• Member Since 25th Nov, 2020
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She/her. I write about horses. If you want to support me, consider getting a commission.


Sunset Shimmer doesn't eat meat for some really obvious reasons. Rainbow Dash is extremely offended about this and tries to change that.

It... goes about as well as you might expect.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

The meat everywhere and Sunset pretending to be a zombie was funny! :twilightsmile:

The ending was good and I liked the built up if a bit lacking in some parts, I felt like sunset was a bit more dickish in this one though. Sure she's totally right to deny and Rainbow was being an ass but it felt like her dark thoughts were just meant to be taken normally, like she only batted an eye at the idea of threatening rainbow with a tomate. Like 'Rainbow didn't realize how lucky she was for being alive that Sunset hadn't gotten ketchup and mustard stains on her favorite jeans' I feel like if she was reformed that kind of thinking would be lessend like what if she said 'Rainbow didn't realize how lucky she was for Sunset not ripped into her yet'. I know the two sentences are similar but the meaning shifts when we take into account how sunset has kinda had to kinda take a friendship beaten into her.

I know it might seem minor but small tidbits like that and Sunset's general agitation just a tad bit more aggressive than she would probably react. it's the tone of it y'know? Hearing Sunset's thoughts constantly on the idea of just "turning back" puts into the idea as if being evil by choice was at the start of her plan. What could've helped was like a throw away line of her reflecting on that sentence like saying "Eh, but i wouldn't do that." To tell the audience she just says it but doesn't mean it.

I liked Rainbow Dash's characterization in her passive- aggressive way of tempting Sunset, but I did feel like I had to put a bit more disbelief in thinking Rainbow genuinely didn't realize how much this would be considered annoying.

Overall I liked the concept and the execution was good, just maybe the characterization was the thing that felt a little leaning to just them being put a bit into their extreme archetypes of their characters.

From every possible angle she was being assaulted by a blinding array of highly saturated warm tones, slapped haphazardly on a backdrop of uninspiring beige turned tan or brown in spots after years of lacking upkeep.

It makes way too much sense that Rainbow Dash likes alternate universe Burger King. :rainbowlaugh:

"Uhm. The whole time." Wallflower answered, a rosy red rising to her cheeks.

Ahh a tasteful Wallflower cameo. That almost never happens.:rainbowderp:

"So anyway, you said Celestia did what with the ruler again?!"

Dang. Now I want to know too!:twilightangry2:

"What, you've never heard before? Everyone calls you Baconhair!"

Okay, maybe a little I guess, but if my hair is anything like food it'd be, like... mustard and ketchup or something!

From henceforth Sunset Shimmer will be called... Hotdog Hair!:pinkiecrazy:

I've been told my sense of humor is pretty shit, primarily by myself,

This 'myself' guy is a filthy liar, because this was awesome. Can't believe it doesn't have more upvotes.:pinkiesad2:

I hope if nothing else, I made you exale a little harder from your nostrils than you typically would.

Mission accomplished.:twilightsmile: Thanks for writing!:heart:

Sunset Shimmer cannonicaly has anger issues.

This is actually way more annoying than anything Pinkie Pie did to her in Backstage Pass, if only because Rainbow Dash is doing it on purpose.

And it's not unusual for people to have exaggerated thoughts about how their going to react to people ticking them off, in the heat of the moment.

And Rainbow Dash has always been pushy and insensitive, even if she used to be better about recognizing it.

It's not unusual but there's no reaffirmation that she actually isn't taking those thoughts too seriously, as such why I suggested a throw away line like to see she doesn't really mean them. And in this sense I feel like rainbow is just more of an airhead along with the pushing along with the posters and whatnot. I also feel like sunset would've been more believeable to bring this up with Twilight, idk a friendship issue where she doesn't know how to not come across like a cold person to Rainbow maybe she'd contact Twilight.

Sunset having canonical anger issues is fine, but we don't a clear indicator how far she's been in getting better with them so it's kinda up to us to really figure out how well. So to me I just think she would've gotten better with it but that one is totally a given so you're right.

I asked a vegetarian about this story, and they said it's mostly plausible even if it's a parody.

Some people just can't handle someone else being a vegetarian. (Or maybe they just can't handle not being a jerk about it?)

I assume this applies to some other moral or practical strictures too. :facehoof:

Also, nice bit in the ending. :twilightsmile:


but there's no reaffirmation that she actually isn't taking those thoughts too seriously,

I feel that how quickly it passes in of itself denotes her flippancy. If her thoughts lingured, then we might have reason to take it more seriously.

in this sense I feel like rainbow is just more of an airhead

I say this as someone who loves cannon EQG Rainbow Dash... She kinda of is one.

That goes double for her pony counterpart, who I am admittedly less fond of.

I also feel like sunset would've been more believeable to bring this up with Twilight,

Probably. But this is a comedy.

Characters missing the obvious is practically a given, since sitcoms set the definition of what fictional comedy was, for about 70 plus decades.

In fairness to Sunset, it didn't really occur to me either until you brought it up.

Well most of the time people don't find her buttons and push them and the last time she got mad in the show she kinda had a good reason considering Sci twi was being stupid and reckless. Rainbow on the other hand just got a little less egotistical after the sirens but not by much and unfortunately not thinking about things is how she is. She deserves to get bit in this story. There is a limit to how much you should push anyone and no means no!

