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Chapter 12) The Planet of Grogar / The Avengers vs. the Guardians of the Galaxy

Back on Grogar's ship, in its dark cells, Sprout was still floating in midair, suspended by anti-gravity technology. Grogar and Hitch had gone through a portal of blue cosmic energy, and he knew they were headed for the planet Vormir.

But having no idea where that place was, he needed to get ahead of his enemy and ambush Grogar on his home planet, where he would meet up with his other sons.

He needed help for that.

Reluctantly, Sprout realized that she would need the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy... and collaborating with Sunny Starscout was a bummer (not to mention the others) for him, but they were the only allies he had right now.

"First things first..." he thought.

Then, he waited until the guard looked away and tilted his head forward, allowing his cybernetic eye to pop out of his socket.

Sure enough, the huge brute stopped when it saw him in this state and stepped forward to push the eye back into place. Sprout waited until he was in the correct position… and then hit his head with his fist, knocking him unconscious and onto his back.

A weak person might have cracked his skull with such a move, but Sprout had long ago had most of his bones replaced by pure steel… barely feeling it.

Grunting, the next part of his escape was painful, but easier to pull off: twisting his arms and legs to unnatural degrees to escape the anti-gravity technology that kept him aloft. Once again, anyone else would have been in agony, had he been able to pull it off.

Sprout made it through with barely a grunt and then, until he finally landed with three limbs intact, free.

From there, he moved deeper into the ship, avoiding the remaining guards as they made their way down the corridor. Unlike the 'Sons of Grogar', they were not very intelligent, which was exactly how Grogar liked them. They never question orders and are never smart enough to know when to give up or retreat.

Perfect cannon fodder.

Stepping into another room, Sprout nodded approvingly seeing that he was where he needed to be. One of his arms was still dislocated, but he ignored it as he walked over to a comm console and entered a message.

“Izzy, pay close attention to me…” Sprout said “You and your friends meet me at these coordinates…”

The ship shuddered, as it brought the heroes that were on board.

"What's going on?" Luster asked.

Another jolt ripped through the ship as the viewscreen lit up, and they all stared out at a dark, dry planet before them.

"I think we've arrived..." Star Swirl commented.

The ship wasn't slowing down, a fact everyone realized pretty quickly.

"I don't think this thing is self-parking..." Twilight said, moving toward the controls.

Cozy Glow had used them before, so Twilight points to Luster.

“Put your hand in the steering gimbal and close everything up!”

"Yes, I got it!" she replied, grabbing the other control panel "Okay, okay... I'm ready".

"This was meant for a big guy, so we have to move at the same time" Twilight exclaimed, not quite sure of herself.

She quickly followed her own advice, holding on to a small wheel that spun counterclockwise.

Luster quickly tried to do the same, which complicated matters when they both tried to drive.

"Maybe we better turn..." she replied "Turn! Turn! TURN!”

The entire ship shuddered as it hit a massive tower of rubble, shaking violently. Whatever little control they had had before, they definitely had lost now.

All they could do was brace for impact.

Twilight and Luster activated their hooves, while Star Swirl raised her hands, conjuring a dome of glowing energy that enveloped the three of them protectively.

Just in time for the ship to crash into the planet, breaking into half a dozen segments, including the one they were on. Fortunately, the debris hardly mattered... since the entire planet seemed covered in it.

It was a wasteland as far as the eye could see.

Inside, the shield had held, and Star Swirl stood up, approaching Twilight.

"Are you okay?" he said, helping her up.

"That was close…" Twilight said "I owe you one".

Iron Spider was slightly hanging upside down from the ceiling with a spider web.

"If the aliens end up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat any of you, I'm sorry..."

Twilight wasn't in the mood, cutting her off with a quick wave of her hands.

"I don't want to hear any other pop culture references from you the rest of the trip. Got it?”

"I'm trying to say there's something coming..." she said, pointing with her hand.

Minutes before her spider-sense kicked in, something rolled between the trio. Some kind of flash grenade, which shot down all three of them in different directions.

From a broken entry, a trio of warriors emerged, charging into the fray.

It was Sunny, Pipp and Izzy!

"GROGAR!" Pipp yelled, a murderous look on his face.

Throwing his knives, Star Swirl barely had time to conjure a shield to block them. Pipp charged forward anyway, determined to rip her opponent's head off hers, whose hat flew up to crash into Pipp's face, sending her crashing to the ground.

