• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 974 Views, 39 Comments

Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Zombie Ponies (28 Pranks Later and Night of the Living Pharmacists) - Mylittleponyfan21

This is a crossover between 28 Pranks Later and Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists

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Act 12

Meanwhile, in Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., Agent P was running away and carefully avoiding the zombie ponies that were now chasing him. Agent P took off his fedora hat to pull out a one-button remote. After pressing the remote's button, he jump off from the balcony.

Right before he could fall, his delta wing appeared under him to grab it. He looked back at the zombie ponies dangling from the balcony, railing after trying to infect him. He sighed in relief, but then his wristwatch communicator was beeping, he answered by looking at the screen of the communicator and saw static for a few seconds, but then he saw that the one communicating him was Mayor Monogram, who's signal was going off since there was no signal all over the city.

"Agent P! *static* Agent P! Do not come to- *static* -headquaters. *static* It is a 'life or pony' situation! *static* O.W.C.A has fallen, I repeat, O.W.C.A has- *crash!* *static*"

Mayor Monogram was able to get a better signal and stared at Agent P ugently for his new mission as it hears moaning 'cookie!' 'cookie!' in the transmission "Agent P, we need you to find the source of the sickness and contagion and protect those who haven't been zom-ponified. You're our last hope!"

"You're the Omega platypus. But no pressure!" said Carl as he appeared on the view.

But just then, a zombie pony appeared into the view, about to bit Mayor Monogram and Carl in front of Agent P. "MORE COOKIE!!!"

Just static shows again, by then showing Mayor Monogram being surrounded by static. "Good luck, Agent P! Good l- lu-"

And just like that, the static soon transformed Mayor Monogram into a zombie pony. "COOKIE!!! COOKIE!!!"

"COOKIE!!! I used to be Carl." groan the other transformed zombie pony.

Agent P turned off his wristwatch, now realizing that his new mission was so serious. It was now up to him to protect the unzom-ponified ones in Danville and prevent the sickness from spreading the city. It was all up to him to save Danville.

Meanwhile, the boys had practically engulfed themselves with the most rubber they could find, using it all as an armor to protect themselves from the sickness. They were able to sneak around the playground that is invaded by the zombie ponies, and were now 'safely' on the sidewalk, by later leaning behind a truck from a wave of zombie ponies that were walking all over the streets of the city. Phineas hopes to get closer to the Fireside Girls, also hopefully, Isabella.

"Okay guys. Fireside Girl Headquaters is only a couple of blocks away." warned Phineas.

Just by then, the boys were taken by surprise when a group of zombie ponies appear right after the truck's back door opened up. "COOKIE!!"

"Woah! Look alive, guys!" warned Phineas as he and the others rushed away from them.

They began to crawl behind a cement wall, avoiding being seen. Then they stop in the middle and Phineas gave a 'okay', pointing to a hill by later, rolling down to it and running into what look like a dark and abandoned street corner with only one light working. They stopped as they saw a four-legged shadow in the distance, the shadow was different, so Buford kneed himself. "Aw, look, it's a dog! Come here, boy!" he said as he whistled to it.

But he was mistaken by the 'dog', it walked out of the darkness and revealed itself as a goat. And not just any ordinary goat, a goat with rainbow muzzle in it's mouth, it's fur wrinkled, it's colors dulled, its eyes separated in directions and bahed 'cookie!' (And a fedora hat that they choose not to question).

Buford screeched and backed off of shock. The boys later they heard an owl hoot, but the owl was in the same charactics of the zombie ponies.

"What the..." said Phineas in surprise.

More mouth-rainbowfied animals revealed themselves from the darkness, much of them were Fluttershy's animals that were also mouth-rainbowfied, including Angel Bunny and Harry the Bear, they were all growling at the boys as they were getting closer to them, wait for the moment to swing at the boys, causing them to back off from themselves.

"Oh no! The sickness and contagion must have a different effect on animals!" cried Phineas in shocked.

The animals swing againest the boys of trying to zom-ponify them, cookie zombie Angel Bunny attempted to bite Ferb, but couldn't since the rubber armor he was wearing was protecting him. Baljeet had to defend himself from a monkey and a few of Fluttershy's oppsoms with a trash can. Buford was being chased by a pig, a chicken and Harry the Bear. Both Buford and Baljeet, who was in the trash can that was being rolled by the monkey went into an unlocked store and they quickly came out inside a wheeling mop bucket, Buford used the mop to throw the cookie zombie animals out of their way, allowing Phineas and Ferb to hop on and get away from them.

