• Published 17th Aug 2022
  • 2,406 Views, 239 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Fillie Jean - AleximusPrime

Flurry Heart and Pumpkin Cake get a chance to meet their favorite pop-singer, Night Shade, but they soon realize he’s not as good of a pony as they expected.

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6. A Fallen Hero

Spike escorted Flurry and Pumpkin to the Ponyville Center for Performing Arts that morning for their final lesson with Night Shade. They were nervous to meet him after yesterday’s revelations, but they insisted on being there for the last day.

“I hope he’s doing alright,” Pumpkin said. “I should be excited to meet him, but now I’m scared.”

“I’m scared too, Pumpkin, but remember, we just gotta act like we know nothing,” Flurry encouraged her friend. “Let’s act like yesterday didn’t even happen; like we just got out of his concert and we’re all excited.”

“You can do this, Pumpkin,” said Spike. “I’ll be waiting for you girls outside like usual if you need me.”

Just then, they arrived at the PCPA and saw Peachy Pie, Shutter Lens, and Allegra waiting outside the door. There was a small note taped to it that they were reading.

“Hey guys. What’s wrong?” Spike asked.

“Flurry, Pumpkin, Spike, we have terrible news: Night Shade cancelled the last lesson!” Peachy exclaimed.

“WHAT?!” they shouted at the same time.

“He left this note behind,” Shutter Lens said as he read the note aloud.

Dear students,

I regret to inform you that matters of great importance came up yesterday. Night Shade had to leave this morning with his crew. Allegra, Peachy Pie, and Shutter Lens, we hope to see you again some day. Night Shade had great things to say about you all.


Zeb (Night Shade’s manager)

“The…the note doesn’t mention us in it?” Pumpkin asked.

“Yeah, that was kinda weird,” said Allegra, looking carefully at the note.

“Maybe he wrote it in a hurry or something,” Peachy suggested.

“Well this is a real bummer,” said Shutter Lens, folding up the note. “I was really looking forward to that last lesson. We only had introductory lessons on the first day and yesterday we only had half a lesson.”

“And to think I was just starting to get pretty good at singing. I’ll probably just have to join a class or something,” Peachy said as she kicked her hoof around on the dirt.

“It’s okay, guys. Night Shade’s next concert is gonna be this fall in San Horsé,” Allegra reminded everyone. “If we all go there, I’m sure Night Shade would recognize us in the crowd. He’d probably even invite all five of us on stage to sing again!”

Flurry and Pumpkin had horrified looks on their faces and glanced at each other before Pumpkin smiled nervously and spoke.

“Yeeeeeeah. Hehe. I’m sure he would…”

“And the note doesn’t say anything more than that? It doesn’t give a specific reason for leaving so early?” Flurry asked.

“Nope. That’s all it says,” Shutter answered. “Well I’m sure he wouldn’t leave without a reason. Night Shade’s a nice pony after all.”

“Yeah, that’s just how it is with some of these artists: they’re always busy,” Allegra added.

“Well I guess this means I can go open the fruit stand early. I’ll see you guys later,” Peachy said, waving as they all started parting.

“Take care, girls!” said Shutter.

“Bye, guys!” Pumpkin and Flurry said to them, waving and wearing fake smiles.

After the other three were out of sight, Pumpkin and Flurry turned frantically to each other.

“He cancelled the class! Flurry, I knew this would happen!” Pumpkin said, fanning herself and trying not to cry.

“Pumpkin, calm down,” Flurry said, holding her friend still. “Zeb wrote that note and cancelled that class, not Night Shade. We can’t just assume everything just yet.”

“But how will we know? He’s already left and we’ll probably never see him again!”

“Not exactly girls,” Spike spoke up. “The train doesn’t take off any time in the morning until nine o’clock. We still have a few minutes left.”

“He’s right! Come on, Pumpkin! We might be able to catch him and at least say goodbye!” Flurry said as she took off flying with Spike.

“Oooooh, I hope he’s not with Zeb at the moment!” Pumpkin said anxiously as she followed them.

At the train station, Night Shade, Zeb, and all the crew and backup dancers were packing crates and equipment into the train. There were a few executives that had come in from Hinnywood to assist them and ask Zeb about Night Shade’s interactions with the princess.

