• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 273 Views, 4 Comments

The Crab Who Was Summoned to Equestria - Scootaboom1

When Craysan was logged into YGGDRASIL on the final day he fell through a strange hole.

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Chapter 2 Formal Introductions


When the fillies finally processed what happened they began asking me all kinds of questions.

I chuckled at their antics and asked what they were doing in the Everfree Forest since to my understanding it was quite dangerous.

Apparently Apple Bloom was delivering some baked goods to Zecora as a gift and the other two had chosen to come along.

When we arrived at Zecoras' Hut they had offered to have lunch outside so that I eat with them, but I told them that I actually had a magic item for these situations.

I reached into my inventory and brought out a ring and put it on.

Walking into the doorway my body shrunk down letting me fit in the hut as though it was made for me.

The baked treats that the fillies brought tasted better than I could have ever imagined.

Another reason to stay as far as I was concerned now.

When the crusaders learned that I was planning to move to Ponyville they offered to introduce me.

I thought it was a fine idea but I suggested that they tell their sisters first so that none would panic when I revealed myself.

I would also show up with Zecora to ensure that there was no confusion with any other crab creature that may potentially appear.

As I escorted the crusaders to the edge of forest Scootaloo asked why I didn't just go out with them now.

The answer was actually fairly simple.

From what Zecora had told me ponies scared easily.

I also wanted to make a good first impression by cleaning myself up.

Scootaloo looked like she had wanted to ask something else but remained silent.

I wonder what that is about?

Twilight Sparkle

When the crusaders arrived to inform their sisters about what happened they were in a facility meeting with the rest of us.

But this Craysan there are so many questions that I had about him.

He had apparently called himself a monk, but what does he mean by that exactly?

Is he a religious type of monk?

Did he mean a martial artist?

Or a hermit in search of enlightenment?

How did that magic ring work?

What other magical things did they have?

Regardless Pinkie Pie was already setting up a welcome party for Craysan.

From the trail leading to the Everfree Forest from the center of town I could see Zecora next to an absolutely massive crab like creature.

The crusaders had told us that he was pretty big, but that may have been an understatement.

He stood at least 4.8 meters tall.

When he made it to us he started to give a bow which I quickly told him was not necessary.

This seemed to put him at ease.

The crusaders came to greet him as the party started to get into motion.

He had apparently learned from Zecora that Scootaloo couldn't fly, so he wanted to give her a magic item that may help.

It was a pendant which would give those who wear it the ability to freely fly through the air.

When Scootaloo put on the pendant she immediately activated it and flew off before I could ask if it was safe.

Rainbow Dash said that she would keep an eye on her and flew after her.

I looked to Craysan and asked if it was really safe for her to fly that fast with it.

He looked at me and said that he had never seen anyone fly that fast with one.

We remained silent for a little bit before I asked what kind of monk they were.

He seemed to give a slight grimace before saying that we should wait until after the festivities for his life story.

After the party died down we guided Craysan to my castle and offered him a guest room.

When we entered Craysan was so surprised they yelled out, "It's bigger on the inside!?"

Turns out that is incredibly impressive to his knowledge.


Moving on to his life story and the tale of his world, they were quite the story.

Craysan was from a world known as YGGDRASIL which was largely devoured by The World Eater.

A group of powerful beings bonded nine of the leaves together, and using two hundred other leaves as linchpins to hold them together.

But it was only a temporary solution for until a more permanent one was found.

Though none were ever found and the hole he fell through, appeared below him only seconds before it was to disappear forever.

As for his own life story...

There were many races in YGGDRASIL, but his species was a part of the third and least liked group.

Heteromorphic races were born to a base form, but as they grow they will experience great changes based on their skills, personality, environment, and other factors.

This meant that siblings that had been identical at birth may look like completely different species when fully grown unless one knew better.

When I asked what he meant by monk he said that he had begun traveling in order to attain inner peace.

He ended up joining a group of other heteromorphic creatures along with a few others.

To fight he would use his missive arms.

Eventually he began to perform strange things.

One of his companions told him that it was ki.

Ki is a form of life energy which could be used to perform a variety of effects.

As the moon raised into the sky I asked if he had enough to eat given his size.

He said that he ate plenty during the party and he was a creature could make due with little food.

His monk training also made him good at getting by with little food.

He also planned on getting his own place as soon as possible to not impose.

I offered to introduce him to Mayor Mayor in the morning.

Before he turned in for the night he gave me a few magic items for me to try and replicate.

He apparently didn't really know anything about how they worked, but he asked that I be careful since he only had one of a few.