• Published 16th Dec 2022
  • 948 Views, 1 Comments

Beauty In Brash - vigilanteshhhhhhhh

  • ...

Simply Perfect

Rainbow Dash was jealous.

Why should she be? She's the best at everything; no one can beat her in any sports, video games or even a contest to see who's can nap the longest. But even though she was awesome, there was one thing that bugged her. A person. A boy. He was the only one who could make the cocky Rainbow Dash into a spineless idiot.

Things would've been easier if the reason why she was jealous was because she wants to be like him. He was charming, fun and cool. Maybe not as cool as her. Probably twenty percent less. But it wasn't the case.

She didn't want to be him.

She wanted to be with him.

Rainbow Dash watched green eyed as her crush, Soarin Skies, talked to the two cheerleaders who were asking him for a few pointers to play soccer.

"Rainbow, darling, you shouldn't pull your hair this much," said Rarity. The rainbow-haired athelete almost forgot about the company she had.

Letting go off of her long-rainbow hair she had clenched between her fists, she turned to Rarity. The fashionista had her funny-red glasses on and the needle on her hand was elegantly fluttering through the fabric she was holding.

"Sorry, Rares, can't help it," said Dash, turning her head back to look at the navy haired boy. A small growl escaped from her mouth when she saw one of the cheerleaders, Flitter, poke her finger on Soarin’s chest rather seductively.

This didn't go unnoticed by Rarity.

"Rainbow Dash," she sighed. "If you like him this much, you should ask him to be your date for the Fall Formal."

Rainbow gave Rarity a look. "I was almost going to." It was true, and she would've been successful too if it wasn't for Flitter and Cloudchaser.

"Try again then, dear," said Rarity handing over the uniform tee she had sown.

"Thanks, Rares!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, quickly putting it on. "It looks awesome!" She hugged her.

"Pfft," Rarity blew a raspberry. "It was nothing. Now, Rainbow Dash, get your man back even if it's the last thing you do!" she added in her usual dramatic way.

Trying not to roll her eyes, Rainbow sprinted her way to the field. Soarin was still talking to the two cheerleaders and Rainbow felt envy licking her stomach.

"Hey guys," said Rainbow while approaching them.

"Hey Crash," Soarin smiled cheerfully. Rainbow Dash had to fight off the butterflies in her stomach.

"H-Hey Clipper," she said blushing. She took a deep breath.

"I was just talking to these two here on how awesome you are," said Soarin grinning ear to ear.

Rainbow Dash's heart skipped a bit. "You were?"

"Yeah!" He gently elbowed her. "You're like the coolest at soccer."

A hint of disappointment crept over her. She loved when people say she was awesome at soccer, but when it comes to him, she craved to hear more. More compliments. More praise. More appreciation.

"Just soccer?"

"Uh... Yeah? Would've told about how awesome you are at other sports-"

"Just sports?"



"Yeah," said Soarin looking at her confused. "They said they're really into soccer and wanted me to teach them. I told them they should let you coach them as you're the best but they seem so insistant on me doing it."

Rainbow Dash didn't reply. She wasn't sure if the boy was that dense that he couldn't even get the hint of them wanting to spend more time together with him. But now she had no time to complain about this. She had a task to complete.

She took a deep breath. "I actually wanted to ask you something..."

"R-Really?" asked Soarin. Rainbow Dash nodded. "What's it about?"

"Well, I," she stammered as blood rushed into her cheeks. "I just wanted to ask if you wanna- you know? I mean, if you don't mind. But-"

"Can you hurry up?" Cloudchaser interrupted.

"We have somewhere to be, isn't it right, Soarie?" Flitter asked batting her eyelashes at the boy. Rainbow Dash tried not to cringe at that awful nickname.

"We still have an hour left to go," said Soarin. He wasn't looking happy and Dash guessed it must have been because of her getting in between their chat.

“We have to go there early,” Cloudchaser said, stomping her feet impatiently.

“Be quick,” Flitter added, holding Soarin’s arm.

Taking the hint from Cloudchaser and Flitter, she looked at the boy then at her feet. “Um, I think I should be getting home now.”

“But, Crash, I thought you wanted to say something to me?” Soarin suddenly asked holding her hand. As ironic as it sounds, if Rainbow was a colour, she would’ve been red.

