• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 1,003 Views, 5 Comments

MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 5:The Rolling and Grasping Sushi Tournament and The Silver Ninjas Entry!

=Last time!= Secchan exclaimed, popping up under the table in the secret base =Vroon betrays the Tojitendo and joins the Zenkaigers! Young genius Tails and Sonic meet at last after six months in this new world and surprises the blue hedgehog with the reveal of him having a sister named Miyuki! At last, the Zenkaigers have five members! Huh? What did Vroon just say, tune!?=

"...Vroon, could you kindly repeat what you just said? I think I got something in my ear," Skye slowly asked.

"Hmm...I think I heard names like those in Ijirude's lab," Vroon muttered as he tried to recall whatever he could.

"Eh?" Kaito, Flash and Yatsude gasped.

"Toucha and Kaachan were in Ijirude's lab?!" Kaito asked excitedly.

"Uncle and Aunty were in the wheelchair robots lab?!" Flash asked worried.

"Vroon-chan, did you…" Yatsude began before she ran back and picked up the family photo of her Kaito a young Flash with there parents, "Did you meet these two, who are with these one?"

"N-No!" he shook his head, "I only heard rumors of a pair of humans named Isao and Mitsuko having been there in the past." He explained what he knew to them in hopes it would calm them down from this sudden burst of curious energy the three humans were having. But...instead, this just made them go silent, their eyes growing sad and heavy, as if hope was suddenly dashed for them, "Eh?" he asked as the three just went silent. He then looked to Kaito, "They're your parents?" at that, Secchan flew in and began pecking his head hard, "EH!?"

=That's what you ask with this mood, tune?!= Secchan snapped, pecking him relentlessly for the mood he just caused =We were the ones asking important stuff! Explain yourself, tune!=

"Itai! Itai! Stop! I know not what I did!"

=That's the problem, tune!=

Everyone just turned to the three as Kaito turned away from everyone, finding a random spot on the ceiling more interesting at the moment, Flash looked at space as he was lost in his thoughts, while Yatsude just sat down at the table looking over the last photo of her son and daughter-in-law. The three for once...just silent, the normal vibrant energy of the Goshikida family members had just been drained from the atmosphere. Skye frowned, rubbing his chin in thought.

"If they found a way to Kikaitopia…" Skye mumbled, "But would it have been before or after we met…?" he looked at Vroon, who was barely holding back the enraged bird, "When did the rumors start?"

"Eh?! A-A-Ano...I-I can't recall exactly when but it's been going on for years now!" Vroon admitted.

"Thank you," Skye nodded, "And to answer your question since Kaito, Flash and Yatsude are unable to, they're Kaito's parents and Uncle, Aunty of Flash two of my close friends that went missing years back." he rubbed the back of his head, messing with his long quills, "Look...It's getting late. Roll, Haseo, back to the house."

Night came, hours passed but nothing helped the poor Grandmother and Son who lost a mother and father and Nephew who lost a Aunt and Uncle. It was so late at night, everyone had gone to bed for the night, deciding to pick things up in the morning. But Kaito just laid in bed, unable to sleep, his mind running a mile a second, thoughts and worries racing by so fast even Sonic would be left amazed. He grunted as he sat up in bed and looked out to his room, where Sonic was sleeping in a hammock he installed, while Juran, Gaon, and Vroon just slept on the floor...or in Gaon's case resting against the side of Kaito's bed. But Flash wasn't hear at all.

"Zzz...St-Stay away...Why are you trying to color my arms blue…?" Sonic mumbled in his sleep, swatting at something in his dream, "Zzz…"

Kaito said nothing as he slowly got out of bed, walking around his sleeping Kikainoid friends. He made his way to the door, intent on heading down to get something to drink to maybe calm himself enough to get some sleep. As he stepped over Juran, the elder red Kikainoid slowly began to stir, his servos moving him and his optics opening just a bit to catch Kaito exiting through the door. Juran, in concern, silently got up and followed Kaito as he made his way down the stairs.

Kaito opened the screen door leading to the shop and blinked, seeing Yatsude and Flash sitting at the table in his pajamas and her in her sleepwear and a robe, with a single hair curler in her bangs, "Yacchan, Flash?"

"Kaito?" Both binked upon seeing him.

"So you couldn't sleep either, huh?" he sighed as he put on some slippers to walk around the store area.

"Not after hearing all that," Yatsude sighed as she looked down at her tea cup.

"Yup just got up to clear my mind" He told kaito as he was drinking milk.

"Sounds like what you said in the past was probably true." Kaito spoke as he walked towards the kitchen.


"'You know them. They probably messed up another experiment while Skye was away, and were blown into another parallel world.'" Kaito quoted what his grandmother told him years ago as he looked at a photo of the family when his parents were still there.

Neither aware at the moment Juran was listening in while sitting on the stairs. He was gonna make sure Kaito was alright, but he felt bad for listening in on this family discussion. He knew that even Kaito and His cousin had to have some worries on there mind, but he never imagined his energetic friend had so much going on over this. He knew his cousin will do this.

"I'm sure they're doing well wherever they are," Yatsude noted as Kaito put the photo back down, "They'll return home safely someday…" she looked at her empty cup, "But now that I've heard that...I actually feel more nervous." she glanced out the window to Skye's store/home across the street, seeing the shop's light still on, 'He must be feeling it just as bad if he's working this late on something outside of the lab.'

"Well, we'll just have to search for them," Kaito sighed, pouring a cup of iced tea for himself. He began gulping it down, when his mind began thinking. Vroon worked in the Tojitendo's base, his parents were there, Vroon came from there barely a day ago, how did he get here...wait a minute… "Pfft!" he suddenly did a spit take, spraying the still charging Secchan.

=Ah that's cold, tune!=

"Wow what happened? You hit something cuz" Flash suddenly asked seeing his cousin action.Suddenly, Kaito bolted towards the stairs, spooking both of them and Juran, who stumbled to move out of the way, thinking he was in trouble for eavesdropping.

"I just got up because I had to use the bathroom-" Juran began as Kaito just pushed past him, sending him falling down the rest of the stairs.

"Ah Juran you ok." Flash asked din concern as he nodded.

"Vroon! Vroon!" Kaito shouted, entering the boys room as he ran to the sleeping blue Kikainoid, he quickly moved him over off his side to his back and began shaking him away, "Vroon!"

"What is it? Is it morning?" Vroon asked, his optics squinting without his glasses to focus his vision, "Is the shop on fire?"

"Vroon! How did you come to this world!?" Kaito asked, lifting him up, before losing his grip and letting the heavy Kikainoid land on Gaon's legs.

"EEYOW!" Gaon yelped, jumping up as much as he could due to the heavy blue Kikainoid's weight, an arm shooting up and pushing up against the underside of Sonic's hammock, knocking him out and on them.

"WHOA!" Sonic yelped, "Ugh...Is it morning already…?"

"That's what I asked…" Vroon groaned, "Ah, I get it, hang on…" he muttered, turning over to look for the spot where he left his glasses, "I'll tell you just let me get my glasses…" he muttered while feeling around, "This way?" he asked, turning over the other side...further onto Gaon and Sonic, pinning them under his heavy armor frame.

"Ah mou…!" Kaito groaned.

"YOU FOOLS!" Boccowaus snapped, slamming his fist on the ground and sending everyone up into the air and landing on their backs, "Worlds that we've already captured are being restored?!"

"Calm down, Boccowaus," Gege soothed as the leader slammed his fist once more and they flipped in the air before landing with Ijirude on his treads and Eggman in his arms as his fellow general was stuck underneath a tangled pile of Grand Masters.

"But Gege…"

"It just means we can capture them all over again, the game shall continue on~" Gege offered, "As long as we take this world, the rest of the multiverse shall be no problem!"

"It's just as he says, your highness," Eggman quickly spoke as Ijirude dropped him, "Guh! Ugh…" he got up slowly, "So long as this world is caught, the others shall be as easy as tightening a bolt."

"We've been researching ways on improving the gears at this time," Ijirude supported, "Please, just give us a little time…"

"Yes, time, and we shall prepare something absolutely wonderful~" Eggman began as the two backed towards the exit before turning around and...running...they ran away.

"Hmph. While they do that, it's Barashitara's time to shine!" Barashitara declared, throwing the Grand Masters off as he got up, Thunderbolt stuck on his torso cannon by her jacket as he reached out to the roulette machine and pulled on it, causing the wheels to spin until all three showed a picture of a piece of sushi, "Sushitopia!" he declared as the gear was deposited for him to claim, "A world of artisans in a delicate craft...Surely this should offer focus and unique abilities!"

"That looks quite fun," Gege noted.

"Those two built one for picking Grand Masters to accompany our troops," Barashitara informed as some Kuddaks and Egg Pawns dragged/pushed in another roulette with the handle big enough for Gege to sit on, 'Can't believe the squishy egg guy thought the bird would say something like that…'

"Oh~!" Gege noted, flying off Boccowaus and landed on the new roulette's handle, causing it to lower and spin until an orca was displayed on all three, "Quite fun~!"

"Who's this?" Barashitara turned to Lien-Da.

"Akhlut," Lien-Da replied, "One of the heavy hitters of the Grand Masters. You may have heard of him from the grumblings of Tundra when he was assisting Koori World."

"So that's what he's been muttering about in the medical office…" Barashitara realized, "...Well he looks like he thematically fits with Sushi World...this will do."

"I don't know...sounds a little...fishy~" Gega laughed.

"Kill me…" Barashitara and Lien-Da said in unison.

"Okay...So why are we following Vroon?" Tails asked as the Zenkaigers, The blue hair teen, two hedgehogs, hedgefox, and twin-tailed foxes were walking around in the city early in the morning.

"Kaito woke them up super early," Flash replied, "We barely convinced Kaito to wait for the morning before dragging us out because we didn't want him to become the First human to anger a sleeping group of girls from their beauty sleep."

"Yeesh," Tails cringed.

"Speaking of...where's your sister?" Amy asked.

"She and White had to meet Honey for a photoshoot," Tails replied.

"Who?" Sonic asked.

"Honey, she's the cat Amy and Magine were…" Tails began.

"No. This 'White' guy," Sonic corrected.

"He's Amy's big brother?" Tails reminded, earning a raised brow, "...Another weird thing you don't remember?"

"Yep. I know she's a cousin to Rob o' the Hedge, but a big brother?"

"How could you forget about White?" Amy asked in surprise, "Especially after the last time you ran into each other! You both looked like giant rainbow-feathered chickens when he tripped on that pebble onto your EX Gear."

"...N-Noted," Sonic blinked, 'Okay, seriously...what am I not remembering in this new timeline? In fact….what else could have changed?'

"Wait so white is your older brother figure Miyuki was talking about yesterday right" Flash asked the young genius.

"Yup, he's like a brother figure to me and always look out for me, he even helps in management. He's really good at those things."

"Huh, then I will like to meet him once this is over."

"Trust me you'll love him." Tails told him.

"At least it's a nice morning." Juran spoke up, trying to change the conversation for Sonic's sake, "Not too chilly or warm, and the sun is shining just right! This is the kinda morning where you want to make the best of the day."

"True, Juran-san," Roll noted, "It seems like a nice day for some sushi later."

"Mmm~" Haseo rubbed his stomach as his tails wagged.

