• Published 8th Oct 2022
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Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

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City of Fear

Author's Note:

One chapter left to go

Meanwhile, near the island the Narrows were on, the cops prepared to raise the bridges once the last of their units were across. One police officer stopped Rachel the moment he saw her.

“Look, lady, we’re about to raise the bridges – you won’t have time to get back over—”

“Officer, I’m a Gotham City District Attorney with information relevant to this situation,” Rachel interrupted. “So let me pass!”

And just like that, Rachel brushed past him. The police officer watched her go, shaking his head. Out along the streets, the cops busily tried getting all the inmates back to Arkham. Gordon ended up yelling at Flass, who threatened a citizen with a gun, to get back to work when he saw Rachel heading toward him. On one hand, he was relieved to see she was still standing but still…

“What’re you doing here?” He asked, surprised.

“Our mutual friend sent me with these,” Rachel informed, handing him the remaining vial and syringe. “It counteracts Crane’s toxin. Hopefully you won’t need it.”

Gordon took the items, frowned, and looked around at the volatile slum.

“Not unless he’s got some way of getting the crap into the air,” He stated. “Thanks. Now, please, get off the island before they raise the bridges. Actually, I need you to take someone with you.”

Goron turned over to Sonata Dusk, who stood with a group of police officers. Soon as she saw him gesture her over, the young siren quickly jogged toward them.

“What’s going on?” Sonata asked.

“Sonata, I need you to go with Ms. Dawes here,” Gordon informed her. “She’ll get you to safety.”

“But what about you?” Sonata asked worriedly. “Aren’t you coming with us?”

“I’m afraid not,” Gordon shook his head. “I need to stay here with my men and help round up the escaped inmates. The last thing Gotham needs is a large amount of lunatics running rampant.”

Hearing that Gordon wasn’t coming actually made Sonata a tad sad.

“But I don’t want to leave you,” Sonata said sadly. “You’re the only person who’s been nice to me since I’ve been here. You helped me out of that cell when my own family locked me up. You’re the only friend I have.”

Gordon could see tears actually coming down the girl’s eyes once again. He merely smiled comfortingly, as he placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder.

“I promise I’ll be alright,” Gordon assured her. “Right now, aside from the inmates, my main priority is getting you to safety. I said before that I believed you’re a girl who will do what’s right. Now I need you to do what’s right and get yourself away from here.”

Sonata allowed the few stray tears to fall down her face as she hurled her arms around Gordon and hugged him once again. This time, Gordon didn’t hesitate to hug her back in comfort. Eventually, Sonata pulled away from the police officer with a smile.

“Thank you, Officer Gordon,” She thanked him. “Even though we just met, what you’ve done for me is more than I can ever repay. You helped me realize that I amenough, no matter what anyone says.”

“I merely told you the truth,” Gordon smiled back. “You are enough; always will be. Now go on… live your life.”

Sonata nodded and Gordon gestured to a cop to lead her and Rachel away from the scene.


Meanwhile, a cop moved toward the bridge control booth to let them know it was time to raise the bridge. All of a sudden, a SWAT truck quickly pulled up. The police officer turned, looked at them, and waved them on.

“All right, last one across!” He announced.

And soon, all the bridges leading to the island began to rise…


In the Batcave, Bruce Wayne worked on updates to his batsuit. The Mane Six and Spike once more assumed their Power Pony personas. Together, they loaded up as many gadgets and gizmos of which could possibly help them out in the battle they were sure was coming. Once all was assembled, Bruce quickly hopped into the Batmobile and zoomed out of the cave towards the Narrows with the Power Ponies following in the other vehicle.


In an alternate part of the Narrows, the driver drove the train until he reached the slum and came to a sudden halt. He glanced downward to make certain he was in the right place. In the meantime, Ra’s al Ghul and Duscan supervised the positioning of the emitter so it was beneath the train while their men stood guard in their SWAT garbs.

“The hour of judgment is finally at hand, father,” Duscan observed.

“Indeed, my son,” Ra’s nodded. “The time has come to reduce Gotham to ash and rebuild it from the ground up.”

Rachel and Sonata, having lost sight of the cop upon discovering the bridges were already up, entered the area just as a little boy, the very same one Batman met two nights ago, approached the men for help.

“I can’t find my mom,” He said.

The nearest SWAT member immediately shoved the boy away, to which the two women were most displeased.

“Hey!” Rachel shouted, rushing to the kid’s aid. ‘What the hell are you doing?!”

“What kind of cops are you?! Shoving around children like that?!” Sonata asked.

She stood between the boy and the SWAT man, who pointed a finger at her warningly.

“You better stay out of this if you know what’s good for you!”

The two women and the young boy just watched in shock and confusion when suddenly Ra’s and Duscan stepped up before their fellow assassins.

“Gentlemen,” Ra’s spoke.

The men turned, revealing that he stood next to the microwave emitter.

“Time to spread the word… and the word is… panic.”

“This can’t be good…” Sonata spoke worriedly.

One push of the button and a wave of energy pulsed out of the machine. Rachel yelped, as she & Sonata protected the boy as best they could. Around them, the surrounding manhole covers burst into the air, the fire hydrants exploded, and the pipes ripped apart, releasing a stream of toxin (In gas form) into the air.

Gordon and Flass jumped from the exploding manhole covers and fire hydrants. The steaming geysers soon spread all over the Narrows, causing everyone to either dive for cover or race for their lives from the cloud of fog rising around the island until the entire area was blanketed. Over at the control room for the Water Board, an alarm blared and one of the technicians pointed toward a flashing red dot along the computerized map.

“Jesus! The pressure… it’s spiking… right there,” One technician pointed out.

“That’s the water main under the Narrows,” A second technician spoke, just as confused. “Something’s vaporizing the water.”


“The temperature’s going through the roof!”

As the screams began to build, Rachel & Sonata backed away with the terrified boy. Ra’s al Ghul and Duscan coldly smiled as they slipped some gas masks over their faces while the ninjas, also wearing gas masks, placed the emitter into a hoist connected to the underside of the monorail train. On the other side of the bridges, the cops stared at the cloud of fog rising over the island.

“What’s going on here?!” Sonata cried out.


Meanwhile, Gordon reached into his pocket while coughing and choking out the fog in his lungs. He pulled out the syringe with the vial already in place and injected himself in the leg. Standing up, he was distracted by the shapes of other cops choking in the fog, all of them shouting and fighting. He soon saw Flass aiming his gun at a couple of teenage boys, and it was obvious he was going to shoot them. Gordon immediately went behind his partner and struck his gun against the back of the man’s head. He then dragged Flass over the railing and handcuffed him to it.

“That should keep you out of trouble,” He declared.

Looking around, the next step for Gordon was to determine what was happening. On the other side of the bridges, Loeb and a lieutenant emerged from a car at the blockade. They glanced across the water, their eyes loomed toward the fog hanging just over the island.

