• Published 24th Jul 2022
  • 331 Views, 1 Comments

A Future Altered - KukriRyuTsukino

What led up to a certain group finding themselves on Equis and how they found one another afterwards.

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V – Cleaning and Teasing

Equis, 3 ALR, Erastus 28

Gabriel exhaled softly, his gaze rising to the heavens as the clouds began to break up, letting starlight shine through. "Always was more of a 'night owl', myself," he muttered thoughtfully.

He felt his ears twitching before he half turned warily before he was distracted by a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey!" Twilight said revealing that she had woken up when the aura had formed around him. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?! I know it's a public library but this late in the day we're usually closed!"

"Name's Gabriel Tsukino. And as to whom I am.. it doesn't matter. Besides, better that you wake in a familiar place than an unfamiliar one, wouldn't you agree? Besides, I have my friends to find… and my cousin," he commented as he turned away before he paused as he felt the dagger twitching in his grasp as if to get his attention. He felt something guiding him as he lifted it until the War Stone, or as it was also known, the 'Eye of Omens', rested in front of his third eye as words that felt intimately familiar yet at the same time foreign escaped him.

"Sword of Omens, grant me Sight beyond Sight," he invoked. In that instant, the cross guard expanded to frame his eyes as they shone a bright gold as the slitted pupils within the stone shone a prismatic light blue.

In a fraction of a second, images surged in his mind's eye. He saw no less than five stasis pods in various locations, though he couldn't guess where they were if he tried.

The next thing he saw was no less than fifteen gleams of light merging with a central one before they exploded into golden flame. He didn't feel his grip loosen on the blade nor did he feel his legs give way without warning as his senses fled from his conscious awareness.

Rarity's eyes widened as he invoked what seemed to be a spell before he abruptly dropped the blade, which landed point down as his legs weakened abruptly. Her eyes widened fractionally more as she noticed partially healed cuts reopening on his shoulders and arms, staining his intriguing golden orange fur red.

She saw Barb also dart for the collapsing feline-human.

"Damn it, you're supposed to have a clear mind and sound body when you use that power!" Tempe shouted mad at Gabriel. "Sis, Screwy, Mom let's get them on the bed and get him bandaged. Rarity boil up some ripped sheets. Right now I don't think we have anything at the hospital that could treat him. That armor is probably going to try to heal him as well but I don't know how well that's going to work without the other stones!"

Gabriel's eyes were slightly open, his irises glowing a deep crystalline greenish teal. "His healing factor is quite fast for a human… but with 78% of his musculoskeletal frame severely bruised or cracked, it will take time for the minor injuries to heal," a whispered masculine voice muttered. "Whilst he heals, I will talk with him," the voice whispered as the crystalline glow faded from his irises, leaving them their natural reddish amber.

"Right. Should we get those rather tattered clothes off so we can make sure we get all of them, darling? I rather doubt that the ones we can visibly see are the only ones," Rarity commented.

"Whatever that curious wand he had was it radiated an almost dangerous level of magic. Wouldn't it be dangerous to us?" Twilight rambled cautiously. She was unaware that Gabriel was able to access said magic regardless, though the wand did make accessing that power easier.

"Mom, that was not a wand." Tempe said flatly before picking up the sword of Omens herself, the Eye of Thundera glowing bright in response to a being pure of heart and worthy of wielding the weapon itself. "This is the completed Sword of Omens, the stone in the center of the blade is called by many names the War Stone, the Eye of Thundera, the Jewel of Omens etc, it is one of the most powerful weapons in the entirety of the known universe the armor Gabriel is wearing is actually the sheath to the sword of Omens typically in the form of a gauntlet that looks like a lion's paw when another one of the special gems that work with this technology is inserted into the gauntlet get them folds into the full set of armor there are at least four other stones that I know of. They're all artifacts similar to The Elements of Harmony and the Infinity Gems. Each a set of six that grant incredible power when used in conjunction with each other."

