• Published 9th Sep 2022
  • 481 Views, 64 Comments

Seekers of the Epitaph: World of Azeroth - Xarmar13

Six friends exploring the world of Azeroth. Seven associates seeking Equestria's doom.

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Battle of the Sunwell, Part 3: Demon Lord Rising

On a distant Legion world, A battalion of demons were making final preparations for their upcoming invasion of Azeroth. A vast number of wrathguards and felguards were sparring with one another while many shivarra and eredar were practicing their spells alongside ered’ruin doomguards and terrorfiends.

From his ship that overlooked the fel-scarred training grounds, a crimson eredar with a large pair of wings and wearing armor with glowing runes without a chestpiece observed the army for a time. Around his neck was a necklace with a burning skull.

Kil’jaeden was about to accomplish what Sargeras failed to do ten thousand years ago and Archimonde failed to do five years ago. All of his preparations and plans were about to come to fruition as the way to Azeroth would soon be open. All it took was for some desperate elf to open the way from his end while he would use the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, that he acquired from that treacherous orc Ner’zhul, to open the way from his end.

He turned to his window to Azeroth where his forces were performing the ritual. A trio of eredar were draining the girl to empower the portal. At this point, there was sufficient power on their side to summon him. All that remained was to use the scepter.

From nearby, he grabbed the black stone staff with black orbs at the base and head and transparent runes floating around the head. The time had come for his grand entrance and nothing would stop him now, not even those intruders who brought an end to that miserable elf.

A barrier stood in place like the one they saw after the battle against Felbone. However, the party used the time to prepare for the last leg of their rush to reach the Sunwell. Once they were ready, Thanatas destroyed the barrier like last time.

The first thing they saw were a pair of eredar channeling their power into a huge abyssal. Farra’jin’s earth elemental battled with the abyssal while Stella worked to keep the eredar from casting spells. The abyssal created a smaller version of itself by breaking off a part of itself but Stella’s frost magic quickly extinguished it. Without their magic, the eredar were easier to defeat which followed up with the party smashing the abyssal to pieces.

A number of imps wandered around a small patch of ground on the narrow path. The party found out the hard way that the imps could self-detonate when Lokosh attacked one of them and ended up getting blasted back a fair distance. However, the imps were also fragile so defeating them from a distance was the solution to that problem.

Around the corner the party found a group of large demons of varying types, including shivarra, wrathguards, eredar, observers, and more explosive imps. Thankfully, the shivarra weren’t interested in using magic as they only used their weapon techniques alongside the wrathguards.

Stella and Surprise kept the eredar from casting while Raida attacked the observers, avoiding their gazes as she cut through the demons’ tentacles and sliced them into pieces. Talia summoned her demons to act as meat shields to force the imps to detonate themselves. Lokosh, Bella and Flutashe kept the shivarra and wrathguards busy while either blocking their blades or avoiding them. Raida’s demons finished off the eredar before everyone overwhelmed the remaining demons.

A pair of terrorfiends guarded a spiraling ramp that would lead them toward the upper level of the terrace. When engaged, the demons empowered their weapons with dark energy and tried to strike them with it.

Not wanting to figure out what the energy did, Lokosh and Bella focused on dodging while Flutashe switched to her cat form and grabbed one by the horns before she snapped the upper head. This weakened the demon enough that she grabbed the dark weapon and stabbed its lower face with it.

Seeing its ally fall, the other terrorfiend placed a protection spell on itself which caused their attacks to do nothing to it. However, this made it especially vulnerable to Bella and Mena’s holy magic. The fiend was turned to cinders before the light.

Before they could relax, a void hound spotted them and moved to attack. The beast breathed a strange fog on them that caused all sorts of afflictions. Groun and Mena were transformed into rats while others suffered various poisons, diseases and curses. Lokosh’s armor was rendered softened for a time so he couldn’t afford to be bitten by the hound.

The party quickly used what means of recovery they had while Summer and Autumn distracted the void hound. Once the party had recovered, they attacked the beast while being careful not to be struck by that strange fog again. When the void hound tried to go into a frenzy, Feloma made sure to stop that by placing a tranquilizing enchantment on one of her arrows before shooting the beast and soothing their rampage.