“What in God’s name is going on in there?” Loeb asked himself.


At Arkham Asylum, the group consisting of Black Mask, Poison Ivy, and the Dazzlings watched with satisfaction as every manhole blasted off the ground releasing the vile toxin into the air. Thankfully for them, the giant ancient plant acted as a natural immunity for them. For it dispersed the toxin from their area, keeping the air around them clean.

“Pitiful creatures humans are,” Ivy commented. “They spread disease and toxin through the Earth. Now’s the time for nature to have its revenge.”

She raised her arms into the air and the power of the ancient plant coursed through her. A great shaking could be felt under their feet just as giant roots burst forth from the ground, twisting and slithering through the streets of the Narrows. The roots ripped buildings apart, snatching screaming people off the streets and crushing those trying to escape. The group merely watched as the giant roots laid out the damage upon the Narrows.

“Nature always wins,” Ivy smirked.

“With this much damage and destruction, those miserable ponies will be racing here to stop it,” Adagio grinned. “And when they do, we’ll be waiting.”

“I actually feel better about this now that Sonata is out of the picture,” Aria said. “No doubt that air-headed dunce of a Siren would have managed to screw something up.”

“Thankfully, we needn’t worry about her anymore,” Zoe said wickedly.

But the only one who didn’t seem too thrilled about this moment was Black Mask himself, who looked toward Ivy.

“Wait a minute!” He exclaimed. “If your freaking plant levels the city, I have nothing left to rule over! I figured you’d knock over maybe a building or two to show them who’s in charge, not leveling the whole damn city!”

Ivy merely chuckled and gave a wave of her hand as another root slithered around Black Mask tightly, hoisting him high into the air.

“Let me down you plant bitch!” Black Mask yelled.

“Did you truly believe I would aid you in taking control of this city?” Ivy asked. “I merely needed your aid in reviving the plant. Now that I have, I’ll use it to bring Gotham to the ground and let nature take it back.”

“You stupid, backstabbing bitch!” Black Mask growled. “When I get out of this, you’re dead! I’ll slaughter you and wear your eyeballs like jewelry! I’ll—”

His sentence quickly got cut off as Ivy thrust her arm out and the root holding Black Mask hurled him through the air. He screamed as he flew through the air right over the Narrows; eventually, he landed right in the middle of Gotham River… with a painful bellyflop.

“I was actually going to suggest you do that,” Adagio smirked.

“Who needs him anyway?” Aria asked. “We’ve got powers, all he’s got are two guns and a bad temper.”

“He was just dead weight much like Sonata,” Zoe agreed. “Now we wait for those stupid ponies to show up.”

“And the dragon,” Adagio reminded.

“Please… who even cares about that guy?”

“Worry not, my flowers,” Ivy assured them. “Soon enough, you shall have what you want. As for me, I’ll give Gotham back to the plants and the flowers will rule once more.”


Back at the Narrows, it was pure chaos. More and more people succumbed to the fear toxin, while Gordon shouted into his radio for backup and Loeb telling him there was no one left to send. And while this went on, Rachel and Sonata tried helping the little boy, who’d been looking out for his mom the moment the toxin had been unleashed.

“It’s okay,” Rachel comforted the boy. “It’s okay. No one is going to hurt you.”

Of course they are…

An eerily familiar voice drew three faces toward the toxic fog. And before their very eyes, Rachel spotted a horse emerging from the fog dragging a dead cop behind it. Riding over it, was a familiar man with a mask over his head.

“Who is that?!” Sonata screeched. “What is that?!”

“Crane!” Rachel shouted.

No…” Crane shook his head. “Scarecrow…

He proceeded to chase after them, as the girls and boy ran for their lives. He raced after the trio like the crazed maniac he truly was. Rachel, with the boy in her arms, ran ahead until she reached a dead end. Sitting the boy down with Sonata standing behind them, Rachel pulled out her taser and turned to face Crane. He road toward them till he stopped mere inches away, as the horse reared up and pawed its hooves in the air.

Let me help you,” Crane cooed.

“Try shock therapy!” Rachel snarled.

She fired her taser toward the mad man, the sparks catching him right between the eyes. Crane screamed and his back arched as the electrical charge surged through him. He slumped over unconscious in the saddle, as the horse turned and raced off back into the fog. Sonata’s eyes were wide with shock seeing the action before her.

“Remind me never to make you mad,” Sonata squeaked.


In the Narrows, Gordon grabbed for his radio and spoke into it.

“We need reinforcements – TAC teams, SWATs, riot cops – get ‘em in masks and-!” He spoke.

Gordon!” Loeb shouted over the radio. “All the city’s riot police are on the island with you!

“Well, they’re completely incapacitated—"

Back in Gotham, Loeb was explaining how he didn’t have anyone else to send across the bridges to help. All of a sudden, the Batmobile zoomed and launched itself onto the other island, startling Loeb and the other cops.

“So I’m on my own-?” Gordon questioned.

It was then the Batmobile landed behind him and he turned just as the Batman himself climbed out.

“Nice landing,” He commented. “Rachel’s in there… the Narrows is tearing itself to pieces.”

“This is just the beginning,” Batman informed him. “They intend to destroy the entire city.”

“They’ve incapacitated all of the riot police here on the island,” Gordon grimaced.

Batman could hear the screams and he knew the cop was right.

“If they hit the whole city with the toxin, there’s no one to stop Gotham tearing itself apart in mass panic.”

“How could they do that?” Gordon wondered. “There’s no way to get the machine off the island. Except—”

He broke off as soon as the realization dawned on him.

“They’ll be using the train,” the Dark Knight concluded.

“How do you know?” Gordon sked.

“The monorail follows the watermains right into the central hub beneath Wayne Tower,” Batman explained. “If they drive their machine into Wayne Station, it’ll cause a chain reaction that’ll vaporize the entire city’s water supply…”

“Covering Gotham with a fog of fear toxin,” Gordon finished.

Batman nodded as he glanced toward the monorail tracks directly overhead.

“I’m going to stop them from loading that train.”

“And if you can’t?” Gordon questioned.

The Dark Knight already had a backup plan in the event he failed, as he held up a black remote.

“Can you drive stick?”


In a different part of the Narrows, Rachel, along with Sonata and the little boy, hugged the side of a building as they cautiously paved their way through the fog. Suddenly, a group of escaped inmates emerged from the fog in front of them. Rachel darted backward, pulling the boy with her as she covered him protectively.

“The Batman will rescue us,” The boy whispered, crying. “I know him, he’s my friend – he’ll come…”

Rachel and Sonata wanted to believe him, but knew the odds were stacked against them. It was then Rachel spotted the body of a deceased copy lying on the ground nearby. As the lunatics drew closer, smiling madly, she quickly grabbed for the gun. Fumbling the safety off, Rachel took a deep breath as she covered the boy’s eyes with one hand and aimed the gun with the other.

“Don’t peek, okay?” She whispered.

