• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 657 Views, 31 Comments

Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six Season 2 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After the recent events of Dark Cupid our heroes spend more time preparing for the Grand Galloping Gala while still going to Paris' School and also still fighting akumatized victims but will they win or will they fail find out on this Season

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Episode 5: Stare Master

A few days after the events of the Mime Marinette brought Manon to Rarity's boutique and when they arrived Ladybug knocked on the door as Sweetie Belle opened it before she brought the duo to Rarity who was still running side to side

"Where'd I put that? Ohh, I thought I already..." Rarity said running side to side before sounds were heard after that Rarity ran to another side again "Ohh, and I can't forget to" Rarity started before stopping worriedly "Oh, how am ever gonna get this done?" Rarity asked worriedly

"Are you sure we can't help? We could---" Sweetie Belle started

"No!" Rarity answered angrily

"Maybe just a---" Manon started

"No thanks!" Rarity answered angrily

"How about" Sweetie Belle started

"Just stand over there" Rarity suggested angrily pointing to a wall

"But---" Ladybug started

"Where you'll be out of the way" Rarity explained before running side to side again "Ribbon, ribbon! Where's the ribbon?!" Rarity asked

Then Sweetie Belle went on top of the stool and tried to reach for the ribbon

"I got it!" Sweetie Belle said

Just then Sweetie Belle knocked it down before falling as Ladybug ran as fast as she could to save Sweetie Belle before putting her back down to the ground only to notice the ribbon pouncing to the mannequin and hitting it causing the mannequin to move sideways only to fall down on the table which made the yarn pounce to the closet as a lot of stuff fell down before pouncing everywhere only for the table to fall down as the sewing machine flew over Rarity's head making her duck only for it to fall on another mannequin causing it to fall too as another mannequin flew over Rarity's head as other stuff started falling and flying before the room looked like a war field as the yarn flew towards Ladybug, Manon and Sweetie Belle before touching the latter's hoof making her look in sadness

"Um, I-I'll just go and stand over there, where I'll be... Out of the way" Sweetie Belle said

Then Sweetie Belle ran off as Manon and Ladybug ran after her in worry as Rarity could only sigh in defeat

A few minutes later Rarity was cleaning up the mess Sweetie Belle made while still being angry at her before Ladybug, Manon and Sweetie Belle came into the room worriedly

"Won't you at least let me help you clean up?" Sweetie Belle asked

"No, you've helped me quite enough" Rarity answered angrily

Then Rarity moved to another side to pick up some other stuff that fell as Ladybug motioned Sweetie Belle to go ahead

"I'm sorry, sis! I just thought that if I could help, I might find my special gift and finally earn my Cutie Mark" Sweetie Belle apologized

"I understand, it's just that... I need this time to fill up my order without any... Complications" Rarity explained before she was complete "Okay, all done, now, back to work, I've lost a lot of time and I cannot have any more interruptions" Rarity said and just when she said that the doorbell rang "Oh, what now?!" Rarity asked angrily

"I'll go get it" Manon said

Then Manon ran towards the door and opened it before bringing the pony who got to the Carousel Boutique into Rarity's workshop

"Oh, hi there Fluttershy" Ladybug greeted

"Hi Ladybug" Fluttershy waved before she saw Rarity irritated "Oh, sorry. I thought the 'open' sign meant you were open, but I must have been mistaken" Fluttershy apologized

Then Rarity gasped in shock as she recognized the voice as she turned around to Fluttershy

"Fluttershy! Forgive me! I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot you were bringing Opalescence back from her grooming!" Rarity apologized

"No worries, Rarity, I've left her there in the basket" Fluttershy said

"Seems like you were really careful with animals" Ladybug said

"I am and always will" Fluttershy said

Then the trio giggled as Manon opened the basket and saw the white haired cat aka Opal

"Wow, she must be really beautiful now, right?" Manon asked

"Of course, the grooming is always perfectly done" Fluttershy answered

Then Opal jumped out of the basket as Rarity saw her now beautiful self

"Oh, she looks great! I just don't understand how you're able to do it! I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws" Rarity explained worriedly

"Maybe she's still angry of what you pulled at her the last time" Ladybug said

"That's possible" Rarity said

Then Rarity approaches Opal with her face only for Opal to growl and swipe her muzzle only for Rarity to look at Opal worriedly

"Did you use... the Stare on her?" Rarity asked

"Stare?" Manon asked confused

"Don't ask" Ladybug suggested

"Oh no! I wouldn't! I couldn't! I-I don't really have any control over when that happens, i-It just happens, no, I'm just good with animals, it's my special gift, you know" Fluttershy answered

Then Fluttershy lowers her head towards Opal who rubbed her cheek against Fluttershy's

"Well, you should have a picture of Opal as a Cutie Mark instead of those butterflies" Rarity complimented

Then Sweetie Belle realized something as she went in the middle of her sister and her friends

"Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Maybe I can be good with animals too!" Sweetie Belle said towards Opal who then scratched the bottom of her hair clean off "Or not" Sweetie Belle said worriedly

Then Sweetie Belle ran off to try and fix her mane as Ladybug nodded at her friends before running off too as Fluttershy and Rarity laughed before Rarity turned to Fluttershy again

"I'm sorry I can't invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy, I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew with this order" Rarity apologized

"But you're not eating anything" Manon said confused

"No, Manon, it's an expression, it meants that I've taken on more work than I can handle, I've got twenty of these special ropes to make tonight! They're due in Trottingham tomorrow morning" Rarity explained

"Oh okay" Manon said

Then Rarity grabs the golden shining cloak and swings it into the air with her mouth making the trio look in awe before Sweetie Belle and Ladybug came in who also looked in awe

"Wow, that's really beautiful" Ladybug said

"You know it" Rarity said in relief before explaining "See? I've lined them in a special gold silk, it took so long to make but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?" Rarity asked

"These are lovely, but twenty by tonight? How will you get it all done?" Fluttershy asked

"Yeah, even with one extra fashionista who's busy the whole day by watching over Manon?" Ladybug asked

"Well, I, uh..." Rarity started before Sweetie Belle interrupted

"Oh, oh, oh! Maybe I could... Just" Sweetie Belle started before Rarity and Ladybug glared at her "Just stand over here and watch" Sweetie Belle said sadly

"Well, at least you got me also Ladybug decided to let me keep a few dolls so let's play with them when we have the chance" Manon suggested

Then Rarity turns to Fluttershy again

"I'll manage" Rarity answered

Then Fluttershy turned around to leave before turning to Rarity once more

"Well, maybe I should get out of your mane so you can work" Fluttershy said

Just then Apple Bloom and Scootaloo ran into the room super fast while waving to Fluttershy, Rarity and Ladybug

"Hi Fluttershy! Hi Rarity! Hi Ladybug!" The duo called out

"Hello, uh, girls..." Rarity waved

Then the duo ran to Sweetie Belle and Manon only to see Sweetie Belle sad and Manon patting her back

"Hey Sweetie Belle! Hey Manon!" The duo waved

Just then Sweetie Belle and Manon perked up

"Scootaloo! Apple Bloom!" Manon and Sweetie Belle yelled out

"You ready for tonight?" Scootaloo asked

"Yup! Cutie Mark planning session is a go!" Sweetie Belle answered

"Agreed" Manon said in agreement

"Tonight is the night we each try to find our own special talent" Apple Bloom explained

"Even if it takes us all night!" Scootaloo explained

"Well I know for certain I won't have a Cutie Mark but if I at least get a tatoo of a Cutie Mark I'll have to cover it up and I'll also be happy about it" Manon said

"I know you do Manon" Sweetie Belle said

"I'm ready! You ready?" Apple Bloom asked

"Very ready!" Scootaloo answered


"Well, if that's so I'll come and get Manon first thing in the morning just gotta let Nadja know she's gonna stay with me" Ladybug said

"And... Look what I made us!" Sweetie Belle suggested

Then the four put on their capes as they all looked beautiful red with a blue shield with a yellow pony in the middle

"Oh, wow!" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Manon called out before trotting over to Sweetie Belle That's so cool!" The trio said

"What does that patch on your cape mean?" Fluttershy asked

"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! YAY!" The four yelled out

"We're on a crusade, a mission!" Scootaloo explained

"To find our Cutie Marks!" Apple Bloom answered

"Yup, and look, I lined them with this special gold silk" Sweetie Belle explained before showing the back of the cape making Rarity shocked "It took sooo long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Of course" Manon answered

Just then Rarity ran towards the golden silk she prepared only to see it was broken into pieces making her mad

"Sweetie Belle! What have you done! That was the last of the gold silk! Oh, now I'll have to make more! Oh, I hope I can make more, I'm gonna have to work all night! Which means" Rarity said angrily before turning to the girls worriedly "Sorry, girls, I'm afraid the Crusaders sleepover is cancelled" Rarity said worriedly and angrily

"What?!" Sweetie Belle and Manon yelled in shock

"I just won't have any time to watch you if I want to get these ropes delivered on time" Rarity explained

"Yeah, I'm afraid I can't help too because I, Twilight and Cat Noir will be going to Zecora's hut to get some of our favorite tea, sorry girls" Ladybug apologized

"But---" Sweetie Belle started

"No buts this time, I'm sorry Sweetie Belle, it's just the way it has to be" Rarity apologized

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked down in defeat and sadness before Fluttershy trotted over to the four

"I, uh, I suppose I could take them for the night" Fluttershy explained

After hearing that the Cutie Mark Crusaders perked up before looking at Rarity and Ladybug with the biggest grin they could make

"We couldn't ask you to do that" Rarity said worriedly

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to look at Fluttershy still wearing their biggest grin