"Don't worry once this is over we can go eat there, my treat this time" Flash told.

"Yay~!" Haseo cheered and soon became bouncing up and down.

"Oh! It's right here!" Vroon spoke up, stopping before an alley, "I came this way."

Everyone stopped and looked to see a fairly normal Alleyway between two shops. It even leads towards a fence separating the shopping district from the suburbs nearby. It looked...just normal, so normal it felt like an honest let down given how weird adventures often became.

"This is...Where?" Kaito asked as he looked around.

"I know what's going on. There's a secret passage, right?" Flash asked.

"Oh!" Sonic and his fellow Mobians all nodded in realization, all of them spreading out and looking for any secret opening or switch.

"Man...A secret passage to a base," Sonic chuckled, "Reminds me of the secret slide for Freedom HQ."

"So we just gotta find whatever the Tojitendo use to get in and out!" Kaito spoke as he opened up a trash can.

"Here!" Gaon cheered, opening a little cabinet, before jumping back as Flash and Sonic both just dove in headfirst.

"Not it…" they groaned.

"No, no, no," Vroon shook his head as he walked into the alley...and pointed at the sky, "I came out of there."

"Are they in space?" Tails asked.

"No," Vroon shook his head as he gestured to the sky, "Around here!" he motioned with his hand again, "To reach Tojitendo Palace, you must pass through a Parallel World Gate!"

"Parallel World Gate?" Haseo repeated, tilting his head.

"It is a method of traversing to other worlds through directly from the Palace. It's comparable to teleportation, but can reach any Parallel World. I was chased out of the palace by the Kudakks and accidentally tripped through one of the portals they used to drop troops into this world. I ended up landing in this very spot afterwards, and from there I just ran...and then I ran into all of you and then we…"

"Vroon...We already know that part," Amy spoke up while patting his shoulder to get him to slow down.

"Oh yes right!" he chuckled.

"Alright...I get it!" Kaito declared, getting everyone's attention.

"Get what?" Juran asked.

"Oh it's the idea look..." Flash, Sonic and Roll muttered, seeing his eyes.

"Juran, Gaon, sorry," Kaito spoke as he moved them around, "Juran, get down here, and Gaon, you go here!" He pushed Juran down and made Gaon bend over a bit. The way they were set up they looked like...steps?

"Wait, he's not…" Amy realized.

"He is" Flash told seeing this.

"If that's how you came here...I should be able to get to that world from here," Kaito smiled as he took a few big steps back, everyone else clearing to the sides, "Ikuze Zenryoku Zenkai!" he cheered as he began running.

"Wait, what?!" Gaon asked as Kaito stepped off Juran's back and onto his before leaping high into the air.

"Ooh…" the others awed at the distance he got.

"He's not gonna make it," Tails muttered.

"Now you can't be sure of that," Amy argued.

"He's falling, isn't he?" Roll asked, not looking out of embarrassment.

"Hai/Yup…" Haseo and Flash covered there eyes.

"AH!" Kaito cried, face planting into the pavement.

"Hmm, where was it?" Vroon asked, walking around while looking at the sky, "It was somewhere in that vicinity...but I was so panicked I didn't have time to make a proper note of where exactly in terms of coordinates…"

"Kaito!?" Gaon panicked, running to his side, "Are you okay? Did that old junker bot trip you up!? Reply, my best friend!"

"Ugh...I got the angle wrong…" Kaito grunted, "I'll try straight on this time!" he smiled, taking a few steps back.

"Kaito, that's not the problem!" Gaon panicked, stopping him.

"For all we know, organics like Humans and Mobians can't use the portals," Tails noted.

"Hah!?" Kaito gawked.

"Well...technically there are the Warp Rings, but those haven't been seen in a while…"

"Well then let's find one!" Kaito declared.

"Kaito, if stuff from their world hasn't popped up, maybe it's not here," Flash spoke, "Only parts of our worlds got fused together after all."

"He's right," Amy noted, "It's not like entire chunks of Mobius are now in the streets, just people."

"Ah mou…" Kaito groaned.

"Hmm…" Amy muttered as she grabbed some of the more mature members of the gang, "I think Kaito needs to talk about something." she whispered to them.

"I didn't want to say anything, but he is a little overcharged…" Juran replied, "I think this whole parent thing has got him out of whack. Roll,Flash you and Kaito are essentially like family, anything to add?"

"It might be about yesterday when Vroon-san said what he said," Roll suggested.

"I'm also worried about him he won't be able to focus much and can get him self hurt if not helped."

"Soka…" Juran nodded before a scream went off, "!"

At a nearby park, everyone was screaming as a giant hand reached out and grabbed a man on his moped. A second hand reached up and gently pressed him down as a flash went off. The hand put him down as clumps of giant white...rice?...was stuck to the moped, the man himself now stuck to the seat of his vehicle and, try as he might, he couldn't lift himself up at all. In the distance, morning joggers and people walking their dogs were all pressed into and stuck to the playing equipment for kids.

"Thanks for waiting!" Sushi World shouted.

His head was a large white box with two red lids atop that made his head look like a Nigiri Sushi roll with green eyes flashing. His arms were covered in shields resembling conveyor belts and each one had two plate like attachments. Atop them were these metallic pieces that resembled either nigiri sushi or maki sushi. Flanking him were Kudakks and EggPawns, two of which were holding up Sashimono flags with a large Tojitendo symbol at the top and a small little Eggman symbol at the bottom.

"I'll press everything using Sushitopia's power, sushi!" Sushi World declared.

An EggPawn offered a large bowl of water to Sushi World, who quickly dipped a hand into it. He proceeded to make his arms become a blur at a jungle gym. Yet to the Kikainoids, humans, and Mobians on the recreational equipment, it was as if two giant hands were pressing onto them and causing them to be stuck to it by rice.

"Chirashi sushi, order up!" Sushi World declared as he turned to the Grand Master with him, "How's the ika sushi you ordered, sushi?"

"Hmm...It is delectable and the parboiled grilled tentacles are a good compliment. A perfect dish for conquest."

The Grand Master was large, roughly bigger than the average human male. Which made sense due to him being a Mobian Orca of all things. He was muscular with broad shoulders, a metal dorsal fin atop his head, a mustard-yellow version of the uniform the other Grand Masters outside of Lien-Da wore, and unusual eyes that were green with black scelera. He was currently sitting seiza with his meal before him.

"Excellent, Grand Master Akhlut!" Sushi World beamed before grabbing a sheet of seaweed from the Kudakk on his left and wrapped up a frightened human woman and Mobian dog together, "Nori Maki!"

"Oi! Oi! Oi!" Juran shouted as the gang walked into this scene.

"Nanda kore?" Kaito asked in awe at this strange new ability, people were being pressed into stuff...like sushi, he then turned his face to see what World it was, and now it kinda made sense honestly.

"Irashai!" Sushi World greeted the group of heroes like a chef would his customers.

"Uh...What World are you?" Vroon asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Sushi obviously," Juran deadpanned as he slapped his chest a bit.

"Orca seems new yet...familiar," Sonic muttered as he stopped near the Zenkaigers.

"Akhlut!" Amy gasped.

"That's Akhlut!?" Sonic gawked, "Wow...Guess the Genesis Wave made him lose a ton of weight...and gave him arms and legs…and-and I'll just stop talkin' from the shock..."

"Hmph...the hedgehog," Akhlut snorted with a small frown as he ate the last piece of his meal before standing.

"Dekai!" Flash and Juran gawked.

"Oh...he is tall," Vroon noted, "I was under the assumption that tall Mobians are...not that tall…"

"Sea-dwelling Mobians tend to be larger than most others," Roll explained, "One of my ancestors was a great white and the portrait done of the family is still one of the biggest from her alone."

"Roll... Is your family a animals library of all there DNA is it" Flash asked, she simply nodded making him gaw at her family tree.

"If they come together, maybe organics can pass through that portal…" Tails muttered.

=Bang-Bang~ Bang-Bang~! Zenkaiser!=

At that, Zenkaiser ran past all of them as he rushed the Tojitendo duo. He rushed and kicked a Kudakk away before swinging around to bash one across the face with his Geartlinger, "Get out of my way!" he shouted, shooting several from point blank range making them spark and fall over. He then grunted and swung his hand down as he chopped through an EggPawn, cleaving it in two. He growled as several EggPawns and Kudakks pushed him back and away from Akhlut and Sushi World.

"Ah, he jumped the gun!" Gaon exclaimed.

"Eh? But he has his gun right there and we have ours, but he didn't jump over us...How did he find a gun to jump over?!" Vroon exclaimed.

"It's an expression," Gaon deadpanned, dope slapping the blue Kikainoid.

"Back him up!" Juran ordered, pulling his Geartlinger and Sentai Gear out.

=Zenkai Juran!=

Zenkai Juran rushed and swung his sword, cutting through the grunts holding back Zenkaiser. He turned around to slash at another Kudakk before raising his shield up to block a punch from an EggPawn.

"Kaito! What are you…" Zenkai Juran began before Zenkaiser rushed past him again, "AH! He did it again!"

"Hey, got any blaster for me to shoot them." Flash asked the young fox.

"Yup always keep a spare." He told as he pulled out a blaster and gave him one aswell.

"Nice" he start to shoot the egg bots.

"Kaito! What are you…" Zenkai Juran began before Zenkaiser rushed past him again, "AH! He did it again!"

"HA!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping as he aimed his leg and landed a flying sidekick to Sushi World. He then looked up at Akhlut, "You!" he shouted, taking him off guard as he jumped and began climbing up up his body before making his way to his back and wrapping his arms around his neck and legs around his torso, "Take me to Tojitendo Palace!" he shouted as he made the giant Mobian stagger around.


"Wh-?!" Zenkaiser began before he was suddenly forced off Akhlut, the gem on his forehead glowing a bit as Zenkaiser floated in the air, "Ahh!"

"Your mind is fogged," Akhlut stated as he forced Zenkaiser in front of him, "I heard that four of you Zenkaigers gave Tundra a hard time...and yet, all I see is an angry child and his toys."

"Gh…" Zenkaiser grunted, trying to get free.

"Come on…!" Flash grunted, trying to pull a Mobian bear off a bench.

"So sticky…" Magine grunted, trying to pull a little kid off the jungle gym.

"Is Sushi always this sticky?" Vroon asked, falling over after losing his grip on an older-looking Kikanoid stuck to a tree by some seaweed wrap.

"It's gotta be that weird green gunk on them," Tails guessed as he helped him up.

"Maybe it's wasabi," Amy guessed.

"What kind of wasabi makes you stick that much?"

"My Super Wasabi!" Sushi World declared, "Humans, Mobians, and Kikainoids are such difficult ingredients to work with! I need a little extra help with them!" he raised his arm, "Missiles A and B!" two of the metallic Nigiri Sushi pieces on his arm shields that looked like his head launched off and flew through the air, their little eyes flashing as they locked onto targets like Sonic and Zenkai Juran.

"Why is it always seeker missiles?" Sonic rolled his eyes before running off with the missile after him in hot pursuit.

"Ah come on!" Zenkai Juran complained as he took out his Geartlinger and began shooting at the missile as it circled around him, "Why does a missile do that!?"

"They could be heat seeking," Roll noted, tripping a Kudakk while carrying Haseo on her back.

