• Member Since 24th Nov, 2015
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Stay tuned for The Lockeheart Anthology, a passion project that has kind of been in the works since I went by MonsterMasher137


This story is a sequel to The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover

Years after Terra's greatest defenders went absent from their home during the Solgell Island incident in 2013, another shot from the very weapon used to dispose of them is fired, catching yet another guardian in the crossfire while he combats that onslaught of malevolence brought about by APEX Industries... Without him though, what will become of Terra and its inhabitants?

Here we go again... For those confused, this takes place after Ghidorah's death in Tarbtano's The Bridge (As to have the healed relationship between Godzilla Junior and Xenilla be relevant). And bear with me, I'm in the process of re-reading The Bridge so I have a better understanding of how to push the plot for this in a way that has the Monsterverse Godzilla (hereby referred to as The Ancient or Gojira) make sense in this world and have his character conflict with his comrades. This story will also blend the Monsterverse with Tarb's Amalgam'Verse.

On another note, the sequel tag is purely so y'all can find The Bridge yourself.
Finally, I'm glad to be back to writing these stories, and I'm gonna consider this a fresh start here on FIMfic...

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 69 )

You had my curiosity, but now you have my undivided attention!

Ey yooo!! Hello, my friend! Glad to hear you're enjoying it!

Yeah, this seems to be AJs fault with her trying to tie him up.

the old king has returned

And unfortunately for his cohorts, he doesn't recognize them

ya its going to end with a lot of broken bones that is until he sees his sons again that should calm the old king down

Will they get to him before Anguirus gets beaten to a pulp, is the question? :trixieshiftright:

if mother nature gives luna and Xenilla a boost all his sons have to do is roar that will get the old kings attention
and imagine the old kings surprise when he finds out that his sons have
mates he will be one happy dad or grandpa

not a bad start at all
here's hoping the next chapters are good too

Well in this story, the "Old King" isn't their father, rather an ancient ancestor of theirs. They're a SIMILAR species, but not the same.

I'm hoping so too, I worry about flanderizing the character's personalities or not staying true to who they are, that'll be a struggle.

Does not stop it from being AJ’s and Ang’s fault for escalating the situation by trying to bind him down and after that failed tried beating him down.

I might actually make an edit to bring that to attention. Because not that you mention it, Gojira wasn't really the aggressor here...

Ouch, note to self, never try and tank a veteran Kaiju that's extremely pissed off....

Correct, the result is not usually a good one lol

Would be an interesting twist to the normal formula to have the ponies and their allies be in the wrong.

Wait so kong is just dead, I wonder how junior will react to that.

Well, no. He's not dead, but he is in the Hollow Earth

Wait until they find out that Ang and AJ started it, and that they started escalating

Wow, sucks about what happened to Terra in this version.

The Earth Defenders played a huge roll in keeping balance. Gojira is capable, but only barely

Probably not helped by a biological drive to fight everyone to flex on them.

I don’t think “naturalization” will be simple at all, and I am not sure if Gojira will go for it.. And wait until Luna finds out Gojira’s age is not exaggerated. Essentially Gojira was trying to retire and suddenly he has to pick up the slack of several, and humans trying to destroy the world added in.

EXACTLY!! You, my friend, just nailed it on the head. That's what his resentment is about, that's where his frustration stems from, though Equestria may finally give him that opportunity to retire (given he can accept all that's going on).

And what about the reactions to his age?
And that he has his own burning state, that he does not die from. And that when Junior fought him Gojira was out of shape at that time, but now he is fit.

There are many details I will touch upon as the story progresses, but that also depends on the direction I take it. We may or may not see Burning Gojira, but I'm not sure as of yet.

Wait until Junior hears what Gojira did to Kong Sensei.

Gojira: "I will not apologize for my nature."

In the comments of this https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/943200/guest-special-god-vs-king-godzilla-vs-cthulhu-by-blazingphoenix-and-promo
We find out how powerful Gojira in the bridge was in his prime apparently, look in the comments.

LMAOOO, that would be a hilarious sequence

Home now and just read that along with a few of the comments and God damn. Gojira in his prime was metal as Hell. I'll definitely take that snippet of the story into account going forwards and probably revise a couple of things in previous chapters.

During a heated moment between Godzilla and Gojira.

