• Member Since 27th May, 2022
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Just a friendly Autistic writer who overthinks the adventures of characters. I do story commissions! Current focus: Equestria Girls. Respects G5's existence (somebrony has to!).



This story is a sequel to What Mistakes Tell Us

The Dazzlings are caught in a fearsome blizzard while dealing with a terrible illness. They try to reach their house, but the harsh elements and poor health cause them to faint in the snow.

It would have been the end of their story. But, fate had other plans, which involved people that, under normal circumstances, they would have avoided as much as possible.


Cover Image: By MintyDreams7

Current Spot in the Friendship is Worth It Timeline:

When Life Gives You Snow...
Holidays Unwrapped
The Hearth-Warmers of Canterlot High
Spring Surprises

Series Details and Full Timeline

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 31 )

Where can I read Holidays Unwrapped and Spring Surprises?

Holidays Unwrapped is the last Equestria Girls shorts collection from Hasbro (before they canceled Season 3 to make way for G5).

As for Spring Surprises, I updated the description to provide a link to that tale. Thank you!

"Those girls ARE hiding something... and it haunts them."

Why do I have a feeling this is hinting at a certain winter special?

Agreed. There was a lot to work around the Movie Club premise. EqG in general could've made great use of more attention.

Very much enjoyed this chapter, it was a lot of fun. Love that they're being drawn together organically if only because of rivalry. It's quite believable. Love Sonata's characterization the most so far.

Thankfully I finally found the time to read your story Gj, and it's lovely. I adore stories that promote "goodness of the heart" so this has been exactly down my alley. And your writing, grammar, and syntax are all really clean and wonderful to read too.

Entirely criminal that it's flown underneath people's radar. Likely just due to optics and metrics, like maximizing exposure by parcing your chapters out slowly and things like having a striking cover art. If I'm not wrong, the story released with a few chapters already written right?

Regardless of how you choose to promote your story, I'm thankful I've gotten to read it. It won't affect things almost at all since I myself don't have a lot of followers, but I'll be sure to showcase it on my user page in case someone does manage to stumble upon it. And I already forsee myself elevating it to my library of golden standards once it's done or has more chapters under its belt. Again, great stuff! Looking to find out more since I'm practically blind for EqG on specials and comic related things so Adiago and her sisters are basically new to me, but that just adds to the fun so far.

Thank you so much for the review!

I am glad you are enjoying the story, particularly how The Dazzlings are handled, given the premise of the story being what it is. I have A LOT to say about it as well (come on, I'm writing it!), but I'll wait until it is finished before I give all of my thoughts.

I will say this much though, before the end:

I am SUPER glad (or totes glad, as Sonata would put it) that the relationship between the CMCs and The Dazzlings is coming off as organic so far. The last thing I want is to make it come off as unnaturally forced. That has been hard to pull off, since we are dealing with two trios that could not be more different from each other!

Yeah, I started off with three chapters already written. I initially wanted to post the whole thing in time for Christmas, but I didn't want to rush through the story just to make that deadline.

Also, the fact that the brony who brought Chrys into the fandom has enjoyed my work makes me mighty happy! :pinkiehappy:

That was a good story goodluck with the rest of it.

Aw shucks, that's quite the compliment! I write my stories with the express purpose of imparting something to others. Whether that be a message or maybe just the feeling of joy, if someone can gleam something from my work, I'm happy. If nothing else, I'm very grateful that you hold me and my opinion in high regard, especially since what I said can be seen as surface-level blanket statements. But I really do mean it! I quite like When Life Gives You Snow. I should also mention I enjoyed the short Heart-Warmers of Canterlot High, and I have yet to find the time to sit down and read Spring Surprises, but now I definitely need to elevate that in my free-time tasks thanks to this one.

Since I don't know the Sirens very well, I can't comment too much about story-specific things without feeling like I might make a fool of myself. Though so far, I'm enjoying the interesting dynamic between them. They remind me a bit of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door's Siren sisters, if they were in some universe were the other two had a bit more affection for their younger sibling. Which I'm all for, 100%.

But what I can comment on is your writing style, since I have nothing but good things to say. Reading through your story, you actually surprised me a number of times with your verbiage, choice of words, and phrases. Nothing is repetitive. No high-vocabulary words seem out of place and can be easily deciphered with contextual clues for younger audiences. And your narrative and dialogue flows smoothly and naturally. It seems like the work of a long-time author! I should know, I used to write professionally for a living once upon a time.

