• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 325 Views, 5 Comments

Hoity: The Untold Story - CrackedInkWell

Anyone in the fashion world knows Hoity Toity. The fashion designer and critic that is respected as a trend setter. But what most ponies don't know is the pony himself. Who was he before his rose to fame? His life has remained untold... until now.

  • ...

3 - Back to Square One

“H-Hoity! Stop!” Hoity pried him away, taking his shoulders in his hooves to give some distance between them. He was about to ask what just happened but… then he saw Hoity. His eyes tearing up as though he had punched him in the face - hard. Was he crying? “Hoity?”

“I-I thought… I…” Hoity’s voice was too choked up. He wanted to run away so he royally blew it. Any chance for a relationship with this God of Love was destroyed with that kiss. However, Fancy’s enveloped him in a tight hug that he couldn’t get away. There was no way he could get out before the tears started flowing.

“Please listen, I’m sorry,” Fancy said, enveloping him with a bearhug. “Don’t be mad at me, it’s just… that happened to me before. I’ve never been kissed by a colt and I was… Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Hiccuping in his heavy embarrassment, Fancy held him there while he cried. Hoity felt him being stroked while he sobbed into his shoulder. Here he was bawling like a baby and Fancy, though he didn’t say much… did what he could to comfort him while he let everything out. It felt as though the world had ended, yet Fancy stood there like a solid, immovable rock to let him know that everything was still okay. That everything will be okay.

After a good half an hour when Hoity’s tears subsided enough, he heard Fancy ask, “I suppose I should have seen this coming, huh?”


“Hoity… I need you to be honest with me.” Taking in a deep breath, he asked, “Do you… like me that way?”

“.... I just kissed you.”

“You know what I mean. Do you have… feelings for me?”

“.... Y… Y-Yes…” Hoity said meekly.

“.... I see… Just making sure.” This time Hoity looked up where he saw his face. Conflicted, and puzzled, but he didn’t see any hint of malice. “I’m not going to lie to you… I’m at a loss for what to do. It’s not every day that you have a colt suddenly kiss you without warning… much less getting kissed at all.” Then after a beat, he asked, “How long?”

“I don’t know… a couple of months? Give or take a few weeks?”

Seeing Fancy’s horn levitate a box of tissues, he pulled out a few to wipe the tears from his face. “Are you mad at me that I pushed you away?”

Hoity shook his head, “I thought you would be mad at me.”

“I don’t think you did anything wrong. Just… I really should have seen it coming. Though I didn’t think you would like me in that way.”

“Yeah…” Hoity took one of the tissues to dry his eyes. “I have a crush on you. I didn’t mean to make this weird but… I did.”

“Hoity, I’m not going to kick you out for it. You’ve already been through a lot. The kiss just came out of nowhere for me. And don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered, really - it’s just… it threw me off balance. I don’t hate you for it - let’s be fair, if I were in your horseshoes I’d probably kiss the first one that would offer me a place to stay… Well… maybe not that just… Wow, this is confusing!”

“What is?”

Fancy didn’t reply.


“.... We should probably pick out a room for you. With all that I’m still trying to process, can we take a step back and deal with this priority first, please?”

That gave Hoity some pause. If he hadn’t known better, he would say while Fancy isn’t exactly being recipient to his feelings… he’s not turning them down either. Perhaps he gave him something to question about? For all he knew, maybe Fancy never seriously gave thought about his sexuality before and he might have awakened something.

After all… he was sure that Fancy kissed back.

Dinner was… interesting. Perhaps interesting would put it lightly when Fancy asked his parents if Hoity could live with them until graduation. The look on Jean and Khaki was one of stunned, slack-jawed surprise at such a request. For a minute, Hoity was worried about them saying no, but when they asked why, the colts explained the situation. Of how Hoity was disowned by his family and trying to cover up the fact he’s homeless. Explaining how he hoped the school might be the key to him having a future, a job to where he could be on his own hooves. When they explained as best as they could, Fancy’s parents excused themselves to talk it over. After an agonizingly long twenty minutes, they decided that they will allow Hoity to stay with them on some conditions: that he wouldn’t be too much trouble in the house; that he would strive to get good grades in his classes; and let him stay until he finds a job that would fully support him.

Hoity came close to breaking down in tears but he did hug them both.