“Don’t worry, boys. I’ve taken care of it,” Zeb assured them. “I got him to cut yesterday’s class short and he hasn’t seen either of those girls since then.”

“Girls? There’s more than one of them?” asked an executive.

“Yeah, the second one is some random kid from town that is close to the princess and got her in this mess to begin with. He’ll never see them again.”

“I hope so for all our sakes. We were unsure about sending Shade into this dirty hillbilly town after what Svengallop said. Well after this, we’re never coming back here again. As of right now, Ponyville is officially on the blacklist for concert bookings.”

Night Shade stood at the station, reading a newspaper from his town about his first concert the other night. Instead of having the picture the Ponyville-based newspaper used, this picture was taken before Pumpkin and Flurry were called on stage and the text didn’t mention either of them anywhere. He overheard what the executives were saying about not coming back to Ponyville and his heart sank. He was hoping he could say goodbye to all his students, but Zeb wouldn’t allow it.

“Night Shade, are you ready?” asked Zeb as he walked over with the executives flanking him.

“I’m ready, Zeb,” he sighed as he put on his sunglasses.

Some of the handlers came over and took his suitcases for him as everyone began to file into the train. The handlers went in first followed by a few of the executives. Suddenly, they all heard screaming behind them.


They all turned around to see Flurry, Pumpkin and Spike rushing in onto the platform.

“Girls?” Night Shade said as he removed his glasses.

“Oh great,” Zeb grumbled.

“Is that them?” asked one of the executives.

“That’s them. No idea how they knew we’d be here at this exact time.”

“Night Shade!” cried Flurry. “We saw your note!”

“We’re sorry we missed you. Is everything okay?” asked Pumpkin.

“Uh…I…” Night Shade began to say before Zeb and the executives blocked him from view.

“Folks, I’m going to have to ask you to all stay back,” said one of them. “Night Shade isn’t taking any autographs or pictures right now.”

“Sir, we’re not here for that, we just wanted to say goodbye to him. We didn’t get to after the last singing lesson was cancelled.” Flurry said.

“Look, Night Shade cannot speak to anypony right now,” Zeb said, looking down on Flurry. “We’re on a tight schedule, so I suggest you leave us be.”

Spike walked in front of Flurry with his arms crossed, causing Zeb to back away a few feet. He looked angrily at the zebra for a few seconds, striking fear into him. He spoke in a stern voice.

“I just so happen to be the princess’s body guard; enlisted by her majesty herself, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I say Flurry Heart and her friend Pumpkin Cake can talk to Night Shade before you leave. Now please step aside unless you want to be reported to the Canterlot guard.”

Zeb wanted to bark back at the large menacing dragon, but being reminded how he can be arrested for doing this to the princess rendered him incapable of responding. He grimaced at Spike and walked away, cursing under his breath. Spike stepped aside and let Flurry and Pumpkin go to Night Shade.

“Night Shade, why did you cancel the class?” Flurry asked. “Is everything okay?”

“Girls, I…I just gotta leave early. I’m sorry,” he said, nervously as he started to turn back to the train.

“Why though? Could you have at least waited and said goodbye to us back there?” Pumpkin asked.

“I’m sorry, I wish I could-”


Night Shade looked off to the side to see Zeb clearing his throat and giving him a glare. The executives all gave the same glare to warn him to not say anything nice to these girls. They would have loved if he could just tell them to buzz off, but Night Shade couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing. He did the best he could to just shrug it off and not be nasty.

“Girls… look, things just came up. I don’t have time to explain. I really gotta go.”

He put his glasses on and started walking into the train, but Flurry knew what was really happening and wasn’t about to let it end this way. She stepped forward to speak.

“Is it because of me, Night Shade?”

Night Shade froze and everyone went silent until Flurry continued.

“Is it because I’m royalty and all these executives won’t let you talk to me because they hate me and my family and anyone who associates with us? Is that why Pumpkin and I weren’t mentioned in the letter left on the door?”

There were several seconds of silence as Night Shade lowered his head. Flurry’s voice got angrier as she spoke.

“Rara told us everything about you and Zeb, but I didn’t want to believe it. You can be honest with me. You care about your fans, don’t you?”