"Oh, it's no problem at all" Fluttershy reminded

"Have you met my sister, Manon and her friends? A problem is all it would be" Rarity said worriedly

After saying that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were worried as they looked at Fluttershy

"Did I have a problem with Opal? You've seen how well I handle small creatures!" Fluttershy reminded

"I suppose that's true... And I do have a lot of work to do" Rarity said

"Come on, it'll be fun" Fluttershy said

"I assure you, they're quite a handful" Rarity reminded

"These sweet little angels?" Fluttershy asked bowing down to the four

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave a huge grin as halo's went above their heads

"Well... Alright" Rarity said in defeat but happily


"Alright, let me give Nadja a call and then we can prepare it, I'll come and get you tomorrow Manon" Ladybug said

"Thanks Ladybug!" Manon thanked happily

"No worries" Ladybug said

Then the four ran off happily as Fluttershy looked at them happily

"So cute" Fluttershy said before she realized they were gone as she ran after them "W-wait for me!" Fluttershy called out

Then Rarity could only look down in worry

"Don't worry Rarity, I can assure you they're in safe hooves, as long as they don't go into the Everfree Forest, you know Fluttershy lives closeby there, right" Ladybug said

"Yeah, you're right, we just have to believe in Fluttershy, thanks for giving me some motivation" Rarity thanked

"No worries, anyway I'm gonna go meet up with Twilight so, see you later" Ladybug waved

Then Ladybug walked off to Twilight as Rarity waved her off

A few hours later the Cutie Mark Crusaders were running a bit slower as Fluttershy flew behind them as she couldn't stop thinking about stuff to do with them

"Oh, won't this be ever so fun? We can have a nice little tea party, and braid each others' tails and sit quietly and color and tell each other fairy tales, and---" Fluttershy started

Just then the Cutie Mark Crusaders giggled as they zipped past Twilight causing her to spin before falling to the ground as the latter then turned around to them only to see Scootaloo on top of a well and the other three looking at her making her smile warmly before turning too Fluttershy who approached them

"Hello, Fluttershy" Twilight greeted

"Oh! Hello, Twilight, where are you off to?" Fluttershy asked

"I'm heading to the Everfree Forest with Ladybug and Cat Noir to Zecora's to get some of mine, Ladybug and Cat Noir's favorite tea" Twilight answered

"Th-the Everfree Forest? Ah, you'll be careful, won't you?" Fluttershy asked

"Of course! Especially with Ladybug and Cat Noir! How about you? What are you doing with the girls?" Twilight asked

"Rarity has a big order to fill tonight, so I volunteered to take the girls over to my cottage for a sleepover" Fluttershy answered

"Wow, sounds like everypony has their hooves full today, taking care of those three fillies and one child by yourself? You sure you can handle it?" Twilight asked

"What? These sweet little angels? They'll be no problem at all" Fluttershy answered

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders appeared with halo's flying above their heads

"Alright then, good luck" Twilight said

Then Twilight walked off as Fluttershy brought the four back to her cottage and when they were there it was already evening as Fluttershy closed the door as some animals then started talking in their sounds as then a voice was heard

"Wow! Look at this place! What's that? Are those chickens?" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle asked in unison

Then Fluttershy turned to the screen nervously

"No... Problem at all" Fluttershy said to herself nervously before turning to the four girls "Okay, girls, uh, what should we do?" Fluttershy asked

"I'm gonna get my mark first!" Scootaloo reminded

"Girls?" Fluttershy called out

"Nuh-uh!" Sweetie Belle said

"Should we---" Fluttershy started

"I am!" Apple Bloom yelled out in between the duo

"Girls, okay, now settle---" Fluttershy started

"I'm gonna stay up all night!" Manon said

"Me too!" Scootaloo said in agreement

"Me three" Apple Bloom said in agreement

"Me four!" Sweetie Belle also said in agreement

"I-I know you're excited but---" Fluttershy started before looking back at the spot they were only to see the four were gone "Girls" Fluttershy called out as she then turned around only to see Apple Bloom checking the table for something as the chair was moved forwards "Oh, oh, Careful with the--" Fluttershy started while putting the chair back down before noticing Sweetie Belle's face stuck in a bird cage "Girls---" Fluttershy started before freeing Sweetie Belle's face as Fluttershy's mane bowed forward making her blow it back before she turned to the four "So, what do you wanna do? Play a game?" Fluttershy asked

"We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo reminded

'And we want to Crusade for our Cutie Marks!" Apple Bloom reminded

"And we will stop at nothing before we get it!" Manon reminded strictly

"And, and, and, we, um---Yeah! What they said!" Sweetie Belle agreed

"Mmm, I don't know... How about a nce quiet little tea party?" Fluttershy asked

"Or... We could go adventuring in the Everfree Forest!" Scootaloo suggested

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Manon all called out in agreement

Then the four ran towards the door only for Fluttershy to fly towards them

"Oh no! The Everfree Forest is much too dangerous, it's filled with far too many strange creatures" Fluttershy said angrily

