• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 2,833 Views, 17 Comments

Sunset Guardian - Penguin17203

Tired of being accused and insulted by the goers of Canterlot High, Sunset decides to clear out her locker and leave the school for good. Unfortunately for her, a couple of students weren't going to let her leave that easily.

  • ...

An exemplary display...

Sunset Shimmer stood at the entrance of the hall, bag over her shoulder, glancing at the numerous students who were giving her the stink eye. She could only roll her eyes at the stupidity of these miserable ingrates. Everything had already been said and done at this point, first it was the harassment, the shoulder brushes she would receive when walking these halls. Then it would escalate to name calling, She-demon, filthy liar etcetera.

The lucky thing was that no one had started a fight... yet. Most of the students looked like they wanted nothing more than to beat her up but the best they could do was yell at her. She wasn't really the physical type either, there was a reason as to why she blackmailed most of the students when she first got to Canterlot High.

She inwardly cringed thinking back on it.

She'd probably last a couple of seconds in a fight before she would end up getting pummeled. Hopefully, it will stay that way. All she had to do was clear out her locker and that was that. See ya later, Canterlot High.

Sunset started walking toward her locker which happened to be on the left side. She attempted to block out the harsh whispers of her former peers. She wanted to turn around and shout at them. Accuse them of being ungrateful because that's what they were. Completely and utterly ungrateful.

But she had done that in the past. Shouted at them, lost her mind completely and went off on them; pointed out how absolutely dumb it was of them to believe that she was actually anon-a-miss but all that got her was shouts in return. It didn't get her anywhere, it only peeved them off even more.

All Sunset could was... nothing. Arguing with them wasn't going to do anything so all she could really do was turn and walk away. It was humiliating... .

She sighed through her nose as she approached her locker. She began putting in the combination for the lock and as she reached the last number she frowned when the bar failed to unlock. Perhaps, it was jammed? She tried pulling the bar up and when it barely gave an inch, she retried the numbers.

When she reached the last one, it failed to unlock once again. A quiet groan came from her throat as she shook her head and she found herself staring at the damn locker in resentment.

"Something wrong, Anon?" She heard a scratchy voice come from behind her and she turned to find Lightning Dust along with three of her friends approaching her. One of them slightly bulky while the other two were more skinnier; around Lightning's weight.

This wasn't good. Sunset had an uneasy feeling peel it's way onto her skin, sensing something... bad was going to happen.

"I'm cleaning out my locker. Why?" Sunset turned to face her, slightly satisfied that she was able to keep the tremble out of her voice.

"Cause it looks like you can't get it open. I wonder why..." Lightning quirked her jaw, looking off to the side to pretend like she was thinking about something. What a moron...

"I'm guessing you had something to do with it?" There was no point in playing this girl's game, she was going to be out of here pretty soon and this was just another obstacle she needed to jump over. Might as well get it over and done with.

Lighting made an incredulous face. "Uh, no. I didn't do anything." She answered, feigning ignorance making the three yes-men behind her snigger.

Sunset couldn't help but chuckle a bit herself, to which they didn't take lightly. The initial worry she was feeling died down a bit, finding her current situation to be ironically amusing.

"I'm sorry, is something funny to you?" The fake ignorance that she was horribly playing off was gone, replaced by an angry look and her voice lowered as she stepped within Sunset's personal space.

"I-it's just... like you guys are so... cliché!" She answered, still chuckling slightly. She failed to notice that none of her friends were laughing now, instead they wore the same angry expression Lightning was wearing, like clones. "You guys are cornering me, pushing me up against a locker. It's just so... like typical?"

A small crowd started to form around them, observing the scene. They were enjoying, watching their satisfied and putrid smiles on their faces. What she wouldn't give to transform into a demon again...

She didn't miss the twitch in Lightning's eye. "Okay, since you say that." She suddenly shoved her head against the locker and Sunset slowly stumbled to the ground; clutching to her head. "You think you can just spew all that crap all over MyStable and expect to just walk outta here. Yeah, that's not gonna happen."

Still holding the back of her head, she was unable to stop the tears forming at her eyelids. She looked up to meet her glare, at the henchmen behind her. This was the day she was going to get pummeled to a pulp in front of the whole school. It was so demoralizing, they think she was getting what she deserved and those damn smirks.

She wanted to break them in half! Their angered is misplaced!