Meanwhile, Star-Lady and Iron Girl collided in midair, going into a free fall spin as they fought, unable to use their weapons due to the proximity.

Eventually, Twilight grabbed her attacker and spun her around, throwing her away from her, who landed easily on her feet, smiling as she activated some kind of detonator in her hand.

A device on Iron Girl's chest suddenly opened and magnetized, pulling her to slam her into a metal wall, stunning her.

Iron Spider, on the other hand, woke up to find Izzy looking at her, mistaking her for an alien.

"AAAHHH!!" Luster yelled, as she crawled back “Wow, wow, wow, wow! Don't lay eggs inside me!"

She connects Izzy's arms to her body with several web shots, only to become a target for Star-Lady, who flies at her head-on and kicks her to the ground.

"And don't get up, clown!"

At that moment, Iron Girl shoots the Star-Lady out of the air, as Iron Spider extends her spider legs and jumps at her, only for Star-Lady to throw an electrical cable at her that wraps around Luster and sends her to the ground.

"Die, Hat of Evil!" Pipp yelled, as he struggled against Star Swirl's hat stuck on his face.

Seconds later, Iron Girl breaks free from the magnet on her chest, and after landing on Pipp and pinning her to the ground, analyzes the situation: Star-Lady was holding Luster in a headlock and pointing one of her blasters at her, and Star Swirl is ready near an Izzy immobilized by the cobwebs.

“Everyone stay where you are and let's relax!” Star-Lady yelled, as she kept her grip on Luster.

The other combatants stopped instantly, though they kept their respective gazes locked on one another, ready to continue the fight the instant it developed again.

“I'll only ask you ONE question” Sunny said, as she deactivated her helmet and looked at Iron Girl “Where is Hitch?”

Frowning, Twilight deactivated her own helmet.

"Oh yeah? I'll make you a better one" Twilight said "WHO is Hitch?"

"I'll make you a better one!" Pipp protested from under Twilight, missing the point as always "WHY is Hitch?"

Star Swirl looked with some confusion among the combatants, not knowing where they were, only that all those who pointed hands and weapons at each other were for the moment keeping the peace... which would not last long.

"Tell me where he is, or I swear I'll fry this freak!" Sunny said, as she pressed her blaster against Luster's head.

“Come on, you shoot my girl and I'll blow yours up! COME ON!" Twilight snorted angrily.

The nanotech in his armor spreads out, creating a huge ion cannon... aiming right at Pipp's head, who doesn't even flinch.

“Do it, Starscout! I can take it!” she proclaimed, foolishly but bravely.

"She can't take it!" Izzy yelled.

"Right, she can't..." Star Swirl said, agreeing with Izzy.

“Oh yeah, don't you want to tell me where he is? Okay, I'll kill all three of you and then I'll beat him out of Grogar MYSELF!" Sunny demanded, as she took more aim at Luster. "I'll start with you!"

“What? Grogar?” Star Swirl asked, grasping at a slim chance "Very well, I'll ask you this question just once: which lord are you serving?"

Which lord?” Sunny asked, sounding incredulous. "What am I supposed to say?! To God?”

And so, everything clicked in Twilight's mind, who deactivated her weapon.

"You're from Earth," she stated.

"Well no, I'm from Maretime Bay".

"That's ON Earth, idiot!" Twilight replied, incredulously "Why are you giving us a hard time!?"

"So... you three aren't with Grogar?" Luster asked tentatively, well aware that the wrong question could earn him a hole in the head.

WITH Grogar?” Sunny responded, positively sick at that suggestion “NO! I have come to kill him… he took my boyfriend. Who are you three?"

To answer the question, Luster deactivated his mask, revealing his face.

“We are the Avengers, dude…”

"Are you those... that Rainbow Dash told us about?" Izzy asked.

That question surprised Twilight.

"Do you know Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked, relieved that her best friend was alive.

"Yes..." Sunny answered tersely, as she lowered her weapon "A tall, not-so-pretty one, that she... needed to be saved".

Star Swirl saw potential in that.

"And where is she?"

Author's Note:

On Grogar's ship, Sprout manages to escape and get in touch with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Meanwhile, Twilight's group finally arrives on Grogar's planet, where they are ambushed by Sunny's group, who believe they work for Grogar.

In the end, both groups stop fighting when Twilight discovers that the Guardians know Rainbow Dash.

What results will form this alliance of superheroes?