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An Ancient Island! The Shadow Hiding in Little Garden!

The Going Merry was sailing on the seas.

"Aw. No snow. Too bad." Luffy groaned.

"Aw man!" Mikey pouted.

"Phooey!" Pinkie agreed.

"Drat!" Sonata groaned.

"Snow in this climate?" Zoro asked skeptically.

"Shouldn't have slept, Zoro." Raph said.

"Hey Vivi, what about you? Do you think it’s gonna snow?" Luffy asked.

"I wouldn’t rule anything out, but the sea we were in the first time it snowed was special. The seven magnetic fields that emit from Reverse Mountain tend to make things particularly chaotic. But that doesn’t mean you should relax your guard while sailing these waters. The odds of it being as wild as your first journey may be small. Still, these waters aren’t normal and are certain to hold surprises of their own. Remember, never underestimate the sea." Vivi informed.

"Yeah, I guess that makes..." Leo admitted before sensing something. "Huh?"

Sanji then arrived with drinks. "Hey guys! Anyone care to sample my special drink?" Sanji offered as most of everyone came down to the deck to try them.

"No thanks." Donnie politely refused.

"Hey, you wanna get out the fishing gear?" Luffy asked.

"Fishing? Hell yeah, I’m in." Zoro answered.

"Sounds good to me, I’ll even make you one of my custom fishing rods. You guys will love it!" Usopp added.

"What is that?" Leo asked.

"Just a little drink I made." Sanji answered as Karoo lifted the straw with his beak. "No no, it goes like this." Sanji told Karoo as he helped him direct his straw to the glass before he drank it really quickly, surprising those on the deck.

"I wasn't talking to you." Leo specified.

"Well, somebody’s sure thirsty. Have another." Sanji told Karoo as the duck drank another, and another.

"Hahaha! Wow!" Luffy awed in amazement.

"Oh yeah! Look at him go!" Usopp agreed as everyone else on deck watched Karoo drink.

"They're acting like idiots!" Vivi said as Donnie sighed before Nami, Rarity and April showed up with the navigator offering a drink.

"Maybe this will help. Just relax, these guys may go through their goofy phases, but when things get rough, they get to work." Nami responded.

"The same's said for our friends." Rarity added.

"Believe us, we know." April agreed.

"Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm getting worked up over nothing." Vivi apologized.

"This ship will put you at ease. You'll cheer up in no time." Nami smiled as the group on deck watched Karoo drink and drink before he blushed, becoming dizzy when he suddenly quacked before falling onto his back with some of the drinks spraying out from his beak, making half of the group laugh.

"Yeah. They're... funny." Vivi admitted.

"Hey Zoro, what's that red sword of yours?" Leo asked.

"It’s Kitetsu III." Zoro answered.

"Call me Crazy but I sense something similar to it." Leo noted.

"Heh. So you know this sword is cursed?" Zoro smirked.

"Cursed?" Leo repeated in confusion.

"Want me to prove it?" Zoro dared, much to the Dazzlings' horror.

"Please keep that sword away from us!" The Dazzlings panicked in absolute fear as Raph and Rainbow Dash bursted out in laughter.

"That’s still hilarious!" Raph chuckled.

"I can’t! My sides!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"That sword kills its wielder!" Aria pointed out.

"Heh. Watch." Zoro smirked as he tossed up Kitetsu III into the air and stretched out his left arm.

"YOU IDIOT!" Adagio screamed.

"What’re you doing?!" Aria yelled.

"It’s gonna kill you!" Sonata shouted.

"The sword’s curse or my luck." Zoro said as the blade kept spinning as it fell to the ground, narrowly spinning around Zoro’s arm as it stabbed itself into the deck, before the Dazzlings fell onto their backs in shock. "My luck wins."

"Whoa…!" Leo, Raph and Rainbow Dash awed in amazement.

"Impossible!" Aria gasped in shock

"You gotta be kidding me!" Adagio denied in surprise.