Zsaz, leading the pack, stepped forward as Rachel started to pull the trigger. Sonata sealed her eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable.


Zsaz was suddenly struck by a lightning bolt seemingly from out of nowhere, the electricity coursing through his body until he fell backward from the force. It was then Sonata looked up just as Zapp zoomed in from the sky.

“Never fear!” Zapp declared. “You’re friendly neighborhood Power Ponies are here!”

It was at that exact moment, when the Power Ponies arrived and crashed into the group of lunatics sending them flying like bowling pins. Batman skidded into the field of combat, while the Power Ponies and Humdrum proceeded to hold off the remainder of the lunatics. Batman knocked the nearest lunatic to the ground, before grabbing Rachel and the boy and zipped back into the air. Sonata Dusk’s eyes were overwhelmed by all the action happening all around her.



Meanwhile, Gordon climbed to the top of the Batmobile, pushed a button on the remote, and nearly fell off when the canopy opened.

“This is Gordon,” He spoke through the radio. “Prepare to lower the bridge.”

After delivering the order, he climbed his way inside the car.


By now, Batman set both Rachel and the boy, who was excited by the sight of the Dark Knight, to the safety of the roof.

“Told you he’d come,” The little boy said.

After wrapping the boy in her coat, Rachel turned to the Dark Knight, who was heading for the edge of the roof.

“Wait!” She called, stopping him. “You could die. At least tell me your name.”

Batman turned to face her, staring at her for a moment or two.

“It’s not who I am underneath,” He said, touching his chest. “But what I do that defines me.”

A gasp escaped Rachel’s lips, recognizing her own words instantly.


Instead of answering, however, Batman free fell. His cloak flapped behind him as he slid his gloves into the activating pockets. The cloak went rigid, smashing against the wind like a parachute as he used his arms to control his cloak. Not simply arresting his fall but gliding gracefully like a hand glider.

Meanwhile, the Power Ponies and Humdrum held their own against the fear gas induced lunatics. Mistress Marevelous bucked a single convict so hard it sent him flying back toward two others knocking them down. Radiance and the Masked Matterhorn kept a small group at bay, firing bolts of magic toward the bunch. Each shot either knocked them out or sent them flying with a yelp in the air. Zapp flew about, over the streets, delivering high velocity assault in the blink of an eye and those unfortunate in their path were taken out instantly.

A group of convicts pursued Saddle Rager and Humdrum until they found themselves against the wall. Turning back, they saw the groups grinning maliciously, some swinging metal chains or aiming their knives. Humdrum and Saddle Rager turned toward each other, the former giving a look hoping for his friend to do something. For a moment Saddle Rager closed her eyes… until she opened them wide unleashing her powerful ‘Stare’. The lunatics found themselves immobilized, their weapons slipping from their hands. Soon Filli-Second used her powerful party cannon to blast said lunatics in various directions. And all of this Humdrum nodded with satisfaction.

Eventually, they managed to subdue nearly all of the lunatics just as Batman leapt off the roof and glided overhead. The Power Ponies and Humdrum looked up, noticed him soaring through the air.

“Looks like that’s our cue to follow him,” The Masked Matterhorn spoke up.

“Then there’s no time to waste,” Humdrum declared. “Let’s—”

All of a sudden, a heavy rumble beneath the ground caused everyone to stagger back and forth as they struggled to keep their balance upon the shaky surface.

“W-W-What’s h-happening?” Zapp asked shakily.

“A-A-Ah d-don’t k-k-know!” Mistress Marevelous responded.

Then, as soon as it began, the rumbling stopped. All was still once more, leaving every pony looking around at each other with confusion.

“Whatever that was, it couldn’t have been good,” Humdrum analyzed.

“But where did it come from?” Saddle Rager asked, concerned.

“I think I know.”

A new voice made the entire group snap their heads to the side, assuming a fighting stance. Sonata Dusk emerged from her hiding spot, her hands raised in defense.

“What they hay are you doing here?!” Zapp asked angrily. “Trying to do us in all by yourself? That’s fine by me because I’ve been itching to beat your butt after what you did to us!”

“Please, I didn’t come to fight,” Sonata spoke nervously. “I came to warn you.”

“Pfft, yeah right,” Humdrum spoke skeptically. “After everything you and your sisters did, you really expect us to believe that?”

“No… I don’t expect you to believe me or hear me out,” Sonata responded. “But you need to know that Adagio and Aria have teamed up with some powerful plant lady named Poison Ivy. They’re using some chemical formula to resurrect a centuries old plant and they’re going to level Gotham with it.”

Every pony faced the blue siren skeptically, wondering why she’d tell them the plan.

“So why come and tell us?” Masked Matterhorn asked.

“It’s a trap,” Zapp responded. “I say we knock her block off right now and ask questions later.”

Sonata looked toward the ground in shame and sorrow.

“If beating me up will help, go right ahead,” She said defeated. “I’ve had worse… nothing you do compares to what Adagio and Aria have already done to me.”

“What’re you talking about?” Saddle Rager asked.

“They—they—they abandoned me!” Sonata croaked tearfully. “They locked me up in a cell in that insane asylum because they think I’m nothing but dead weight. They found another siren who’s smarter, more wicked, and clearly better at being a villain… than me. And they can be happy knowing that they were right, all along! I really have no killer instincts…”

The Equestrians looked at each other, the skepticism still clear upon their faces. And yet, Mistress Marevelous could sense the sincerity in the poor girl’s words, as if she could sense the truth.

“Stand down, y’all,” She ordered. “She’s tellin’ the truth.”

This caused every pony to turn back toward her, wide-eyed.

“What?!” They all asked, in shock.

“Are you crazy?!” Zapp exclaimed loudly. “How can you really trust her?”

“Cuz ah know when some pony’s lyin’ through their teeth,” Mistress Marevelous responded. “She’s tellin’ the dag-gum truth.”

“Are you absolutely sure?” Matterhorn asked.

Mistress Marevelous simply nodded her head. All eyes turned back toward Sonata, only this time they weren’t looking at her with either skepticism or caution. But instead, they felt sympathy for her… even remorse.

“Your sisters truly did that to you, darling?” Radiance asked appalled.

Sonata merely gave a small nod of her head, as tears fell from her eyes. Filli-Second bounced toward the poor siren girl and threw her arms around her, as she herself cried crocodile tears.

“That’s so sad!” She cried hysterically. “I’m so sorry for you!”

“We owe you an apology,” Saddle Rager said shamefully. “We shouldn’t have accused you so suddenly.”

“No, you had every right,” Sonata responded, as Filli Second pulled away. “I’ve done terrible things to all of you all these years, everyone here in Gotham are no different. Honestly, I would have done the same thing if I were you.”

Every pony in the group turned back toward the Masked Matterhorn.

“What do we do now?” Humdrum asked.