"Looks like!" Sonic called out as he zipped by her, the missile still hot on his tail, "Meaning I can do this!" he grinned, curing into a ball as he zipped right through the opening in Sushi World's legs.

"Huh? What wh-FUGAH!" Sushi World cried out as he got hit by his own missile.

"Mmm…" Haseo mumbled as he looked at the wasabi, "A-Ano...It's like normal wasabi, hai?"

"I think so," Roll noted.

"Can't we use soy sauce to dissolve it then?" Haseo asked.

"EH!?" Sushi World exclaimed, jumping up with smoke coming off him from where he had been injured by the missile, "Iie! You have to keep the soy sauce as clear as possible for the best look! Don't dissolve my super wasabi in it!"

"So...it does work?" Flash blinked, given the Kaijin's reaction confirmed Haseo's theory. As he avoided the incoming missile's.


"Take that as a y-" Sonic began before yelling as he started floating in the air.

"Enough of this nonsense," Akhlut frowned before moving his head a bit, causing both Zenkaiser and Sonic to go flying into a nearby park bench, "Sushi World."


"No you don't!" Zenkai Juran shouted, shield bashing Sushi World.

"Unagi~!" he cried, falling over.

"So you move stuff with your mind...that doesn't seem fair…" he grunted as he aimed his Geartlinger and began shooting at Akhlut.

"Ugh...I hated all of that…" Sonic groaned before Zenkaiser stood up, "Whoa!"

"You're taking me to Tojitendo Palace!" he shouted as he rushed at Akhlut, only having a moment to blink before a barrage of punches struck his stomach.

Zenkaiser grunted as he jumped up and swung his legs in a scissor kick that grabbed the Mobian Orca by the neck, he grunted putting all he had as he tried to take away Akhlut's air, the manuver making Akhlut grunt before he was flipped over and slammed into the ground.

"You came from there, you can take me!" Zenkaiser shouted, lifting one leg up and bringing it down on Akhlut's face several times, only for the Orca to grab his leg, "?!"

"Do not...give me commands, child," Akhlut scowled as he stood up, holding Zenkaiser up by the leg before he tossed him hard through a few nearby trees.

"Ah man...Kaito's really off his game," Sonic grunted, getting back to his feet before he took a moment to think about what he'd been saying, "Well...I guess anyone would be…" he looked to Akhlut, "Juran, you guys take care of the lunch platter! I'll take care of Shamoo."

"I'm coming with," Flash told.

"You got it!" Zenkai Juran nodded.

"Another round, hedgehog?" Akhlut asked with a smirk.

With that, Flash went to attack with as Sonic rushed and rolled for the Spin Dash, only for Akhlut to stop him with his telekinesis.

"Stop with these child games," he then soon used his crystal and scanned there minds."Him as annoying as usual you are hedgehog. Like last time you are still the same but have changed a bit more." He then checked flash mind." Him interesting, You are like the white boy, but, your different, your waisting your potential on the stupid game for power. Your mind is still not right. Your lacking something."

Flash heard that and was confused hearing it from a bad guy.

"What do you mean not in the right mind? I help others how ever I can."

"Yes but you still lack at it. Your keeping your self back, your not showing what you can do."

Flash was confused hearing that. Meanwhile Zenkai Juran grunted as he rushed over to help Zenkaiser up.

"Kaito, get a hold of yourself! You can't win by rushing in like that..." he groaned.

"Ah...right...I just…" he grunted as he shook his head.

"Opening!" Sushi World shouted as he held his hands out, summoning the giant arms which grabbed both Zenkaigers.

"Ah! Kaito!" Gaon gasped, releasing the pair of scissors stuck in the nori he had been trying to cut.

"Now let's see...two fish...Nigiri wrapped in nori!" Sushi World declared as he put them on a wooden bench while another hand grabbed the offered nori, "And...bingo!" his hand released and revealed Kaito and Juran bound to the bench by nori and rice.

"N-Nani!?" Kaito exclaimed.

"It knocked us out of our Change Zenkai!?" Juran gawked.

"Zenkaigers on a bench is ready!" Sushi World laughed.

"One more!" Akhlut ordered, sending Sonic Sushi World's way."you on the other hand, are not needed in this battle, your not showing what you can do, so give up and go back. You're waisting your time hear." He then flung flash back sending him to where haseo and goan were as he landed there.

"Ah! Flash/ onni-chan!"

"Gotcha!" Sushi World declared, making his hand once more as it engulfed Sonic and Roll before she could reach the blue hedgehog, "And…" he dipped his other hand into the bowl before grabbing another nori, "Press-press-press…and wrap and.." he made a second hand and put them together before a light shined inside, "Kita!" he released it and revealed a normal-looking sushi with the fish replaced with Sonic and Roll pressed together, "Behold! Hedgehog and Hedgefox Combination Sushi!"

"I'm surprised he got that right…" Gaon muttered as he put Haseo on his back. And was helping Flash get up.

"Master Akhlut made me read the files we have on all of you before I could start my mission, sushi," Sushi World admitted before pointing at Sonic, "The one on you is mainly filled with variations of 'I hate that hedgehog,' sushi."

"At least we know the writer is clearly Eggman," Sonic grumbled, "Ah...he stuck us back to back so our quills can't pierce anything!"

"Hold on, I think if I…" Roll struggled.

"Oops. Almost forgot the key ingredients for you two sushi," Sushi World noted, "For the combination Hedgehog and Hedgefox Sushi, the su and wasabi."


"Rice vinegar," Roll explained before the left side of Sushi World's head opened and a canister popped out that blasted the condiments.

"W-Whoa!" both yelped as the blast rolled the sushi around until the wasabi followed up, halting them...and while it did flip them over, the wasabi was coating their quills.

"Mmmm!" Sonic muffled out as their faces turned bright red.

"That...seems either a total accident or totally on purpose…" Gaon muttered, blinking a few times, "Sonic! Hold your breath! Don't waste precious oxygen!"

"What is she doing!?" Amy gawked.

"I don't get it. Why is everyone acting like that unlike when their backs were together?" Vroon asked.

"Dude, you got to learn about teen books and romance, you'll find out then" Flash told him and saw the scene.

"Onee-chan...Onii-chan…" Haseo facepalmed.

"And now for the Human-Kikainoid Combination!" Sushi World declared, "With how annoying you've been...Western Wasabi!"

"There's more than one kind of wasabi?" Vroon asked.

"No wait, don't...AH!" Juran cried as they got gooped, "HOTHOTHOT!"

"ATSUI~!" Kaito exclaimed.

"Powdered horseradish, food coloring, thickened with flour and mustard powder," Sushi World explained, "Unlike the natural wasabi made in Japan, that is Western Wasabi."

"Why is it so hot!? What's wrong with them!?" Both of them complained, "My nose is melting!"

"You bastard, how dare you tortue Kaito-kun like that! He's innocent and kind!" Gaon shook a fist at Sushi World.

"Oh gee thanks for the concern, Gaon!" Juran snapped.

"And with that, today's serving is complete!" Sushi World declared as he gave a bow.

"So long," Akhlut snorted before giving Flash his final look who saw it.

"Ah! Matte!" Gaon snapped as he charged at them only for an EggPawn and Kudakk dressed in all black with black cloth masks over their faces threw down smoke bombs that obscured the Tojitendo troops and dissipated, revealing them to be gone, "Gah! How did they do that!?"

"A-a-a-a-ano...T-Tatsukete?" Roll pleaded, trying hard to not let out noises as Sonic was now struggling and his face turning purple.

"AH! What do we do!?" Gaon panicked, looking at both sushi rolls made of his friends.

"Uh...Well Gaon and Kaito should be fine for a bit," Magine spoke, "Despite the fact they totally look like fatty tuna…"

"Stop it now," Juran cut her off.

"Sorry!" she quickly replied, "The real problem is...well...for lack of a better term...Roll is smothering Sonic. And he'll be dead in an hour."


"Maybe thirty minutes…" Flash corrected.

"P-Please hurry…" Roll begged as Sonic began to squirm even harder, "Ahn~"

"You stupid sushi!" Amy growled as she stomped over and grabbed Roll's shoulder, "Haseo, grab the bottom half! Tails, pull on Sonic."

"R-Right/Hai!" the twin-tailed foxes replied as they ran over and grabbed the bottom of the sushi and hedgehog.

"Guys, stop, it happens in anime and I think will happen now if you do this.." but Amy cut him off.

"Shut it".Amy grunted as she pulled. Sonic quickly gasped loudly once oxygen was available before Amy took a step back in her pulling and slipped on a bit of the nu, "WHOA!"


"!?" both froze with bright red faces getting brighter.

"Well...At least he's not losing oxygen…" Tails mumbled, facepalming.

"Aww~" Gaon spoke, "They did a chu-chu…"


"They are not pet dogs booping each other on the nose!" Amy complained, standing over a downed Gaon with smoke coming out of a metal lump on his noggin.

"...I think Onii-chan got Onee-chan's first kiss," Haseo noted.

"Yeah, and I think they like it" Flash noted.


"Moving on!" Amy declared as she stomped away from Gaon, now sporting a second bump to go with the first.

"E-Even mad...Amy-chan is...kawaii…" Gaon twitched.

"Is it me, or is she acting like Sakura from Naruto" Flash whispered to haseo who also saw the similarities.

"It's no good. Nothing can remove the people," Vroon spoke up, adjusting his glasses as he looked over Kaito and Juran, "The only way to free them is to destroy Sushi World. Which will be a difficult task with his supporter being that big and oddly powered Mobian."

"Mmm...Oh! Leave him to me!" Magine offered.

"Oh, I get it! Akhlut may be psychic...but Magine's magic!" Tails realized.

"We also have the problem of finding them," Amy pointed out.

"Brr…" Gaon shook his head as he got up, the bumps vanishing as he did, "I have an idea!" he declared, getting their attention, "I will save my best friend and Sonic and Roll! Trust things to me, Kaito! Your second in command…"

"Wait, what?!" Juran shouted.

"Onwards to Candy Cafe Colorful and the market!" Gaon declared, scooping up Haseo and Tails as he ran off, "Ikuze~!"

"Don't just abandon us!" Juran shouted as the others hesitated before following Gaon since he was the only one with a plan of any sort, "Our friends are terrible…" he looked to Sonic and Roll, "You two okay, or still stuck in La La Land?"

"W-We're alright," Sonic replied as the two Mobians were trying to not look at one another with heavy blushes.

"Oh come on, Sonic...We both know this isn't your first time kissing a pretty lady…" Juran sighed, "Roll on the other hand...you take time to process, kiddo."

"H-Hai, Juran-san…" Roll mumbled.

"M-More importantly…" Sonic coughed as he looked at the citizens, "We...bungled up, didn't we?"

"No...I screwed it all up…I shouldn't have been thinking about Tousan and Kaasan..." Kaito spoke, getting their attention, "I should have been focused on stopping Sushi World with everyone. Because I was selfish...I let everyone down…" he sighed, "Ah...Regret Zenkai…"

"Kaito…" Roll and Sonic spoke up, hearing him say all that.

"Bakayaro!" Juran snapped, "Of course you should have been thinking about your parents! How can you not?! They've been gone for years...and now you learned that the Tojitendo might have taken them! It's okay that you were upset...you're not just upset for yourself, you're upset for Yatsude too! For Skye...you're all one big weird family and you all miss them!"

