• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 2,346 Views, 246 Comments

Warm - CrimsonWolf360

Returning to the past, Twilight does what is necessary to save Cooper from his fate. The consequences for such choices, however, are not to be underestimated. Only time will tell if it was worth it...

  • ...

Chapter 9

Over the course of an hour, Twilight recounted the entire story of her journey into Cooper's world. All the trials and tribulations were explained in full detail, lest the princesses miss something important. After just a few short minutes, both Celestia and Luna had to take a seat, as the gory depictions Twilight gave left them both slightly weak in the knees.

As she got to Cooper's arrival into the story, Twilight encouraged him to join in and speak for himself, to which he hesitantly agreed. He told the tale of how he found her and their journey together through the frozen remains of what was once his home planet. Eventually, the rest of Twilight's friends continued eating their food while Cooper explained, though their ears stayed angled toward him the entire time.

The group managed to absorb the princesses into their brunch with minimal difficulty, and within a few minutes, they were all peacefully eating the buffet before them. Celestia and Luna, though their appetite was somewhat diminished upon hearing the particularly nasty details, filled their plates with as much food as they could and ate while they listened attentively to Cooper's story, only interjecting to ask for clarification at certain points.

Soon enough, brunch was reduced to nothing more than empty plates and full bellies, and as both survivors finished their tale with the events of the previous night, the royal alicorns wore looks of utter disbelief. Once Cooper and Twilight were done, a pregnant silence hung over the air like a thick fog, dissuading anyone from commenting on the harrowing story.

"And all that... happened in just thirty minutes?" Luna asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Thirty minutes here. It was more like a month and a half over there." Twilight replied.

"And... you said that this happened because their was an accident with the portal?" Celestia inquired, a puzzled look on her muzzle.

Twilight nodded, "I'm not certain but-" She began, before Spike suddenly cut her off.

"It was my fault." He said, startling nearly everyone in the room.

"What?" Twilight owlishly questioned.

Spike shrunk slightly under the gaze of the entire room, "It... it was my fault... when the portal started and startled me... I fell and hit my elbow against the panel... that must've changed the destination." He explained, shyly rubbing the elbow in question.

"Spike, I'm sure there's no way that-" Twilight began.

"I see... the portal was always extremely sensitive," Celestia acknowledged, before turning back to Twilight, "My faithful student... I wish so badly that you had told somepony about this before just going ahead with it. You almost lost your life a dozen times over." She chastised, although it was clear from her tone that she was not angry or even disappointed.

All the same, Twilight frowned and held her head low, "I know... and I'm sorry, princess. I let my excitement get the better of me and well... to say I've learned my lesson would be an understatement." She replied.

Without another word, Celestia got out of her chair and made her way over to the smaller alicorn. She gently leaned down and nuzzled her cheek, her wing unfurling to wrap around Twilight and softly pull her into a hug. Twilight gladly accepted the gesture, returning the nuzzle and hug with her good foreleg as best she could.

"I'm just glad you're okay now." Celestia smiled, upon pulling away.

"And we have you to thank for bringing her home, safely." Luna added, giving a nod of thanks to Cooper.

Cooper returned the nod with a curt one of his own, "She saved my skin a few times, too."

"We understand you went to the hospital last night. I apologize for invading your privacy, but we asked the doctors to tell us more about you before we arrived this morning." Celestia stated, an apologetic look on her face.

"While your list of injuries is extensive, I'm glad to say that it doesn't look like you have any serious aliments at the moment... aside from the injury to your arm, that is." Luna offered, with a small shrug.

"Better than bein' dead." Cooper replied, idly tapping his hand on the table.

Celestia and Luna both cringed ever so slightly, "Quite... regardless of that, as we understand it, you are in need of a home?" Celestia offered, in a clear bid to change the subject.

Cooper shrugged, "I figured I couldn't stay with Twilight forever."