Night Shade trembled. He wasn’t sure what he should do. He wanted so much to apologize to them and say he hopes to see them again, but the gathering of executives around him would not permit that. His entire career was on the line and there would be no way he could do it without losing everything the way Rara did. He didn’t want to admit it, but Flurry already had said enough and he needed to be honest. He swallowed hard and finally spoke.

“It’s true…all of it. I can’t be with any royals or their friends. That’s just the way it is. It’s industry policies.”

“But, Night Shade…why?” Pumpkin pleaded.

“What I do is important to me, and I can’t let anything stand in my way. Flurry Heart, Pumpkin Cake…I’m sorry, but I can never see either of you again.”

Zeb and all the executives smirked and nodded to each other. Spike stood with his arms still crossed and angrily watched Night Shade enter the train. Pumpkin couldn’t take it any longer and burst into tears. Flurry started crying too but couldn’t stop admonishing the pony she once idolized.

“How could you do this to us, Night Shade!? You were such a good pony!” she hollered.

Zeb and the rest of the executives entered after him. Night Shade turned around and saw his old friend Coloratura in the distance, watching all the while by the ticket booth. She looked very disappointed in him. He knew what he had done, but he had no choice. A few of the executives patted him on the shoulder and complimented him as they walked by. Zeb stood by his side and smiled devilishly at the girls and Spike.

“Night Shade…” Pumpkin whimpered one last time.

“Good bye, girls.”

The door closed as the train hissed and lurched forward. In a few seconds, the train had left the station and was headed for Gallopfornia. Spike and the girls were left behind alone on the platform. Pumpkin broke down and wept bitterly as Flurry joined her. Spike knelt down to hug them both. For about a minute, he let them cry into his shoulders until he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. Rara had come out of hiding and walked over to meet them. Flurry and Pumpkin heard her hoofsteps and turned around to see her. Rara had already started crying herself. She then reached out and let them both hug her.

“I’m sorry girls,” she said. “I wish I could have stopped him.”

“It’s okay, Rara,” Flurry responded, bitterly.

“I just don’t understand!” Pumpkin wailed. “How could any singer live with themselves if they treat their fans like this?”

“I don’t think I’ll ever understand it either,” Rara replied.

“And to think I’ve been listening to him for so long and have all those CDs and stuff in my room!”

“Maybe it’s time we just let him go, Pumpkin,” Flurry said, trying to dry her tears.

“You’re right, Flurry…”

Pumpkin and Flurry continued to cry as Rara held them closer and Spike joined them.

That afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cake and Flurry helped Pumpkin clear out her bedroom of all the Night Shade merchandise she had. There was a dumpster outside her window that she used to throw it all away. She took all her CDs and vinyl records and started a pile. Next she found her hat she bought at the concert and any clothes with Night Shade on them. She ripped the posters off her walls and crumpled them up. Lastly, she opened her drawer and found a photo Spike had taken during the second concert of them singing with Night Shade. She began to rip the photo by the top, but something stopped her. She felt she might regret throwing away this unique piece of her memories with Night Shade as well as a picture she had with her friend. She decided to keep it, but everything else had to go. With Flurry’s help, she used her magic and tossed things out the window one-by-one right into the dumpster. After they were done, Pumpkin sat down and dried her tears with a tissue. Mr. and Mrs. Cake walked in and sat down with their arms around her.

“Feel better now, sweetie?” Mrs. Cake asked.

“A little,” Pumpkin answered.

“I’m so sorry about all this, dear. If I’d have known, I never would have bought those tickets.”

“It’s okay, Mom.”

“If throwing all that stuff out makes you feel better, Pumpkin, then there’s no trouble doing so,” Mr. Cake told his daughter. “There’s still plenty of other music you can listen to in this house.”

“Thanks Dad. I guess I could’ve kept them, but I really can’t separate the art from the artist right now. It’s hard to even hum his songs anymore. At least we still have Melody’s CD. We listened to her album last night at the castle. It made me feel better.”

Flurry smiled as she watched Pumpkin hug both her parents. Spike then entered the room with Pound, Stormy, Chip and Annie.

“Hey, Pump,” Pound said, landing next to her. “Spike told us everything.”

“We’re so sorry, Pumpkin,” Annie said.

