon growled as all five of them did the same action.

"You realize you're a Kikainoid, too…" Zenkai Magine muttered.

"I am a defender of the warm and cuddly!" Zenkai Gaon shouted.

"Ah, he's doing the bit again…" Zenkai Vroon sighed, "Best let him tire himself out."


"Oh~! A team finisher!" Makoto awed as the emblem of the team appeared once more minus the gear part of it.

"Zenkai Finish Buster!" They shouted, unleashing giant beams of energy which struck and decimated most of the grunts, and heavily damaged the Kudaiter…who was soon crushed under their team symbol, causing a huge explosion which dissipated just as fast.

"Ah~I love doing that!" Zenkai Gin chuckled, tapping his gun on his shoulder.

"Finish Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered happily, "Sekai Zenkai! All OK!"

"...It's official. I found my all time favorite Sentai," Makoto whispered in glee…before it dawned on her, "Which won't come out…for the next few years…back…home…"

"Well that was a pretty boring fight…ah well now we wait for their next invasion," Zenkai Juran shrugged.

"Ah! W-Wait! There is something important!" Zenkai Vroon exclaimed before running up to the Omni-Team, "You are from other worlds? Ones sealed up already? How did you do that? What were your worlds? Who are all of you? Why do you have squirrel ears and a tail?"

"Oi, oi, Vroon!" Zenkai Juran exclaimed as he grabbed his blue partner and tried to pull him away, "Easy with the rapid fire!"

"Stop bothering them!" Zenkai Gaon helped yank him away.

"But…I have so many questions! My mind is going Vroon-Vroon!"

"He's a pretty curious amigo, huh?" Rex asked, blinking a few times.

"You can't bother people like that!" Zenkai Magine complained, grabbing his head…and popping it off.

"AH! Don't surprise me with that! You know how difficult it is to fix the crick in my neck when my head is removed by force! It makes reading so difficult…" Zenkai Vroon's head complained as the body lumbered around and began shaking Ben roughly due to his clear super strength.

"Some! Help! Here! PLEASE!" Ben shouted.

"Ah! Down, Vroon's body! Down!" Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser scolded as both ran over to try and help.

"How's he..so strong without a head?!" Naoto grunted as he and Rex were trying to pry Vroon's body off of Ben.

"You stupid blue bucket of bolts!" Zenkai Gaon shouted, kicking his body aside letting it tumble along the ground, "What's wrong with you!" he took the head and began shaking it violently, "I'll shake your stupid processor out of your head!"

"AH! Stop, please! Mercy Mercy! I am just so interested!"

"Come on Vroon…what's the big deal? They are just ordinary folks…from…" Zenkaiser paused as he spotted Makoto, "...Okay maybe their world isn't like mine…"

"Nope…" Makoto shook her head.

"We're technically from another world, but…as that Eggman guy mentioned, our worlds are technically locked up…" Sari explained.

"Yeah, we kinda already know that bit, Missy," Zenkai Juran replied, "Kind of our whole thing to stop the Tojitendo with Kaito, and liberate the billions of worlds they locked up. But we can't pick and choose what we set free…They are the ones who pick a world to imbue their grunts with."

"When the Tojitendo take a Tojiru Gear holding a world hostage and infuse it into one of their mass produced Kudakk soldiers, it creates what they call a World Super Soldier, giving that enemy the powers of that particular dimension."

"They get results with really weird worlds…like a Mushroom Dimension, Frozen Dimension, Racing Dimension, Boxing Dimension…" Zenkai Gaon listed, "I don't think they ever just use the one dimension where the Red light means go instead of green…"

"I still have that video of Haseo-chan boxing," Zenkai Magine giggled, "It's so cute!"

"So get the idea of us being able to just find your dimension by tomorrow out of your head." Zenkai Juran added, "I know you kids were thinking about it, I can see it in the mix of anxiety and disappointment in your eyes. We can only stop whatever Monsters they send out."

"Shoot. So we may be here for a while," Makoto sighed.

"There is something I don't get," Sari frowned, "How come we can't use our powers?"

"Powers?" Zenkaiser repeated, "Oh! Do you shoot lasers from your eyes?"

"Kaito…we went over this…comics don't exist out there in the multiverse except as comics…We're not gonna run into Superman…" Zenkai Gin sighed." Beside if we do, hope it won't be the nazie superman or injustice superman."

"Cuz... Why?!" Zenkaiser Shaked him as fake tears were seen leaking from his helmet.

"Stop. IT" Zenkai Gin stoped him.

"Er…kinda have to poke that bubble," Ben noted.

"Eh?" The group pondered.

=Oi, minna. Finally got done with that surgery and…Why are Ben '10' Tennyson, 'Generator' Rex Salazar, Sari Sumdac, and a whole lot of people that should not be with them in front of you five?= a voice asked in the helmets of the Six.

"Oh! Skye! You finally finished! So did we! It was just Eggman and a few goons…but it was still great!" Zenkaiser cheered, tapping his hand to his helmet…not for any technical reason, just to let others know he was talking to someone only he could hear, "What's a Ben 10 or Generator Rex?"

"Really?!" Zenkai Gin asked in disbelief seeing his cousin reaction.

"What?" Zenkaiser asked in confusion.

=...Bring them to the store. I'll pay for the snacks and Flash get hear to Zen is at it again =

= Hey!.. Your daughter was the one who was trying to open me up, Flash hurry back partner she's coming for me again! =

"Snacks not coming out of my paycheck? Sign me up!" Zenkaiser cheered, picking up Ben over his shoulders, "Zenryoku Zenkai!" he ran off with them at amazing speeds.

"Your not getting my partner and do a surgery on him!" Zenkai Gin shouted as he picked up rex over his shoulder went in a puff of smoke.

"...Mai?" Makoto spoke.

"Already contacting Noel and Lambda," Mai sighed as she had her phone out.

"Kaito! Flash! You two can't just kidnap people!" Zenkai Juran shouted.


"Those two boys are gonna give me health issues one day…" Zenkai Juran groaned in defeat.

"Here!" Both Zenkaigers said as they came in a small little alley, revealing that he stopped before a small shop that doubled as a home, Zenkai Gin puff in a smoke as he put down rex as Zenkaiser put Rex down "Ah, the others are so slow…don't worry, I'll be right back." Zenkaiser fiddled with his gun before the image of a Red Sentai Ranger with a leather jacket, and cheetah-themed helmet merged with him; at that, he vanished in a blue of green digital energy before returning with the rest of the Omni Team and Zenkaigers, and after a slight pause returned with Mai and the duo of Noel and Lambda carrying many bags, "I think that's everyone!"

"What happened?!" Both sisters shouted before Zenkaiser held up two plush toys of Yamper for them.

"Sorry…I almost forgot these!" he laughed.

"Corgi~!" both cooed, quickly snuggling the plushies.

"They love corgis," Mai shook her head.

"...That is a lot of game systems and games," Makoto noted.

"They were in Akihabara!" Zenkaiser beamed.

"How…how fast were you running?" Ben asked.

"Uh…I don't know…but I do know that light seemed to stop…" he shrugged, "Which is, like, really trippy, right?"

"Just really fast." Zenkai Gin answered.

"Ah! Where is everyone?!" Zenkai Vroon asked, his head on backwards.

"Baka…" Zenkai Gaon spoke, slapping and spinning his head around.

"Oh! There you all are!" Zenkai Vroon beamed.

"So where did you take us?" Rex asked, looking around.

"This is my place!" Zenkaiser cheered,he hard a cough "Our place, Well…it's our Yatchan's…she's our grandma!" he stated as his suit vanished in a white flash of light revealing a young man who was clad in a very colorful but mostly white attire, "Welcome, visitors from another Universe! I am Goshikida Kaito!" the rest of his team followed suit…only they just turned into less armored Kikainoids, "These are my friends Juran, Gaon, Vroon, and Magine and this is My cousin Flash!"

"Yo/Greetings!/A pleasure!/H-hello."

"Hi" Zenkai Gin said as his suite vanished silver light and was revealed a young teen same age as kaito and was wearing a blue leather jacket with the zenkaigers symbol on his left chest side and the Ninningers symbol on his right chest side."Boku wa Sentry, Flash sentry."

"Bueno! Name's Rex!" Rex beamed.

"Nanaya Makoto, nice to meetcha!" Makoto beamed.

"Vermillion Noel. And this is my sister, Vermillion Lambda," Noel greeted before pulling Funkfreed out as Bluey poked his head out of one of Lambda's bags, "And these are our pets Funkfreed and Bluey!"

"...Your pet is a sword?" Juran asked.

"...Eh?" Noel blinked twice as she looked at Funkfreed, "Funky, what's wrong?" the sword bent and twisted, looking like it was trying to do something only for it to not happen, "Eh? C…Can you not transform?" the sword wilted, "Ah! Y-You can't?!"

"...More solid," Lambda noted, pulling Bluey out, noticing he wasn't as transparent as normal and even his glow was gone, "...Scanners not working."

"Yeah…we…can't use our powers here," Naoto muttered.

"Oh! Maybe that's why Skye wanted to see you guys!" Kaito beamed as he ran to the building, "Yosha! Free snacks here I come!"

"Kaito!" Flash shouted.

"Er…I mean, answers here we come! Not free sugary baked goods made by Roll-chan that I keep getting slapped with a spatula when I try to eat without paying, no siree."

"Skye?" Sari pondered.

"Our resident expert on dimensions," Juran explained, "He flash's and Kaito's parents actually traveled the multiverse."

"Wait…so they didn't need a smoothie shop fitted with a special device to let them travel the multiverse?" Rex asked.

"...You came through a smoothie shop?" Juran blinked.

"OH! I think it's that one Tangle mentioned she saw!" Flash realized, "...Mr. Smoothie right?"

"Mr. Smoothy's," Ben corrected, "It's spelled with a 'y' instead of an 'ie.' Any flavor you want? They can make. They even give a discount if you provide the ingredients they don't have."

"Wait…" Kaito blinked as he rushed up to Ben, "You mean I can ask for any kind of smoothie?"

"Yes, any kind," Ben replied with a grin.

"And Ben has tried every single one they've ever made," Makoto noted, "...No, seriously. He's our universe's world record book for 'person who drank every flavor of Mr. Smoothy's smoothie in one sitting.' All without using a single alien form, too."

"Shoot," Kaito snapped his fingers in defeat.

"Kaito wants to be someone to do a: World's First!" Flash smiled, "But…it seems that's a little harder than expected. Even as a superhero… which I say the other in the multiverse and this world has. Well I think is...."

"I still need to get my rope back from police custody for the last time I tried to be the World's First human to bungee jump the Tokyo Skytree," Kaito recalled before his phone rang, "Moshi-moshi!"

"If you don't get them in here in the next five minutes, I am not paying for snacks," Skye deadpanned, the others looking at the building to see a Mobian hedgehog with long yellow quills reaching down to past his knees in a red shirt, blue jeans, and a lab coat looking at Kaito with a deadpan expression and a phone to his head." Also Flash your partner is waiting."

"Ah!" Flash yelled as he ran in.

"You will not escape from this!" Kaito declared, picking up Ben and Rex and ran over to to shop, "Free snacks Zenkai!"

"I am so sorry for my honorary nephew," the hedgehog apologized to the other offworlders before offering a hand, "Sakurai Skye."

"It's fine, sir," Sari spoke up, "To be honest…we usually deal with something similar at times…it's called a Ben and Makoto."


"You know you two get into trouble when we leave you alone together," Mai deadpanned.

"Huh…Interesting. Heh-heh. Mitsy owes me and misty so much whenever I see her again," Skye chuckled in amusement, "One of our random bets actually went off and happened."


The group shared looks before entering the store…and blinked a few times as Kaito was swinging upside down, his arms tied to his back and hung up by them by a rope with a bo shuriken embedding it in the ceiling. Glaring up at him was a Mobian hedgehog/fox mix with long blond hair/quills held in a ponytail by a green bow, narrowed jade eyes focused on Kaito, and wearing a pink shirt under a blue open jacket and jeans combined with a jean skirt. Another thing of note was she was around Noel's height unlike most fox or hedgehog Mobians they had seen before encountering the Zenkaigers being a head or two shorter than her.

"Kaito…What have I said about kidnapping people? Why do I have to keep discussing this?"

"I can't help it! I'm just full of energy today!"

"Hey Roll, where's Zen and claws is." Flash asked The hedgehog/fox.

"Oh he's with scootaloo and so is claws." She told.

"Well glade there safe." Flash looked at his cousin then." Can you let him down Roll."

=He got promised free snacks paid for by Skye, tune= a robotic red and white parrot with the 'feathers' on its wings being in several colors spoke from a bird stand.

"Tou-san…" the Hedgefox looked at the hedgehog.

"Secchan, scan 'em," Skye replied, pointing at the parrot, "Roll, drop him. I am indeed paying because discussing while digesting some good snacks is a good thing."

"...Oh it's serious," Roll whispered before becoming a yellow blur, Kaito finding himself back on the ground and untied.

=Scan?= the robotic bird repeated before flying over and carefully examined the Omni Team, =Eh? They are from another world, tune! Amazing, tune!=

"And we don't have our powers," Rex noted.


"Secchan, they're from worlds Mitsy, Misty and I liked to look at," Skye replied, "Oh, and she and I won a big bet with mitsy that I will cash in when we find her."

"What bet?" Mai asked.

"Eh, we sometimes liked to do bets on 'crack pairings,'" Skye replied, "And one I and misty beted on was those two…" he gestured to Makoto and Ben, who were watching Roll being a yellow blur quickly setting the table and putting several baked goods on plates at it along with a basket of strawberries and blueberries, "...being a couple and one day coming here. She bet on Ben and Noel."

"...I appreciate that, but I am not one to get in between true love," Noel huffed, 'Also…m-me and Ben? W…would that work?...no Noel...no love triangles!'

"...Sister is a shipper," Lambda explained to the ones who were giving looks.

"I don't get it…" Kaito shrugged.

"Hey, uncle Skye, where's Haseo?" Flash asked.

"Oh, he's over at Tails's place," Skye replied with a chuckle, "He's helping Nicole with something. But, enough pleasantries…we have much to discuss. Such as you guys not having your abilities when Ben clearly has his Omnimatrix still with…is…oh my goodness. That guy's on him? Spoilers, so no asking!"

"True that, unless if future Ben was gonna spoil it but he didn't right." Flash asked the others as they shook there heads as he breath a sign of relief.

"But…" Naoto began before Skye poked him and he collapsed, out cold.

"No spoilers!" Skye repeated.

"O…kay…." Ben muttered in confusion.

"I am just as lost as you are, my boy," Skurd muttered.. "I think he's a few numbers short of a math equation…"

"Actually, Tou-san thinks faster than anyone else," Roll replied, "He's probably already thought of a million plans for disabling everyone in here."

"Two million, three hundred eight seven thousand, nine hundred and ninety-seven to be precise," Skye replied, "But who's counting?" he tapped his head, "Hedgehog speed gene went all up in here."