Rainbow Dash’s magenta eyes were fixated on his emerald ones. Maybe she should say it to him. If he accepts it, she’ll be the happiest girl in the world. But what if he doesn’t? The fear of rejection came over her.

What if he laughs?

What if he doesn’t like me?

What if I ruin our friendship forever?

“So, what’s up?” Soarin again asked gently.

“It’s nothing,” she smiled meekly, turning around to face the bleachers where Rarity was sitting. This was all a mistake.

“I can drop you home if you like,” Soarin called after her. Rainbow Dash paused on her tracks. “Maybe we could grab some donuts too on the way?”

“Donuts?” Cloudchaser asked.

“Gluten free, I hope?” Flitter added.

Of course. They’re gonna tag along.

“No thanks,” said Dash mustering as much as coolness she could. She kicked the ground hard and ran back to Rarity.

Rarity’s smile vanished once she saw her friend gloomily running towards. The fashionista got up when she saw Dash crumbling down on the ground.

“He likes them, Rarity,” said Dash.

“Did you even ask?-“

“-How could I ask? They were all over him!”

“So?” scoffed Rarity. “They interrupted you, so you should interrupt them. Tit for tat.”

“Are you saying I have to be like them”— Rainbow Dash suddenly paused— Oh my gosh, Rarity. That’s it…” she said slowly as her idea ran over her head.

Rarity looked at her confused.

“You’re the best, Rares!” Dash grinned widely. Before Rarity could even open her mouth. Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed her back. “I G.T.G. I have some shopping and a lot of practice to do!”

“R-Rainbow Dash!?” Rarity screamed as Rainbow Dash entered school that day.

“How do I look?” Rainbow Dash grinned showcasing her outfit.

Rarity rubbed her eyes looking at the rainbow-haired girl before her. And Rainbow beamed at her knowing she looked different; she was wearing a pink dress and high heeled boots instead of her usual attire and sneakers.

“Is that mascara?” Rarity managed to speak.

“Yeah and lipstick too,” Rainbow Dash looked proud of her accomplishment. “Pretty neat, huh? Who knew I could be an expert?” she said hiding the fact she had to bribe Rarity’s little sister for this makeover.

“You did your hair too?” Rarity asked seeing the spiky long hair was smoothened and curled. Rainbow Dash nodded. “I– Darling, it’s quite ravishing. Wow, you left me speechless.”

Rainbow Dash giggled at that. “Thanks.”

Rarity stared at her and Rainbow knew why. It was unlike of her to giggle. But this is what Cloudchaser and Flitter do. And this is what Soarin likes, she reassured herself.

Speak of the devil.

“There he comes,” Dash whispered as she saw the boy enter the room.

He was about to walk past them but then he noticed Rarity and stopped.

“Hey, Rarity,” he said with a shy blush, “have you seen Cra—“ Soarin gasped as his eyes fell on her — “D-Dash? I-Is that you?” he stuttered looking at her.

Rainbow took a step closer to him. “Do you like it?” she asked twirling her hair ignoring how unnatural it felt.

Soarin was having a hard time forming sentences. The usual cool athlete had finally lost his cool. This made her satisfied and she took a step back.

“I think you look nice,” Soarin said finally. Rainbow frowned. Just nice? “Anyways, Dash, I thought we could play video games at my place today.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Rainbow said poking his chest trying not to sound sarcastic. She had to be flirty, she reminded herself. The boy looked at her like he wanted to say something, but he stopped.

Soarin looked awkward. “I will see you then, I guess?” he asked. Had she taken a bit too far? She shook her head. No that’s not possible. He likes girls who are like this.

“Bye!” Rainbow Dash called out in a high pitched voice as he went over to put his things in his locker.

“What was that?” Rarity asked as soon he left.

“What was what?” asked Rainbow Dash pulling out a compact mirror and adjusting her hair.

“What you were doing with Soarin! The giggling, the cringe filled flirting-"

“It scored me some time with him,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I can assure you, Darling, he was going to ask you to spend time with him no matter what you wore or how you acted today,” Rarity argued. “You’re not being yourself, Rainbow Dash.”

However Rarity’s words fell to deaf ears. Rainbow was intensely watching Cloudchaser ‘accidentally’ dropping her book in front of Soarin. He being the gentleman he was picked it up for her while Cloudchaser kept batting her eyelashes at him.