The void hound soon fell but since its corpse was sitting on the narrow walkway, Sophia had to throw it off the walkway so they could continue. They faced another void hound on the way up which they defeated the same way.

As they neared the entrance to the upper level of the building they were in earlier, the party soon heard a sad, empty and depressing melody. It sounded like the song of a naaru but instead of filling people with hope, love and joy, this song filled them with grief, sorrow and despair. However, for a certain someone living in Mena’s mind, it filled her with a growing hunger.

Once they defeated another group of imps as well as a pair of terrorfiends guarding the entrance, they entered a room that was occupied by a black-colored naaru. The sorrowful song gave everyone but Mena a hollow feeling. They forced that feeling down with all the willpower they could manage before they attacked M’uru.

Sensing their hostility, M’uru began attacking with black lightning which Groun healed through while everyone else attacked.

Their forces were soon diverted when they heard the sounds of rushing footsteps coming from the hallway ahead. Six felblood elves, four warriors and two mages, rushed in to attack the party.

Since M’uru seemed content to float in one place shooting black lightning at everyone, Lokosh, Flutashe and Stella chose to attack the felblood. Stella countered the spells cast by the mages while turning two warriors into sheep. The mages decided to cast a spell on themselves that would allow their spells to be cast instantly but Stella stole that enhancement and used that power to incinerate the mages with a barrage of flaming meteors before she did the same to the warriors.

M’uru started ripping holes into the void which caused large voidwalkers to emerge from the rift. Bella struck the fiends with hammers and swords of light. The void demon shrieked in pain from the light searing their dark form.

Bella was taken by surprise once she did sufficient damage to the creature when a large black tentacle with a fanged mouth emerged from the floor and bit down on the fiend’s body. It then began pulling the shadowy mass into its mouth which caused it to shrink into nothingness. The tendril then receded into the floor.

For a while until that moment, Bella had forgotten that Violetta actually existed.

M’uru’s next move was to create a pool of inky blackness around itself before a ring of large black skulls emerged from the dark pool. Before the skulls could find someone to attack, more tentacles emerged and ate the skulls like dolphins jumping for a mackerel before receding into the same pool that the naaru created.

At this point the fight was brought under control with Stella, Lokosh and Flutashe dealing with any felblood incursions while Bella was practically tenderizing Violetta’s meals. Everyone else was focused on breaking the dark creature.

In desperation, M’uru opened multiple rifts at once and pulled a large amount of void energy into himself. This caused the dark glyph-like creature to twist and writhe as the energies reshaped him. It soon created a body similar in shape to a void terror but part of M’uru’s former body was on their back.

Violetta then manifested with a wide grin on her face and a black substance that everyone decided was drool dripped from her mouth. “Wonderful! You drew in enough void energy to transform into a void god. This is truly a rare treat! This will be quite the appetizer before I hunt my next meal.” Her enthusiasm was not shared by those around her.

M’uru, now transformed into a void god named Entropius, resumed the battle against the party by firing more black lightning. However this time the lightning jumped to other people. The pain was still manageable by Groun though Bella decided to add her healing magic just in case.

Entropius forced the party to be mindful of their feet as he created small pools of void underneath them which created more skulls for Violetta to feast on. However, the mouth tentacle didn’t simply recede into the floor this time but pointed toward entropius and began inhaling. The void god began to feel his power being pulled into it.

There were times when the void god created singularities to attack with but those were inhaled as well. When he created more small black pools it only added more mouths in the end and accelerated the rate that he was being consumed by the eldritch horror. He tried attacking Violetta but a tentacle reached up and bit down on his arm while the tendrils continued pulling in his void energy.

Entropius was fighting a losing battle at this point as his body began to shrink and destabilize before the body was completely pulled in. The only thing left of the void god was a small crystal that repulsed Violetta just by looking at it.

With her stomach sated for the time being, the horror retreated back into Mena’s mind and the tentacles receded into the floor.

Silence reigned over the room for a few moments before Thanatas broke the silence with a quip, “Can’t say I didn’t see that coming. Nothing gets in between my daughter and her food.” Everyone voiced their agreement on that.