"But you could go with us and we could catch those creatures, we could be, umm... Creature Catchers!" Sweetie Belle suggested


Then Scootaloo flipped a basket onto her head before grabbing Fluttershy's mat and wrapping it around Apple Bloom and herself as Sweetie Belle and Manon could only look with a strict face

"Arrrr! I am a dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest! Rrrarr!" Scootaloo roared playfully

Then Sweetie Belle was confused before she had an idea

"Halt dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest, I am Sweetie Belle" Sweetie Belle introduced playfully

"And I am Manon!" Manon introduced playfully

"The creature catchers, and we're here to catch you!" Sweetie Belle said playfully

"You can never catch me, I am far too powerful and dangerous!" Scootaloo reminded playfully

"You cannot run from us" Sweetie Belle said playfully

"Raaaar!" Scootaloo roared

Then Apple Bloom ran away from Sweetie Belle and Manon before the latter two started running after them making a chase

"Um, maybe that's not such a---" Fluttershy started only to see the four still making a chase and not listening "Now girls, how about we do some nice coloring?" Fluttershy asked

"Come back, dangerous creature, so we can catch you!"' Manon called out

"Never!" Scootaloo called out

Then Sweetie Belle jumps onto the table next to Fluttershy's chair before jumping off of it and when she did the table struggled to hold it's balance

"Careful--- You don't---" Fluttershy started

Just then the table fell and broke which made the four look in sadness at what they did

"Break anything" Fluttershy finished in sadness

"Sorry Fluttershy" Sweetie Belle apologized sadly

"Yeah, sorry" Scootaloo apologized sadly

"We didn't mean to let any of this happen" Manon apologized sadly

"I guess we aren't creature catchers" Apple Bloom apologized sadly

"Oh girls, it's okay, I---" Fluttershy started before Apple Bloom had another idea

"I know! We could be Cutie Mark Crusader Carpenters!" Apple Bloom said in realization

"C-Carpenters?" Fluttershy asked in confusion and shock

Then Manon went to get a tool kit before she returned and put it next to Scootaloo

"Hammer!" Apple Bloom said

"Hammer" Sweetie Belle said

"Hammer" Scootaloo said

"Hammer" Manon said

Then Manon picked a hammer before giving it to Scootaloo who gave it to Sweetie Belle who gave it to Apple Bloom while Manon grabbed another and gave it to Scootaloo who gave it to Sweetie Belle before grabbing two others before giving one to Scootaloo and when they did they nodded strictly before they started fixing up the table as Manon checked the blueprint while also helping and when they finished it was just a tower

"Um... That doesn't look like a table" Sweetie Belle said worriedly

Then Manon looked only to see it was just a blocks tower which made her embarrassed

"Oh, I just looked at my drawing, my bad" Manon said embarrassingly

"We were making a tower of blocks?" Scootaloo asked

"Somebody needs to put this thing out of it's misery" Apple Bloom suggested worriedly

"I know how to" Manon said

Then Manon used all her might to pick up the broken table before throwing it out the window breaking it

"That's a lot of payment to do" Fluttershy said to herself

"We are definitely not Cutie Mark Carpenters" Scootaloo said

"Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about a game?" Fluttershy asked

Then Fluttershy went to the chair as the Cutie Mark Crusaders followed her

"A game?" Apple Bloom asked confused

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders went to sit on the chair as Fluttershy stood in front of them

"It's called 'Shhh'" Fluttershy answered

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked confused

"Wel, it's a game about who can be quiet the longest, sound fun? I'm the world champ, you know, I bet you can't beat me!" Fluttershy explained

"She also broke the world record for being quiet for 12 hours straight" Manon said

Then the fillies turned to Manon in shock and disbelief

"It's true" Fluttershy said

Then Fluttershy inhaled as the Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't want to play as they quitted in three seconds

"I lose!" Scootaloo said

"Me too!" Sweetie Belle said

"Me three!" Apple Bloom said

"Me four!" Manon said

Then the four ran off and made chaos again as Fluttershy could only look in sadness

"Okay, now what can we do?" Scootaloo asked

"Oh! How about Cutie Mark Coal Miners?" Apple Bloom asked

"Yeah!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all called out in agreement

"No!" Fluttershy answered strictly

"Awww!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in sadness

"I mean, it's time for bed, don't you think? Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly-wuggly widdle beds?" Fluttershy asked

"Snuggly wuggly? But we have more Crusadin' to do" Apple Bloom reminded

"We've got plans!" Scootaloo reminded

"And capes!" Sweetie Belle reminded

"And we're not even tired yet!" Manon reminded

"Um, okay, um, maybe the Crusading can wait until tomorrow when it's light and not so... dark? But I can give you guys some helpful hot cocoa" Fluttershy said