Matterhorn looked back, spotting Batman soaring through the sky. No doubt on his way to deal with the Al Ghul’s. She wanted nothing more than for the whole group to go along with him, to prevent the ultimate destruction of this city. However, she also knew that if what Sonata said was true, this situation could also mean the destruction of the city.

Thinking fast, she reached a decision.

“I’ll go with Batman and deal with the Al Ghul’s,” She declared. “You guys get to the asylum and stop whatever’s going on over there.”

“Are ya sure?” Mistress Marevelous asked.

“I am,” Matterhorn nodded. “Batman and I can handle the Al Ghul’s together. If this plant is as destructive as Sonata says, it won’t matter if we succeed or not because that plant will destroy Gotham.”

Every pony looked amongst each other again, contemplating the plant. In the end, they nodded in agreement as they looked back toward their friend.

“Be careful Matterhorn,” Saddly Rager said worriedly.

“And be sure to give Ra’s and Duscan a kick in the teeth for me,” Zapp smirked.

“Make that two,” Humdrum agreed.

“Thank you guys,” Matterhorn smiled. “Good luck to you all.”

The Masked Matterhorn turned around and used her wings to take off into the sky, following Batman while every pony else watched. Soon as she was out of sight, every pony turned toward the direction of the asylum.

“Well every pony, let’s pluck this flower!” Zapp said confidently.

“And what should I do?” Sonata asked off the sideline.

“It’d be best if y’all stayed here where it’s safe,” Mistress Marevelous responded. “We can handle the plant and we’ll come get ya when it’s over.”

Sonata didn’t like the idea of standing aside, doing nothing seeing as how all this was practically her fault. However, she wasn’t one to argue with the Equestrians. She nodded her head and stepped back as they took off down the street towards Arkham. As she watched them go, a deep feeling stirred within her gut, a silent urge to follow them.

Looking down, she noticed a handgun one of the lunatics dropped during their fight with the Power Ponies. Slowly, she reached down and picked it up. Seeing the gun held in her hand, she then turned toward the direction of Arkham and raced after them.

It’s time this Siren finally does something right,” She thought to herself.


Ra’s and Duscan observed the operation of the emitter hoisted onto the train when the screaming suddenly got louder. They turned, spotting a shadowy shape heading towards them. Unsurprising to them, it was Batman and the Masked Matterhorn, landing right in front of them. The former angrily glared toward Ra’s.

“I see you took my advice about ‘theatrically’ literally,” Ra’s commented, his voice muffled by the mask. “Don’t you think?”

“It ends here,” Batman growled.

“For you and the police, maybe,” Ra’s spoke, unconcerned. “My fight, however, lies with the rest of Gotham. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a city to destroy.”

The Dark Knight moved forward, noticing the two ninjas standing nearby.

“I can’t beat two of your pawns?” he questioned.

Ra’s shrugged as two more ninjas dropped down onto the platform.

“As you wish.”

The rope was pulled up, taking him with it. Batman tackled the nearest ninja and they fell to the ground. The other three followed after him, when the Masked Matterhorn jumped in finding herself fighting all three of them at once.

Inside the batmobile, Gordon was startled when the onboard computer spoke in a female voice, and a control stick unfolded before him.

GPS is online.

Warily, he started the engine, turned the car around, and followed the computer’s instructions as best as he could.


While the Masked Matterhorn and Batman went off to handle Ra’s and Duscan, the remainder of the Power Ponies, along with Humdrum, set off to deal with the gigantic destructive plant currently tearing the Narrows apart. They raced across the streets fogged over by Crane’s fear toxin. Though they wore masks over their mouths and noses to prevent themselves from breathing in the toxins, they still managed to get a bit of it into their systems. But there was no time to bother with it now, as they galloped ahead at full speed towards Arkham.

Finally, they skid to a stop along the outskirts of the asylum. As the giant plant continued its destruction, the Dazzlings and Poison Ivy stood waiting. They smiled wickedly upon seeing their enemies before them.

“It’s about time,” Adagio grinned. “Here I was thinking you’d finally ‘kicked the bucket’. Guess it was just wishful thinking.”

“Don’t look so smug, Goldilocks,” Zapp responded. “We’ve had a hay of a load of training since last time you saw us. We’ll stomp you and that ugly plant of yours to dust.”

“You think it matters how much or how little training you have?” Aria stated bluntly. At the end of the day, the result is the shame. This city will be in shambles, and you will all die with it.”

“Please, we’ve been over this song and dance before,” Humdrum snorted. “You guys come in thinking you’ll finally get us, only we’re the ones who beat your butts. Rinse and repeat lady.”

This stirred a laugh out of Poison Ivy, who snapped her finger and the plant’s head lowered behind her.

“You sentient beings believe yourselves to be all powerful and all knowing,” She smirked. “You forget one of the most crucial facts known to man. It’s unwise to fool with Mother Nature.”

The pod opened up and Ivy stepped inside as it sealed behind her. The flower head raised itself high into the air, allowing Ivy to control the plant from the inside. More giant roots burst forth from the ground as the Power Ponies and the Dazzlings prepared themselves for battle.

“Let’s do this thing!” Mistress Marevelous yelled.

“TIME TO POWER PONY UP!!!” The Power Ponies and Humdrum shouted.

And soon, they charged toward one another, both groups screaming and hollering, with their fists ready to strike.


Batman and the Masked Matterhorn fought the ninjas, using the skills taught by Ra’s against them. At one point, Batman pulled out his grapple gun only for one of the ninjas to knock it out of his hand with a chain. It wasn’t long till the Masked Matterhorn laid out all four ninjas with a swift round house kick, sending them falling to the ground unconscious. That left the Dark Knight with some time to search for his grapple gun when shadowy figures started towards him.

From all sides came the inmates, residents of the Narrows, even a few cops. All of them were suffering from the fear toxin. To the pair, Batman and the Masked Matterhorn were a pair of shadowy devils with wings, fiery eyes, and fire coming out from their mouths.

This isn’t good,’ Batman thought.

Batman searched for his grapple gun while the Masked Matterhorn kept wary eyes on the growing crowd of people.

“We don’t want to fight all of you,” The Masked Matterhorn warned. “But we will if we must!”

Ra’s climbed aboard the train, where the emitter was already locked in place and still running at full power.

“Gentlemen,” He spoke, pulling off his mask.

Ra’s moved toward the front of the car to the driver’s position as three ninjas slammed the door shut and removed their own masks.

Meanwhile, Batman and the Masked Matterhorn found themselves fighting off the people as they ganged up on him, determined to tear them apart. By then, Ra’s was at the control panel, starting the engine and the train got moving. Down below, the attacks were on Batman, who assumed the defense while the Masked Matterhorn used her ice ray to keep the rest from moving closer. They heard the train start up and they spotted Batman’s grapple gun, resting between the feet of one of the attackers.

“Of course…” The Masked Matterhorn sighed.

