• Published 11th Dec 2022
  • 565 Views, 26 Comments

Rumble's Offbeat Yet Tender Romance - Daemonabacus

Rumble doesn't like cutie marks or destiny; but after he meets Tender Taps Rumble learns that destiny isn't half that bad.

  • ...

A Chicken with a Crush

If any pony—other than the apple family—had been standing outside the Crusader Clubhouse in the early hours of the afternoon, they would probably assume that three fillies screaming at the top of their lungs meant that a bug bear attack or a swarm of vampire fruit bats had gone rampant. But for the locals... this was just the beginning of a typical CMC get-together.

“Scoot-aloo! S-stop-hiding, I’m gett-ing tired!”

“Nu-uh, you guys stop!”

“This ain’t gonna work if y’a keep hidin’ under the table!”

Scootaloo reluctantly stuck her head out from underneath said wooden table, the long and heavy tablecloth Sweetie Belle had prepared wrapped around her face and tussled her mane.

“I can-NOT do this, it's too embarrassing! Can’t you see how ridiculous this all is?” Scootaloo groaned as she gestured to the whole room and her assailants.

The table Scootaloo cowardly hid under had a mock-up dinner prepared on top of it, which threatened to topple over as Scootaloo continued to pull on the mantel; it was really just a bunch of sugary apple treats Apple Bloom had taken from Granny's kitchen—but its the thought that counts.

The rest of the room had been decorated with a few extra flowers and some magenta curtains—Scootaloo insisted on the need for privacy. That, plus the added touch of some rose petals and two scented candles, almost sold the haphazard romantic setting the duo were trying to create... almost.

“Ridiculous? Na, nota chance.” Apple Bloom retorted sarcastically from the ceiling.

“Scoot-alloo! We're do-ing this be-cuase, we want-to help-you.” Sweetie Belle gasped between exhausted breaths of her magic casting.

“But is this really necessary? It’s bad enough I’m doing this in front of you two…” Scootaloo pointed a scrutinizing hoof at Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Sweaty-Belle was quickly reaching fatigue as she poured all her strength into her horn, which glowed with an unstable pulse and rogue sparks; all to keep Apple Bloom bobbing in the air near the ceiling.

“...It’s too much. Don’t you think?” Scootaloo asked almost pleadingly.

“Scoots, just pratend I’m Rumble. He’s ah pegasus and he’s gonna fly every chance he gets! If you can’t look at him with a straight face when on the ground, how are ya gonna keep up with him when he flys? ...Besides,” a kiss-y face appeared on Apple Bloom’s face, “...I’ve seen the way ya’look at his wings.” Apple Bloom teased, flexing her eyebrows.

“Ugh!” Scootaloo planted her face on the floor.

“Apple-Bloom, stop teasing-her! I don’t know, how-much more of-this, I can-take!”

“Alright, alright. *Ahem*,” Apple Bloom sank her voice to sound like a colt, “La-da li-da-do, Hi I’ma Rumble! Just flyin’around, being grumpy like I always am!” Apple Bloom swung around her hooves to suggest “flight” while Sweetie Belle shakily floated her around the club house like a kite.

Scootaloo remained under the table, Apple Bloom circled the club house a few times then grew tired of waiting.

Signaling to Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom descended towards Scootaloo and poked her head. “Hey babe, looks like you got a cloud over your head, can I be your special weather pony and brighten up your day?!”

Sweetie Belle chuckled; Scootaloo groaned and put her hooves over her ears.

“Com’on filly, whaddaya say we go down to the spa... Looks like somepony ruffled your feathers and I’m lean, mean, and ready to preen!”

Sweetie Belle gasped—from laughter or exhaustion, it wasn’t clear. Scootaloo looked up towards Apple Bloom with a grumpy-tired glare.

“Filly, are ya’a Wonderbolt? Cause I’ma storm cloud and I need somepony to blow m–agh!”

“Shut-up, Shut-up!!” Scootaloo jumped out from under the table, grabbed Apple Bloom’s dangling hooves and yanked her down.

Sweetie Belle lost her hold of Apple Bloom with the added strain, her horn’s aura puffed away and Apple Bloom fell to the floor. Scootaloo was quick to climb on top of her and pin her down.

“Take it back!” Scootaloo shouted face to face with Apple Bloom, but she was too busy laughing her flank-off to pay Scootaloo any mind.

“Scoooootaaalooo” Sweetie Belle groaned, too exhausted to get up and try helping. “Juust, just-- ugh. Appplee Blooom, tell her yoou’re suoorry.”

“Yeah, take it back!”

Apple Bloom finished chucking, and with a giddy sigh of relief said: “I’ma sorry Scoots, I take it all back. Rumble wouldn’t say any of that...”

Scootaloo loosened her grip of Apple Bloom, which gave her an idea.

“...but, I bet YOU sure wish you COULD! Ha!”

Instantly Scootaloo’s face reddened, as if to confirm Apple Bloom’s quip, she growled but the surprise gave Apple Bloom just enough time to shove Scootaloo off of her and reverse their positions.

“Apple Bloom, stop rough housing! You’re going to knock-over the table!” Sweetie Belle chimed in, now partially recovered from her magical exhaustion.

Apple Bloom held Scootaloo in her hooves, she squirmed but was unable to free herself; it seems both she and Applejack had inherited Apple-family strength.

Scootaloo continued to groan and squirm as Apple Bloom—at no point ever being tired or out-of-breath—commented cheekily, “You know Scoots, if ya just went up and asked him, you wouldn't be in this situation… Just sayin’...”

Scootaloo continued to struggle, refusing to surrender; seeing this, Apple Bloom continued to berate her.

“Oh Scootaloo! Oh, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom mocked, once again in her Rumble voice, “Are you a chicken?...Cause you look im-peckable tonight.”

“Agh!! I can’t believe you!” Scootaloo growled between Apple Bloom’s hooves.

“We’ve been goin’ at this for three hours now!” Apple Bloom retorted loosing her patience, “...and ya aren't even tryin’. Just makin’ excuses and feeling sorry about yourself. You’re A Chicken. Just admit it.”

“Stop calling me that.” Scootaloo mumbled, her fighting had subsided as her tired body seemingly accepted defeat for her.

“Then prove you aren't no chicken then! Ask Rumble out tomorrow, first thing in the mornin’. No more excuses, no more beating about the bush.” Apple Bloom let go of Scootaloo, dropping her and stood up over her. Apple Bloom lowered her head over Scootaloo’s face smugly, “...and I’m going to be there watching to make sure you don’t chicken-out again.”

All Scootaloo could do was sigh, “...fine.” she said reluctantly.

Apple Bloom nodded approvingly then walked out of the club house, “See ya’ later gals. I’m have ta’ do some chores.”

“Wait, but what about our dinner date?!” Sweetie Belle asked disappointed.

“Uh, I dunno, eat it? It’s probably cold by now…”

Scootaloo sighed again from the floor, how could she let this happen?

Sweetie Belle looked at her distraught friend and offered her a cold apple fritter to cheer her up. Scootaloo rolled her eyes, and took a bite; surprisingly it was pretty good. Sweetie Belle smiled.

‘Damn it Apple Bloom!’ Scootaloo thought. 'Why do I have such... good friends?'