• Published 17th May 2022
  • 392 Views, 4 Comments

The Power Ponies: Ken Tucky robs Maretropolis - Stalin with Da Spoon

What happens when the greatest gas station robbers of Los Santos wind up in Maretropolis? Crime and chaos ensues of course. Follow Ken Tucky, Jerry, Dan Dan, Fingle Dan, and Anne Droid, as they rob and plunder this new city. Or at least, try to.

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1: Ken Tucky loves to Rob

'My name is Ken Tucky.' "Your doing good, Jerry!" 'No relation to the state.' "Just keep that gun on em." 'My boys and I rob gas stations.'

The cashier slowly lifted a bag full of cash onto the counter, before raising his hands back into the air. "I swear there is no more money!" The cashier said in a panic, staring down the barrel of a M1911 pistol held by a masked man, wearing heavy duty grey combat armor all across his body, plates of bulletproof kevlar covering all the way from his shins, to his knees, complete with combat gloves and boots. Jerry then spoke through his mask, surprisingly clearly.

"Thanks a lot for being so fucking compliant." And with a singular bang, the cashier fell to the floor with a sizable bullet hole in his head. Meanwhile, Dan bent down at a vending machine as a can of 'Sprunk' fell down into the slot, as he slowly pulled said can out.

"Wa-ha-hey!" Cue him cracking it open, as it began to fizz loudly with green bubbles foaming out of the top, causing Dan to scream in surprise and confusion. Meanwhile, Ken tucky was speaking to Jerry.

"Woah Jerry, you're not supposed to shoot em! Fingle!" As Ken Tucky walked out of the gas station, a man covered entirely in chrome could be seen talking to an ATM in a monotone robotic sounding voice... Flirtatiously.

"Ever since I entered this store, I haven't been able to take my eyes off you, when do you get off work?" Surprisingly, the ATM spoke back.

"Stop it, your making me blush." Outside, Ken tucky slowly approached a pink and teal van, not blue, it's teal, get it right, car with massive monster truck tires as wheels, as Ken spoke to the driver, who currently had his head leaned forward, snoring loudly.

"Fingle, Jerry shot another gas station dude- Oh hell, Fingle, are you sleeping or did Satan finally take you?" A crash rang out as Dan rummaged through some snacks, meanwhile Jerry was currently beating the dead cashier with a bat. "Damn, what did you do?"

"Yeah, I think he's still alive, I gotta put him out of his misery."

"Jerry, he's been dead, stop it!"

"Yeah, I see his chest moving." Jerry said continuing to beat the not so dead cashier even deader while Dan continued to break random shit on the shelves.

"Can we go to the next gas station already, you can't keep messing around in there!"

"Yeah, I think he's ok, I think he's alive." Meanwhile, Fingle woke up with a loud shout, quickly shaking away his sleep as he turned the ignition key while the rest of the crew exited the gas station, climbing inside the car, with Ken tucky blocking Dan from riding shotgun.

"Nuh uh, im getting front. Robot, I dunno what your gonna do, there's only four seats." Cue Robot shrugging as he decided to improvise, as he walked to the back of the car, popped the trunk, and sat down in the back compartment, securing himself with his own seatbelt and closing the trunk door as the car sped away. "Y'know, I wanna get more creative when we rob gas stations, what if we stole a cop car, and fuckin, impersonated a cop? And we come up all in there like 'Hands up'-" As Ken tucky's voice trailed off as the vehicle sped away, a lone figure cloaked in a dark suit wearing a black mash watched on.

As the Fingle Mobile sped down the highway, police sirens began to ring out behind them, as Robot yelled out. "Cops!"

Dan and Jerry both looked back from their rear seats, confirming Robot's warning, as Jerry quickly lowered his window and pointed his pistol out the window, taking shots at the approaching cop cars. "Eat this, ya copers!" As all of his shots missed, Ken turned to Fingle.

"Cmon Fingle, you gotta step on it, my shit aim ain't doin' nothing!"

"I'm goin as fast as the old girl will go! Even with the upgrades she's still slow!" Meanwhile, Robot pulled out a damn assault rifle, opened the back window of the vehicle, and fired off, several of his bullets hitting the tires on the police cars, resulting in one car overturning and causing a mass collision as the cars rammed into each other and smoke filled the air as the road was blocked, halting the rest of the pursuing cars from going forward as an angry police sergeant expressed his rage.