Grabbing it, the Dark Knight knocked away the attackers far away to aim the grapple gun and fired it toward the moving train. Seconds later, he was yanked into the air with one attacker clung to him. But the guy lost his grip and fell toward the ground as Batman towed out of sight. But before the man hit the surface, the Masked Matterhorn caught him and gently laid him on the floor.

“You’ll thank me later!” The Matterhorn called out, racing after Batman in mid-air.


The Power Ponies pressed on the attack in a back-and-forth battle with the Dazzlings. in addition, they had to deal with Poison Ivy, who assumed control of her giant plant. The roots of said plant whipped toward the Power Ponies trying to either crush or strangle the life out of them. Fortunately, the training they received from the League of Assassins kept them alive as they maneuvered around their adversaries and roots at the same time.

Currently, Humdrum and Filli-Second fought against a few of the giant roots. The roots swung at them from all sides, trying to snake them around. Thankfully, they anticipated the incoming attacks and dodged them.

“Come on you overgrown weed!” Humdrum yelled. “Is that the best you can do?!”


Humdrum’s eyes widened when he heard that all too familiar voice that haunted him lately.

“No!” He gasped.

Turning around, Hum Drum saw Malakai Black and Kevin Thorn standing before him with glowing red eyes.

“Yes…” Thorn answered, with a toothy smirk.

“Still playing the hero?” Malakai mocked. “My beat down on you wasn’t enough to get through your skull. You’ll never be anything more than the helpless dragon in need of rescue, only for every pony to abandon you!”

“No!” Humdrum cried, clutching his head. “Stop it! Stop it!”

Kill, Spike. Kill them!

Humdrum growled as his head shot up and roared at the two.

“I… SAID… STOP!!!”

Spike attacked the pair head-on but was unaware he was actually fighting Mistress Marevelous and Zapp. Marevelous had to jump away from a shot of his fire, while Zapp flew around away from the attacks.

“Spike, wut in tarnation?!” Mistress Marevelous cried.

“What’s wrong with you dude?!” Zapp demanded.

Filli-Second paused mid-fight when she heard weeping. She turned her head only to find herself face-to-face with a creepy woman, wearing a wedding dress that had seen better days and a never-ending waterfall of tears pouring from her swollen eyes.

Instead of screaming, Filli-Second merely smiled.

“What’s up, Doc?” She smiled. “Bet you must be wondering why I’m not scared seeing you here? Well, it’s obvious that you are not real my friend! You’re not crying; you’re not even a ghost. Just another of Scarecrow’s kooky hallucinations!”

The ghost woman merely stood, as Filli-Second merely giggled and pointed at her face.

“I’ve seen way too many scary hallucinations for one Cinematic Adventure,” Filli-Second continued. “Which means you are most definitely… not—huh?”

Filli-Second’s eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets. Her voice escaped her as the wet realization on her hooves silenced her. The pink Power Pony wiped her hooves and was met with a tearful wail from the ghost.

Radiance and Saddle Rager did their best against Adagio and Aria, as Radiance shot her magic toward them. Saddle Rager attempted her ‘Stare’ on them; however, the sirens were more of a match for them.

“Why don’t you just quit little girls?” Adagio yelled. You can’t handle us and everything around you. The fear toxin, the giant plant, the countless criminals, secret societies… you can’t fight it all.”

“Oh really?!” Radiance fired back. “We’ve been managing so far; we’re not giving up now.”

“How could you two desert your own sister?!” Saddle Rager said disappointedly. “I knew you were wicked, but even that’s downright cruel, even for you!”

“Sonata Dusk was weak and pathetic since the day she was born,” Aria shot back. “Just like the rest of you. We have a proper replacement now and I won’t lose a wink of sleep over it.”

“Speaking of which, where is your new siren anyway?” Radiance asked. “Did she abandon you too?”

“Nope… I’m right here.”

Both Power Ponies quickly turned just as Zoe Pink-Star blasted a canister of fear gas right in their faces. Both ponies coughed and gagged as the substance entered their system. All of a sudden, they both felt a tingling sensation over their bodies and looked down to discover hundreds of spiders crawling all over them.


Both screaming in panic, the girls raced around trying to pry the spiders off them. Humdrum pursued Zapp, who actually screamed in terror, while Mistress Marevelous followed behind trying to stop him. Filli-Second screamed her head off, running from the weeping woman who slowly loomed after her. Panic and fear ran wild for the Power Ponies right now.

In the midst of the chaos, Poison Ivy used her powers to command the roots to burst from the ground and quickly snatched up the Power Ponies in their grasp. They wrapped themselves so tightly, they could actually feel the bones in their bodies crack from the pressure. All the while, they were still haunted by the effects of the fear toxin.

“This is your end, Power Fools,” Ivy declared, chuckling.


Loeb was speaking to an officer when he noticed the nearest bridge going down.

“Who the hell authorized this?” He demanded.

The train shot past and the manholes in the immediate area shot upwards as the water was vaporized. His jaw dropped when he saw Batman clinging to a cable attached to the underbelly of the train while The Masked Matterhorn flew rapidly after him. Loeb was forced to dive for cover when the batmobile roared over the lowered bridge as he stared after it.

If the Batman is connected to the train, then who’s driving his car?!

Gordon death gripped against the controls, wincing when he almost ran over the commissioner. He tried to concentrate on driving while the GPS was informing him that Wayne Tower was three miles away.

I’m getting too old for this!


While Batman struggled with the cable, grunting every time he collided with something, the emitter kept vaporizing the water. The technicians at Wayne Tower freaked out over what they saw on their screens.

“What’s that?” One technician asked, alarmed.

“The pressure’s moving along the mains,” The head technician realized fearfully. “Blowing all the pipes… some kind of chain reaction…”

“Where is it moving?”

“Towards us.”

Meanwhile, Gordon and the GPS followed the train tracks, trying to get ahead of the train itself. Gordon peered out the window at one point, spotting the Batman, still swinging through the air under the train. Not far behind him, the Masked Matterhorn flew behind him ready to catch him if he fell. More and more water was vaporized, sending the people in the streets running for their lives.

After a few tries, the Dark Knight managed to attach the grapple gun to the buckle of his belt, hit the button, and shot through the air toward the train with Masked Matterhorn in tow. The pair smashed through the window, entering the train and quickly took out three ninjas. Hearing the commotion behind him, Ra’s turned around in time spotting Batman and the Masked Matterhorn crouching on top of the emitter.

“It’s over, Ra’s!” Masked Matterhorn declared.

“You!” Ra’s growled.

Drawing his sword from his cane, Ra’s and Batman launched themselves at each other. The Dark Knight blocked the blade with his gauntlet, sending sparks striking off the metal scallops. Masked Matterhorn went to help when Duscan jumped in, staring daggers at the masked pony.

“Hello… princess,” Duscan growled.

Duscan growled and lunged toward the Masked Matterhorn, who blocked and dodged the reckless attack while keeping the young Al Ghul at bay.