Gojira: "Mind your tone, lest I thrash you like I did that little upstart Kong."
Godzilla: "Keep Sensei out of this!"
Gojira: "Oh? Did I touch a nerve? Yes, I faced your precious "Sensei" in battle, and do you know what? I was not impressed."
Godzilla: *Seething* "Keep that up you old cretin, and I'll show you what Kong taught me."
Gojira: "If it's anything like his showing in Hong Kong, then I have very little to fear. Personally, I would have preferred to kill the disrespectful brat where he laid, but I had bigger concerns at the time.
Godzilla: *Furious* "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?"
Gojira: "He lived if that's your concern. He is, however, forbidden from returning to the surface."
Godzilla prepares to fight, but Rodan realizes something.
Rodan: "Chief, wait! He said that he fought Kong in Hong Kong. What was Kong doing there? He never leaves his island."
Gojira realizes he has leverage.
Gojira: "You don't know. Hehehe. Your precious humans destroyed it."
Godzilla: "No. They wouldn't. They couldn't."
Gojira: "Oh they would. And they did. They also hit me with an Oxygen Destroyer, and built a machine with the sole purpose of killing us. While you were here trying to touch cloacas with someone not even of your own species, Terra fell to ruin.

Okay, I'mma be honest, you should be writing this. :rainbowlaugh: I was struggling SO hard to find a way to bring that up and have Gojira confront his successor, and you just about nailed it on the head. Do you mind if I use this bit? Paraphrased of course and credit given where due.

Hm? Now what do we have here?

Comment posted by AJoltOfDapper deleted Dec 2nd, 2022

Oh hey, lol
I was feeling inspired recently and wanted to write a spin-off (non-canon of course) to The Bridge with Gojira as the main character. I hope you can find some enjoyment in it!

What do you like about it, Gojira throwing shade at Kong?

Btw, "touching cloacas" is how some birds mate. Gojira in that bit is accusing Godzilla of being more interested in getting laid than performing his responsibilities.

I understood, and also, this idea of yours is definitely happening. I've already started incorporating the sequence into the story

Am I the only one thinking of Gojira sounding like Kratos?

Nope, Kratos was actually one of the inspirations for his character

That I have. I do want to stress one major distinction is Junior's life has not been one of luxury in Equestria and there happened other threats to confront, at least in my story. Additionally the main reason they never went back to Tara immediately is because they physically couldn't. Even with a story as it is now with all the developments over on my side of the writing, I still think Junior would feel duty bound to return even if he really wouldn't want to for multiple reasons.

So he hasn't been skipping responsibilities to play house as much as he is just making the best of the situation he's got. Him and the others.

If anything I would just make light of valid points like this and others so it isn't entirely Gojira lecturing them about slacking off with him entirely in the right.

And if I could gift something of my own as thanks for the story... *Cracks knuckles*

Alpha Titan and King of the Monsters, standing apart from one another in a valley far away from any populated area. At Junior's own request, both have been infused with magic and elevated back to their true forms that towered over the hills and scrape the sky with their brows.

Godzilla, having suffered through his lecture about neglecting his post and being an unworthy successor, snarled and roared back his response, "250 million years and wasted almost every single one of them."

The ancient paused before registering the words, whipping around and almost lashing out on impulse due to the slight against him. He was the alpha Titan and insubordination was often a harbinger of devastation and chaos.

"... Pick your next words carefully, whelp."

Godzilla only needed the one, "Reiju."

Gojira could admit, even that actually gave him something resembling the feeling of being impressed. To have lived as long as he had, it was inevitable he would know of one of the few beings who was older than he was. He permitted Junior further word.

"Lea told me of the planet's history a long time ago. When she first charged me with protecting the world on the cusp of the human's new millennia and after. You didn't stop the Great Dying, Reiju did. You didn't stop the end times of the dinosaurs when the Ghidorah arrived, the first mothra, Battra, and Reiju did. You didn't have anything to do with fostering the first humans, the very ones that later look to you for protection. Reiju. did," Junior continue down the list with his voice increasingly growing into a growl, the temperature beginning to increase by the moment, "... And when they started to tear the world of humanity a part as Bagan, you didn't stop them. I don't know if you tried, and I always hope that you had..."

He turned his head aside and leered off into the distant ocean, "So if you want to keep some of the respect I have for you, I recommend you don't tell me you were still asleep under the ocean when that happened like you were for millions of years between events... Because we both know you were away when my grandfather turned Tokyo into a fireball, and then life during the reign of my father was an ever-increasing cavalcade of one monster after another."

Gojira knew he could certainly counter by bringing up any myriad of the battles he fought in times bygone, including a stand against Bagan. How many ecological disasters he averted maintaining nature's balance. Held a modern world would have been impossible without him, and that the god being brought up prior also had many times of dormancy. Life for millions of years had not required much cultivation and stewardship. His reign had been peaceful.