"Yeah, but you always lose to the same person no matter what…" Kaito blurted out, "No matter what you think of you can't defeat the true strongest person in this family…Yatchan."

"And don't forget my mom.." Flash said," No matter how many time your try to act tuff, you always run out" He and kaito laughed.

"...I swear, I will tie both of you up and throw you two into Ay-ay's room…no, wait. That'd probably be something you'd two would like to do as a way to get her out of it," Skye sighed as he sat at the table and grabbed a cookie, "Now…shall we start talking?"

"What's there to talk about? New friends, we help send them home…Boom. We win, everyone has a bundt cake," Kaito explained.

"That is not a plan!" Skye complained.

"I'm pretty sure it is," Flash replied eating a cookie.," I been and lived with kaito so I know how this will work."

"See, Flash agrees"

"Maybe it's best we start with the more important questions," Vroon suggested.

"Agreed," Ben nodded, "Such as who are these Tojitendo guys and why Eggman's working with them…and surprised he's actually working with someone and not busy scheming…and pushing around his nephew Snively."

"His what?" Juran deadpanned.

"...Cartoon or comic?" Skye asked.

"Comics. Issue…156 was the last one when I read it," Ben replied, "Anti-Antoine marrying Sally only for it to be annulled due to false premises."

"Oh that thing. Took a lot of catnip bombs on the whole complex to get my family from going on a rampage on finding the guy when word reached us," Skye groaned.

"I knew comic book characters were real!" Kaito declared.

"I…ugh…No, that's not how it works…it's just some things exist as a form of media in another dimension…almost like the multiverse's weird little way of making everything connected. Like how you are probably a TV show character in their reality…" Skye sighed.

"And how we're a video game franchise here?" Noel noted.

"...Noellie say what?" Makoto asked.

"La-chan didn't want us to buy any but the first game," Noel spoke.

"No spoilers," Lambda replied, "...Rhythm game was fine to buy, though."

"Smart lady," Skye replied, "Future knowledge is the worst to know about, especially with the butterfly effect that could come from it."

"Something tells me you used to be more fun in college huh uncle Skye?" Flash bluntly asked.

"Right…'more fun'..." Skye muttered, "Still…You guys don't have your powers?"

"Nope," Ben replied, messing with the Omnitrix to show it.

"...Your worlds were sealed…but you guys are here…" Skye noted, rubbing his chin in thought before snapping his fingers, "Mitsy's Theory of Confinement."

"My and kaito's Parents were crazy smart and made all sorts of technology that lets them see other worlds," Flash explained, "My dad and uncle were the mechanic and my mom and aunty were the idea and notes person."

"And I completed the team as the one who got them on the right track and focused," Skye huffed, "I swear, the headaches your papa and uncle both gave were nearly as bad as the ones you two gave."

"I said I was sorry about the hair spray." Flash muttered.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Flashy." Skye told

"We poofed him here by accident when I was tiny…We kept him in a dog cage 'cause we didn't know what he was…I fed him a lot of candy," Kaito chuckled at the memories.

"And yet, no one thought to lock the thing," Skye rolled his eyes.

"You were on the honor system. We let you have time out of the cage," Flash argued.

"Huh, I just figured something," Noel spoke up making them look at her,"There's a Sentai team know as Flash man, and your name is Flash." She began to laugh at that." It's kind of funny to see a Sentai named after you or honored."

The others caught on it but didn't laugh, well some didn't except for Flash, who laughed.

"Yeah, I used that team for the first time when I Transformed into a zenkaiger..." He laughed.

"Well, comments aside." Ben spoke.

"Um…What's this 'Theory of Confinement' you mentioned?" Sari asked.

"Oh right. Seccy, care to explain?" Skye asked, looking at the robot parrot that had flown over to sit on Kaito's shoulder.

=Hai-hai~= Secchan cheered =Let's see how to best explain it for everyone who's not rocking a PHD in applied theoretical physics! See, when the Professors first began observing and taking notes on the many worlds, they needed a way to present their information in a way that…would make sense to a hyper energetic little boy…= he lingered on Kaito =So, we shall use…the Zone Highway Map diagram, tune!= at that, the hologram of a highway-like map was projected =We have one with a tree metaphor but that one tends to confuse the dumb-bumbs…=

"No, yeah…I can see that…" most muttered.

=Anyway, tune!= he cheered, =Let's look at it like this, each reality, or Zone, is its own dimension, with its own galaxy, history, lore, myths, etc and etc. You can go along the highway to any of them, and get off to enter one. But…if you remove a stop on the map…it's like it was never there, and the path goes and goes 'till you get the next stop. You probably could have used your powers…which made sense in your reality in random other worlds probably not even linked to yours. But here…no go. Not 'cause your powers don't exist, we do have proof of aliens and magic here. It's just well…you can't draw on the powers of your world…'cause your world is sealed. And here in this dimension, stop me if you're confused, tune!= he paused =Times up!= he shouted just as some began raising their hands =See, your World is sealed within a Tojiru Gear. Now you're so close to the seal, it's sealing up your world's traits within you, tune! In theory, you are essentially people of this world for the time being in comparison, tune!=

"So that's why Funkfreed can't transform," Noel noted, looking at her Elephant-sword that had taken a blue tint of sadness.

"Transform?" Skye repeated

=One Piece= Secchan reminded.

"Oh that! Roll, don't you have a list of characters you sh…" Skye began before a muffin was in his mouth as Roll lowered her arm post-throw with a gentle smile.

=Sakurai women are natural shippers, but some don't like their hobby to be publicized, tune= Secchan whispered to the wide-eyed group.

"Oh yeah, by the way Roll.." Flash called her," Did you wrote the Tiger and Bunny fanfiction of dragon kid."

"Sorry Flash onni-chan still working on it." She scratch her head.

"Oh fine."

"See? Easy, find the right Gear, blow it up, they can go home," Kaito smiled.

"Cuz, there are billions of Gears…It might take us months…or defeating the Tojitendo entirely to free their world!" Flash declared, "Even then…you've tried to enter their palace, but we lack a dimensional gate…and their palace is guarded by some sort of DNA scanner."

"So it's a literal shot in the dark in hopes the next big baddie comes with a Gear based on my or Ben's worlds," Rex noted, "..right?"

=Sad to say so, tune. But we can't control what Gear they use to make what Monster. We can only fight whatever they send and wait 'till we have a means of attacking the Tojitendo Palace. But…well, we just don't have that at the moment, tune…=

"Sad but true. Could ask my kiddo to do a joint project on giving you some stuff to help," Skye noted, "Though…I'm worried."

"Why?" Ben asked.

"Well, we have one sibling who annoys me and we tend to not get well." Flash told

"Nee-chan is a bit…eccentric…when it comes to the technology built by others," Roll explained, "She likes to try to…one-up…the tech that interests her the most."

"...ah crap baskets," Ben and Makoto whispered in realization.

"She's not so bad…okay, no. She's actually a little difficult…" Kaito chuckled, "The last time was kinda crazy, but she's getting more social! Me, Flash and Roll haven't let up."

"Count me out," Flash simply told.

"Oh come on flash, you still mad at her." Kaito asked.

"Hey, she was gonna open zen, so I won't want anything happening to my zord as you may know." Flash said.

"She's a bit of a hikikomori, Flash and her encounter was not so great and now two of them are like rival kids who hate but love each other still." Skye summed up, "And I am relieved that we have a Kaito here to getting her out of that."

"I'm gonna be her friend, no matter what, even if it kills me. Which it might…her booby traps are crazy!" he laughed.

"We're not sure he's a normal human some days…" Skye muttered, "He lacks his parents' amazing brains…so I think God gave him an amazing body and strength instead."

"I…I see…" Sari noted, a drop of sweat going down the back of her head before seeing a slender hand in a blue glove patting around on the floor near Ben, coming out of a hidden panel in it.

"Hm? Babe, when did you start wearing silk gloves?" Ben asked.

"I think these are leather," Makoto replied, holding her gloved hands up to look at them.

"...Wait. If your hands are here, then who's hand is on mine?" Ben asked.

"Ah! Away! Away with you, rapscallion!" Skurd declared, "I swear if I could, you would be ignited or electrocuted or even frozen!"

"Ah she's out…" Flash spoke, "And trying to steal stuff again…Roll…get the broom."

"Hai, hai," Roll deadpanned as she reached into her shirt and pulled out a broom.

"...Did she just…" Naoto began before Roll whacked the hand, causing it to zip back into the panel.

"Ayane Maelstrom Sakurai, you get out here right now and apologize! We do not swipe technology from people! We ask and get permission!" Roll scolded.

"Found the entrance!" Kaito declared, patting the floor before pushing on it, making it fall in and he followed, "Ah-hah!"


"Oh no you don't!"

"Don't worry I'm coming aswell." Flash jumped in.

"Ah! Get out you Pervert!"

"Don't think for a second you can get away by saying that. I may handle the attack but when you steal from others, I won't show mercy."


"...My other daughter, ladies and gentlemen," Skye sighed as everyone blinked as they looked at the secret door in the floor with the sounds of a struggle going on in it.

"She's a fighter! And a pincher!" Kaito shouted as the struggling died down, "But she's also nerdy and can't fight for longer than a minute!"

"And she has less stamina then any other and burn out fast except when she's inventing." Flash shouted, soon a hit was Hurd." Ouch,... You know what I meant Ay ay."

"...Oh they have a Kajun…" Noel whispered.

"...Who also has a Science mode…" Mai added.

"I am so sorry for anything she does that leaves you uncomfortable," Roll apologized with a bow.

"It's fine. We're…used to it," Sari muttered.

"We got her!" Kaito shouted, crawling back out with a Hedgehog-Lynx hybrid Mobian in a blue silk nightgown with baby-blue gloves that reached up to her shoulders and stockings and a pair of glasses.

"Ah! L-Let go!" she struggled as Noel looked at her, then at Roll, then at herself and repeated a few times before slumping.

"No! You were rude and being creepy! You have to say sorry!" Flash grunted coming out aswell, "You know you can't escape us! You have nerd arms like Skye!"

"And yet I know pressure points and will leave you two as a scarecrow in the middle of a field," Skye warned, sipping a cup of hot chocolate.

"Try it…and you wake up three weeks from now with a dented skull!" a woman's voice shouted from the kitchen.

"And Mom won't like to hear that what you did to them uncle Skye." A girls voice were heard from the stairs.

"Yes, Yaya, Scott!" Skye replied, sweating heavily as he froze in fear.

"That's Yatsude-san, Kaito's a d Flash's grandmother and kind of Big Boss in charge of everyone!" Magine smiled.

"The other is my little sister, who happened to be a messenger to my mom about Skye and what they do." Flash smirked.

Sit…" Kaito sat the HedgeLynx next to Roll, showing her to be a head shorter than her, "You know what you have to say, we're not letting you run off 'till you say it."




"Eh, no harm no foul," Ben shrugged.

"I was terrified for my life!" Skurd argued, "I cannot 'eat' and draw on the samples of the Omnitrix at the moment!"

"...Hmm…" Makoto looked at the green slime.

"What are you planning?" Skurd asked before Makoto reached out…and plucked him off, "Ah! My adhesiveness as well?!"

"Oh I've been waiting for this," Makoto grinned as she pulled out a glass jar.

"...Wh-What are you planning to do with that? ...oh no. Don't you d-!" Skurd began before Makoto put him inside..and sealed the top shut as the Slimbiote rapidly pounded on the glass.

"Ahh...finally…peace," she grinned.

"Think of it like this: you're safer in there until the Gear our home's stuck in is destroyed," Ben noted.

"I shall get back at her later. She will not know when nor how I shall, but I will," Skurd warned.

"Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that," Makoto grinned.

"Hey wait." Makoto stopped and looked at Flash." Can I see him for a second."makoto looked at him and nodded giving him the Jar.

Flash looked at skrud as he looked at him in fear." Don't worry I won't harm you. So you can't access the Omnitrix because of it loosing power. So how about you clung on my Sentai Gear."

"HUH?!" The others were surprised hearing this.

"Wait, really!" Skrud asked," Wait, what's the catch."

"Well, How about you tell me about your self and I tell you about me, easy exchange." Flash told.

"Wait flash, is that a good idea." Kaito asked." I mean I haven't seen Ben 10, but still."

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to him about few things till there hear that's all." Flash told looking back at him." So how about it."

"...Deal." he told as Flash put the jar down and took out his gear and opened the jar as Skrud came crawling to it and soon he put him self on the gear, as the zenkaigers symbol form on his head, he soon was bested with the knowledge of the gear." My.. my Gods... Who ever made this, beautiful device, has done so much better job at this. And the Sentai, this knowledge of them." He look bizarre and then looked at Makoto." I'm joining you on that Sentai series marathon." He declared.

Makoto blinked," Hah, well ok then."

"No Fair, I wanted to test him." Ayane pouted at him." How can you get him quickly!"

"Well, there's a saying, if you want something be a bit nice." He said bopping her nose as she growled at him."Beside, he'll be safe with me a bit time till you guys go back so no biggie."

"He does have a point, who knows what she will do if she gets her hand on him." Juran told.

"True," the others nodded.

"...Seriously, it's fine," Ben assured, looking at the three before offering his hand to her, "Tennyson Ben."

"...A-Ayane…" the HedgeLynx mumbled, scooting behind Roll.

"She's still shy." Kaito and Roll spoke at the same time. Flash simply facepalmed.


"Noellie can somewhat relate," Makoto stated, motioning to the shy blonde, "She used to be a lot more nervous and such..and often hid behind me or Tsubaki."

"Ah…Cuteness," Lambda suggested as she held up Bluey, who looked around before covering his eyes with his paws.

"Aw~Kawaii!" Roll and Magine cooed.

"...Hyrule?" Skye guessed, "No wait…A version of Hyrule?"

"We've had a long trip," Ben sighed.

"We have many gifts, many lessons…and many discoveries." Lambda spoke, "Also…adorable pets." she looked to Ayane, "No touch." she pointed at her.

"Mmm…" Ayane pouted.

"My Blupee," she stated, hugging Bluey, who tilted his head while nibbling on a muffin.

"HNNG! It's…too…cute!" Gaon shouted as he gripped his chest and fell over, "Doc…I think I have chest pains…from…adorableness overload…Such an adorable and gentle Human and the most unique and cute bunny of another world…It's too much!"

"Oh not again," Juran groaned, "He hasn't gotten this bad since Haseo's fur puffed up after getting spooked by that lightning bolt."

"That day was good, and for the record I was sorry for the lighting bolt," Flash muttered

"My boy, what do you do with this device." Skrud asked.

"Oh not again…" Skye groaned, "Vroon, carry him to my house and workplace. Gonna need to replace the popped tube…"

"It's so adorable…so fwuffy…ah…" Gaon groaned as he was dragged away.

"Well…There goes the smartest guy here," Kaito noted as he took a bite of a muffin, "Ooh! Chocolate chip!"

"..." Ayane looked at him.

"Wha…I said Guy…you're a girl, totally different…" Kaito spoke through a mouthful.