"Family…" Sonic whispered, his thoughts going to three hedgehogs with quills as blue as his own, 'I haven't thought of them for months now...a...are they still here?'

"Here," Yatsude spoke as she put the last of a large amount of ingredients and supplies on the dining table.

"So they're stuck in the park...as sushi?" Skye asked, wanting to confirm the situation, "And you tried the soy sauce on the wasabi, right?"

"It didn't dissolve," Haseo replied, his ears drooping.

"And no one tried to eat it to free them because…?" Skye asked.

"It's too spicy," Magine admitted.

"And weird," Amy added with a cringe.

"It's seemingly more of an atomic level at which everyone was pressed into something, Skye-Hakase," Vroon spoke as he and Tails had lab equipment with them, "We were able to take a sample of both types of Wasabi used to stick them in place even better. It seems along with being tasty and...very spicy...they act like a subatomic glue."

"Also it seeps through clothing and fur…" Tails added, "It's why Sonic and Roll's quills can't cut out of the stuff, the wasabi glued their quills together and dulled how sharp they can get."

"Meaning that the best method to free them is to blow up Sushi World," Skye nodded.

"So that's why you need all this set up?" Yatsude asked.

"Exactly!" Gaon spoke up from the kitchen, "As team leader while Kaito is gone..."

"Who voted on that?" Magine bluntly asked with an annoyed tone.

=We may need to draw straws after this, tune= Secchan noted.

"...I had to come up with a plan to lure out that annoying sushi jerk!" Gaon went on, ignoring the two.

"I'm interested to see where this goes," Skye whispered to his fellow intellectuals.

"I am concerned…" Vroon muttered.

At that, Gaon walked out dressed like an actual Sushi chef, headband included.

"I'm concerned, too," Tails muttered with wide eyes.

"It's quite simple, my adorable furry friends...and robot sidekicks." Gaon spoke.

"...If I smack him so hard he conks out...would that make me the backup leader?" Magine asked as Amy held her back.

"Let's hear him out…" Amy offered, "Maybe he's got something useful?"

"Our plan is simple: we're gonna make Sushi Rice!" he declared, "Our enemy isn't Nigiri World! Or Maki World! He's Sushi World!"

"Um...So your plan is just to make rice?" Tails asked.

"No, no. Sushi rice! There is a fundamental difference between normal rice and sushi rice," Gaon replied.

"Nu nu?" Magine tilted her head.

"Maybe there's something within that detail?" Amy asked.

"Simple! Sushi World used his powers to press things into others, he turns people into the Nigiri, and he needs something to be the Sushi Rice, meaning he is compelled to press sushi ingredients into rice," Gaon explained, "Thus!" he pointed to Secchan.

=You're going to lure him out with Sushi Rice since...it's his theme, tune?=

"Exactly!" Gaon declared as he held up a large bag of rice, "I had to spend all of my paycheck for last week on this important ingredient: Koshihikari!"

"Oh…" many nodded in confused awe.

"The best quality rice made in Japan," Skye noted, "You have the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt to make the mixture for the rice while it's still hot, too. Even the fans to cool it down while you mix."

"Do we have a location for the ambush?" Vroon asked.

"Ah…" Gaon held up a finger before slumping.

"There's a quarry outside of the city to the northeast of here," Tails recalled, "I honestly checked their first when I was looking for Sonic since it could be considered dangerous and you know him."

"How long will this take?" Amy asked.

"Let's see...to get perfect rice...All night," Gaon spoke.

"I'll get some coffee brewing," Yatsude informed.

"...Hey, Yaya, mind making four bento while you're at it?" Skye asked.

"Hm?" Yatsude pondered. While they all were at it Flash was sitting alone as was still thinking about what the whale said.'what does he mean by not showing what I can do?'

He's thought were interpreted by Skye as he tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey you ok flashy,"

He looked at him seeing the concern look he saw the others were busy.

"Yeah.... Yeah I am." He told him but skye can see the lie.

"Really, your not actually honest you know." He catching his lie." Come on tell me what's on your mind kiddo,"

Flash thought about it so he decided.

"Can we talk in private then." He asked. Skype nodded.

Both were at Skye house now sitting in the chairs comfortably.

"So what seems to be bothering you." Flash was silent for a moment and soon answers.

"Do you.. think I'm missing something." He asked in hesitation.

"Missing? Missing what my boy?" He asked in confusion.

"Am I missing something, that's blocking me for helping others." Skye heard that and was again confused." I mean I help others even in hard time and I like it but what Akhlut said really got me." He told him." He said I was lacking something, I was holding my self back and not letting me show what I can do.... What does he mean by 'what I can do' I am showing what I can do"

Skye was quite and listen what all he had told him. And finally he spoke.

"Flash, I think, what he meant by 'showing what you can do' he meant to say was show what your true self can do." Flash was now a bit confused.

"My....true self."

"Yes, see when a person is doing he's best and showing what he can do is mean he's showing what the real him can do."

"Your saying, I'm not showing what my true self can do."

"Yup, don't get this the wronged way. But your holding your self back. Look at Kaito for example. What do you see."

"Well he's energetic, his kind, and helpful, and he loves to explore and make friends, he even able to do impossible things not others can do. Like catching up to sonic, trying to do jump up from buildings, and even going to another dimension to make friends." He smiled remembering those days.

"That's right, and do you know how he's able to do that"

"Cause" flash thought about it." Cause, he's kaito." He answered" he can do all those things because, he's showing his true self. He doesn't let others get him down or be scared."

"That's right. And what have you been lacking." He asked him.

Flash thought about it and start to see what he was lacking. Courage, luck, power, or mind. He thought about it but couldn't find what he was lacking.

"I.... I don't know" he told Skye." I guess Akhlut was right. I am waisting my talent."

Skye frowned at that." Don't say that, your dad was also like you. He always love to help people and he never gave up while trying."

"That's the thing. I'm not like dad, he was great from the beginning and he always was up on his words." He said in frustration "But look at me, a highschool boy who has no power and try to help some magical girls who have power and ends up causing harm to him self!" He then signed." Guess dad and I are different."

Skye saw his expression and soon start to get the picture.

"Flash, I wanna ask you" he said getting his attention." What does it mean to have courage." Flash got confused by that.

"Courage?... Well it's about showing how you’re not afraid of what could happen anymore." He answered.

"Nope" Skye made an x sign with his arms." People usually assume courage is the absence of fear, but it’s not. Courage is the ability to act in spite of fear; to trudge forward even if things seemed bleak and hopeless.It is all risky for sure. But when you think about it, many risks are present in life as well. If people spent their whole time living in fear of those risks, then we wouldn’t really be living, wouldn’t we? When it comes down to it, life is all about having courage to face the unknown future.” he told the teen" your dad was the one who told me those words him self. He said he was afraid at first but soon got the courage and found his true self on helping others. Beside it's not a job to help others, it's a responsibility."

Flash heard this and was surprised. He never thought it that way.

"If it helps you much then I'll be leaving then. I gotta give some food to the others."Soon he took his leave leaving flash to his thoughts.

"Minna!" Kaito spoke up once night came around, "Our friends will definitely save us, so just hang in there!"

"Uh, Kaito...that's, uh…" Sonic nudged his head towards where some of the younger victims of Sushi World had been pressed into sushi on the underside of some swings that were giving deadpan looks.

"Sorry…" he chuckled.

"Hey...Kaito," Juran spoke, earning his attention, "You told me your folks made the Sentai Gears and the Geartlinger with Flash's parents and Skye. But...you never told us that they were missing."

"It's not like it was a secret. But...I don't like talking about it," he explained, "I have Yacchan and Flash and Aunty misty and Uncle trial...and we have Skye, Roll, and Haseo. We all formed this sort of little family together, even then the families were missing some pieces. I don't want to talk about it and make Yacchan sad, or make Skye feel bad, I know Roll and Haseo and Flash probably get how I feel, but I want to make sure they are happy here. So I try not to bring it up." he admitted, "Then we just kinda started to add more and more, Sonic, you, and the rest of the gang. The shop is so full of friends and family, I don't want to make it feel like that's not enough…"

Juran looked over to Roll and Sonic as he let Kaito's words sink in, "Mm...yeah, I get that." he sighed, "There's something I haven't told you guys yet," he got their their full attention at the prospect of a secret that Juran of all people kept from them, "My family is also missing."

"Eh?" Kaito and Roll blinked.

"It happened way before I came to this world." he explained, "Well...it's not that uncommon for commoners of Kikaitopia to just up and vanish. It's just how we have lived since the Tojitendo took over."

"...I honestly don't know about my family," Sonic admitted, "Ever since I realized things got messed up because of what happened six months back, I don't even know if they're here, if they're alive...or even if they exist anymore."

"Sonic…" Kaito spoke.

"That's why you kids are more then a little dumb…" Juran spoke, "It's why I want to help you, I want to reunite Kaito with his Mom and Dad," he sighed, "I want to help Sonic find his folks now, too. You don't know if they are or aren't, so what's the harm in looking for them? Unlike you kids...I know I'm probably never gonna see my family again, but I can do all I can to make sure all of you find yours." he sighed, "You guys don't gotta do it alone, so let us help once in a while! Kaito, you and Sonic don't have enough brains to do this alone! So let us help, like when you scouted me."

"Juran…" Kaito whispered to get his attention, "You're kinda mature, aren't you?" he chuckled.

"One of you kiddos has to be," a voice spoke up, the four managing to turn their heads to see Skye walking over, a bag in hand.

"Skye-san!" Juran spoke in surprise.

"Heard you guys got into a bit of a sticky situation," Skye joked, causing Roll to try to get a hand free just to facepalm, "Brought you all some grub from Yaya and to give you a bit of an update on the situation."

"Ah…" the four blinked twice before four stomachs rumbled simultaneously.

"Knew it," Skye chuckled.

"...Ah, Skye."

"Yeah, Juran?" the hedgehog asked as he opened up one of the bento and pulled out some chopsticks.

"How did you meet Kaito's and Flash's parents anyway?" Juran asked.

"Heh. Oh that's a bit of a tale," Skye chuckled, "It was around when Kaikai and Flash were four and those four were doing their first big experiment on world travelling. I was actually on my way to interview for a position in the Acorn Kingdom's R&D division. One moment, I was reaching for the door...the next, I was in the epicenter of what remained of their first test." he rubbed his head, feeling a phantom bump, "It was also the moment I learned that Yaya with a frying pan is a scary thing to one's noggin." he poked Kaito's cheek with the chopsticks, "You, mister, were a cheeky little goober at that age. You were nothing but giggles as you introduced yourself and got me another whack of the frying pan."

"You got put into a pet cage, too," Kaito faintly remembered.

"And Mitsy forgot to lock it, which is another reason why I got that second whack from Yaya," Skye confirmed." But flash on the other hand was different he was mostly scared but he still got the courage to talk to me and even try to understand me."

"So you ended up here by total accident?" Juran asked, "What next? Were you stuck here?"

"Not really. After I finally convinced them, after a few more frying pans, that I was a nice guy-Kaikai and a good boy Flashy was a big help there-, we managed to figure out what just happened," Skye shrugged, "After that, we managed to reproduce it without the machine going 'boom' and, well, we made a bit of a visiting system in place."