“I have waited long enough!” boomed a deep, rumbling voice from deeper inside the chamber. Raida knew who that voice belonged to and the others didn’t need to guess. Filled with urgency, the party headed down a curving ramp toward the bottom of the chamber.

Their progress was barred by a fel reaver that was small enough to fit in the hallway though it was still a large adversary. Mena quickly got to work jumping up to its head before pulling out a cutting torch where she began tampering with the machine’s systems. The rest of the party struggled to stay standing as the construct’s thrashing was causing the building to tremble. Within a minute the machine stopped moving once Mena found the right wires to cut.

They had to repeat this process on one last fel reaver before they reached their ultimate destination.

The Sunwell, a glowing font of magic surrounded by a ring that appeared to be a relief of a number of elves in various poses. The outer ring was of shades of purple fading to a brighter color toward the center as if showing the flames of the sun in the darkness. Standing just outside of the font were three eredar performing a summoning ritual. A mural on a nearby wall depicted flames. The human remnants of the Sunwell’s power, Anveena, floated above the font in a golden sphere while drops of golden light dripped into the font. She appeared to be in a trance.

“Alright, once we go in there, there’s no going back,” Raida warned. “It’s probably too late to stop Kil’jaeden from emerging from the Sunwell so our best bet is to force him back and seal the portal.”

“At least we can count on assistance from Kalec and Madrigosa,” Stella added.

“Are we going to waste more time discussing plans or are we going to go inside and face our fates?” Talia demanded. The others rolled their eyes.

“She is right though, we need to get in there now,” Flutashe said.

Nodding in agreement, the party rushed into the inner chamber and caught the attention of the eredar. Bella struck one with her shield and Raida struck one with a thrown warglaive. Flutashe made a huge leap across the font and shifted into her bear form before she slammed herself into the third eredar.

Everyone focused their attacks on Flutashe’s target first with Surprise keeping the demon from casting with a Silence spell. The eredar pulled out a rune and crushed it, opening a small portal through which a number of burning imps emerged. Stella impaled each one with an icicle which caused them to explode. The eredar was caught up in the blasts.

The other eredar began opening portals but Bella consecrated the ground which burned the imps into exploding next to the eredar while Raida did the same with her Black Eye Beam with a Chaos Bolt. The amplified explosions annihilated the demon hunter’s eredar.

Bella used her various holy abilities to keep her eredar from casting spells though he still managed to get a few through which struck her with a number of shadow bolts. Groun worked fast to keep her healthy.

Flutashe’s eredar was soon overwhelmed and fell to the ground while Raida decapitated Bella’s eredar from behind. With the three eredar summoners defeated, all they had to do was wait for the real battle.

Kalecgos and Madrigosa flew into the room just in time for the battle to begin. They stayed near the ceiling and observed the font. They remained vigilant for any opportunities for them to provide assistance.

“You are not alone,” Kalec said.

“The Blue Dragonflight shall help you vanquish the Deceiver,” Madrigosa added.

Suddenly, a huge rift opened around the font and a pillar of flames erupted from it. A huge red eredar with wings emerged from the portal, though he didn’t fully emerge as his legs were still inside the rift, leaving only his upper body for them to fight.

“The expendable have perished…So be it!” Kil’jaeden said. “Now I shall succeed where Sargeras could not! I will bleed this wretched world and secure my place as the true master of the Burning Legion. The end has come! Let the unraveling of this world commence!”

Raida chuckled at the demon lord, “Do you seriously think you are better than Sargeras? Aren’t you afraid that the Dark Titan will find out you said that?”

Kil’jaeden turned to face the demon hunter to be taken aback by remembering who she was. “How can this be? Your master was slain and your kind should have been dealt with. How are you here?”

“Maybe if you ask nicely I’ll tell you,” Raida quipped.

“No matter, you will still die by my hand!” He attacked the demon hunter with a spell that attacked her soul but Mena’s holy magic was able to undo the damage. Kil’jaeden continued to assault Raida while everyone else focused on him.