Casually, Rainbow Dash leaned forward and popped open the box, and barely contained within the feeble walls of that container sat a culinary abomination Sunset could only liken to a Lovecraftian horror. They did live in America, so naturally Sunset was acclimated to seeing food items decadent enough to make Equestria's Canterlot elites balk and put a dragon in a diabetic coma, but this beast of a sandwich was on an entirely different level of profanity.

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light...

The first thing she noticed about the burger — although she doubted it could be classified as one in its present form — was its size. It had a diameter comparable to her whole face, and it was nearly as tall with no less than five patties. Between each were heaping piles of faux fast food bacon, all held together by the glue of melted cheese so yellow it looked toxic. And, from what she could see, there wasn't a vegetable in sight. It was just meat, meat, cheese, and carbs.

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming...

Everything else she'd done had been on the same wavelength of inanity as Pinkie's antics, though. It had started off innocently enough — if laughably impotent and desperate — with printed pictures of food or restaurant advertisements popping up around the school. The weirdest one she'd seen had been in the girls' bathroom stalls of all places, touting some debut spicy chicken sandwich at Appleloosa Fried Chicken. That one really baffled her. Even if she did eat meat, did Rainbow seriously think that a food advert next to the toilet was going to get her appetite running? None of it mattered too much in the end however, since the Vice Principal caught onto it pretty quickly and put an end to that mess.

Nice cock, bro. On a less joking note: I thought what was gonna happen would be that Rainbow would get Sunset a regular burger instead of a veggie burger and Sunset would only find out when she saw the receipt but I guess Rainbow just wasn't cunning enough to do that.


You're a bad friend, Rainbow. You had that coming.

Wow, how did you get Rainbow's personality and intelligence exactly right?

Speaking of which, the decor was pretty atrocious. From every possible angle she was being assaulted by a blinding array of highly saturated warm tones, slapped haphazardly on a backdrop of uninspiring beige turned tan or brown in spots after years of lacking upkeep. The 50's diner aesthetic was also strong, and one which she had never much cared for regardless. Rainbow Dash though? She didn't appear to mind in the slightest, grinning like she did after a triple win streak against the Shadowbolts.

I find it much better than the soulless white and black modern look (and gray washing everything). To me it says; “shut up, hand over money and get out with whatever we give.”

I'm not sure if it's any good or not frankly because I've been told my sense of humor is pretty shit, primarily by myself, but you let me know what you think.

I am not the person who’s opinion you want… I find my jokes pretty good but find most other people have shitty humor.

On to the story…

I liked it. It is unfortunately quite juvenile like most here; little kid juvenile like the age range the show was meant to appeal to. I managed to smile for most and grin during bacon hair part. For a fimfiction this is actually part of the top ten percent. Most who go out of their way to be comedy seem to fail.

I do not mind vegetarians and vegans, as long as they do not try to get me to stop eating meat.
it just means more meat for me after all.

Dark/black Humor is like food . .
Not everybody gets it . .

Very nice story.

He, he, not bad. The humour was a bit mild, which was actually better than if you had tried to ramp it up, and in a EQG sort of way the story was actually believable, lol. Thanks for posting! :twilightsmile:

Pretty much happenned to me at least 3 times with different coworkers or just random people at parties who took it upon themselves to "convert" me back.

i was pretty much struggling to breathe throughout this whole thing :rainbowlaugh: the narration/descriptions were hilarious at every turn, and i think you got the girls' personalities down perfectly. take my thumbs up and a favourite!!!

As someone who is trying to incrementally cut back on my red meat consumption in an effort to have a healthier diet living with a family that at times seems to idolize meat and potatoes, I can say I don't understand hard-core vegetarians or vegans, and I don't think I could ever be one, I like cheese and eggs and pastries too much to give them up cold turkey (pardon the turn of phrase).

That said, if I was invited over to dinner and had a friend who I knew was a vegetarian or vegan, I'd do my utmost to respect it, try some of their food and maybe bring over a dish of my own that was made to accommodate their beliefs. I'm not going to claim to be a saint, but RD's lucky she didn't get slapped or worse struck with a ISS or OSS for harassing Sunset.

Honestly a bit too much set up for my liking (and a few typos) but the ending was pretty good

also i couldn’t stop thinking about this amongst all the talk about stealth meat https://youtu.be/VYn4GE2M_ss

That was definitely entertaining :twilightsmile:

I gota say, I can definitely see Dash being this annoying, it fits her track record too perfectly poor Subset I’m surprise she didn’t went all demon-girl in Dash after the first week XD

Also, for your first comedy this was very good :twilightsmile:

As if Sunset were some sort of dog, Rainbow had started putting meat around. Literally just... leaving random pieces of meat around for her to find, wherever it was that Rainbow knew she frequented or had on her class schedule. There were hotdogs on her usual seat in History — Rainbow didn't realize how lucky she was for being alive that Sunset hadn't gotten ketchup and mustard stains on her favorite jeans — a Cuban sandwich at Music Club, chicken nuggets on top of her gym locker, a single straight-up sausage link just lying there on a napkin atop her motorcycle. What could she even say to that, and how much money was Rainbow putting into this whole charade?

I bet that's considered a threat some place.

I never even saw a sausage link (the traditional ones) in real life and I already feel threatened

Funny. And I too wish to know what Celestia did with the ruler.

Honestly, I didn't find this funny. It's just Rainbow being a dick in depressingly realistic ways. People on either extreme of the dietary spectrum pull this crap all the time and I just want to slap her.

Very entertaining and got a few chuckles from me, feels like this could be a real episode, nicely done

I think I might just straight kill someone if they tried that on me, like, with any food.

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