• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

7. The Other Blue Devil

Universe 060403

After staying in Chris' mansion for a few more days, Modern Sonic wrote down a note and left it over Chris' nightstand.

Then, he boosted away from his mansion and returned to the forest where he originally appeared in this universe. However, before he could start to run on his place so he could create a portal that could take him away of this universe, his ear twitched when he heard a zoom behind him.

Modern Sonic chuckled and shook his head with his eyes closed. "I should've known that you would come here after me... Sonic," He said with a sad smile, before turning around and find Sonic, glaring daggers at him with his arms crossed as he tapped his foot on the floor.

"Mind to explain why you were planning to leave without even saying goodbye, partner?" Sonic asked in anger, showing him the letter he left on Chris' nightstand.

Modern Sonic sighed and looked at him with shame. "I... I'm sorry... I'm not good at saying goodbye, and... I honestly don't have the guts to say it on their faces. I mean, I did it before, but still... it didn't felt right..."

Sonic, however, smirked and sighed as well. "Eh, no biggie. Just... try not to do this to the next universe, alright? Also, thanks. It really felt nice having someone else around that understands me more than I could ever imagine."

Modern Sonic ended up smirking back. "No problem!" He said with a wink. "Also, try to understand Amy a bit better, okay? I know she can be overwhelming, but... she's still your friend at the end of the day."

Sonic rolled his eyes, but still smirked at him. "Alright, alright... I don't promise I will like it, but... I'll try at least," He replied. "I just... I feel like she's trying to drag me into something I don't want, you know? But again, I... I'll try to understand her a bit better."

"Sounds enough to me!" Modern Sonic replied with a chuckle. "Take care, Sonic" He told his counterpart with his thumbs up.

"You too, 'Modern' Sonic," Sonic replied with a mocking smirk, but also raising his thumbs up and winking at him.

Modern Sonic nodded with a determinate look. Then, he turned around and looked on with a smile, before positioning to run. After that, he started to run over his place until his feet created the shape of an eight, followed by a line shining bright and moved a bit forward, before stopping and creating a portal with the shape of an X.

Modern Sonic smirked and boosted through the portal, that closed immediately after he passed through it.

Sonic just waved his hand, and once Modern Sonic was gone, he sighed in sadness, but smiled afterwards. "Good luck, other me... I feel like you're actually gonna need it."

After that, he turned around and then boosted back to Chris' mansion.

Sonic was once again on the realm where he could access any universe he wanted.

Like last time, he was running over some kind of crystal path that he could totally control, because he could freely move around this place now.

"Okay that clearly wasn't my universe... No problem!" Sonic said with a smile. "I can still reach my home! I just need to know how..."

Despite feeling frustrated, he was willing to keep looking forward for his universe, no matter how much it could take. So, he leaned towards another line and charged up his Spin Dash, before boosting through a new unknown universe...

Universe 140220

Three days, and nothing.

Tails and Knuckles tried everything they knew to make the Master Emerald work and help them out to reach Sonic from wherever he ended up in. Yet, the Master Emerald wasn't reacting at all, and they were both starting to run out of ideas.

"I never though I could feel more frustrated than when I thought I would never get my hands over this thing..." Knuckles said with a bored expression. "Yet, here we are! Trying to make this piece of garbage work, AND FAILING!!!"

"Knux..." Tails called out with a tired expression.

Soon enough, Knuckles realized that he raised his voice and his hand, charged up with red electricity, so he took a deep breath that calmed him down and sat back on the couch of the living room. "Sorry... sorry..." He apologized, letting out a long and defeated sigh. "I guess I just feel kind of useless right now..."

"Same here..." Tails said with worry. "I have a very brilliant mind! I should be able to solve this, but I can't! Now I doubt we'll ever see Sonic again..."

However, they both heard screams coming from the town, so they looked at each other confused and went out of the house.

Once outside, they looked around confused, finding nothing weird at all, but then, their eyes widened and they turned around to see the sky, just to witness how it was braking in the shape of an X while showing a strange place with a red, blue and black background, as well as many white lines and curves moving.

"Huh... the end of the world came sooner than I expected..." Knuckles muttered to himself.

"Excuse me, what?" Tails said, looking confused at the echidna.

Suddenly, they both witnessed a blue ball charged up in a blue aura falling from the X on the sky, that closed immediately after the ball fell from it, and both Tails and Knuckles stared at the ball very confused.

"A... blue ball..." Tails started.

"Falling from the sky..." Knuckles kept going.

Soon enough, however, they both gasped and realized something. "That must be Sonic!" They both said, before boosting towards the town to meet up with their friend... or that's what they thought.

Sonic fell through the sky and landed in the floor perfectly.

He stood normally know and cleaned the dust from his body. Looking at his gloves, they seemed to be his normal ones, just clean now since his regular ones were actually pretty muddy. His shoes, however, where replaced with a variant made by PUMA, since it didn't had the gold buckle and they even felt more comfy than his own.

Yet, Sonic still frowned a bit once he saw which company made the shoes. "Alright, as much as I love how good-looking and comfy they are, I wished they were Jordans instead of Puma."

Then, he noticed that his body was more... fluffy, and his textures felt different as well. When he looked around, he noticed how realistic everything seemed... And then he understood: This was a live action universe.

"Huh... That explains why I look so puffy and huggable..." Sonic realized with amusement.

Sighing and shrugging afterwards, he saw in the distance what seemed to be a small town, so he boosted towards it to check around.

Once he was near by, he looked that this seemed to be a small town in some place on Earth, pretty much USA since there's not other original places for writers to sent him, apparently.

However, what both surprised and concerned him was that this was a place full of humans... and none of them seemed to mind him walking around like one of them. Some humans even greeted him, waved their hands at him or directly fist bumped with him.

While Sonic didn't felt awkward, he did felt like there was something else going on here. "Okay... So I'm in some kind of world where humans know who I am and don't mind my existence. It's clear to say that this is a place with no talking ponies, but it does have a Sonic. Therefore, there must be an Eggman, a Knuckles and, of course, a––"

"SONIC!" Tails' voice started to shout.

"...A Tails..." Sonic finished talking.

"SONIC, ARE YOU HERE?!" Tails asked again, as he moved around the town in search for his best friend.

"Tails, try to be a bit quiet, alright?" Knuckles told him. "I know finding Sonic is important and all, but these people still want to live in piece! They have enough dealing with a giant robot destroying their town and three aliens walking around most of the time."