"Yay!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all cheered

A few minutes later Manon was dressed up in her pajamas as she returned into the room before crawling onto the bed as she along with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo turned to Fluttershy

"How are we gonna find our special talent in our sleep?" Apple Bloom asked

Then Fluttershy blew the candle out

"Maybe you'll have a lively little dream about your special talent" Fluttershy answered

"But we're not even tired!" Scootaloo reminded

"Didn't I give you your hot cocoa?" Fluttershy asked

"Yeah but it didn't work" Manon answered

"Well then, how about I sing you a lullaby?" Fluttershy asked

"Mm-hmm, yeah!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all nodded in agreement

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders all tucked themselves in before

"I know this one!" Sweetie Belle said in realization

"Oh wonderful! Why don't you sing it with me" Fluttershy suggested

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded at each other before covering their ears as Sweetie Belle began singing

Then Sweetie Belle started singing as the bed started moving until Fluttershy tried to calm her down only for her to send Fluttershy flying as Sweetie Belle went on top of her bed before jumping on the railing before going closer to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Manon who smiled mischieviously before Fluttershy tried to stop her

"Okay Sweetie, that was..." Fluttershy started only for Sweetie Belle to continue singing

Then Sweetie Belle lays on an invisible cloud as she pretended it drifts away with the sun and moon also appearing as the stuff on Fluttershy's shelf started shaking and moving off the shelf and falling before luckily not breaking

"Thank you Sweetie Belle, um..." Fluttershy started before being interrupted once more

Then Sweetie Belle went to stand on an invisible moon before the bed where her friends laid in started bouncing up and down with her friends silently cheering as Fluttershy covered her ears in worry and loudness before Sweetie Belle screamt the last note which caused the chickens to wake up and run around in fright before Manon, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom heard the chickens making sounds which made them worried as they turned to Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy

"What is that?" Scootaloo asked

Then they turned to the window before rushing to Fluttershy's garden as Fluttershy puts the clock on the shelf before turning to the bed only to see that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had gone out as she went to the window only to see the four trying to get the chickens back in their chicken coop but failing Fluttershy called out to them

"Girls!" Fluttershy called out

"Fluttershy, your chickens are on the loose!" Apple Bloom explained

"I wonder what could have caused that" Sweetie Belle thought

"Probably your singing" Manon reminded

"Don't worry, Fluttershy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this!" Scootaloo said

"Cutie Mark Crusaders chicken herders! Yay!" Sweetie Belle cheered

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders started running around the chicken's home trying to catch them with Manon popping up from side to side which scared a few chickens into running the other way as the Cutie Mark Crusaders caught them only to get loose as they ran after them again

"No, I don't think that's a---" Fluttershy started before she saw that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were gone as she called out to them "Ah, come back! Please!" Fluttershy called out

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders started running around the chicken's home trying to catch them with Manon popping up from side to side which scared a few chickens into running the other way as the Cutie Mark Crusaders caught them only to get loose as they ran after them again as the Cutie Mark Crusaders started laughing with the chickens cuckling in fright

"Come on, girls, the chickens are fine--- Oh, girls, um---" Fluttershy started before a chicken went on top of her head "Girls" Fluttershy called out in anger

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to Fluttershy in worry who then made sounds to get the chicken on her head go off of it before they went to the chicken coop as Fluttershy helped them go there

"Come on, in you go" Fluttershy suggested

But the chickens didn't listen as they just stood on the stairs of sorts which made Fluttershy zip towards them and glare at them which caused it to be a stare which frightened the chickens a bit as Fluttershy went a bit deeper in the stare which caused the chickens to back off in worry before the three chicks got trapped in the door before they popped inside which made Fluttershy stop

"There's some good chickens" Fluttershy said before turning to the Cutie Mark Crusaders "Okay, you three, isn't it about time you got into bed?" Fluttershy asked

"But---" The Cutie Mark Crusaders started

"Please?" Fluttershy pleaded

Then Fluttershy gave puppy dog eyes as Manon made bigger puppy dog eyes while also moving her hands like paws as Fluttershy made it worse

"Who's gonna win?!" Apple Bloom asked

"Fluttershy is gonna win!" Scootaloo answered as Fluttershy made bigger puppy dog eyes

"Hold on Manon is having it much worse!" Sweetie Belle said as Manon made it bigger

And it kept going for a whole minute as Manon's friends started debating before it was a draw

"Well, okay then, I guess I'm not useful, come on girls" Manon said sadly

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Fluttershy walked back to Fluttershy's bedroom and when they were inside they went into bed as Fluttershy stood in front of the stairs

"So, no more Crusading for tonight, all right?" Fluttershy asked

"Yes, Fluttershy!" Scootaloo answered

"We promise, Fluttershy!" Sweetie Belle answered

"We Pinkie Promise, Fluttershy!" Manon answered

"Good night, Fluttershy!" Apple Bloom waved

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders fell asleep as Fluttershy walked off in relief

