• Published 12th Nov 2022
  • 3,004 Views, 355 Comments

A Dark Knight Over Canterlot - Battwell

Darkness personified. Vengeance incarnate. How does one who embodies such ideals work with those who embody Harmony and Friendship?

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Killer Airtime (Part 1)

Canterlot City

The Batwing soared through the sky, the jet engine roaring as The Dark Knight piloted the aircraft with the Princess of Friendship sitting in the seat behind him. Twilight twiddled her thumbs nervously, looking down at her hands, too nervous to say anything.

Even when he wasn't looking directly at her, Twilight could feel the judgmental gaze of the dark hero. She didn't blame him, of course, she did act like a foal trying to prove her worth.

"You're quiet." Batman pointed out, breaking the silence.

Initially startled, Twilight calmed herself and replied, "I'm just thinking about what you said to me earlier." When Batman didn't respond, she decided to elaborate, "When you called me selfish for putting my needs above everyone else's, and for what? To prove my worth because I was feeling down? Heh, some Princess of Friendship I am."

Batman was silent for a few seconds before saying, "I'm not gonna hold your hand and say that you weren't in the wrong. Because you were." Twilight cringed at the hero's tone, "But you've come to realize your mistake and want to repent. You wanted to prove yourself? You already have."


"You're here now, helping me save innocent lives. Innocent people you don't even know, you're putting your life on the line to protect them. You want proof that your worthy of your title? You already have it."

After hearing that, Twilight felt a sense of self worth swirl within her, like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Batman was right, she was, no, she is worthy of her title, her school, her friends! She had nothing to prove, and she felt like a total idiot for not seeing that until now.

She smiled, leaning forward in her seat, "Thank you, Batman. Or whoever you are underneath that mask." She then quirked an eyebrow and a smug expression dawned upon her face, "Y'know, since we're friends now," Batman wouldn't go that far just yet, "We shouldn't hide secrets from each other. So I was wondering-"

"You try to remove my mask, I'll push you through that portal myself."

Applejack drove around town like a mad woman, but she had every right. The entire city was under threat after all. Sunset remained at Canterlot High, but not before dropping Sci-Twi off at Crystal Prep on her motorcycle. Rainbow had sped off to Canterlot Mall with her super speed. So Applejack had to leg it so she could drop everyone else at their designated locations.

She had already dropped Rarity and Fluttershy off, all that was left was to drop Pinkie Pie off at Sweet Snacks Café.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Pinkie cheered as she slid from one side of the van to the other.

Applejack, still very much focused on the road, yelled back to her hyperactive friend, "PINKIE! SIMMER DOWN BACK THERE!!! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!!!"

Joker laughed his iconic laughter as the countdown on the bottom left of the screen got smaller and smaller. Second by second. This was going very well.

"Now I know what you're thinking," Joker stated to the camera, "Say Joker, isn't this similar to what you did in Las Vegas?" He asked himself in a gruff voice. He shrugged and smiled, "Well yeah, if ya want to get technical about it. But it's like the old saying, 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it'."

"Say, Canterlot. You all don't seem to be in the Christmas spirit!" Sonata stated the obvious, speaking as if she were reading a script. Both of her siblings rolled their eyes at her poor attempt at acting.

Joker looked back to the Siren and gave her a pitied smile, "If I were you toots, I wouldn't get into acting anytime soon." He said before turning to face the camera once more, "But you're right, kiddo! They don't seem to be so holly jolly now do they? Perhaps a song will change that." He said with a grin before snapping his fingers.

As the music thundered throughout the studio, one of Joker's thugs threw him a cane and top hat. With a chortle of laughter, Joker placed his hat on top of his head as a singular spotlight shone down upon him.

"When the world is full of care

And every headline screams despair,

When all is rape, starvation, war and life is vile"

Applejack slammed her foot on the brakes as she came to a stop in front of Sweet Snacks Café. Pinkie wasted no time in getting out of the vehicle and getting her spare keys out as Applejack floored it towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"HAH! Then there’s a certain thing I do

Which I shall pass along to you,

That’s always guaranteed to make me smile:"

Canterlot Mall was in absolute chaos, everyone was running around in a panic. It was hard enough that Rainbow Dash was on a time limit, but now she had to make her way through a crowd full of scared people. She budged her way through with effort but saw what she was looking for.

Her eyes widened as she gazed upon the bomb, dead set in the middle of the mall, right in front of the fountain.


I go loo-oo-oony as a light-bulb battered bug!

Simply loo-oo-oony, sometimes foam and chew the rug!"

Rarity rushed into her Boutique and passed all of her latest designs and mannequins. She opened the curtains to one of her changing areas and saw the bomb sitting right there on the floor.

"Mister, life is swell

In a padded cell,

It’ll chase those blues away:

You can trade your gloom

For a rubber room

And injections twice a day!"