Twilight blinked, cocking her head. "But it appeared to be," she started.

"Ugh… bloody hell… my head feels like it was used for a drum in a Metallica concert… fuck me sideways," Gabriel groaned. "And that 'wand' happens to be what's known as a 'Henshin Stick' admittedly, the name isn't imaginative… but it essentially acts more like a key to a lock… though I can access my abilities without employing it, it's easier to do so with it," Gabriel said slowly as he spotted Rarity returning with steaming strips of fabric floating in a softly shimmering slightly cornflower blue aura of light. He also noticed absently that she had several soft washcloths as well as a couple of bowls filled with soapy water that was also steaming a bit. He did notice that a couple of bottles were floating in what he guessed was her aura.

"I think we should get that dirt and mud off him as well as make sure those wounds are clean before bandaging them. Not to mention that your mane is a mess, honey, so if you don't mind, we can wash that too," Rarity commented.

"Though what I'd like to know is what caused these injuries in the first place," Twilight commented.

"Youmas and those Kuroi Kesshōgūjin… were the cause," Gabriel said slowly. He shrugged at Rarity's comments, fairly certain that she would essentially pamper him regardless. Admittedly, he'd never had anyone bathe him in the way Rarity was speaking of, even in a medical sense. He watched her spread towels around the table before he let his gaze sweep around the room. "Quite a beautiful little library here, lass. I'd wager there isn't a book in here you haven't read at least twice," he commented.

Rainbow snickered. "She's the resident egghead, so it's very likely," she commented jokingly.

"And you're the resident jock who lets her ego speak as often as her heart, eh?" Gabriel quipped teasingly, seeing the cyan furred anthropomorphic Pegasus mare blush a bit at the surprisingly inaccurate description of herself.

He felt a tugging at his shirt before he exhaled softly as he managed to lift himself on somewhat trembling arms which made removing the rather tattered shirt easier, leaving only his belt and the remnants of his sweatpants. He saw Rarity's aura fiddling with his belt before he unlatched it with a flick of his fingers before letting it slide loosely free. He noticed it was a couple of inches of fabric remaining before he tugged it free, tearing it in twain with a surge of strength.

He didn't see Rarity and Rainbow both blush a bit as he tugged free the remnants, unaware that part of him was starting to show attention.

"Oh my," Rarity whispered breathlessly before she cleared her throat. "It is a good thing I tend to pay attention when waiting for my own pampering at the spa, or I wouldn't know a bit about pampering others," she commented with a small smile.

Rainbow snickered as she was passed one of the bowls as well as one of the washcloths. She smirked a bit at the unsure looks both Tempe and Twilight had. "You know, we can build a friendship with him, you know. I mean, he's here for a reason, isn't he? Even if this is intimate… and new for us and likely him as well, no reason to be nervous about this… after all, how did we meet, Twi?" she commented before snickering.

Twilight grimaced. "You and your damn 'Rain-blow Dry' which I still insist had I been a stallion, would have been an extremely dirty joke," she muttered.

"The fact you even think about that shows you have just as dirty a mind," Rainbow snickered. "So, what, we each take one limb, then team up on the rest?" she commented with a smirk.

Rarity smirked a bit in amusement. "Well, you two? It's up to you if you want to help or not," she commented.

"Barb want!" The purple dragon shouted as she grabbed onto Gabriel's shoulders. "He's mine and Ember's, maybe mother's if she wants to join in."

"Maybe we should talk about the man as if he's right here!" Tempe growled a little pissed that her sister's Greed would get to her like that after seeing Gabriel. "It's his choice, talk to him about it first!"

"You know, I don't mind you bathing me… though I am rather curious why you think I'm yours, considering your initial greeting was an attempt to set me on fire, though it wouldn't be the first time someone did that, frankly," Gabriel commented as he booped the purple dragoness' nose to distract her. "The only difference is that you initially assumed I was a threat… unlike her," he deadpanned dryly.