"Soka...Wait, is that why you had the basement off limits back home in Neighpon?" Roll asked.

"Yep. Remember that due to certain issues that Mobians weren't exactly all that trusting of Overlanders."

"Overlanders? I think I heard that term before…" Juran noted.

"They're humans, but they don't have a pinky finger due to genetics," Skye stated, "But do folks pay attention to that tiny detail? No...Because of course they don't." he huffed, "Honestly, it's a big reason why Isy and Mitsy, Misty and Trial never came to Mobius because of the worry of what'd happen if they were spotted."

"How many times did Kaito and Flash somehow sneak over?" Juran asked.

"Roll and Haseo thought he was an imaginary friend until this all happened Flash went after him because he worried much," Skye chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure that one neighbor of yours still thinks I was some kind of Yokai," Kaito muttered, "To my credit...I could get into their crawl space from outside...and loved making a lot of noise."

"You gave Aphy many a headache when that happened," Skye nodded.

"My kaa-chan," Roll replied, her ears drooping a little, "She wasn't with us when this happened, so we don't know where she is."

"So that's why Kaito said he doesn't want to make you feel bad, just like him you're missing someone you love, too," Juran realized, "All this time, this goof worked so hard to make you all feel like family. No wonder he went wild the moment Vroon said what he did."

"Um, well...To be fair, I would've been here sooner," Skye noted, sheepishly scratching his cheek.

"Eh?" the four blinked twice.

"There may or may not be a few indents in the ground shaped like me under the spot Vroon said he came out of," Skye admitted.

"..." Roll began to giggle at that as Sonic cracked up laughing.

"Oh sure, laugh at the papa," Skye muttered, "You just be ready, Sonny. Because you're gonna have to handle my little Rolly tomorrow."

"Huh? Handle?" Sonic paused in his laughter before Skye shut him off by stuffing his mouth with some lo mein.

"You'll find out once you wake up," Skye snorted, giving some to Roll, "Had to convince AmAm to take over a duty for Rolly tomorrow, too."

"Duty?" Juran and Kaito repeated."Ah! Before I forget. How's flash doing. I saw he was down that time when he left with others."

"..." Sky didn't say anything." Well, his finding him self actually."

"Hm?" The four said.

"He's trying to find an answer to a problem but his not finding it yet. I helped him. I hope he finds it till tomorrow."

"He will.... He always does. "Kaito told." What makes you think how I got out of trouble before. By tomorrow I believe he will find what he's looking for."

Flash soon woke up in Skye place. He falled a sleep there yesterday. Soon he got up and went to the bathroom. He soon checked him self in the mirror after washing his face.

'your just holding your self back from showing what you can do.'

'Trial told me that he was once afraid but soon got the courage and showed his true self'

The words rang in his head as flash thought why he was being held back.


A young flash sentry was seen sitting on his dad lap.

"Hey dad, I wanna ask something"

"Sure what's up?"

"Well, what does it make to become a hero, a better person." He asked innocently.

"Hahaha.... Well Flash a hero and better person. Well do you know why they are so cool."

"Cause they fight bad guys and look awesome!" He cheered.

"Close but no" he told him." A hero is a person who has a responsibility given to him for him to fallow. He uses he's power wisely and not for his own selfish gains. And a better person is a person who shows his true self to others. He shows what his passion is and how he wants to help others. The same thing about them is that they always show there true self. And that's on helping others in need no matter what even if the people turn on them they still help them no matter what. That's what is great about them, do you now understand."

The young Flash looked at him and nodded but he fully couldn't that time.


Flash soon remember that time he had with his dad and remember his talk. He wanted to help others as thought he will get a better chance in life like this. But that was selfish. His true passion it was of helping others even if he doesn't get anything in return, even if it means to be hated from others, That's his true self.

"Now I remember,.." he whispered" now I know what was holding me back."

"So you ready to answer." He looked back and saw Skye standing at the door way his arm crossed and had a look of understanding.

"...." Flash thought about it and soon answered. " Yeah, I want to help others, it's my passion, and my desire. It's my true self." He said." All this time I thought I will get anything from helping others, but that was selfish of me and that was the reason I held my self back, my true self back." He looked down" But that changes." He said in determination." I want to help others, it's not for any rewards or complement but it's about doing the right thing and it's my responsibility to help them. That's what my true self is and I'm done holding back."

Skye smiled at him, he finally found it.
"Looks like it's Finally time." He said as he went to his drawer and soon pulled out a big case with the zenkaigers symbol on it. Flash was confused as he went to check it. Skye put it on the table and then opened it. Flash saw what's inside and soon developed a surprised look.

"Your kaa-san and tou-san told me to give you these when your ready. And looks like you are." Skye told him.

"Okay, one last check," Gaon spoke, "Battlefield?" he looked around the empty quarry, "Check! Trap?" he spun around to look at three tables filled with wooden tubs filled with sushi rice and ingredients for sushi with a decorative set up akin to a sushi restaurant with a banner reading 'ZENKAI SUSHI' on it, "Check! Disguises?"

"Check," Magine and Vroon replied, dressed up like Gaon was.

"Yosha! Fans?" Gaon held up several large paper fans, "Check!" he pulled out his phone and dialed, "Aerial surveillance?"

=No sign of Sushi World or Akhlut yet= Tails replied =Will let you know when Amy and I see any signs of them=

"We shall continue on, trust the gimmick!" Gaon declared before hanging up and dialing, "Haseo?"

=We're checking on Kaito, Sonic, Juran, and Roll= Nicole confirmed =We're bringing donuts for them=

=O-Onee-chan isn't going to be h-herself when you see her...= Haseo warned.

"Yosha! Out of the danger zone!" Gaon declared before hanging up, "Alright! Positions! Magine to the right! Vroon to the left! ...No, no, no! The other right and left! You two better not mess it up or I'll convince Haseo to give you a scolding!"

"But that only works on you," Vroon pointed out.

"...Then I'll revoke your library card and fortune ball?"

"HAI!" both yelped, scrambling for their positions at the tables.

'I can't believe that actually worked…' Gaon thought in disbelief.

=Heads up, guys. Sushi World was spotted nearby= Tails spoke up.

=He just made a crane sushi= Amy added =And not the bird kind of 'crane,' but the actual machine=

"Yosha! Let's get started!" Gaon declared as he calmly walked to his center table, crossed his arms over his chest, and gave a sharp nod, "Irashai~!"

"Let's press some good sushi~!" the trio declared as they hefted up the paper fans and began to rapidly fan at the ingredients and sushi rice.

"Come, come~!" Magine called.

"Flap, flap!" Vroon chanted.

"Flap, flap!" Magine and Vroon called out as a scent began to come off from the trio's rapid fanning of the ingredients and sushi rice.

"...This smell...what is this smell?!" Sushi World called out as he poked out from behind a mound of gravel, zipping out as he rushed for the source of the scent, "The scent of the sushi rice is so good, my body and gears are moving on their own, sushi!" he declared before zipping behind the main stand, peeking out to see Gaon fanning the ingredients, "Ahh~ What fine sushi rice...I think I'm tearing up soy h-"


"Eh?!" Sushi World blinked before Vroon and Gaon bound his arms, "Wh-?! H-hey!"

"Aho ka!" Magine shouted, getting behind Sushi World and swinging her leg up to literally kick his butt and send him flying into the air before slamming into the gravel.

"What amazing leg power!" Vroon awed as they pulled out their Geartlingers and loaded their Sentai Gear in.

"Change Zenkai!"

=Ni-Ju-Go Bang/Ni-Ju-kyu Bang/San-Ju Bang! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!=

With that, they aimed and fired the Geartlingers as the energy transformed them into their Zenkaiger forms.

=Zenkai Gaon~! Zenkai Magine~! Zenkai Vroon~!=

"Hyakujuu Power! Zenkai Gaon!"

"Mahou Power! Zenkai Magine!"

"Gogo Power! Zenkai Vroon!"

The trio put their hands together as Gaon declared, "The three of us are…"

"Kikai Sentai…" the trio declared as Gaon pounced ahead while Vroon and Magine posed at his sides, their symbol appearing above them, "Zenakiger!"

"Ugh…" Sushi World groaned as he got up, "What's your order?"

"To free Kaito and the others!" Gaon declared as he summoned his Gaon Claw.

With that, the trio rushed Sushi World, weapons at the ready. Sushi World grunted, using his gauntlets to block Gaon's Claws, only for him to be struck by Magine's staff to his abdomen. Vroon marched forward and slashed with the Vroon Picker and struck Sushi World across the chest. Garon growled, swinging his claws and striking Sushi World, making sparks fly.

"Nu Nu Nu Magine!" Zenkai Magine shouted, holding her Magine Stick up into the air.

Sushi World flinched and looked around before he took a breath of relief...only to fail to notice the grave and dirt forming into a shape behind him. He felt the presence of something behind him only to see a giant cat's paw made of the earth, before it swiped at him and smacked him into the ground, once, then twice, and a third time.

"Why a cat!?" Sushi World asked as he was smacked again.

"I thought it'd be cute…" Zenkai Magine admitted.

"Nice!" Zenkai Gaon cheered, taking out his Geartlinger as he aimed and shot at Sushi world as soon as the magic cat's paw fell apart, "How dare you make my friends suffer like that all night!" he kept shooting, making sparks fly.

"To be fair, we could have hunted him down yesterday afternoon and evening!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he rushed and slashed Sushi World with his pickaxe. He grunted, swinging down again only to hook his weapon around the Tojitendo kaijin's shoulders and used this to pull and flip him over.

"Don't question the second in command!" Zenkai Gaon shouted, pouncing as he stabbed his claws into Sushi World, before raking them across his body, the force sending Sushi World skidding across the ground towards Magine.

"We never agreed to that system!" Zenkai Magine complained as she held her staff by the bottom and swung it like a baseball bat, striking Sushi World and sending him flying back towards Gaon and Vroon.

"GAON!" Gaon roared as he jumped to pounce at Sushi World again...only he wasn't coming down, "Eh? Gaon?!" he rapidly swiped at where Sushi World was but couldn't get any closer to the World before he suddenly flew backwards and hit Vroon, "GAH!"

"You were lured out by rice of all things?" Akhlut deadpanned, standing atop a mound of gravel.

"It was high quality sushi rice! My compliments on whoever made it, sushi!" Sushi World argued.

"I don't want your compliments! My food is for adorable Humans and Mobians!" Zenkai Gaon snapped.

"Can you get off me…" Vroon asked in a deadpan.

"We're ready for you this time, Akhult!" Magine declared.

"Akhlut! Akhlut!" the orca snapped, glaring harshly at the pink ranger, "It is Akhlut! Not Akhult!"

"Sorry~" she cheered, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!"

"Wha?" he began before a bolt of lightning suddenly struck him.

"Magine Bolt~ And I can keep zapping him!" Zenkai Magine smiled, "Like this, Nu Nu Nu Magine!" another thunderbolt shocked Akhlut, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" another surge of electrical energy zapped him, making him fall over, "I imagine as a creature of the sea, you're not good against electricity; and as a cyborg, you must have a lot of delicate parts! Plus you're psychic, and the brain works off electrical impulses! I am your worst nightmare, Akhult! A Nerdy girl with actual magic!" she laughed.

"Rrrr…" Akhlut snarled before smirking, "Then allow me to acquiesce to someone who need not worry about electricity."