"Sonic could be around here! He must know were looking after him!" Tails pointed out, frowning a bit at Knuckles. "Son–– Ugh!" He exclaimed suddenly, as he bumped against someone and fell to the ground.

"You see?! I told you to be careful!" Knuckles said a bit mad, but still helping Tails to stand up. "Ugh... Sorry, sir. He's just a kid, and––"

However, both him and Tails gasped when they saw who Tails bumped with: Someone looking very similar to Sonic, with the same properties, same shoes, even the same gloves an eye color. However, there were three things that made this Sonic different from the other ones: The first one, his arms were not blue; the second one, he had some kind of discs behind his shoes and over his gloves; and the third one, they couldn't tell if he had two eyes, or just one eye with two pupils.

"Uh... S-Sonic?" Tails asked, both confused and scared on this new aspect.

"Um... yes... and no?" Sonic replied, chuckling nervously.

Another bad sign: His voice was different, too. He usually sounded cocky, sure, but he was still very innocent and childish. Yet, this Sonic sounded cocky still, true, but... he also sounded more mature. Whoever this guy was, it wasn't Sonic, or not the Sonic they knew at least.

"What in the name of the Master Emerald is going on here... Who the heck are you?!" Knuckles asked, charging up electricity to once fist and pointing it at this new Sonic.

However, Sonic didn't even flinched and even put a bored expression before sighing. "Alright, alright... I'll explain myself... But first, please put your first down, Knucklehead."

"Why? So you can escape and leave us hanging with no answers on why you look like Sonic without being him?" Knuckles asked rhetorically before snorting. "I don't think so..."

Sonic, however, rolled his eyes, and decided to charge up his electrical powers too, but not to attack Knuckles or Tails, just to prove that he didn't came with bad intentions.

Both Tails and Knuckles felt amazed, and so, Tails stepped in between Sonic and Knuckles, with the former putting his electrical powers to sleep.

"O-Okay, guys! L-Let's not make a scene here, alright?" Tails pled with sad puppy eyes to Knuckles.

Knuckles himself was about to protest, but after Tails did the sad puppy eyes, he realized he couldn't say no to him, so he crossed his arms and put his powers to sleep as well. "Fine! But he better have a good excuse on why he looks so much like Sonic!"

"Well, it depends on how open minded are you," Sonic replied, now smirking a bit and crossing his arms. "Ever heard about the multiverse? Pretty thought stuff."

"The multiverse?" Tails questioned with a raised eyebrow, while Sonic simply nodded at him.

"What kind of nonsense is a multiverse?" Knuckles asked confused.

"Oh, you know... Thousands of parallel worlds where more Knuckles, Master Emeralds, Chaos Emeralds, Sonics, Tails, even more Eggmans exist... that kind of stuff!" Sonic replied, still smirking at them.

"...You lost me after 'more Knuckles'... even though I did hear Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds..." Knuckles confessed with a confused expression.

Sonic facepalmed and looked at Tails with a begging look, hopping he did understood. "Um... I'm not as lost as Knuckles, but... A multiverse? Really?" He replied, still not convinced at all at Sonic's response.

Sonic facepalmed again, but now also groaning frustrating. "Why explaining the mere concept of the multiverse is so frustrating on its own?! Look: I am Sonic, just not the one you know. I come from an alternate universe, and If I don't go home soon, every single world will stop existing, this one included!"

Now Tails opened a bit wide, while Knuckles raised an eyebrow, still confused, but getting a better picture on what was going on here.

"What do you mean?" Tails asked.

"I could give you all the details later if you want, but what you have to know is that the Doctor Eggman from my universe found something powerful called the Paradox Prism," Sonic started to explain. "It has the power to tear apart time and space, and therefore, it can grant the power to travel across the multiverse. Eggman tricked me and sent me accidentally to a new universe were I got these discs," He said, showing the discs on his gloves and shoes. "They are my key back home, but so far? I always fell in the wrong universe..."

"Wait, so you just moved from one universe to another randomly... and that's it?" Knuckles asked confused.

"Yeah, because even if I have better control over these things now, I still can't reach my own universe," Sonic explained with a bored expression.

"...The multiverse... it is real..." Tails muttered in disbelief, looking at Sonic. "I... I can't believe it... all this time I thought it was just some crazy theory, but... you're saying it's actually a thing?!"

"For the millionth time, yes!" Sonic shouted with concern. "And... why are you guys looking like extremely huggable and giant plushies? All that fur both amazes and scares me!" He confessed, and both Tails and Knuckles cringed at him. "Ugh... where is your Sonic, anyways?"

That last comment, however, caused a weird reaction on both Tails and Knuckles, since the former's ears fell flat while the latter downed his guard a bit, and Sonic panicked at their reaction's, already imagining the worse.

"Oh no... don't tell me he––" Sonic tried to ask, but Knuckles cut him off.

"No, he's not dead!" Knuckles said with a frown. "Well... at least, not as far as we know..."

"Oh... okay... then what happened?" Sonic asked again.

"He... He disappeared..." Tails replied with sadness. "He's been out for three days, and we already did everything we could to find him! But... we cannot open a portal like the one that dragged him away..."

Sonic felt bad and looked down himself after hearing all of that... but then his eyes widened when Tails mentioned a portal. "I'm sorry, did you just said he was dragged by a portal?"

"Uh... yeah?" Tails replied, while his ears lifted up again. "It was big, yellow, it seemed to be made out of Chaos Energy..."

"And it could have swallowed us if our Sonic didn't saved us," Knuckles added with a neutral expression, but also crossing his arms. "Why do you ask?"

Sonic, however, felt anxious again: If this world's Sonic wasn't here, and he was dragged by a yellow portal... then it could only mean one thing, and it wasn't good.

"Um... I might have an idea of where your Sonic could be..." Sonic replied with a chuckle, while his left eye twitched in panic.

Universe 220822

Young Sonic was sleeping peacefully over the big couch in the Brighthouse, while Boom Sonic slept with loud snores over the small couch.

It was settled that the two Sonics were going to stay in the Brighthouse for the time being, while Tails and Zipp kept trying to find the way to sent the two Sonics back to their universe, as well as their Eggmans once the three of them were defeated.

Soon enough, however, Young Sonic woke up and stretched a bit on his place, also scratching his belly before standing up and realize he was still in another universe. A part of him hoped that it was all a dream that he'll definitely would never forget if he woke up, but now he knew this was very real.