"You can stay with me as long as you need, Cooper." Twilight asserted, firmly.

"Of course. We are in no hurry nor have we any desire to separate you two. The bond you forged through the adversity of your journey is plain to see, and we are proud to see how much you've grown in such a short time, Twilight Sparkle." Luna responded.

"What we were trying to say is that we are happy to welcome Cooper to Equestria. As far as we can tell, he is nothing short of an upstanding creature to whom, we owe a great debt. One I fear can never be repaid." Celestia continued, giving a grateful nod to Cooper.

"Although... I do have one concern... a concern I believe my sister shares." Luna announced, her brow furrowing ever so slightly.

"What concern is that?" Twilight asked, before Cooper could even speak.

"Well... these 'guns' you mentioned... they sound incredibly dangerous and deadly. If they can nearly kill an alicorn before she even knows what's hit her... the implications are quite frightening if they were to get into the wrong hooves." Luna admitted.

"Twilight, no weapons were brought back from this human world, were they?" Celestia pressed, turning back to her student.

Twilight subtly glanced over to Cooper, the unspoken look in his eyes conveying everything he wanted to say to her in an instant. Her eyes fell to his hand, and the way it was oh-so-inconspicuously placed in his pocket. She could see the outline of the edges of his knuckles printing in the fabric, and after so much time spent with the human, she knew exactly what he was doing.

With a nervous frown, Twilight looked back over to Celestia and Luna, shaking her head, "No, Princess. Well, there is one but it's not exactly functional anymore. Cooper used the last of his ammunition to save me from the wolf." She explained.

Celestia nodded slowly, "I see. Could we inspect this weapon? We trust you when you say it is safe, but we would like to see it for ourselves." She replied.

Twilight nodded toward Cooper, "It's his rifle, princess. You'll have to ask him." She stated, plainly.

Taken slightly aback by the sudden redirection, Celestia and Luna both slowly looked over to Cooper, finding him giving a thankful look to the smaller purple alicorn across from him.

"Mister Slait? Would it be alright if we were to inspect this 'rifle' of yours?" Celestia asked, politely.

Cooper nodded, "Yeah. It's rusted all to hell at this point but it's upstairs in the guest room, laying on the floor by the bed. You can't miss it."

Without missing a beat, Celestia turned to one of her guards, "Sergeant, could you please bring the weapon down to us?" She asked.

With a quick salute, the unicorn mare left her post and trotted up the stairs toward the guest room. Once she was out of sight, Celestia turned back to Cooper and gave him a disarming smile.

"Thank you. I can't tell you how much we appreciate your patience and cooperation with us. We just want to make sure that these kinds of weapons cannot fall into the wrong hooves." She offered, placatingly.

Cooper nodded, "I get it." He replied, quietly.

Less than a minute later, the guard came trotting back down the stairs, Cooper's rusty AK held in her magical hold as she entered the dining room once more.

"Thank you, Sergeant. We'll take this back to Canterlot for some analysis." Luna nodded.

"As a gesture of good will, we could have our scientific teams clean and restore the metal. Rust removal is a simple enough spell." Celestia offered, as she inspected the rifle.

"How long are you planning on taking it for?" Cooper inquired.

"It shouldn't be any more than a few days. We just want to have some of the senior scientific committee examine it and ensure it can't hurt anypony." Celestia explained.

Cooper raised an eyebrow, "It's out of ammo." He stated, simply.

Celestia and Luna shared a look, "We understand that... but there are certain percautions we have to take with the introduction of a new and deadly weapon to Equestria. Surely you understand? A weapon that can kill or wound an alicorn would be our enemies' greatest treasure. As I understand it, the ammunition can be manufactured. With sufficiant time and resources, some creatures could manufacture that ammunition." Celestia elaborated.

"It'll be alright, Cooper." Twilight interjected, seeing the increasingly confused and frustrated look forming on Cooper's face.