I often talk about what constitutes a good rated E story, since I'm a firm believer that there's an incredible art in the making of. I would call this story so far a prime example of that. To make decency, love, and the goodness of the heart the epitome of a story's message without hamfisting it or making it seem overly childish, yet remaining accessible and enjoyable to every age takes real skill.

This is getting a little long and for the sake of not flooding your comment section, the last thing I wanted to mention is that I wholly think your writing is above mine. I've been pampered by professional editors and proof readers for my real work far too long over this last decade, so my skills have definitely waned. It's probably a bias since one can get tired of their own writing style, but I definitely think so. Anywho, looking forward to reading more of your stuff, GJ!

It’s quite the lovely song. Davy Jones is definitely one of the best characters in the Pirates films. My favorite is still Jack, but because of deep-lore like that whole bit about his soul being worth several hundred souls to Davy, due to him releasing hundreds of slaves and becoming a pirate because he wouldn’t, by any means, sell slaves. There’s a deleted scene in the movies that has him saying “People aren’t cargo, mate” I think too, which adds to that notion.

If all of that is true, that drunken veneer of his that can be seen giving way to moments of heart and self-sacrifice at times are all part of his hidden morality. It’s understandable why they didn’t mention anything about slavery due to it being a Disney film, but it would’ve been such wonderful extra layer to Jack’s character. For a movie series originally meant for kids, the producers made something truly amazing.

Anywho, wonderful chapter GJ. I liked that little ringtone gag. And also that part where Sweetie Belle gets to see Rarity again. It’s nice to think that she really loves her sister.

Yes indeed, Sweetie Belle has TONS of love for Rarity!

I also see that, you, too, are a brony of culture when it comes to films! :pinkiehappy:

Seriously though, I'm glad you are also a fan of the Pirates films. The CMCs would be hugging you for that! I think Apple Bloom would agree with your take on Jack Sparrow (and gush over his choice to save those slaves while she's at it).

As for her fascination with Davy Jones, let's just say that Apple Bloom got her love for layered characters from somewhere and leave it at that for now. :raritywink:

Yes, that song of his is a BANGER!

That was a good chapter.

That was a good story goodluck with whatever you write next.

Comment posted by TheKing2001 deleted May 6th, 2023

Sonata is the best. Loved every interaction with her. Sometimes, it takes an unrelenting well of positivity to make us see the most important things in life. Also, love the set up for the future! Unlikely allies. Definitely hoping to read more of the siren sisters.

Wonderful story, GJ. I really gotta sit down and read the new chapters of Spring Surprises next!

Thank you, pal! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

The relationship between the CMCs and The Dazzlings is the very definition of unlikely, which made putting them together in one place a fun scenario to write for.

As for that set up: oh man, do I have plans for these girls! :raritywink:

I look forward to seeing your thoughts on Spring Surprises!

"If we don't find warm shelter soon..." , Adagio thought out of frustration and a looming panic. Both of these feelings, however, were crushed by her stubborn pride;

soon..." Adagio*

"No!", she exclaimed to herself and her sisters as they trudged along, her body refusing to turn around to face them;

"No!" She*

"We are Sirens ! We've faced storms worse than this in two worlds! We won't be brought low by some mad Human weather and-!"


"No! This is not happening to her, to us!" , she internally declared in protest against what she was seeing before her while cursing the weather that kept raging around them;

us!" She*

"Sirens do not die!"

Everything will die one day, even you three. :fluttercry:

"At least I won't have to deal with a fool..." , she thought to herself with relief;

fool..." she*

Taking a gander at what she was sitting on, she recognized it to be a large brown couch of reasonable quality. Nothing about this place screamed of the lavish luxury that matched Adagio's discerning tastes, but it would suffice for now. If she had her way, though, she would happily replace the brown carpet... and the positively drab grey wallpaper! A warm thick blue blanket had covered her lower-body, another treat for the senses that she greatly appreciated. She took a moment to really feel the rest of the clothes that now covered her body; a standard t-shirt and thick pants that were almost as wooly as her socks. Poor replacements for the outfits that were more in line with her high standards, but after walking through the closest thing to Tartarus itself not too long ago, a simple set of warm clothing might as well have been luxurious to her. She relaxed into the cushions, allowing gravity to take hold as she basked in her newfound warmth. She figured she could go shopping for more familiar attire with her sisters once the storm-.


"Aria! Sonata!", she yelled out with a hoarse voice before another fierce set of coughs stopped her from doing anything else, her train of thought driven entirely off the rails by her honed sisterly instincts and current illness. As if signaled by her loud predicament, the door to the living room flew open. She could not see who came in, for her eyes were closed tight on account of her coughing fit. The person's feminine voice, however, she could recognize from a mile away;

Sonata!" She*

"No... you're not her... you're this world's Twilight Sparkle.", was her response as she raised her right eyebrow in surprise.