"Okay, good night" Fluttershy said

When Fluttershy was downstairs the Cutie Mark Crusaders opened their eyes which meant they were lying to be asleep as they then turned to each other

"Okay, so what kind of crusading do we do next?" Sweetie Belle asked

"There's not much we can do from this room... Unless we become Cutie Mark Crusaders cottage cleaners" Apple Bloom answered

"N-No thanks" Sweetie Belle apologized

"Well, we have to think of somethin', we can't just waste this opportunity to find out what our special talents are" Apple Bloom said walking out of the bed and going to the window before noticing chicken footprints "Hey, girls! Look! Some of the chickens may have escaped!" Apple Bloom called out

Then Apple Bloom's companions ran towards her and saw the chicken footprints too from outside

"Into the forest" Sweetie Belle said in shock

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Manon asked

"Cutie Mark Crusaders chicken rescuers, are go!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders chanted in a whispering way

Then Manon went down the stairs a bit before looking to see if Fluttershy was asleep before seeing Fluttershy sigh before talking to herself

"It really wasn't that hard... I mean, all I needed to do was just show them who's in charge, nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy! Good with animals, good with fillies!" Fluttershy said in relief

When Fluttershy was asleep Manon motioned the Cutie Mark Crusaders to their backpacks as they then grabbed their capes before slowly going out the door and when they were out the door they ran towards the tracks only for Scootaloo's cape to get stuck which caused Manon to pull Scootaloo hard only for the two to spin towards their friends as Scootaloo's cape got ripped

"Wait up!" Scootaloo called out in a whispering way

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the forest as a tree stopped Scootaloo and Manon from spinning as the two continued to walk with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in front of them

Meanwhile Fluttershy was sleeping in relief as she sighed

"Mmm, peace and quiet" Fluttershy said in relief before gasping in shock and waking up "Too quiet" Fluttershy said worriedly before going upstairs only to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders have disappeared which made her gasp in worry before going outside into her garden in search of them "Girls?" Fluttershy called out before going into the chicken coop to see if they're with the chickens "Girls?" Fluttershy called out only to see that a chicken had disappeared "Elizabeak! She's missing! Girls?!" Fluttershy called out only to see footprints going to the Everfree Forest "Oh no!" Fluttershy called out only to see a piece of Scootaloo's cape hanging on a pole "They must have gone looking for my missing chicken! Which means... They must have gone into..." Fluttershy started before gasping in shock and worry and gulping "The Everfree Forest!" Fluttershy said in shock and worry before angrily trotting to the Everfree Forest "Those girls have really done it this time! They've really bitten off more than they can chew! Oh, just like me! I never should have offered to watch them" Fluttershy said in sadness and worry

Then Fluttershy looks into the Everfree Forest before taking a deep breath as she flew into the Everfree Forest with courage

Meanwhile ways back in the forest the Cutie Mark Crusaders were still walking before a sound from an owl was heard which made Manon worried before kept her cool again as Apple Bloom called for the chicken

"Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick! Brawck, bawk-bawk-bawk, brawck!" Apple Bloom called out

"What are you doing?" Scootaloo suddenly asked

"Callin' for the chicken!" Apple Bloom answered

"That is not how you call a chicken" Scootaloo corrected

"Oh, and you know how to call a chicken?" Apple Bloom asked angrily

"I know that's not the way" Scootaloo explained angrily

"Then show me" Apple Bloom ordered angrily

"I don't have to show you!" Scootaloo explained angrily

"You're just chicken!" Apple Bloom said angrily

"Am not!" Scootaloo said angrily

"Oh, wait, now I know how to call a chicken!" Apple Bloom realized as she started calling for it "Scootaloo! Scoot-Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom called out

"That's so funny I forgot to laugh" Scootaloo said angrily

"You also forgot how to call a chicken!" Apple Bloom said angrily

"Why, you---" Scootaloo started

Then Sweetie Belle and Manon turned around in worry and anger

"Come on, guys, we're not gonna find the chicken or our Cutie Marks by arguing" Sweetie Belle answered

"Or maybe you guys want two arguing faces as your Cutie Mark" Manon reminded teasingly

"Maybe that's our special talent, arguin'!" Apple Bloom realized

"Is not!" Scootaloo said angrily

"Is too!" Apple Bloom corrected angrily

"Is not!" Scootaloo corrected angrily

"Is too!" Apple Bloom corrected angrily before turning her behind to Scootaloo "Anything yet?" Apple Bloom asked

"Nope" Scootaloo answered

"Darn" Apple Bloom said sadly

"Come along now!" Manon said

Then Apple Bloom and Scootaloo started walking again as the wind blows a bit

"Heeeere, chick-chick-chick-chick, baaawk, bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk, b-baaaaawk!" Apple Bloom called out again

Meanwhile in another part of the forest Fluttershy was still walking in the forest and calling out for the Cutie Mark Crusaders