"Yeah, you'll get it back in just a few days." Spike chimed in, clearly trying to be diplomatic.

Cooper let out a resigned sigh as he sank back into his chair slightly, "Alright. Fine." He relented.

Celestia and Luna both let out a small breath of relief before their faces lit up with smiles, "Thank you, Mister Slait. We promise you, as the rulers of Equestria, that this will be returned to you in better condition than it was received. You have our word, as Princesses of the Sun and Moon." Celestia announced, bowing her head slightly in thanks.

"As another gesture of good will, we would like to offer you protection while you are here in Equestria." Luna added, making Cooper raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Cooper asked, skeptically.

"As I understand it, you've had to depend on your weapons to protect yourself for years. As much as we can assure you that it will be returned to you, there will still be a time when you are without. In that time, and possibly beyond, we would like to bestow upon you a guard detail." Luna explained.

Cooper looked over to Twilight, finding her giving him the same look of uncertainty and confusion he wore on his face, "A... guard detail?" He asked.

Celestia nodded, "We would like to station two royal guards here to provide protection for you while you stay in the castle. Equestria... regrettably, isn't the safest place in the world. The Everfree forest in particular, can be an unruly and dangerous place. Having a pair of royal guards by your side to provide protection and guidance would be a way to help... ease you into our world." She added.

Cooper nodded slowly, "Or a way for you two to keep close tabs on me... like a bird in a gilded cage." He stated.

Both Celestia and Luna gawked at the blatant remark, and they weren't the only ones. The entire table stared at Cooper, aghast looks on all of their faces. The air instantly filled with tension as the rulers of Equestria owlishly blinked at the human sitting across from them, a neutral expression on his face.

"C-Cooper-" Twilight tried to speak, but he simply stood up, cutting her off.

"If there's nothing else, I think we're done for now. I'll be upstairs." He announced, before turning to leave.

"M-Mister Slait!" Celestia tried to protest, but he simply ignored her and walked out of the room.

Both guards turned as if they were going to attempt to stop him as Cooper passed them, but a quick look from the lunar princess halted their movements, and they allowed him to leave unmolested. Once he was gone and out of sight, the table shared mixed looks of offense and confusion.

"Before any of you say anything, please... give Cooper time. He's... he's been through a lot and he doesn't trust easily. Honestly, it's a miracle he's been as cooperative as he has been so far." Twilight announced, though her voice sounded noticeably dejected.

"But like, that was totally not cool of him." Rainbow pouted, crossing her hooves.

"I must agree with Rainbow, Twilight. Politely refusing the princesses offer is one thing, but outright accusing them of something and storming off? That's beyond rude." Rarity huffed.

"I simply don't understand... we are being genuine with our offer. I understand he's been through quite a lot, but we only want to ensure his safety." Celestia mused, her brow furrowed in thought.

"It certainly wasn't the reaction I was expecting... but then again, Mister Slait is nothing like any kind of creature I've ever seen before. I suppose it should have been expected. Maybe we should have worded it differently?" Luna wondered, glancing to her sister for support.

"If you'll let me go talk to him, I'll see if I can convince him. Just... like I said, please be patient with him." Twilight offered, unsteadily getting out of her chair.

"You're in no condition to be walking on that foreleg!" Spike protested, leaping out of his seat to halt Twilight's advance.

"I'm fine, Spike... but I need to talk to Cooper." Twilight reasoned.

"Ah can carry her upstairs." AppleJack offered.

"That'll be a bit of a rough ride, Darling. I can handle it." Rarity rebutted, her horn igniting as if to prove her point.

"That will not be necessary." Celestia suddenly announced, standing up.

"Princess?" The table collectively asked as a whole.

"You've all done such a wonderful job looking after Twilight after what happened. I'd like to help with the situation I've caused." Celestia explained.

"Don't you mean 'we'?" Luna teased.

Celestia playfully rolled her eyes, "Yes, 'we'. Although I think the fewer ponies that try to approach him, the better. Would you mind if I saw to this without you, sister?" She asked.