Sparkle," was*

"My sisters, I need to see if they're-!"


"They'll be fine.", Sci-Twi calmly noted as she attempted to soothe her guest's worries;

fine," Sci-Twi*

"Do you know who we are? What we have done?", she questioned to Sci-Twi, her calm voice and sickly rasp hiding her feelings regarding such things.

done?" She*

"Heh, she's not wrong." , Adagio thought to herself as she saw her shut her eyes for a moment, sighed, and opened them up. Her neutral expression melted away into one of concern before continuing with sweetness added to every word she uttered;

wrong" Adagio*

"But wh-?"

"But wh-"*


Because you three needed help. You might've caused trouble for CHS, it wouldn't seem right to let you suffer. :applecry:

"Trapped in a house with three would-be slaves and the Human version of one of the girls who defeated us..." , she grimly thought to herself while slowly taking a sip of her steamy chocolatey beverage;

us..." she*

"This whole 'being sick' thing is totes horrible!", cried a distressed Sonata as she walked into the room, her nasally rasp-ridden voice revealing her stuffed up nose and sore throat. The eldest Dazzling sharply turned her head to see her entering the room alongside a visibly frustrated Aria, who was just as stuffed up and raspy as her younger sister. Like Adagio, they were wearing simplistic outfits. Their hair, like hers, had seen better days. Gone were Sonata's ponytail and Aria's pigtails, which were replaced by long flowing messes filled with split ends. The former made it a point to expand on her complaint while giving the sister next to her a most dramatic pleading expression;

horrible!" Cried*

"They're tacos , Aria!"

We get it Sonata... :ajbemused:

"DAGI! I'm so glad you're alive! I was so worried about you! I thought we were going to die out there in the freezing snow! Being sick sucks, I hope we never go through that again! I'm just so happy you're okay!"

You'll likely be sick again numerous times for the rest of your life. :pinkiecrazy:

"I dread what might happen once the recovery process is complete!"

You and me both. :fluttershysad:

It took Sonata roughly five minutes of crying and hugging to calm down before The Dazzlings positioned themselves to sit on the couch together, with Adagio in the center, Aria to her left, and Sonata to her right. Now, they were all giving the trio of kids a combined glare of their own, but one filled with curiosity instead of intensity. As frustrated as they were over having to be in the same room as not one, but three Wondercolts and who might as well be the Princess's twin, they knew better than to bite the hands that were helping them. The eldest sister tried to get a read on the trio before her by inspecting their facial expressions. What she saw on the faces of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, to her surprise, was far from hidden or complicated:

Counterpart, Adagio, not her twin. :duck:

"Wait... that means...!", Adagio thought to herself as a great and terrible realization struck her mind with the force of a typhoon, keeping her shocked expression firmly etched on her face. She quickly put that realization aside in spite of her shock, as it was a matter best discussed with her sisters in private later. She figured it had hit them just as hard anyway.

means...!" Adagio*

"By the time we had reached Canterlot City's borders, our RV was barely pushing through enough snow to fill an ocean. It finally broke down in the fog, the tough bas-!"


"Show no weakness when you can." , she thought to herself as she spoke while trying, and failing, to breathe through her stuffed up nose, her unsuccessful attempt producing an annoyed frown for a moment before her face reverted back to a composed expression. It was after this that a question from earlier made itself known in her head again;

can," she*

"Why do they-?"


"You'll want my phone then, it has the tracking app you need.", she noted while gagging internally before clarifying;

need," she*

"No, the golden one.", Adagio clarified with a confident tone and toothy manure-eating grin that, together, spoke volumes of her arrogance. Now, it was Sci-Twi and the trio's turn to be shocked, which pleased her greatly. As she chuckled at the sight before her, Scootaloo shook her head in disbelief while exclaiming;

one." Adagio*

"Seriously?! Those cases are hilariously expensive! How the hay did you-?"


She then quickly each of the sisters a glare riddled with restrained disdain, with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle joining in, before answering her own question with annoyance in every word;

quickly got each of the sisters*
Seriously Twi, you didn't think this though. :facehoof:

"Ohhhh, I wanted to talk with them some more!", she exclaimed in disappointment.

more!" She*

"Look, Sonata is not that far off the mark. I don't like the idea of being around those brats either. But, we'll be here for a while, like it or not, so the least we can do is be somewhat polite around them, even if it means talking with them sometimes. We don't have to be friendly ...",


"Unappreciative... of you girls helping us, we're not here to make friends. We'll stick around until we're healed up, our RV is found, and we have a safe ride home. We'll all be out of each other's hair after that."