"No way!" Sonata gawked, positively aghast.

"That's how I got Yubashiri." Zoro said.

"Hmm…" Leo thought aloud.

"Why?" Zoro asked.

"I was wondering-" Leo was about to say before Zoro finished for him. "After a Kitetsu yourself, are ya?"

"Yeah." Leo answered.

"I sense it, too." Zoro said.

But then everyone saw a dolphin jump out of the water before diving back in.

"Hey, look! It's a dolphin! Pirate's best friend." Sanji noted.

"Well Ah'll be." Applejack awed in wonder.

"That's pretty awesome." Casey admitted with a smile

"So cute." Fluttershy gushed.

"Whoa! Beautiful!" Nami awed in amazement.

"Indeed it is." Rarity agreed.

"And the skin's surprisingly pleasant to the touch." Donnie added before the dolphin jumped out again, but this time, to everyone's shock as a shadow passed over their ship, the dolphin was gigantic!

"It's huge!!" Everyone gasped as the dolphin flew over the Going Merry and dove back into the water.

"Let's go!" Luffy declared as the glasses shattered, waking Karoo up.

"Move it!" Zoro ordered as he, Rainbow Dash and Raph ran off in one direction.

"Okay!" Usopp responded as he, Shini and Fluttershy climbed the mast.

"We're going!" Sanji said as he, Applejack and Casey went on deck as everyone else scrambled to get the ship ready, much to Vivi's surprise.

"They were right..." Vivi awed.

"Okay, hurry! Let's move!" Luffy shouted as the dolphin jumped out again. "Get ready! It's gonna be a big one!"

The dolphin dove back into the water as the splash carried the Going Merry forward.

"Nami! Which direction now?" Luffy asked.

"Give me a second. I'll check." Nami answered as she looked at her Log Pose. "Port side, full!"

"Turning full!" Everyone else except Vivi responded.

"Hang on!" Sunset said as Little Garden was soon in sight.

"I wonder why this place is dangerous." Applejack thought out loud.

"There's no mistake. Cactus Island and this one here are definitely pulling against each other. Our next stop!" Nami informed.

"This is it! Our second island in the Grand Line!" Luffy cheered.

"I can't believe we're going after Gold Roger's treasure." Aria awed in wonder.

"Who?" Mikey asked in confusion.

"He was the last King of the Pirates. The One Piece is where all of his treasures are. Before he was executed, he said, *In Gol D. Roger's voice* 'You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I've gathered together in one place! Now you just have to find it!' *Normal voice* Those dying words drove countless souls to the sea, searching for the One Piece." Adagio explained.

"Dude, that's insane!" Casey gasped in amazement.

"His exact words right on the Execution Scaffolding in the town where he was born." Sonata added.

"That... is intense!" Sunset awed as the Going Merry was arriving at her destination.

Meanwhile, on a fancy city island, where there are even buildings on a gigantic palm tree, a man was enjoying tea on the treetop city buildings.

"Mr. 3..." A young girl asked.

"Yes, my dear. Hold on..." The man responded as he brought the cup of tea up to his lips. "Ahh... There's nothing quite like the rich aroma of Earl Grey."

"I'm bored." The girl simply said.

"On the one hand, you say you're bored, on the other, you don't like working, correct?" Mr. 3 asked as the girl responded with a nod. "Then why don't you cease your complaining and revel in the enjoyment of this rare slice of freedom circumstances have generously afforded you? How grand to be able to take a long vacation, a privilege few officers ever get to indulge. One more thing... I would appreciate your mindful and immediate discretion in not calling me by my codename in public. Otherwise, people will discover that I am indeed Mr. 3."

...Seriously? That number three-shaped hairdo is a dead giveaway!

"Sure." The girl simply responded.

"Incidentally, I couldn't help noticing you've been browsing recent paper over the last several days. Why does it grab you so?" Mr. 3 asked.