"See…competitive," Flash and Roll muttered at the same time.Both looked at one another and it was like they talk in telepathy,' But we know how she really feels.'

Back at the Omni-Team's multidimensional Mr. Smoothy, the duo who often held down the fort of Rook and Bobo were in their own way amazed at the diverse types of customers. From human to Mobian and then Kikainoid who often ordered very regular flavors and somehow drank them in front of them despite the techno-organic beings almost always having…some type of screen for a mouth or face which emoted their emotions. It was honestly one of the most bizarre things they had ever seen. And this was an Alien Police officer and hyper sentient Monkey…running a smoothie shop that jumped dimensions.

"Ya know it's weird finding a world where so many weird folks all pile in…and it ain't home," Bobo spoke, "No one even batted an eye at us."

"It seems we are mistaken for these…Mobians." Rook shrugged.

"So long as dey ain't callin' me no monkey, I'm fine wit' it," Bobo shrugged before the bell rang, "And looks like more customers are comin'."

"I am on it," Rook replied, walking out of the kitchen to the counter, "Hello. Welcome to Mr. Smoothy's. May I take your order?"

"Wow, you were right, it is owned by two Mobians!" the first to walk in was a blue Mobian Hedgehog with green eyes wearing red running shoes, "Well what you guys got? I'm not sure I got anything in particular I am craving…"

"Oh we have nearly anything one could request for a smoothie. We even offer a discount if you bring in an ingredient we may not have," Rook explained.

"Wait, really? So if I asked for a mango, pineapple, and…ghost pepper, you'd make it?" the hedgehog asked.

"Yes. We make any kind of smoothie possible," Rook confirmed.

"Okay that is so cool," the hedgehog smiled, "Hold that thought, I'm hanging out with a friend and she'd love this!" he ran out in a blur before coming back, "Tangle, check this place out!"

"Coming, Sonic!" a voice replied as a female Mobian lemur in a black tracksuit and yellow sports bra ran in, "Oh wow!"

"They make any kinda smoothie you want," Sonic explained, "And apparently they give discounts if you bring the ingredients."

"..." Tangle blinked for a moment before reaching into her tail..and pulled out a small bag of strawberries and blueberries, "I know what I'm getting~"

"This is gonna be the best afternoon ever!" Sonic cheered, holding a platter of chili-dogs.

"OH YEAH!" Tangle beamed as the two high fived.

"...oh dear," Rook whispered as he was starting to see certain…similarities to two friends of his.

Elsewhere, within a area desolate of any plant life stood a massive fortress, the skies above covered in dark purple clouds as lightning and thunder crackled and boomed throughout it. Countless pipes, metal constructs, and constructs extended out across the land as if the palace was slowly merging with and overtaking the land like a mechanical plague.

"COWARD!" a voice boomed from within, followed by a loud smack, "How dare you show yourself after running away!"

Within the fortress, a grunt had fallen over as a large, Tank-like robot glared down at him. He hefted a spear tipped with a missile as he marched around on his legs that had caterpillar tracks, the cannon in his chest glowing with his anger.

"An entire sorte failed! Soldiers we need to clone and replace…" he groaned, "All because you wanted to investigate a stupid energy signature…for what?! We have no data, no damage beyond a few explosions…and your special interest…got away…Eggman."

"Well…I'll have you know I found out something very interesting!" Eggman argued, fixing his outfit as he walked over, "Turns out that special thing I was investigating…were some brats that traveled here…from Worlds we already have locked up!"


"IT'S TRUE!" Eggman snapped as he held up his device, "I scanned the entire area while the Kudakks attacked, and those very same brats matched the exact energy wavelength as this smoothie shop I had found! I even had Ijrude double check it once I got back!"

"Then it will have to be investigated at a later date. If we waste more resources after a failed World Super Soldier mission…King Bokkowaus will have your shell cracked and cooked in black oil to make a point."

"I'm serious!" Eggman argued, "This is something that needs to be investi…!"

"ENOUGH!" a loud voice boomed before a large mechanical fist struck the ground, causing everyone else to suddenly fly straight up before falling back to the ground. The arm was connected to a giant monolith, but a section lit up before a mouth opened to reveal this monolith was alive, "If what the human says is true…then that means Ijirude's beloved Tojiru Gear technology is…Flawed!"

"F-Flawed?!" a mostly-white Robot with a monocle over one of his optics gawked, about to say something before he noticed a pair of gun-metal black and purple gears lying on the ground, "Hmm?" they all looked to see one of their grunt had bumped into a machine that held all these gears for them.

"Barashitara, punish that Kudak!"

"Hmph…" the tank robot grunted, grabbing and lifting him into the air before tossing him down. "Servants should neither be seen or heard…unless called."

"Hold on…" a female Mobian Echidna spoke up, one of her bangs mechanical as she wore a female Varient of Eggman's outfit, but colored in black and purple, "Ijirude."


"What are those Gears your holding?"

"Oh…well…" Ijrude began before the echidna walked over, snatching Eggman's device as she used it to scan the Gears.

"...well…turns out Eggman was right," she sighed, "One of the Gears dropped matches the wavelength as those kids Eggman encountered…and what's worst….they appear to be Super Heroes."


"But…!" the echidna began as she held a finger up before the large figure could slam their fist once more, "It seems they can't use their powers as long as we have that Gear….turns out that one theory Starline had was right…if a person with powers manages to escape theri trapped world and appears here….they can't use them."

"...ooh~! Bokkowaus, I just had a devious idea," a rather large robotic bird colored in purple and Gunmetal-black spoke up, flying before the larger figure.

"Hmm? What is it, Gege?"

"Rather than destroy that Kudak…why don't we use it and another as test subjects for these two Tojiru Gears?" he offered, "I have a feeling something amazing will happen."

"Oh of course, anything for my precious little Gege…Eggman! Ijirude! You heard Gege…give him what he wants…" he growled out his demand as his giant hand curled into a fist.

"Surely…you're not afraid of a little experiment, right~?" Gege laughed as he floated down to eye level with them.

"?! Of course not!" the two scientist snapped as Eggman snatched the two Gears from the Echidna.

"Your lucky I saved your fat ass," she deadpanned at Eggman, "Otherwise you'd literally be scrambled eggs right now."

"Don't give me that lip, Lien-Da…if I hadn't noticed this, then this idea wouldn't have been possible," Eggman argued as he looked around…before spotting a lone Kudak, "YOU!"


"Come over here! We need another test subject, and last I recall…YOU made me drop my special latte!" he snapped, handing Ijrude the other gear as he stomped up to the other Kudak, "So congrats…you get to save yourself from destruction..you and your buddy."

"...OH NO YOU DON'T!" Barashitara shouted, quickly grabbing the first Kudak the moment it tried to run away, "You're not going anywhere…Test Subject 1…"

"This shall be most…entertaining~" Gege giggled.

After a thrilling evening of sharing stories and getting to know the rest of each group's friends when they were called over from Mr. Smoothy's, a new day had come to this world's Japan and the Omni-Team decided that since they have no powers they should at least relax and not worry too much as they wait for an idea on how to get home to be presented to them. Some of them did somewhat worry given how stacked the odds seemed, but from what they saw it seems like Monster attacks happen hyper regularly so they will trust their new friends. They decided to split up and hang out with the Zenkaigers team and see what this oddly fused world had to offer.

"Okay…So I just need to operate the register and help with anything, right?" Noel asked.

"That's correct," Roll replied, "And no caving to Haseo-chan giving you a cute face. He's been learning from Cassia-chan to use the fluffy as a weapon of great fear."

"But…he's so…"

"Resist, sister," Lambda spoke from nearby…currently playing on a Switch with a young female dark-green Mobian Pronghorn and a young girl with orange skin and violet hair. With her a small red lion robot was seen sleeping on the side with a silver lamp with the word Hero
(勇者)written on his front.

"You are a good challenge, La-chan," the pronghorn noted.

"Yes, this is fun," she responded, "I did not realize these acted as such useful combat simulations. Sister never told me about this."

"Eh. You mostly play games just to relax and get your brain workin'," the Human girl shrugged, "Also it mostly depends on the game. You wanna talk about 'combat simulations'? Then Fighting Games are where it's at, La-chan!"


"In fact w-"

"Nothing past the first game, Cassia," an older, lighter-green Pronghorn spoke from nearby.

"But sis~!" the younger one whined, "It's so surreal I'm playing with an actual video game character and I'm beat, I playing with scootaloo everyday now and this is one chance to play with a real game character!"

"And yet she doesn't want to be spoiled by the other games in the series she's from," Scootaloo argued.


"It is fine. We can play something else," Lambda spoke.

"How about Tekken Tag," Scootaloo said.

"I'm down," Cassia said.

"Ah you have no idea how happy I am to have more sweet girls around this place," Yatsude sighed as she brought out some drinks, "Before it was just me Flash and Kaito, I raised a son on my own and then my grandsons who one is not related by blood…you'd think boys are easy…they never tell you about the never ending chaos."

"True. Most boys tend to be a bit…chaotic," Noel muttered, "Certain tomboys as well…but sometimes it takes a person with a good heart and the right group of friends to bring out the good in them and help show them the right way."

"Oh your a wise one aren't you?" Yatsude smiled, gently patting Noel's head, "A little on the strange side, but I think that's just a charm people overlook.if I don't know any better you and Flash have the same heart as well" Noel looked at her.

"True, Flash onni-chan is kind hearted and will always help others in need and all." Scootaloo told while playing the game.

"I can agree with that, he's good and even gave me pancakes." Cassia said.

"He helped me aswell."

"Huh, well looks like you have a lucky grandson then." Lambda told." His a bit like Noel then....strange yet sweet," Lambda coined in, "...and she loves to ship people and write poems and/or love stories about them."

"La-chan…" Noel whispered with a blush.

"I actually enjoy them," Roll spoke up, earning a slight-excited gasp from the shy blonde, "She knows how to blend the emotions and setting well."

"Oh you're just like Roll-chan, that's sweet." Yatsude smiled, "Don't suppose you can help her in finding someone for Kaito…I worry for that boy."

"Eh? He's not dating Ayane-san?"

"That would be a happy ending of uniting two friendly families. But…that boy has 0 romance in his heart. Plenty of love, but no romance." Yatsude sighed, "He's denser than a diamond…"

"Partly because he runs headfirst into everything…" Cassia noted.

"Great for fighting off evil invading machine empires…" Roll muttered, "Not so much…realizing romantic feelings."

"Oh…soka," Noel noted, "What about Flash then,a person like him, any girl will be lucky to be with him." As she said that Roll developed an annoyed look.

"Well, Onni-chan does have one girl in thought." Scootaloo told while not looking back.

"Really? Who?"

"She's Skye Second daughter and Flash love interest." Yatsude explain.

"Huh?" Noel was confused.

"She's from a Raiju clan and is the leader of it and is a villan." Scootaloo said.

"Oh, a classic villan and hero love story," Noel spoke excited.

"But he couldn't pick anyone but her." Roll muttered in anger.

Noel looked at Roll,"..Ano, why is Roll-San angry."

"Cause for some reason the sakurai and Raiju hate each other. There like snake and mongoose, But Aunty Aphrodite and Cousin Ayay mother became friends and had them with the same husband but these two still hate each other," scootaloo explained," But she'll eventually let it go. I mean of what I heard, Conquering storm is kind of good so I wanna see those two together."

Both sisters heard that and blinked a few times but accepted it."Ben used to be a bit dense himself…and often got into arguments with Makoto, but after some time together in space…they come back as one of the healthiest couples I've ever seen. Even more than some of the ones in my favorite books and shows."

"They often do everything together," Lambda added, "Even when fighting an enemy…mostly due to them being the 'rush in and hit hard' types."

"That's a scary thought…" Yatsude muttered.

"...and yet they are currently with Kaito and Sonic…" Cassia's sister whispered.

"Eh…not my problem." Yatsude shrugged, "When you get wise enough…you learn when to worry, and when to let someone else lose their hair over it."

"See? Nothing to worry about," Cassia smiled

"Well Makoto and Ben are powerless…so they can't cause any trouble," Noel muttered.

"Oh no. It's Kaito and Sonic you'd have to worry about. One has limitless speed and the other limitless stamina and energy. Your friends may have finally found a match and are now the ones being dragged around."

"...oh crud muffins," Noel whispered.

"No I told you, they close early on weekends." Kaito complained.

"Hey that was totally unfair we were off by two minutes, and I should know, that waiter just has it out for me I tell ya…" Sonic grumbled.

"But he was a Mobian?" Ben pointed out.

"Well…some Mobians think Sonic is…"


"A jerk!" some random Mobian shouted.

"Hey!" Sonic complained.

"These two are not well liked by rule enforcers." Flash smiled.

"Only people that don't like Ben are a short alien that keeps getting his business destroyed by accident-and blames me as well-, an old man who runs a grocery shop for aliens, and…" Makoto paused before groaning, "Will Harangue…"

"I don't know what a Harangue is…but he sounds like a pain," Sonic noted.

"Oh believe me guys, that guy hates Ben so much that he made a robot to fight him. Bit ended up in total damage. So did his car." Flash explained

"Thanks for the feed back."

"But you're a hero…surely people appreciate you saving the day from monsters and invasions?" Kaito asked, "I mean we cause our fair share of property damage but we don't exactly start or cause the worst of it."

"To be fair the time with using a building like a folding chair against a wrestling themed Monster…not our best idea." Sonic muttered.

"Oh no, that totally went wrong fast." Flash muttered.

"We can kinda relate," Ben cringed a bit, "One time Billy Billions-one of my enemies- sent out a wave of robots and tried to hypnotize my girlfriend. ...I blanked while I was Grimlock, and next thing I knew? Entire city block in pieces…and covered in robot parts."

And I swear if that little twerp tries that again, I will literally punt his egotistical ass into the ocean," Makoto huffed.

"...and let me guess, that Harangue guy tried to twist it around that you just wanted to cause senseless mayhem," Sonic guessed.

"Right in one go," Ben sighed, "Seriously I don't know what I did to the guy, but ever since I was found out…he made it his life mission to make me the bad guy."

"Does not help he sided with an invading army of mafia space frogs after they sent me and Ben into Space…" Makoto added, "Oh and even after he got blacklisted…he STILL managed to get a job and is still 'reporting' on Ben and the rest of us being 'menaces to Earth itself.'"

"We often had to lock him up when he went too far," Ben finished.

"...so he's basically J. Jonah Jameson…but with zero redeeming qualities," Sonic noted.

"...Ben…Why didn't we think of that comparison?!" Makoto gawked.

"Because we actually respect Mr. Jameson from the comics enough to not compare him to the guy," Ben replied.

"I mean he's not so bad in the comics now…he even knows who Spider-Man is and is a friend…an annoying friend. They even talked about why they don't like each other and stuff…" Flash muttered.

"That will literally never happen with Harangue, he just flat out hates everyone." Ben pointed, "Also what?! Dude spoilers!"

"We didn't tell you about…" the three began.

"No! I won't listen!" Ben cried covering his ears.

"We're technically from the year 2014 back in our world," Makoto explained, "...well…possibly 2015 if we've been gone for that long, but who can say?"