"Just go loo-oo-oony like an acid casualty,

Or a moo-oo-oonie, or a preacher on T.V."

As Joker walked around, spinning his cane around in his hand, The Dazzlings couldn't help but cringe at the psycho's ideas of ignoring the world's problems.

Sci-Twi rushed through the halls of Crystal Prep, anxiety evident throughout all of her features. Sweat dripping down her face, a stumble in her step. She had to hurry! She made her way into Principle Cadance's office and there, sitting in her chair, was the bomb.

"When the human race

Wears an anxious face,

When the bomb hangs overhead,"

Sunset kicked the doors open and rushed into CHS. She knew where she was headed. Joker had singled her out personally thanks to Adagio and her sisters. "So what better form of a practical joke, if you could even call it that, than to put the bomb," Sunset stopped in front of her locker and opened it, revealing the bomb, "inside of my locker."

"When your kid turns blue,

It won’t worry you,

You can smile and nod instead."

Fluttershy shied through The Sweet Shoppe, hoping to see any signs of what she was looking for. She let out a tiny 'eep' when she looked toward the counter. There rested Joker's bomb.

"When you’re loo-oo-oony, then you just don’t give a fig,

Man’s so pu-uu-uny, and the universe so big!"

As Equestria Land became visible through the clouds, Twilight couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. She leaned over Batman's shoulder and saw the same, non expressive look on his face. She sat back in her seat and wondered how The Dark Knight was able to stay so calm in these type of scenarios. She would have to wonder that later as The Batwing began to descend down towards the park.

"If you hurt inside,

Get certified,

And if life should treat you bad…



The Batwing slowly descended from the sky, the landing gear emerging from the bottom of the plane so Batman could land the vehicle safely. With a sudden 'THUD', the Batwing landed in the middle of Equestria Land. The glass concealing the cockpit slid open, allowing Batman to hurdle out of the plane, with Twilight slowly following behind as she struggled to remove the seat buckle and exit the vehicle.

Once they were both out of the plane, the two wasted no time in looking around the park for the bomb. After some time they came across the carnival games. In each booth would be a specific game one could play to earn prizes, although most of them were rigged, there was the off chance that one could win these games.

Twilight's eyes shot wide open when she came across Flim and Flam's Ring Toss booth, because laid before her on the countertop was one of The Joker's bombs.

"Batman!" Twilight shouted. "I found one of the bombs!"

As the princess rushed forward towards the destructive device, Batman felt a sense of worry, like something wasn't quite right. This was made evident when a shadow peeked over the top of the booth.

Batman immediately rushed forward, Batarang in hand as the figure jumped into the air and landed in front of Twilight. The Equestrian let out a gasp as the figure smashed a giant mallet on the ground in front of her. The Princess of Friendship landed on her rump as Harley Quinn let out a mad giggle of glee.

"Nice try, bozo!" Harley teased as she spun her mallet around in her hand, "But Mistah J has plans for this bomb, and I ain't letting you go anywhere near it!" The jester blew a raspberry at the Equestrian before raising her mallet above her head, ready to squish the scared Equestrian.

But before she could, three Batarangs struck the face of the mallet, distracting Harley long enough for Batman to leap into the air and knock her down with a kick to the chest. As Harley landed on the ground, Batman helped Twilight get back to her feet.

"Thank you Batman." The Princess of Friendship said, expressing her gratitude.

The Dark Knight nodded before turning to face Harley, "I don't understand you, Harley. Time and time again Joker treats you like dirt and yet you keep coming back to him."

Harley barred her teeth as she snarled angrily, "You don't know anything!" She shouted before getting back up to her feet, "Sure he smacks me around sometimes, but you're the one who's always hurtin' me!" Harley then picked up her mallet and raised it into the air, "Now I'm gonna hurt you!!!!"

As the jester charged forward towards Batman, the hero turned to the shocked princess and shouted, "Twilight, get to the bomb!"

"B-But what about you?!" Twilight responded, worried for her new friend's safety.

Batman turned to the worried girl, "I'll be fine. GO!!!" But before he could turn around, Harley smacked him into one of the booths with her mallet.

As wooden pieces fell onto the Dark Knight, Harley laughed victoriously before turning to Twilight, who was slowly backing away. "Hey, you know we sound similar, right?"

Twilight gave Harley a deadpanned look before responding, "I don't hear the resemblance."

Harley then shrugged before that crazed look reappeared on her face, "Meh. Maybe it's just me!" She then charged towards the Equestrian, but not before a hook from Batman's Grappling Hook latched onto Harley's mallet. Batman then pulled on the hook, causing Harley to lose balance and fall over.

Twilight took this chance to rush over towards the bomb while Batman took on Harley.

Applejack smashed into the door of Sweet Apple Acres, taking the door slightly off of its hinges.