“That was really uncool of Night Shade,” Chip added.

“Thanks guys,” Pumpkin replied as she sniffled and rubbed her nose with her hoof.

“Hey Flurry and Pumpkin, sorry for what I said about him earlier,” Stormy said with his ears down. “I think I might have jinxed it.”

“It’s okay, Stormy,” Pumpkin said, giggling a little. “You just didn’t like his music. Obviously there were other reasons to avoid him.”

“You know, Pumpkin, we’re unfortunately going to have to tell Trixie, Sunburst and Starlight about all this," said Flurry.

“Yeah, we probably should.”

“And I’m not looking forward to having to tell my mom either. She’s going to be really disappointed in Night Shade, especially since she was the one who introduced me to his music.”

“What about Allegra, Peachy and Shutter?”

“We probably should leave them be. They won’t take that news too well. We’ll just let everyone we’re close to know.”

“Yeah, we probably shouldn’t spread anything. Not like a lot of ponies are going to believe us anyway.”

“Besides, I feel there’s still some good left in Night Shade. He’s just in a really bad spot right now. Maybe we’ll meet him again someday and he’ll be a whole new pony.”

“Hope so.”

“We’ve still got each other,” Pound said. “Night Shade can do whatever he wants, but we put friendship before fame and fortune. Rara and Melody are still good artists who get it.”

“That’s right, bro. Well I guess what they say is true: celebrities really are way nicer on TV.”

Everyone in the room laughed. Spike then took out a quill and parchment.

“You girls wanna send Twilight a friendship report?” he asked.

“That’s a good idea Spike,” Flurry answered.

She cleared her throat and started reciting the letter, taking turns with Pumpkin.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

My friend Pumpkin Cake and I learned a valuable lesson today about idolizing famous ponies. It’s never a bad thing to look up to someone like a singer, musician, or actor, but you have to be careful whom you do it to.

Sometimes celebrities may appear nice and promise to be good to their fans, but you never know what could be happening behind the scenes. Some famous ponies will take advantage of you or avoid you because their boss tells them to.

It’s a good idea to just enjoy what others make without getting too close to them. You should instead look up to the ponies that really matter in your life that are worth admiring. For every bad influence out there, there is always somepony who really cares about you.

Your niece and her friend,

Flurry Heart and Pumpkin Cake

Spike rolled up the scroll and burned it with his fire to send it by magic to Twilight. The green flame flew out the window and made its way to Canterlot.

“Well, that wasn’t such a great start to our day, but I already feel a lot better,” Pumpkin said, standing up.

“We’re happy to hear it, sweetie,” Mrs. Cake said, patting Pumpkin on her head.

“Well, I dunno about you guys, but I’m in the mood for some horseshoe-tossing! Wanna come?” asked Stormy.

“Yeah! Let’s go, guys!” Chip responded as everyone got up and left the bedroom.

Spike led them downstairs and opened the front door to Sugarcube Corner. The kids followed him out to go make merry after a rough morning. Pumpkin came out last and noticed a garbage worker who was rummaging through the dumpster. He picked up one of the vinyl records, excited to finally have a copy of his favorite Night Shade album. Pumpkin walked over to speak to him. She cleared her throat and he noticed the little filly below.

“I wouldn’t bother with him, buddy. The guy’s a real phony,” she said with a smile on her face.

Pumpkin then turned around and trotted off, leaving the worker rather confused.


That night in the thriving metropolis of Hinnywood, Gallopfornia, Zeb and Svengallop sat in the top floor of a high-rise building, hob-knobbing and laughing about the incident at the train station.

“And then he said he could never see them again and boarded the train! The little brats started crying! HAHA!” Zeb laughed as he slammed his hoof on the table.

“HAHAHA! I’ll bet that dragon Twilight has watching over them didn’t find it too amusing either!” Svengallop remarked.

“Nah, but what can that fat lizard do about it? What can anyone do about it? We’re way up here on top!”

Svengallop sat back in his chair and threw his head back, laughing in his shrill effeminate voice as Zeb continued pounding the table.

“Well, Zeb, I really wish I could’ve been there to see those brats get what they deserve, but with the way you described it, it sounds like Night Shade got close to pulling another Countess Coloratura on us.”

