• Published 13th Jul 2022
  • 507 Views, 6 Comments

Remember - Penguin17203

Equestria is being destroyed and so is Reach. You can't save both... can you?

  • ...

From Worse To Hopeless

A lightning-like spark ignited on the corvette as if it were trying to start up something. Not a moment later, a giant dark-wined circle of what Twilight assumed to be a large mass of electricity and energy manifested around the ship, causing an ear-shattering crunch accompanied by a minor quake.

It lasted for a mere second before it suddenly disappeared, taking the entire mid-section of the ship which was known as the "covenant cruiser" along with it. An upbeat roar from the citizens of Reach came afterwards, mutual praise and uplifting chatter.

Twilight hated feeling this way. She couldn't feel anything for the... covenant. As far as she knew, and given her previous encounters with them, they were nothing but cold-blooded murderers. Just things that did nothing but kill on sight.

That was only reinforced when she heard about the invasion. Their plan to wipe out humans completely, off of the face of this planet. To destroy every living sentient being that lived here. "Glassing" humanity called it. In further detail, the large purple-assumingly-metal ship in the sky had a weapon. A plasma beam that shot out from the mid-section to destroy a large quantity of... well, everything living within a radius.

Melting everything...

Why? Twilight couldn't figure it out. What was their goal? What were they trying to accomplish? What did the humans do the covenant? That has yet to be explained. She didn't find anything that would warrant destruction of an entire planet.

With all her teachings in friendship and how important it is to forgive somepony, she could not find it in herself to carry it out. She hated feeling that way. Finding satisfaction in the demise of another living being but she couldn't help it. She could almost say that they deserved it...

Her first contact with the humans upon arrival was... unpleasant and still sometimes is but she couldn't blame them. She wouldn't, she understood why they would be hostile toward her. She knew if the roles were reversed, they would be just as reluctant. She remembered when they first met Thorax, they easily chopped him up to be just another changeling.

When they first made contact with the covenant, she was instantly met with hostility that nearly got Rainbow Dash killed. The aliens known as "elites" had fired rapid projectiles at her. Twilight presumed it was plasma. They've killed many humans and she was lucky enough to still have magic in order to stop them. They would escape just barely on multiple occasions because of Twilight; if not for her magic.

She had tried reasoning with the covenant but it was futile. The language they spoke was entirely foreign even using a translation spell didn't help.

After that encounter, she could safely say she really didn't have any sympathy or pity for them. You can't give sympathy to something that killed indiscriminately.

She glowered at the burning cruiser, descending toward the atmosphere. Twilight, along with her friends were standing on the balcony of a hotel room in a city called "New Alexandria"; all staring up at the sky.

Ever since they had been dumped here on this planet by Cozy Glow's lack of control in alicorn magic, they were met with hostility at every turn. From both humanity and the covenant. Although hostile, humanity was quick to realize that they were not the enemy.

Here, stuck and powerless to do anything about the state of Equestria. Not able to be there to stop Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow from ruling and most likely destroying the land. Everything had felt so hopeless, it felt like they were fighting a battle they already lost. Not only was Equestria in danger but so was Reach.

That was until the cruiser was destroyed. During the midst of utter chaos and the potential loss of Equestria, Twilight still find the ability to content, to be satisfied and relieved that at least some good was happening somewhere even if it wasn't for Equestria.

Despite their current predicament, the mane six was uplifted the moment the cruiser was destroyed. At least now, they had a chance at fending off the invasion.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie believed that the covenant could be reasoned with and that killing them wasn't the solution. Applejack and Rainbow disagreed entirely. You can't reason with these genocidal maniacs, besides that, you couldn't even communicate with them.

Rainbow and Applejack agreed that this was what the covenant deserved, perhaps way more. Twilight didn't care what happened to the covenant, as long as everypony was safe, she couldn't care less. Rarity felt the same way.

The carrier was falling from the sky. Fluttershy was quivering, being held close by Pinkie Pie. Rarity and Twilight frowning and Applejack and Rainbow had scowls on their faces.

Everypony was silent, a feeling of relief passing through them. Citizens from numerous buildings were all looking up at the sky, cheering and giving praise. Rarity spotted a small family. A little girl with her mother carrying a baby, she was pointing up at the sky jumping up and down excitedly.

Rarity couldn't help but smile at them.

A few moments past then something else happened. Something that completely ripped away every morsel of hope. Every sense of relief.

There was a small flash of light then there it was. Seemingly out of nowhere another cruiser appeared, almost like an exact replica of the one that had just been destroyed.

