• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Simultaneously able to type 94 wpm and still take five years to finish a story. If you're feeling generous, throw a ko-fi at me.


Lyra has the perfect plan. With a couple dart blasters, she’ll have Bon Bon in no time.

At least, that was the original plan.

Written for the LyraBon contest.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 7 )

“Oh, I’m secretly a spy, and I got called up and had to go undercover for a mission overseas.”


This was so cute. Still putting out bangers after all these years.

I love this... but now I kinda wanna see your take on Spy Sweetie Drops and the missions she gets into.

A great story about the show's two most adorable characters being adorable together.

Also, I think I found "No more Miss Nicestrings" to be more amusing than I should have found it to be.

One very best friend who hadn’t made it to any of the summer trips CHS had taken had finally responded to her text messages.

oh, is this true? do the summer episodes have Lyra by herself without Bon Bon? great canon find if so!

Lyra finally broke the hug, but kept her hands on Bon Bon’s arms, her heart still racing at being able to touch her best friend again.

very best friend stuff for sure yes

Something occurred to Lyra. “Hey, how did you get in here without a card, anyway?”

“Eh. The best way to get anywhere is just to look like you belong,” Bon Bon answered airily.

that does sound like a secret agent thing to say!

“I say you belong here with me,” she said, taking hold of Bon Bon’s arm.

smooth, Lyra

And then Lyra’s stomach growled.

The two looked at each other. “Sample time!” they sang in unison.

that is always the best part of going to Costco™️!

Lyra gestured with a fork full of pasta salad. “I just… who needs a four pack of toilet cleaner?” she asked as Bon Bon giggled. “Like if you really need that much, maybe watch what you’re eating, you know?”

i mean it’s not supposed to be used all at once!

“Gotta get rid of some of it.”

“How? Taco night, but for a month straight?”

“I was thinking more like a massive raid to TP Mr. Doodle’s house.”

aww why is everyone mean to that guy?

Lyra spun in the office chair. “I… don’t like it,” she said, feeling strangely disappointed. “I want to, because wheelie chair-”

“Of course,” Bon Bon agreed.

“But it’s not as comfortable as it looks. Look how padded it looks and then-” She blew a quick raspberry. “Just, sadness and deception.”

so true. they really should make one of those that rolls around like the rolly chairs you imagine in your head

“Huh,” Lyra said. “You always make me chocolates. For my birthday, for New Years, for fall equinox—I really liked the red leaf decorations-”

Bon Bon waved her down. “You’re my best friend, Lyra. You’re always worth it.”

Lyra giggled, looking down and hoping her blush wasn’t noticeable. Bon Bon was just too sweet.


“Yeah, no. Pizza from here is what I think of when I think of pizza. Deep dish, caked in cheese, greasy, looks like someone dropped half a meat shop on it, big enough for a whole family but so good you eat so much that there’s only one slice for breakfast the next day.”

augh now i want some good ol’ American chain pizza

Not right here, of course. She had no intention of ever celebrating any anniversary in a noisy, raucous BulkCo food court.

gotta plan these things ahead!

Or dare she say, ‘took foam’? :ajsmug:


“So I made some macaroni and cheese for us,” Lyra said. “And by that, I mean I shredded the cheese while my mom did the rest of it.”

huh, i don’t think i’ve ever made macaroni and cheese not out of the box!

“Yeah. I figured it’d be fun. We could be like super spies,” Lyra said, picking one up and posing like the opening scene of one of the spy movies her dad liked so much. “We can be Double-0-Lyra and Bon Wick.”


It turns out, she wouldn’t. When Lyra pulled the covers off, all she saw was a couple of strategically-placed pillows. She realized too late that she had fallen for an old trick like you’d see in the movies.

And Bon Bon, who had secreted herself in the closed, easily tagged her in the shoulder.

Lyra’s eyes narrowed. That was it. No more Miss Nicestrings.

hehe, “No more Miss Nicestrings”, love that. also, Bon Bon sure does keep demonstrating superspy-related skills!

Lyra scoffed, and it all came spilling out. “Yeah, but then I could be like ‘oh, shot through the heart, just kidding’, and then I’d go get these…” She ran over to the fridge and retrieved what she’d actually worked on while her mom made their macaroni and cheese: a series of cupcakes with alternating pink and blue frosting and seafoam green frosting (that had come out a tiny bit too dark for Lyra’s liking) “-and then say something like, no, you can’t shoot me in the heart, because you have it already.”

aww, the describing a romantic gesture being itself the romantic gesture! classic

Bon Bon looked down and licked her lips. She looked down at the cupcakes, then back up at Lyra. “Hold that thought.”

Lyra’s brow furrowed. Not quite the response she had hoped for.

Bon Bon ran over to her bag and dug inside. She retrieved a small white box from the very bottom and held it out.

aww, the high school and human version of the simultaneous proposal scene!

Lyra giggled and popped one of the chocolates into her mouth, already coming up with cute things to say before that faded into the bliss of the delicious chocolate. Bon Bon had really outdone herself. She was a very happy Lyra.

so sweet, literally and figuratively

As soon as she shut the door behind her, Bon Bon pulled out her phone and hit redial. She spoke as soon as she was connected. “K, if this emergency is just someone writing down the Wi-Fi password again, I’m going to kick you in the shins the next time I see you.”

knew it! i mean, what kind of teenager these days goes on world-spanning vacations without a phone or taking pictures?

just a thoroughly cute LyraBon, and i really loved the subtle piling-on of hints about Bon Bon being a secret agent throughout. thank you for it!

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