"So…you haven't played the Spider-Man Video game?" the three asked.

"There's a what?!" Ben exclaimed before blinking, "...wait…that one costume I wore for halloween that one time….babe…"

"Yup…from said game," Makoto nodded, "But nothing too spoilery!"

"...did you play the prequel to 2?" Sonic smirked.

"THERE'S A TWO?!" the two exclaimed.

"Not out yet." they replied in unison, kind of getting a kick out of this.


"Oh grow up!" Skurd complained on Flash Geartlinger

"And I can say you have a problem with you and Ben not getting along." Flash asked skrud.

"Oh you won't believe how much he does!" Skrud told,"I help him in many ways on alien fights and superhero work but he doesn't even appreciate it. Also keeps on trying to remove me from the Omnitrix many times."

"Well, it's hard to do that when you cause trouble for me and your stupid talks. You can't even leave me and my girlfriend alone for a while!" Ben told back.

"Why I never..." Skrud said in hurt toon.

"Hey. Hey easy there you two. I know you don't get together but try and do so when you two are in combat." Flash looked at skrud."Skrud I get that you want some respect but try to see Ben prospectives, he gets annoyed when you every time horn in on there romantic time or alone time. Give them space a bit so they can have peace.They also have a life you know" He then turned to Ben," And Ben, Give skrud some respect, this guy helps you in battle and even in hard times. His been alone in life and is constantly used by others and thrown away like trash. Instead of every single time fighting try and get to know him a bit more so he can have less burden on his shoulder on every time you fight with a villan or are in battle.Both of you have it so atleast try to take some off each other shoulders by this."

Both looked at one another then looked at Flash hard gaze then back to one another,soon both nodded.

"Fine.." Both muttered.


Makoto looked at Flash bewildered seeing how he helped them,"Wow, Can't believe he made them stop fighting." She blinked many times.

"Oh, he helps a lot with his therapy session. His been good with that many times with the help of his mom. Next to Ayane, he's also good at helping others in emotional support." Kaito explained with a smile.

"Think I could barrow him." Makoto asked eagerly.

"Well, untile your hear. Then it's good." Sonic said.

'I have to grab game systems and games for relevance!' Makoto thought.

"...L-Let's talk about something else then," Ben muttered, "...like the fact that we're hanging out with Sonic the Hedgehog…man. I gotta wonder how many issues of the comic are out back in my world…"

"The fact that I have a comic is pretty sick," Sonic admitted with a grin.

"I didn't even know you had a comic. But that's probably my timeline issues," Makoto shrugged.

"I'd ask..but I don't think I have the patience for the complicated backstory. So I'm just gonna understand you have a complicated backstory." Sonic smirked.

"Yep. But a great present," Makoto grinned.

"And a therapist which we'll be seeing after we get home and we can't barrow your cousin so we gotta check at home," Ben added.

"Oh no arguing that," Makoto agreed.

"Like those nightmares you've been h-"

"What nightmares? I don't have any," Makoto quickly denied.

"Hang on a minute…" Ben wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, "No running from this. We'll talk in private, but no denying."

"Mmm~" Makoto puffed her cheeks a bit at that.

"You know…it's weird, but with you depowered, I think for once I'm the stronger one in this relationship!" Ben laughed.

"Huh?! …Oh shoot. You're right."

"You see what I deal with?!" Skurd told in exasperation.

"It's kinda sweet to see a couple that has it all together," Flash smirked.

"You see a lot of new types of couples on Earth these days," Kaito smiled.

"Yeah, like you and Co-" Sonic was cut off

"She's not my girlfriend, were two different people and mobian who fight to challenge our skills that's all." Flash quickly told.

"Sure~" Sonic smirked.

"Wait, who know." Ben and Makoto asked.

"His future girlfriend," Sonic said with a smirk." She's a Raiju clan leader and the dark legion boss, Her name, what's it again."

"You were just saying it before." Kaito told.

"Oh yeah, Bride of the Conquering storm." He said.

Ben blinked many times when he heard that." Um Ben you ok." Makoto asked.

Ben ran at Flash and grab him by the shoulders,"Dude! You manage to make the ruthless and cold hearted comic book character there is who is also loved by many even if she's a villan. To fall for you."

"What?" The three asked.

"Conquering storm is know to be the cold blooded and most vicious fighter who only care about her own pride then others. Also she isn't in love with any one. But you..." He pointed at Flash,"Man you made her fall for you, that's lucky."

"It's not like that, we only are sparing partners not, Not love birds. Beside she also has a hear so she isn't that cold blooded." Flash told him.

"Huh, defending your girlfriend, how nice." Kaito said in teasing toon.

"Shut it!" Flash gained a blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah yeah." Sonic said" well we can say that she is heartless and man any guy who is with her will be the unluckiest guy ever." Sonic laughed but soon stopped as the gun was pointed at him as Flash had a death glare.

"Want to repeat that.." he told dangerously.

Sonic quickly shook his head as Flash pulled the gun back.

"Told ya." Kaito whisper to the other two as they smirked.

"...I'm...actually curious about Something," Ben spoke, "Where...is Sally anyway?"

"...I…honestly don't know," Sonic sighed, rubbing the back of his head in frustration, "How far were you in those comics?"

"Anti-Antoine and Sally's wedding."

"Ugh…That day…" Sonic grimaced, "...Yeah. It, uh…It wasn't pretty last time I saw Sal. And, no, it did not involve our big breakup with the slap and everything."

"Slap?" Makoto and Flash repeated.

"Mistakes were made on both sides, okay? Look, apologies for spoilers and stuff but long story short? Eggman made a device called the Genesis Wave Machine, got rid of the Anti-Robotization the BEM did, World Roboticizer in his newly rebuilt Death Egg, and Sal inverted it to go off inside of the thing, destroying it, but…"

"Mecha Sally," Ben stated, earning a glum nod.

"What's worse is Eggman then went and upgraded her," Sonic noted.

"What?! But when Nate had to replaced Bunnie's Roboticized limbs, she couldn't get…" Ben began before Sonic nodded.

"I'm not sure how…but Eggman did something to make sure she didn't have any free will," Sonic sighed.

"Huh?" Makoto pondered.

"Why bring that up?"

"You know how many Rings I've collected and how often I've used Power Rings? I can tell when there's one nearby from the energy alone and Sal? She was running off one when Eggman upgraded her."

"...He modified a Power Ring or made it so she couldn't regain her free will but still run off it," Flash realized.

"Bingo….things were….were really not looking up for us at the time," Sonic sighed, "But we were intent on getting Sal back no matter what, but….just when we and Silver managed to get her…Eggman activated the Genesis Wave Machine again…only this time he and this one other doc changed both time and space with it, changing both our and the other scientist's worlds' histories."

"Wait…so…he made something...that could bend both time and space?" Ben and Makoto blinked.

"From what Sonic explained to us? Yeah," Kaito nodded.

"It was hard to understand Al that but I got it still, unlike some one." Flash told looking at Kaito.

"Hey I could still understand!"

"You and tangle think alike lot." Flash told.

"I worked with that world's hero and while I think they managed to fix theirs…Eggman rammed me and then zapped the Chaos Control I was using to restore our world and, well…" Sonic gestured to everything, "Yeah…"

"...and you're hoping Sally's somewhere in this world…Deroboticized," Ben guessed, earning a nod.

"Heck…don't even know where Bunnie, Rotor or Antione are," Sonic added, "Right now? Out of the original Freedom Fighters? it's just me, Tails, Amy, and Nicole…and don't get me started on the timeline changes I'm dealing with!"

"Roll's been making sure to keep him calm when he has his panic attacks," Kaito explained.

"She does seem like a Team Mom for you guys," Makoto noted.

"Actually she's like a sister to me cause of her kaa-san but to others she's like a mom." Flash told.

"She can be," Sonic admitted, "...Heck, her friend Tangle makes it hard to even feel down. She's like Kaito….one big ball of hyperactive positivity."

"And with them, the nine of us kick Tojitendo butt as the Zenkaisers!" Kaito beamed.

"...Huh?!" Makoto gawked.

"I knew we forgot to mention something last night," Sonic muttered.

"So you're part of a Super Sentai?" Ben blinked, "...like that one Zone based on that one old cartoon Gatchaman?"

"Oh you saw those adventures I had on the Zone Highway huh…?" Sonic muttered.

"Yeah…the Sally Moon one was…weird."

"Please never mention that one. Ever," Sonic scrunched his nose up.

"Trust me…just remembering it makes me shudder," Ben shivered.

"I like anime but that one, no sir," Flash said shivering.

"Back to the subject at hand…." Sonic muttered as he noticed they were getting off track, "Yeah…me, Roll, and Tangle are part of Kaito's and Flash's team, too…"

"...What are your Sentai names and colors?" Makoto asked as she instantly got behind him and Kaito, "Please tell me~!"

"Cobalt, Roll's Kuranai, and Tangle's Topaz."

"Ahh~" Makoto squealed before blinking, "...wait…then who's the Onyx one?"

"Don't know yet," Sonic shrugged.

"I was hoping for a green…" Kaito muttered, "It's the one color we don't have yet…that…and purple…"

"We basically have a silver Ninja and we're waiting for gold and black one." Flash chipped in.

"I've been wondering about something…" Ben muttered to Makoto as Kaito and Flash and Sonic argued about what colors would be cooler to add to the team, they were currently arguing green over silver, "Isn't the team leader…Red?"

"Normally yeah." she nodded.

"So…why is Kaito…the team leader…a white ranger?" Ben whispered.

"Mmm…This is rare, but the leader can rarely be a different color. Last time was with Ninja Sentai Kakuranger," Makoto replied.

"I'm gonna pretend I understand that so as to not offend you…" Ben admitted, "I can't keep track of all of them…"

"Considering Zenkaiser had a 45, there's probably 45 at the moment counting Zenkaigers," Makoto noted, "So you just leave the Sentai trivia to me, m'kay? Since you know more of the Sonic stuff than me."

"That's fair." Ben chuckled. He then looked around and realized Flash was there but Kaito and Sonic weren't in front of them anymore, "Wait…where did…"

"Stop! Kaito! You can't do that!" a human police officer shouted as Kaito and Sonic were in the process of climbing up a building free-climbing style.

"I shall be the first to do it!" Kaito cheered.

"All our ideas are great ideas!" Sonic shouted.

"How did…" Ben gawked.

"We are Agents of Chaos and Freedom!" Both cheered as the cops struggled to climb after them, but lacked their superior athletic skills and ended up falling.

"AH! Officer down! Officer down!" a human police officer panicked.

"Don't worry sir, I got you." Flash came in helping the police officer up." There now I'm trying to catch my cousin and the speed demon so I'll be off." He said jumping up after them.

"...Funny enough…didn't we do this once?" Makoto asked.

"Yes, but I was Spidermonkey at the time," Ben replied.

"First to roof hop to the store gets to pick what we make for dinner!" Kaito challenged Sonic.

"It's on!" Sonu and Flash shouted with that, the three ran and began jumping across the rooftops.

"Prepare to lose and I love some some Odin for dinner." Flash shouted jumping faster.

"In your dreams ninja man." Sonic went faster.

"I'm not backing down!" Kaito cheered running faster.

"Usually, I'm against this but Talley who!" Skrud cheered.

"Aw come on!" both teens exclaimed, slapping the air in disbelief before running after them.

"Is…is this what it's like to hang out with us?" Ben asked.

"What no…we're…I mean…we can't be…"

"Oh come on…it's…oh god…is this what it feels like to be the responsible one?" Ben asked, "Is this what we put Tsubaki through…?"

"Oh god…we are horrible role models!" Makoto panicked, "We will never be ready for kids!"

"What?!" Ben shouted.

"Shush! Nothing…" she quickly hushed while covering his mouth.

"Hmm…" Rex muttered, going over a list with Juran, "...think this is about right, amigo?"

"Hmm…seems about right…"

"What are you two doing?" Sari asked as she walked over.

"Hmm?" Rex blinked as he and Juran turned to look, "Oh hey. We're jsut going over an ingredient list."

"...for what exactly?"

"The ultimate party snack duh!" Rex grinned, "Nachos!"


"The little man says its the greatest snack ever. I have no reason to doubt him, we don't have food half as good as Earth does back in Kikaitopia. Also the name just sounds awesome!" Juran cheered.

"Yup! There's just one more ingredient we need left for it," Rex stated.

"One more?" Sari blinked, "...I understand you need teh chips, cheese and salsa for it, but what else is there?"

"Duh…the Guacamole!" Rex declared, "You can't have nachos without the Guacamole!"

"...ok you have me there," Sari nodded.

"Great…what's Guacamole?" Juran asked, tilting his head.

"One of THE best things to dip chips and nachos in, amigo!" Rex grinned.

"That explains nothing yet also everything, let's get to it young people!" Juran cheered excitedly.


"I think I saw a store nearby selling avacados!" Sari grinned a bit in almost-equal excitement, "Oh! I know a good recipe for a variant made just for robotic beings! My friends Bee and Bulkhead tried it once…left them absolutely speechless."

"Oh that sounds amazing, little lady!" Juran smiled, "Let's try it! I'm up for anything, this world has tons of stuff my old world didn't!"

"Then let's make sure you have one muy caliente party you'll never forget, amigo!" Rex grinned, "To the avocados!"

"Juran, you always say in your world…what was Kikaitopia like?" Sari asked as Rex ran off.

"Hmm…Tojitendo has been in charge of our world since my Grandfather's Grandfather, then maybe even longer before that…" Juran muttered, "We don't get to be happy in our old world…it was a life of getting bullied around by jerks who think they are better 'cause they were built as soldiers and warriors…more like built like jerks…"

"...damn," Rex whispered.

"So these Tojitendo guys are just elitist bullies," Sari noted with a frown, "And they want to capture other worlds just because they think they can."

"That's right, they might seem silly as we deal with them…but living with them. They are all kinds of intimidating…" Juran sighed, "I think I was your age when I last saw my family…don't get it wrong, they can cause a lot of pain to good folks. It's why a lot of Kikainoids are terrified to stand up to them, but I finally got a chance to have friends, to party, to live!" he cheered, "So…I'll go with those two kids anywhere to fight them. I just want to have fun with nice people, that's enough for this old bucket of bolts to take a shot at fighting."

"...you're definitely a pretty cool old dude, Juran," Rex smiled a bit, "It's great to know there are people here standing up to those jerks."

"And trust us…if we had our powers, we'd be there to try and help ya," Sari added.

"Ah don't worry kids, for now you just worry about finding a way home. We can deal with the Tojitendo, Kaito may not be a super tactical genius like Flash....but when it comes to fighting…he puts even those well trained elites to shame.so does Flash and the others " Juran chuckled, "Sides, I may be old, but I'm still young enough at heart to fight!" he cheered, "It's the adults job to help out the next era right?"

"...heh. I guess that's true," Rex nodded with a chuckle, 'Even if he's my guardian…Six was always there to help me wherever he could…I gotta have a heart to heart with him when I get home.'