You might change your mind on the friend part. :ajsmug:

"I know what you're thinking, Dagi, and it is crazy.", Aria noted with a raised eyebrow, clearly not wanting to entertain whatever idea her leader was suggestion. Adagio would not budge, however;

crazy." Aria*

"Seriously, Dagi?!", Aria exclaimed while almost dropping her whisper;

Dagi?" Aria*

"Well... we haven't checked for it after The Battle of the Bands, didn't we?", she asked while holding her chin with her right hand in deep thought.

we?" She*

" My lead.", was Adagio's response. Simple, direct, and commanding in every sense of the word. She would normally be incensed over anyone, especially her sisters, trying to lead the group instead of her, but she was, frankly, too sick to be angry. Aria knew the score, but she figured trying to take the lead (for the billionth time it seemed) was worth a shot. With a shrug, she waited for her sister's instructions alongside an excited Sonata, who was trying to not bounce on her spot on the couch.

lead," was*

"So... I remember something about you three being in a club...", Adagio commented while enjoying a cup of tea. Her stomach, by this point, had improved enough to be able to handle tea and spicy foods, with her sisters not being far off from that point. Their noses were not as stuffed up as before and their throats had all but recovered. Sci-Twi was busy cleaning up her parents' room, so it was just the three sirens and the three girls sitting in the same places as before. Speaking of the girls, they responded to Adagio's comment by looking at each other excitedly before announcing with more joy in their voices than there was snow outside;

club..." Adagio*

"It sounded like a dark incantation from ancient times...", noted an exasperated Adagio, who was just as clueless as Aria over what the correct answer was. Sonata's response held no answers either;

times..." noted*

"That was from 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'!"

That was my guess, lol! :rainbowlaugh:

"They were a waste of our money!", Aria argued while glaring at Sonata intensely. But, before the two of them could get into one of their innumerable arguments, Adagio interrupted them by switching the topic;

money!" Aria*

"I know I heard those lines before...", noted Adagio as she tried hard to remember their source.

before..." noted*

"Oh no, we are NOT trying that overly thin bread with cruddy meat and veggies!", she shouted at her two siblings. It was amazing she didn't cause herself to cough even a little with that outburst. Sonata's joy over being rewarded for helping out quickly gave way to anger as she stared daggers at Aria and promptly shouted back;

veggies !" She*

"Ohhh, if it weren't for that little detail..." , she pondered with a sneer. Shoving her rage into its usual spot deep inside of her mind, she took better stock of her situation;

detail..." she*

"Well, at least we're recovering nicely.", she declared with some relief in her voice. It was then that she recalled something Apple Bloom had said before;

nicely," she*

"Time to get some answers.", she calmly declared aloud as she got up off of the couch and walked with renewed strength to the kitchen, hoping to grab a quick snack before searching the house for a certain trio of Wondercolts. By complete accident, she had found them.

answers," she*

"Pancakes, salads, and some cold milk!", Apple Bloom declared out of pride before adding;

milk!" Apple*

"Mental note: don't ever let Sweetie Belle cook for you!" , she decided in her head while staring in horror at the charred monstrosity that was best not consumed by anycreature, let alone a Human or a Pony. She promptly decided to wait to get her answers during breakfast as she almost ran back into the living room to wait on the couch, determined to get away from that revolting "attempt" at cooking as quickly as possible.

you!" She*

"I do know perfectly decent food when I taste it.", she said with a sideways smirk as she took a large bite out of her pancakes to emphasize her point. Sonata, on the other hand, was too entranced by the taste of her food to give any detailed opinions on the matter. One could, however, recognize this much in between her munching, her eyes closed in utter contentment;

it," she*

"It's now or never..." , Adagio thought to herself as she took a swig of her milk. After placing her glass back down onto the table, she gave each club member a calm glance. They were glaring at the Sirens, but not as intensely as they previously did. With a breath, the eldest of the sisters finally got to ask their saviors a single specific question with an expression as calm as her voice;

never..." Adagio*

"They were waiting for this to come up..." , noted Adagio internally as she explained further;

up..." noted*

"End of story."

There's clearly more they're not telling them, that's for sure. :fluttershysad:

Given who the CMCs are talking with, it makes sense for them to keep some things close to the chest.