“Oh Night Shade will be fine. Trust me. I’ve got that kid eating out of my own hoof. And if he does rat out on us like Coloratura did, I think I know of somepony who can replace him quite well.”

“Oh? Who, might I ask?”

“One of the other kids that won the contest and got lessons. She was the only one of the other three that could actually sing. The other two were rather sub-par, but I think Allegra would be a perfect artist to snag someday.”

“Allegra? The name already sounds like it could catch on. How old is she?”

“Probably as old as the princess and her friend, but she really wants to be a singer and she sounds like the type that would be easy to convince. If I see her at another concert, I’ll try and get something set up. The kid’s got talent.”

“Perfect. The more we can take advantage of or use these little twerps, the better. We’re getting more influence though the arts day by day and soon enough we’ll have the power to create a culture that will overthrow that impudent Twilight Sparkle! I only regret that I might not be around when it happens, but I’ll do what I can to make sure it will happen eventually.”

“Well, Sven, I best get back to work. Another day, another royal family member’s day ruined.”

“Take care, my friend. And keep that Night Shade in line.”

“Oh I will.”

Zeb left Svengallop’s office and walked down the corridor to another one. He closed the door and locked it behind him before pulling the shades to all his windows. Leaving one light on, he went to his desk and pulled out a drawer. He picked up a thin, tall vase with ancient runic symbols written on it and placed it in the center of the table. With both hooves in the air, he started tapping on the table and chanted in a strange foreign tongue.

“Om noni ubut. Om noni ubut. Arogoth Erebus, om noni ubut!”

After the final tap, he clapped both his hooves together over his head and the inscriptions on the vase glowed orange and it began to shake. Out of the vase spewed thick black smoke. It had an odor that smelled like ashes, but it didn’t bother Zeb. It swirled itself above the zebra and started to form the shape of a creature with a face. It had two orange eyes with fire trailing behind them and a skeletal face with razor-sharp teeth. It slithered around Zeb like a snake and began to laugh in a deep raspy voice. For over a thousand years, this creature only existed in the tales of old Equestria. His likeness had made its way into various entertainment and video games. He was treated more like legend than history now, but this was the real thing. This creature was none other than Lord Erebus, the Shadow Demon.

“Hehehehehe… Well done, Zeb. Well done indeed,” said Erebus as he moved about the room. “You and Svengallop have fostered a cult following for Night Shade, and by continuing with this anti-Equestrian, anti-royalty sentiment, you’re making them a lot easier for me to control.”

“Erebus, when I first took your advice and came to Equestria to start working for you, I wondered why we couldn’t just control the royals too, but after meeting Flurry Heart, I think I know why. Despite how much I mock the girl, she’s still got brains and she wouldn’t have fallen for any of this. Somehow she knew about what we told Night Shade, but thankfully I got him to listen. I only fear that she and her friends and these new wielders of the Elements of Harmony could be a problem for us.”

“I wouldn’t worry about them, my friend. I’m growing more and more powerful each day. The Elements of Harmony won’t stop us.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to just do it now, my lord? While they’re least expecting it?”

“Patience, Zeb. Patience. My time will come. For now, I suggest we keep this Night Shade in our grasp.”

“And if Night Shade fails us like Coloratura?”

“Then we move for the little pegasus girl next.”



“It will be done, my lord.”

“Keep up the good work, Zeboro. Before you know it, Equestria will be ours. HAHAHAHAHA!!”

The black demon swirled around in the air and entered the vase once again. All the smoke in the room followed him and his laughter slowly faded out. The sinister zebra put his hooves together in front of his face and smiled wickedly.

“The time is coming, princess,” he crooned. “You won’t stop us. Hehehe…”


Comments ( 46 )

Zeb (Night Shade’s manager)

An asshole indeed. XD

“Nope. That’s all it says,” Shutter answered. “Well I’m sure he wouldn’t leave without a reason. Night Shade’s a nice pony after all.”

He is a nice guy it's just his manager is not 😡

“Oooooh, I hope he’s not with Zeb at the moment!” Pumpkin said anxiously as she followed them.

Knowing about him he'll probably be very close to him like a Black Widow

“I hope so for all our sakes. We were unsure about sending Shade into this dirty hillbilly town after what Svengallop said. Well after this, we’re never coming back here again. As of right now, Ponyville is officially on the blacklist for concert bookings.”