"By all means. I still haven't tried the cinnamon rolls." Luna replied, levitating one of the sugary sweets over to her plate.

"Thank you, sister. Now, Twilight, let's fix my mistake." Celestia declared.

"Princess, it's not your fault. Cooper's just-" Twilight began, but Celestia swiftly shook her head.

"No, Twilight. I should've been more aware of how the offer would look to someone like him before making it. I'll take you to speak with him, but I also wish to apologize. Hopefully he'll be willing to give us a second chance." Celestia stated, finishing with a hopeful smile.

The hope in Celestia's smile was infectious, and Twilight soon found herself smiling and nodding to her mentor. A moment later, Celestia's horn flashed with golden energy and they were both suddenly upstairs. Twilight glanced down the hall to see that they were just outside of her room, and the door was open. A swift glance inside confirmed that Cooper was nowhere to be seen, so she headed toward the next most likely place he could be.

With Celestia's magic taking all of the weight off of her bad foreleg, Twilight was able to make her way over to the guest suite she'd given Cooper with relative ease, and within a minute, they were outside the closed door. Twilight tepidly knocked a few times on the door, her ears flicking forward at the sound of a sharp intake of breath in the room. Her brow furrowing in confusion, Twilight knocked again, prompting the muted sound of Cooper's feet on crystal to reach her ears just before he cracked opened the door.

"Hey, Twilight." Cooper greeted through the crack, his eyes somewhat downcast.

"Cooper, are you alright?" Twilight pressed, the worry clear in her eyes.

"I'm fine... sorry about that." He apologized.

Twilight gave him a sad look, "Cooper, I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

Cooper nodded, "I know." He admitted.

"She wants to talk to you too. Is it alright if we come in? Nobody else, just you, me, and her." Twilight offered.

Cooper scratched the back of his neck, a hesitant look crossing his face. However, he was wholly unprepared for the puppy-dog eyes Twilight gave him. His shoulders slumped slightly as he stared her down, the downright adorable look threatening to melt his heart in seconds.

"Fine... when did you learn to weaponize cuteness?" He snorted, opening the door fully.

"Just now." Twilight beamed.

Cooper playfully rolled his eyes, but as the door completely opened, he saw the flowing mane of Celestia as she appeared in his vision. He froze for a brief moment, his body tensing, but he quickly relaxed. Said solar princess gave him a soft, disarming smile as she saw him.

"Hello again, Mister Slait. May we come in?" Celestia asked, politely.

Cooper nodded, "Yeah. Come on in."

Quick enough, Celestia and Twilight were in the room, standing across from Cooper as he leaned against the wall.

"So... about downstairs..." Twilight trailed off.

"Please, allow me to start," Celestia asked, "I would like to apologize for making that offer knowing what you've been through. I understand that trust is not an easy thing to come by in your world, and I should have thought of how you would perceive the offer before making it." She apologized, deeply bowing her head.

Cooper blinked at the sun princess for a few moments, his eyes wide in shock as he processed her apology, "I, uh... thanks. Sorry for how I reacted down there... never been good at receiving gifts." He admitted, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

Much to his relief, Celestia perked up and smiled at him instantly, "Oh, think nothing of it, Mister Slait-"

"Cooper. Please, just call me Cooper." Cooper interjected.

"Of course, Cooper. Thank you. I just want you to know that the offer is still on the table should you change your mind. If not, there are no hard feelings. I simply wanted to help make your transition to Equestria as painless and stress free as possible." Celestia replied, smiling warmly at him.

Cooper's gaze fell to the ground for a few seconds as he seriously considered the offer. He eventually glanced up to Twilight, finding her nodding encouragingly at him. With her approval and enthusiasm, he finally nodded.

"Alright, alright. But the second they become a pain in my ass, I'm sending them back to you." He relented.