"But for today…it's the youth's turn to teach ya a new thing or two," Sari smirked a bit, "And I suggest we hurry and get those avocados…they really sell fast when it comes to chips."

"Then lets get it done!" Juran cheered, "We got a lot of mouths to feed tonight!"

"Vamonos, amigos!" Rex declared as the three rushed off.

"...mmmm…." Mai narrowed her eyes a bit, staring at a lone piece of pie on the table.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" A female pink Mobian hedgehog asked as she and Magine sat across from her, "...did they get your order wrong?"

"No. Just….iffy on if I should test something or not…" Mai muttered.


"See technically my power is…I feel the memories of whatever I eat or…ugh. Lick," the blunette explained, "Because of it, I couldn't eat food normally, so the only food I could eat was Noel's cooking…which I didn't mind obviously."

"Wait…your super power is super sense of taste?" Magine blinked.

"More or less yeah," Mai nodded, "...it often helped when we needed to investigate something or when someone we know goes missing."

"...and right now you're hesitant if you should try to see if you can still eat food normally or not," the female hedgehog guessed.

"That's right, Amy…"

"Well…you just…can't eat." Magine pointed out, "I guess you have to…test it?"

"That's what I'm thinking," Mai muttered as she looked back down at the pie slice, "...if something happens to me…contact Makoto or Noel."

The two just nodded in response as Mai picked up her fork, slowly cutting off a small piece of pie before picking it up. She stared on at the piece for a few moments, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself. Deciding to bite the bullet, she took the bite into her mouth and began to chew…and nothing happened.

"...I guess you can eat food normally," Magine noted.

"...one more thing I want to try," Mai muttered, reaching into her bag as she pulled out a plastic container.

"?" both Amy and Magine blinked as Mai opened the container…and the two tensed the moment they saw what was inside.

"...is….is that…censored?" Amy blinked before Mai picked up whatever was inside..and took a bite of it, "?!"

"...Still can eat Noel's cooking too," Mai smiled a bit.

"Y…your friend Noel…makes that?" Magine blinked in pure surprise.

"Yup!" Mai beamed, "Guess my body's built up an immunity from all the times I've eaten her cooking….which means more of her delicious cookies!"

"Those are cookies?!" both pinkettes gawked at that.

"Yup! Kitchen Sink cookies made with…well everything cookie related," Mai nodded, "...and before you ask no. She does not taste her own cooking."

"What?!" Amy gawked, "But…that's literally what you're supposed to do when you cook something!"

"This looks like something you summon from an occult ritual…" Magine muttered.

"...what…would happen if someone else t-" Amy cautiously began.

"Hey guys! Wh-!" Gaon began as he walked over…and saw what Mai was eating, "?! What…is that?"

"Something my friend Noel, made," Mai replied.

"...oh god what did she make now?" Naoto muttered as he walked up next to Gaon…and saw the food, "?!...Gaon whatever you do don't even try that!"


"Trust me…I tried Noel's cooking once….my body felt like a toxic waste pit for a few hours…"

"Oh come on. How can something so small and adorable ever make something so dangerous? This one eats it just fine. Besides, I'm a Kikainoid." Gaon waved off, "I am made of all kinds of metal…I think some of it is strong enough to take some poorly made cooking." he took some and ate it, he happily nodded before the lights on his body and his eyes began to go dim before…they just went dark and he fell over with a loud metallic clang.

"...EH?!" Amy and Magine exclaimed.

"I tried to warn him…" Naoto sighed.

"M-Magine, call Skye!" Amy yelped as she ran over to check on Gaon, "He might know how to cure this!"

"My only request…bury me in nature…so I may be with the adorable forest creatures…and keep…machines as far away from me as possible…" Gaon slowly begged, "I can see the fields of paradise…filled with adorable tiny critters…and they want to cuddle…"

"Ahh! Gaon don't leave us!" Magine panicked as she rapidly dialed on her phone.

"...you just had to bring out the food…didn't you?" Naoto deadpanned towards Mai.

"Eh heh heh…"

"Hmm…Yes I see what you mean, this slang concept is most messy, unorganized and…frankly I find it silly…why do you say a word that has meant one thing for almost centuries…then change its meaning…?" Vroon muttered at the library with Rook.

"I concur that it is most difficult to understand even with the countless guides I am given." Rook smiled.

"It's why I like reading books here, they are always using proper grammar and have much more interesting and fascinating information! Look at this one…it is a guide to cleaning…I had no idea there were so many tricks to make it easier!" Vroon held up a book.

"Yes. You can learn quite a bit from books…but you can also learn from those you consider as friends," Rook nodded

"I agree, Kaito may not be the most learned person I know…but from being friends with him I have learned more than my entire life in Kikaitopia, about friendship, bonds, family, and kindness." Vroon smiled, "But I do worry about the amount of direct impacts he take to his head…almost always running through walls"

"...believe it or not, I often have that same thought for Ben at times," Rook admitted, "He is my friend yes but…I often question some of the…er. 'Tactics' he and Makoto often come up with…"

"Kaito doesn't really think of plans…we just…aim him at the bad guys." Vroon spoke, "We love and accept him, and know we should plan…and let Kaito do the most damage he can. However his odd method of thinking has actually helped with the very…specific abilities of some enemies…"

"Really now?" Rook noted, "Huh…maybe Kaito and Ben are not so different."


"Even when he makes a mistake, Ben takes advantage of it with whatever new Alien he turns into and uses it to turn things around," Rook explained.

"Well most of the enemies we face have…some slight ability to alter reality to match the dimension powering them." Vroon explained, "Sometimes their effects are far more dangerous than others, like one causing a global winter…but some…well…"

"And some will either try to build a weather machine, summon an army of robots to try and take over, and trying to control an entire clan of cat people," Rook stated, "Ben has often faced his own share of…colorful enemies."

"I mean…the Tojitendo is an army of robots…" Vroon muttered, "But you understand what I mean." he shrugged, "But we've had to deal with some truly strange powers…would you believe we fought a monster whose power…is spawning garbage…?"

"...would you believe one of Ben's past enemies used to control an army of bugs that-and I kid you not- he could use as armor?"

"Truly we have strange adventures to share…" Vroon muttered.

"Indeed we do," Rook nodded.

"Seriously dude…you're nuts," Ben panted as he, Makoto, Kaito, Flash and Sonic were walking down the path leading to the Candy Shop.

"What…nah we're fun," Sonic argued, "This isn't even crazy, you should see what we do when a real fight happens!" he chuckled, "Ah…I saw that video…the fight you guys saw was nothing compared to a normal day."

"How so?"

"Giant Robot," Makoto replied with a smile.

"And Roll and my livestreams them," Flash smirked.


"She likes giant robot battles."

"Who doesn't?" Makoto grinned, "Anything involving a Giant Robot is gonna be awesome~!"

"Also our enemies have crazy reality bending powers, like one makes it perma-winter, or one makes everyone go boxing crazy and want to fight us…" Kaito listed.

"Or one whose power is endless pranks…" Flash groaned, "Vroon still mourns his lost notebook."

"Then some days we just fight supervillains or generic badguy goons from Sonic's world." Kaito added.

"Same old same old." Sonic smirked, "It's actually kinda fun to let them fight Kaito and realize he just never stops, hahaha…ah…this man is awesome."

"But to be fair Sonic and Flash fixes most problems before they ever become problems, Super speed is very handy to have all the time and so is magic and ninja speed." Kaito smirked.

"Yup, magic and good old hard work helps very good in battle." Flash smiled.

"Fastest thing alive," Sonic grinned, "Anyone ever in trouble by baddies and such? I'll be there. Need a badguy to annoy just for fun? Just call yours truly."

"Oh that we can agree on," Makoto nodded.

"It's always so fun to just mess with them and get them to spill their plans," Ben added.

"See? Ya get it," Sonic nodded.

"Yeah w-" Ben began before he noticed something fall out of Kaito's pocket, "...uh hey dude. You dropped y-" he began as he walked over and picked it up, blinking a bit as he looked at what looked like a Red Gear with an image of different Red Rangers' helmets, "...huh. Wonder what this is…?"

"What's what?" Makoto blinked as she, Flash, Kaito and Sonic turned to look at him.

"This Gear. It fell out of Kaito's pocket."

"Oh…this!" Kaito smiled, "My parents gave me this ages ago when they began working on their Parallel world research." he took the Gear back before he slid it into his wallet, "I've never really used it before, mostly cause I forgot about it."

"Ah….so it's a keepsake," Sonic noted.

"Hey, I have one aswell." Flash said," I got this one from mom and dad a couple of days ago when scootaloo came hear." He pulled out a Sentai Gear which had the image of an unknown Sentai but a number wasn't on it.

"Huh, guess these are your parents gifts to you." Sonic said.

"That's really sweet," Makoto smiled a bit.

"That's why I always keep it in my wallet," Kaito smiled as he held his wallet up, "Now let's hurry up…feeling hungry and Roll's probably got something cooked up."

"I'm game," Sonic nodded.

"Count me in," Flash agreed.

Ben and Makoto just nodded as the five resumed walking, Skurd looked up from the gun as he looked on in boredom…until he saw the sky becoming purple for a moment.

'...now what on Earth was that?' the Slimbiote thought."Flash," He called out as Flash stopped and looked at him." I think trouble is coming." He told him.

"What?" He ask in confusion.

"?!" Tsukasa tensed as he quickly rose up from his chair, the book on his face slowly sliding off, "...what the hell was that?"

"Huh?" Bobo blinked, pausing from making a smoothie as he looked in from the kitchen, "What? What's wrong?"

"I don't know…and I honestly don't like it…" he frowned, "It feels as if someone…pulled in people from somewhere…like…another…" he began to trail off as it began to click, "...oh those dirty motherfuckers…"


"Bad things…you may just either become a human or return to being a regular ape." he spoke as he walked out.

"...I'll hold down da fort," Bobo frowned as he stepped out of the kitchen, "Sorry people! We's closing early!"

"Hah? B-" A Kikanoid began.

"SCRAM! GET OUTTA HERE! THIS IS IMPORTANT!" Bobo snapped as the people began to leave in a rush, "Alright…" he began as he walked back into the kitchen, tapping the side of the kitchen...before a section opened up to reveal an arsenal of weapons, "Let's do dis…"

"Seriously I tried to warn you…" Naoto sighed as he was walking through the park, carrying a groaning Gaon over his shoulders.

"I thought I could take it…"

"Yeah well that's what I thought before…" Naoto began before he suddenly stopped, "...you need something, buddy?"

"Hmm?" Gaon blinked before noticing the serious look on Naoto's face.

Standing ahead of them was a man clad in a blue cloak and a wide brimmed sombrero hiding his features. In one hand he held a bag of ice as he took a cube and put it in his mouth and began crunching.

"Yeah…mind telling me where I'm at? And more importantly….there anything fun to do?" the figure questioned.

"...depends…what kind of 'fun' are you looking for?" Naoto questioned.

"Naoto isn't that…kinda rude?" Gaon muttered as he began to move off him.

"Yeah, but…" Naoto began as his eyes narrowed, "I can feel the killing intent this guy's giving off…"

"Oh?" the figure blinked from underneath their sombrero, "You can feel that?"

"Let's just say I've been in danger so many times…I know when there's a sense of danger in the air…" Naoto countered.

"Oh…you might just be fun…the last smart mouthed kid to get this sassy with me…didn't last long." he chuckled as the air began getting colder, his cloak suddenly moved as he held up what looked like a flintlock pistol made of ice.

"Naoto-kun!" Gaon panicked, pushing him down just as it fired a ball of ice which hit a car and encased it in blue ice…which promptly shattered, the car inside joining it from being flashfrozen.

"Aww…you made me miss," the figure pouted before grinning, "Don't worry…" he paused as his form began to change, "I won't miss twice…" he was now replaced with a monster who wore a sombrero of ice, hiding his black skull mask like face and yellow eyes, with bone like armor on his arms and legs, yellow tentacles hanging from his shoulders and two long capes made of ise with icicles forming teeth patterns on them, "My name is Zamigo Delma…a Gangler…and you just gave me a new game to play~" he held his hands over the golden safes seemingly melded to his legs…as they opened and produced two new ice pistols.

"...and crud/crap baskets."

"So you normally stay here for your fortune telling?" Mai blinked, standing nearby Amy and Magine as they finished setting up a pair of tables.

"It's honestly fun to do, plus it gives an air of mystery somewhat," Amy smiled.

"It's usually little kids or someone feeling down," Magine added.

"But it actually helps now and again, plus the fun of the mystery and occult is appealing." Amy added.

"Would you like to try?" Magine asked with sparkling eyes.

"...know what? I am curious o-" Mai began before tensing, "...girls…"


"Don't…move…" Mai whispered, slowly reaching behind her back for something as she stood ready.

"...what a-" Magine began.

"May I get a fortune, little lady?"

"?!" Both Magine and Amy tensed, slowly turning to see a rather..monstrous looking figure sitting down before the former's table. The figure was clad in all blue armor with a plut armored face with six yellow eyes, and a beard of cables that looked like tentacles. His left arm was a giant metal hook while his right was a normal hand with blue gems over his knuckles.

"Tell me….there any big game here?" the figure asked in a tone that sent shivers down Magien and Amy's spines, the two grunt-like enemies standing near him twitching a bit.

"...you're a hunter, aren't you?" Mai spoke up with a frown.

"Not just any hunter sweetie. I'm a Mega-Beast Hunter, Bangray!" he cackled, "Now…where's the big game on this planet!? So far all I been seeing are these teeny-tiny little beasties~" he laughed looking at Amy, "But…you know…I hear this world has something almost as fun as Beasts…Super Sentai~ I killed them back in my world. Now I need some…fun~"


"...ah come on..where's that book Jewel needs?" Tangle muttered, walking through the library Rook and Vroon where at, "Seriously I've been looking up and down this aisle for hours…it's gotta b-" she soon tensed up when a blue-armored grunt-like enemy nearly slashed, "Woah! Hey easy!"

"Tangle?" Vroon blinked, running over with Rook from the next asil over before he quickly caught the sword of another grunt, "?!"

"What are…?!" Rook began before grabbing another grunt by the arm and got it into an armbar, "What are these?!"

"I don't know!" Tangle complained as she dodged another slash, "I was getting a book for Jewel and the next thing I know, I'm getting jumped by this guy!"

"This is not how one acts in a Library!" Vroon called out, trying to get them to stop.

"I don't think they're listening, big guy!" Tangle called out as she swung her tail around to punch one.

"It would seem…we have another attack from your enemies." Rook spoke, kicking one away.

"But these aren't Kudakk's…these…well honestly I don't know what these are!" Vroon spoke as he pushed one away and sent it tumbling into others, "But they are most rude! This is a place of learning and peace! How dare you bring violence into it! I must ask you to leave so I may fight you properly!" he huffed.

"Oh don't worry…I'll give you better company," a rather feminane voice spoke up, making the grunts stop as they began to part just as a new figure walked over. They were wearing a fox mask and clad in a black and gold robe resembling a tiger with a tiger head on each shoulder.