"Ah'll fix that later." The farm girl thought to herself before rushing upstairs. Luckily Apple Bloom was at a sleepover with the other members of the Canterlot Movie Club, so she was as safe as she could be in this instance. AJ checked every room of her home before rushing back downstairs.

She ran past both Granny Smith and Big Macintosh before rushing out of the back door. Granny and Big Mac looked at each other before the latter decided to run after his little sister.

"AJ, WAIT!!!" Big Mac shouted, but was ignored as Applejack rushed into the barn. He followed his sibling into the barn, worried what was going through her head at this point in time. When he finally caught up with her, he found that his sister was panting heavily as she stood in front of one of Joker's bombs. Big Mac slowly approached his sister as she pulled out her phone, "Sis, what's that?" He asked, pointing to the bomb in question.

Applejack initiated a group call on her phone before turning to her brother, "Big Mac, get Granny outta here." She ordered grimly, "If things go south, Ah don't want any of you here when things go wrong."

Big Mac looked worried now, "AJ, what are you--"

"DAMN IT MAC, WILL YOU JUST DO WHAT AH SAY AND GET GRANNY OUTTA HERE!!!" She screamed as she cut her brother off.

Seeing how serious his younger sibling was, Big Mac wasted no time in booking it for the house to get Granny Smith off of the premises. With a sigh of relief, Applejack looked down at her phone, praying that they were all gonna get through this.

"God, Ah hope this works."

Everyone answered the call, turning on the cameras on their phones so they could all see each other.

"Alright, are we all in position?" Sunset asked first. In response, everyone turned their cameras to their own bombs. She shrugged her shoulders before adding, "I guess that answers that."

Rainbow raised her index finger, "Um, we found our bombs, but we never actually said what we were meant to do once we found them."

Everyone paled at that before Princess Twilight turned her head away from the camera, "BATMAN! WE ALL FOUND THE BOMBS, BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!"

"REMOVE THE CENTER PANEL ON FRONT OF THE BOMB!!!" Batman instructed while avoiding a mallet strike from Harley Quinn.

Twilight turned back to the phone, "Everyone catch that?"

Everyone nodded before pressing their hands on the front panel of their bombs. Once a click was heard, the panel fell to the floor, revealing a set of tangled wires with a small screen behind them displaying the time they had left.




They were running out of time.

"Okay darling, what's next?" Rarity asked.

As if one cue, Batman shouted, "NOW THERE SHOULD BE A SET OF THREE COLORED WIRES! RED, GREEN AND BLUE!" He dodged an attack from Harley and pushed her to the floor with the palm of his hand. Batman then rushed over to Twilight's side and activated his Detective Vision so he could see which wire deactivated the bomb. Once he found the real wire to disarm the bomb, he said, "Cut the green wire. But it has to be at the same time."

Batman then reached into his Utility Belt and handed Twilight a Batarang so she could cut the wire. Rarity looked around her shop and found a pair of scissors. Fluttershy looked over the countertop and found a knife to use. Rainbow looked around, when suddenly she saw a Kitchen Appliances store and rushed in with her super speed to grab a kitchen knife. AJ decided to use her super strength to pull the wire herself. Sci-Twi readied her magic to pull out the wire. Pinkie pulled out a pair of scissors from her hair, because it's Pinkie Pie. Sunset looked in her back pocket and pulled out a switch blade. She had it on her for her own protection, she'd been ambushed by Gilda and her cronies once during the Anon-A-Miss incident, she wouldn't be caught off guard like that ever again.

They each pressed their respective blades against the green wire, ready to cut it.






"Alright. On three." Sci-Twi instructed, sweat falling from her head due to sheer panic beginning to set in. The other girls nodded in agreement.

"One." Sunset began counting.

"Two." Princess Twilight continued.

"THREE!!!" All the girls shouted at the same time before they all cut the green wire on their bombs.



They all stood there, waiting for the timer to reach zero.

But it never happened. It stayed at one.

They did it.

Each of the Rainbooms let out a breath as relief began to set in, they did it. They actually did it. They disarmed the bombs at the same time and saved their home. Even with all the stress and tension, they all managed to pull through and save the day.

"WE DID IT!!!" Pinkie exclaimed as confetti sprung up behind her.

"WE'RE HEROES!!!" Rainbow added as she pumped her fist up into the air.

All the girls cheered while Batman looked on with a calculative look on his face. Something wasn't right. But suddenly, the tiny screens inside the bombs displayed a text that confused each of the girls.


"W-What?" Princess Twilight stuttered before Joker suddenly appeared on screen with a manic grin plastered on his face.

"SURPRISE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Joker cackled like a lunatic, much to the girls' confusion. "You fell for the ole' fake bomb gag!!! Now it's time for a real war on Christmas!"