"It's an order from Boss." The girl simply answered as she showed her partner the letter.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Mr. 3 pointed out as he grabbed the letter and read it. "It says that Mr. 5 has been taken down. And that the Sister Siren Pirates have returned. Humph! While I must admit that the news of the three demonic sisters still alive and well is interesting, if someone had to be terminated, I wish it would've been someone useless like Mr. 2."

"So what would benefit you? With a fat promotion." The girl asked.

"It's not that necessarily, rather the downfall of Mr. 5 is hardly exciting news at all. The man excelled at nothing but his own idiocy, clinging to his devil fruit power like a drowning rat. No matter how amazing the devil fruit power one gains, if he can't fully utilize it, his existence is a total waste. The Siren Sisters on the other hand use what they have, becoming resourceful of their surrounding and using their powers when necessary." Mr. 3 noted as he finished his Earl Grey tea. "Superior criminals are those who execute their crimes using superior intellect. Nevertheless, whoever beat Mr. 5 should be made an example off... If for no other reason than to preserve the reputation of terror our organization has painstakingly cultivated." Mr. 3 declared as his glasses shined whitely from reflecting light.

Soon, everyone arrived at the island.

"I can see why they call this place Little Garden!" Luffy smiled.

"We can't." Zoro, Rena and Wolflood disagreed.

"What's so "little" about it?" Zoro pointed out.

"It's huge." Pinkie awed.

"Yeah, this island looks pretty harsh if you ask me. Why the cute name?" Nami questioned as Leo sensed the presence stronger than before.

"Eh... Y-Y-Yeah! It looks like a jungle out there! Maybe we'd be better off skipping this one!" Usopp scarcely said.

"Relax, Usopp. We've seen Fluttershy walk into a lion pen at the zoo and treat it like a pussy cat." Applejack responded.

"Don't bring my baby Richie into this discussion!" Aria darkly said with an ominous aura.

"We weren't. Jeez..." Applejack nervously pointed out.

"We have to be careful. I can't help but remember the warning Miss All Sunday gave us." Vivi said.

"Something familiar about her face." Sonata wondered.

"Still don't remember." Adagio responded.

"Me neither." Aria and Sonata agreed.

"So what?! We might be attacked by giant monsters?!" Usopp dreaded.

"Heh. Who knows?" Luffy smiled.

"Let's look around." Leo suggested.

"Listen, I'm sure when can make it to the next island without going ashore on this one!" Usopp said.

"The only way to reset the Log is to go ashore." Nami pointed out.

"We don't have a choice here." Croven agreed.

"Not to mention we're in dire need of restocking our food supply. We didn't get so much as a sack of flour in the last town." Sanji added.

"And it was a bounty hunter nest." Adagio reminded.

"Guys, there's our ticket in." Zoro spotted as the Going Merry sailed down the river mouth, finding the place to drop anchor.

"Think they'll have a barbecue restaurant here?" Luffy asked.

"WE DIDN'T TRAVEL ALL THIS WAY FOR BARBECUE!!!" Sanji and Applejack growled.

"I thought the point of this visit was to get food." Luffy said.

"He has a point." Mikey pointed out.

"Food, as in supplies we're going to cook later! Jeez, what're you thinking?" Sanji groaned.

"I dunno. Usopp might be right about this one." Nami added as she, Usopp and Zoro watched Leo jump off and ran into the jungle.

"THAT IDIOT!!!" Nami and Usopp panicked.

"Heh. He's got guts." Zoro smirked.

"What on Earth are you talking about, Nami?" Rarity asled

"Just take a look at the gargantuan plant life here. I've never seen anything like it, not even in books." Nami informed.

"Where's Leo?" Karai noticed.

"Looking for a Kitetsu sword in there, what else." Zoro answered

"He ran off?!" Raph, Donnie and Mikey gasped in shock before a loud screeching squawk rang throughout the forest, causing the girls, Usopp, Mikey and Spike to cover their ears before Sanji blushed with a swooning sigh.