He sighed a bit sad, but decided to smile all the same, and then, he stood up from the couch. He walked towards the kitchen, where he saw that Tails felt asleep over the dinner table, with Zipp nuzzling against him as they cuddled together and slept peacefully.

He smiled a bit after seeing that, and decided to slowly walk away as he approached something that called his attention.

Near Izzy's crafting corner, there seemed to be some kind of altar with candles, flowers and... a picture of a familiar yet strange figure to him.

Getting closer, he saw that the picture was from an owl lady. Again, he could swear he saw her somewhere else before, or at least, he feels she's really familiar. The picture just showed the owl lady smiling warmly, while the scarf she was using on the picture was lying over the altar, right in front of the picture itself.

Young Sonic also saw some kind of metallic plate over the scarf, and so, he decided to take a look at it as well.

The plate said 'In Memory of Longclaw the Owl, beloved mentor, mother and friend'.

He immediately regret having read that and slowly stepped back, now staring in pure and utter shock at the picture, as he also started to have flashbacks of the last time he saw his Longclaw ever before she killed Knuckles' clan... and died in the process.

His breath was heavy, he fell to the floor and started to feel anxious, while he grabbed his chest and tried to think on anything that could made him feel better, but the memory of Longclaw saying goodbye kept coming over and over again.

Soon enough, however, he was wrapped by a hoof, he felt his back resting over something cozy, and his breath started to calm down as he heard a voice humming a melody, as well as he felt someone resting their head over his.

He closed his eyes and focused on the music, while his breath started to calm down and return to normal, while the flashbacks about Longclaw stopped coming, and he sighed relaxed, now that his moment of anxiety was over. Whoever helped him to relax did wonders, because he was feeling so much better now.

"...Feeling better?" Pipp's voice asked.

Young Sonic slowly opened his eyes, and realized that Pipp was the one that helped him to relax from his sudden panic attack, but he still smiled back at her since she was smiling.

"Yeah... Thanks..." Young Sonic replied. "I... I got a bit carried away with a bad memory, that's all..."

Pipp noticed that he was in front of Longclaw's picture, so she supposed that Young Sonic probably also had a Longclaw in his life, but something probably happened to her, which is why he had this reaction.

"...Wanna talk about it? I'm a good listener, and I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to," Pipp assured with a warm smile.

Young Sonic felt a bit conflicted after hearing such an offer. Usually, he'll tell this kind of stuff to someone he trusted, like Tom, Maddie or Tails. Heck, even to Knuckles, even if he showed little to no interest on helping out. And as much as he enjoyed spending time in this world with this ponies, they were still strangers at the end of the day...

Yet, a part of him felt that he needed to take this out of his system, one way or another, so he sighed and looked back at Pipp, smiling a bit nervously.

"I... I would like to... I-It's just..." Young Sonic tried to explain.

"Let me guess: You still feel weird with being in a different universe than yours and you don't trust us at all yet," Pipp guessed, although she was still smiling.

Young Sonic felt amazed at the so accurate description, and he simply nodded at her question.

"Hey, it's fine if you still feel weird and can't trust anyone from this world," Pipp told him with honesty, while placing a hoof over his shoulder. "But know this: No one's gonna treat you horribly, and no one here will let this out if they find out, alright?" She assured to him with a smile, and Young Sonic finally smiled back at her. "Now, follow me," She instructed, as she started to walk away.

"Where are we going?" Young Sonic asked a bit confused.

"If you really wanna talk to me about this, I know just the place to do so!" Pipp replied with a smile.

Pipp guided Young Sonic to Mane Melody.

There, the young hedgehog sat over one of the salon's chair while Pipp went and did something. He looked around and whistled in amazement at the structure of the place.

Despite it all being pink, fancy and 'girl-ish', he could say Pipp put all her heart and effort with this place. He even thought it looked thousands of times better than whatever is supposed to be that salon Maddie took him and Tails once.

Soon enough, Pipp came out of some kind of basement with a service cart and two non alcoholic drinks. Why do I specify that detail? Guys, this Sonic is a minor, for God's sake.

Pipp extended one of the drinks to Young Sonic, who hesitantly grabbed it and sipped a bit of its content, before his eyes sparkled as he kept drinking a bit more from it.

"So, Sonic..." Pipp started, sitting over another chair and sipping some of her own drink as well. "What's exactly that thing that panicked you so much back in the Brighthouse?"

"Well... that lady on the picture over that altar... who is she?" Young Sonic asked back.

He already knew the answer, but he still wanted to make sure that he wasn't wrong.

"Oh? That's Longclaw, this universe's Sonic's mother figure," Pipp replied, sipping from her drink again. "I mean, she's obviously not his biological mother because she's an owl and he's a hedgehog, but you get the point."

"...So it was her..." Young Sonic said, now feeling sad as his ears fell flat.

Pipp worried after she saw that. "Sonic? A-Are you okay?"

Young Sonic soon enough felt his tears falling from his eyes, but he quickly tried to dry them off before replying. "...Remember when I told my story and I mentioned that my mentor died saving me from my universe's Knuckles' clan?"

"Yeah... I do..." Pipp replied. "I... I can't imagine all the though stuff you had to went through for ten years..." She added with concern, while her own ears fell flat as well.

"And I really hope you never have to, Pipp," Young Sonic replied. "...My mentor was named Longclaw, too... A-And after I read the plate over the scarf in the altar, I... I got terrible flashbacks of the last time I saw her forever..." He explained, with his tears falling faster now, although he didn't even tried to hide them. "I... I guess something similar happened to your Sonic, right?"

Pipp sighed and put her drink aside, also nodding at Young Sonic's question. "She raised him entirely. She was with him his whole life, and she loved him like her own son..." She explained with a sad smile. "Sonic's parents where killed when he was just a baby, and so, Longclaw took care of him. For 16 years, she was his mother, and he loved her as one," She added, now letting out some tears herself.

She might not been there when all of that happened, but the way Sonic always talked about her really showed how much she meant for him before passing away.

However, Young Sonic smiled, both warmly and sadly: Warmly because he was glad that at least one Sonic out there in the multiverse could live and grow up along Longclaw, just like he always wished, even if he was grateful with Tom and Maddie for 'adopting' him. Yet, he also felt sad because he had an idea on what happened to this world's Longclaw.

