• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago




Trixie loves Starlight. Twilight loves Starlight. Sunburst loves Starlight. Starlight loves to have her options.

It's always good to have options.


Written in August 2021 for Themoontonite. Special thanks to gara, wish, seer, silent, snow, rice, red, flash, shas, and mushroom. Love you all :heart:

Coverart edited without permission from legionsunite.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

i guess i need to chamge the locks on my door cause u keep breaking into my house and beating me senseless with beautiful stories......... but srsly, ur writing is so achingly sharp and raw and final, like standing on an ocean cliffside and looking down at the sharp mess of rocks below. superb


Glimmers giving me some serious sociopath/nymphomaniac* vibes, and is that a trans Trixie I spot?. Stunning work though.

*As in the actual Nymphomania, not the cliche 'really loves sex' but the 'horrible bundle of mental health issues that coincidentally involves intimacy'.

I'm getting some serious Anomalisa vibes here.

I love the first-person dive and the interplay of all of the perspectives. I believe this is one of the few stories on the site that I’ve seen deal with hypersexuality and its psychological aspects in a way that isn’t glamorized, if not the only story.

11436016 The current name for the actual condition now would be hypersexuality, and it can occur on its own or as a symptom of some other illness or chronic condition. Nymphomania is no longer clinically used to describe female hypersexuality but it is a cool sounding word to use outside of those settings. The more you know and shit.

Wow.. very sad and poignant.

Great story Regi! Definitely going to be thinking of this one for a while. :twilightsmile:

Love, to share, or to stay, that is the question……

There is an obvious solution: She needs the HMD :moustache:

Ha ha wow this definitely didn't strike a painful chord for me. I totally don't understand how this feels. What a wonderfully written short story that certainly did not just shake me to my core. I am absolutely not relating to this on such a level that I'm questioning my entire sense of love, and my current romantic relationships. Great work on this story, really.

I don’t think Starlight’s the type of mare to do this. At least in my eyes, if she were to cheat(although it’s highly unlikely), I imagine she’d feel so much guilt, that she’d tell the pony she was cheating with immediately. The thing about Starlight is that when she makes a mistake, it’s never to harm anybody, and if it does, it’s usually an accident. They feel like genuine mistakes.

Cheating on a special someone is not one of the things I think she’d do.

The Return of Regidar arc continues unabated. Well played.

The posting of this story is painfully well-timed, and hits home like a train.
Fortunately, it's not a cheating scenario as we see with Starlight here; it still hurts tho.

Why does Starlight not simply merge them all into a single entity, like mashing three flavors of PlayDoh together into an incongruous ball?

Why do I have this void within me? Why is there this fissure, this chasm, that I cannot seem to do anything with except shove ponies into it?


The structure does a lot to make me feel like I'm tumbling down a hill as I'm reading, picking up momentum without any way to stop it. It's a beautiful stylistic choice, especially given Starlight's own feelings of helplessness. I loved it all the way down.

Never really bought the whole trans Trixie thing or a fan of it suddenly being inserted into existing characters that were never implied to be trans, but this is well written so I can't really complain.

encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlxA3H44MWR527ddWfH20jcUQJszkfrBIAqA&usqp=CAU this story felt like this image

Edit: and also wow you have such good taste in music, Midwest Emo my beloved :fluttershysad:

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