Down on the streets, Gordon drove through an underground parking garage and winced as the Batmobile took out several parked cars.

“Sorry,” He muttered.

The good news was that he was finally ahead of the train, but he also knew it wouldn’t be long before it reached Wayne Tower at the speed it was going.

Inside the train, the Al Ghuls kept fighting Batman & the Masked Matterhorn. The train kept flying down the tracks, drawing itself closer to Wayne Tower. Ra’s swung his sword at the dark knight, who trapped the blade between the scallops of both gauntlets.

“Familiar,” Ra’s dryly spoke. “Don’t you have anything new?”

“How about this?” Batman grunted.

He yanked his arms in opposite directions, breaking Ra’s sword in two. Startled, the older man stumbled backward into the emitter, and Batman ran for the control panel. Batman reached for the controls when Ra’s jumped him from behind; as they struggled, the Dark Knight slammed a piece of broken blade into the controls. Meanwhile, Gordon pulled up a few feet from Wayne Tower and wondered how he was going to stop the train, which wasn’t that far behind now.

Inside Wayne Tower, the technicians were watching as the pressure got closer toward their location.

“Everybody out!” The head technician ordered. “Our of the building!”


“We’re sitting on the hub—she’s gonna blow and blow big, understand?”

On the train, Batman and Ra’s continued fighting, falling over the emitter several times and breaking the rest of the windows on either side of the train car. The Dark Knight forced Ra’s deeper into the train and far away from the control panel. Gordon was startled when the interior of the car began to change, and his seat started moving.

Weapon systems activated.

“Oh!” Gordon yelped.

He was pulled forward by the steering wheel and onto his stomach in the nose of the car. Outside of it, a homeless guy walked up, greatly impressed.

“Nice ride.”


Back at the asylum, things were looking extremely bleak for the Power Ponies and Humdrum. They found themselves in the death grip of the roots of the giant plant. Inside the pod at the head of the plant, Poison Ivy grinned with wicked satisfaction as she controlled the roots that currently squeezed the life out of the Power Ponies. Down below, the Dazzlings and Zoe watched with smiles on their faces as they watched their adversaries being squeezed to death.

“I can’t believe we’ve finally done it!” Adagio grinned. “Finally, we get the best of these stupid ponies.”

“Don’t look so surprised,” Aria smirked. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“You’re right,” Zoe nodded. “Their impulsive need to try and stop us ended up playing into their own demise. They really are stupid, just like Sonata.

“I… am… not… stupid!”


A familiar voice and a clicking noise caused them all to turn around and they saw Sonata slowly walking toward them, a hand gun pointed right at them. The clicking had been the sound of her cocking the gun so now it was ready to fire.

“I am a loyal, loving sister!” She spoke angrily and hurt. “I’ve tried everything I could to be worthy of you, to have this family… but it was never enough! All I ever wanted was for you to love me, to treat me with respect and dignity. And what do you do? You locked me in a cell and leave me to die like an animal!”

Adagio and Aria merely shook their heads as they strolled up to Sonata with cocky grins on their faces, even with a gun right in their faces.

“Well, what do you know girls?” Aria grinned. “The little cat has claws after all.”

“All these years, and you finally pick now to show a little spine,” Adagio said mockingly. “Too bad it won’t save you.”

Sonata tried her best to stay confident, as she trembled from the anger and sadness within her making the gun in her hand shake.

“S-S-Stay back!” She barked shakily. “I’ll use this… if I have to.”

“Please, you’re shaking like a leaf,” Aria chuckled. “Why not just go ahead and put the gun down, Sonata? We both know you don’t have it in you.”

“That’s the main reason why we left you behind to begin with,” Adagio continued. “You’re weak… pathetic… a useless excuse for a Siren. You’ll neverhave that killer instinct.”

Tears rolled down Sonata’s face as she tensed up on the gun more, her shaking becoming more erratic. Tension was mounting high as she aimed the gun at her sisters, who still smiled smugly toward her. Finally, she fell to her knees and dropped the gun as sobs racked through her body. Releasing a wicked chuckle, Aria reached down and picked up the gun before aiming it at Sonata.

“You really are pathetic,” She grinned. “I can think of no better way to end your life than with the gun meant for us. Goodbye, Sonata.”

She then pulled back the trigger…


The gun exploded in her hand, sending the purple siren falling to the ground screaming in pain. She clutched her now broken hand, which now had bits of shrapnel from the destroyed gun and even some shrapnel that hit her legs. Zoe gasped wide eyed as Adagio raced to her sister with actual worry in her eyes. Kneeling beside the wounded Aria, Adagio looked back toward Sonata who returned to her feet. Her tears were completely gone; now a cocky grin was on her face. From behind her back, she procured another gun.

“You call me stupid, but I know how to make sure a gun is in working order,” She spoke smugly. “I jammed ‘that’ gun before I even got here knowing you’d find a way to get it from me. I just had to wait for the right time… and let you screw yourself!”

“Now Sonata… let’s talk about this,” Adagio attempted reasoning.


Adagio barely had time to duck before the bullet cut a strand of her hair, and Sonata aimed the now steaming gun at her former sisters. Zoe ran up alongside Adagio and helped Aria to her feet. The quickly ran off as Sonata fired the gun with loud *BANGS!*. Eventually, the three Sirens ducked behind a corner of the asylum, watching cautiously as Sonata stood her ground with the working gun.

“You wanted a Siren with killer instincts! Here I am!” Sonata called out. “You think you can take me?! An army can’t take me! Come on! I’ll take you all the way to Tartarus! Who do you think you’re messing with? I’m Sonata Dusk! I’m still standing! Come on! Fight me!”

As Sonata went on her rant, Adagio pulled something from her pocket. It resembled a bean, but it looked as though it were made of some form of milky glass. She turned her eyes toward Aria, who was still groaning in pain and if she wasn’t treated soon… a frustrated sigh escaped her lips.

“Screw this!” She muttered. “We have what we need. No doubt Chrysalis already made her way back with the fear toxin.”

“What about the ponies?” Zoe asked. “ And the dragon? We should finish them now.”

“No! We’ve got nothing left to prove here. Leave them… to their fate.”

She hurled the bean a few feet away and it dissipated mid-air, opening a swirling vortex. Zoe and Adagio helped Aria walks as quickly as they could making their way through the portal and back to Equestria. The whole time, Sonata Dusk looked on as the gun in her hand released smoke. In a matter of seconds, a victorious smile on her face.

“Oh… my… Faust!” She gasped in shock. “I can’t believe it… I did it! I finally stood up for myself; I actually won! For realsies, that actually felt super good! Yes!”

“Hey, Sonata!”

Sonata looked up finding the Power Ponies still in the crushing grasp of the murderous plant.

“Not to interrupt your little victory lap, but you think you could get us out of here before this thing crushes our lungs?!” Zapp wheezed.

“Oops, sorry!”