His eye caught the burning gaze of the entity modern times had forged. A completely unrelated dinosaur that miraculously wound up resembling himself. That their species were as related as an elephant was to a frog made the resemblance all the more uncanny. A life from 250 million cycles around the sun, built anew during his dormancy in modern times.

-Modern times...-

That designation caused the alpha Titan to pause. He had been away for a long time. And on some level he had returned treating the world like it was no different than it was back in the Permian or Triassic. Back when nobody could have looked at the tiny, insignificant feathery forms scampering through the undergrowth and predict one day a descendant of theirs would stand on equal height with himself and sporting an uncanny, eerie resemblance. Fate was one of the few things he had some believe it, it was impossible not to with how long he had lived and seen as many things as he had.

"I never asked to be anybody's successor. Not to my father, not to you, and not to Reiju. I know what it's like to be on the level of a human, sapient and yet powerless. That's the one thing that made me different than all three of you. I have lived my entire short life by your standards, terrified I would forget and go down the same path Reiju did and my father nearly followed," Junior's eye darted over towards his elder and remained steely despite the unmoving mountain before him, "Because I'm Reiju's successor more than I am yours. And that terrifies me more than anything you could ever threaten me with."

Junior's tail smashed a canyon into the bedrock, "So don't you come charging in here, expecting me to fall in line like one of your Titans. I didn't ask to be your successor, want to be your successor, I didn't even think of myself as your successor."

Godzilla tensed his muscles and made ready, his roar rattling the air as he let all be known, "For all your talk of not caring about titles, I know how jealously you guarded that esteemed position as Alpha Titan and Apex Predator to make sure no one abused it. And how you treated it with some big deal offloading your responsibilities onto me. But I don't recall you naming me the new alpha. Nor did I care!"

Gojira felt his body tense up in ways it hadn't in a long time to anything short of a Titan. Couldn't stop remembering those insignificant little early theropods, those tiny fuzzy forms running away from terrestrial crocodile relatives or juvenile MUTO. How sometimes a few of them would even hide themselves in the shadow is cast by his own body, as if they were begging for protection if they realized he was a living thing and not just a mountain to shelter at.

That fate and conspired and engineered one of those tiny forms to actually make him feel physically threatened was equal parts unnerving and enlightening.

"So," Gojira's eyes narrowed and glimmered with blue, "I can't drag your tail back to Terra."

"I return. When I can. Because I have a duty owed to Terra," Godzilla's own brow remained static but his eyes started to shift from blue to blazing red at a high intensity. He was not being cowed, "I don't care about you being the alpha of a bygone time. I only care about modern times. And I don't owe you anything."

Gojira weighed his options. This was definitely insubordination by his metrics. Usually that was dealt with by beating the upstart into submission, killing them if he had to and intimidation displays didn't work.

-You can't.-

A part of his mind noted, conflicted with is on assertions as a quarreled with his own thoughts.

Could he defeat, let alone kill Godzilla? 250 million ago when Godzilla's ancestors were but ants to, him the answer was a firm yes. 100 million years ago it was yes. A million years ago it was yes. 60,000 years ago it was yes. 30 years ago it was probably yes. A year ago, let alone right now in these passing seconds... It was an absolute miniscule time by his lifespan standards for things to have changed so much. But arguably more had changed in 30 years, most of which he had been asleep for, and the last hundreds of millions. Even with his old power largely restored, he had his private doubts.

-You can't.-

That part of his mind protested once again. It was almost like the question wasn't if he could kill Godzilla or not. Some rebellious parts of his mind were telling him the answer wasn't yes. So if not a question of could, it was a question of "should".

Terra had gotten more chaotic and unruly than it had ever been before since the Permian. And that was despite his rule, with one of the missing factors that separated Terra ten years ago from Terra now standing right in front of him.

He continued to compare and contrast himself and Godzilla. Alpha Titan to King of the Monsters. Godzilla was younger, he hadn't been through as many things, he hadn't seen as many things, he had power thrust upon him instead of growing up into it. He was a runaway whelp who Gojira intended to drag back to Terra any.... Fix it.

Gojira's features stilled and a cold settled in his ancient mind.

For his Dominion to be as long as it had been over the other titans and the world, what had it really gotten him? Most of the Titans turned on him the moment that echo of Ghidorah announced their reign. The humans did not him revere it like they used to. For now, they stung at him with their pests whenever a fight of his got dragged into one of their nests. Some of the Defenders would follow his command, that was about it. They would follow but they would not linger around.