"...She died on a fire while trying to save the lives of some people on a town burning down..." Pipp revealed, and Young Sonic gasped in shock after hearing that. "Sonic felt devastated for quite a while, but he eventually decided that he had to keep moving, keep her memory alive in some way."

"So... he stopped mourning her?" Young Sonic asked confused.

"No... he still cries her death sometimes," Pipp replied, before smiling again. "But he remembers her more out of joy than out of sadness. All the time he spent with her was worth it for him, and he wants to remember her with a smile, even if her death still affects him to this very day."

"Oh... yeah, that... that has a lot more of sense..." Young Sonic confessed, before he smiled. "I guess that altar in the living room is just his way to pay his respects for her, huh?"

"Yeah, it is," Pipp replied. "Look... I told you this because I feel like those panic attacks could keep happening," She confessed, standing up from her chair with her wings and flying over to Young Sonic's side. "So, if that ever happens, promise me something: Instead of remembering her death, try to fool your mind and go even deeper on your memories. Remember all the things you did with her while she was alive. All the time you two spent together, all the amazing stuff you lived as a mother and her son... remember her with a smile, and not the same way you've been keeping her alive ever since you got separated from her... I'm pretty sure that she'll want you to be happy that you had her in your life, Sonic."

Young Sonic, however, frowned a little bit at that last comment. It didn't bothered him, but... it wasn't a really happy thought, either. "Y-You didn't know her to know that––" He tried to point out, but Pipp covered his mouth with her hoof.

"Sonic, I know I didn't know her to see if I'm right or wrong, which is why I must ask: Where you happy with her?" Pipp asked him. "Do you have good memories with the woman that loved you like her own son? Was she happy with you?" She asked again, now retiring her hoof from his mouth.

"Of course we were happy!" Young Sonic replied. "She... she was everything to me before those echidnas tried to capture me... W-We were so happy together, a-and... and they took that happiness from me... she pushed me away just to save me and died in the process..." He added, now feeling very sad as he let his tears fall even more.

"Then why don't honor her memory by being happy for her?" Pipp asked him with a smile. "I'm not saying that you should forget her. But Sonic, you have friends, a new family back home, and that destiny of protecting that Master Emerald? You're fulfilling it! Cry her death if you still need to, but smile once you are done, and remember that you do what you do because of her."

Young Sonic's eyes widened, and he immediately hugged Pipp while his tears kept falling down, but now he smiled as well, and soon enough, Pipp returned the hug. "T-Thanks, Pipp... thank you so much for telling me this..."

"Your welcome, Sonic..." Pipp replied, smiling warmly as she kept hugging him.

Universe 140220

Tails and Knuckles dragged Sonic back to Tom and Maddie's house, for Knuckles' eternal annoyance.

He had some kind of weird feeling about this new Sonic, and the fact that he believes their Sonic was probably brought to his universe just made him suspect him even more.

Tails didn't believed him at all, either, but he felt very intrigued on how he could justify the existence of other worlds and what kind he already visited.

Once there, they all sat down on the living room, and Sonic began to explain his entire adventure for the millionth time. At this point, he already memorized so well everything he has lived in every universe so far, that the words formed in his mouth and came out by default.

Once he was done telling the whole thing, Tails took down some notes and analyzed them, while Knuckles looked at Sonic with a bored expression and his arms crossed.

"What's the matter, knucklehead?" Sonic asked him with a mocking smirk. "Did something bite you up?"

"I cannot trust you," Knuckles replied. "It's hard to believe a single thing that you have told us so far. Why should we trust you? Why shouldn't we kill you immediately if we wanted?"

This time, it was Sonic the one who put on a bored expression at Knuckles. "Man, I understand why you cannot believe half of everything I said so far, but don't you think threatening me is a bit too much?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, as far as I know, the only crime I committed so far is to exist and call you 'knucklehead'. Other than that, I haven't done anything to none of you."

"He's actually right, Knuckles," Tails pointed out, still reading his notes. "He arrived here out of nowhere, true, but so far, he hasn't done anything to us."

"Yet," Knuckles insisted, now frowning at Sonic with his eyes turning red.

"The hype and intimidation isn't on me, Knuckles," Sonic replied with a smirk. "The Knuckles from my world can do that too, so your 'intimidation' trick won't work on me."

"Oh, we'll see about that, hedgehog!" Knuckles replied in anger. "We'll see about that..."

"...Yeah, this has little to no sense at all..." Tails said, scratching his head confused as he stared at the notes he took from everything Sonic said so far. "While a part of me wants to believe that you're saying the truth, I'm afraid you're gonna have to prove us you're not making all this up, Sonic."

That made Sonic smirk in a mischievous way, as he stood up and approached Tails and Knuckles. "Oh? Is that so? You want me to prove that I'm not just saying a lot of bullshit, huh?"

"What the heck are you planning, hedgehog?" Knuckles asked in anger, standing up and glaring more than him, although he kind of felt surprised that this Sonic was the same heigh than him.

Instead of using words, Sonic's smirk grew bigger, and then, he grabbed Tails and Knuckles whists, before boosting away from the house at top speed, while the fox and the echidna screamed confused.

"Hedgehog!" Knuckles shouted confused and concerned. "What are you doing?!"

"You want me to prove that the multiverse exists, so I'm gonna show you that I'm not lying!" Sonic replied with a confident smirk.

"I'm sorry, you're gonna WHAT NOW?!" Tails asked in panic.

Before they knew, Sonic's feet formed an eight, and then, the discs over his clothes shone bright. After that, a line formed in the floor and moved forward, before stopping and create and X portal, that Sonic traversed, this time along the Tails and Knuckles from this universe.

Once again, Sonic was back at the point that connected every reality.

However, this time he had a Tails and a Knuckles from a different universe with him, that stared both amazed and scared at this place, as they saw the infinite white lines and curves extending across the entire multiverse.

"W-Where the heck are we?!" Knuckles asked in panic.

"Welcome to the multiverse, knucklehead!" Sonic replied with a smirk.

"W-Wait! THIS IS THE MULTIVERSE?!" Tails shouted in amazement.

"Yup!" Sonic replied with a grin. "This is the place I keep coming back everytime I try to go back home. Pretty neat, right?"

Before anyone could say anything else, Sonic entered a random line, as he, Tails and Knuckles all glitched out while accessing this new world.

