• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 699 Views, 2 Comments

A Screwy Reunion - cosmicriff

Fluttershy and Discord have a baby! But a mysterious figure from Discord’s past isn’t ready to accept it

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Chapter 2

Back at Twilight’s castle, the mane 6 plus Spike and Discord were brainstorming ways to stop Screwball.

“Can’t we just blast her to stone like we did with Discord?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“No!” Fluttershy stood up, banging her front hooves on the table. “I want to reason with her! It’s obvious she’s scared and all she wants is a family! Please Twilight?”

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. “You can give it a shot, but if it doesn’t work I think turning her to stone is the best solution” she said. “I’m sorry Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy thought for a moment. “If there’s even a chance I can help her I’m willing to give it a shot!”


They rushed outside, which was almost entirely overrun with chaos by now. The ground had turned into checkered pink and green hills, most of the trees were pulled by their roots and turned upside down, and the sky was completely covered in cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk. The only place that had any sort of organization was the middle of town, where Screwball was sitting on Discord’s throne, only instead of red with antlers, she changed it to be pink with purple swirls.

”Screwloose! More chocolate milk!” Screwball demanded, and a blue earth pony with a frizzy white mane zoomed beside her with a glass of chocolate milk. Her pupils were two different sizes and she was panting like a dog. Screwball took the milk off of her head and gave it a scratch. “Good girl!”

The six ponies looked horrified at the mess she’s caused. When Screwball noticed them, she immediately turned angry and used her propeller hat to fly over to them.

“What do YOU want!?” she snarled. “I supposed you’re gonna try to make FRIENDS with me?”

Fluttershy could only stare up at her with concern in her eyes.

”Screwball I know you’re hurting but I know you can be better! I know all you want is a family! I can give you a family!”

”The only family I want is just me and dad reigning chaos forever! But you RUINED that!” She shreiked and the yellow pegasus.

”And YOU!” she yelled, pointing at Discord.

”How could you succumb to this!? You were the king of chaos and NOW?? Now you have another baby with a PONY! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR BABY!”

Discord could only stare in shock and horror at what his creation had become.

He lowered his head. “I’m sorry Screwball, this is for your own good.”

With a snap of his fingers, Screwball slowly started to turn to stone.

”W-what are you doing?” Tears started forming in Screwball’s purple swirly eyes.

“Daddy!? DADDY STOP!!” But it was too late. As she fell to the ground with a thud, all the chaos started to disappear, and Equestria was back to normal.

Fluttershy stared at the now stone-turned pony in front of her. She lowered her head as tears ran down her face.

”I’m sorry Fluttershy” Twilight said, putting a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “It just seemed like the only way.”

Fluttershy sniffed. “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to keep her? Maybe put the statue in my garden?”

Her friends looked at her with a concerned look but smiled and accepted Fluttershy’s offer.


Later that night, Fluttershy snuck out to the garden to look at the statue. The chaotic pony was standing on one hoof with fear in her eyes, her front hooves flailing about in a panic.

Tears returned to Fluttershy’s eyes. She so badly wanted to help the poor pony, but she didn’t want to be helped.

As if he could read her mind, Discord appeared behind his wife.

”You want to set her free don’t you?@ he asked.

Fluttershy nodded sadly.

”Here, I’ll cast a spell so she can’t use any chaos magic for now” Discord said. He zapped the statue and it started slowly breaking apart. The pink pony landed on the ground with a thud, still crying.

Fluttershy stepped over to the sobbing filly. “Screwball I-“

But Screwball just stared at her, terrified. She didn’t even try using her magic.

”Get away from me you- you WITCH!” She yelled at Fluttershy.

”You RUINED my daddy! Now we can never spread chaos together!”

“That’s not true, Screwy” Discord said.

”I’ve learned that using chaos magic for good can be just as much fun as using it for evil. And I love my family and my friends. I want you to be a part of that.”

Fluttershy nodded. “He’s still his old chaotic self! There’s not a dull moment with him around!”

Discord extended his claw to Screwball, to which she started sobbing and jumped into his arms in a big hug.

”I’m so sorry daddy! I just wanted you back! I just wanted you all to myself!”

Discord smiled sweetly. “I know dear, but do you think you can learn to share me and join Fluttershy in our new family?”

More tears started to fill Screwball’s eyes.

”After everything I’ve done..you’d let me be a part of your family?”

Fluttershy smiled at the purple pony. “Of course dear.”

Screwball hesitated before Fluttershy embraced her in a big hug.

”Come now my dear” Discord said. “I want to teach you all the fun things you can do with your magic that don’t involve taking over Equestria!”

Screwball giggled. “Ok daddy!”


Back in the cottage, before Screwball went to bed she went to meet her little sister.

Fauna was curled up in a little ball in her crib and Screwball just stared at her and smiled. And then started to sing:

“Oh simple sib of mine. Without you I would be so lost, your mom stuck by my side, no matter what the tragic cost my crazed imagined thoughts, have given you a newfound strength, cause I, am your sister Screwball. And you, are a piece of me.”

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