• Member Since 28th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


Enjoy aspects of the show, love the fanfics, well... The good ones anyway. And bat ponies, and... Shark ponies oddly enough? And my OC's, and firearms. Especially firearms.



This story is a sequel to Equestria and the Second Amendment

BRCC, also known as, " Black Rifle Coffee Company." Is a veteran owned and operated coffee company best known for their rather extravagant and hilarious antics. In the wake of Nightmare Moon's defeat, they, along with a few other's arrive in Equestria to bolster the original team of humans which defeated her. Just in time for an unexpected attack from the Griffon Empire, now, this crack hot shot group of spec ops veterans and hillbillies have dealt with strange things before. But an invasion of magical birds is another thing entirely...

But of course, they've never been one to shy away from a challenge. So this probably won't end well. Or it might? Who knows? One thing's for sure, those guns are gonna come in handy.

This is not sponsored. I just happen to like their stuff.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 14 )

Didn't the Black Rifle Coffee Company prove it was a sellout that didn't actually support gun owners or their second amendment freedoms?

They did. They're grifters. They don't believe in the 2A.

I know the CEO is the worst one. Evan if I recall

11296018they knew what people liked and they marketed very well. I'll give them that. Blackout Coffee is better.

Okay what is with this like to dislike ratio? Did the writer of this fic kill a puppy?

BRCC is contentious at the moment I havent kept up with why I dont drink coffee anyway and I'm sure someone will be along to explain how they stepped in shit.
So you have the maelstrom of people who dislike 2A stuff and people who like 2A but dislike BRCC. It all comes toghter as a bunch of people who dislike something tangentially related to a bunch of things.

The Black Rifle Coffee Company recieved a lot of criticism lately for announcing a sponsorship in the wake of several mass shootings, which many felt was tasteless: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/07/us/dallas-cowboys-black-rifle-coffee.amp.html&ved=2ahUKEwiTvbKMzu34AhVWX_EDHcwfDKA4ChAWegQIDRAB&usg=AOvVaw3V50DpqC80oXiaoqknxjpy

On top of their sketchy business practices, BRCC is disliked by many people for being associated with the worst parts of american gun culture - namely, the insufferable, overly macho, 'punch holes in the drywall' type of dudebros whose entire personality revolve around being gun owners and who often have a worrying tendency to loudly proclaim their elaborate fantasies about how they plan to shoot any would-be home intruders and how badass that makes them feel (yes I am biased, and for a good reason).

In short, the amount of dislikes is likely caused by the frankly bizzare and tone-deaf decision to post a fanfiction about BRCC (which in itself is pretty wierd) in a time when said company is getting flak for their marketing in the wake of a mass shooting in the US - which are always a controversial topic when they occur - and because BRCC is disliked in general.

Add to their CEO basically being a sellout that doesn't actually support gun owners or the second amendment. He donated to both Obama and Biden, who are very not friendly to legal gun ownership even under the best of times.


Wait, the Black Rifle Coffee Company is real? Really?

I don't know if I should laugh or cry at this side of reality.

Sadly, it’s more controversial than that. Politics

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