Universe 081203

The sky opened with the shape of an X as usual, and now, three figures fell from the sky, with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all landing on some grass field with flowers around.

Well, Sonic landed; Tails and Knuckles crashed in the floor.

Sonic noticed that his shoes and gloves changed colors again, now showing a rainbow variant of his Soap Shoes, as well as showing rainbow gloves again.

"Lame..." Sonic complained, while Tails stood up feeling dizzy, while Knuckles cracked his back after that rough landing.

"I officially hate this place, and I've been here for just 1 minute..." Knuckles said with anger.

Tails, however, felt his eyes going wide when he saw a bunch of talking colorful ponies celebrating some kind of birthday to a pink pony with purple mane.

Once Sonic and Knuckles noticed that, their eyes also widened, but for different reasons: Sonic though she had a very similar look to Pipp, while Knuckles started to feel anxious.

"Oh God... from having to survive Jojo watching this kind of stuff... to actually be on it?!" Knuckles shouted in panic.

"I think i'm gonna throw up..." Tails said, resisting the urge to vomit right there.

"Oh, come on! This isn't so bad," Sonic said with a smile. "Is just a nice and innocent world of colorful ponies that want to learn about friendship! How bad could that be?"

"Your description makes me despise this place even more," Knuckles said with anger. "Also, is very easy for you to say this place isn't bad when your clothes have woke colors!"

"Knux, readers are going to cancel you!" Tails said with worry.

"Do not brake the fourth wall to me, young man!" Knuckles scolded him, before looking back at Sonic. "And you! Get us out of here! NOW!"

Sonic rolled his eyes and grabbed Tails and Knuckles wrists again. "You guys are very closed minded," Sonic said with a bored expression, before boosting away, creating another X portal and passing through it.

Once the trio was back to the point that connected every universe, Sonic saw another white line and smirked, before boosting towards it at top speed and traverse it.

Universe 220921

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles fell from the sky, that opened with the shape of an X as usual.

This time, they all landed in what seemed to be the roof top of a building. The trio stood up and cleaned their dust, just to hear voices screaming in panic, as well as the sounds of galloping.

They all popped their heads from the roof, and then their eyes widened when they saw a bunch of ponies running and screaming around in pure fear and panic.

While Tails fainted dramatically as he fell backwards and Knuckles frowned with his jaw dropped as his left eye twitched, Sonic recognized each and every one of these ponies. Then, he saw the town in general, and then his gaze stopped over two figures: Izzy and Sunny, with the latter not having her rainbow streak on her mane.

This was the very day Izzy and him arrived to Maretime Bay for the first time, just that Izzy seemed to be alone, so in this universe things probably are going to play a lot different since Sonic never arrived here.

"Oh, for the love of God!" Knuckles complained, and that made Sonic snap back to their current situation. "Don't just stand there like an idiot! Get us out of here! AND PLEASE, STOP DRAGGING US INTO PONY WORLDS!"

Sonic rolled his eyes again and grabbed Knuckles' and Tails' wrists again, although Tails was still unconscious.

Once again, Sonic ran over his place as he formed the shape of an eight with his feet. Then, the discs on his clothes shone bright and created lines in the floor, that soon create an X portal, where he boosted through along Tails and Knuckles.

As usual, the portal closed once they all traversed it.

Returning to this existential plane made Sonic smirk once again, as Tails slowly woke up while Sonic moved to another line.

Universe 230691

The sky opened in the shape of an X, and Sonic fell from it along Tails and Knuckles.

This time around, they landed over some metallic platform or ceiling, and once they all stood up properly, they saw down ways to feel surprised and shocked when they saw themselves - or kind of - staring at a bunch of giant flying ships with the form of fishes exploding in the air.

While Tails and Knuckles felt amazed at what they were seeing, Sonic felt a massive deja vu... maybe because he already lived this before. This was the day 'Eggman' sent a letter stating that he'll take over the world in three days with his ultimate weapon, and that he started to call his team up with Tails and Knuckles 'Sonic Heroes', before eventually changing the name to 'Team Sonic'.

However, this seemed to be an entire different reality, because he was also there. Suddenly, he started to wonder if these Tails and Knuckles he dragged along also had a Team name with their Sonic, but he would ask that later.

"Now you see that I told you the truth, right?" Sonic asked to both Tails and Knuckles with a smirk. "The multiverse is real!"

"...Yeah... You were right..." Tails confessed. "Still, this feels... really, really surreal..."

"So there are more Master Emeralds, Chaos Emeralds... and I don't want to think on how many other things I though were unique also exist across the multiverse!" Knuckles shouted in panic.

"Yeah... I better get you two out of here before your brains explode or something..." Sonic pointed out with a sheepish smile, before grabbing their wrists and boosting away again.

Universe 140220

After popping up on 3 wrong universes, Sonic eventually reached the home universe of the Tails and Knuckles he dragged.

They were now right in front of Tom and Maddie's house, and both Tails and Knuckles fell into the ground, with their faces crashing against the grass.

Sonic laughed loudly and cleaned some tears of joy. "Man! You two really hated that, huh?"

"Yes..." Knuckles replied in annoyance, still laying on the ground.

"The transporting method? Absolutely," Tails replied, as he stood up and cleaned some dirt from his fur. "The trip? Not at all! I mean, not everyday you meet a Sonic from another universe that takes you to visit other universes!" He pointed out with an excited smile. "Would you mind if I study one of the discs on your body?"

"Actually, I do," Sonic replied with a sheepish smile. "Don't get me wrong, little buddy. I trust you with my soul, no matter the universe! But... if I remove just one of these discs, my feet will get a mind on their own and I won't be able to control myself, and––"

However, they soon saw a car stopping, and when the window went down, they saw a man with brown hair staring at Sonic with wide eyes and his jaw dropped.

Sonic put a bored expression, however. "Let me guess: this guy is Tom, the police you mentioned earlier?" He asked Tails.

"Yeah..." Tails replied with a sheepish smile, while Sonic facepalmed and shook his head in disbelief.

Universe 220822

Later on that day, Young Sonic decided to return with Tails, as he was still working on the machine to control the Paradox Prism's fragments.

Zipp went out with Pipp, Izzy, Misty, Amy, Knuckles and Boom Sonic to do some shopping, for both Boom Sonic and Zipp's eternal disgrace, while Sunny and Hitch were doing their respective jobs, and Rouge kept guarding up the town along with Omega, with Shadow joining them now.