Sonata quickly reloaded the gun with any ammo she recovered, then raised it up and fired several shots at the plant’s root. The plant actually groaned in pain, as it released the Power Ponies and Humdrum, who fell to the ground with a thud. Slowly, they started to get back up as Sonata quickly made for their side. Thankfully, by now the fear toxin started to rub off on them. No longer were they tormented by nightmares.

“Are you guys okay?” She asked worriedly.

“Ugh… now I know how every pony feels when I hug them,” Filli-Second groaned, cracking her ribs into place.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Humdrum asked. “I actually have no idea how we’re supposed to take down a humongous murderous plant.

Sonata looked up toward the giant plant and a tiny idea came to her head.

“I’ve got it,” She told them. “Poison Ivy controls the plant from inside its head, essentially controlling its brain. If we can destroy it and take her out, the plant should go down after.”

“Y’all think that’ll really work?” Mistress Marevelous asked.

“I don’t know,” Sonata replied. “But we’ve got to try.”

The Power Ponies, Humdrum, and Sonata Dusk looked up toward the giant plant still wreaking havoc upon the Narrows. They didn’t exactly have any other plan at the moment, ergo they were willing to try anything.

“Alright, here’s what we’ll do,” Zapp informed everyone. “You guys distract it while I fly up to the head and take it out. Thankfully, I snagged something useful from the Batcave that should help.”

Every pony nodded as they ran out and put their plan into motion. From inside the plant head, Poison Ivy watched as they scrambled about.

“Running won’t save you!” She exclaimed. “My beautiful baby will rip you limb from limb. Then we’ll use your remains to fertilize the Earth.”

She used her powers to command the plant and its massive roots pursued the Power Ponies. Zapp soared through the air, right up toward the plant’s giant head where she spotted Poison Ivy right inside.

“Hey, Poison Ivy!” She yelled. “If this plant were a weed, guess that makes me the weed killer!”

She zipped forth and pulled out a Batarang from her outfit, jabbing it right into the plant’s head. Poison Ivy merely looked up at the Batarang that was now imbedded in the head. She merely glanced at Zapp with a smirk.

“Was that all you had?” She chuckled. “And here I thought you were going to provide a challenge for me.”

“Oh, that wasn’t it,” Zapp smirked back. “Just thought you’d like to go out with a bang!”

All of a sudden, the Batarang glowed a bright red and emitted a rapid beeping sound. Poison Ivy got a horrified look on her face as her eyes widened.


Zapp quickly raced down toward the ground, right back toward the others.

“Take cover, every pony!” She yelled.

Every pony quickly ducked behind something as the Batarang exploded and the head of the plant blew to pieces. The plant went stiff for a moment before every single one of its roots and stalks holding it up fell to the ground with a mighty *CRASH!*. Everyone poked their heads out of hiding, seeing the plant’s giant stalks lying merely a few feet from them. From the destroyed head, Poison Ivy slowly crawled out and collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

The group quickly made their way over to her and Mistress Marevelous used her magical lasso to tie Poison Ivy up so tightly nothing was going to get her out.

“Looks like nature didn’t win today,” Zapp said smugly.

“I… hate… ponies…” Poison Ivy groaned.


While Batman and Ra’s fight was underway, elsewhere the Masked Matterhorn and Duscan Al Ghul were in their own battle. A fierce confrontation between the young head of the Demon and Celestia’s prized pupil. Neither one of them were holding anything back.

“We don’t need to do this, Duscan,” The Masked Matterhorn warned.

“You’re welcome to try and stop me, princess,” Duscan replied. “It is now time for your final challenge… kill me! Replace me as heir to the demon; it is your destiny. Princess Celestia knew this very well.”

“You’re wrong about Celestia. She knows I would never kill anyone; not even you. I won’t have your blood spilled over your father’s vendetta.”

“Allow me… to help you…”

To which Duscan drew out his sword, a Chokuto, a straight Japanese sword from the 10th century. A sword specially designed with a hilt that fit his appearance. He held it before the Masked Matterhorn, who tensed a bit while keeping her defense.

“Take… it… all…” Duscan beckoned.

“No!” The Masked Matterhorn objected.

“Then that… is your final… answer?” Duscan chuckled maliciously, twirling the blade. “Only one of us gets off this train alive.”

“We’ll see about that, Duscan.”

Then all of a sudden, Duscan quickly snatched another cannister of the fear toxin and smashed it in front of the princess. The Matterhorn choked and coughed, trying to clear the toxin out of her lungs as a fog swept over her and the world changed horrifically before her eyes. When her vision returned, she found herself in a wide valley of sand and floating platforms. Bits and pieces of Gotham’s city stuck out through the sand, as the Masked Matterhorn looked up in search of Duscan.

Suddenly, Duscan himself fell from the sky landing severely with his sword raised to attack. Slowly, he looked up as the Masked Matterhorn braced herself for a fight.

“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance, Twilight Sparkle!” Duscan growled.

Duscan raced toward the Matterhorn at incredible speeds, swinging his blade toward the Alicorn, who dodged to her side. Then before her, Duscan seemed to split into multiple versions of himself, only they were all made of sand. She leapt and struck against all the imposing beings before her, each one she struck broke apart into bits of sand. All the while, she had to avoid the ‘real’ Duscan, who swiped and clawed at the mare with his sword every chance he could.

“The numbers are too great for you, princess,” Duscan spoke mockingly. “We are Legion!”

But despite the mockery, the Masked Matterhorn was able to take down the copies one-by-one until eventually one turned out to be the actual Duscan. But before she could blast him, he disappeared in a blast of purple smoke and the princess looked around quickly.

“Witness the true power of the Lazarus Pit!”

Then before her eyes, Duscan quickly returned and transformed himself into a monstrous creature of sand. A version of Duscan only twice as large, maybe thrice. Only he looked more and more like his father, an image he kept in focus as he sat cross-legged and surrounded by his clones. Quickly, The Msaked Matterhorn tried to blast her way against this shield as Duscan struggled to draw her back with blades skidding through the sands and even shuriken. But the mare merely dodged as she kept firing.

“Such skill, you should’ve joined us that day in the mountain,” Duscan spoke threateningly.

But The Masked Matterhorn completely ignored him and she kept firing away until Duscan could no longer hold his power, once more vanishing in the sand. The Masked Matterhorn barely took a step when a mighty war cry had her looking up and she ducked side-to-side rapidly as Duscan furiously swung his sword trying to hit his target to no avail. At one point, the Masked Matterhorn caught his arms as the young man tried to press against the weight, snarling his lips.

“Give… in…” Duscan growled.

To which, the Masked Matterhorn smacked him across the face and pushed the blade slightly under his neck. She tried desperately to force herself not to kill him, though his eyes begged for it.

“I’ll never be like your father…” The Masked Matterhorn groaned. “Never!”