Then another flash...

then another...

and another...

…and soon enough; there was a whole fleet of covenant cruisers that had appeared within a span of five seconds.

The cruiser that was destroyed was but a fraction of the fleet. Barely made a dent and suddenly everyone knew how this was going to end.

"Come on. We should get ready." Twilight said, everypony turned toward her.

Rainbow frowned, flying up in the air. "Ready for what? You see what's going on up there?" She gestured toward the fleet, staining the sky.

Rarity stepped forward, a grim look on her face. "I have to say that I'm also somewhat confused darling. What exactly are we supposed to do?"

"Leave, evacuate, help humanity. There's not much we can do but..." Twilight's eyes downcast. "...we have to help somehow..."

Fluttershy stayed silent. Everypony did until she spoke up. "W-what about Equestria?"

Twilight sighed. "Yeah... that too but... we can't just leave while all of... this-" She gestured toward the fleet. "-is happening." They were already on course for Reach, what looked like birds in a flock descended from the cruisers. They all knew that they weren't birds...

It appeared to be a still image but if you looked long enough, they would gradually grow bigger. "I-I mean, what if the covenant found Equis? This is bigger than just Equestria."

"Yes, you are right and that's noble of you but I still don't understand how we're supposed to stop all of this." Rarity repeated.

The Citizens of Reach were already scattering, yelling, screaming. Hugging their loved ones. Twilight left the balcony and the others followed. The sounds of rapid but muffled footsteps, chatter and scuttling was heard through the walls. "We may not be able to do much but we can at least try to find a way to send a message back to Equestria."

"Not to burst your bubble, 'Twi but ah think it's best to try and figure out how to get home first before we start worryin' about things we can't control." Applejack solemnly said. "We have to focus on Cozy Glow and the others first and then we can figure out what to do about Reach."

Twilight paused in front of the door, frowning. She was right, Equestria was still in trouble but there were also people here. People that needed help and she said it herself. There wasn't much six ponies could do but if a whole nation were to help out...

She sighed, she would have to think about this later. Right now, they needed to find a place that would hide them from the covenant.

As Twilight pulled the door open with her magic, someone ran past the room, slight wind hitting her face then a few others past by. The ponies left the room and ran past the hall, some of the citizens noticed them, some screamed at them but most ignored them and quickly left to do their own thing.

They were planning on taking the elevator but all were either already being used or full.

They detoured toward the stairs but only to discover that it was also packed with frantic citizens. There were screams, mixed chatter and the tapping of shoes hitting the floor.

"Everypony, hang on." An aura smoothly formed around Twilight's horn and in a flash, they were soon found at the lobby of the building. It was the same here, people with backpacks, families and scared children exiting the complex.

They made their way toward the doors, people shoving into them as they did so. As she was exiting the hotel, Fluttershy caught sight of a little girl who was still in the lobby. She was crying, standing in a sea of people that were swarming past her. They were all ignoring her.

The pegasus ran back into the lobby, not knowing her friends were already outside.

She ran over to the girl. "H-hey!" She called out, waving her hoof as she approached. The little girl noticed her, bloodshot-puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. "A-are you okay? Are you lost?"

She nodded. "M-m-my mom, I-I don't know where she is."

"O-oh, okay. It's okay, we'll find her uh..." the pegasus searched for her friends, only to be face to face with a wall of people rushing past her. She glanced back at the girl. "We'll look outside m-maybe she's out there. Do you wanna do that?"

The child nodded yes. Fluttershy smiled reassuringly before gently ushering her forward, to the exit doors. Through the cracks in the sea of people, she saw Rainbow hovering in the air. She was looking for her.

Once they neared the doors, The element of Kindness turned at the girl. "Don't worry, I'm sure she's out here somewhere." With a squeeze, they finally left the complex and Fluttershy saw Twilight and her friends a few yards away from the building.

They weren't moving and by the erratic gestures they were displaying, Fluttershy could tell they were worried about where she was. She was about to run over to them when she remembered the little girl with her.

"Is your mother out here somewhere?" She inquired, scanning around the area, buildings stacked up against each other. The sounds of motors being fired up, a mob of people fleeing in every direction.

It wasn't long before her eyes caught something in the sky. The birds they saw from earlier had abnormally grown into a strange like flying purple object in the sky. It was closing in faster than she was able to process.

The only thing she made out was the sharp wings protruding from either side when a ball, in the color of sea foam and made from fire, shot out from it's mouth; sending it hurling toward her...