“These books are so heavy,” Cloudchaser pouted at him. “Will you please help me carry them, Soarie?~”

Soarin sighed. “Sure,” he said as he was getting dragged away by the cheerleader.

“You’re right, Rarity, I’m not doing enough,” said Rainbow Dash.

Rarity’s mouth was wide open. “W-What? But when did?” she stuttered. Regaining her posture, she looked Rainbow Dash dead in the eye. “Rainbow Dash, I simply can’t allow you to do this. This isn’t you.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t bulge, “He likes that type girls. And you know the saying: You gotta fake it until you make it.”

“No– No! You’re gonna make us lose!” Soarin cried. He groaned as the screen displayed ‘Game Over’. “What happened to you, Crash? You used to be awesome at this.”

Rainbow bit her lip she was guilty for making them lose but she figured it’ll give them more time to hangout.

“Aww, Soarin, you know you’re the best,” said Rainbow Dash in her unnatural high pitched voice. It was starting to hurt her throat from speak in that voice all day.

Soarin shifted awkwardly. “Dash, you’re acting... weird."

Rainbow chose to ignore him. “Oh! Since you’re so good and I suck at this, why don’t you teach me how to play? It’ll be fun!” she smiled cutely at him and batted her eyelashes.

Soarin frowned at this.

Am I not cute? Rainbow wondered.

Holding her shoulders, he pushed her away gently. "Dash, is everything alright?"

Rainbow Dash almost fell for sweet voice, she almost opened her mouth to tell the truth. But she feared rejection. She shook her head. “Everything is a-okay,” she said forgetting her high pitched voice.

“Okay…” Soarin said unsurely. “You want to eat something? I have left over pizza!” he announced wiggling his eyebrows at her. Rainbow cursed herself. Why was he torturing her like this? She remembered yesterday’s conversation with her, Soarin and the cheerleaders.

“Is it gluten free?” she asked not knowing what it means.

This threw Soarin off guard. “When did you even care if something is gluten free?”

“Since forever,” she said quickly.

Soarin raised his eyebrow. “You seemed perfectly fine with non gluten free pizza yesterday and the day before that.”

Rainbow Dash quickly looked away, “I- um. I thought to be more careful with what I eat.” She didn’t knew if it sounded believable.

She quickly realised Soarin didn’t quite buy it but she knew he wasn’t going to ask her as he out of all his teammates should know Rainbow Dash could be scary when she got in her bad side.

Rainbow slowly adjusted the skirt she was wearing. She hated how uncomfortable it made her feel. Usually Rarity would be the one to force her to wear something like this and it was always confidence boosting. So, why did her doing this to herself didn’t make her feel that? Was it her reasoning doing it?

“I don’t have any gluten free pizza in my home,” Soarin voice snapped her out her thoughts.

“I wasn’t much hungry either way,” Dash lied.

“Suit yourself,” he said going downstairs.

She grumpily went over to check herself in Soarin’s mirror. She grunted, noticing her lipstick had gotten a bit smudgy. This was why she hated wearing makeup.

Half heartedly she began adjusting her makeup.

Rainbow couldn’t believe herself. Rainbow The Coolest Girl In School Dash was adjusting her makeup. If someone told her a day ago she would be even wearing makeup, she wouldn’t have believed it

“What happened to no-makeup Crash?” She let out a small ‘eep’ when she realised Soarin was there. A small chuckle escaped from his mouth as he stepped in.

“I’m more of a girl than you think,” she stated.

Soarin furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean by-“

“It’s nothing,” she said before he could even finish his sentence. Her voice was very firm, and he got the hint she didn’t want to talk about it. “More importantly, how do I look?” she smiled twirling her hair. He sighed as he sat next to her.

“You look okay.”

“Okay?” she repeated. Even after putting the efforts, the only thing he could say was ‘okay’?

“Okay,” He shrugged. “And are you you sure you don’t want some?” he asked pointing at his pizza as he passed her the soda he had gotten for her.

”I’m sure, and oh… I can’t have soda too.”

“Huh? Why?” he asked.

“Sugar isn’t good for you,” she said, hoping that was something Cloudchaser and Flitter would say.

“I hope Pinkie doesn’t hear that,” he chuckled. “But yeah, think it’s for the best considering you’re an athlete.” He booped her nose with his finger.

It was time to drop the bomb.

“I thought to try out for the cheer team actually.”