"You all are so adorable." Sanji blissfully sighed as Usopp, Mikey and Spike turned toward him with sparkling eyes.

"Thank you?" Usopp, Mikey and Spike said.

"That's not funny, you three! I was talking to the ladies!" Sanji growled.

"What was that screeching?" Nami asked.

"I don't recognize the animal." Fluttershy noted as as a giant feathered reptile flew down behind Sanji as he saw it behind him, only it was small because it was far.

"It's alright, loves. It's only a bird, perfectly harmless, just like this jungle. Nothing to worry about." Sanji smiled before Nami, Usopp, Fluttershy, Sonata, both Spikes panicked as they backed off, while Sanji was confused. "Uh... What's wrong?" Sanji asked as he looked up and ducked just in time to dodge the reptile as it flew away. "What the hell's the matter with you, you damn bird?!"

"Ooh... It's big. Could be tasty." Luffy thought out loud.

"That thing looked prehistoric." Mikey noted before he and everyone else on the ship heard an explosion.

"Hear that?! Is that the kind of noise you expect to hear in a normal jungle?!" Nami worried.

"Why did Leo run in?" Raph asked.

"Didn't you hear me before? He went in there to find a Kitetsu sword." Zoro reminded as Usopp whimpered.

"That sounded like a volcano erupting! We're all going to die!" Usopp panicked.

"We gotta go find Leo!" Luffy said before a growling giant tiger emerged from the forest, frightening Nami, Usopp, Sonata and both Spikes.

"A tiger?!" Nami gasped.

"It's gigantic!" Usopp added.

"Do something, Aria!" Sonata said before she, Luffy, Fluttershy and Dog Spike noticed something about the tiger as it coughed out blood with a roar before it fell onto its side, gushing out blood.

"What?! Guys, what just happened?! I know normal! This is definitely not it!" Nami panicked in shock.

"It's hurt!" Fluttershy pointed out.

"Someone explain to me how a mammoth tiger can just keel over, covered in blood?!" Nami asked.

"Why did you think I could help it?!" Aria added.

"You're all loving to the Buggy Pirates pussy cat!" Sonata answered.

"That doesn't make me a cat expert!" Aria pointed out.

"Log Pose and food be damned! We're not stepping foot on that island and that's final!" Usopp declared.

"We can still reset the readings on the ship, we can just sit tight until then!" Nami said.

"Right!" Usopp agreed.

"When that's done, we'll leave and never look back!" Nami added.

"Right!" Usopp agreed again.

"Yeah. Right. We'll all just stay here." Nami confirmed as Zoro picked up the anchor and threw it into the water.

"Come on, people. Leo is ashore. Let's find him." Zoro said before Luffy started giggling.

"Sanji, go make lunch!" Luffy smiled.

"You want lunch?" Sanji asked.

"Yep! And one more thing, make it a great big pirate lunch with lots of meat and no veggies! I'm gonna need some more energy!" Luffy added.

"Energy for what? What're you doing! You're not leaving here!" Nami growled.

"You know, hehehe, fun stuff! You wanna come along?" Luffy giggled.

"I'm in!" Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata volunteered as Nami turned away with tears.

"It's useless... I can't stop them. They're too enthusiastic..." Nami thought in defeat.

"Are they crazy?! Somewhere out there is a monster big enough to grind a tiger into paste!" Usopp mentally panicked.

"Sanji, I'm starving!" Luffy whined.

"Right. You and the other bundles of excitement be patient, I'll have it to you four as soon as I can." Sanji said.

"Say Luffy, would it be alright if I come along with you?" Vivi asked.

"Same for me, Sci-Twi, Sunset, Adagio, Aria and Karai?" Princess Twilight added as Sci-Twi, Sunset, Adagio, Aria and Karai nodded in agreement with her and Vivi as Usopp gasped in shock and horror.

"Big bro and I are coming too, right?" Rena said with another question.

"Luffy, you're alright with that?" Wolflood checked.