"Well…you just scream evil bad…guy…girl…I honestly can't tell dude…" Tangle muttered.

"You may refer to me as Kyuemon, little girl," the figure stated as they brought out a paper fan, "Not that it matters…your hearts will soon be filled with fear here in a few."

"Oho! Alright evil ninja androngenous person! I will break your creepy fox face!" Tangle shouted.

"Please take this outside!" Vroon panicked.

"Ok...got the last few avocados," Rex muttered as he, Juran and Sari were walking with multiple bags of food, "Still just enough to make some guacamole!"

"Cool~" Juran cheered before he blinked, "Is that a…monkey?" he blinked as standing in their path was what could best be described as some kind of armored baboon as it ate a banana, "What's with the armor though? Some kind of street performance?"

"Maybe they're just lost," Sari guessed.

"Or snuck out of the zoo," Rex added.

"...or…" Sari began, slowly putting her bags down, "I don't think this monkey's from this planet…"

"That's right~" a voice spoke up behind them making them turn to see a man dressed in a very flamboyant almost pirate like attire, with a red overcoat with a white fur lining, and a black wide brimmed hat with the left side folded up, "That's my monkey, Sally~" he smiled as Sally suddenly pulled out two brass cymbals and smacked them making Rex and Juran flinch and jump back, "Oh…must be hungry," he mused as Sally rushed over and stole an avocado from their bag before scurrying up next to him, "Oh…you adorable space simian you…" he smiled patting her head gently, "Always causing trouble~"

"...let me guess….space pirate?" Rex cautiously asked as the trio stood ready.

"Bingo~" he laughed, "I was promised a great treasure if I helped with the destruction of this world's Super Sentai…of course I won't leave till I harvest your Greater Power for myself."

"Our what?" Juran blinked.

"Oh you don't need to understand," he mused with a smile, "It won't matter for long. Though…you're not what I expected of the Red…in my world, the Reds are often…more…" he mused, "Young…"

"I'll have you know I am a crisp 40!" Juran pointed, "But I am an eternal 20 at heart! I can party with the best of them, but I won't fall for your games Space-Niichan…so…let's settle this like adults. You back off…and I won't have to bend you over my knee and spank you good!"

"...oh I see now. You're not the leader of your little group," the man noted, "...oh well. May as well rough you up regardless…give your leader a little message ya know." he snapped his fingers…before frowning and looking at Sally, "Sally…"


"That was the signal…"

"Eek? Eek-Ook!"

"What do you mean you forgot the signal?" he complained, gently shaking the space monkey, "Ah mou…just get em." he sighed as Sally saluted and began flipping forward before jumping and tackling Rex, "No the Red one…that one's orange…Ah! I knew it! Your color blind ain't ya!?"


"GAh! Cut! It! Out!" Rex snapped between each slam of Sally's cymbals before he managed to push her off. He then quickly got up and waved his hands…and nothing happened, "...oh right…no powers…"

"Eek?" Sally had flinched as if expecting something, the space monkey blinked before grabbing another avocado and tossing it at his face, making it splatter into mush on impact.

"Okay bad Monkey!" Juran complained while picking Sally up, making her panic and flail around, "Now you be a good monkey and go eat a banana in a tree!" he lifted her up before yelping as the man kicked him in the back, sending both the Kikainoid and space monkey into Rex.

"Sally you're a weird monkey, but damn it all if I don't love your brand of chaos." he smiled before leaning back, dodging a kick from Sari before grabbing her leg and tossed her into a nearby antique shop, "Nice try…"

"Ok space…pirate guy…" Sari grunted as she got up, moving some junk off her, "Just who are you?"

"Hmm…who am I?" the man countered before swerving to the side to dodge a punch from both Rex and Juran, "Well..if you must know little lady, I go by one name…Basco, and like any expert pirate.." he smiled as he pulled out an odd looking gun, "I'm here to steal your treasure."

"Odd…" Noel muttered as she looked at her phone, "I can't get a hold of anyone…"

"I'm sure it's….probably…" Lambda paused as she thought her sentence out more and accounting for her knowledge of her friends, "Maybe we should go check…"

"Hai," Noel nodded, "Roll-san, Yatsude-san, we need to step out real quick!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Roll asked as she stepped out.

"Friends not picking up. We…" Lambda began…before frowning a bit, "..."

"...La-chan?" Noel blinked before tensing, "Get down!"

"Wh-?" Roll began before Noel quickly pushed her down as Lambda ducked, dodging the energy bullet that nearly shot them, "!?"

"Hmm…..a miss," a woman in an all black and silver-white attire frowned a bit, the barrel of her gunmetal-black bayonet-style pistol smoking a bit as she held a silver-white colored variant in her other hand. She pushed her glasses up, "Maybe you're not weak after all…this may just be fun."

"...ma'am, I highly suggest you leave," Roll stated as she stood up, a frown forming on her face, "Your disrupting business."

"Hmm…no. I don't think I will," the woman muttered as she walked in, "I was told there were Super Sentai here…and you seem to fit that criteria, vixen…"

"...assassin," Lambda realized.

=Eh?! There's an Assa…!= Secchan began as he flew in..and tensed upon seeing the woman =...oh….oh no…=

"Secchan?" Noel blinked.

=...Skye…SKYE!= the robotic bird freaked as he flew off =CODE RED! WE GOT A CODE RED, TUNE!=

"Annoying…" the woman frowned, about to aim at Secchan before quickly sidestepping a few thrown bo shuriken.

"I tried to warn you…" Roll stated, lowering her thrown hand as she held up what looked like a sword version of Kaito's gun.

"...hmm….maybe this won't be a waste of time afterall," the woman noted as she held up her guns, "My name is Escape…and these are my guns Gock.." she paused as she kissed the black gun, "And Magock," she then kissed the silver gun, "Will you excite me…or disappoint me like the last Sentai I've faced?" she smiled.

"I…get bad warnings from her…" Lambda spoke.

"Roll-chan…at least take her out of here…we really don't need to make your Papa fix all the bullet holes." Yatsude spoke up as she poked out from the back room, "Well try at least…this girl seems…"

=She's a crazy AI given physical form! We're all in danger, tune!= Secchan panicked.

"Let's play little girl." Escape cheered as she aimed and began shooting.

=SEE?! PSYCHO!= Secchan panicked as Noel plucked him out of the air and out of bullets paths =Thank you, tune!=

"Just what's going on?" Noel whispered, she and Lambda carefully watching roll dodging the gunfire aimed at her before she became a blur and tackled Escape out of the shop.

"...Something's wrong," Makoto spoke as she stopped, the boys to stop and turn to look at her.

"Babe?" Ben blinked as Makoto pulled out her phone.

"...can't get in contact with Noel," Makoto muttered as she messed with her phone, "...can't contact Naoto either…same for Mai and Sari…." she put her phone away before pulling her Badge out, "Rook do you come in?! Rook!" static was her only response, "..."

"...ok now this is starting to get fishy," Sonic noted with a frown.

"...I may have a theory," Flash spoke up, "Earlier Skrud said he noticed the sky turning purple for a moment…something about that just screamed suspicious."

"Yeah that's not normal…" Kaito noted, "It must be a World Monster. When they show up they enforce some reality bending ability…sometimes we can't tell till it's too late."

"...I'm gonna go on ahead and get Roll," Flash suggested, "That way we can split up and check the others."

"I THINK NOT, VILLAIN!" at that a blur tackled Sonic before he could run off, sending him skidding across the ground.

Everyone flinched as the blur stopped, revealing something that looked like a Kudaiter, but his armor was altered, now he had white and black armor on his arms and legs, his chest clad in white armor with a black chest plate with a green hourglass symbol in the center, his helmet was rounded with a giant black screen for his face, with the same green hourglass symbol in the center, and his left arm was clad in a green gauntlet with a very similar dial that Ben and Makoto recognized.

"What are…?" Kaito blinked, "You're a lot more…flashy then normal Worlds…"

"Iie! I am no normal World, foul fiend!" the being shouted dramatically, "I am the savior of the Tojitendo empire! It's proud and just champion! Seigi no Yuusha!" he shouted as he did a dramatic Pose, "OMNI WORLD!"

"That's…you're a walking Omnitrix…" Ben spoke in disbelief, "You're made from our Dimension!"

"I know not what you speak! For I am the champion sent to defeat the vile Lord Zenkaiser for his crimes against the Tojitendo!" Omni World argued.

"This…is…oddly good timing…" Makoto muttered.

"I don't get what you mean, but you attacked my friend!" Kaito shouted getting up face to face with Omni World, "If you're a real hero you'll say sorry for blindsiding someone who was gonna go check on his friends!" he snapped, making Omni World flinch and look around confused, "Come on…we're waiting!"

"Yeah!" Sonic shouted, "Ah that smarts…" he groaned getting up.

"...I apologize," Omni World bowed.

"Good. N-" Kaito began before Flash pulled him back as he narrowly avoiding a flaming punch, "?!"

"However, I will not falter until I stop you fiends!"

"I knew it! Your just another Tojitendo jerk!" Kaito shouted as he kicked his leg out and hit Omni World's knee, making him yelp and fall over, "Sonic! Flash! Check on the others!" he ordered as he flipped backwards across the ground.

"On it" Sonic ran in a blur.

"Skrud" Flash called out as Skrud nodded and soon went down to flags legs as green goo was on them and soon changed into black leather pants with red botts."Now were talking." Flash soon ran in a green blur with pixels.


"I don't want to hear it Mr. Sneak attack! If your gonna be a Hero! You make sure they know you hit em!" he pulled out his gun, "Change Zenkai!"


Kaito shot a blast from the gun which turned into a giant Gear he ran through and was replaced by his Super hero Alter Ego. He spun around and pistol whipped the Tojitendo Super Soldier before slamming a punch to his hip.

"Gah! Kidney punch, ah!" Omni World yelped as he was kicked in the stomach, "Wa-wait…" he grunted before Zenkaiser aimed and shot him from point blank, sending him flying back.

"You sneak attacked us first! This is payback for socking my buddy!" Zenkaiser argued, "I don't get your theme…but I know that I am not gonna give you an inch, from the very start I'm full throttle, Zenryoku Zenkai!" he cheered as he rushed and punched Omni World.

"Wait. If he has all my powers…" Ben spoke before Zenkaiser shouted as he was sent flying over their heads, Omni World now sporting an extra set of red arms.

"Foolish villain! I am the Superior Hero!" Omni World boasted as the extra arms retracted in with a similar beeping sound of the Omnitrix.

"Gah…oh yeah well I'm the more liked Hero, so…there…!" Zenkaiser argued as he flipped to his feet.


"Nah, we like him more." Makoto added.

"Blaspheme!" Omni World gasped.

"Gun!" Zenkaiser shouted, shooting him with a barrage of energy bullets.

"Fine…then ti is time ot get serious!" Omni World declared as he crossed hsi arms, "Tiger Style…ike~!"

"Tiger?" Makoto blinked before tensing, "...Rath…"

"...uh oh," Ben whispered with wide eyes, "Uh, Kaito! You might wanna be careful!"

"Eh? Why?" Zenkaiser blinked before he was suddenly punched through a wall, "GAH!"

"LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING LORD ZENKAISER; OMNI WORLD IS GOING TO BREAK YOUR SPINE LIKE A SPARROW'S EGG BETWEEN TWO MUSCLY THIGHS!" Omni World shouted, mis muscles bulked up beyond belief as he sported a pair of black claws.

"Ugh…I taste brain…" Zenkaiser groaned, spirals visible in his visor. He quickly got up as he opened his belt and pulled a gear out, "Luck…don't fail me now…" he shook his head.


"Raahh!" Zenkaiser roared as he rushed out and began unleashing a barrage of punches to Omni World before taping several spots causing his body to lock up, "Geki Waza…Hou Hou DAN!" he roared, thrusting his arms out as he launched the projection of a red tiger as it rammed into Omni World with an explosion, "Gao!" he roared as he got into a martial arts pose.

"RAGH!" Omni World shouted as his roar forced the dust cloud away, "You want a tiger fight?! THEN LET'S FIGHT!"

"GH!" Gaon grunted as he and Naoto rolled along the ground, the former's arm a bit frozen as he dropped his weapon.

"Come on now….did ya seriously think I was gonna let you transform?" Zamigo questioned, spinning his gun for a bit before aiming at the two.

"You know you could have the decency to let a guy do his bit!" Gaon complained while shooting with his gun for cover fire, "You may look like a human, but you are cold and evil like a machine!"

"The machine part is different…but I get that a lot." he chuckled before firing a few more shots, prompting Gaon and Naoto to roll out of the way to dodge.

"Gaon, I'm gonna try and get him to focus on me," Naoto whispered to the yellow Kikanoid as he quickly got up, "You focus on trying to transform."

"Wait Naoto-kun!" Gaon called out as Naoto ran out, "Ooh…I hate putting adorable humans in danger!"

'I may not have powers right now…but at least I know how to fight!' Naoto thought, quickly side stepping each shot Zamigo fired at him before the brunette kicked him across the face, making him stagger a tiny bit. He then quickly jumped back as another shot was aimed at him before he began to run to the side before quickly getting behind a tree, making Zamigo's shots hit it as it quickly began to freeze up.

"Not bad…" Zamigo snapped his finger as the tree vanished as if it was teleported away, "But it takes more than being clever to get away from me." he made another gun as he aimed it at Naoto.

"True!" Naoto grunted as he jumped to the side to dodge, "And I know the moment one of those hits me…I'm literally a frozen popsicle….so can't say I can get a few potshots in!" he shouted as he ran, only to tense as his foot suddenly slipped off the frozen ground, "?!"

"Wow…" Zamigo muttered, "I think you forgot the main danger of ice…slipping." he chuckled as Naoto slid past him, he then looked up as Gaon freed his arm of ice.

"Change Zenkai!" Gaon shouted running through a Gear as he turned into Zenkai Gaon, he raised his claw weapon as he swung at Zamigo, "Leave my friend alone!"

"Oh…so he was a distraction…heh. I would applaud him…if he hadn't slid on the ice earlier," Zamigo stated as he used his gun to block Zenkai Gaon's weapon, "But since you transformed…let's have some real fun…"

"Wow…" Zamigo muttered, "I think you forgot the main danger of ice…slipping." he chuckled as Naoto slid past him, he then looked up as Gaon freed his arm of ice.

"Change Zenkai!" Gaon shouted running through a Gear as he turned into Zenkai Gaon, he raised his claw weapon as he swung at Zamigo, "Leave my friend alone!"

"Oh…so he was a distraction…heh. I would applaud him…if he hadn't slid on the ice earlier," Zamigo stated as he used his gun to block Zenkai Gaon's weapon, "But since you transformed…let's have some real fun…"

"KYA!" Magine screamed as she was sent flying into the air.

"Magine!" Amy panicked as a flash went off as Zenkai Magine crashed down.

"I'm okay…" she groaned, "Amy…is it me…or do I get thrown into the air way more than normal these days…?"

"...now that you say it…" Amy began before Mai suddenly blocked a strike from one of Banglay's grunts.