"Hmm?" at that, a missile hit the ground with a massive explosion that knocked the Zenkaigers off their feet.

"Sushi World!" Barashitara's voice called out as he tapped his spear to the ground, "Are there any open seats?"

"Of course, Sushi!" Sushi World clapped his hands together.

"Barashitara-sama!" Vroon gasped before Gaon and Magine gave him annoyed looks, "...I-I mean…" he clenched a fist and growled, "Barashitara!" he looked at them, "Gomen. Still getting it out of my systems."

"I figured since Sushi World incpacitated your leaders..."

"Hey!" Zenkai Gaon snapped.

"...I could join in the fun of crushing you! For once, I have a combination that's getting me results. Me and my second in command will be damned if, for once, our winning game plan falters to a bunch of commoner Kikainoids." Barashitara spoke while aiming his spear at them, "So it's time for me to join the fight!" he roared, rushing at them at full speed; to their shock, he tackled Vroon and sent him flying into a rock wall of the quarry, sparks flying off the impact.

"A shame this will be too easy," Akhlut spoke up, stopping Zenkai Gaon and Magine's attacks before he forced them to collide into one another.

"He's very excited, sushi." Sushi World noted as explosions began to go off.

"...Oi, Kaito," Juran spoke up as a ringing sound went off in the air, "I think that's your phone."

"I think I can reach it...gonna have to use speaker…" he muttered, reaching into his jeans and pulling out his phone and tapping the answer button before quickly hitting the speaker option.

=Kaito! It's dangerous! Gaon and the others are in trouble, the enemy commander has shown up and is bulldozing through everything they can throw at him, tune!=

"Enemy commander?" Sonic asked, "You mean that tank jerk!"

=He can fight all of them alone. They totally turned the plan around on them, tune=

"Gotcha! We'll be right there!" Kaito declared.

"Wait, what?" Juran blinked at that.

"Uh...Kaito? You forget our situation here?" Sonic questioned, his face bright red as Roll nuzzled him.

"Fwuffy…" Roll mumbled with a giggle, tiny bags under her eyes.

"...Has she been up all night?" Juran asked.

"...Oh, I forgot about that," Kaito cringed, "Roll and Haseo's family on their kaa-chan's side has a problem that if they're not hugging in their sleep, they can't sleep and get all loopy until they get a hug."

"Quiet from the talking yellowtail!" Roll snapped, glaring at Kaito for a moment before resuming her nuzzling of a bright-red Sonic, "Hee-hee~The fwuffy smells so nice~"

"...Please tell me you got an idea on how to get us out, Kaito," Sonic whispered.

"At the moment, no, but...I remember…" Kaito began in his grunts, managing to pull his Geartalinger and a Sentai Gear out, "What Juran said yesterday about everything being important…I can't just lie here like sushi! It's why...I'm gonna save everyone turned into Sushi! I'll save Gaon and the others..." he continued as he put the Sentai Gear into his weapon, "I'll find Tou-chan and Kaa-chan and everyone we're missing…I don't care if I'm being rash..." he closed the lid on the Geartlinger as a fire lit in his eyes, "I will hold on to everything precious to me!"

"Alright, Kaito!" Sonic grinned before Roll licked his cheek, "?!"

"Tee-hee~Taste like chili-dogs," Roll giggled.

"Change Zenkai!" Kaito declared as he pulled the trigger.


"Ah! Wrong Gear!" Kaito gawked as the astral image of a red Sentai with a helmet themed after the Leo constellation appeared before jumping into him, "?! YOSHA LUCKY~!"

"How is this lucky?!" Juran demanded before a crack went off, "...Huh?"

Sonic, Kaito, and Juran looked to see a large crack in the fire hydrant nearby. The crack widened as water started to leak out. After another moment, the lid snapped on one side and a powerful blast of water slammed into the two sushi.

"GYAH!" the three boys screamed as the pressure sent their sushi tumbling away.

"Oh dear…" Nicole gasped, she and Haseo having just arrived before the fire hydrant had gone off.

"Missile A B!" Sushi World declared, taking two of his sushi bombs off and tossing them like grenades into the fight. The explosion sent the Zenkaigers falling over, Magine taking the worst of it as she was knocked over and her Magine Stick knocked out of her hands.

Barashitara grunted, swinging his spear and striking Gaon across his face as he tried to get up. He aimed his turrets and began blasting Gaon, making sparks fly. He raised his arm and blocked Vroon's Pickaxe. He pushed the weapon and arm away before striking him with the head of his spear, the force making Vroon grunt and fall to his knees.

"Th-This is Barashitara's power?" Zenkai Vroon asked as he was dragged up.

"If you were sushi, you'd be the ginger on the side," Barashitara spoke, tossing Vroon away and onto his fellow Zenkaigers, "In other words, none of you are on my level!" he laughed.

"Ghh...A-Are we really in this kinda trouble…?" Gaon grunted as he began to get back up.

"Now to make some real good sushi outta the lot of ya!" Sushi World laughed as Akhlut stood beside him...before Juran and Kaito landed on Sushi World and Sonic and Roll landed on Akhlut, "GAH!"

"Eh!?" the trio gawked.

"Hm?" Barashitara blinked twice.

"My back…" Juran groaned.

"Tori janai~" Roll groaned before nuzzling Sonic, "Fwuffy onegai~"

"Eh? ...Oh, minna!" Kaito beamed.

"Kaito!?" Gaon gawked.

"How did they get here all the way from the park?" Vroon asked.

=Kaikai mistook his Change Gear for a Sentai Gear. Specifically, the Sentai Gear based upon the 41st Super Sentai, Uchu Sentai Kyuranger!= Skye explained =And what a wonderful development! You can use Sentai Gear outside of your Change Zenkai=

=In this case, Kaito gained the lucky powers of the leader of the Kyuranger, Lucky, tune!= Secchan explained =When the fire hydrant broke, the pressurized water knocked them into a truck that took them all the way to the other side of the city where a speed bump knocked them into a balloon cart and flew them all the way here! They were lucky that Tails was flying by and didn't notice them until the blades of his plane's propeller popped all the balloons that dropped them on Sushi World and Akhlut, tune!=

"And why is Roll-chan acting weird?" Magine asked, seeing Roll nuzzling Sonic.

=My wife's side of the family has a pretty bad side-effect if they can't hug something at night= Skye explained =They need to hug something or they won't be able to sleep and end up super loopy when that happens. Just ignore what she says while she's like this=

"Oh! Giant talking rock candy!" Roll awed, looking at the three transformed Zenkaigers.

"Rock Candy?" Vroon repeated.

"It's called that because it looks like rocks," Gaon explained.

"Soka! ...Ah! Sugei! Sentai Gears truly are amazing!" Vroon beamed.

"Ne, Juran, Sonic, Roll!"

"Hm?" two of the three looked over at the smiling Kaito.

"That sure was a fun trip together," Kaito noted.

"Floating high above the ground? Zipping from one place to another on an odd object? Falling and landing on a poor unsuspecting grunt?" Sonic listed before grinning, "Yeah...it was kinda tight."

"This ain't what I meant when I said to involve us...but you're right!" Juran cheered.

"How long are you gonna be on us, sushi!?" Sushi World demanded, banging a fist on the ground, "We're not geta!"

"Get off!" Akhlut snapped as the two threw the two sushi off them.

"Ah! I can't open my head, sushi!" Sushi World panicked, a dent on his head jamming the side of his head storing his wasabi.

"...Oh! He took out their big advantages!" Magine realized. She thought before Akhlut called out the grunts. "I retract my statement." She muttered.

"Don't worry Minna we can stop them." Kaito reassured as he and Juran were in a tuff situation but still could fight.

=Oh Minna~ I think your back up has arrived= skye told confusing them all.

"Back up, are we getting a new gear or weapon." Vroon asked.

Suddenly a black blur ran from them as they got surprised. The blur soon ran and start to slash some grunts making them fall back. The others were surprised and soon the blur stopped Infront of kaito and the others and revealed to be a someone in a black ninja suite and a mask covering his face.

"Nani?! A ninja!" Kaito asked in surprise.

"Heh? Who the hell are you!" Barashitara demanded soon the ninja took his mask off to reveal Flash.

"Huh?!" The zenkaigers and mobians said in shock.

"Hah, your the pest of the white one."

"Hey don't talk bad about my family. Beside I'm hear to help." He told

"Nani? Flash it's still dangerous hear." Kaito told his cousin.

"Ah Flash-san kaito-san is right, it's dangerous hear." Goan also said.

"Don't worry" he simply told them." I want to help you all even of you don't like me getting hurt. I still will fight by all of your sides no matter what!" He said in determination. And for the first time kaito saw something in his cousin change.

"Well you did make a good hero speech but what will you do, your just a pes..." A grunt was soon shot down and soon another the others then slowly looked at the grunts and ten looked back at flash as he was holding a Geartalinger but it had the color blue instead of red as it was smoking a little flahsed smirked.

"NANI?!" The others were baffled.

"Flash... You" kaito saw his cousin having a Geartalinger Flash gave him a smirke.

"Like I said cuz, I will be there to help you all no matter what." Soon he pulled out of a Sentai Gear with a ninja image on it. He flipped it up and soon caught it as it came down. He then put the gear in the weapon.

"Change Zenkai!" Flash start to spin the handle of the gun as the gun start to work.

=San Ju Kyu Bang!=

Flash stopped and soon the gun start to chant and the toon going off


He then pulled the trigger and soon a large gears of golden energy shot out. The gear had the same image as the Gear he inserted before flying back and sweeping over Flash. His body was donned in a primarily silver bodysuit, the upper half of it looking as if a banner with white trim was draped across his torso at a diagonal from the right hip to left shoulder.His arms , hands, and neck were pitch black with silver armor over his lower arms and white boots with two black lines near the top of each boot.His head was covered in a rounded helmet with a black mask resembling a shuriken. On the center of his helmet's forehead was a gold 39 while a gold oversized buckle resembling a rectangular case was fitted on his waist.

=Zenkai Gin~!=

"Shuriken Power!" He flipped and landed on his foot and sit in a attack position as he looked up. He then stood and Spin a bit and got in a ninja pose and did a peace sign aswell." Zenkai Gin!"

"= Nani nani, Flash had a Geartalinger aswell. How tune!= Secchan asked as he flew around.

"The was Misty and Trials idea actually." Skye said" they wanted Flash to be a hero aswell and told me to make this for him and only give it when it was the right time."

"Again those kids really know how to paln there child's future " Yatsude said with a smile.

Back at the battle the others were baffled and surprise by flash Changing.

"SUGOI" Kaito and sonic spoke.

"Flash-san has become a zenkaiger na" zenkai Goan exclaimed in excitement.

"His silver shouldn't he be green or something." Vroon asked.

"Pah, so what if you gained another member. You'll still lose."

"Oi, let me tell you one thing her metal tank." He said in confident toon." I won't let you have your ways so I will stop you. And I'll be doing that showy aswell." Zenkai Gin declared.

The grunts ran at him as he soon ran in a blur and soon start to slash them all making them all fall back. He soon ran twords more. As he came closer he throw star shruikens at them hitting them all. He flipped from above and slashed them with his sword and then landed and hit the grunt coming from behind. He then saw more grunts coming and looked around and saw them all coming from every direction and soon they all dog piled him.But they look down and saw he was not there.