"Sure! Sounds great!" Luffy, Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata smiled in agreement.

"Whoa! Did NOT see that coming." Croven admitted.

"NO!!! Guys! You can't be serious!" Nami dreaded.

"Don't bother, Nami." Raph pointed out.

"Yeah, I'd rather not sit here with nothing to do but worry about my troubles. This will keep us busy until the Log's reset and we'll try to find Leo." Vivi said.

"Out of the question! Seriously, it's way too dangerous for you guys out there!" Nami pointed out.

"Don't worry. Besides, Karoo and both Spikes will be with us." Sci-Twi said

"Alright!" Spike and Dog Spike cheered while Karoo quacked in fear as his beak fell open.

"Hey, something's wrong. Karoo doesn't look too good. He may be in shock." Nami noted.

"Ladies, if you all go exploring, you'll need to eat. I'll pack you girls and Wolflood some lunch." Sanji said.

"Really?" Aria asked while drinking sake.

"Of course. Why not?" Sanji responded.

"Thanks, while you're at it, could you fix something for Karoo and Spikanine?" Vivi requested.

"Spikanine?" Dog Spike asked in confusion.

"Just so we don't get the two of you confused." Vivi answered.

"Okay." Spikanine smiled.

"Of course. You just leave it to me." Sanji said.

"I'll help out too." Applejack added as she and Sanji went into the kitchen with the sous chef closing the door.

"Sheesh, Red-Foot Zeff Jr. is such a pervert." Adagio groaned.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Sanji shouted from inside the kitchen.

"Which do you think he was mad about?" Aria asked with a smirk.

"The nickname." Sonata answered with a smirk as well.

Later, Sanji gave Luffy, the Goofball Trio, Rena, Wolflood, Vivi, Princess Twilight, Sci-Twi, Sunset, Adagio, Aria, Karai and Spike backpacks with their lunches in them before he put a barrel with a straw in it around Karoo's neck as he did the same for Spikanine.

"Now you're all set and ready to go. 14 Pirate lunches for the group and two special drinks for Karoo and Spikanine." Sanji said.

"Heh, thanks!" Luffy responded in gratitude.

"Hope Leo's okay." Mikey noted as he and the rest of the venturing group jumped off the ship and landed on the ground.

"Well, see you guys later. Don't worry, everything will be fine!" Vivi assured as the group then ran off into the jungle.

"Vivi, what a girl. She's so brave." Usopp admitted.

"And just what would you expect from someone who could infiltrate the enemy's ranks?" Nami pointed out as Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph came down.

"I'm bored, I'm gonna take a walk." Zoro sighed.

"Same here." Rainbow Dash and Raph agreed.

"Take a walk?!" Usopp gasped as Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph jumped off the ship and onto the ground.

"Ah! Hey, Zoro! Rainbow Dash! Raph! Wait up!" Sanji noticed.

"You want to come with us, Junior?" Raph asked as Applejack and Casey showed up.

"Tch! No, we're short on food. If you three find any animals that appear edible, bring them back." Sanji requested.

"Okay. It's easy. I can see why you three would wanna send us, 'cause the three of us could bring back something you, Applejack and Casey couldn't catch yourselves." Zoro scoffed as Rainbow Dash and Raph smirked in agreement.

"What the hell does that mean?!" Sanji, Applejack and Casey asked in anger.

"Y'all are messin' with the bull, and yer gonna get the horns." Applejack warned.

"We won't let that remark go unchallenged!" Sanji growled.

"You trying to say you three are better at hunting than we are?!" Casey questioned.

"Don't blame us if Red-Foot Zeff Jr. picked us." Zoro answered as he, Rainbow Dash and Raph growled at Sanji, Applejack and Casey as they growled back while sparks flew between them.

"Challenge accepted!" Sanji, Applejack and Casey said as they jumped off the ship and onto the ground.

"Okay, winning team brings back the most pounds of meat." Sanji challenged.