“Don’t you get it?” Duscan smiled evilly. “We are fated to rule this Earth; to wipe it clean of the scum of humanity. Only ‘we’ can do this. My father is old; his time is over. But ours is just beginning, you know it doesn’t end tonight. Take my blade… kill me… accept your destiny!”

“I don’t know how long you’ve suffered, but you know I won’t do that.”

“Then… you will have to die… and then, I’ll kill your friends… one… by… one!”

All of a sudden, The Masked Matterhorn’s eyes glowed a bright red as the words stung her like that of a wasp. She suddenly pushed Duscan away, as a growl escaped her lips.

“NEVER!!!!” The Masked Matterhorn screamed.

Raising her head, she butted herself against Duscan’s and proceeded to punch the young man at an accelerated rate. She punched him so hard, he lost his grip on the sword and with her magic she slammed his forehead against the end of the handle and unleashed a beam so great it knocked Duscan backward as the world returned to normal. The young Al Ghul laid on his back breathing heavily, as the Masked Matterhorn slowly approached him her mask slightly cracked from the head-butt. In one last act of defiance, he glared toward the Masked Matterhorn as his arms dropped to his side.

he took a knife from his boot and held it menacingly toward the princess.

“Listen to me princess and listen well,” Duscan groaned. “When my father dies, you will kill me. Then you will lead the League of Assassins. Because if you don’t join us, we will kill every one you’ve ever loved… friends… family… everyone.”

Then, Duscan attempted to draw a knife from his boot and hurled it toward the Matterhorn. But she quickly ducked aside as the blade embedded itself in one of the chairs and the Matterhorn used her beams to catch the young Al Ghul in ice, freezing him in place. He struggled to pry himself, but the ice was so thick. All he could do was look up as the Matterhorn approached him.

“Was that you talking? Or your father?” The Masked Matterhorn asked. “What kind of a father would sacrifice his own kid just to fight his enemies? Do you even love your father? Do you really want to lead the Assassins? What’s really going on?”

“I am my father… I have used the Lazarus Pit one too many times,” Duscan breathed heavily. “I’ve not lived as long as my father, but I am so close. My mind and body can’t take any more of this, each time I enter that pit… I’m scared of what will come out. The very thing that haunts my father.”

“The Lazarus Pit corrupted your mind, Duscan. Think about it; if that pit falls into the wrong hands, even your family will be powerless to stop centuries of destruction. I’m giving you that chance for redemption, the same as I do for all my enemies. Give up this crusade… or I will stop you over and over again.”

Duscan Al Ghul looked around, seeing the landscape of the Narrows swiftly rolling past the train. As blood dripped from his lip, a smile slowly formed as he grimaced in pain. He then turned back toward the Masked Matterhorn.

“You’re too late…” Duscan whispered harshly.


Meanwhile, in another part of the train, Batman and Ra’s kept up their own fight. They punched and kicked each other as hard as they could, neither one gaining the upper hand. That was until Ra’s performed a spin kick that knocked the Dark Knight flat on his back, and the older man planted himself on his chest.

Unsure if he was doing it right, Gordon armed the weapons and aimed them at the pillars holding the train tracks up. He fired – missing the pillars by inches, and the guy outside the car quickly backed up. Quietly cursing, Gordon tried lining up the targeting system again.

“Dammit!” He muttered.

Meanwhile, Ra’s wrapped his hand around an exposed part of Batman’s neck choking him out. The Dark Knight struggled against his grip.

“Don’t be afraid, Bruce,” He taunted.

Gordon lined up the targeting system again, preparing to fire.

“Come on, come on,” He muttered.

Firing the weapons again, this time Gordon actually did some damage so that the pillar holding up the track creaked. But it wasn’t enough, and he got ready for one final try as the train drew closer and closer.

Ra’s sneered at Batman’s attempts to break his grip.

“You are just an ordinary man in a cape!” He declared. “That’s why you couldn’t fight injustice and that’s why you can’t stop this train!”

“W-Who said anything about stopping it?” Batman gasped.

Ra’s looked up confused and saw that the broken blade from his own sword was jammed into the brake panel.

“Come on, come on,” Gordon muttered.

Aiming one more time, Gordon fired. This time, he managed to blow up the train supports.

“Yes!” He cheered victoriously.

And when the tracks began to collapse, he realized he was too close and was relieved when the computer put him back in the proper position so he could get out of the way.

Taking advantage, the Dark Knight had broken Ra’s grip, flipped the older man over, and pinned him to the floor, clutching two bat-shaped blades in one fist.

“You never learned to mind your surroundings!” He snarled.

Ra’s glared over the use of his words thrown back in his face. He stared up toward his former student as the train drew closer and closer to the place the track had once been.

“Have you finally learned to do what is necessary?” He asked calmly.

“I won’t kill you,” Batman told him. “But I don’t have to save you.”

He revealed two bombs he was holding. He threw one at an intact window, destroying it, and then used the second bomb to destroy the connection between the two cars. Ra’s sat up, just as the dark knight made his cloak go rigid, and the wind yanked out of the train car and into the air. The older man turned to face the front of the train, toward the gap in the tracks, and shut his eyes… accepting his face.

Mere seconds before the train crashed, The Masked Matterhorn strained and groaned as she summoned all the magic she could conjure with her horn. Power enough to surround the now frozen Duscan Al Ghul, who merely glared at her silently until they vanished from the car in a matter of seconds… and right on time.

The train shot off the monorail and crashed down into Wayne Plaza, digging through the concrete/metal roofing causing marble to shatter into dust clouds and parked cars exploded. Both the train and the emitter disintegrated into burning rubble just near the entrance to Wayne Station. In the water board control room, the remaining technician opened on eye and then the other realizing the pressure had dropped to zero and the alerts stopped, much to his relief.

The danger was over.


In Wayne Plaza, the canopy of the batmobile opened and Gordon stood up, looking around the burning remains of the train. He looked upward, just in time to see Batman soar over a high bank, riding the thermals. Stunned and relieved that the city was saved, he waved up to the dark knight as he flew out of sight.

Elsewhere, the Masked Matterhorn appeared on the roof of a building only a few miles away from the destruction. And mere inches away, the frozen body of Duscan Al Ghul, the only parts of him free to move was one hand twitching and his head just staring toward the burning fire. For a moment, they looked out toward the horizon seeing what little remained of the train all lit with flames and smoke building in the air. With no one else around, she removed her broken mask and shook the exhaustion away, breathing with relief as the Alicorn princess looked out toward the city.

“You did not save this city, Twilight Sparkle,” Duscan spoke under his breath. “You just delayed the inevitable.”

“If there are consequences,” Twilight declared, turning toward him. “My friends and I will be ready for what’s coming.”

Duscan did not answer with any witty remark… nor did he turn to acknowledge the princess. Again acting in defiance, he stubbornly kept his gaze toward the smoldering mess before him. Twilight Sparkle, however, did not need a response from him. Because while the future of Gotham was unknown, one thing was certain.

They had done it; they had saved Gotham for another day.