Later in the evening, Hoity was on his back on a queen size bed in his new room. He picked out one of the mansion's guest rooms, just on the other side of the hall from Fancy’s bedroom. It was an elegant room with a high ceiling, wooden floor, and dark furniture against the white wallpaper, it also came with the addition of a door to the balcony facing the driveway, a pretty decent closet, and his own bathroom… His bathroom. He was looking forward to not sneaking down halls just to take a shower anymore. Still… the room only has the bare essentials, and the family promised they would chip in to give some additions such as a work desk, several folds of fabrics, and whatever art to hang up from the walls on picture frames.

Certainly beats sleeping on a dusty chaise lounge or someone’s couch any day.’ Hoity thought, still can’t believe the sheer generosity of his crush’s family.

However, before he could get ready to go to bed, he heard a knock on the door Fancy asked, “Hoity? Are you still awake?

Hoity answered the door where he saw Fancy glimpsing down the hall as though to make sure he wasn’t seen. “Hoity um… could we talk for a minute? I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

Telling him he wasn’t, he let Fancy inside the room. Yet, after closing the door, Fancy walked across towards the door to the balcony, saying that he wants it to be a private talk where no one would overhear. They walked out to the balcony, into the cool night where the street lamps were lit and the stars looked down overhead. On the balcony were two wicker chairs where they sat down. Hoity noticed how uneasy Fancy was being, not looking him in the eye, having a shamed expression.

“What do you want to talk about?” Hoity asked.

Glancing around to make absolutely sure that it really was just them alone, Fancy answered, “I’ve been thinking back to what you… we did. It was startling… okay, still is but there’s been a lot about it that I’ve been thinking of.”

“Such as?”

“Well… Oh Celestia, where do I begin? Where do I end?”

“Simple, begin at the beginning, go on until you get to the end, then stop.”

At least it got a laugh out of Fancy. “I see but… well, I suppose of all the things you had told me about the kiss, there is something you did leave out.”

“What do you mean?” Hoity blinked.

“.... Why me?” Hoity raised an eyebrow. “It’s not that your gay that got me all shooked up. I just… I can’t figure that out of… I don’t know how many students at school - colts no less - that you could develop several months-long crushes on… What about me that makes me stand out? Because surely, I don’t necessarily see myself as prince charming or the most attractive colt out there. So really, what about me that you’ve developed a crush on.” He quickly added, “And if the answer is that I’m rich, I will punch you.”

Hoity laughed, “No no… okay, maybe a little.” Fancy playfully punched in the shoulder. “Just… wow this is new for me. It’s not every day that you get to tell your crush why you like ‘em.”


“Well… for starters, you may not see yourself as the most attractive but… Celestia, I think you’re gorgeous.”

Fancy raised an eyebrow, taking a moment to look down at himself before turning back to Hoity. “How?”

“I mean… look at you. You have a flawless coat; a well-cut, well-kept mane; you have just the right tone of muscle that makes you look so strong; your tail is hypnotic to look at when it swings.”

“Alright, be honest,” Fancy chuckled, “because I want you to be with this: have you ever stared at my flank?”

“.... I am neither confirming nor denying that.” Hoity looked away, a blush on his cheeks from that lie. “Still… your face too is nearly perfect like you belong on the cover of a magazine or something.”

“My face?”

“Well, you know what it reminds me of? Like a carved marble statue from the Ancient Pegasi. Smooth, and white, yet has such depth in every expression. That, and I won’t lie when I say this… I really like your eyes. Clear as sapphires and blue as the ocean.”

“Is that why all the clothes you made for me are mostly blue?”

“.... It does match your eyes.”

Fancy didn’t say anything, but let his hoof relax right next to Hoity’s.

“If I’m being bluntly honest,” Hoity said, “You’re the most attractive damn thing in the entire school. That, and I like your personality. A genuinely nice guy that is encouraging, happy to see you every day, always there to listen.” Hoity’s cheeks took on a pinkish tint along with a growing smile. “And you’re generous. And funny. And easy to talk to. And…” He paused when he looked back over to Fancy. “I’m being way too sappy, am I?”

“No, no. I appreciate the honesty.” Fancy told him, “It’s just… I’m not used to hearing that is all.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it’s a little odd to hear so many compliments from someone and they’re being genuine about it. Not even from my ex-fillyfriend.”

Hoity blinked, “You had a fillyfriend?”