"Whaddya mean pounds, my team will bring back tons!" Zoro retorted.

"AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Sanji growled.

"Why not let the hunt do the talking." Raph angrily suggested.

"Hmph! Good luck, turtle." Casey scoffed as the two teams went their separate ways.

"I will never understand it, why do those jerks have to be so competitive?" Nami whimpered with tears.

"Don't cry. If it makes you feel better, I'm just as stumped by their behavior as you." Usopp empathized with tears as well.

"That's not saying much." Donnie noted.

"Agreed." April nodded.

"Hey!" Usopp whined.

"Now calm down." Shini said before Usopp and Nami gasped at a realization.

"We're sitting ducks..." Usopp dreaded.

"Don't you think I already know that!?" Nami pointed out.

"The strongest of us are gone." Donnie said.

"Still, I think we'll be fine." Croven assured.

"R-Really?" Nami asked with a blush.

"Yeah." Croven confirmed.

"Wait... Why didn't I think of that before...?" Nami started realizing as she ran off to her room to look through her books.

"Huh? Where are you going? Nami? What's wrong?" Usopp asked as he started to follow Nami.

"Hey Usopp, you got a monster on your back." Donnie lied.

"GAAAAAAHHHHH! WHERE?! WHERE!?" Usopp screamed in panic while getting inside Nami's room as Donnie giggled before everyone on deck heard someone else giggling at that.

"That was a good one, D. Still, didn't think I'd meet you and the others here." A familiar voice said as Donnie, April, Rarity, Fluttershy, Shini and Croven looked to the bow of the ship to see a familiar ally reveal himself.

"Bebop!!!" Rarity gasped in surprise.

"Hey guys... Uh, can somebody tell me where we are?" Bebop asked.

"We're at an island called Little Garden, but it doesn't seem very little at all." Fluttershy answered.

"Oh. But what's goin' with me? Why am I leaking this stuff?" Bebop added another question as he lifted his right arm, which seemed to be leaking what looked like wax.

"Not sure. Hold on, we're going to throw you a rope and pull you up." Donnie responded.

"Thanks dudes." Bebop said in gratitude.

Meanwhile, with Luffy, the Goofball Trio, Rena, Wolflood, Vivi, Karoo, Princess Twilight, Sci-Twi, Sunset, Adagio, Aria, Karai, Spike and Spikanine, they were running through the jungle before Luffy, Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata stopped at a body of water to the left, causing the others to stop as well.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Vivi asked.

"Leo isn't here." Mikey said.

"Over here! Check it out! It's a shellfish that looks like a squid!" Luffy smiled as he picked up the creature while Vivi got off of Karoo. "A shell squidfish!"

"Cool!" Pinkie awed.

"How strange. It sort of resembles an ammonoid." Vivi noted.

"Nothing special." Sonata said.

"Comrades!" A familiar voice called out as the group turned around, only to see a familiar rhino ally with a diamond right eye.

"Rocksteady!" Aria gasped.

"Whoa! A rhino guy?" Luffy said in excitement.

"How'd you get to this dimension, Rock?" Mikey asked.

"Strange portal just show up and suck all of us in." Rocksteady answered.

"All of us?" Spike repeated as the emblem strapped on Rocksteady started lowering down like a drawbridge before a miniature female bear mutant with grey fur, blonde hair, a scar and a black eyepatch on her right eye and wearing a green Russian soldier's uniform jumped off as she became a bit shorter than Rocksteady.

"So you're ones who help my big brother change for better, yes?" The bear mutant assumed.

"Who's she?" Sonata asked.

"This is little sister of mine, Ingrid Steranko. But since she became bear mutant, we call her Usra Major." Rocksteady answered.

"And it was my choice, Ivan." Ursa Major added.

"Meh, not bad." Mikey said.

"Besides, have troops with us too." Ursa Major informed as mini drawbridges opened all around Rocksteady's emblem horizontally, forming a ring on him.

"Da!" Russian Soldiers confirmed from within Rocksteady.

