• Published 30th May 2022
  • 437 Views, 3 Comments

Crystaline Twilight - Dragon Angel Knight

Twilight Sparkle raised by the Bray family

  • ...

Forging a New Light

Author's Note:

Title Inspiration:

If anyone hasn't noticed, for Twilight's story I'm using musical themes that just... seem to ring out for me. I've added links to the previous chapters to songs I felt fit the narrative and I do hope you enjoy them!

Forging a New Light

A month after meeting Rasputin, Twilight had made little headway in making a body for the AI. It wasn’t as if it was difficult for the mare, more like she’d constantly hit walls where she’d have this idea and instead of being able to finalize it, she’d gotten to a point and then just… lost it. It was frustrating for Twilight, especially since she didn’t understand WHY she kept hitting that wall.

Continuing to work at the lab had helped, certainly, especially since her sisters regularly kept in touch with the mare and even came along to help with ideas. Some were fairly outlandish and others were more reasonable, if a bit impractical for what Twilight had wanted each time she sat down to try her hoof at drawing out the blueprints.

One day, Rasputin chimed in with his typical dialogue and said, “Возможно, вам следует потратить некоторое время, чтобы подумать о том, что вы хотите построить, Twilight.” [Perhaps you should take some time to think about what you wish to build, Twilight]

“Yeah… maybe you’re right, Red…” Twilight responded tiredly, “Not like I’m getting anywhere like this…”

And with that, Twilight left her little lab and began wandering the halls of the Martian Clovis Bray facility. She looked as she wandered about, the other scientists having known about Twilight for a long while now and greeted her as a colleague, even as a friend in some cases. While the mare returned the greetings easily and smiled at the others as she went past, everyone could tell there were things on the mare’s mind and left her to it.

Eventually, Twilight came to a rooftop overlooking the canyon that the entire facility was built over and sat on her haunches, looking out through the gap in the railing and sighed a bit, seeming a little morose.

“Thought I’d find you up here,” a voice from behind Twilight rang out, “Red mentioned you were having some troubles with blueprints?”

Turning, Twilight saw Ana walking up, leaning on the railing and staring out as well.

“I had trouble with my first build too,” Ana said as she looked down over the canyon.

“What?” Twilight asked, surprised at the revelation.

“Yep,” Ana said with a wry grin, “I was working on a scout rifle. It was given to me broken, in pieces. A lot of people would ask why, would question what kind of worth a broken gun could have, especially since it was a birthday present.”

“Those people don’t know the Brays that well then,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Agreed,” Ana said, squatting to sit next to her sister, “We Brays have a fondness, a closeness to the tools and weapons we make. Something someone else couldn’t understand, not really. I honestly thought Elsie would have been furious with me, for working on the designs in secret like I was…”

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“She came in, rifle in hand and said that she’d looked it over,” Ana began, “But only I could finish it.”

“So… where is the rifle now?”

“Put away for a rainy day,” Ana said with a smile, “the Polaris Lance is what made it feel like I was really, truly a Bray, even after being adopted.”

“So… what you’re saying is… whatever I build, should be something I put myself into?” Twilight asked, “Something unique to me?”

“Yes,” Ana replied whole-heartedly, “Whatever you build, Twily, I’m sure it’ll be great. Just… let yourself FEEL what you want to make. You know?”

“I… kind of understand,” Twilight said slowly, “I may have an idea.”

Twilight thought for a moment more, Ana having to internalize a squee at how adorable Twilight’s thinking face was. Then, she was off like a shot, a singsong voice leaving her mouth saying “Idea~!!”

“Go get ‘em, Twily,” Ana said as she stood up and dusted herself off. She touched a finger to an ear piece she’d had on while talking to Twilight and said, “Red, Twilight’s coming back to the lab. Get the fabricators up and running. I’m pretty sure today’s the day.”

“Понял. Изготовители будут запущены и запущены,” the Warmind replied. [Understood, Fabricators will be up and running]


Twilight worked tirelessly over the next several days, blueprints planned and ready to go, programming being handled by Rasputin where Twilight couldn’t due to her hooves not being as intricate as hands could be with smaller, more delicate things. After a while, with the programming and blueprint scanning done, all Twilight had to do was wait for the fabricators to do their job.