Even some of these workers are corrupt are you kidding me with this

Holee......!!! :pinkiegasp:

I didn't saw that last part coming at all, though I did enjoy seeing that crappy zebra wet his pants a bit at an angry Spike! :moustache: Talk about making a deal with the devil & Night Shade making the wrong choice, hoping that things will turn out better next time around & those 2 slimeballs and their master get what's coming to them!!! :twilightangry2:

Looking forward to the next story featuring my fave purple dragon Alex, should be a blast! :pinkiehappy:

“I just so happen to be the princess’s body guard; enlisted by her majesty herself, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I say Flurry Heart and her friend Pumpkin Cake can talk to Night Shade before you leave. Now please step aside unless you want to be reported to the Canterlot guard.”

You go Spike an awesome dragon

“Is it because I’m royalty and all these executives won’t let you talk to me because they hate me and my family and anyone who associates with us? Is that why Pumpkin and I weren’t mentioned in the letter left on the door?”

I've always hated that making the children who had nothing to do with this situation because of ponies and creatures wrongdoing they have to suffer because they are related and friends with Twilight and her friends

“And to think I’ve been listening to him for so long and have all those CDs and stuff in my room!”

It really does hurt the people who you idolize turns out to be what you're not expected it can be heartbreaking

“Thanks Dad. I guess I could’ve kept them, but I really can’t separate the art from the artist right now. It’s hard to even hum his songs anymore. At least we still have Melody’s CD. We listened to her album last night at the castle. It made me feel better.”

Yeah that's how I felt there was a song I really like from that guy but unfortunately from what I heard and I don't want to say his name what he did was awful and I refuse to listen to his songs ever again even though it's one of my favorite songs ever for my childhood

Well, this was a bittersweet ending. Flurry and Pumpkin had their idolization of Night Shade shaken by having the truth revealed, and Zeb got away with his manipulations scot-free. I felt so bad for them, and for the other foals who got music lessons from Night Shade and don't know the truth like our little friends do. Still, I suppose it's important to learn that you shouldn't always meet your heroes. They might not be as wonderful as they seem, and some people can't separate the art from the artist if they turn out to not be as you thought. It's more complicated in Night Shade's case, but still...

That ending, though. I did not see that coming in the slightest. So this was more than just toxic entertainment industry politics, but something else? Zeb, your Dr. Facilier is showing...

*see's epilogue* Oh boy, I hope Zeb and Svengallop get what they deserve in the future...


I am sure people saw it coming with Erebus, but yup, I finally got to reveal him!

Yeah, no one is ready for the next story. No one. :3

He's a great protector!

The worst part is, the royals did nothing particularly wrong here. The anti-Equestrian movement is akin to the anti-American one we have in the US right now. They don't just hate the royals, they also hate the working/middle class ponies of the land and only see them as consumers and money-makers.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to write a story like that. It's a good message for kids and prepares them for a world where that will likely happen. I loved the episode in the show with Rara, but not all celebrities are going to be as brave as her.

Yeah, that's Erebus. He was the cloud demon from G1 that Zeb worked for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br6aZNxLUl4

Lol, that's the type of army that Zeb and Erebus are going to be raising someday!

Well that was a sad ending. I guess I was hoping for Night Shade to break free of his toxic manager like RaRa did, but I guess sometimes you can't help everyone. I guess that is a bit of realism about some celebrities though, and the phrase "never meet your heroes" comes to mind over it. I did love Spike getting to be a badass though and shutting Zeb up.

That epilogue changes everything though. Zeb isn't just a greedy jerk, he's downright evil! Also, now that little filly Allegra is potentially in danger now too because of him.

Woah! I did not see that ending coming!

At first I thought 6 chapters are very short but now I understand why so I do like the story. Thank you for writing amazing tale!

And that's why I hate about politics it ruins everybody's fun and not only that making people feel awful

“Hehehehehe… Well done, Zeb. Well done indeed,” said Erebus as he moved about the room. “You and Svengallop have fostered a cult following for Night Shade, and by continuing with this anti-Equestrian, anti-royalty sentiment, you’re making them a lot easier for me to control.”

Oh boy I figured he'll show up sooner or later to be honest with you I don't know anything about G1 but it would have been interesting to see them in G4 although there is G5 they can make an appearances there but who knows and I feel like this whole anti equestrian pretty much and I'm sure that's not really a setup for G5 because I feel like that's where it's all going

“I wouldn’t bother with him, buddy. The guy’s a real phony,” she said with a smile on her face.

Sigh I wouldn't say he's a phony but something is going on and not only that probably they're threatened him about something other than his reputation but I guess it's too soon to figure that out so I'll leave it to that

“The time is coming, princess,” he crooned. “You won’t stop us. Hehehe…”

We'll see about that you won't get away with this I promise you that 😡

Well then this was a very bitter sweet story and I kind of figured that would happen kind of made me upset but I didn't say I don't like it but anyway flurry heart and pumpkin return to the stage but unfortunately Nightshade canceled the lessons and he had to leave right away and left a note but the girls want to know why he did this so they went to the train to catch up before they leave at the train station zeb and those corrupted ponies were preparing to head out and apparently blacklisted this town for no apparent reason just because of Twilight and her friends jerks and not only that anybody who are related or friends with them are going to be blacklisted too I really hate when they abused that power but anyway again the girls finally made it with Spike and zeb try to stop them but luckily Spike was there to put in his place so they talk with him if it's true what they said about this whole politic and about again saying the Royals and he said it was true and and this devastated the two girls how can anybody be that cruel to do that and he says he will never come back here ever again and with that all of them are gone leaving flurry hearts and pumpkin pie Brokenhearted I can't believe they got away with it I'm upset because I always hated how bad guys always get away with it but anyway I'm ranting about it sorry so pumpkin and flurry gotten rid of anything related to nightshade again very sad that that happened meanwhile of course Svengallop and zeb even admitted how much they love to see those kids so heartbroken and even laugh about it I swear to God I really want to punch them so much but after zeb left the office he summoned a cloud demon name Erebus and he's waiting for the right timing to strike the elements of harmonies and Twilight so they're going to keep using Nightshade for their own game and apparently the kid Allegra would be the next victim if something goes wrong I swear they won't get away with this well but I guess that's another story I got to say good job making me very angry at those characters and also nice build up whatever big event coming soon keep up the good work

I doubt Erebus will. They probably lost the trademark to him along with Night Shade or Zeb and that's why they weren't used in G4.

And that's too bad I felt like this would have been a huge opportunity to bring them into the new generation I mean I saw a couple of clips of them they have a very interesting character into it especially zeb since we got Zecora and just to add more villains into the mix with Legions of Doom

Yeah, they really missed opportunities with Zecora or any other zebras to show. We got them in the S10 comics, but they looked like bad OCs in my honest opinion. :ajbemused:

I mean they don't look half bad maybe if they kind of fixed like the looks and everything with other different artists it would have been good that's just my opinion about that but still

I wish the show had more bittersweet endings like this. I think it's important kids learn that 'Happily Ever After' doesn't happen ALL the time.

Agreed. Night Shade will have his chance at redemption one day, but since he started out as an ally of Zeb and Erebus in G1, I thought it would be fitting for him to be in this position right now. Difference this time is he doesn't know about Erebus yet and thinks he's living a normal artist's life with Zeb just being a regular manager. Little does he know, his manager is in cahoots with an ancient demon and they are using him.

Wonder if these anti-royals are the kind who will happily murder them to get what they want. They're never the good guys it seems. Some are just worse.

some probably would if they could, but we shall see

I see what you mean. And it does make sense. :) At the same time, I can’t help but see the irony, in that most real world leaders are hated for being repressive authoritarians who enforce censorship, but Equestrian rulers are overall fair and open-minded and yet draw the same kind of ire.

But given they’re being hated by creatures who want success above all and seem to care little about the route to get there, it makes sense, considering either Twilight or her predecessors would try their best to put a stop to this abuse if they learned of it.

Yes Erebus was starting to think he might not show.
Who would you get to voice him if you got to choose

what did the chant mean

"Please come forth. Please come forth. Lord Erebus, please come forth!"

thanks really wanted to know what it meant

I see.

Thank you for the more thorough explanation. And yes, such things happening to Rara definitely make sense, even if they're not happy to think about. At least, as sad as I am it's not the case for all artists, I'm glad that Songbird Serenade and Sapphire Shores (and hopefully others) are lucky enough to have better managers.

And he sure does! XD

Well... these were quite the bombshells. And they certainly had quite an effect.

Poor Flurry and Pumpkin - it's awful to have someone one looked up to so much turn out to be such a letdown. It's sad both of them ended up so hurt, Pumpkin in particular, considering she threw out all the Night Shade stuff that she had. That conveys really well how hurt she was. At least they weren't so down that they couldn't start to bounce back at the end, but it's still not nice that they endured this.

That said... unpopular an opinion as it may sound, I pity Night Shade more than anything. What he did wasn't nice, but I can't say I fault him for being afraid, and at the very least he clearly didn't want to hurt them. He still should have stood up to Zeb, but those things are always easier said than done, although it's true that one shouldn't stop trying to do them. Hopefully someday he'll actually be able to do those things, and still make a living doing what he likes, even if he's not at these heights of success.

I definitely don't pity Zeb, though. Or Svengallop for that matter. That said, at least Svengallop still is just a jerk, and as much as he's rejoicing at Flurry and Pumpkin's misfortune, he might still draw the line at actually hurting them, or any other child for that matter. Zeb, however, very much doesn't, considering what he may do to Allegra if Night Shade doesn't work out. And his surprise in the jar is only making things scarier. I recognize the name from G1, but I know very little about that version of the character (although funnily enough, I do have a version of Erebus lined up for my own fic-universe as well)... but however much G1 Erebus and your Erebus end up having in common, both are clearly bad news. Now the question is exactly what the news report will entail...

Whatever it was, though, this was another great episode, and off the top of my head, I'd call it the most unique one too. While ill the others so far seemed to be relatively straight-forward (although still well executed) and very much enjoyable, this one definitely had twists. First it seemed just like friends having fun at a concert, then the dark underside of the music world was exposed, and it ended with a potential world-threatening danger! Because clearly a certain ram isn't bad enough news on his own...

Wherever this all ends up leading, though, kudos to you for pulling this episode off! Looking forward to seeing exactly how this will turn out.

But first dragons. ;) I'll try my best to be up to date on the next episode soon.

It's my first story that doesn't have a happy ending unless you count how everyone managed to cheer up Flurry and Pumpkin at the end. The next few stories will be more upbeat in that sense, but this was my challenge to make a story that doesn't have a very hopeful outcome and the important character makes the wrong decision. It's a good lesson for people to know that your idols are not always the best individuals and you should never meet your heroes as they say. It should have been a lesson in the show.

I think it's pretty obvious Night Shade isn't the real villain here and will be redeemed someday, but it will be a while before I get to that story as I plan to touch on that in Season 2.

Yeah, Zeb and Svengallop are definitely the villains that no one will have much sympathy for. Svengallop is modeled after the stereotypical corrupt businessman while Zeb does the same, but he's also toying with demonic powers behind the scenes. The whole plot with Zeb and Erebus working to steal shadows was pretty basic in the old show, but there's a lot more going on here with their motives which will be revealed later. Right now it's pretty obvious they want to take over Equestria, but why and how is another question.

Thanks! It's got quite a different feel from what I usually work on, especially with all the Michael Jackson references and style of music (plus the fact that I might have kinda overworked myself with all the song-writing). Even so, it was a great experienced and I can't wait to try more new stories that take more unique twists.'

You're in for it with "Go North, Young Dragon!"

Awesome, thanks

*sighs* It's sad that Night Shade couldn't make the right decision in the end. I can only hope he redeems himself. He is a nice guy. He's just being forced to make bad decisions.

It pains me that this made Pumpkin give up an artist she liked. Especially since she was such a fan. That scene of her throwing out everything was heartbreaking.

Here's hoping Zeb and Svengallop get what's coming to them in a future story of yours.

On to the next one of yours I plan to read.

This was one of the stories that had a bad ending though the kids all pull through so it becomes bittersweet. I had to challenge myself with a story like that cuz there will be more like it. Zeb and Svengallop will eventually get what they deserve, but not before they get another chance to ruin everyone’s day with Erebus.

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