Celestia giggled, "I assure you, these guards are two of my finest."






Cooper walked down the stairs just as the last of Twilight's friends finished funneling out of the front door. Pinkie gave a friendly wave goodbye before turning tail and trotting toward Sugarcube corner. Once she was gone and the door closed, Cooper glanced over to see Twilight sitting down on one of the couches, Luna and Celestia by her side while Spike fetched some water from the kitchen.

"You must conserve your strength, Twilight Sparkle. With injuries as substantial as yours, you should be resting." Luna chastised, a disapproving frown on her face.

Twilight sighed, "I know... just didn't think that walking down the stairs would be so taxing." She half-heartedly chuckled.

"Just rest now, Twilight. You'll need to heal before you can start to push yourself." Celestia comforted.

"You okay?" Cooper asked, walking up beside Celestia.

Twilight nodded, "Yeah. Just a bit out of breath." She replied, looking up to him with a half smile.

"Try to take it easy. You can't walk on two legs like I can. You need that forth one." Cooper smirked, tussling her mane.

Twilight snickered as Celestia and Luna shared amused giggles from the sight before them.

"So I take it you all had a good chat upstairs?" Luna inquired, looking to Cooper.

Cooper and Celestia nodded, "I think we came to an understanding. We'll have to be much more direct and candid with Cooper in the future to prevent misunderstandings like that from happening again." Celestia acknowledged.

Luna gave an approving nod, "I'm glad to hear that. Although, if its the same to you, I think we should be getting back to Canterlot, sister. The guards have their orders and their charge understands that they're only here to protect him." She stated.

"Correct you are, sister," Celestia agreed, turning to Cooper, "I won't pressure you to befriend them, but I would recommend getting to know them. We personally hoof-picked your guards because they're fantastic at their jobs. Plus, it is always nice to see their real personalities shine through the mask of the royal guard every now and again." She tittered.

Cooper gave a non-committal shrug, "We'll see. I guess it couldn't hurt."

Celestia smiled, "That's all I ask. Now, my sister and I must return to Canterlot, but your guards will be with you whenever you leave the castle. They're both originally from Ponyville, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

Cooper nodded, "I'll keep it in mind."

"Thank you, Cooper." Celestia replied, before turning to leave.

"Before you go, Princesses... there's something I'd like to discuss with you." Twilight suddenly stated, pausing both alicorns' steps.

"What's that, Twilight?" Celestia asked.

"It's... a bit private. Could you both wait for me in the map room?" Twilight hesitantly asked.

Celestia nodded, "Of course. We'll be waiting for you in there, Twilight." She said, heading toward the map room.

Luna quickly followed suite, and the pair of alicorns quickly departed, leaving Cooper and Twilight alone just as Spike came around the corner with a glass of water in his claws, and both royal guards falling in behind him. The little drake brought the glass to Twilight, who gratefully accepted it and drank the chilled ice-water down while the two guards stopped just before Cooper, both snapping to attention. They both saluted for a moment before their hooves landed back on the floor in perfect sync.

"Corporal Crimson Sky, reporting, sir." The pegasus greeted, his amber eyes directed right into Cooper's.

"Sergeant Midnight Shadow, reporting, sir." The unicorn announced, her sapphire irises practically beaming up at the human before her.

Cooper owlishly blinked at the two guards in front of him, "Uh..."

"You should tell them to relax." Twilight offered, noting the guards' posture.

Cooper's brow furrowed ever so slightly as he looked back over to the guards, "Uh... relax?" He hesitantly ordered.

Instantly, both guards adopted a much more relaxed posture, their legs spreading slightly and the tension in their bodies noticeably dissipating.

"Thank you, sir." Sky responded.

Cooper raised an eyebrow, only for Twilight's giggling to catch his attention, "What are you laughing at?" He asked.

"They were at attention. All you did was tell them they could assume a more casual posture around you. It's always funny to see when the guards stop being so uptight and rigid." Twilight explained, as she sluggishly got out of her chair.