"Nice one, Robot!" Jerry shouted with enthusiasm for his partner, who simply gave a chrome thumbs up. As the Fingle Mobile rapidly drove down the highway, evading pedestrians and cops alike, Fingle soon saw a police blockade up ahead, as Ken tucky provided some advice.

"Hows about we go do a little bit of off roading boys?" Fingle and the rest of the crew nodded, as the vehicle took a sharp turn to the left, as it began to rapidly climb up the side of a mountain, a few police vehicles broke off from the road block to continue giving chase, as a police helicopter watched overhead.

"What are you doing, stay on em!"

"Listen man, I'm the one driving this damn thing, I got it!"

"And you said you went to helicopter school!"

"I told you, I didn't go to fuckin' school!"

As the two helicopter pilots argued, the Fingle Mobile was rapidly approaching the very peak of the mountain, that is until a familiar figure covered in a black jump suit wearing a dark motorcycle mask stood in their path. "Remember me?"

"FUCK, IT'S THE FUCKIN MASK GUY! RUN EM OVER!" Ken yelled out, as Fingle gassed it all the way, speeding towards the masked man, as they jumped onto the hood of the car and aimed a pistol at Ken.

"We got un-finished business, Ken tucky! You still haven't paid my bill!"

"Oh you can fuck right off- CLIFF!"

"What, my name isn't Cliff, it's-"

"NO, LOOK, CLIFF!" Ken said pointing to the road, or rather the rapidly approaching end of it leading to the edge of the ridge, as everyone in the vehicle, including the man on the hood, began to scream like little girls, with Fingle failing to fully stop the vehicle before it flew off the side of the mountain, sailing through the air with Jerry and Dan holding each other as Ken and Fingle screamed like mad men, the masked figure losing his grip as he flew over the roof of the Fingle Mobile, before grabbing onto the very back of it as the vehicle took a nose dive.

"If were gonna die, I just wanna let you know, I love you all!" Dan said, as the vehicle was about to collide with the ground.

And yet... it didn't.

The vehicle vanished in a burst of bright white light, blinding the still arguing helicopter pilots as they shielded their eyes who were directly above the vehicle when it went flying off the cliff.

"What the fuck was that?"

"I dunno, but they're gone! They vanished!"

"Yeah, I fuckin' noticed Captain obvious!"

"Well, sorry for trying to be helpful!"

"Just shut up and radio HQ, just tell em they got away... I think." The co-pilot nodded before tuning the radio while the cop cars on the road barely managed to stop themselves from soaring off and meeting the same fate as the criminals. The radio buzzed to life as he passed it to the pilot and let them speak into it.

"Yeah, yeah we lost em."

It was a peaceful day in the large bustling city of Maretropolis, as everypony made their way to their day jobs, driving around the daily commute, having your typical traffic accidents, cars falling out of the sky, the usual.

Well... Except that last one. As the Fingle Mobile plummeted from the sky, still full of screaming men, the masked man lost his grip, as he fell onto the roof of a tall skyscraper, surprisingly taking minimal damage besides some bruising and a couple broken ribs as they watched the Fingle Mobile continued to plummet, with everyone inside holding on for dear life, waiting for their imminent demise as the ground came up to greet them.

However, before they could hit the ground, the vehicle suddenly... Stopped. In mid-air, as a feminine voice spoke out. "Hang on, I gotcha!" Everyone inside the vehicle looked out to see a strange sight indeed. A tall woman, covered in light blue fur, with a long rainbow mane, and wide white feathered wings, currently flapping rapidly. The unknown savior was dressed in what appeared to be some sort of superhero costume, with a sleek black latex suit covering her body, certain parts covered in silver coursing with what appeared to be electricity, and some sort of helmet covering her head all except for her rainbow mane and face, which had a long muzzle and a big smile on her face as she held the Fingle Mobile with one hand. "Zapp, local power pony superhero at your service!"

Of course, everybody was speechless, except Ken Tucky, who voiced what practically everyone was thinking at the moment.