"Looks like you have the powers of the Castle-Castle Fruit, Rocksteady." Adagio noted.

"Huh?" Rocksteady said in confusion.

"Basically, that fruit turned you into a living fortress with you having many openings like cannon ports, portcullis and drawbridges. When people and objects are really close to you, they shrink, but when they exit your body and get away, they grow back to normal size." Aria informed as everyone looked at her strangely. "I try to pay attention to these things."

"So, who is he?" Luffy asked.

"He’s a friend of ours." Sci-Twi answered.

"Cool. My name's Luffy." Luffy introduced himself.

"You guys see Leo rush by here?" Sonata asked.

"Nyet." Rocksteady answered before the earth rumbled, causing everyone to look up.

"An earthquake?" Mikey asked.

Meanwhile, with Sanji, Applejack and Casey, they were walking forward before they stopped.

"I’ve got a feeling someone’s been following us for a while." Sanji noted.

"Ditto." Casey agreed.

"Same here. But what?" Applejack pointed out as the trio kept moving forward while a T-Rex slowly approached them from behind before a drop of its drool fell on Sanji’s hair, who swiped it off as he, Applejack and Casey turned around and looked up, seeing the Dino.

"Dinosaur!" Applejack gasped.

"How is-" Casey was about to ask before the T-Rex lunged at them as the trio jumped away.

"Can’t you see we’re busy?!" Sanji growled as the dinosaur roared. "Collier Coup!" Sanji shouted as he kicked the T-Rex by the lower jaw, making it fall onto its back.

Meanwhile, with Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph, the latter two were shocked as the three of them faced a Triceratops.

"I don’t know what you’re supposed to be, but I’m guessing you’re edible." Zoro noted.

"Given this thing is supposed to be extinct!" Raph pointed out.

"How is that even here in the first place?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock.

Meanwhile at the Going Merry, Nami was in her room, looking through her library. "Let me see.. which one was it? Maybe… Oh, I think I read it recently, but I don’t remember. The title’s on the tip of my tongue." Nami wondered out loud as she kept looking through her books before Donnie showed up.

"What's the problem?" Donnie asked.

"I’m looking for the book that mentioned Little Garden." Nami answered.

"Egghead, much?" Bebop noted.

"Huh? Who’s that?" Nami asked.

"Name's Bebop." Bebop introduced himself as Nami looked at him and looked a bit disturbed.

"A-A warthog?" Nami gasped.

"Long story." Donnie said.

Meanwhile, with Luffy and his group, the others caught up with him. "Huh, that’s weird. What’s a Sea King doing on land?" Luffy wondered out loud as everyone looked up and saw a long-necked dinosaur.

"A dinosaur!" Everyone else gasped in shock.

"Awesome!" Luffy awed in excitement.

"Where are we?!" Rocksteady asked.

"No way! This is unreal! Somehow, this island has been frozen in time, stuck in the age of the dinosaurs!" Vivi noticed.

"The world time forgot!" Mikey added.

"What?" Ursa Major asked in confusion.

"Traveling the Grand Line is so difficult, so no species ever migrated between the islands and their unique ecosystems were preserved!" Vivi informed.

"You’re serious?!" Rena gasped.

"Yes. Some of these islands have developed extremely sophisticated cultures, both biological and sociological, while others remain in a sort of evolutionary stagnation with little to no progression for several thousands or tens of thousands or… in this case, even millions of years." Vivi explained.

"Amazing. The legends are true." Adagio said in awe.

"I can only assume that it’s the random climates within the Grand Line that make this possible. I mean, what other explanation is there? We’re standing on an island that predates mankind." Vivi added.

"That's why this sea is suicide to the unprepared." Aria agreed before Luffy stretched out his arms and got onto the dinosaur.

"Luffy!" Everyone gasped.

"Dinosaur!" Luffy said in excitement.

"Are you insane?!" Everyone else asked in anger.

"Don't!" Sonata added, just as angry as the others.