Pipp told Young Sonic that, if he wanted to know more about this universe's Longclaw, he should talk with Tails, since he was also raised by her after he met Sonic so many years ago. So, he decided that asking Tails about the subject could be a good idea.

"Hey there, buddy!" Young Sonic greeted to Tails, as he approached him while sitting over some metallic piece.

Tails was welding some pieces together, when he heard Young Sonic's voice, so he removed his welding mask and smiled. "Hi, Sonic!" He greeted, quickly standing up. "I though you were going shopping with Zippy and the rest or something."

"Ugh, no!" Young Sonic replied, as he cringed at the idea. "I can barely stand Maddie and her sister shopping, I couldn't survive someone like Pipp doing it! Massive respect for this universe's Sonic being willing to go through all of that stuff..."

"Yeah, well, that's what loves does to you," Tails pointed out. "Even the smartest of the mans fells into his knees when he saws their one, true love," He added, and then Young Sonic made a 'Yuck' sound and pull out his tongue, which caused Tails to chuckle. "So, what are you doing here? I doubt you just came for a chit-chat."

"Actually... I am," Young Sonic confessed with a sheepish smile. "What I do doubt is that you'll like to hear what I wanna talk about..."

"Is it about how babies are born? Because I'll be surprised if those Tom and Maddie you keep mentioning haven't talked about that to you yet..." Tails said nervously.

"What?! No!" Young Sonic replied, blushing a bit in embarrassment. "I already know that, and it was a very awkward conversation, but it's not that! I want to talk about this universe's Longclaw!"

"Oh..." Tails said, before his eyes widened and his ears fell flat. "Oooooh!" He said again, now chuckling and blushing embarrassed himself. "Okay... I get why you said I probably wouldn't like it, yet I feel ashamed for thinking other stuff... Hang on! Did you just said... 'this universe's Longclaw'?"

"Um... yeah..." Young Sonic replied, while his ears fell flat again. "I... I guess I kind of want to know if she was like the one from my universe... that's all..."

Tails understood better now, and so, he smiled at him. "Well... Longclaw was a very loving and caring mother for both Sonic and me," He started to explain. "You could say she was the average mother with two sons that were not hers, but she loved them like if they were," He added with a nostalgic look and a sad smile. "She also taught both Sonic and I some self defense skills, but most importantly, she took care of us like no one else did before... When she died... Sonic stopped being himself for a while."

"In what context?" Young Sonic asked curiously.

"He stopped eating Chilidogs for a very long time; he was always grumpy instead of being chill and cocky as usual; he always went against Eggman a bit more harsh than usual... he almost killed him one time!" He confessed, and Young Sonic gasped in surprise. "I think that is what made him snap back to reality. He simply isolated for a while... and one day, he returned, being the same happy, confident and cocky Sonic that we all know and love."

"Whoa..." Young Sonic muttered in amazement. "I guess that he took some kind of therapy or something? Because I doubt he just woke up one day and decided to stop isolating himself out of nowhere, or just 'cause he felt like it."

"Kind of," Tails replied. "Nobody knows the actual answer but him. He always changes the story! One day, he can say he did took therapy; then another day, he could say he simply decided to move on on his own after being isolated for so long. Is hard to tell which is the true version."

"Probably a self defense mechanism..." Young Sonic muttered to himself. "Anyways, thanks for telling me this, Tails. It means a lot to me," He added with a smile, before looking down in concern. "My Longclaw wasn't too different, actually... the only thing she never did, thought, was show me any self defense skills..."

"Really?" Tails asked curiously.

"She was overprotective. Too overprotective for my liking," Young Sonic replied with a little sad smile. "She always wanted the best for me, but at the same time, she never wanted me to use my powers. She said that it could cause trouble, but I still didn't listened, and..." He added with sadness, sighing and looking at the floor with shame. "Those echidnas haunted me because I wasn't careful like she told me to be... a-and so, I-I accidentally lead her to her death, a-and––" He said suddenly, now crying in pain at the memory.

Soon enough, however, Tails wrapped him into a hug, and Young Sonic didn't hesitated to hug back. To Tails it felt weird to kneel so he could hug Sonic, but still, he knew it was necessary.

"Sonic... that wasn't your fault," Tails told him with a smile. "You couldn't knew, and even if you did, running away wasn't going to change anything. She loved you, and she died protecting you. I know she's proud of you, wherever she is..."

Young Sonic cried more and tightened his hug with Tails, but his words also made him smile, feeling better and at peace with himself now.

"T-Thanks, Tails... it means a lot to me..." Young Sonic said, smiling and still crying.

"Anytime, Sonic," Tails replied with a smile.

Young Sonic talked with Tails about their Longclaw's a bit more, and then, he decided to go visit Hitch.

He remembers that Sunny mentioned something about Hitch having some kind of weird effect in all kind of critters and animals where his simple presence already made them love him with no specific reason. He couldn't tell if that was why he always felt some weird urge of being close to Hitch.

It could be that, or the fact that he sounded almost exactly like Tom. There was also a very strange coincidence: They were both Sheriffs of a small town and they both had the weird habit of attract all kind of animals and critters. They also were parents of creatures that were not even biological nor from the same species, so maybe Young Sonic liked to be near Hitch because he reminds him a lot to Tom.

And so, Young Sonic entered the Sheriff Station with a smile, finding Hitch running around the place as he chases Sparky, who had his Sheriff badge on his claws and refused to give it back.

"Sparky!" Hitch scolded, while Sparky giggled as he kept running away from his 'father'. "For the last time, stop taking my badge! It isn't a toy!"

However, the baby dragon's giggles stopped when he was suddenly grabbed by Young Sonic, who took the badge and launched it to Hitch, who could barely react, but managed to catch his badge anyways, and he even put it over his belt again.

"Phew! Thanks, Sonic," Hitch said with a smile. "Sparky is way too hyperactive for me sometimes."

"I'm ten times worse when I eat more than I can chew 10 a.m. in the morning!" Young Sonic confessed, while Sparky tried to get free of his grip, but then the hedgehog smirked and pulled out a fake badge, giving it to the baby dragon, who giggled again as he was putted back on the floor and ran away with his new toy.

"Where did you got that?" Hitch asked confused. "It isn't mine nor Knuckles, is it?"

