• Published 14th May 2022
  • 579 Views, 7 Comments

The Dragon Princess - Nineveh Orion

Twilight and Pearl get a huge surprise when they meet the Dragon Queen.

  • ...

Now What?

Celestia sipped her tea silently as Twilight relayed the news she and Pearl had received. "I must say that I expected this to happen sooner. If not from the Dragon Queen herself, then from her sister."

Twilight's nose scrunched. "You mean to say this has happened before? How have I not heard of this? I would think there is no way to hide either of the Aspects if they ever come to Equestria."

Luna shook her head. "There are several in fact. All of which neither of us knew about when we first met them."

Pearl blinked in surprise. "You've met both Alexstrasza and Ysera? When? They stick out like a sore wing. Even compared to most dragons."

Celestia giggled. "Indeed. And to answer your first question, Princess Twilight. The last time the four of us met was not long before the Nightmare Moon incident, and it was only us four, and no record was made of it."

Twilight frowned. A part of her was still peeved that the sisters had kept things from her, even after all of this time.

Luna took a sip of her coffee, noticing Twilight's sudden shift in mood. "And to answer your question, Pearl. We have met them several times. They came to our coronation in fact, though we did not know it was them. And again after we defeated Discord."

Celestia nodded. "I believe Alexstrasza came to your first coronation, Twilight. But I cannot be sure. Ysera is less concerned with mortals, though that is not to say that she does not care at all."

Pearl tapped her chin. "So why don't we see them more often? I don't think even Dragon Lord Ember has seen either of them. I get they care more for dragons than ponies. But still."

Celestia and Luna shared a look. "Only they can tell you that, Pearl. That She Who is Life has asked to see you personally, Pearl says that there is something that none of us can see that she can," Luna replied.

Pearl sighed. Go figure. It wasn't like her life couldn't get any weirder. A part of her hoped that, if this meeting did go well, then she could one day meet the Emerald Queen as well. Maybe she could pull some strings with Kohaku. This seemed right up his alley.

It couldn't hurt anyway.

"Nope. Can't help you, Pearl," Kohaku said with an infuriating smirk as he leaned back on his bed.

Pearl threw her hooves up in exasperation. "Oh come on! Don't tell me with how old you are, you've never met either Aspect? For crying out loud, one of Alexstrasza's titles is Life-Binder. There has to be something there."

He nodded. "I have in fact met them both. Mother was very good friends with Alexstrasza before she ascended to the spirit realm. I remember the first thing I said to her when I met her for the first time." He smirked. "I honked her on the nose and called her an oversized red gecko."

Pearl's eyes began twitching as her mane began springing out of place. "You what?!"

Kohaku chuckled. "Oh yes. I was two, so I didn't know any better. Don't tell me you never did something dumb at that age?" He smiled knowingly as Pearl blushed. "Her consort at the time, Tyranastrasz, was furious and probably would have had me as a very light snack. But she just laughed it off."

Pearl could feel the steam billowing from her ears as her brain malfunctioned. Why did she put up with him again?

Kohaku tapped his chin in thought. "And then, of course, I started chewing on her tail. It took a while for mother to pry me off. But it was worth it."

Pearl's brain finally gave up the ghost and decided to take a vacation far away from this insane reality as she all but flopped onto Kohaku's bed with a pained groan. "Some days I just wish I had stayed in Baltimare. Everything made sense then."

Kohaku chuckled as he lifted her head with a tail. "But where's the fun in that? And think of everything you would have missed if you had stayed. Assuming the city is still standing when Princess Twilight is done with it."

Pearl's ears fell. She tried not to think of what her mentor had promised she would do if Maretonia did not retreat from the city. "The only ponies still in the city are traitors or invaders. She promised she would raise the city to the ground. Don't know how she could though."

Kohaku did not respond. He knew very well what the princess could unleash on the city. Even as far away as it had been, he had felt the invocation of the Rain of Colorless Fire that had erased Klugetown from existence. The unholy magic of the spell sickened him and all who knew of the spells.

Pearl saw the look in his eyes and decided not to dig too deep. Some things were better left unknown. "So what am I supposed to now? Celestia and Luna couldn't offer me anything. Twilight can't. I'm stumped."

Kohaku sighed as he sat up, smiling as he lifted the Pegasus's head. "Pearl, Pearl, Pearl. Use the brain I know you have. Do you really think the Queen of Dragons would ask to see you personally if she didn't think you were worth it? While we always haven't seen eye to eye, I know Alexstrasza is better than that. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine. Besides. You'll have the princess there with you."

Pearl managed a small smile. "You know. For being a nine-tailed pain in my ass, you do have good advice every now and then. Just don't let it go to your head. Maybe that's why Summer sticks around. You're not that adorable."

He just smirked. "I try. And after thirty millennia of life, I like to think I know a thing or two." He booped her nose. "And I will have you know that she finds me very adorable thank you very much. Maybe Princess Twilight has a thing for mouthy little redheads."

The two shared a laugh at that.