"With all due respect, Princess, we are required to show the utmost discipline and professionalism while on duty." Midnight offered, politely.

Twilight nodded, "Oh, I know. Its just funny to see that you guards aren't always just marching and staring ahead like machines. My brother always said that the guard wasn't that strict about that kind of thing but I rarely saw any of you just relax."

"Captain Armor isn't as particularly strict on professional bearing at all times as the last captain of the guard, Princess." Sky bowed his head, ever so slightly.

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes, "Of course he isn't. Anyways, tell Cooper about yourselves. All he knows are your names and a brief summary of your time in the guard." She instructed as she gingerly hobbled toward the map room.

"Twilight, you shouldn't be walking on that foreleg!" Spike protested.

"I'll be fine, Spike. Here, if you want, you can give me a hoof over to the map room." Twilight smiled, allowing Spike to assist her.

As the alicorn and drake departed, leaving Cooper alone with his guard escort, the comparatively tall human stared down at the pair of ponies with a mix of emotions on his face.

"Uh... you guys can go ahead and tell me about yourselves." He offered.

Sky nodded, "Well, I was born in Cloudsdale but raised in Ponyville. After graduating school, I ended up doing security guard work in for a few years before being recruited into the guard. I've been in Canterlot ever since." He explained.

Cooper nodded, "And you?" He asked, looking to Midnight.

"Of course, sir. I was born and raised in Ponyville. My birth parents were... unfortunately killed in an accident when I was just a foal. I was adopted by a pair of thestrals and lived with them until I was old enough to enlist. I've been in Canterlot as a member of the guard for the past two years." Midnight explained.

Cooper gave her a sad look, "I'm... uh, I'm sorry to hear about your parents." He offered.

Midnight shook her head, "Thank you, sir, but it's okay. That was years ago and I honestly don't even remember them. I was barely a year old when it happened." She replied.

Cooper gave an understanding nod to the mare, before an awkward silence filled the air between them.

"So, uh... are you two just gonna follow me around all day?" Cooper inquired.

"We'll only stay close to you when you leave the castle to ensure your safety. When you're here, we won't crowd you unless you ask for us." Sky responded.

"Alright. Well what if I wanted to go for a walk? Stretch my legs?" Cooper questioned.

"We'd just follow along behind you, sir." Midnight answered.

"Are you sure you want to go around town already, sir? Not to police your activities or anything, but considering you just got here, it might be a good idea to just take a few days to rest and recoup after what you've been through." Sky suggested.

Cooper's brow creased as his gaze fell to the floor between them, "To be honest... sitting around like this is starting to make me a little anxious. I kinda want to stretch my legs a bit." He admitted.

Sky and Midnight both gave a quick salute, "Very well, sir. Whenever you're ready to head out, we'll accompany you." Sky announced.

Cooper nodded toward the door, "I was thinking of just going for a little walk. Nothing crazy." He assured them.

"Lead the way, sir." Midnight replied.

With that, Cooper headed toward the front door, although just before he could reach out for the handle, a sapphire aura enveloped it and opened the door for him. He glanced back over his shoulder to see Midnight's magic fizzling out from her horn as she released her hold on the door, allowing him to exit. He gave a small nod of thanks before stepping out into the light.

Instantly, brilliant, bright warmth engulfed him, and the pleasant smell of spring filled his nostrils as a gentle breeze passed by, rustling some trees nearby. Cooper tilted his head back and closed his eyes, allowing the sun to bathe him in its light, and for just a moment, he felt the weight lift from his shoulders.

Author's Note:

Now who are those two guards I wonder... If you've been reading my work for a while, then you will recognize my oc's Sky and Midnight! They're precious and I've been wanting them to cameo in another story of mine for a long time now. This felt like a good way to do it. Hope you guys enjoyed. Things will start moving along here shortly, don't fret.