"No, it isn't real," Young Sonic replied with a smirk, before his eyes widened. "Wait, did you said Knuckles–– Ugh, anyways. Back home, my friends and I baby sit a baby from one of Tom's friends from time to time. Just like Sparky here, that baby loved to grab Tom's Sheriff badge, so Tails created a bunch of fake ones to give them to the baby. Now, the three of us have fake badges with us just in case. Never I thought it could be useful around here."

"You mention this 'Tom' guy a lot," Hitch pointed out with a smile. "He must be really important for you, huh?"

"He was my very first friend in life," Young Sonic explained with a nostalgic smile. "He decided to help me despite knowing he didn't had to. He just... he helped me out because he only felt it was his duty as a Sheriff. Later on, we started to grow into each other a bit more, and eventually... he adopted me as his legal son... I'm really glad I broke into his garage when I tried to escape..."

"I'm sorry, you did what?!" Hitch asked, both panicked and confused.

"Long story short: Robotnik wanted to capture me, I tried to hide and escape by braking into his garage, then he arrived with a tranquilizer gun, he shoot me, I feel unconscious, woke up on his home, and I asked for his help," Young Sonic replied with a bored expression. "And then he became a criminal when he hit Robotnik in the face since he was working with the government back then."

Hitch just stared with wide eyes and a confused expression at him. "...Whoa... And to think he adopted you later on!" He said chuckling, before bursting out laughing entirely, and Young Sonic ended up joining him. "Man, you really are a nice guy, Sonic! I don't remember having this much fun by just talking with someone!"

"Uh-huh" Young Sonic said, now suddenly smirking in a mocking way at him. "And what about Sunny, huh?"

That immediately made Hitch blush entirely, as he frowned and looked away. "Oh, come on! Was it necessary to bring her up?!"

"Very much. I still wanna know if you'll stop being a chicken and finally tell her about how you feel," Young Sonic replied, still smirking in a mocking way.

Hitch groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Look, once our Sonic returns and things cool down a bit, I'll tell her how I feel. Until then, could you stop teasing me with this subject and leave me alone? Please?!"

Young Sonic's eyes widened after Hitch said that he will tell Sunny how he feels, but he still smiled. "Consider it a deal, Donut Lord!"

"Thanks," Hitch thanked with a smile, and also a slight blush, which caused Young Sonic to chuckle at Hitch's reaction.

Universe 140220

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles entered to the house along Tom, and now, they all explained the whole situation.

Of course, Sonic was the first one to explain his entire situation again: Eggman discovering the Paradox Prism; a 'badnik' launching him towards the Prism, which made him travel to another universes; all the worlds he visited so far, and how he eventually ended up here because he was just trying to reach his home.

However, in this occasion, Tails and Knuckles joined him to the explanation, since they wanted to tell about the worlds they shortly visited when Sonic decided to drag them away so he could prove he was from another universe and not some impostor to their Sonic.

Yeah they also mentioned that this universe's Sonic was probably on Sonic's universe, but they explained it so vaguely that either Tom didn't understood that, or he did, but he was still trying to process all the information the trio of anthropomorphic animals just shared with him.

Can you really blame him, though? Like, I doubt a real person can process the fact that the multiverse exists and not feel like their brain's gonna explode or something.

"...So... you come from a different universe..." Tom asked Sonic. "A universe... with... talking ponies... like that My Little Pony series on Netflix..."

"I know it sounds lame and stupid, but yeah, that's pretty much it," Sonic replied. "Also, did they seriously named a series 'My Little Pony' when they actually have the size of real-life ponies? I would like to have a talk with the producer, because that's the dumbest thing I'd ever heard, and my universe's Knuckles once said that 'Grape Shampoo' actually tastes like grapes!"

"Why do your voice sounds so off?" Tom asked him. "Isn't Sonic supposed to be innocent and cheerful? No offense, but you sound way too mature and serious to be the Sonic I know."

"Exactly... the Sonic you know," Sonic remarked with a raised eyebrow, then he smirked. "Now, would you believe me if I say that you sound exactly like a friend of mine that also happens to be a pony? He's also a Sheriff, and he's a critter magnet as well."

"...That sounds painfully accurate, but how do you know I'm a Sheriff?" Tom asked.

"...Tom, you arrived on the police officer car," Tails pointed out with a bored expression.

Tom leaned his head and then nodded to himself. "Okay, fair enough... Man... Is hard to believe there's a world where you are... mature... and your arms aren't blue... also, do you have just one eye with two pupils or...?"

"The division of my eyes is too small, alright? I have two separate eyes," Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"Uh-huh..." Tails said, still not convinced. "So, can I study one of your discs, now?"

"Tails, if I remove one of these, I could literally blow this place, and it wouldn't be in purpose!" Sonic replied with panic.

"Look, I just wanna know if there's a way to difference which universe is which," Tails explained. "Maybe I can find the way to make your discs indicate which universe is which so you can go home safely and, you know, stop dragging yourself to unknown worlds."

"Well, that actually sounds really good and helpful, but I still don't wanna blow up the living room by accident," Sonic said with concern.

"I mean, it wouldn't be the first time it's blown up, but..." Knuckles tried to say, but a warning glare from Tom was enough to make him stop talking, and he even smiled sheepishly.

"Just let me check it for a moment!" Tails insisted. "I promise I won't take long!" He added, now with sad puppy eyes.

It seemed like that look caused Sonic to finally give up, because he sighed heavily and groaned in annoyance, before looking back at Tails, who was still making the sad puppy eyes. "Fine! But you better be quick! I don't know how much I can hold back the weird energy in my feet."

Tails nodded with a smile, and so, Sonic slowly retired the disc from his right hand, which caused his gloves and shoes to go back to their true form, with both of them looking all dusty and messy again, just like when he was in that Mobius where Eggman created 'Robotropolis'.

After Sonic gave the disc to Tails and he boosted away with it, Knuckles screamed in panic once he saw Sonic's clothes being all dirty and messy. "Holy grapes! When was the last time that you washed those?!"

"The last time I was in my universe," Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"Yeah, I can clearly see that!" Knuckles said with concern.

"Hey, um... about what happened to this universe's Sonic..." Tom called out with worry and anxiety.

"If everything Tails and Knuckled told me is true, he's probably on my universe," Sonic replied with a worried frown. "Don't ask me how, but is the only logical explanation for me. I mean, a yellow portal coming out of nowhere and taking him away? While that sounds like every other Sunday where I come from, I'm pretty sure that's something odd around here, right?"