He didn’t forget about the others, as he summoned an orb of darkness that floated around him while shooting people with shadow bolts. Farra’jin and Talia quickly destroyed the orb. He also shocked his attackers with black lightning that jumped to others. The spell left them partially drained, but Stella countered this by using some of her blue essence to re-energize her allies. Bella used her holy aura to weaken the effectiveness of Kil’jaeden’s shadow magic.

The party knew they were in for a long fight and Kil’jaeden was only toying with them so far so they did their best to conserve their strength until an opportunity could be found.

Aside from his shadow magic, Kil’jaeden had access to his fire magic where he inflicted explosive burns on his enemies. Groun was able to heal the injured and Farra’jin set his water totem to protect against fire magic.

After Feloma struck him with a few arrows that only annoyed him, Kil’jaeden decided to end the warm up and use some of his more devious spells. He started by conjuring shadowy images of Mena, Bella, Lokosh and Farra’jin. “Who can you trust?” he rhetorically asked. He then followed up by creating black spikes and sending them at random people. Sophia and Thanatas were both targeted by at least one but they only crashed upon a psychic and bone barrier. Everyone else made sure to avoid the impact areas of the spikes.

The dark images shared some of the abilities of their counterparts but Mena’s reflection lacked Surprise’s shadow magic. Flutashe shifted into her cat form before grabbing the gnome illusion and punting her at Kil’jaeden’s face. The demon lord flinched at the attack before he glared at her and began flaying her soul. Bella destroyed her image with a hammer of light.

The images of Lokosh and Farra’jin were cut down by Truth and Heartswell before the two demons began attacking the demon lord with their blades. Kil’jaeden recognized his latest two assailants. “Ah, the traitors who urged me to leave Velen and his exiled ones be. I am not surprised that you would side with the Illidari.”

“As if we would follow someone as petty as you,” Heartswell snapped. “All you do is obsess over a bunch of exiles just because they refused to be a part of the plans of a titan who is afraid of the dark.”

“We were quick to abandon your foolish crusade when we learned the true purpose of that cowardly titan’s plans,” Truth added.

Before Kil’jaeden could crush the two demons for their impudence, an earth elemental rushed in and punched him in the face. In his anger, the demon lord was quick to forget the two annoyances and shattered the elemental.

While Kil’jaeden was busy, Kalec decided to try to break Anveena out of her trance. Though dragons in their draconic form couldn’t properly form expressions, his sorrowful tears still fell as he knew what must be done. He loved the magic turned human, but the fate of the world was more important. “Anveena, you must awaken, this world needs you!”

“I serve only the master now…” came the robotic response of the girl.

Kalec was not deterred, he just needed to try harder to get through to Anveena.

While Kalecgos was busy trying to rouse Anveena, Madrigosa decided to throw in some of her power to enhance Stella’s magic. Part of her was curious to see how a dracthyr would handle a boost of one of her flight powers.

Conjuring a small orb of her power, Madrigosa dropped it on Stella who glowed blue for a moment. The dracthyr looked up for a moment to see the dragoness nod to her. Stella nodded back in understanding.

“I will not be denied! This world shall fall!” Kil’jaeden declared.

Kil’jaeden increased the pressure by using new abilities. He also started creating more black orbs to float around him. While he occasionally summoned one at a time, he was now summoning two. He also struck everyone with small bolts of flame that exploded and distorted their movements to where they perceived Kil’jaeden moving faster. Stella saw through this and warped time for her friends to speed their bodies and perceptions. Her instincts also told her to fly around and breathe frost on everyone. When this happened, the effects of the fire bolts were extinguished and everyone moved even faster than before.

As the fight continued, Kil’jaeden suddenly wrapped himself in his wings. Mena called out that she was sensing a lot of dark energy being pulled into him. It wasn’t hard to see what the demon lord planned on doing with that power.

Stella yelled for everyone to gather around her immediately. Mena used her Leap of Faith spell to pull everyone who was too far away to her as they gathered near Stella. The dracthyr then channeled the extra power into a dome barrier to protect everyone.

The barrier was raised just in time as Kil’jaeden’s wings opened and a devastating force of dark energy was unleashed all around him. Thanatas and Sophia’s respective defenses held against the explosive wave. While the blast did still hit the party, the damage was nowhere near what it could have been.