"Barb tends to go for those that give her incredibly rare gems." Ember chuckled at Barb's cute scrunching of her snoot. "I think she is heavily attracted to the stone in your armor and blade, you're lucky that she's one of the few dragons that would never eat such beautiful gems the same with me if I'm being honest."

Gabriel hummed. "That's probably a good thing. Who knows what these particular gems might do to you if you did eat them. Better we not find out, hmm? Though I will say you two are cute. I wouldn't know about being in a relationship with multiple people, though," he admitted shyly. "As Tempe likely realizes. However, I'd wager that there's a disparity between males and females here, hai?" he commented wryly, his gaze flickering to Tempe before shifting to Twilight.

Twilight cleared her throat. "For every stallion, there tends to be between four to six mares born," she said slowly.

"That sucks," he replied.

"Not like I'm tempted to," he heard Rainbow whisper, his ears twitching. Based on the fact that nobody commented on her mumbling, he gathered they either didn't hear or ignored her comment. He hadn't noticed that Rarity had changed her clothes for a comfortable, fluffy robe, but had the sleeves rolled up. He inhaled softly as he heard soft splashing before he felt something very warm and soft massaging his lower thighs as he felt chills tingling throughout his body. His eyes drifted half-lidded as he felt the softness massaging over his legs before moving back up before he blinked as he saw light green eyes staring into his as he saw her smirking a bit.

It was then that he saw two subtly scaly breasts covered with soap as he felt the same sensations on his arms and hips before he closed his eyes seconds before half of his head was engulfed in Barbara's sudsy breasts even as she washed one arm, Ember doing the other. He gasped as she straightened, shifting to stand nearer his left shoulder as most of his head and ears were now soapy. His still messy mane, however, was not. Damp, it was, but not soapy. He shivered as he felt four pairs of hands massaging his muscles, moving not only inward and downward, but upward as well.

"You are so lucky that we cleaned off that table earlier today," Twilight muttered. She noticed that the only parts of him not soapy, other than his back, was his now engorged cock and his hair. She tried to tear her gaze away from his slightly twitching length.

"So, Rarity already called dibs on washing his mane, but who washes that? Though I suspect we may have to… relax him," Rainbow snickered as she spoke.

Gabriel could hear them, but couldn't see them. He felt something wipe over his eyes before he blinked, seeing alabaster fur.

"How will you decide who does it?" Rarity commented with amusement.

"Jankenpō," Gabriel drawled.

"What's that?" Rainbow snickered.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors," he commented wryly.

"Oh," a quartet of voices commented, including Twilight.

"It's Rochambeau, you dumbass." Tempe muttered as she was getting pampered by screwball and Fluttershy. "So are we going to not address the human in the room about me and Screwy being from the future and the daughters of two of you? Or are we just going to ignore it like we do with Pinkie Pie's chaos abilities and fourth wall awareness?"

"Why not, darling? It isn't like we can do anything about it at present. And I do think Twilight and Sunset would be so cute together," Rarity commented teasingly.

"You are aware I'm Japanese, hai? Hence my mindset tends to be in Japanese," Gabriel drawled before he blew a layer of bubbles from near his mouth and nose with a huff of air. He didn't consider that Tempe had revealed her last name.

"Hell, if what she said is true, then my friends and I come from her past, which implies time is kinda like cracking ice… different choices make different timelines," Gabriel sighed. He jolted as he abruptly felt something cradling his balls even as something wet bobbed over his length. He could hear very lewd gulping and gagging sounds before he looked down to see Rainbow bobbing her head over his length even as the light purple scaled dragoness smirked as she teased his balls.

"Oooh, these feel nice and full. I think we're gonna work to drain them, hmm?" Barb commented before she saw him watching her before she purposely let one hand drift to the cyan furred Pegasus mare's head as she bobbed down with a lewd slurp before she pushed her head down until her muzzle brushed the shin at his base before she let Rainbow's head up before repeating it, this time several times in quick succession as she smirked. She saw his body shudder as he groaned.