"Pretty much," Knuckles replied with a bored expression and a nod.

Then, the main door opened up, and a girl with dark skin entered the place.

"Hey Tom!" she greeted, now entering the living room. "I got message about coming here because of an emergency––"

However, she stopped in mid-sentence and her eyes widened when she saw a completely different Sonic sitting on her living room.

"Hey..." Tom greeted nervously.

"Greetings, Maddie!" Knuckles said with a huge smile to her.

Sonic, on the other hand, smiled at her and even whistled. "Kon'nichiwa, ojōsama!" He said cheerfully to her.

Maddie felt conflicted and only waved her hand nervously, before slowly walking towards the kitchen with a panicked expression.

"...I'm gonna talk with her and explain things as gentle as I can," Tom said with a sheepish smile. "Sonic, please don't move, and don't blow up anything either, alright?"

"Dude, I literally just greeted her in Japanese..." Sonic pointed out with a bored expression, but Tom ignored him and walked to the kitchen.

"She panicked almost the same way when she met this universe's Sonic... Or so he says," Knuckles pointed out with a confused expression.

"You also mentioned something earlier about the living room blowing before, right?" Sonic asked him with a smile.

Knuckles gulped nervously and looked away, as he scratched his head embarrassed. "Yeah, well... let's just say I was tricked, and... I punched Sonic through the entire living room... destroying it in the process..."

Sonic blinked a few times, before bursting out laughing, which confused Knuckles a lot. "Man! If you worry about what I might think, don't worry! My universe's Knuckles punched me really hard as well when we first met!"

"...Really?" Knuckles asked curiously.

"Yup!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "The funny thing is that I was using the power of the Chaos Emeralds, so you have quite strength if you were able to take me out of my 'god mode', as the other me calls it!"

"Huh... that actually sounds really impressive!" Knuckles confessed with a smirk. "I should apologize, Sonic. I got a very bad impression of you back in the town..."

"Eh, no biggie," Sonic replied with a smirk. "If anything, I think I would act the same way in your place... But only if I hadn't travelled as many universes as I already have, though."

"Still... I've always been a guy that acts without thinking... I tend to mistake things way too usually for my liking..." Knuckles said with a sheepish smile.

"I once tried to defeat a massive titan bot that ended up throwing me towards some old pillars and almost broke my back!" Sonic confessed, remembering what Giganto did on the Starfall Islands a year ago. "I know very well about acting without thinking!" He added, and both him and Knuckles bursted out laughing.

Soon enough, Tails returned with the disc and gave it back to Sonic, but his expression didn't really said he went anywhere with whatever he did to the disc. "I tried everything I could... but the only thing I managed to do was to calibrate it a bit. It means that now you don't need to wait a certain amount of time to jump between universes."

"Wait... these things had a recharge cycle this whole time?!" Sonic asked confused.

"I guess you never noticed it because you spent enough time in the other universes, and so, the recharge cycle completed before you even knew it," Tails guessed.

"Huh... You're right, man, I never noticed that..." Sonic confessed. "But wait, shouldn't you do the same to the other discs?"

"Not manually: Once you put that disc back to its place, the others will sync and calibrate as well!" Tails explained with a smile.

Sonic smirked after hearing that, and so, he placed the disc back over his right hand. His gloves cleaned up, and his shoes returned to be the Puma ones. However, the other three discs made beep sounds, followed by a last one from the one he just put on his glove, meaning all of them were calibrated, and Sonic's smirk grew bigger.

"You really thought of everything, huh?" Sonic stated with a big smile. "Thanks, Tails. I really appreciate your help. And don't worry: Once I go back home, I'll make sure your Sonic returns safe and sound!"

"You better make sure that happens, hedgehog," Knuckles warned with a mocking smirk.

"I'm a hedgehog of word!" Sonic assured. "Again, thanks for your help Tails. And I assure you: Your Sonic will return, no matter how!" He stated with a confident look, before extending his fist at them.

Both Tails and Knuckles fist bumped at him with smiles afterwards.

Then, Sonic winked at them and waved his hand before boosting away, repeating the already memorized process for him: Run until his feet created the shape of an eight, then wait for the line to move forward and create the X portal that would take him out of this universe, as the portal closed once he traversed it as usual.

Suddenly, however, the pair of brown eyes appeared again, and stared at the place where Sonic was a moment ago.

Sonic was once again running across the point that connected every universe.

"Alright, Sonic. Now that I know there's another me back home, and possibly another Eggman too, I need to go back ASAP!" Sonic told himself with a determinate look.

He saw the universes around for quite a while before boosting towards one of the white curves, hoping again that this one was gonna take him home...

Universe 081114

Over an island, the sky opened with the shape of an X, and so, Sonic fell from the sky in a nosedive.

After that, he curled into a ball and rolled a bit in the air before landing on the floor like a superhero. He then stood normally and looked around, realizing that he seemed to be over some kind of destroyed lab. But not anyone's lab: an Eggman lab, because his trademark logo was around the place.

"Geez... whatever happened here sure was a bad thing," Sonic pointed out with a concerned expression.

However, he suddenly felt... weird, and once he looked at his clothes, he screamed and understood why: He was wearing regular gloves, but they were surrounded by sport bandages, and while his shoes seemed to be his regular ones, now clean, they also had sport bandages around.

"S-So many sport bandages..." Sonic muttered in panic. "Why do I have so many sport bandages around?! Who even needs this many sport bandages, anyway?!"

Then, he noticed that his body was 3D once more, and that actually calmed him a little bit for now.

"Freeze!" A robotic voice instructed suddenly.

And soon enough, Sonic was surrounded by thousands of badniks, as they all pointed to him and prepared to shoot.

Some of these badniks seemed quite familiar, despite some aspects being really different. However, other badniks were totally new to him. Still, he frowned, and positioned to fight back.

"Seems like the welcoming committee is already here!" Sonic said with a frown, but still smirking anyways, as he charged up his electrical powers and prepared to have a good fight.

Author's Note:

Alright, I'm gonna explain the timeline for Boom Sonic and Movie (Young) Sonic.

In Boom Sonic's case, he's been dragged from his universe after Season 2's ending. That is, after the show was cancelled. As for Movie Sonic, he's been dragged after "Sonic Drone Home" but before the "Knuckles" show.

I wanna explain it so people won't come to me asking why Movie Sonic isn't mentioning the events that take place in "Knuckles".