"They're following us!" warned Phineas as he saw that the cookie zombie animals chasing them, much faster and angrier now.

"Hold on, I'll try and lose 'em! Feet up, Ferb!" said Buford as Ferb lifted his legs, making the wheeling mop bucket go into an alleyway.

Agent P delta winged in the air and saw the boys being pursued by Fluttershy's mouth-rainbowfied animals and the mouth-rainbowfied animal agents, and hopes that the fedora hats they wear were just gone unnoticed.

Agent P flew downwards into the alleyway, getting caught by a bunch of hanging clotheslines. As soon he landed on the ground, he letted go of the clotheslines to fling the cookie zombie animals and make them fly backwards.

"Looks like we lost 'em!" said Phineas.

"Yes, and no!" said Buford.

The boys were wheeling though a swarm of zombie ponies as they scream, thankfully, the zombie ponies were much slower to keep up them up, so they boys were able to make it out alive.

Once they boys got out, they took the nearest alleyway shortcut to Fireside Girl Headquaters. But on the other side, Applejack, Rarity and the CMC'S were following Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc to get there and find out about the zombie prank ruined.

"Are we there yet to the building, Applejack?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Not yet, Apple Bloom." answered Applejack. "We need to go a few inches from here to there."

But before they could continue on, the boys went much quicker as they saw the mares and filies on the way, they scream as they crash to the mare and fillies that were in the way.

They got up and saw the saw the mares and fillies on the floor, the boys screamed a little, thinking that they were zombie ponies.

"Hey, watch where ya' goin'!" cried Applejack angrily, causing the boys confused.

They later saw that there weren't wearing rainbow muzzles in their mouths, their colors were normal, they're mane we're alright, and they just talked normally.

"Did you just talk...normally?" asked Phineas confused.

"Of course we talked!" cried Applejack angrily and blindly. "What did you-"

But before she could continue, she saw the boys standing there confused, which cause the mares and fillies confused as well.

"We had no intention to harm you guys, we're sorry that we crash on you guys." apologized Phineas.

"That's okay sugarcube, we're also in a important thing too." said Applejack.

"Yeah, I know it was just an accident." continued and ended Rarity.

"By the way, who are you guys?" asked Applejack.
"And why are you around here? Aren't you supposted to be safe at home?"

"My name's Phineas, and he is my brother, Ferb. And these are our friends, Buford and Baljeet." introduced Phineas himself as Ferb waved at them.

"Hi." greated Buford.

"Hello." greated Baljeet.

"We're looking for our nearest friend, Isabella." explained Phineas. "And we left her by accident here in the city and we're looking for her. We may think that she's at Fireside Girl Headquaters."

"And who are you guys?" he asked. "I can see you are not from our universe."

"Name's Applejack, and she's mah friend Rarity, and these are our sisters. The Cutie Mark Crusaders." Introduced Applejack.

"Hello, darlings." greated Rarity as she waved.

"Hi!" said the CMC'S as they waved too.

"We're here in your universe because we wanna go to that building over there." said Applejack as she pointed to a view of Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.

"Odd, and why do you wanna go there? Was there something wrong in your world from ours?" asked Phineas.

The mares and fillies got shocked of after Phineas question that. The looked each other and knew that the boys deserved the truth despite the danger they had to went though.

"Well, let's just say that all of this you're seeing, we have somethin' to do with." said Applejack as the boys gasped.

"WHAT! But, why?" asked Phineas angrily.

"Let's us explain." answered Rarity as a flashback appears. "Some ponies are from our pony town called, Ponyville, we were all victims of various pranks that are pulled by our rainbow maned pegasus called, Rainbow Dash."

"And when our party mare friend, Pinkie Pie knew about the way to prank everypony on Ponyville, she came up with a plan to tell everypony, includin' us, to pull a fake apocalyse zombie prank to flip the tables on Rainbow Dash." continued Applejack as the flashback shows ponies and the mane 5 practicing for the zombie prank.

"But a soon Rainbow Dash was gone and was no long to be seen, and saw everypony goin' into a portal that lead us here, we knew that somethin' was wrong and it wasn't part of the prank, so went inside and saw the chaos that is goin' on." continued Apple Bloom as the flashback shows the apocalyse zombie pony in Danville getting started.