"Girls?" Fluttershy called out in a whispering way before getting worried "Girls?" Fluttershy called out again worriedly before curling up into a ball before standing back up with a brave smile "Get a hold of yourself Fluttershy, just put one hoof in front of the other" Fluttershy suggested before walking further again before walking on a stick which then snapped which frightened her enough that she walked back in worry "Aah! What was that?!" Fluttershy asked worriedly before hitting a tree which made her run in fright before she saw three figures standing there "Twilight? Ladybug? Cat Noir? I-Is that you?" Fluttershy asked before she approached them "Oh, guys, it is you, thank goodness you're here, I need your help, the girls are out here somewhere and I'm afraid they're---" Fluttershy started only to notice that the three were stuck in a stone prison "Oh! What's happened to you?" Fluttershy asked before tapping Twilight causing her statue to fall back "Oh no! If you've been turned to stone it must mean--- Oh! Oh no, the girls! Don't move, I'll be back for you, girls!" Fluttershy called out

Meanwhile the Cutie Mark Crusaders were still walking with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo arguing again

"Is not!" Scootaloo reminded

"Is too!" Apple Bloom corrected

"It's not!" Scootaloo reminded again

"Is too!" Apple Bloom corrected again

Just then Manon and Sweetie Belle turned around angrily at the two

"Would you two just stop for once!" Manon ordered angrily

"Yeah because girls! Our special talent is not arguing, besides, what would the Cutie Mark of somepone whose talent is arguing even look like?" Sweetie Belle asked

Then the girls heard a familiar voice as they turned to the source

"Girls? Girls?" Fluttershy called out

"Fluttershy?" Sweetie Belle called out in shock and worry

Then Fluttershy flew in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who could only look in shock and worry

"Girls! Thank goodness I found you!" Fluttershy said in relief

"Fluttershy, what---" Sweetie Belle started

"Girls, we have to leave the forest at once!" Fluttershy ordered

Then Fluttershy walked back as the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked backwards in confusion

"But... We haven't found the chicken yet!" Sweetie Belle reminded

"There's no time for that, there's a cockatrice on the loose!" Fluttershy explained

"A cocka-what now?" Apple Bloom asked

"A cockatrice! It's a frightening creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a snake, now, come on!" Fluttershy ordered

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked around Fluttershy who turned to see them searching for the chicken once more

The head of a chicken and the body of a snake? That doesn't sound scary, that sounds silly!" Scootaloo corrected

"I know right!" Manon said in agreement

"Why, if I ever see one of them cockathingies face-to-face, I'd laugh at how silly it was" Apple Bloom said with a smile

Just then Apple Bloom bumped into Fluttershy as the Cutie Mark Crusaders stopped walking again

"No! Never look one in the eye!" Fluttershy suggested

Just then a white chicken with red hair and orange beak and legs went out the bush and rang off while cuckling

"If you look a cockatrice in the eye---" Fluttershy started

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw the white chicken

"The chicken!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all called out

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders zipped off once more

"Girls wait!" Fluttershy called out

"Here, chick-Chick-Chick-Chick-Chick!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all called out

Then the white chicken continued running with the Cutie Mark Crusaders behind them before before a roar was heard which caused them to stop and be confused as Sweetie Belle turned around only to find the chicken they were searching for in the bush

"There he is!" Sweetie Belle called out

Then another chicken popped up but this time with glowing red eyes

"Two chickens?" Scootaloo asked confused

"I thought only one escaped!" Apple Bloom said confused

"Grab them both!" Sweetie Belle ordered

Then Apple Bloom went to grab an chicken only for it to jump and fall all the way in the bush before Apple Bloom rushed for the other with a strict look before it went further into the bush before it came out flying with green bat wings and a long green tail but the rest were the same from the other chicken like the head, the hair and legs, which frightened the Cutie Mark Crusaders a bit before it stretched it's wings before flying towards the chicken who run side to side before landing in front of it before giving the chicken a stare which caused the chicken to flip turn into stone and have it's face stuck in the sand before it went for the Cutie Mark Crusaders which were frightened before running off as the cockatrice ran after them making the Cutie Mark Crusaders scream before Scootaloo trips over a rock causing her friends to fall onto her before they saw a fallen stone Twilight and a stone Ladybug and Cat Noir with a snail crawling on Twilight's stone face

"See? Now we have to---" Fluttershy started

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders started screaming in fright

"Girls, please, girls--- Now listen to me, girls, I--- Please!" Fluttershy started

But the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued screaming in fright before running around Fluttershy in fright before the Cockatrice found them as it walked for them making Fluttershy worried

"Girls! Behind me, now!" Fluttershy ordered

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders zipped behind Fluttershy in a straight line and when the Cockatrice was close enough Fluttershy looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders in worry before started looking at the Cockatrice in rage

"You! Just who do you think you are, going around turning others in stone!" Fluttershy asked in anger

Then the Cockatrice looked in shock and dismay before trying to turn Fluttershy in stone as Fluttershy continued to reason with him