Ember smirked as she watched her sister 'assist' Rainbow. "Call it a sneaking feeling, but I suspect that he'll be able to satisfy more than one of us," she muttered.

"Ah, fuck," Gabriel groaned.

"Maybe later, cutie. For now, let's just choke Rainbow," Barbara quipped jokingly as Rainbow gagged as her head was pushed down again over his engorged length. Barb also noticed that despite the rather rough treatment, she could see Rainbow's fingers shoved into her Rycra Shorts and from what her nose was telling her, she was trying to get off and wasn't far from it.

Gabriel shivered as he felt fingers teasing his balls again before he felt his balls tighten before he heard lewd gulping as he heard a muffled moan before he heard more gulping.

Rarity's eyes were wide as Rainbow pulled her head back, only to get a couple of thick spurts on her muzzle and face. She tore her gaze away as she took a slow breath, trying to ignore the potent scent now in the air. She slid a bucket beneath the feline male's head before she poured warm water over his mane, noticing the fire orange and deep scarlet roots in his hair before she heard Rainbow's protests as well as soft cooing purrs, ignoring what was happening as she focused on his mane.

Gabriel, however, had a full view of the blue dragoness licking the remnants of his release from the Pegasus mare's face before he saw the purple dragoness smirking as she shifted before she deliberately drizzled something that looked pale bluish white between her breasts before his eyes widened as she engulfed his length between them before she started pumping them around his length slowly. It made him very, very aware of the slightly rough skin as well as the heat between her breasts as she used them to wash his length thoroughly even as fingers massaging his scalp distracted him as his eyes drifted closed at the sensations as his hair was washed. His gaze shifted to the alabaster furred mare as well as the two and a half inch long rounded horn a few inches above her deep sapphire blue eyes framed by subtle slightly grayish lavender eyeshadow. "Damn, you are beautiful. The eyeshadow only emphasizes both your fur and eyes," he muttered before he saw her cheeks flush for a moment.

"Not many would note such details. But I must admit that it's refreshing," Rarity commented quietly.

"Well call me a octogonal peg in a round hole for being detail oriented," Gabriel drawled teasingly.

He exhaled softly as he let his eyes close, focusing on the sensations tingling through his body.

He barely reacted when he felt his hair rinsed before he felt fingers working something through his hair again.

He yelped when he felt a warm washcloth wiped over his face before he felt cold water splashed over him as he heard Rainbow's raspy snicker.

"You can roll over if you like, darling," he heard Rarity comment as the washcloth was massaged over his face before being removed. He felt his hair draped over his head so it hung over his head but exposed the nape of his neck. He noticed the distinct scents of gardenia, roses, honey, and just the barest hints of milk.

"Damnit, Fluttershy, you had to be in heat!" Tempe muttered as she began to feel heated herself. "How did your cycle get so out of balance?!"

"Thought that was the conditioner," Gabriel muttered, noticing hints of lavender and the slightest hint of what reminded him, oddly, of applewood smoked bacon. He was unaware the money and milk scents were the conditioner. The rest could be summed up in two words: horny mare. He was unaware his own pheromones most certainly didn't help the situation.

He took a careful breath, his eyes half lidded as he felt Rarity's fingers working the conditioner through his hair before he jerked as, unknown to him, a pair of cyan furred legs straddled his hips just below the small of his back before two hands began massaging his muscles. He didn't see the mildly surprised look Rarity shot Rainbow Dash as she smirked.

"I do know how to give a good massage, being that it makes for a really good way to cool down and prevent cramps after a workout," he heard her slightly raspy voice comment as if it was nothing. He jumped slightly at a sudden coolness on his back and shoulders, unaware Barb had squirted body wash onto his furred skin. He did, however, notice the scent of sea salt seconds later.

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