"So we decided to investigate on what could be the cause and who pony was responsible for ruining the prank and becoming it into something real." said Scootaloo as the flashback shows the mares and fillies investigating on going all over the city for clues.

"And the longer we go, we first thought that the idea of a fake zombie prank on Rainbow Dash seemed like a good idea to make her stop for a while, but then we realized that it wasn't a best way of making her stop. I don't wanna imagine how Rainbow Dash would feel after such prank we made on her." continued Sweetie Belle as she started to get worried as the flashback ends.

"Yeah, we could even make her not coming back to Ponyville, or even making her cry!" said Scootaloo, feeling more worried and ashamed for doing that to her own sister.

"Eeyup!" agreed Applejack. "And that's why we wanna say to Rainbow Dash and you guys, we're very sorry, our upsetness didn't let us think of the consequences that's gonna happen to us if this prank happened."

"Well you guys better be sorry!" yelled Phineas angrily as he got closer to the mares and filies. "Because look at the chaos we have to get though! That prank you were gonna pull on your friend was gonna give her a chance of death. Tell me, how would you guys feel if your friends pull a prank like that on you? You wouldn't like it, right? I know you did it for a good reason, but that reason will end up bad despite how upset you guys are, you wanna do the same thing to your friend. You know what's it called? It's called: Revenge, and triste me, that's no good. You guys would have thinked of a better, smarter and smaller way to make her stop instead of this chaos! And that way, none of this would have happen if you guys would have used the brains to think about it, before doing it!"

The mares and fillies were shocked at the way Phineas spoke to them, they were upset about it, but they also know that Phineas has a point. They looked at each other and agreed that they thought that it was the only decent idea of making Rainbow Dash stop pranking, but then they realized that it wasn't a good way to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson about pranking, because it wasn't teaching a lesson, it was making matters worse.

"You're right." said Applejack sadly as she took off her hat. "Our upsetness would have being us consequences if this prank happened, and we could even make Rainbow Dash hate us for that.'

"Yeah, indeed, we never thought of that from the beginning of it." said Rarity as the CMC'S nod their heads.

"And let me guess. You're the reason why they turn everyone into your pony species with everythin' from your prank?" asked Buford curiously.

"Eenope, we have nothin' to do with that." answered Applejack.

"Ah, ducks!" arrugued Buford dissapointly.

"So that's why we're investigating. We wanna know who pony and what thing made the prank go wrong." said Rarity.

"But you guys can not go by yourselves, you can join us if you want, because you know what they say, more of us are, much better the situation." said Baljeet. "What do you say? We could need someone who is responsible of a prank for this situation."

The mares and fillies thought of it for 5 seconds, and they decided to join the boys, they could be much better with teamwork, especially when it came to find the responsible of said situation.

"We'll join you guys, what now?" asked Applejack.

"Well, we're going to Fireside Girl Headquarters to see if our friend Isabella is there first, we could also use the help of the Fireside Girls as well." said Phineas. "Come on!"

And so, the group ran to Fireside Girl Headquarters to see if Isabella is there, later, they could form a strategy of how to stop the sickness and contagion.

Meanwhile, at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., Doofenshmirtz was all over the building looking for her daughter Vanessa calling out her name.

"Vanessa! VANESSA!" cried Doofenshmirtz.

But there was no signs of Vanessa around the building, the only thing he could hear is 'cookie' over and over again anywhere of the building he went. Later, he headed to the lair infested of zombie ponies.

"Alright alright! The party's over! I've had it up to here with you...minions!" he cried angrily. "Y'know, I'm really tired of hearing the same groans and the same word over and over again. Hmm, now I understand where Charlene was coming from!"

The zombie ponies after hearing what Doofenshmirtz said, they started to crowd around him, making Doofenshmirtz overly anxious. He yelled attempting to resist. But the zombie ponies all grabbed Doofenshmirtz at once and lifted him off his feet.

Although they were slow, they carried Doofenshmirtz all the way downstairs and eventually, made it to the exit of the building.

"LESS COOKIE!!! LESS COOKIE!!!" groan the zombie ponies as they angrily throwed Doofenshmirtz out of his home.

"Oh, typical. Typical. Yeah, turn on to your creator and leader!" said Doofenshmirtz annoyed after seeing what his 'minions' did to him. "You guys are all cliche, I'm just letting you know!"

To be continued.