"My sentiments exactly, darling!", exclaimed a jubilant Rarity from her finely decorated room, who went on to explain with her flare for dramatic theatrics very much on point;

darling!" Exclaimed*

"Ah'm not sure if ya'll are gonna handle this part well...", she said with no small amount of nervousness in her voice. All three club members looked as nervous as she sounded. The Sirens kept their eyes fixed on Apple Bloom, wondering how she would break the bad news. Sunset Shimmer, who spoke from her Shimmer Code streaming room, which depicted a cozy bedroom from behind her thanks to her green screen, told them with that understanding voice that had always soothed them in the past;

well..." she*

"Ah'm mighty proud of ya'll.", she said with a big grin on her face while she put her hat back on. With familial love in her eyes, she told Apple Bloom;

y'all." She*

"That's it, Ah'm givin' that lady an Apple hug when Ah' see her!" , Apple Bloom thought to herself as she tried very hard to hold back her happy tears. Spike showed his appreciation for the combined efforts of the CMCs and his beloved owner in the best way he knew how: he licked Twilight Velvet's phone camera while barking happily. The others giggled while watching Velvet try valiantly to keep the phone away from the joyful pup. Aria and Adagio, however, could barely resist the urge to gag over the audacious display of intense sweetness before them, while Sonata was too busy trying to keep herself from crying tears of joy over the sight to even think of gagging.

her!" Apple*

"I have to say... I'm impressed.", she said with a gentle smirk filled with goodwill;

impressed," she*

"Oh yeah! I don't want us to be turned into Siren-cicles!", she declared with a frightened shiver.

Siren-cicles!" She*

"You may chock that up to whatever you wish."

What?!? :applejackconfused:

"Almost a shame they didn't figure out how our magic worked in time...", Aria added with a smile filled with vile satisfaction. That smile quickly turned back into one of her classic frowns as she noted with a grunt;

time..." Aria*

"Nice my non-existent scales, you idiot! They're-!"


"Oh, Sonata. How many times must we teach you? No one shows goodwill without there being a catch. Something for them to gain."

Not really. Sometimes there isn't one. :twilightsheepish:

"Only when you're making sense.", Adagio explained with a wink. She then raised her right index finger to point it up at the ceiling;

sense," Adagio*

"What about that thing we just found out about? You know, the thing that shouldn't even-?"


"You're not making this easy for me, movie club... I like that!" , Adagio noted to herself, her smirk still on display as she led her sisters to the couch. Three seats were placed to the right of the couch and one seat was placed to its left. This allowed the CMCs to sit to the right of the lounging Sirens, with Sci-Twi sitting to their left. Adagio, being the leader, made sure to sit between Sonata and Aria. The youngest sister was sorely tempted to grab the bounty of sugary goodies and munch on them, only to get a gentle yet firm poke on the left side of her head by Adagio, who told her sternly;

that!" Adagio*

Apple Bloom tossed the remote over to her after turning on the TV and setting its menu to the streaming section. She the answered with anticipation filling every word;

She then answered*

"We've got HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, Paramount+, Disney+, Showtime-!"


"Oh! Oh! Let's try Disney+!", exclaimed Sonata, who's frustration was melted away by her sudden explosion of joy and anticipation. Aria, however, as bemused;

Disney+!" Exclaimed*

"Don't forget, Aria: Sonata is banned from making us watch Frozen and Frozen 2 after the 'Let It Go' Incident."

I know the feeling. I can't stand that song!!! :twilightangry2:

"Ah don't wanna know..." , Apple Bloom thought to herself while feeling a twinge of terror as she and her friends watched the siblings go at it. Sonata pulled herself out of her joy-induced stupor to tell her sisters while feeling quite agitated over what they were talking about;

know..." Apple*
Same here AB. :twilightblush:

"Look, girls! They've got ALL of the Pirates movies on here!", she exclaimed out of sheer unbridled happiness. Adagio was surprised and intrigued to say the least, with Aria not being far off in that regard.

here!" She*

"Well now, that's a fine catch!", Adagio noted with a smile before explaining;

catch!" Adagio*

"Color me interested.", Aria admitted before asking;

interested," Aria*

"No! Dead's Man's Chest!", yelled out Sonata, who would not be denied.

Chest!" Yelled*

"At World's End!", Aria yelled back with just as much stubbornness.