The lineage of the one that had once been his Queen had also shifted. Mosura's direct descendant instead stood shoulder to shoulder with another, not an Alpha but a King. Not as a consort or bonded, but a comrade.

His Dominion of Titans did not have a loyalty the Defenders had. The latter had followed Godzilla into war time after time, only growing in number. His Titans had bowed out of obligation and fear, and had turned on him more than once. His stewardship of mankind did not have the appreciation and admiration they had for one prior either. For 250 million years, might had made right for most of the natural world.

A quarter billion years since his first reign, and he was just now learning the modern day had changed more than it had any time prior. Might made right when the strongest sought only stability. It did not inspire loyalty. Only might for right did that. And no alpha Titan had ever fought for that, only a King had.

The reason he had insisted Godzilla and company return to Terra haven't been because Godzilla had been a bad successor to him...

Gojira lips curled down and he knew in his wisdom, a genuine trait he could always rely on, was true. The glow in his eyes and threat display stopped. It didn't even matter which one of them was actually stronger, finding the answer to that question would be pointless and counterproductive anyways. Even if Gojira won, he knew the other three Defenders would not just fall in line. That wasn't even counting the other two powerhouses in the area beyond just the radiating energy he could detect Luna earlier. This was not something that could be cowed into submission nor would domination work even if he could win.

Fate had decided to engender Godzilla's existence because the world had changed and his old way of doing things wouldn't work anymore the way it had.

-You're not the poor successor. I wanted you lot back because the world has changed, and I've been a bad successor to you..

"The world has been hurt, and so have I," Gojira whispered with his frown growing and is gays turning away to the horizon, unsure how many Terra had left, "And I was looking for someone to blame. I found them."

Godzilla knew the old warrior wasn't talking about Junior himself. Gojira had been beyond abrasive initially, and if he were a lesser kaiju he would definitely hold a grudge. If Gojira had proven a dire threat and continued his attacks, he would be answered. But Junior had never wanted that, beyond just concerns of collateral damage.

"Terra needs help. We made some good allies here to help us do that," Godzilla stepped towards the horizon before looking over his shoulder, "And I would never turn down experienced help either."

Gojira was the last of his kind. And it's been a very long time since he felt actual company. Maybe the barrier between species hadn't been stopping him from feeling connections to others.

He could at least, try.

The King of the Monsters walked away from the isolated region he had insisted they speak in, fearing it could have turned into a battle if what he predicted for true. His prediction had proven untrue, and now he was feeling perfectly safe and confident turning his back to his company. The Alpha Titan finally let himself appreciate some of the natural beauty in Equestria's horizon before pacing after the young King to walk alongside.

Both of them have been proven wrong today, and neither of them could be less content in that fact.

Dude, thank you so much!! I appreciate the critique and that you added your own spin to Gojira and Luna's to conversation to replace Luna with Godzilla! It adds depth to their reasonings and brings a new bit of conflict to Gojira's moral. I think I wanted to arc to be about Gojira's eventual understanding of what was really going on and his acceptance of it, and you just about concluded that arc in one comment. :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you're enjoying the story and I'll definitely have to make some revisions to what I have for the next chapter so far.

That leads to a question, would you mind if I used this segment as a sort of collab chapter? Credit would be given where due, of course

My pleasure, you gave me some good ideas after all :)

I felt it was an important distinction to make that Gojira, while in the right for being upset how things have gone on Terra, was not entirely in the right here and he was frankly not helping himself trying to just solve his problems by being abrasive and intimidating. Godzilla Junior knows fear, and he is much more someone afraid for others than of others.

There is a big difference between not helping someone because you are lazy, and not helping because he physically can't. If one has the capability to do right, there is a moral responsibility to do so. That's the exact lesson Junior lived by and passed on to his pupil. This is because he knew what it was like being on the level of a human, sees some humans as his family, and has such empathy for them and being like them such as the Equestrians. It's what sets him apart from other kaiju on a similar tier of status or power. To make comparison in a different genre, it's the difference between DC's Superman and Marvel's Odin (especially the MCU version). Both ultimately heroic characters who have protected humanity, but whereas the All Father of the Norse Pantheon sees humanity and cosmic balance as his charge and protectorates; Clark Kent sees himself as a part of the same world and life as humans are. And by accident or design, a lot of Superman wound up in Godzilla Junior's character.