They all look up and saw Zenkai Gin floating with a wand in his hand as they were surprised so we're the others.

"Hah! Nani! He can use magic!" Zenkai Magine said in disbelief.

=Yup it's the power of the Shruiken Sentai Ninningers AoNinger power. He was a ninja who wanted to become the first ever Magical Ninja and was thought by Magie yellow him self.= Skye informed.

"Really?" she asked.

Zenkai Gin then used his magic and hovered them all on the air as they all try to move but soon he used his sword and went and slashed them all making them explode behind.

"So it looks like you finally got over in holding your self back." Zenkai Gin heard and turn to find Akhlut standing behind him.

"Yeah, and I gotta say thanks for helping me find my way"

"I only did it cause it wild have been a waist for you to ruin such a talent and it's boring to fight a enemy who isn't even in his right mind." He simply told him.

"Well still thank you."

"I will have fought you but my Fins have got damaged so I won't be able to do that. So that's why we will fight another time." A portal opened he entered in it disappearing.

"Well looks like it's just you and us hah." He told the Sushi World and Barashitara

"Don't compare me weak. I will show you how tuff I am." Barashitara declared.

"I will love to fight you but I wanna get others out of the SuChi problem so Minna let's split up" zenkai Gin told the others.

"You got it cuz" kaito said as he and Juran got up from there position.

"...This is the right one, right?"

"Looks like it," Sonic replied.

"I'm so happy I just have the one," Juran chuckled, loading his Gear into the Geartlinger.

"Change Zenkai!" the duo declared.

"Change?" Roll tilted her head before struggling, "Mmm...Can't change...can't go…where are we going? I hope it's the fair!"

"Boy, you really need some sleep…" Sonic muttered.

=Yon-Ju-Go Bang! Ju-Roku Bang! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!=

"What is this music!?" Sushi World asked as the two fired the Geartlingers.

=Zenkaiser~! Zenkai Juran~!=

The light faded as the two were still stuck in the sushi, even in their transformed states. They began shuffling around as Zenkaiser faced Sushi World.

"Himitsu no power! Zenkaiser!" he shouted before they shuffled around a full 180.

"Kyoryu power! Zenkai Juran!" he declared as they shuffled around again only 90 degrees.

"Futari awasete!" Zenkaiser shouted.

"Zenkaiger Nigiri! Hai omachi!" they shouted, turning their heads to stare at Sushi World.

"Enough with the jokes! How dare you alter the name of my recipe!?" Sushi World snapped, taking out a Kudaiter Plug Lance as its chainsaw blades revved up.

"Ikuze Juran!" Zenkaiser ordered.

"Oyo Taisho!" Zenkai Juran cheered, summoning his Juran sword.

With that, the two Zenkaigers spun around as Zenkaiser swung his leg and kicked the lance away, Juran keeping their spin going as he swung his sword and slashed Sushi World. Sushi World growled in anger before thrusting his weapon only for Zenkai Juran to swing his sword and deflect it away, as he twisted his hips and swung Zenkaiser around who lifted his leg and kicked Sushi World across the face. Sushi World rushed again only for Zenkai Juran to block the Plug Lancer by raising his sword so it jammed between both bladed tips. Zenkaiser leaned them to the side as he kicked his leg out and struck Sushi World. Zenkai Juran continued as he pushed the Plug Lancer aside and slashed the Tojitendo Kaijin across the chest, making sparks fly. Zenkai Juran took a big sweeping step as he leaned forward, lifting Zenkaiser's legs up as the white ranger began unleashing a bicycle kick barrage to Sushi World's chest and face before slamming both feet into his torso and sending the monster stumbling backwards. Soon zenkai Gin came and slashed him from behind. Sushi World grunted and try to attack him but he disappeared I'm a smoke and soon got Infront of the world and kicked him back. He the ran forward and start to throw more shruikens at him making the world spark and fall back. Zenkai Gin did a hand signs and soon came out three clones in a smoke.

"You know the drill boys." The clones then ran in different directions in a silver bluer and soon came in slashing from different directions.

"Ah, oh! Hey wait! I call hacks you use tricks to fight." He called out but was again slashed as he fall back.

"Bad guys don't get to complain!" Zenkai Gin and the clones shouted." You captured innocent people mobians and Kikainoids against there will and you even hurt my family, so get this I ant forgiving "

Zenkai Gin then pulled out his gun and a big star shruiken and throw the Shruiken at him as it spin around the world was confused before Zenkai Gin start to shoot at the Shruiken and making the bullets bounce back and hit the world.

"SUGOI" Kaito and Amy said.

"Flash is really giving him a beat down." Juran muttered seeing that.

"That's cause it's my passion" The others got confused." For many time I forgot what's my passion my true goal and all I thought of helping others may do me good but it was selfish of me. But kaito you really showed me what's true passion is and so did Akhlut did."


"My mind was at fog and I was lost but you and him showed me what I can do with my true self. And then I had found it, my true goal. It's to help those in need and stop others from abusing there powers. That's what my true passion is and I won't let anyone else tell me I'm wrong" He yelled in determination. The zenkaigers were awe at hearing that.

"You really make some boring speech do ya" Sushi World muttered but was son shot again but Gin and Goan

"Shut up!" They both said.

"Why don't I you chill man" Gin said as he used his wand and cast an ice spell making him freeze in place.

"Heh...well son of a bastich…" Barashitara muttered, sitting on a rock, "This is almost impressive…"

"Don't forget about us!" Sonic called as Roll nuzzled him once more, "Roll...Roll...You see the thing over there?"

"Hm?" Roll glanced over at Barashitara, "A giant mustard bottle?"

"It stomps on strawberries and says ninjas should only wear black and throw star shuriken and kunai."

"!? DEATH TO THE MUSTARD!" Roll shouted.

"Hm? Mustard?" Barashitara repeated as the two tumbled over and became a large white ball with hints of blue and yellow in it that charged at him, "Feh." he fired a missile from his torso cannon only for it to get stuck in the white part of the ball, "Nani?" the ball hit him with the missile fire, setting off an explosion that made him skid back several yards as the ball bounced away, the white now lightly browned.

"Ah! They burnt the sushi rice!" Sushi World gawked.

"Chance" Zenkai Gin said.

"Hah?" Sushi World asked as he was blasted by bullets fired against him.

"Time to finish this." He declared.


Shshi world then stand up but saw his now In a black void as he looked around and find Zenkai Gin standing Infront as his body glow with red energy and soon zenkai Gin ran in a lightning speed and soon gave multiple energy slashes to sushi World and soon he jumped up and cane down with a image of a giant shruiken came down on him and soon slashed him in a big way. Sushi world start to crack energy and soon was flared in an big explosion leaving zenkai gin standing there as he got up.

"Now that's what you call showy" He told.

the wrap keeping the two Zenkaigers stuck to the bench snapped, letting them both move apart from one another finally.

"Oh! It fell off! Flash did it Kaito!" Zenkai Juran cheered.

"Freedom Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as the effects of Sushi Worlds destruction radiated outward.

Sonic and Roll were the next to be set free as their sushi binding just poofed away, letting the two tumble away from one another. Sonic sighed in relief...before grunting as Roll pounced him.

"R-Roll!?" Sonic exclaimed.

"Zzz…" Roll mumbled, nuzzling into him in her sleep.

"Aw~ She wants her sleep time cuddles!" Zenkai Gin laughed, walking over, "As a kid, she did this to me and Kaito all the time!"


"Why me…?" Gaon groaned, a metal bump poking out of his helmet as he twitched on the floor.

"If she wants something to cuddle, why not something fluffier?" Magine asked, "Tails is fluffy."

"He was closer than me," Tails replied.


"Ow…" Vroon spoke as the hammer bounced off his much denser helmet to little effect.

"Oh don't worry, this is an easy fix! We just need a giant stuffed puppy or pillow," Zenkaiser chuckled.

"I don't think we're gonna get a chance," Magine noted.

"Why?" Zenakiser asked.

"Kudaitest!" Barashitara ordered.

"Oyobidesuka?" the Kudaitest asked, walking over from over the hill...eating a giant tray of sushi.

"Where did he get that!?" Magine gawked.

"I paid good money for this from Sushi World. Took him all ni…" the Kudaitest calmly explained before stepping on the sparking Tojiru Gear, "Hm?"

"Okay...Now I get why Dr. Sakurai gave me this and said Roll would need me to swap with her for something," Amy muttered as she pulled out one of Roll's camera Gears.

"We'd better get out of the area while you guys get big," Tails noted, managing to help Sonic get up and onto the wing of the plane before the Mobians flew away from the area while the Kudaitest was engulfed in the dark smoke.

"I better join them, I still don't have a zord like you"

"Eh, but why?"

"Cause sky said it will take time." Zenkai Gin said as he went out in smoke.

"Mmm…!" the Kudaitest growled before the smoke dispersed, revealing Great Sushi World as it began to make giant circular sushi delivery belts, "I feel the Sushi Power filling me up, sushi! Great Sushi World is open for business!"

"Hey there, everyone!" Amy greeted after deploying the camera, "Amy Rose here filling in for Roll on today's Giant Robo Battle! She couldn't sleep last night because of a jerk called Sushi World, so she's sound asleep right now! Right now, we're flying above the area, giving you an aerial view of the oncoming battle between Great Sushi World and the Zenkaigers! Let's see what today's gonna show us!"

"Whoa! It's conveyor belt sushi!" Kaito awed, "Ah mou...Yachan hates when we go to these because we end up eating more than we were gonna originally pay for because all the sushi looks so good on them…"

"Expensive!" Roll shouted in her sleep.

"She gets it," Zenkaiser spoke.

"Leave this to us!" Zenkai Juran chuckled as he and the others flipped their Sentai Gears and began cranking.

"Thankyu~" Zenkaiser chuckled.

"Kikai Henkei!" the four Kikainoid Zenkaigers declared as they began growing, but before they could finish, Great Sushi World's hands clapped and grabbed all four of them together, "AH!"

"Hai!" he cheered, putting down Juran Tyranno who was now pressed into...cement instead of rice.

"Hey, wait a minute...we're smaller?!" Juran Tyranno panicked.

"We're the sushi this time?!" Gaon Lion shouted as he was placed on the conveyor belt.

"I'm pressed and can't move!" Magine Dragon complained as she was put on the belt.

"Why are we spinning!?" Vroon Dump panicked.

"Thank you for waiting, Irashai!" Great Sushi World cheered as large vehicles from the quarry and all sorts of random things were also turned into giant Sushi plates on the conveyor belt.

"You look too tough to eat…" Zenkaiser and Amy said at the same time.

"Oi! How rude!" Great Sushi World snapped, shaking a fist at Zenkaiser.

"Right...his theme!" Zenkaiser nodded, "Oi, Hai-ya Taisho! Four fresh ones for me!"

"Coming right up!" Great Sushi World declared.

"He's actually going to throw them to him?" Amy asked as Great Sushi World reached for Juran...only to grab a bomb, "Ah! He's throwing bombs?!"

"Fresh Bomb Sushi!" Great Sushi World declared as he threw four plates with bombs shaped to resemble different sushi were tossed at Zenkaiser, "Order up!"

"That was more spicy than I wanted…" Zenkaiser grunted.