End!" Aria*

"NO!", cried out Aria and Sonata in perfect unison while giving the CMCs and Sci-Twi menacing stares, which caused them to keep their mouths shut tight. A few seconds later, they went right back to bickering. Adagio was, frankly, sick of her sisters' poor behavior. So, with two brisk movements of her hands, she tightly grabbed their arms, which was more than enough to get their attention. Sensing this, she gave each sister a glare that could make milk curdle in its carton and told them with controlled anger;

"NO!" Cried*

"I mean, it is a fun movie...", noted a disappointed Sonata.

movie..." noted*

" And here I thought my arguments with Rarity were bad..." , Sweetie Belle thought to herself as Apple Bloom rose up from her seat, walked over to the space between the table and the TV, and turned to face the group. By this point, all three Sirens had calmed down and were now paying attention along with Sci-Twi and the other movie club members. With a breath and an smile, Apple Bloom addressed the other girls excitedly;

bad..." Sweetie*

"It's a pirate medallion.", stated Elizabeth.

medallion," stated Elizabeth.*

"It's Aztec gold...", responded Barbossa, who went on with the wide eyes of a man who had been through Tartarus;

gold..." responded*

The CMCs, being avid movie buffs and fans of the Pirates series, were too enraptured by the story playing out before them to notice the strangeness that was the Sirens' behavior. But Sci-Twi, who had made it a point to check on The Dazzlings from time to time during the show, had caught that behavior. Knowing of both The Battle of the Bands and the one Time Turner timeline that involved these girls, she made sure to keep this oddity filed away in her mind for later. In fact, she made a mental note of it for good measure;

Time Turner? :unsuresweetie:

"My memory of that character may be a tad off, since we only saw Dead Man's Chest once, but last I recall, he was a full-on villain!", she noted with raised eyebrows. The other Sirens gave Apple Bloom just as much attention, since they were equally curious. With an ear-to-ear smile, the redhead explained happily;

villain!" She*

"Never change, Sonata..." , was Adagio's internalized response as she gave Aria a death glare to stop her from attacking their sister for making such an overly simplistic comment. Apple Bloom could barely contain her joy as she exclaimed to the Sirens;

Sonata..." was*

"Indeed?", she asked, just to make sure she wasn't being made the butt of a joke, with a hint of excitement in her song-loving heart.

"Indeed?" She*

"We've heard you sing before, girls, and we were not impressed.", the eldest Siren said, happy to poke fun at their young hosts. That jab provoked a trio of frowns and death glares from the CMCs, aimed squarely at every Siren in the room. Apple Bloom expressed their shared anger best with a restrained growl;

impressed," the*

"ROSE QUARTZ LIVES!!!!", she yelled out while thrusting her arms to the ceiling in glorious triumph. After that, she leaped over to Adagio before she could react, wrapping her up in a bear hug that made her wince a little. This prompted her to give the youngest Siren a glare not too far off from that of a tigress preparing to pounce on her prey. Seeing the unbridled joy on Sonata's face, however, caused her anger to melt away. So, instead of pouncing, she managed to pry her right arm out from her cheerful sister's vice grip and patted her on the head while giving off an annoyed expression. Aria shook her head after facepalming with her right hand, but not even she could hold back the tiniest of grins. Internally or not, every Siren present felt relief at that moment.

LIVES!!!!" She*
She named it!?! :pinkiegasp:

"We're going home soon..." , Adagio expressed to herself. She then looked at Sci-Twi, who was beaming over her friends' announced success. When she turned her gaze over at each of the CMCs, she saw them hug each other with gusto, their unique brand of joy, excitement, and hope on full display. Such things, as usual, made her gag inside, but a thought occurred that she did not expect or hate as her classic predatory grin returned with a vengeance;

soon..." Adagio*

Time Twirler! I meant to say Time Twirler! Let me fix that!

EDIT: Annnd fixed!

It took the rest of the day and half of the next day for Sci-Twi to get a phone call from Sunset Shimmer, who told her that they had gotten the Sirens' RV fixed up. The scientist was about to ask if she needed any help with getting the vehicle's keys, only for Sunset to reveal that they had found them. Turns out, they were placed next to the toaster on a table in the RV's kitchen area. The Sirens themselves, who were standing in the living room along with the CMCs and their shared host, were bemused by the revelation. While Adagio settled for a quick facepalm, Sonata got a swift smack to the back of her head by a perturbed Aria while claiming with a frustrated groan;

Damn it Sonata! :twilightangry2:

"That girl is the wor-!"


"It's no longer headache-inducing."

Thx captain obvious. :pinkiecrazy:

"I, for one, enjoyed your singing!", she declared with a bit more confidence than she thought she had at that moment.

singing!" She*

"Now now, Aria. Every has their own musical preferences."