"Worry later! Survive!" Mai shouted as she kicked the grunt away, 'Thank god I found out how to make this thing compact…'

"Come on now! Let's not rest, ladies!" Banglay laughed as he approached the trio, he swung his anchor shaped sword as he clashed with Mai's spear only to reach his hand out and touch her head, "Whoa! Talk about memories! Huh…you are one weird thingamajig, you know that…?"

"Hey! Reading minds without permission is rude!" Magine shouted, slamming her staff on the ground before a hand made of concrete formed behind Banglay and smacked him down to the ground.

"Oh ho! A spellcaster type, huh?!" Banglay laughed, "Oh I love it when I break those kind! They j-" he began before his grunts suddenly crashed into him.

"Well I don't like creepy space hunters wanting to hurt my friends!" Amy called out, holding onto a rather large red and yellow hammer as she swung at another grunt.

"Why do you have to chase me?! I'm not a crazy fighter like Kaito or ninja like Flash!" Zenkai Magine complained, "Wah!" she swung her club knocking one of his grunts away.

"I just went for the first pick!" Bangray cheered, "But how about I show you a neat trick…" his hand began glowing, "That bombastic lady has met a lot of weird stuff…and all of it…her memories…are my power to command, hahaha~"

"M-my memories?" Mai asked in confusion.

"Ooh this guy seems funny!" Bangray laughed as a flash of light went off and Mai blinked, seeing Animo, "Hahaha! His brain is exposed!"

"Wh….how did….?!" Mai stammered with wide eyes.

"Did he…just summon someone?" Amy blinked in surprise, "...also why do I suddenly feel unnerved around him."

"Why Animo?" Mai asked.

"Huh…ah well I got tired of recreating loved ones and killing them before your eyes…too slow…not enough results…also look at this guy…his brain…is in a jar…on his head! That's awesome!"

"Ahh th…wait," Mai blinked, "...he doesn't have any mutant animals with him."

"I'm sorry his what?" Amy deadpanned.

"That's…his thing. HE can control mutant animals he created," Mai pointed out.

"Ew…th-" Amy began before her eyes suddenly went dull, "?!"

"...A-" Mai began before she quickly jumped back before Amy's hammer could hit her, the strike causing the ground to crater beneath, "?!" 'Crap! I forgot he can control animals too!'

"Obey me my servant…and destroy those pests!" Memory Animo shouted as Amy hefted her hammer up, shooting a deathly glare at both Mai and Magine.

"AH! It's one of my worst nightmares, come true!" Zenkai Magine panicked as Amy charged at them.

"Ahh!" Tangle screamed as she, Vroon and Rook were sent flying out of the library by a large gust of wind, "Hey! That's cheap! Least let me transform, buddy!"

"Silly girl, why would I let my enemy have the advantage? If you're going to fight a ninja…you should be more clever." Kyuemon smirked.

"Ninja…oh what a difficult task this shall be. I live with two ninjas, one is the most strict about accuracy and the other is highly skilled and scare me some times when angry!" Vroon groaned before yelping and ducking under shuriken, "AH! Like that!"

"Sure they must have some form of weakness," Rook said as he got up, pulling his Proto-Tool out as he fired a few shots at Kyuemon, only for them to bat the laser shots away with a paper fan.

"I suppose sporting chance would make this interesting." they pulled out a golden mallet before the decoration at the tip began expanding and turned into a long sword, "Give it a try then~"

"...wait," Rook spoke before Tangle could run over, "They're trying to goad you into attacking them."

"...ah crap you're right," Tangle muttered, "Roll's really good at the ninja game and Flash is the one to break and beat her…and I can't let up when I go against one, so I gotta outsmart one!"

"How will that work?" Vroon asked.

"Hmm… don't forget I trained with one who knows about outsmarting others" Tangle pondered, rubbing her chin in thought as her tail rubbed the top of her head, "...hey Rook, you got a smoke bomb in that fancy weapon of yours?"

"You know its incredibly rude to just ignore your enemy in the middle of a fight, you know," Kyuemon deadpanned, tapping their sword against their palm while tapping their foot on the floor, "Honestly the last Sentai I've fought never took this long…"

"Huh? You fought Sentai before?" Tangle asked.

"Well of course…a pity they didn't last," Kyuemon chuckled in a dark tone.

"Oh you are all kinds of creepy you know that!" Tangle complained.

"Charge!" Vroon shouted as he transformed into Zenkai Vroon.

"Pathetic," Kyuemon sighed as they used their paper fan to block Zenkai Vroon's weapon.

"Mistakes were made!" he shouted as he was seemingly slashed in half at the waist, his legs falling over, "Many mistakes!" he shouted, spooking Kyuemon as his upper torso just floated there.

"And thank you, distraction," Tangle smirked as Rook aimed down.

"Wh-?!" Kyuemon began before Rook fired, causing the area to be engulfed in a plum of smoke, "Honestly? You really think this old trick will w-" they began as they swung their paper fan before using his sword to block…Rook's Proto-Tool in it's sword mode, "?!"

"Expecting that?" Rook quipped.

"Change Zenkai!" Tangle shouted as she slashed her sword down, causing a gear to appear before her as it began to wash her over.


The short Mobian Tangle was suddenly replaced by a taller Sentai Ranger clad in a white and Topaz colored uniform with golden armor on her arms and legs, with a helmet that had some equal parts cat and lemur aspects.

"Jyuken Power!" she declared as she did a quick pose, "Zenkai Topaz!"

"...Clever girl," Kyuemon frowned before he batted Rook away, "I won't fall for such a cheap ploy again."

"We'll see about that weird Fox…monster…person…your voice and look throws me off!" she shouted, charging and clashing blades with Kyuemon.

Something only your level of expertise can perform," Rex stated in complete and utter seriousness…before pointing at Sally as she threw a tomato at Juran's face, "Bobo…serenade that space baboon!"

"'Serenade that space baboon'...I knew I shoulda stayed in my hammock when da thief was about…" Bobo groaned as he facepalmed.


"Serenade the space baboon, mi amigo," Rex ordered once more, pulling out a Spanish Guitar.

"This is…honestly not the weirdest thing I've seen," Juran admitted, "Top ten? …Maybe."

"Weirdly it's kinda the same for me…" Sari muttered, sliding under a swipe of Basco's blade and threw a trash can lid at him only to have it cut into several pieces.

"Trust me, sweetheart. I've seen even weirder!" Basco laughed, "Sally ain't gonna fall for it, though! Right, Sally? …Uh…Sally?"

"Ooh…" Sally whispered in awe, a blush forming on her face as she stared at Bobo..

"...You owe me so much, kid…" Bobo growled under his breath as he adjusted his tie and then his fez, "Hey dere! Youse are one fine lookin' gal."

"Ooh-ook-ook-ook~!" Sally hooted, looking away and tugging on her armor to let some steam come out.

"What say you and I go out on da town, hm?" Bobo offered an arm.

"Ook-ooh~" Sally swooned, accepting the arm.

"Sally?!" Basco gawked, completely stopping his chase to gawk, "A-Are you serious? Seriously?!" he shook a fist, "Oi! You come back here with my monkey! Sally! Come back here! Sally~!"

"...He's actually doing it," Juran muttered, "Okay. Top three now because it's working…"

"Oi, Juran. Mi amigo…now's your chance," Rex whispered through a clenched teeth smile as he played a romantic tune on the guitar.

"Oh! Right! Change Zenkai!" Juran declared.


"Huh?" Basco turned in time to get his face smashed with Zenkai Juran's shield, knocking him through a wall and end up buried under rubble.

"No more nonsense from you!" Zenkai Juran declared.

"Oh finally…" Sari sighed in relief as Rex walked over to her, "...I swear if that hadn't worked, I would have zapped you the moment I got my powers back."

"But it did," Rex grinned, strumming a few notes of amusement on his guitar, "Plus, if it failed…I would've done an El Kabong."

"Well it worked." Zenkai Juran sighed before flinching as Basco's laugh came from the rubble.

It slowly shifted as a pair of red eyes glared at them from within. An aura of darkness came from the rubble as it slowly shifted and fell away from a nre figure standing there. His body made, black, red and gold armor seemingly merged to his body with an almost skeletal mask with a bicorn hat atop his head.

"...Oh, I had a feeling this would happen," Zenkai Juran groaned, "Because of course someone that nuts would have a monster form."

In a burst of speed, Basco dashed past them as a shockwave came off him and knocked them all off their feet and through the air. He chuckled as he turned around as they struggled to get up. He held his arm out as he unleashed a burst of dark energy which knocked them all back and across the ground.

"...Mistakes were made…" Rex groaned.

"Yes…yes they were…" he chuckled.

"Hora, hora hora hora!" Escape cheered as she unleashed rapid fire in the middle of the streets while walking after Roll, "Come on~! This is getting repetitive, little girl! Maybe I should actually start aiming for the civilians!"

"Eh?!" Roll gasped, quickly cutting through a shot with her sword, the blade of it a tsurugi instead of a tanto like Tangle's.

"Well now…you are proving interesting. Normally it's hard to find girls who like to play rough like I enjoy." Escape smiled, "Normally it was Red or Blue who entertained me in a fight, but you…oh this will be fun~" she twirled her guns around before rushing and using the bayonetts on the ends for multiple thrusting stabs, making Roll block each one.

'She's not letting me transform…' Roll thought, 'But…it seems she's focusing more on my blade…' she narrowed her eyes before flicking her tail.

"!" Escape's eyes widened at the colorfully-wrapped egg coming at her, making her move her head to avoid it and hit the pole nearby, letting off a blast of powder, "Oh? That's interesting. Were you trying to blind me?"

"Well it was the idea…" Roll muttered, unsure how to respond to this battle maniac.

"Well, you are a strangely clever one…" she chuckled, twirling her guns around, "I may just enjoy this more and more…now…let's get serious at least." her eyes began glowing as data-like green code formed around her body before encasing her in purple and silver android-like combat armor, "I'll be sporting enough to let you have a chance~"

"..." Roll was quick to insert her gear into the blade, "Change Zenkai!" she spun the gear on the top of the 'bird's' head and quickly swung the blade ahead.


A red flash went off as Roll rushed forward as she also grew to a slightly taller height while now clad in a crimson red and black Sentai suit, with a ninja theme, with a gold headband. She swung her sword and clashed with Escape. The two struggled before pushing the other back. Escape began shooting only for her bullets to be deflected out of the air by a barrage of bo shuriken. Escape laughed as she flicked her arms…and her guns were now attached to cables before she swung them around like bladed flails, forcing Zenkai Kurenai to jump and flip around the chaotic swings. Made even worse when the guns revealed they could still shoot while used in this manner, making her take longer and faster dodges to avoid being hit and knocked off balance.

"I wonder if I could modify Bolverk for that…" Noel whispered, looking out nearby with Lambda.

"Not the time, sister," Lambda noted as she looked at her Ancient Nunchucks that weren't activating like normal for her, "...Being without power is dangerous."

"Ben-san seems to be able to handle himself without his powers when they're on recharge," Noel pointed out, "Maybe…w-we should take a page out of his book?"

"I don't think doing anything he has ever done…constitutes wise or safe…if we think this out just a little we will be able to find a way to help," Lambda argued.

"Mmm…What can we do, though?" Noel pondered.

"..." Lambda looked around before seeing a small store selling marbles, "Ah…Idea."

"Eh?" Noel looked over at Lambda as she walked to the store, "La-chan?"

"Roll-san is a ninja…" she spoke, walking back after paying, "Ninja use traps…it's not Makibishi…but then again those may be illegal to buy…and no time to find chestnuts…"

"...Oh! I get it!" Noel realized as Lambda handed her one of the bags of marbles she bought, "Should we throw them now?"

"Not yet," Lambda replied as they kept watching as Kurenai blocked several shots with more bo shuriken before one managed to hit her…only for a straw duplicate of her to fall over.

"Hm?" Escape pondered in surprise before Kurenai jumped down and got her with a slash, "Gah! Oh, you tricky fox, you!"

"Now," Lambda whispered, the sisters quickly throwing their marbles behind the backing up Escape.

"Hmm…eh…Kya!" she cried, falling over, "Wha…what?! What trickery? You!" she pointed at the Vermilion sisters.

"...Running away jutsu!" Noel panicked, dragging Lambda away.

"I don't think that's how that works!" Lambda called out as they ran from bullets.

"Chance," Kurenai whispered as she pulled out a Gear with a police-themed Ranger on it, "I hope this works for Noel-chan…"


"And for La-chan…" Kurenai went on as she pulled out another Gear with a bird-themed Ranger on it.


With that, two Red Rangers formed. Both held up weapons in the form of twin pistols and a segmented sword. The two turned around and handed them to Noel and Lambda respectively before nodding and vanishing away.

"Tha…what just happened? They seemed nice but…what?" Noel blinked confused.

"...I want one…" Lambda looked over the sword as it suddenly turned into a whip, "Sister…Christmas list…remember…"

"Found you!" Escape shouted, jumping at them.

"Kya!" Noel shouted before shooting at Escape, the bullets stopping her in mid air and making her fall down.

"Engage!" Lambda spoke, swinging the whip sword as she used it to deflect Escape's bullets before swinging it and wrapping it around her arm.

"Nani?" Escape pondered.

"Now!" Lambda pulled as best she could and dragged Escape around a bit and right into Kurenai's sword.

Kurenai grunted, trying to dig it in deeper, but Escape's armor was very powerful. But she gasped when Escape grabbed the blade and began laughing hysterically…if not excitedly.

"So you can make this fun! Then let's see who falls apart first!" Escape cackled as she bashed her head into Kurenai's helmet. She then turned to Noel and Lambda, "Do you also want to play?" she asked while tilting her head in a rather creepy mechanical manner.

"...I'm getting deep-voiced Nyancy vibes!" Noel panicked, hiding behind Lambda with wide eyes.

"Hahahaha!" Escape laughed as she began shooting while charging at them.

But suddenly a green and silver blur came in hitting her back as she was flung back to the wall."Gah!" She yelled as the others saw Zenkai Gin standing Infront of the two.

"You two ok." He asked without looking back as they nodded. He looked back at Escape with an anger look.

"Looks like another came in to view, what do you got boy." Escape said.

"Your doom." He told in serious toon.

"Oh, looks like Flash onni-chan is mad." Kurenai muttered in fear.

"Skrud." He called out suddenly his arms and legs and chest armor was covered in green slime and soon disappeared to reveal a new suit. It made of leather with his chest one was yellow jacket his arms had blue pads and legs had red boots.

"Nani?!" Escape yelled," You can use the Go-Busters power!"

"Yeah, and you made a big mistake coming hear and harming my family." He soon ran at her in green blur.

"Niku-Niku!" Zenkaiser shouted as he swung a pair of nunchucks around and smacked Omni World across the face repeatedly before swinging up and knocking his head back.

"Oh you are just asking for it!" Omni World shouted.

"Kaito! You need to use your head to beat this mode!" Ben shouted.