Meanwhile, back at the Going Merry, Nami, Donnie and Bebop exited her room with the navigator holding a book.

"Guys!" Nami called out.

"Nami? Donnie? Bebop? What now?" Usopp asked.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Rarity checked.

"Uh-huh…" Nami nervously answered.

"What?" Rarity asked in confusion.

With Sanji and his group, the T-Rex got back onto its feet before it growled.

"Ya had to tick it off." Applejack groaned.

"Oh jeez." Casey sighed.

"Hmm?" Sanji noticed before turning towards the T-Rex. "You’re a rude son of a bitch…"

The T-Rex lunged at the trio before they jumped into the air as Sanji kicked it on the head, with Applejack punching it with her strength and Casey shocking it with his taser, as it was knocked into the growled and stayed still, dead.

"Don't do that again, Jr." Applejack said.

"Come on, we got some food supply." Sanji pointed out.

Meanwhile, with Zoro and his group, they were facing off against the Triceratops. "We both use Three-Sword Style…"

The dinosaur readied himself to charge at the group as they readied to counterattack. Then they charged at each other as the trio was on the opposite side of the dinosaur before they withdrew their weapons as the Triceratops fell onto its side, dead.

"Hardcore." Raph simply said.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

Meanwhile, Leo was still following the presence he sensed. "Where is it?" Leo wondered before as if struck through his mind, Leo quickly turned around, seeing a blue-handled katana in a blue sheath, stabbed into the ground, he then ran in the direction of the vision. While he was running towards it, a giant silhouette walked past him. "Hello?" Leo asked, only to be answered by silence before he started going towards the weapon. "I'm close." Leo noted as he then grabbed the katana and sheath when he approached it. "A sword?" Leo said in confusion before he felt the presence from before emanating from within the sword. "What are you?"

Meanwhile, at the Going Merry…

"This is bad. This island…" Nami dreaded.

"Nami?" Fluttershy noticed.

"This Island what?" Croven repeated.

"What? What’s wrong, Nami?" Usopp asked.

"Spit it out and tell 'em!" Bebop said before everyone on the Going Merry noticed the giant figure approaching them, as their jaws dropped in horror and shock.

"NOT GOOD!" Usopp dreaded as he, Nami, Rarity and Fluttershy screamed in absolute horror.

Meanwhile, with Sanji’s group...

"Strange… why do I get the sense that Nami, Rarity, Fluttershy and Shinigami need me?" Sanji wondered.

"You're a pervert, Red-Foot Zeff Jr." Casey said.

"Don’t make me kick you, Jones." Sanji growled.

At the Going Merry, Nami dropped the book called Brag Men.

“To those who reside here and call this island home, it must seem as if they’ve stumbled upon their very own private garden. Thus, I have apply named this wondrous, terrifying place, ‘Little Garden.’ Louis Arnote, explorer.”

Author's Note:

Ursa Major (Real Name: Ingrid Steranko)

Nami, Croven, Rarity, Donnie, April, Bebop, Usopp, Fluttershy and Shini: *Scream!* A giant!

Usopp: *Quietly* Pretend we're dead.

Nami: Doesn't that only work on bears?

Rarity: Playing dead won't do us any good!

Luffy: Whoo-hoo! It's huge!

Spikanine: Is that big guy even human?!

Zoro: With a big catch like this...

Rainbow Dash: Without a doubt...

Raph: It's totally clear...

Sanji: In this hunting match...

Applejack: It is undeniable...

Casey: And it's a matter of a fact that...

Zoro, Rainbow Dash, Raph, Sanji, Applejack, Casey: We're the winners!

Karai: Huh? Sir, where are you going?

Nami, Croven, Rarity, Donnie, April, Bebop, Usopp, Fluttershy and Shini: Duel?!

Fluttershy: Why on Earth would you do that?!

Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls: One Piece...

Princess Twilight: Huge Duel! The Giants Dorry and Broggy!

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!