"You should be ashamed of yourself, I have a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man, now you go over there and turn Elizabeak and my friends Twilight, Ladybug and Cat Noir back to normal and don't ever let me catch you doing this again, do you understand me?" Fluttershy asked angrily as she then gave the Cockatrice the biggest stare she could give which made the Cockatrice a bit frightened before her legs got fixed as the Cockatrice nodded before running off in fright as Fluttershy turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders "Are you girls all right? I was so worried!" Fluttershy asked worriedly

"Yeah, fine!" Scootaloo answered

"I'm happy I didn't spray my ankle" Manon answered

"Thanks to that stare of yours" Sweetie Belle explained

"You're like the queen of stares, you're the---" Scootaloo started before being joined by her friends

"STARE MASTER!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders yelled in unison

Then Fluttershy touched her chest in relief before Sweetie Belle turned to Fluttershy again

"We're sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest" Sweetie Belle apologized

"Yeah, we'll listen to you from now on" Apple Bloom said

"And we'll sleep when you want us to" Manon said

"We promise" Scootaloo said

"Oh you do, do you? Well, you better or I'll give you... The stare!" Fluttershy reminded

Then the five started laughing in relief and happiness before Ladybug, Cat Noir and Twilight approached the five

"What... What happened?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, I thought I missed something" Ladybug agreed

"It's like I had a beauty rest after being closed up by some stone or something" Cat Noir said

"Are we gonna say it?" Manon asked

Then the rest of her friends and Fluttershy looked at each other before shaking their head

"All we're gonna say is that Zecora's hut might be closed so I suggest the meeting must be postponed" Apple Bloom said

"Well that's bummer, I just hope Twilight can make a new date" Ladybug said

"I'll be sure too, anyways thanks for saving us girls" Twilight said

"No worries" Scootaloo said

"But it was all Fluttershy's stare that saved you" Sweetie Belle said

"Sweetie Belle's right" Fluttershy said

"Alright then, let's go back to Ponyville then" Cat Noir said

Just then cuckling was heard as the heroes turned to see the white chicken still trying to free herself

"Uh, just a minute!" Manon said

Then Manon went to the white chicken and pulled it out before stroking it as the 8 walked back home as Fluttershy went to put the Cutie Mark Crusaders to bed

The next day Twilight, Ladybug and Fluttershy were talking to each other while the Cutie Mark Crusaders were playing

"And that's when it brought you two back from stone" Fluttershy finished explaining

"This is gonna make quite a letter to the princess, I was wrong about you, you certainly do know how to handle those girls" Twilight said with a smile

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far" Fluttershy corrected

"Hmm? How so?" Twilight asked

"I assumed that I'd be just be as good with kids as I am with animals, boy, was I wrong, I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I could chew" Fluttershy explained

"You and Rarity both" Twilight said

Just then Rarity arrived with Cat Noir

"Morning girls, I was just about to come here when Rarity decided to join me" Cat Noir said

"Oh, good moring Rarity and Cat Noir" Twilight greeted

"Did you finish all those capes?" Fluttershy asked

Then Rarity sighs in relief

"Just delivered them, I have to admit, if you hadn't come along, I might not have, thanks again" Rarity thanked

Then Rarity touches her cheek against Fluttershy's in relief and thanks before letting go of it

"Won't you stay for some tea?" Fluttershy asked

"I really must get back to the shop and clean up" Rarity said before turning to the Cutie Mark Crusaders "Girls! Get your thing, time to go, girls!" Rarity tried to call out as the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued to play "Girls! Time to--- Girls! Your things! Girls! It's time to--- Girls!" Rarity tried to call out in anger

Then Fluttershy approached Rarity

"Allow me" Fluttershy said before turning to the Cutie Mark Crusaders again "Girls?" Fluttershy called out

And as a miracle the Cutie Mark Crusaders stopped and zipped towards Fluttershy and Rarity the one who was relieved

"Yes, Fluttershy" Applejack said

"You called" Scootaloo explained

"Go and get your things, Rarity is here to see you home" Fluttershy explained

"Of coourse, Fluttershy, right away!" Sweetie Belle said

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders zipped off

"H-How did you---? How did you do that?" Rarity asked

"I guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals" Fluttershy explained

"Okay, now I'm confused either you are or you're not" Ladybug explained confused

"I'm confused either but it's better you do not ask" Fluttershy said

"Okay" Ladybug said

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders ran off

"Thank you, Fluttershy! Bye! Thank you, Stare Master!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all waved

"Uh, speaking of which, I could use your help with opal" Rarity explained

"Of course, how about later today?" Fluttershy asked

Just then an meow was heard as Rarity turned around as Fluttershy saw an angry Opal

"How about now?" Rarity asked worriedly

Then Opal meowed again as Twilight, Fluttershy, Ladybug and Cat Noir all laughed in disbelief