Soarin almost chocked hearing that. “Never thought cheerleading to be your style,” he said in between coughs.

“Won’t I look good in a cheerleading costume though?” Dash pouted playing with her hair.

Soarin’s ears immediately went red as soon she said that. “You’ll look cute,” he gulped.

“Really?” Dash asked, her eyes twinkling. Had her plan worked? “You like that?”

Soarin hummed, “As long as I will have my Captain Crash, I can live with being you being a cheerleader,” he said dramatically.

“I thought to be a cheerleader full time,” she said dropping another bomb.

“Yeah and I’m gonna be the next Coloratura,” Soarin laughed hysterically. He seemed to have expected her to join in as he stopped when he realised she was serious. Dead serious. “You being for real?” he asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded in confirmation. “Cheerleading is more feminine.”

“But it’s not you to be feminine everyday, is it?” he asked.

“Why can’t I be feminine everyday?” she asked back.

“You can, but I don’t think that it will be you.” His words hit a nerve and as soon as he said that Rainbow couldn’t take it any longer. She broke down.

“You’re right,” she muttered. “Cheerleading is not me, this-” she pointed towards the pink dress she was wearing, “-is also not me. I don’t even know what gluten free means. And makeup? I hate it. And I get it. I’ll never be a girl in your eyes. I will be forever be one of the boys, won’t I?” Her voice grew louder towards the end.

“Dash…” he said her name softly.

“You don’t have to say anything, Soarin. I should’ve gave up when I found out you like girly girls like Cloudchaser and Flitter,” she wiped her tears quickly as they had formed. She couldn’t cry now.

Soarin was even more confused than ever. “I don’t like Cloudchaser or Flitter.”

Rainbow Dash was busy wiping her makeup. It was of no use now. “They were all over you, you dense cockroach,” she began grumbling while tying her hair into a ponytail messing up her earlier hairstyle. It didn’t even bother her she spent two hours getting it done.

She glared as Soarin began chuckling. “Was laughing because you got that charisma back,” he added quickly nervously. “And I talk to them out of formality only because they’re my classmates. But Honestly, Crash, they’re annoying and not even my type,” he whispered the last part into her ear, sending a chill down her spine.

What he said immediately caught her attention.

“Then who is your type?”

“I think you already know that.” He put his arms around her waist taking her by surprise. “I like you, Rainbow Dash. Only you.”

She wanted to throw herself on him so badly. She tried her best to restrain herself. This can’t be right, right?

“But,” Dash went full defence. “I’m impulsive and mean and–“

He put a finger on her mouth, “You are perfect.”

And this was what Rainbow always craved to hear from him. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. His hold on her tightened as he hugged her back.

If I’m dreaming please don’t wake me up.

He slowly pulled away from her and smirked. “Don’t tell me you did all the girly girl act to impress me, Crash.”

Rainbow scoffed hiding traces of embarrassment with it, “If you had even considered asking me to the Fall Formal, I wouldn’t have to do all this.”

“I was gonna ask you tomorrow,” he grinned sheepishly. He had to be joking. Right? “Had this speech and flowers in mind too.” He chuckled seeing her cover her face with her hands.

“Now I’m even more embarrassed!” she groaned. Rainbow was glad he liked her but how she acted to catch his attention which she already had made her want to strangle herself.

“Don’t be.” He removed her hands from her face. “I like you for you, Dash. You’re so awesome,” he added making her smile meekly. “It seems like you don’t believe me, so maybe I just have to show you.” He tapped his chin with his finger.

Before Rainbow could even blink let alone realise what was happening, he planted a soft kiss on her mouth. Rainbow melted right into that kiss. She close her eyes as she relaxed and soon enough, she began returning it.

If this is a dream, don’t ever wake me up.

Soarin’s hands cupped her face and Rainbow’s hands was holding on to his wrists. He was pouring all his emotions to her and she was doing the same. They didn’t need words to know what the other was feeling.

Their kiss ended when they both ran out of air.

“That was awesome,” Rainbow panted.

“You know what will be more awesome?” Soarin pulled her close again. She raised an eyebrow at him. “A rematch of our game. Loser has to make out with the winner.”

Rainbow snorted at that. “Only on one condition,” she finally said.

“And that is?” he tilted his head.

“You give me your remaining pizza. I’m starving.”

Author's Note:

Hi everyone! This is my first fan fiction in fimfiction. Hope you like it <3