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Trixie gets the Magic of a Life Lesson

Please read the Author Notes after reading the chapter.

School of Friendship: Entrance

The afternoon had arrived as school ended for the day, Sonic had walked out of the front doors stretching his arms out. “Glad that’s over, now I can have more time to catch up on those comics Spike gave me to read!”

But he then heard the sound of nearby bustling, coming from the left side of the Castle of Friendship. This intrigued him as he hasn’t heard anything coming from there before, but his curiosity took him over as he sped across towards the mysterious sound.

He came to a halt, slowly making his way around the outer edges of the Castle, that stood tall next to him.

He then stopped as he finally saw where the noise had come from, it turned out to be a big wagon that sat there seemingly parked with its bright colours shining brightly.

“Whoever owns this must really be dedicated to their style.” Sonic noted progressing his advance once more, but much slower than before to the point you could hear a pin drop.

He climbed up the steps that led to a door, and without warning he knocked on it with his left hand, to which a muffled voice responded to the former sound. “Not now Starlight, Trixie has to clean up at this moment!”

Sonic was a little surprised to find the owner home, which he decided to respond. “Uh… It’s the pizza man, just wanted you pay for your order!”

Hoofsteps reached the other side of the door, which then opened inwards revealing a blue Unicorn, with a light blue mane and purple eyes standing there looking surprised at the Hedgehog who was standing there.

“Trixie didn’t expect anypony to come here, other than Starlight. But you are different, what brought you to my wagon?” The question made Sonic smirk.

“I just heard noise coming from over here, and I was just curious as to what it could’ve been.” He answered honestly with the Unicorn raising a brow.

“You seem to be weirder than anything Trixie’s ever seen.” This made Sonic come to a realisation he wasn’t happy about.

“You talk in the third person don’t you.”


“Dang it!” He facepalmed at the answer knowing this was gonna be a doozy.

“Trixie would like to invite you in, if you don’t mind?” She requested with a smirk of her own.

Sonic looked around him for a moment before shrugging. “Wouldn’t hurt to do so for a little bit.” Then without warning he was pulled into the wagon, as the door closed quickly behind him leaving an abrupt silence.

Trixie’s Wagon

“Ok I gotta stop getting pulled by random Ponies.” Sonic spoke sarcastically staring at… me, for god sake does everyone know I exist in this universe.

Anyway back to the chapter, Trixie sat opposite of the Hedgehog with a cup of tea floating in front of her face, while Sonic held one of his own awkwardly as they just stared in silence.

“So… you do anything for a living?” Sonic asked the Mare, breaking the abrupt silence. She smiled at him, with obvious pride being shown on display.

“Why yes. The Great and powerful Trixie is a magician, who runs magic shows across Equestria to not only entertain, but to earn profit to pay out rent!” Her explanation was met with a straight face from the Hedgehog.

“Okay, guess it’s only fair I introduce myself as well. My names Sonic, i’m a Hedgehog, I love to run and I currently go to school like every other teenager!” The Unicorn stared back incredulously.

“Hey Trixie’s supposed to be the one, who speaks in the third pony!” She complained.

“Jeez, didn’t expect us to be playing the who’s superior game!” Sonic quipped making the Unicorn Magician grit her teeth.

“You don’t want to make me angry!” Trixie warned but Sonic got excited.

“Hey you spoke without saying your name!” This angered her more.

A bead of sweat appeared on the side of Sonic’s head, as he became more nervous about how the situation would unfold. “Okay, okay we should move on to something else! Like how about the most stupid thing we ever did!”

Trixie then grew a sudden look of sadness, as she remembered about a certain event that happened not too long ago. “It wasn’t exactly stupid, more or less Trixie being rude and selfish.”

The tone caught Sonic off guard. “What do you mean? What happened exactly?” He asked to which she hesitated but finally caved in.

“I ended up making my one and only real friend at the time, believe she couldn’t make me friends because I wanted to beat an old rival of mine at something for once. But all it did was prove that I never did change, and ever since that day I don’t believe I ever could correct those actions.” She sighed in defeat with tears brimming her eyes.

But Sonic wasn’t going to let her feel like a failure. “Hey remember the Friendship Festival, that happened not too long ago?” He asked making Trixie perk her head up, as she nods slowly.

“Well the night before it happened, I kinda caused lightning to come out of my butt which resulted in a giant explosion that somehow had the Storm King come to us. And even after going on the whole adventure, making it out alive happily I still feel the guilt of what happened that night which I know will never truly go away, but what I do know is that I can learn from that mistake and improve after all I’m still questioning how you Ponies have bowling.” The last comment made Trixie chuckle.

“Look I may not know what you’ve been through, but I promise when I say you can improve if you try and not think about the past.”

Trixie didn’t know what to say but one thing came to mind. “Are you always like this with life lessons?”

“No. Just because I give some good advice does not mean I’ll always be like this, besides I guarantee you I’ll be cocky and confident way after this.”

“So I’ll just go now.”

“Yeah, you do that.”

With that said Sonic left the Wagon with a straight face, noticing how the moon and stars were out already. “Alright I’m going to bed!” And so he ran towards the castle doors, opened them and closed them after he went inside.

Today’s interaction was a success in his eyes.

Author's Note:

Warning: Please Don’t request which characters you want to see next, because after the next chapter we’ll be focusing more on the overarching story for this Fic.

Thank You.

This chapter is shorter because I got so bored with how to write it out, and it’s evident by the end of the chapter.

Cause in all honesty, I couldn’t figure out a good and comedic structure for this one it just became so hard to do anything interesting with the setting provided.

Also having Sonic be cocky while balancing his serious and goodwill side is hard as well, so hopefully next chapter will be better.

Anyway next is Starlight to get her turn in the spotlight for a chapter, and to see her interaction with Sonic.

But please let me know how you feel about this story, cause I’m open to hear as much as possible from you guys so that I know what I could do to improve.

But with all that said I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a good day or night.