• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 217 Views, 2 Comments

wonder all prologue - the star bringer

a crossbreed and his friends save the town of ponyville

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hazy start

The sun rose over ponyville. As Cockerels called everyone to wake. Just outside of ponyville is a house made out of a hill and inside snored a young colt slept. His coat was a night blue with white birthmarks all over his body (except his horn) his eyes and horn glow were a neon orange, he was a crossbreed of changeling and pony, but he mostly stayed in his pony form his scruffy mane was the same purple as his tail. He woke up to a noise coming from a clock. He pressed a button on the clock, and it grew silent he rose from his bed and made his breakfast. He put two crumpets in a machine labelled

"toaster". And on the table layed a journal with his name

"Stargazer" was written on the cover. After a few seconds a loud pop came out the toaster and the crumpets were now cooked he used his magic to put jam on one and peanut butter on the other. Stargazer thought he would get his cutie mark in machine making but he never did. He lived by himself; he never knew his parents neither has he seen them since he hatched out of his egg all he has to go off is a picture hanging up on the wall next to his bed. Later he went to meet up with his only friend Rumble. He met rumble after the day his ex-friend betrayed him. And they have been best friends ever since. And so, he went to meet him at sugarcube corner.

Stargazer met up with his friend Rumble at sugarcube corner and they both had milkshakes: strawberry for stargazer and banana for rumble they both got into a milkshake race with Stargazer being the winner as usual. A when suddenly they saw another colt (about their age) was about to trip over with his chocolate milkshake so they both helped the colt out

" I'm Stargazer and this is my friend Rumble what's your name?" they asked the colt, but he was too shy to answer. he eventually answered

"I'm ButtonMash, nice to meet you." the three instantly hit it off becoming the best of friends. eventually they decide to prank stargazer's ex-friend, tender taps. they spent weeks preparing the stink bombs, but sooner or later they were ready.

Author's Note:

thanks for reading chapter 1! :heart: :pinkiehappy: