• Published 16th Aug 2022
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A Purple Pony Princess's Problems on Planet Popstar - ANerdWithASwitch

Ancient magical artifacts and untested spells really shouldn't mix. After a misfired spell on Star Swirl's Mirror ends in Twilight, Sunset, and Spike trapped in a foreign universe, they must find a way back to Equestria.

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Chapter I: Royal Rumble

By the time Twilight had regained consciousness, the sun had risen, chased the triplet moons from the sky, and brilliantly illuminated the arches. They were as beautiful as they were unsettling. With a great deal of effort, she tore her flabbergasted stare from the sky and focused on properly analyzing her situation. She was sitting on a cloud, something she’d definitely have to get more used to with her new wings. Spike seemed to be awake, though he was on the verge of dozing off any minute now. The thief was asleep, softly breathing on the mattress-like cloud.

“Spike?” Twilight asked, breaching the silence.

Spike’s eyes shot open, the idea of sleeping suddenly forgotten. “Twilight! You’re up!” He launched forward, gripping her in a tight hug. “Are you alright?”

She happily returned the embrace. “I’m fine, Spike. How long was I out?”

Spike yawned. “A few hours, I think? It was nighttime when we got here.”

Twilight looked around, her gaze lingering for a moment on the demolished remains of the Mirror. “Where…where is here, anyway?” she pondered rhetorically.

Spike shrugged. “I dunno. Sunset there didn’t seem to know, either.”

The princess glanced down at the sleeping mare. “Her name’s Sunset?”

Spike nodded with another yawn. “All I was able to get out of her when she was awake was that her name is Sunset Shimmer.”

Twilight gave her assistant a warm smile. “Don’t worry, Spike, I’m sure we’ll learn more about her later.”

Spike nodded again, his eyes drifting closed as he leaned more into Twilight’s embrace. “And I’ll help…”

After waiting a moment to make sure that Spike was asleep, Twilight levitated him into a more comfortable position with a sigh. He’d already had a long day helping her out with the Summit, but staying up watching Sunset must have been extra taxing. He deserved the rest. Twilight sent a sleeping spell Sunset’s way in the meantime to make sure she stayed napping until Spike woke up again as well; she wanted all three of them awake and alert before the questions started. Namely, figuring out where they were.

As she took in her surroundings once more, the panic finally started to set in for Twilight. This definitely wasn’t Equestria. Hay, with those arches in the sky, she doubted she was even on Equus anymore. Their way back looked like it was completely out of the question, thoroughly destroyed by its first use. She cringed. Using any sort of experimental spell, no matter how benign it may have seemed, in a room full of ancient, potentially unstable magical artifacts had been a terrible, terrible idea.

She started hyperventilating. This was by far the furthest she had ever been from home. Despite the open air, the world felt like it was pressing in on her from all sides. How could she even consider herself a princess if she had just up and vanished on the ponies she was supposed to be ruling over? Would she ever get to see her friends again? Clearly travel back to Equestria was possible, but how long would it take her to reverse-engineer the magic in the Mirror? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? What if something threatened to destroy Equestria in that time? Without all of the Elements, her friends wouldn’t be able to stop that!

Her eyes widened. How could she forget about the Element of Magic? Where was it? Sunset had it when they went through the Mirror; maybe it was still in her saddlebags? Oh, what if it had fallen to the ground? Was it fragile? Could an Element of Harmony even break? If it did, even if she could get back home, how would she be any help-

Oh, Spike has it.

That panicky train of thought came to a screeching halt as she levitated the crown onto her head and applied a sticking charm for good measure. Placing a hoof over her chest, she followed the breathing technique that Cadance had taught her. It didn’t help much to calm her racing heart, but it did prevent her mental state from devolving into a full-blown panic attack. Enough so that she could calm herself further by actually taking stock of her situation and asking herself important questions.

Alright, what do I know? I’m not on Equus anymore, and I don’t have a way back. Right now, I need to focus on securing food, water, and shelter for myself, Spike, and Sunset. Once those basic needs are met, I can start working on a way back home. Who do I have access to?

Well, there’s myself. Alicorn princess, wielder of the Element of Magic. Good start. Spike is young, but him being a fire-breathing dragon will be helpful if we get into a sticky situation. Sunset seems rather powerful, but I’ll have to keep an eye on her. I don’t know what her plans are.

Location? We’re… she looked down, a kilometer or so up. Not too far to teleport the three of us. Does the surface look promising?

She scanned the ground, looking for anything that stood out in the topography. It seemed pleasant enough. A large grassy field, criss-crossed with various rivers and dotted by what seemed like houses, stretched out for kilometers on end. A lush, green forest wrapped around most of it, reaching all the way out to the horizon. The other horizon held what looked like an ocean the aforementioned rivers all dumped into, the field comfortably transitioning into shoreline. What really caught her eye, though, was the mountain chain rounding out the field’s borders. The peaks were all rather tall, several reaching above the clouds. One even looked like a building had been built on top of it. In fact, Twilight realized, said building appeared to be a castle!

Castles meant government, government meant structure, and structure meant that Twilight could get some form of security. A plan rapidly began to form in her head as she pondered the possibilities, and with a pop, the three forms on the cloud disappeared as she teleported them to the ground below.

From behind a nearby cloud, an observer watched with yellow eyes as the three mysterious beings vanished. The Dimensional Mirror itself was still intact–he had checked–but the appearance and subsequent destruction of a new Dimensional Mirror warranted some investigations. He had sat there, unmoving, for hours as he observed the newcomers to his universe.

Thankfully, it seemed that they were not much of a threat. If anything, they seemed confused and frightened, as if they had not intended to travel to Popstar. Still, their movements and inclinations were something to watch. If they posed a threat, he would have to eliminate them.

He was in the process of moving to a new vantage point to keep sight of them where they reappeared, but his communicator notifying him of an alert interrupted. Picking it up, he answered. “Yes, Captain?” he asked in a smooth, deep voice.

“We just got a report from one of our outposts, Sir,” came a far gruffer voice. “Dyna Blade is down, and it looks like Kirby is behind it.”

“Keep watch over him. He’s the one thing that might throw a wrench in our plans.”

“Of course, Sir. It would also appear that Dedede is at it again.”

His eyes narrowed. “Is he attempting to incite another famine to cement his rule?”

“That’s what we thought at first, but it seems like his forces have focused on antagonizing Kirby specifically.”

“He likely wants to settle a personal score, then. How goes the construction?”

“We’re nearing completion. If all goes according to plan, we should be able to launch in under a week.”

“Excellent. I will be returning to base shortly. The anomaly we detected near the Dimensional Mirror does not currently seem to be a threat, but I will be dispatching a unit to keep an eye on them.”

“Understood, Sir. Safe travels.”

With a click, he hung up. One more time, his eyes tracked over Green Greens and Mount Dedede, where he could make out lines of Waddle Dees carrying food up to the castle. He scoffed. Dedede’s attempts to cement his leadership were foolish at best and childish at worst, but the inner machinations of the penguin’s mind were none of his concern.

He would be overthrowing Dedede soon, anyway. He doubted the self-proclaimed king would be able to stand up to the might of the Halberd once it was complete.

Spreading his wings, Meta Knight took flight towards Orange Ocean.

Seeing this world from ground level was an even stranger experience than it had been from the clouds, Twilight thought as she trekked. The native inhabitants were…odd, to say the least. They were certainly more diverse than ponies were; she had counted at least ten different species in the hour and a half that she had been walking. There were strange mushroom-like creatures with detachable caps, sword-wielding, green-armored beings, cycloptic reddish-orange torsos with stubby arms and legs, shadowy figures in yellow armor with what looked like a sharpened boomerang of sorts, and so much more. Such was the sapient biodiversity of this world, she suspected that any double takes they had at her weren’t directed at either herself or the sleeping dragon on her back, but Sunset’s unconscious form she had levitating behind her.

By far the most common of this world’s inhabitants, though, were the small orange heads with nubby arms and stubby legs. They were quite similar in shape to the cyclopes she noticed earlier, but had two eyes instead of one and a defined facial structure. Honestly, they were incredibly adorable and Twilight had to work to resist scooping one up in a hug and squeezing it half to death.

Curiously, though, they all seemed to be carrying various food items and moving in the same direction. She was just following along with them at this point, since the path they were waddling on led towards the castle. Still, as she climbed the mountain, she couldn’t help but wonder what exactly they were using the food for. A celebration? Taxes? She hoped it wasn’t anything nefarious, but it would be just her luck if the world she landed in had an unstable government taking from the citizenry.

Well, it appeared that her questions would be answered soon. She had crested the ridge the castle was upon, its opulent gates in view. She stepped aside for a moment to let the final line of creatures pass. There was no sense in trying anything like sneaking in, after all. She doubted this world had ponies in it.

As she approached, following the last of the food-bearing bipeds, she was able to make out the figure of another one that seemed a bit different. There was a spear leaned against the wall next to it, for one, and the blue bandana it was wearing made it stand out further. Currently, it had a clipboard in its arms and was glancing between it and the line. After the final creature entered the gates, the bandana-clad being raised some sort of device to its face and began to speak.

“That’s the last of it from Green Greens,” he said. “Take five, everybody. We need to be in top shape for when Kirby arrives.”

He did…something with the device that made it disappear. Twilight was familiar with seven different storage spells that could do something similar, but she hadn’t seen anything that could indicate these things could do magic. Whatever the orange creature had just done seemed more like how Pinkie could fit just about anything in her mane, and Twilight could feel her urge to study rising. This world, so far, seemed relatively nonsensical and violated everything she thought she knew about magic. It was fascinating.

Before she could learn anything, though, she needed to make herself known. And so, she loudly cleared her throat, snapping the creature’s attention to her and her sleeping companions. “Erm…hello?” she said, her tone unsure.

The creature jumped in surprise, turning to face her very quickly. “Good afternoon,” he stated amicably, but inched towards his weapon all the same. Twilight didn’t fault him for that, of course. She was as unfamiliar to these creatures as they were to her, and she might be trespassing. “Who might you be, and what brings you to Castle Dedede today?”

“I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria,” Twilight responded, inclining her head downward slightly in a show of respect as the creature’s gaze flicked to the tiara still safely secured on her head. “I was hoping I might be able to speak to whoever’s in charge of the place?”

The creature bowed, or at least as much as something of his stature was able to. “I’m sorry. We don’t usually get visits from foreign royalty around here.” He grabbed his spear and gestured for her to follow. “I should be able to get you an audience with King Dedede if he’s not too busy.”

Twilight frowned a bit as she entered. “I don’t want to be a bother if he’s busy. Should I come back later?”

The spearman laughed. “Trust me, the King is hardly ever busy.” He blinked before smacking his forehead with his empty arm. “I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I? I’m General Bandana Waddle Dee, but please, just call me Bandana Dee or Bandee for short. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highness.”

Twilight smiled. “Likewise. If you don’t mind me saying, you seem pretty informal for a general.”

Bandee shrugged. “Well, I’m pretty new to the job. King Dedede only put me in charge of his armies a couple weeks ago, and he only took power himself a month ago.”

“Oh?” Twilight inquired. “Would that have anything to do with all the food?”

“You’re fishing for information, aren’t you?” Bandee candidly said.

Twilight shrugged. “I’m new around here. I just want to know what the state of everything is so I can work with it.”

Bandee sighed. “Three weeks ago, King Dedede got it into his head that in order to solidify his leadership, he needed to steal most of the food in Dreamland. A creature called Kirby put a stop to that pretty quickly, but now he’s super focused on getting back at him.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as they approached the massive doors to the throne room. Glancing up at her, Bandee gulped. “You’re planning on laying into him, aren’t you?”

“That depends on what he has to say for himself,” Twilight tried to placate.

“Just…don’t be too hard on him, please? He’s still new to the whole leadership thing. He’s a good guy at heart,” Bandee pleaded. Quietly, he muttered to himself, “I told him this was a bad idea.”

He took a deep breath and opened the doors to the throne room as calmly as he could. “Presenting Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and…” he glanced at the sleeping forms of Spike and Sunset, “her guests.”

Once more, Twilight’s expectations were completely and utterly subverted. She had assumed that the King would be the same species as Bandee, perhaps larger and with different defining features. That was, after all, how Princess Celestia compared to the average pony.

She was not at all expecting him to be a massive blue penguin in a red robe. King Dedede was lounging on his throne, eating a bowl of grapes. Not really a good first impression. Frankly, with how cliché it was, Twilight almost expected someone to be standing at his side with an oversized fan.

The King did at least react to the newcomers in his throne room, though. Quick as a rocket, he shot upright in his throne and brushed off his robe. “Warn a guy first, Bandee!”

“My apologies, Your Majesty,” Bandana Dee said, “but I had no warning that we were having visitors, myself.”

Dedede blinked. “Well, I definitely haven’t heard anything about this!” He gestured for Bandee to leave. “Why don’t you take a lunch break, Bandana? I wanna have a talk with the Princess.”

Bandee bowed respectfully before taking his leave. Dedede, seemingly pleased with that, turned to Twilight and flashed her a grin. “So, what brings you to Dreamland, Princess?”

For a moment, Twilight debated exactly how much information she should divulge. The King seemed rather selfish, but Bandee had said that he had a good side. Hopefully, he would be willing to help. “An accident,” she finally answered. “I didn’t mean to come here, and right now we’re a bit trapped.”

Dedede frowned. “Well that doesn’t sound good, but I don’t see what that has to do with you coming to me.”

“I need time to research how to get back to my own world,” Twilight responded, “but to do that I need a place to stay, food, and water first. Are you willing to help?”

Dedede’s eyes narrowed. “Another world, eh? Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me.”

Twilight’s planned speech died in her throat. “Wh…what?”

“I’m not dealing with any more aliens,” he explained. “That damned Kirby and Meta Knight are already bad enough. I don’t need another three running around and causing trouble.”

Twilight’s own eyes narrowed as well and she scoffed. “Well, I guess I should’ve seen that coming. You seem exceedingly hedonistic.”

“Hey! Don’t you come into my castle and tell me how to live my life!” Dedede shouted.

“And why shouldn’t I?” Twilight pressured. “If what I’ve heard is true, you stole most of the food in the country a few weeks ago. Do you know how many problems that might have caused? How many may have been lost to famine? A leader should set an example for their people, not exploit them!”

“Alright, that’s it!” Dedede shouted, and Twilight suddenly realized that lecturing a king in his own throne room was a spectacularly stupid idea.

She wasn’t quite sure where he got the absolutely massive hammer from, but she was quite glad that she noticed it before he cleared the distance between them in a single bound and brought it down on her. Thankfully, she had picked up some shield spells from her brother a while back, so she was able to spare herself and her companions from the blow. With a violet glow, a semi-transparent sphere appeared around Twilight, stopping the weapon short. A quick flare of telekinesis later, and both the sleeping Spike and Sunset were safely in the corner.

Dedede snorted as he backed up and Twilight let her shield fall. “I wasn’t planning on hurting them, anyway. ‘Least as long as they don’t mess with me when they’re awake.”

Twilight squinted at him. “I don’t believe you,” she stated before shooting a low-power magical laser at him.

Dedede shrugged and just deflected the blast with his hammer. “Well, it’s the truth.”

The pair fell silent as they circled each other, each looking for an opening. Besides the whole fiasco during Shining’s wedding, Twilight had never really been in a fight before. She knew she was powerful, sure. She knew that most things on Equus wouldn’t dare challenge an alicorn because of it. Even if the only offensive capability said alicorn had was discharging pure magical energy, the sheer power they packed into it would violently end most things if an alicorn stopped holding back.

Unfortunately, this was not Equus, and Dedede was not most things.

The King clearly had experience when it came to fighting. His stance alone told her that much. His eyes were cold and analytical, watching for any sign of weakness. Twilight lit her horn with a blank spell, just to be ready to react if he tried anything. And when Dedede suddenly dashed to her left, she raised a shield on that side of her body.

Had she had her brother’s training, perhaps Twilight would have seen the feint for what it was. A sudden movement like that just screamed that it was a distraction, but her knowledge in the subject area proved to be lacking as Dedede shifted his trajectory. Smoothly, he swung around to target her right side, moving far too fast for something of his size and stature.

Twilight’s eyes widened and she reflexively took to the air. It was just in time too; Dedede’s hammer impacted the ground hard enough to shatter the tile where she had been only moments before. She wobbled for a bit on her new wings, something that Dedede caught on to immediately. Instead of waiting for her to land or her being able to force him onto the back foot like she had hoped, he kept the pressure up.

Dedede jumped far, far higher than Twilight thought a penguin had any right to. Another hammer swing, and Twilight was forced to dive to avoid it. Another jump, another swing, and this time she had to ascend. A third time nearly sent her crashing into a wall, and Twilight was forced to admit that this wasn’t working.

She landed unsteadily near the door as Dedede was charging at her once again. Instead of throwing out another shield, though, Twilight changed up her strategy. She telekinetically picked up some of the debris Dedede had kicked up earlier and hurled it at the back of his head. None of it hit strong enough to do any real damage, but it was enough to distract him. With the King turned around to deflect the other projectiles, Twilight fired a beam of pure magic. It wasn’t anything particularly powerful–only about strong enough to knock out a strong earth pony–but she thought it would still be enough to take him down for the time being. Instead, the King simply tanked it with naught but a stumble forward.

When he turned around a moment later, Twilight could see his right eye twitching. “So, pulling out the cheap shots, are we?”

Then he threw the hammer.

Twilight yelped and teleported out of the way, the weapon still nearly grazing her chest from the suddenness of it. She raised an eyebrow at Dedede once she was safe, though. “Did you really just throw your weapon away?”

Dedede grinned, something that Twilight blanched at. Clearly he still had a plan. What, though, she couldn’t quite figure out until she spared a glance behind her and froze in astonishment.

The hammer, defying all known laws of aviation, had turned around midair and was coming right for her. She barely had enough time to light her horn and charge a teleport before it slammed into her left foreleg. She still got the teleport off successfully, but was hissing in pain when she reappeared behind Dedede and he caught the hammer. Her leg wasn’t broken, at least, but she was going to have to avoid standing on it for a while.

“Well, Princess,” Dedede said as he turned around, “two can play at the cheap shot game.”

Before Twilight’s eyes, and much to her worry, the hammer changed. Its wood casing gave way to metal in a series of whirring noises. Its cylindrical shape changed into a rectangular prism, the front of it having a hinged flap of some sort. But most distressingly, with the sound of an engine revving up, a jet of blue flame shot out from the end of it.

Panicking, Twilight canceled all other spells she had going and focused all her considerable might into erecting a shield.

Dedede swung, and dust filled the room.

Waking up and instantly having to cough out considerable amounts of dust was less than ideal, but Sunset had had worse wake-up calls before. A quick flare of aquamarine magic later, and a light breeze made the room visible.

Sunset frowned. She definitely wasn’t on the cloud anymore. Had Twilight moved her? Glancing down at the dragon beside her, who was slowly waking up himself, she figured that that was the most likely scenario. Now, where was she?

The walls looked like they were made of marble, columns stretching to the high ceiling and opulent windows displaying a great deal of the outside. Yellow and white square tiles covered the floor, where a red carpet led up to what was clearly a throne. Sunset scoffed. Of course royalty would attract more royalty to itself. That seemed like a multiversal constant. Though, the giant penguin with a high-tech hammer was new to her.

As she watched, the opaque violet sphere in the center of the room dissolved, revealing a panting purple pony princess. Sunset’s eyes widened. This blue penguin thingy had been attacking an alicorn? And winning? Hurriedly, she glanced at the massive doors. She needed to get the hell out of here.

A moment later, though, she glanced back at Twilight, who had the Element of Magic secured on her head. Sunset scowled, silently cursing the world. She still wasn’t willing to leave without getting her hooves on that artifact.

Before she could concoct any sort of plan, though, the massive penguin planted the hammer’s handle on the floor. “Still not done, Princess?” The hatch on the front of the hammer opened and…

Sunset blinked. Was that a missile launcher? In a hammer? She wanted one.

Before the missiles could be launched, though, two cries of “Everybody stop!” echoed throughout the chamber. One clearly came from the dragon beside her, Sunset could tell, and the other came from a side door.

Both fighters froze, Twilight’s hornlight dying as whatever spell she was preparing faded, and the hammer’s hatch closing. Everyone looked over at the second voice: a spear-wielding, bandana-wearing…Sunset wasn’t quite sure what that was, but she was going to call him Waddly for now, based on how he was walking. Regardless, he waddled in like he owned the place, pointing his spear right at the penguin.

“King Dedede!” he shouted in the tone of a disappointed parent. “I leave for five minutes to get food and you’re already fighting foreign royalty?”

Dedede pouted. He didn’t just frown, he full-on pouted. Sunset didn’t even know how a penguin could pout. “She started it.”

Twilight looked scandalized. “I most certainly did not. I just pointed out how utterly selfish it is to deny lost travelers a place to stay while they figure out how to get back home!”

Spike and Waddly simultaneously slammed an appendage against their foreheads and stalked over to their respective rulers. Had the situation not seemed so dire, Sunset probably would have broken out in laughter at the sight. Even as it was, she had to hold her giggles back when Spike started scolding Twilight.

“Twilight, did you walk up to a king’s throne room, insult him to his face, and not expect him to fire back?” he asked pointedly.

The mare opened her mouth, presumably to defend herself, but was cut off by Waddly berating his king.

“Sir, you hired me as a general and an advisor, so I’m going to advise you, alright?” he started. “You need to stop this. Taking people’s food, antagonizing Kirby, it’s not helping your image. The people think you’re a tyrant, and if you keep this up, you’ll become one.”

Dedede grit his teeth, but didn’t deny it. “Fine. But I’m still fighting Kirby. We’ve got a score to settle.”

Waddly sighed. “Alright, how about this. Once you and Kirby fight, you’ll stop trying to make him your enemy, or ‘fated rivals,’ or whatever you want to call it. Focus on ruling the Kingdom and don’t hyperfixate on one specific person.”

Dedede performed the penguin’s equivalent of pursing one’s lips and stared down at his advisor. After a moment of him staring back just as hard, he caved. “Alright, Bandana, have it your way.”

The door slammed open, admitting a strange-looking swordsman in green armor. “General Bandee, King Dedede!” he shouted, out of breath. “We’ve just received urgent news from Purple Plants!”

“What is it, Captain?” the general asked.

“Whispy’s been defeated!” the swordsman–Sunset was gonna call him Greeny for now–exclaimed. “Word is that it was Kirby’s doing!”

Bandee paled. “Already? We spent days setting up enough of a trail to lure him there, and he cleared it in twenty minutes?”

Wordlessly, Greeny nodded.

Bandee steeled his gaze. “Alright, notify Kabula. She needs to be in the air as soon as possible.” Once the captain had run off, he held up a…Sunset blinked in surprise again. Was that a PA system microphone?

Based on the echoing of Bandee’s voice around the castle, she supposed it was. “Everyone that’s fit to fight, assume defensive positions! Kirby will likely be here within the hour!” Disabling the mic, he turned to Dedede. “Your Majesty, you might want to retreat to the ring. Your mask should be there already, and I see you have your new hammer with you.”

Dedede seemed a bit shaken by how suddenly everything had changed, and Sunset mentally grinned. Ponies, humans, penguin-thingies, they all had the same tells of being frazzled and therefore being easy to manipulate. She did still need to find a way back to Equestria in order to take it over, and working with Twilight was her best bet to do so. She’d just need to find a way to betray her later.

“If I may,” Sunset began, snapping everyone’s attention to her, “me and my…companions do still need a place to stay while we research a way home. Clearly, Princess Twilight and the King have had a disagreement, but I propose a deal.”

Dedede leaned towards her and Sunset cheered inside her head. He’d taken the bait hook, line, and sinker. “I’m listening.”

“In exchange for providing the three of us with basic necessities, I'll help you with defending against this 'Kirby' character today. I might not be as magically powerful as Twilight is, but I’m certain I know far more combat spells.”

Dedede grinned and held out a flipper, and Sunset grinned and shook it with her hoof. “You’ve got yourself a deal, little pony.”

Author's Note:

The Selfish Tyrant, King Dedede
The self-proclaimed King of Dreamland, this penguin packs a punch! Be careful not to get hit by his hammer, and maybe you can distract him long enough to strike back!

Poor pre-season 4 Twilight. New to her wings, new to princessing, not new to sticking her hoof in her mouth, and the only thing she knows about diplomacy is that she read about it in a book once. Granted, Dedede's not much better in that regard.

So, to explain a few things about how I'm mixing the Kirby timeline up slightly, I'd like to start by mentioning that I'm giving Bandana Dee his bandana from the beginning. Once Dedede made him general, he got it as a sign of his rank. He'll still be the Waddle Dee in the group during Crystal Shards, as I fully believe that if the idea of Bandana Dee had been conceived by Shimomura instead of Kumazaki he would've been in that game anyway.

Further, you might've noticed that Revenge of the King is currently happening, since in Ultra it's presented as a sequel to Dream Land. Mixing around where Super Star's subgames go is the main timeline finagling I'm doing, and I am also planning on moving Rainbow Curse a bit to keep the RtDL-TD-PR-SA Tetrology intact. The full list is as follows:

  1. Kirby’s Dream Land
  2. Dyna Blade
  3. Revenge of the King <-- We are here
  4. Revenge of Meta Knight
  5. Kirby’s Adventure
  6. Milky Way Wishes
  7. Kirby’s Dream Land 2
  8. Kirby’s Dream Land 3
  9. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
  10. Gourmet Race
  11. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
  12. Kirby: Canvas Curse
  13. Kirby: Squeak Squad
  14. Kirby’s Epic Yarn
  15. Kirby’s Mass Attack
  16. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
  17. Kirby’s Return to Dream Land
  18. Kirby: Triple Deluxe
  19. Kirby: Planet Robobot
  20. Kirby Star Allies
  21. Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Whew, that was a long Author's Note. In any case, see you all next time, when our heroes first encounter the Pink Puffball of Doom!

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