Once the explosive wave ended, everyone spread out around Kil’jaeden again to resume their attacks.

The battle continued and the damage was beginning to accumulate on the demon lord. Kil’jaeden grew irritated with the party’s tenacity. Though he had far more devastating spells he could use against them, he couldn’t use them at this time because the Scepter had drained him of much of his considerable power in order to open the portal.

It became obvious that their attacks, while they were having an effect, were not hurting him fast enough. This became apparent when Feloma was running out of ammunition. She felt her quiver becoming lighter with each shot. Her magically charged shots and explosive shots were hurting him but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t long before her quiver was empty.

Kil’jaeden created more images of the party. This time they were in the forms of Flutashe, Stella, Feloma and Talia. He then followed up with more shadowy spikes.

While everyone was dodging more shadow spikes, Feloma’s double attacked her counterpart. With the hunter out of ammo she had no choice but to defend herself with her bow. However, the copy’s arrows exploded with shadow magic which was bad for her bow’s integrity. A few shots was all it took to shatter her bow in two before she was forced to dodge for her life while she waited for someone else to deal with the attacker. Thankfully, Summer and Autumn had her back as they attacked her assailant. Since the phantom hunter lacked pets of her own, the lynx and dragonhawk were able to team up on her and shatter her form.

When it seemed that Feloma was no longer able to fight effectively a bright light drew her attention to the girl floating above her. Anveena’s consciousness broke free for a brief moment which allowed her to transform a portion of her power into a new bow for Feloma. The bow had a brown and dark blue color with a hawk head on the upper and lower limbs. Blue crystals made up the recurve and the grip had a guard composed of the image of a brown phoenix with blue wingtips holding a blue crystal.

Feloma grabbed the bow but quickly remembered that she was also out of arrows. Madrigosa was quick to address this, “That bow holds great magical power. Try drawing the string.”

The huntress did as told and her eyes widened when an arcane bolt formed between the string and the handle. She released it at Kil’jaeden who grunted in pain as the arrow struck him. She repeated the process and found that her quiver was no longer necessary as the bow produced its own arrows. With a smirk on her face, she continued to bombard the demon lord with arcane arrows.

Kalec continued his attempts to rouse Anveena from her trance. “You must let go! You must become what you were always meant to be! The time is now, Anveena!”

“But I’m…lost. I cannot find my way back,” came her response. However, it was no longer robotic. It was clear that Anveena was trapped in a labyrinth in her own mind. Kalec knew that he was making progress though and he would soon get through.

“Do not harbor false hope. You cannot win!” Kil’jaeden declared.

Kil’jaeden then created three black orbs at once but they were quickly destroyed by a barrage of arcane arrows. The demon lord snarled as some of those arrows struck him.

Madrigosa noticed that the power she bestowed upon Stella had been spent. She called for Kalecgos to offer the dracthyr some of his power. The male nodded and gave some of his power to Stella in preparation for more of Kil’jaeden’s tricks.

Adding to his arsenal of spells, Kil’jaeden began dropping meteors around the room which forced everyone to look upward. He also continued flaying his enemies’ souls and subjecting them to fiery torment. He would also occasionally wrap himself in his wings and prepare another of his patented “Darkness of a Thousand Souls” spell which Stella was able to block with a barrier.

Raida growled in frustration at how tough the demon lord was. For all the damage they were doing to him, he was still not showing signs of wavering. “What does it take to bring this guy down?”

“Break the spell on the girl, she will be able to weaken him,” Illidan offered as he communicated to her through her pendant. This startled the demon hunter a little as she had nearly forgotten that she had a piece of her master’s soul around her neck. “Once Kil’jaeden is weakened, work with Stella to reverse the portal. Together, the two of you can drive him back into the Twisting Nether.”

Raida nodded in understanding before calling out to her friend. “Stella, help me reverse the portal when I give the signal!”

Kil’jaeden chuckled upon hearing the demon hunter’s foolish plan. “Your ploy will not work as long as the Sunwell is under my control.”