“Once, for a couple of months before moving to Canterlot. At first, I was blind-sighted of how incredibly lucky I was to have a fillyfriend who fed me flatteries and compliments. So blind-sighted that I didn’t realize that she… well… didn’t exactly mean it.”

“Oh… I’m so sorry.”

“It took a long while to have me to realize that she was using me to make her the popular girl in school. That she was manipulating me to make me think that she could do no wrong and just have me go along with it. And… Well, long story short, let’s say I didn’t feel bad about breaking up with her.”

“At least you had a relationship.”

Fancy raised an eyebrow, “So you never… had a coltfriend?”

“I would love to have one but… well, we can’t always get what we want.”

Shifting in his seat, Fancy placed a hoof on Hoity’s. Noticing this, he looked at Fancy’s expression that had concern written on it. “You can’t really think that’s the truth.”

“What can I say? The truth is a stubborn thing.”

There was a pause, mostly from Fancy being unsure what to say. However, after a while of the crickets filling the silence, he did ask, “There is something I want to know. Something I’m curious about.”


“Well… don’t think of this as being offensive or anything but… how did you know you were gay?” This got a raised eyebrow from Hoity, “I mean to say, when did you realize that you weren’t into fillies?”

“In other words, when did I realize I was different?” Hoity laid back in the chair. “To tell you the truth, I didn’t realize I was peculiar at first. For a long time, I didn’t know about homosexuality, what the traits are, or what specifically about it everypony has a problem with. As a young colt, I played with toys, read story books, and played pretend with whoever would have me. For me, realizing that I’m gay came about through little bits and pieces.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like… I noticed that when other colts hit puberty, one of the first things they obsess about is looking at fillies' flanks. There were naughty whispers in the schoolyard of how one colt caught a glimpse of what was underneath someone’s tail. While the other colts seem curious and excited… I just didn’t get it.

“Other times it was more subtle than that. Where I get hints from advertisements of all things. Like… Do you remember seeing a billboard that had this orange mare in a bikini that was advertising some shampoo or whatever it was?”

“I might have?” Fancy shrugged.

“While colts in town would stare at it, it didn’t have the same effect on me as the… The apple juice ad.”

Fancy blinked, “I don’t follow.”

“Hear me out on this. Back in Ponyville, there was this old billboard that was advertising something about apples. It showed a yellow stallion with a red mane, holding up a basket of apples. The thing about it that I remember most was the way he looked at you. Having a smirk and having those emerald green eyes looking at you in such an… Well,” Hoity chuckled embarrassingly, “the only word I could describe it was enticing. As if he was selling more than just apples, you know? On top of having the look of a bodybuilder… every time I look at it I feel my heart skip a beat.”

“Hm… him having muscles, me having a little, I think I’m seeing a pattern here.” Fancy chuckled with a blush of his own.

“Yeah… So little by little… it became apparent to me that I wasn’t exactly straight. Yet, as much as I wanted to have a relationship with a colt that went beyond friendship… Things got complicated when I told my family what was going on.”

“It shouldn’t be,” Fancy said, patting him on the back. “I may not know a lot, but Canterlot, as far as I see it, is a little more accepting about colts being gay. I have a few friends in the Dinning Club that I’m sure are gay and nopony there bats an eye at it. Whether the school shares that same acceptance…? I don’t know. But I think that from here on out, it’s all going to be a step up from what you’ve gone through.”

“Yeah,” Hoity nodded in agreement, “Maybe if I’m lucky, I could have a real coltfriend.”

“It might happen,” Fancy said with a small smile. “I think we ought to get to bed. It’s getting rather late.”

Getting up from the wicker chairs, the two were about to enter back in the house when Hoity said, “Hey Fancy?” He looked at him where he gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks… for listening.”

In the light of his room, he saw Fancy’s face turning bright pink, a hoof reaching up to the place where he kissed it. He gave a curt “Goodnight,” before leaving his room.

Perhaps… Hoity thought… From here on out, it only gets better.

Author's Note:

I know, I know. It has been a long while, has it? Believe me, I hadn't much time to myself due to stuff in real life such as college and having to juggle several different projects at once. Hopefully, we'll be getting more of these chapters out since I've written quite a bit that has been on the back burner for a while.

Still, hope you like this chapter, and here's for more to come in the near future.