• Member Since 29th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Hallo. I am a connoisseur of clever wordplay and stories with deeper meaning; I very casually run a YouTube channel with my brother called GadZooks where we talk about MLP-related stuff.


Hello. My name is Emerald Flare.

I don’t really see what need I have for a name, but the ponies keeping me seem very insistent on my using it as much as possible.

Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m entertaining their idea of writing everything down; well, I do, actually, I’m bored. Put it on the list of things I’m going to be taking vengeance for once I escape from this prison they’ve constructed for me.

So, let’s take this from the top; Hello. My sparking name is Emerald Flare, and I’m a fire elemental.

Thanks to Techiebrony for the cover art!

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 109 )

to be fair a fire elemental burning things is in their nature as much as breathing is in ours so what starlight and twilight are doing defenetly count as torture

This is true; at least they're giving Emerald a few things to eat/burn in the meantime. what other options do they have?

The fact Spike is writing all this, including when he was told to stop seems accurate, also this got me interested

I was wondering whether I should cut that bit out, but I kept it in for clarity and storytelling. Thanks for letting me know what you think!

Well if you’d wanna cut it out you can make a crossed out text of Spike writing down “You don’t need to write that down spike” or something, also the reason why I thought it’s accurate is back with the tantabus, Twilight told spike to leave out the yawning

it is very pleasant and interesting, you can even say mentally

I’m betting Celestia’s gonna do just that

Flutters being the second pony ever to talk down a fire elemental...

It makes sense.

That's really adorable, in a 'I know I shouldn't, but one jerrycan couldn't hurt. Right?' kind of way.

Made me think of a funny image, emerald in a bar with some of his "friends" pouring lamp oil in a shot glass. Doesn'treally work because alcohol is already flammable, but made me chuckle anyway.

How does a little flame pony grab my emotions so hard :fluttercry:

Waiting for moar

I'll be sure to pass it along if the author of Sunset's Isekai ever wants a crossover. Maybe Emerald just prefers the consistency.

Hah, oh I can already picture it. That'd be amazing!

Thanks for writing flame-horsewords, they make me happy.

you know... the closest thing i can think of to what starlight did but in reverse would be for a necromancer to kill and then bind someone in spirit form forever. Also hope starlight faces actual concequinces for what she has done as while she might have paniced she did force a change in matter and thinking on another being.

What do you mean ‘the hug or the burning?’

It was the burning that was accidental and dawwww


And now Emerald's head is spinning. And you've given me an idea for a stupid story featuring one of my characters, a water elemental that figured out how to summon himself.

I don’t need friends. I don’t want friends. I just want to get out of this sparking suit of armor and go back home where everything’s warmer.

I'd dunk Emerald in the Nile but that would probably kill him.

Ugh, but I’m sooo BORED!

I see cracks forming already.

There's a reason you don't threaten Fluttershy's friends.

I don't know Emerald. You seem to be adapting fairly well.

Because him overcoming his struggles is a fun thing to root for.

The format change works and this hurts.

More dawwwws for the dawwwww collection.

There were ten of them left, all undamaged. I had completely forgotten about them during the day.

Apparently burning everything does get boring. keep it up. And author congrats on making it onto my special shelf while unfinished. that almost never happens.

It works. Alcohol burns quick, no satisfaction, lamp oil has a slow burn, much nicer. Pyros perfer something they can watch burn for a long time

“Yeah!” Sweetie agreed. “We won’t stop until you find your Cutie Mark! Er- I mean… something you’re good at!”

There are many things I can think of that involve fire, some cause destruction others creation.

In the destruction category, the first thing I think of is cremation. The hard part for Emerald, I think, would not be burning something past the point of ashes. Creatures like spreading them somewhere of significance to the departed.

In the creation category, I first thought of working in a kiln or forge. The creation of pottery or metal work would be very rewarding if she can learn temperature control and see how greatful creatures can be when something is made for them.

Well thanks very much for the compliments and all of your comments.

Interesting ideas. I think the problems with most jobs that Emerald might try is that fire is only a small part of them and the rest of the time the job demands patience and moderation, which isn't Emerald's strong suit at the moment.

Maybe the CMC will help her explore these options in future chapters...

“Probably the candle melting.” Twilight suggested. “I’m not sure you were supposed to eat that part.”

Silly Twilight. It wasn't the candle.

Uhh...what was I doing? I should stop reading things at almost 6qm. good job I think. Zzzzz

now twilight needs a test to compare it it. as such she needs to test how much she is able to resist consuming water for extended periods of time

I hope you don't go the route of 'taming' Emerald. Resocialization has it's place in stories but Emerald being a fire elemental is who she is, so I'm hoping we don't see her just becoming a slightly weird pony because it would feel incredibly immoral and demeaning to our MC and her plight.

Right now though, loving it!

There is certainly a fine line to trod there... I hope I can toe it to your satisfaction.

Scratch that. I definitely don’t have the self-restraint for that sort of thing. It is un-possible. Cannot be done. Sorry, Sweetie, The oven mitts only theoretically expand what sort of jobs I can do; in reality I’m the same bright flame underneath that I’ve always been. One thing is for sure; I won’t be interacting non-destructively with any flammable objects any time soon.

Unhuh. At this rate we're going to need to build you a wetsuit so you can explore Egypt.

I on the other hand do hope she learns self control and becomes able to be a functional happy member of society.

This was written well and ouch.

“I’m sorry.” I said under my breath, and in the moment I wasn’t sure if I was talking to her or myself.

My bet is on both. But you both now understand each other better in a way words couldn't.

It seems Emerald is learning more and more, I wonder if Starlight giving memories to Emerald changed anything though, like maybe Emerald learned Sympathy and Empathy for others now?

Imho there's a difference between being functional and having the character completely defanged. Emerald isn't a villain, and hasn't done anything wrong, she doesn't need 'redemption', she needs to be understood and accommodated.

Otherwise it ends up feeling like some kind of harmony cult conversion and that feels all kinds of icky around degredation of identity :P

There's a difference between being declawed and learning where and when it is appropriate to sheathe said claws. Also needing to figure out how to sheathe said claws.

They are accommodating him until he can change and adapt to fit in. Both sides now clearly understand each other.

You really would not like one of my characters, a water elemental that figured out how to summon himself with the catch that he becomes mortal.

No burning things? I guess I’ll let it fly :D

I will never leave I will continue leaving jokes with a burning passion:D

Metal would probably burn in the plane of fire

Yes, actually! that is my intention. Part of why Emerald's situation in so tricky is that her life force is bound to the armor so that if it is destroyed, she is destroyed. That's why Starlight or Twilight can't just open another portal or catapult Emerald into the sun without somehow removing the armor first.

Yep. More dawwwws from me.

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