"Kaito!" the other Zenkaigers panicked in concern for their friend.

"Higi: Cho Kosoku Kaiten Sushi!" Great Sushi World declared as the conveyor belt began to move dangerously fast to the point it was impossible to tell where the other Zenkaigers were on the belt.

"Oh wow! That is some fast-moving sushi! I can't even make out which were the Zenkaigers and which aren't now!" Zenaki Gin exclaimed.

"Oh, minna!" Zenkaiser exclaimed.

Zenkai Gin saw some SuChi coming towards them.

"Take cover" Amy yelled but zenkai gin took out his wand and used his magic turning the giant sushi into small Ice cream blueberry. He caught it with his magic.

"Any one wants some" he asked as the other mobians took some.

=Kaikai, now would be a good time to use the Sentai Gear for the 43rd Sentai, Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger!= Skye advised.

"Oh? That sounds like a cool name," Zenkaiser noted as he opened his belt and pulled out a Sentai Gear showing '43' and a sentai based on a mixed of dinosaur and knight on it, "Time to close this shop!"

=Yon-Ju-San Bang~! Ryu~soulger!=

The Red ranger formed before Kaito before slamming into him. A sword formed in front of him in a gold light. It had a T-Rex themed guard that looked like it could open. The blade was single edged and straight with spikes along the back. Zenkaiser grabbed the sword, feeling amazing power coursing through his body as he did.

"Ryusoulken!" he shouted, twirling the sword around before jumping into the air, clearing an amazing distance as he made sure all eyes followed his accent upwards, "Que bom!" he shouted as the Ryusoulken began glowing and extended a blade of energy as he slashed down and tore through the conveyor belt.


"I'm flying a lot today!" Juran Tyranno panicked as they got launched off the now broken conveyor belt.

"What have you done to my shop!?" Great Sushi World sobbed.

"Oh wow! It seems even while small compared to Great Sushi World, Zenkaiser can show he's not weak at all against giant opponents!" Amy gawked.

"You figured that now. Didn't you see them fight together when they were like a sushi." Zenkai Gin muttered.

"Attaboy, Zenkaiser!" Sonic cheered on the wing.

"Mmm…" Roll mumbled, nuzzling into Sonic further.

"Mmm…!" Amy fumed before the four giant Zenkaigers opened fire on Great Sushi World.

"Should have got a camera" Zenkai Gin stiffed a laugh.

"Now!" Juran Tyranno shouted, "Let's hang!"

"Yosha! Zenkai Gattai!" Zenkaiser declared.


"I can't forgive you for today!" Gaon Lion snapped as he and Juran Tyranno combined.

"Same here!" Juran Tyranno agreed.

"First up comes the King of a Hundred Dinosaurs!" Amy called.

"ZenkaiOh JuraGaon!" JuraGaon roared out.


"Have you gotten used to combining?" Vroon Dump asked.

"Ah, well...Not yet," Magine Dragon admitted as they combined.

"And now comes the Adventurous Dragon of Magic!" Amy shouted.

"ZenkaiOh VrooMagine!" VrooMagine called out.

"Taisho, is it closing time?" Gaon teased as the two ZenKaiOh's mockingly tried to cheer up Great Sushi World.

"Rrr...NO WAYYYY~!" Great Sushi World roared out as he jumped out of his wrecked 'shop' with two flags in hand.

Great Sushi World landed and began swinging his flags, striking the two ZenKaiOh's to little effect. JuraGaon swung its Juran Sword, striking Great Sushi World and making sparks fly. VrooMagine aimed its Vroon Picker and fired a beam right into Great Sushi World's chest. The two stepped forward and thrust their weapons, striking Great Sushi World's chest at the same time and sending him skidding back. The giant Tojitendo monster growled as his shields lit up and fired all his exploding Sushi at them, only for the twin ZenKaiOh's to march through the explosion.

"Let's end this fast!" Juran shouted as the two ZenKaiOh swung and struck Sushi World, knocking his flags out of his hand.

"WasaBeam!" he shouted, shooting a green laser from his Wasabi shooter. The beam washed over both ZenKaiOh's causing more explosions, only for both of them the march out of the flames, "Nani!?"

"I've gotten used to Wasabi!" JuraGaon shouted as it slashed Great Sushi World.

"We didn't like it!" VrooMagine declared while blasting Great Sushi World.

"Yosh! Hissatsu Zenkai! Double ZenKaiOh version!" Zenkaiser shouted, cranking his Geartlinger.

"OH! Here it comes!" Amy cheered, "Go get him, ZenKaiOh!"


With that, both ZenKaiOh's raised their glowing weapons. They both lunged forward and slashed their weapons as the streaks they left met and formed a large golden V before it changed white and turned into an even larger version of the Zenkaiger symbol as it shot like an arrow that struck Geat Sushi World. Multiple phantom slashes tearing apart his body as the symbol tore its way through his chest.

"The shop is now closed! No customers, sushi~!" Great Sushi World cried out as he collapsed and exploded.

"Hehe! Order up!" Zenkaiser cheered as the conveyor belts vanished, "Yosha! Sekai Zenkai! All OK!"

"Phew! They did it! Okay, everyone! Until next time~! And don't forget to come to Sumida Ward to enjoy the tastes of Candy Cafe Colorful!" Amy signed off.

"Hmph, that was indeed entertaining Zenkaigers. Till next we meet in the battlefield," Barashitara chuckled as he made his way to leave only to grunt as Zenkaiser suddenly landed on his back.

"You're going home, right?!" Zenkaiser asked as he got a good grip on Barashitara's armor, "Take me with you!"

"Trying to infiltrate the enemy base?"


"Admirable, but useless when it comes to our base!" Barashitara declared as the Tojitendo portal formed and he walked into it...as Zenkaiser was electrocuted and shot off into the air before landing on the other wing of the Tornado.

"Ah...it didn't work." Zenkaiser grunted, sitting up.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back." Zenkai Gin said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"..." Zenkaiser didn't say anything but nodded."oh yeah! Flash you finally henshin and now your our new member." He then did a 180 and looked at his cousin.

"Yup, and like I said I will always have my family's back but also I owe it to you for opening my eyes and Akhlut aswell, even of he's a bad guy he was right about it." Zenkai Gin said.

"Well don't mention it."

Roll snorted and mumbled from the sudden shift of Tails trying to correct the flight of his plane. In the process, she shifted in her slumber and Sonic let out a muffled noise as he lost oxygen once more.

"We need to get her to bed…" Zenkaiser mumbled as he saw this.

"Aw~That is kawaii~"


"EVEN WHEN I'M BIG!?" Gaon's half of JuraGaon exclaimed, both yellow heads sporting the bump.

"Hey omachi!" Gaon cheered, dressed as a Sushi chef as he made real sushi for everyone to eat back at home.

"This a celebration of our new member today" kaito declared as everyone but roll was at the table.

"Yay!" Everyone cheered.

"Thanks Minna, that means alot." Flash said scratching his back head as he felt a little embarrassed but smiled.

"No problem, beside you earned it." Skye told.

"Hai , the way you took down the grunts and the way you did magic to make icecream that was awesome Flash onni-chan " Haseo exclaimed.

"Still, it's a little unfair he gets ninja power and magic aswell why's that" Magine asked.

"Misty and Trial loved the Ninningers and Magirangers, both though of which one should they make for flash so when they saw the Blue ranger they thought that will be perfect so they based it on the Ninningers for him so he can use magic and kung fu together."

"Well gotta say I love it. But when will I get my own Mecha."

"In time, you juts wait a little then." Skye told him.

"Ok then"

"So you got shot off the portal to their base," Skye summed up, "That means that only the Tojitendo can go through them most likely. Possibly needing a code or keycard to pass through. But that other portal...you said it looked like it was a topaz color?"

"Hai," Kaito nodded.

"If the passcode theory is true, all we would need to do is find some method of replicating it," Vroon offered, "I doubt we could get one off one of the World Soldiers, but maybe one of the Mobian agents. They always retreat from battle before they can get blown up."

"Is it good?" Gaon whispered to Vroon.

"I think I've heard of myths about a stone capable of creating portals," Skye noted, "I'll need to think on it. It was well over a trillion billion million thousand hundred thought ago to me…"

"So we only have more questions…" Magine muttered as she and Amy ate together.

"Neh, Magine? Amy-chan?" Gaon asked them as they seemed to ignore his voice.

=This means we'll have to capture an enemy, tune!= Secchan spoke up.

"How is it?" Gaon asked the table.

"Kaito, Flash ,Yatsude! Don't worry, there'll be tons of chances in the future!" Juran spoke, "And if we can take their tech to get around, we can look for Sonic's folks and Haseo and Roll's Mom, too!"

"Speaking of, thanks for finally getting her to let go," Sonic sighed to Flash.

"No problem, she really likes being the big spoon," Kaito chuckled, "It's why she has tons of giant pillows and stuffed animals to nap with." he turned to Juran and Yatsude, "We'll keep fighting the Tojitendo, we'll free more worlds. Then we'll all get our families back, and make this weird family even bigger!"

"And don't forget you got me aswell so I will be kicking but and showing how showy I am" Flash declared.

"Ah mou…" Gaon growled.

"Gaon-Nii?" Gaon turned to Haseo, sitting beside Nicole while holding up his empty plate with bits of rice on his muzzle, "Umei! Can I have more, please?"

"Me to " Flash asked

"Dokyun~!" Gaon shouted as a loud heartbeat could be heard from his chest, "Hai! Coming right up!"

"That was quite nice of you to do that for him," Nicole quietly noted, patting Haseo's head and causing him to freeze up and start blushing.

"H-h-h-h-hai…" Haseo stammered, finding poking his tail tips together interesting.
"Looks like you found a crush ha haseo." Flash whisper to haseo making the young fox blush more."Don't worry I know what will cheer you up." He said as he took out his wand and soon point it at his plate. He cast a spell and made a ice cream strawberry Sunday appear before him.

"Yay! Arigatou na Flash onni-chan" he Hugged him and soon began to chow down.

"Rolly's gonna be sad she missed out on this," Skye noted as he looked over at his shop/house.

"Zzz…" Roll mumbled, hugging a teddy bear as big as Sonic in her sleep.

Across from her room laid a door with a sign reading 'DO NOT DISTURB' hung up on it. Sparks went off inside of it as the light from them flashed under the door. Inside, a lone figure was standing over a lab table, the missing sword laid upon it and being worked upon.

Ijirude muttered to himself as he worked on a holographic blueprint. One image showing what looked to be a Tojiru Gear on a crank, the other a bird head themed device that seemed like it fit on something. He chuckled to himself as he finished some math in his head.

"Yes...this is coming along nicely, now I just need some poor soul to test this...oh...I think I have an idea who~ But it'll take some time to get them here."

Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai wa...Zenkaiger!

Kaito: Oh! Secret door, secret door~!

Jurna: Wait, why are there all these weird hollow walls between here and Skye's place?

?-?-?: Eek!

Roll: Ah mou! What are you all doing!?

Gaon: My fluffy senses are tingling...there is a Fluffy friend here!

Kaito: There they went! The Phantom figure is getting away!

Roll: Will you all stop chasing her?!

Flash: This will be a disaster.

Gear 6: The mysterious phantom in the hollow walls!

Sonic: Hey, this is…