"Might makes right" is a very easy mindset to demonize, but in certain contexts it does work. Mighty megaherbivores or apex predators are important balance keepers and shapers of their ecosystems. Elephants are the strongest animals in the wilds of Africa, and they manage the ecosystem as tillers of the soil and knocking over trees; allowing certain plant life other animals rely on to flourish. And Elephant populations flourish in a natural setting before their slow birthrate is offset by having virtually no chances of being preyed on. Likewise, apex predators like tigers in India are also rare, but serve important roles culling the large herbivores of unhealthy individuals and population growth, as well as killing excess numbers of smaller predators like wolves and dholes.

However, when working with a complex system like civilization and multiple powerful forces at play, "Might makes right" doesn't inspire loyalty nor comradery well. For all of Gojira's show of force, he doesn't have much to show for it in the end. This usually wouldn't bother him as he doesn't seem the type who wants a lot of socializing, but when confronted with a scenario he can't fix on his own; he's stuck fighting mostly alone. And using methods counter productive to success. The reason we probably didn't get a situation like APEX's Mechagodzilla during Godzilla Junior's reign is because not only was he much more well liked by humans for doing things like doing everything in his power to take fights away from populated areas, but because Junior inspired loyalty in his comrades to help him in the war against various factions; as well as human loyalty. If the GDF found out about a situation like APEX's MechaG being built by a private group and using Ghidorah programming, they'd have swooped in and stopped it all on their own not only because they'd have the resources to not fighting constantly; but also because they'd not be desperate enough to need it and see the bad signs for what they were.

That's why Junior's "Might for right" worked so well the way it did. It wasn't flawless and he himself certainly had a laundry list of issues, but it's what made him really distinct from all other "Godzilla" who came prior.

Hence why the sort of 'heel realization' Gojira had in my write-up was of a mental conflict, instead of a physical one, putting together the puzzle in his mind and realizing his presence and attitude possibly just as much to blame for things going the way they did as Junior's absence was; and neither can be blamed on Junior and company themselves. Felt it was important to have that 'realization in the mirror' moment instead of Gojira just intimidating everyone around him and getting them back on track. Settling this the old way with a slugfest wouldn't solve squat and just keeps up the easily exploited 'Might makes right' system that doesn't work anymore.

For the record, I'd gander it be an absolutely monstrous battle without an assured victory, though I'd wager Godzilla Junior would probably win. More agile, arguably near equally experienced, just as capable of being brutal, and with more powerful & varied energy attacks. But I felt it be important to show Junior could 'defeat' Gojira's point (that he was a bad successor who wasn't acting like a proper "alpha") was more important than actually defeating him physically. I also rather thought it helped show Gojira's wisdom better than it came at the point of him pinned underfoot or pinning underfoot. After all, either scenario of a physical battle helps no one. If Gojira won, let alone tried to kill what he saw as an unruly subordinate, the other Defenders and even the Mutations wouldn't be cowed and bow down. They'd probably charge into the fray to help Junior and there is no way in hell Gojira is winning that brawl. If Godzilla won, Gojira's mindset remains unchanged and he'd still see Junior as guilty of being a horrid successor and gatekeeper to the biosphere.

Hence the surreal 'fight' of Godzilla talking and Gojira pondering, coming to realize who is right. All inspired by your work :twilightsmile:

Yes of course, by all means use this and add to it as you please.

I love almost all of the points you made here, especially with how APEX could not have risen to power in a world where Godzilla was still playing a large role. That was actually something I wanted to hint at, was that after Solgell, they took the opportunity and ran with it.

I also agree that, while in his prime, Gojira was a much more deadly force, he still didn't work in groups and the respect he'd garnered wasn't because of empathy, but fear. I think it really puts into perspective what kind of Titan Gojira really is. He's not like Godzilla in almost any regard, and I think as much as he would hate to admit it, Junior's words did manage to sink in. It's going to be an interesting storyline to follow of seeing how Gojira uses what Godzilla said to him, and follow along his growth as a character. I think he'll always be a lone wolf type of Titan, but I think it'll be fun to see him truly realize where and how he was in the wrong.

Thank you so much, Tarb. The sequence I was going to write felt too forced and Gojira became a far more unlikable character than I intended him to be in the original idea I had. What you presented feels like it should have been only natural, and it helps me to flesh Gojira just a little bit more.

I'm glad I was able to inspire as well! This story wouldn't exist had it not been for The Bridge though. :twilightsmile:

I do not think Junior should be in the right about everything, in my opinion at least, because it would show that only one being could be right, instead of it being a complicated issue. Gojira should not be completely in the right, but Junior should not be completely in the right either, because Gojira does have a point that humans will continually destroy and poison the life around them without thinking it is bad because it benefits them. And sometimes having to intimidate someone into submission is the only way to stop violence.

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