Everyone has*

"However wrong those preferences may be." , she thought to herself out of internalized annoyance as she went on;

be," she*

"Twily, we're hoooooome! ", declared Pinkie Pie, her Winter hat being as bouncy as her hair.

hoooooome!" Declared*

Six of them could use magic, while they themselves could not. Even without the Equestrian Princess around, the three Sirens were not in a position of power because of Sunset being there with her pals, and even Sonata, as ditzy as she was, knew that.

Technically 7, Adagio, Sci Twi has powers too you know. :duck:

"ROSE QUARTZ!", she yelled out to the high-heavens as she ran through the snow to give the newly repaired RV a hug and several quick kisses. It was clear to Adagio and Aria's eyes that, much to their surprise, it wasn't just given the bare-minimum repairs needed for it to be road-worthy: it was completely fixed up! The scratches it had accumulated through regular use were buffered out, the old tires were replaced with fresh ones, the windows were cleaned up, and the paint job was retouched where necessary. It wasn't just like new, but it was a fine sight prettier than it was when they left it, as far as the two sirens gazing upon their vehicle were concerned. As far as Sonata was concerned, by comparison, she had gotten a dear friend back, as made evident by the cute happy noises she was making with her eyes shut as she hugged the side of the RV where the main door was located, her mind filled with joy. Right then and there, her nose caught the whiff of a smell, a familiar smell that caused her eyes to shoot open. She sniffed twice to be certain of what she was smelling, only to gasp at she had discovered. This smelly smell, this wondrous aroma, could only come from...

gasp at the smell she had discovered.*

"Give me the keys.", Sonata deadpanned out loud to no one in particular, her face as frighteningly neutral as her voice. Sunset, who carried the keys in her pants pocket, knew precisely what was up. With anticipation in her smile and every step, she walked over to Sonata, who's eyes were glued onto the door before her. She then carefully took the Siren's right hand, which was outstretched to hug the door, and placed the keys into it. Sonata instantly grasped the keys, stepped back a bit, aimed the keys at the door's lock, and used them to unlock it. With absolute gusto and more strength than her figure had suggested, she threw the door open by making it slide to her left with one swift motion, revealing the main area of the RV that contained, among other things, a toaster, a small kitchen table, the usual dressings and items fit for a mobile kitchen, some fancy purple carpeting underneath the table that had no place in a mobile home, and a large white bag sitting on the table that gave off a scent that called to Sonata's mind like a sweet melody guiding one to their happy place. With an adorable squeal and a brisk hop into the RV, she grabbed the bag and cried out in pure relief and absolute joy;

key," Sonata*

"By the tides, the Rainbooms bought her tacos..." , she thought to herself out of annoyance. She was genuinely happy for her youngest sister, who had lamented over missing out on her favorite meal throughout much of their stay at Twilight's house. Adagio being Adagio, however, she would not admit this out loud. At least, not when the Rainbooms and the CMCs were within earshot of her. Aria's grumpiness nearly doubled in strength along with the intensity of her scowl as she complained with a groan;

tacos..."7 she*

"I swear, I can have the biggest mouth sometimes!" , Adagio internally decried with a facepalm to her forehead as she remembered a certain suggestion she had made about her and Aria trying out tacos. She also reminded herself to be ready to defend herself from a surprise Aria ambush later. Right after making her comment, Sonata's eyes perked up along with her already large smile, which suggested that she had an idea. An idea that she quickly agonized over on the inside as she suddenly began to pace back and forth with a strained expression on her face. Sensing the short reprieve from her sister's taco-fueled mania, Adagio walked over to the Rainbooms, who were watching the situation unfold from afar, and asked them with a raised eyebrow and suspicion in her voice;

simetimes!" Adagio*

Oh, how the eldest sister hated being ordered around by some common Human with a hairdo more ridiculous than Aria's goth phase outfits! Still, she knew better than to poke a magical bear, let alone six of them, and she had no clue as to whether or not Sci-Twi had magic too. Besides, curiosity was overriding her anger that time anyway. With a shrug, Adagio called for her sisters to join her. Aria was watching Sonata's pacing closely, if nothing else but to be ready for whenever she decided to do something stupid. Once the call was made, she answered it by walking over to Sonata, firmly grabbing her shoulder for a moment to get her attention, and motioned her to go to Adagio with her. With a nod, she followed her elder sister to their leader while holding the bag of tacos tightly in her hands. Once all three Sirens were standing together in a row, with Adagio in the center, Aria to her left, and Sonata to her right, Rainbow Dash gave the other Rainbooms a quick glance, as if she were giving them a silent signal that only they could recognize. The group broke in two as the girls took several steps back away from each other, allowing the Sirens to witness a scene that was simply delightful.