It was in this interim period that Ana had once again found Twilight, the pony curled up in a chair, sleeping like a cat. Again, Ana had to internalize a squee at how adorable her sister was at times. Gently lifting her up, Ana carried Twilight over to the cot that had been set up in the lab, covering up the pony with a blanket and looking over to the fabricator that had been going all day. It looked to be only half way done, but was rapidly taking shape with the internal skeleton already formed.

“Great job, Twily,” Ana whispered as she left the lab, turning off the lights on her way out.


The next day, Twilight woke up, smacking her lips tiredly as she stretched out and popped her back in several places, eliciting a groan from her as she reached up with a forehoof and scratched her bed mane. Hobbling out to the hallway and towards the mess hall, she completely overlooked the blinking light and frosted glass that had enclosed the fabricator, signifying that it was finished with its job.

As Twilight made her way to the mess hall, she hummed absently to herself, a tune she barely remembered from what seemed like a previous life making itself known. She returned greetings and waves as she saw them, tripping once or twice as her sleep addled mind fought to keep up with her.

Luckily, Ana caught up to the pony and offered a steaming mug of coffee to help wake up the pony, a chuckle on the woman’s lips as Twilight sipped at it and became visibly more awake with each drink.

“Food first then?” Ana asked wryly, “I’m on my way there myself. Figured you would have been passed out still, though.”

“Yes, but I was hungry…” Twilight replied with a blush as her stomach growled its agreement at that statement. Ana let out a short laugh, then began walking while Twilight continued to sip at her coffee.

“Is it done yet?” Ana asked as they made it to the mess hall and got their food.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight responded, “I don’t think I was paying attention as I left the lab…”

“Well, eat up,” Ana said, “We can check as soon as we’re fed. Can’t have world changing ideas on an empty stomach, after all.”

“I’ll eat to that,” Twilight laughed. And she did, polishing off her meal fairly quickly and looking about ready to take off again.

Ana finished her meal as well, then grinned at Twilight, saying, “Race ya!”

And she took off.

“No fair! It’s my project, I should be the one to start a challenge!” Twilight gasped out, racing after a laughing Anastasia.

Making it back to Twilight’s lab, a little winded but both grinning ear to ear, the pair looked over at the sealed fabricator and Twilight noted the flashing light on the machine indicating that it was done.

“You ready to see what we made, Rasputin?” Twilight asked aloud.

“Подготовка к сегментации ИИ завершена. Готов к продолжению,” Rasputin replied, a small terminal lighting up with his typical golden orange light. [Preparations for AI segmentation complete. Ready to procede.]

“Opening the fabricator now,” Twilight said as she reached out with her hooves and grabbed a lever, pulling it down. As she did, the container for the new body slid open slowly, hissing a little as any remnant steam from the process was let out and billowed out along the floor.

Ana had to admit, it was a pretty dramatic reveal as the casing finally slid completely open and the steam cleared to reveal what Twilight had made. The body itself was about the size of a medium sized dog, closer to Twilight’s size if anyone looking had to guess. It was also on all fours, and had an obvious head that even looked like a dog. That said, it was the coloration and more mechanical look that was what set the body apart, being a purple and green rather than the usual metallic red or bronze that Rasputin made his combat frames from.

“Rasputin… Meet Barb!” Twilight said excitedly as the AI prepared and completed his segmentation.

“Barb?” Ana asked curiously, “Why not Spike?”

Falling silent for a second, Twilight looked up and said, “I… it didn’t feel right to name her Spike. Like a memory of something at the back of my mind…”

“I see,” Ana said softly, “Well, she’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like her,” Twilight said with a smile, “But Rasputin needs to like her…”

“Этот орган хорошо построен и имеет более чем приемлемые параметры для боя или исследований. AI Сегмент готов к установке.... Установка завершена,” Rasputin said from his terminal as Barb’s eyes began to flicker with a more greenish color than the orange light Rasputin usually emitted. [This body is well built and has more than acceptable paramaters for combat or research. AI Segment ready to be installed.... Installation complete.]

“Yay!!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“...Hello, I am Barb,” the newly minted machine said, “How may I help you?”