“Not for long!” Raida flew up and cast a magical disruption spell on the shield around Anveena. With the battle dragging on as it did, the shield was weakening gradually as Kil’jaeden expended more of his power fighting his enemies. Because of this, Raida’s spell worked and shattered the bubble. Kalec swooped in and grabbed the girl before she fell.

He then made one last push to break the girl out of her trance, “Anveena, I love you! Focus on my voice, come back for me now! Only you can cleanse the Sunwell!”

To the dragon’s relief, Anveena stirred from her trance and laid her eyes on his draconic form. “Kalec…? Kalec?”

“Yes, Anveena! Let fate embrace you now!”

Anveena nodded and closed her eyes as a brilliant glow enveloped her. She released herself from Kalec’s claws and floated in the air by herself. Kil’jaeden took a moment to look up at the girl in surprise. She continued to glow brighter until her form vanished in the light. “The nightmare is over, the spell is broken! Goodbye, Kalec, my love!” She then shot herself into the font.

The next few moments were agony for the demon lord as the holy light of the Sunwell began tearing at his body. In response to this, Mena and Bella unleashed their holy arsenal to intensify his pain.

Kil’jaeden roared in pain as the font attacked him. “Aggghh! The powers of the Sunwell…turn…against me! What have you done? What have you done???” he shouted.

With the Sunwell purified, Kalec and Madrigosa filled Stella with as much power as they could spare. “We have given you all we can, Stella. Let us finish this!” Madrigosa said. She then breathed magical frost on the demon lord and assaulted him with beams of arcane energy.

“Strike now, heroes, while he is weakened! Vanquish the Deceiver!” Kalec called out.

“Stella, now!” Raida shouted. At that call, the two began channeling their magic into the Sunwell to reverse the flow of the portal. WIth the font now working against Kil’jaeden, the demon lord was beginning to feel himself being pulled under.

Defiantly, Kil’jaeden used more of his power to remain in this world while he began unleashing more of his destructive powers in a desperate effort to kill the ones reversing the flow. It was now showering meteors in the room and he was repeatedly casting his Darkness of a Thousand Souls spell to try and kill the two who were on the verge of ruining his plans. “I will not be defeated! This world shall burn! All life shall perish!”

“That is enough, brother!”

Kil’jaeden recognized that voice. It came from the one person he wanted to kill the most out of anyone in the Great Dark and the Twisting Nether. Rage turned his vision red as he turned his head to the source of his hatred, the traitor who rejected the gift of Sargeras over thirteen thousand years ago.

“Velen…” Kil’jaeden growled.

The elderly draenei gave the demon lord a disappointed look as he slowly entered the chamber and unleashed his holy magic on his brother.

Kil’jaeden attempted to unleash the last of his remaining power on the elder but this caused him to lose his concentration which gave Stella and Raida the opening they needed to fully reverse the portal. The demon struggled with all of his might to stay on this side of the portal but it was too late as the force pulling him in was too strong. He desperately grabbed at anything he could to support himself but his claws found no purchase. The force of the pull knocked his necklace off while his body was fully pulled back into the Nether. The necklace landed in the font.

Silence reigned in the chamber for several minutes as everyone processed what just happened. Velen still had the presence of mind to understand what happened but decided to let the others process this for a time. Kalecgos and Madrigosa landed and shifted into their visage forms, the two of them staring at the font in front of them.

Forcing Kil’jaeden into the nether had purified the Sunwell of its corruption by Scourge and demon alike, but it also depleted its power and with the remnants now lost, there seemed to be no way for the blood elves to regain their lost power.

Kalec let his tears flow freely as he mourned Anveena. He knew it had to be done, but the time he spent with her before this incident would remain in his memories for his many millennia of life. Anveena would always have a place in his memories. “Goodbye, Anveena, my love. Few will remember your name, yet this day you change the course of destiny. What was corrupt is now pure.”

Stella stood next to Kalec and stared at the font. She wasn’t sure what she could do for him, so this was the best she could do for him. The dragon didn’t say it out loud but he was grateful for the support.