"Use my head…use my head…USE MY HEAD!" he roared, running and jumping into the air before slamming a powerful headbut to Omni World's head as it let out a tiger roar like shockwave.

"Ah! Ben, no! Right now he's using the powers of GekiRed! He's essentially a more fun and less angry little Rath!" Makoto shouted, "He's not gonna think with those powers…his thing is Unbreakable Body!"

"Use my Head!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping and handing onto Omni World's shoulders as he repeatedly headbutt him with loud metallic clangs each time.

"Why…does…this…h-hurt…me…more…th-than…you!?" Omni World demanded between headbutts.

"Head!" Zenkaiser shouted, covering his helmet in red energy before slamming a literally explosive headbutt to Omni World's face.

"It feels kinda weird…" Makoto noted.

"What does? The fact we're seeing our universe getting beaten up by a guy in white spandex?" Ben asked.

"No. I just thought he'd do something like Jan in terms of speech," Makoto replied, tilting her head.

"..." Ben facepalmed.

"Gah…" Zenkaiser groaned as the power wore off, "Ah…my head…my brain…no…wait…feels the same as always…" he tapped his helmet, "Still the same number of brain cells as last time!"

"He can keep track of those?" Skurd deadpanned.

"Everyone says I just got the one!" Zenkaiser declared.

"L-Let me tell ya something…Zenkaiser, Leader of the Kikai Sentai Zenkaigers…you…you may be…three people…but I…I will destroy you~" Omni World stumbled around a bit.

"...Is this what people feel like when I go Rath?" Ben asked in disbelief, looking at Makoto.

"What…no no no…" Makoto shook her head, "You're way more funny with your Macho Man voice!" she smiled.

"Ah…I love you, Makoto…" Ben groaned.

"Okay…Tiger vs Tiger didn't work…if you want a fight…then how about a Dragon!" Zenkaiser cheered, cranking his gun.


Zenkaiser merged with a Red Ranger with a dragon themed helmet, he spun around on his heels before striking a martial arts kata, "Tenkasei~ Zenkaiser!" flames formed around him with a dragon's roar.


"Gosei Sentai Dairanger. And he's adopted the fighting style of 'Tenkasei' Ryo AKA RyuuRanger!" Makoto explained.

"Ike!" Zenkaiser roared as he rushed forward and unleashed a barrage of punches to Omni World, he pushed all his punches aside before slamming his palm into his chest and unleashing a burst of fire which pushed him back, he then jumped back before pulling his arm back as his muscles began flexing and growing, "Tenkasei higi!" he shouted as flames formed in his visor, "Ryusei Senko!" He began unleashing a barrage of punches as red energy formed around his fists, each one striking Omni World with a small explosion before the final one sent him flying.

"AH!" Omni World shouted landing in a fountain, his body steaming from the attacks he took, "Wha…What is this power?!" he cried out, reverting to normal.

"Isn't it clear? The real Hero always wins!" Zenkaiser cheered, "That's us Zenkaigers!"

"That's right!" a new voice shouted before lightning struck the ground between Omni World and Zenkaiser, making them look to a building as another World Super Soldier stood there. But…he was by far the most…intricate ever. His entire body was clad in multiple shades, and types of armor and even masks. In fact…his entire armor looks to be made of masks or…parts of different monsters.

"A second one?!" Zenkaiser asked.

"That's right Zenkaiser! Tis I! Super Warumono World!"

"Super what?" Ben blinked.

"Warumono means bad guy or…villain…Super Villain World!" Makoto gasped.

"That's right! With my power, I have summoned the evilest of villains to ever face Sentai…and in my reality…win! Hahaha!" Super Warumono World gloated as he floated down, "With all of their aid, the Zenkaigers shall soon fall one by one!"

"A second one?!" Zenkaiser asked.

"That's right Zenkaiser! Tis I! Super Warumono World!"

"Super what?" Ben blinked.

"Warumono means bad guy or…villain…Super Villain World!" Makoto gasped.

"That's right! With my power, I have summoned the evilest of villains to ever face Sentai…and in my reality…win! Hahaha!" Super Warumono World gloated as he floated down, "With all of their aid, the Zenkaigers shall soon fall one by one!"

"What are you doing to my friends?!" Zenkaiser ordered, "If you hurt them, I swear I'll kick your mix-matched butt so hard!"

"There's two of them now?" Ben asked.

"...Ah! This is a rare case of two MOTWs appearing at the same time!" Makoto gasped.

"...Monsters of the Week?" Ben guessed at the acronym.

"That is right! This is a special battle to be sure! One where we shall win against the Heroes!" Super Warumono World shouted, "With my power over the Super villains of Super Warumonotopia…and Omni World's limitless powers, we shall destroy you Zenkaiser! You who do not follow the rules of Super Sentai!"

"Hah?" Zenkaiser tilted his head.

"My memories of facing so many Sentai, teams of young warriors led by the passionate Heroic Red…but…you are white…why are you white?!" Super Warumono World ranted.

"Hey! Red didn't lead the Kakurangers!" Makoto pointed out, stomping over, "White did!"

"No! It's not right! The team always stand around Red!" he complained.

"I'm…not normal to Super Sentai?" Zenkaiser asked as he looked himself over.

"I have no idea," Ben replied as Makoto and Super Warumono World were bickering over nitpicks.

"It's not right! The perfect balance is Three Male members and two Female Members! Who must be Yellow and Pink!" Super Warumono World shouted.

"GaoTiger was white and do I need to bring up Kakuranger again?"

"And why is only one a human! It's weird! They should all be the same age as well!" he ranted.

"KibaRanger was just a kid that aged up due to his transformation and aibou. And why do they all have to be the same age? Wasn't Big One older than his teammates?"

"...Uh…" Omni World began.

"SHUT UP, WE'RE TALKING!" both snapped at the other World, making him yelp and hide behind a recycle bin in fright.

"They gave your Dimensions powers to a real dingus…" Zenkaiser muttered to Ben.

"Which is honestly pretty dangerous," Ben grimaced, "Since I'm considered a dingus by plenty of folks."

"Nah, but…this…this is like major dingus levels…" Zenkaiser added.

"Oh no contest," Ben agreed.

"None of it is as it should be!" Super Warumono World shouted to Makoto.

"Oh yeah? Well no one asked you! These guys are doing just great! He's beating your buddies' butts no problem!" Makoto poked Super Warumono World.

"Cause he's some kind of weirdo!"

"Hey! I resemble that remark!" Zenkaiser spoke up, "I might be weird…but I kicked more Tojitendo butt than anyone in the history of your world! And it's all thanks to my friends and Family!"

"I just love that trope," Makoto sighed in contentment with a smile, "It really is a power you can't comprehend, but it leads to great things."

"Yeah!" Zenkaiser cheered, standing next to her now.

"Don't ignore me!" Omni World shouted, flashing as he began shooting diamonds at Zenkaiser who just leaned forward with Makoto and let them fly over to pelt Super Warumono World, "Ah…"

"YOU IDIOT! What's wrong with you!?" Super Warumono World shouted as he ran over and smacked him across the face, "We're on the same team! You are ruining everything!"

"Hehehe…face it! You guys will never beat us! Even when you have good powers, you're not very smart," Zenkaiser laughed, "And this is from me…and I practically passed High school with a C Minus average! Well except Phys-Ed…that was always an A!"

"Gah…I hate when the Leader is a Macho-head! How can you take them seriously as leader!?" Super Warumono World snapped.

"I mean…everyone calls me leader…but I just got everyone together to fight bad guys…" Zenkaiser muttered, "I'm not really the plan guy…I just say stuff like 'Attack!' or I'm trying to start something like 'Zenkaigers Assemble!' Get it…cause most of my team are Robots who can grow giant and Gattai!" he laughed, "But I'm told that's copyrighted…so…making up a team catchphrase is hard…"

"...Your teammates become mecha and can combine?!" Makoto squealed out, looking at him with stars in her eyes.

"Well…technically Sonic, Roll, Flash and Tangle can't since they have their own mechs, but yeah!" Zenkaiser replied, "...Oh wait. Sonic becomes his own mech, but I have no idea if he can do a Gattai with anyone. Ay-ay, are you in the base?" a dial tone went off in his helmet, "Huh…No one's in the base right now." he paused, "Someone is always in the base! My friends are under attack!" he realized

"HOW!?" Super Warumono World shouted.

"Duh…That's the only reason why no one is there…" Zenkaiser replied, "I know my friends and family…No way would anyone pass up this chance to study the stuff attacking me…stuff always attacks me!" a pause went off before looking at Ben and Makoto, "That's normal, right?"

"Pretty much for us," Ben replied with a shrug.

"Sometimes five times a day on the occasion," Makoto replied, "Ooh! Remember when we had to deliver that goldfish to Tao and got the package swapped with a dwarf star?"

"I knew it wasn't weird…Now I have proof against Yatchan…she never believes me when I tell her this stuff happens to me. It always happens…mostly back in highschool…I do not miss those wacky days…"

"Tested out," Ben stated, "Tutored Makoto to get her tested out, too."

"Best boyfriend! Well, weren't dating back then, but still counts!" Makoto beamed.

"...What…What is happening?" Super Warumono World gawked.

"Oh! Um…We're getting wrapped up in their nonsense," Omni World replied.

"How do you know that?!"

"I've been in every single attack," Omni World replied.

"Wait…you survived every single sortie against the Zenkaigers?!" Super Warumono World shouted, "How! I've never been deployed 'till now!?"

"I mainly ended up in a trash can and rolled down a hill when I was a grunt," he replied, "Mostly by the yellow one. After a point…I learned to use it to bail out…"


"Shwa!" Zenkaiser shouted, kicking both and sending them rolling away and into the fountain, "Sneak attack back!" he pulled out a gear and inserted it into his gun and aimed at Makoto after cranking it, "Join in!"


"Denjiman…As in Denshi Sentai Denjiman?" Makoto asked as a transparent red Ranger merged with her before covering her hands in metal gloves that sparked with electricity, "...Ben…I am so excited there are no words I can use to describe it properly."

"Wait…You can give powers to others?" Ben blinked.

"Yeah, I can use the powers of any Senpai Sentai…Senpai Ranger…Senpaiger!" Zenkaiser declared.

"I love the name!" Makoto cheered.

"Oi, oi! Off me! Off right now!" Super Warumono World snapped, bonking Omni World on the head before Makoto jumped onto the side of the fountain, "Uh…"

"And zappa!" Makoto declared, punching the soaked Worlds rapidly.

"HGHGGHGHGHGHGLBLBLBRBLRBLRLBR!" both screamed as they were electrocuted with each punch.

"I may not have my full powers, but I am loving this!" Makoto laughed.

"You want in?" Zenkaiser asked, looking at Ben.

"What? No way…and he's cranking the thing…" Ben muttered.


"MagiPhone!" Zenkaiser turned a flop phone into a magic wand, "Magi Maagi! Green Muscle!" he aimed at Ben as a Green magic circle formed above him before sweeping over him, making his body begin to glow before all his muscles began increasing in size, "Wow…I made you big…I gotta remember that spell and tell Magine…" he muttered while looking up.

"Whuzzat?" Makoto pondered as she turned to look, "...Ah…" she fell over, blood leaking from her nose.

"H-how..!? I'm like…Super Soldier buff!" Ben gawked.

"It's supposed to make you Hulk buff…but…well I guess there is a limit when someone doesn't have magic in them…" Zenkaiser muttered, "Here try these, Jii Jii Jijiru!" with that spell, Ben's arms were covered in red boxing gloves with the Magiranger's M symbol split across the tops, "This one's real fun! Flaming Boxing Gloves! Unleash the Magic!"

"...know what? I may as well go with it," Ben sighed with a shrug before he was suddenly jumped by a group of Kudakks, "AHH! Get…off!" he snapped as he punched up, causing the grunts to be sent flying in multiple directions, "Wow…that was…"

"Magic strength and punching force…go nuts!" Zenkaiser cheered as he used his cape to gently fan Makoto, "I'll uh…Well I honestly don't know how to help her, but I'll keep Mako-chan safe!"

"Oh, that's easy. Makoto! These guys found your chestnut stash for parfaits and blew it up!"

"DIE!-!-!" Makoto shirked, jumping at the Kudakks with her borrowed gloves crackling with electricity.

"Wow…high school deja vu…" Zenkaiser muttered.

"Just what's going on?!" Super Warumono World snapped, "The standers-by shouldn't even be fighting!"

"We are very unconventional!" Zenkaiser replied cheerfully before pistol whipping him and shooting at Omni World.

"Ah Mou! Enough! Omni World, it is time for the next phase of the plan! Unite our abilities as one!" Super Warumono World ordered, "We shall change the world itself!"

"Oh! Yosha!" Omni World nodded as he got up, quickly becoming a blur as he ran up to Super Warumono World.

"Super!" Super Warumono World held up his arm as Omni World held his and crossed them at the forearm.


"World Shift!" at that, a large purple and green ring of energy spread out rapidly across the area, then the city…and potentially across the planet.

Zenkaiser looked around before blinking, "Uh…guys…what was that?" he asked.

"Hahaha! Soon you shall see, Zenkaiser! For we have taken away your so-called uniqueness…ah…wait…CRAP!" Super Warumono World shouted, "I forgot…you're just human!"

"Of course I'm human…that's my thing…I'm the only human on the Zenkaigers…" he muttered.

"...wait. He said he took away your uniqueness," Ben spoke up, "What about the others?"

"...oh right," Zenkaiser bopped his fist into the palm of his hand in realization.

"Wait…" Ben blinked, "They have my world…and he works like an Omnitrix…did he…?"

"Guh!" Omni World groaned as the green flashed red and he fell over, "Out…out of juice…need…recharge…"

"EH!? You have that kind of flaw?! What kind of stupid power is that?!" Super Warumono World snapped, "That's so unreliable!"

"Tell me about it," Ben sighed.

"BWAH!" Makoto's yelp caught the heroes' attention, making them turn...to see her underneath a huge pile of objects, only a hand visible, "Help~!"

"M-Makoto?!" Ben gawked as he ran over and grabbed her hand, "Hold on!" he grunted before pulling her out…and blinked a few times, "Uh…"

"Ow…What hit me?" Makoto complained as she looked over her shoulder to see the pile, "Hah?! That's all my stuff I got for souvenirs!" she spun to glare at the two Worlds, "Okay! What did you…" she trailed off and looked behind her once more, "..." she patted above her shapely rear, "...Ben…"

"Yeah…I think I know what they did," Ben noted…looking at his human girlfriend.

"Mako-chan…Ms. Fluffy!" Zenkaiser gawked.

"Well…this is a bit of a pickle," Ben muttered.

Author's Note:

Next Time: Zenkaigers All Sentai Go Go Go.

Flash: Why are the Sentai villans hear?!

Tangle: I can't find my tail and why is my Face human!

Eggman: Looks like you can't change in your state Zenkaigers

??? " Look how much you grown na kaito.

Zenkaiser: We won't let you hurt any one else.

Sonic: How do you walk on these things.

Gear 002: The Grand Plan/ The Final Battle

??? " The champion of Fire has arrived