Sci Twi does have powers Adagio. :ajsmug:

The Sirens, at this point, don't know about Sci-Twi's magic. I don't think she ever used it in front of them in the show, actually.

"Awwww, they're having so much fun together!", she cooed with a beaming grin while attempting to hold her hands together for added effect before remembering she was holding a bag of tacos and promptly lowering them to her sides in a sheepish fashion. That would have gotten her a smack to the back of her head by Aria, if she wasn't just beyond striking distance. That fact alone made the purple-haired Siren groan audibly. Adagio was tempted to stop Sonata herself, but she figured she'd show her some mercy. This time. If the CMCs and Spike had heard the cooing, they didn't pay it any mind as they kept on playing. The Sirens heard footsteps to their right, which interrupted Sonata's gushing. They looked in that direction to notice Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity walking up to them to stand with them in a row. Applejack stood at Sonata's immediate right side, with Rarity to the right of Applejack and Rainbow Dash at the far-right. Adagio figured the other Rainbooms were not too far behind her and her sisters. Without further delay, Aria asked out of curiosity and annoyance;

together!" She*

"Don't call me dar-!", was the grumpy Siren's attempt at an angry demand before she was interrupted by the fashionista, who waggled her right index finger at her while uttering abruptly;

dar-" was*

"Why mention what we already know, Human?" , she thought to herself as Rainbow Dash jumped in to add while keeping her eyes on Scootaloo as she tanked every snowball thrown at her without so much as flinching while making a neutral expression almost on the level of that of Maud Pie, much to Sweetie Belle's well-acted horror as Spike stood ready to defend her;

human?" She*

"Heh, I don't blame them for that." , Adagio admitted in her head before Rarity pointed out calmly;

that," Adagio*

"Or... you might not.", she responded with a chuckle of her own, surety shining brightly in her eyes as she took several steps closer to Adagio, who did the same as she asked while keeping her own smirk on point;

not." She*

From the moment she started walking up till now, Sonata held up a look a utter seriousness on her face, something that was extremely rare to see from the normally care-free Siren. She got down on her right knee while using both hands to keep the taco bag from touching the snow as if it were as sacred to her as something akin to a family heirloom. She then opened up the bag, rummaged around in it with her right hand for a moment or two, and pulled a single wrapped taco out from it. Like the rest of the tacos, this one was given extra wrapping to account for the Winter weather, so it was still quite hot. But, after eating roughly more tacos than a fast-food place typically had in stock, Sonata's right hand could take the heat. Adagio and Aria expected her to eat the taco, while the Rainbooms, Spike, Twilight's parents, and the CMCs had no idea what to expect. What happened next surprised them all.

look on utter seriousness on her face,*

"I DID say we would try out tacos, but that would mean eating with THEM!" , she thought herself out of deep agitation whilst willing herself to not give the Rainbooms the satisfaction of a glare aimed at them. Just then, however, inspiration struck the lead Siren's mind, which pushed her to calm herself down enough to stop making those annoyingly cute noises. Sure, sharing a dinner table with the Rainbooms would be annoying to her, but doing so would give her an opportunity, one that involved a certain note she still kept safe on her person. So, with a significant amount of reluctance, Adagio Dazzle swallowed her pride;

wouldn't mean eating with THEM!" She*

"Fine... let's eat.", she declared with a barely contained groan. Sonata and the CMCs rewarded her with big hugs that were quickly given to a furious Aria as well whilst all four of them shouted in joyful unison;

eat," she*

"Now, we'll never hear the end of it from her!"

Just be happy you tried one. :ajbemused:

"Don't open it... until you absolutely need us."

Ok? :unsuresweetie:

Once the meals were gobbled up, The Dazzlings walked over to their RV to inspect it while the Rainbooms, the CMCs, and Spike watched them closely As they did this, Pinkie ask them while scratching her head out of confusion;

closely. As they did this, Pinkie asked them*

"For Sirens."

lmao! :rainbowlaugh:

"We'll see each other again soon..."

Oh? :rainbowhuh:

"Terrible things can happen if we stop carin'." , was the thought that crossed her mind the most as she drove in silence. She recognized that those girls were being open with them when those words were uttered, perhaps more open than they would be with most people. A part of her wanted to tell them a little something about what she and her sea-kin had discovered while they had recovered in Sci-Twi's house. But, she thought better of revealing such an important detail. With a grin born from nostalgia, she thought of sound advice from somebody that she and her fellow Sirens used to know;

carin'," was*

Mistakes aside, I really enjoyed this. Probably give it a 9/10.

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