A few more minutes passed before Kalecgos decided that he and Madrigosa needed to leave. With their charge complete, it was time to move on. The two transformed into their dragon forms and flew through the hole in the ceiling and off into the distance.

Just as they left, a number of portals opened around them and a contingent of Shattered Sun troops entered to secure the Sunwell, led by the blood knight matriarch, Lady Liadrin. Velen moved toward the font and gave a gentle smile.

“Mortal heroes, your victory here today was foretold long ago. My brother’s anguished cry of defeat will echo across the universe, bringing renewed hope to all those who still stand against the Burning Crusade. As the Legion’s final defeat draws ever-nearer, stand proud in the knowledge that you have saved this world from the flame. Just as this day marks an ending, so too does it herald a new beginning…” The elder then pulled out a familiar crystal that was left behind when the party defeated M’uru. He then let it hover over the font. “The creature Entropius, who was devoured by the Huntress of the Void, was once the noble naaru, M’uru. In life, M’uru channeled vast energies of Light and Hope. For a time, a misguided few sought to steal those energies…”

Liadrin walked up to the elder with a guilty look on her face. “Our arrogance was unpardonable. We damned one of the most noble beings of all. We may never atone for this sin.”

Velen smiled at the elf, glad to see that she seeks to repent for her sins, but held his judgement as it was not his place to cast it. “Then fortunate it is, that I have reclaimed the noble naaru’s spark from where it fell. Where faith dwells, hope is never lost, young blood elf.”

Liadrin’s downtrodden gaze looked up to the tall elder, her expression lighting up with the hope that he proclaimed. “Can it be?”

“Gaze now, mortals, upon the heart of M’uru! Unblemished. Bathed by the light of Creation, just as it was at the Dawn.”

The crystal then disintegrated and fell into the font. A pillar of radiant energy erupted from the Sunwell, reigniting its power. Liadrin felt the warm glow against her face. It was as if the font was now more powerful than ever.

Velen continued, “In time, the light and hope held within will rebirth more than this mere fount of power…Mayhap, they will rebirth the soul of a nation.”

Liadrin and the elves of the Shattered Sun stared in awe at their glorious font of power. The matriarch fumbled for her words, “Blessed ancestors! I feel it…so much love…so much grace…there are…no words…impossible to describe…”

Velen chuckled, “Salvation, young one. It waits for us all.” He then turned toward one of the open portals and moved toward it, bidding farewell to everyone here as he began his journey back to the Exodar.

Thanatas and Sophia gathered the party to congratulate them for banishing Kil’jaeden back to the Nether while the death knight gave her assurances to Raida that she will get her chance to claim the souls of the Hands of Sargeras. After her prediction of the Sunwell incident, the demon hunter actually believed her and it filled her with excitement at the idea of how powerful she could become with those two. Of course, she knew that she would have to train even harder before then because she had a feeling that Archimonde and Kil’jaeden would hold nothing back next time.

With the battle over, Feloma took the time to admire her new bow and the great power within it. If she were to remember Anveena about one thing it would be the amazing gift in her hands.

Bella and Lokosh renewed their promise to get together at some point and work on new equipment for their friends and allies. Many new ideas ran through the minds of the orc and human and they had plenty of materials to work with for this project.

Thanatas informed the party to enjoy this brief respite from their adventures because the next one would soon be upon them. She also warned them to be careful of what they eat and drink until then. There was a certain problem that she needed to nip in the bud again but she couldn’t say for certain if she would be able to prevent it. After some thinking, she decided to put together a vaccine.

She knew that they would soon be exploring the frozen north of Azeroth and she also knew that the next target on her daughter’s short list would be there as well. She ran through the future events that would occur in her head and made sure that she had made all of her preparations.

After thinking about it, aside from the vaccinations, there was one more thing that needed to be done before they faced the army of death head on. She knew that Twilight was still coming to grips with the impending fate of one of her old friends but this was a destiny that not even the creator of this universe could prevent.

Author's Note:

This brings the second arc to a close. Finally! Next chapter, probably the one after that as well, may get a little dark. This is because a certain someone is going to try to fight the power of the Death Note. How will that work out? Find out next time.

To be continued in SoE: Frozen Wastes

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