She caught sight of her former friends. The Rainbooms. Those backstabbing liars, after everything she's done for these halfwits. This school would be in ruins if it wasn't for her! They were watching the scene, Applejack and Rainbow were wearing the same stupid smirks as everyone else but she shouldn't be surprised; they were just like everyone else. They treated her like dirt, something that they walked all over. They wouldn't hear her out, not even listen to a single word until they snapped and threatened to use their "powers" on her like they did at the fall formal.

The other girls, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy looked like they just wanted to leave. Sunset didn't feel much for them, not much anger there. It was more so directed at Applejack and Rainbow. She didn't want to cry, she can't. She would not allow these self-centered, average-minded wretches to see her break!

Not like this...

Cowards... the whole lot of them!. She thought. After everything she's done...

Lightning smiled, noticing the tears brimming on Sunset's eyes. "Aw, you're crying. Oh no, doesn't feel so good now huh? Does it?"

Sunset let her head hang not before balling her right fist. Gathered all of her hate-fueled energy into her hand and swung as hard as she could. Her fist connected heavily with her cheek, a loud clack echoed as Lightning grunted; nearly falling onto her hind quarters. She would've if not for the lockers on the other side to catch her.

There was no way she was going to be able to defeat all four of them. No, she was going to get hospitalized if she stayed here. She took the opportunity to bolt when one of lightning's henchmen was quick enough to latch onto the collar of her jacket.

The sudden yank of her jacket caused her to trip and fall to the floor, the hold on her jacket slipping. She quickly scrambled to her feet only to be shoved into the lockers on the other side.

She grunted, turned to see the bulky yes-man charging toward her. She quickly lifted her leg, kicking him in the chest and pushing him back. It barely phased him before he made a break for her again.

The crowd from before was now larger than before and they were all huddled up in a circle cheering. Sunset swerved to the right, hoping it would toss him off guard. She didn't bother to take a glance when she heard a rattling crash behind her as she was now facing off against the two other henchmen; much more skinnier than the other one but that didn't matter regardless. Any punch that landed was going to hurt.

As Sunset struggled against the four brutes, Rarity and Fluttershy attempted to step in but was held back by Applejack and Rainbow. "What are you doing!? She's gonna get hurt!" Rarity exclaimed.

"S-stop!" Fluttershy attempted to shout, tears almost slipping through as she tried to do slip past as well. Pinkie could only watch helplessly from the sidelines, she wanted to help but she couldn't force herself to move; to scared to do anything. Even though Sunset was slipping their secrets out, she did not want to watch her get beaten.

"It's what... she deserves!" Rainbow grunted out, annoyed at how they were able to still have sympathy for her.

"Let it go y'all! Now back up!" Applejack barked.

"Let it go!? This is not right! It's overkill!" Rarity shouted back.

"You're overreacting, Rare!" Rainbow said.

"Excuse me!? I'm overreacting!? Look at you, what are you doing!? You're just letting this happen!"

"Why do you even care anyway!? You were just as mad as we were!"

"Yeah, I was but I'm not just gonna let something like this happen!"

Applejack gave a shove, not to forceful. Just enough to push both of them back. "Just stay out of it! Both of you!" Rarity scowled at the farmer while Fluttershy was now openly crying, leaving Pinkie Pie to comfort her. When they reluctantly stopped their attempts at breaking up the fight; Rainbow and Applejack turned back at the scene.

Desperately, Sunset began backing up as the bullies swung at her, it was impossible to block both of their punches at the same time. Barely any combat experience left her at a severe disadvantage. Taking a leap of faith, Sunset threw a kick, knocking herself off balance. She hoped it would knock back one of them. It landed and it managed to hit one of them in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground but immediately; a mayhem of punches from the other henchmen began swarming at her and she threw up her forearms in an attempt to block them.

It was working for the moment until they started to hurt. She ducked low simultaneously blocking and tackled him, pushing him up against the locker; completely unaware of the bulky henchmen trying to swing at her from behind.

Her hands were wrapped around the guy's neck, attempting to strangle him out when a kick to her left ribs knocked her of balance. She clutched to her ribs, stumbling away from him. Before she could even register what was happening, there was an unnoticeable force that smacked her across the face. A light flashed across her vision, blackness for a moment then she fell to the ground.

Sunset clutched to her face, tears now streaming down her face as the bullies circled around her.

Lightning Dust stared at anon-a-miss, groveling in front of her. In a fit of rage, being whacked across the face from earlier, she swung her leg as hard as she could; aiming for Sunset's head.

But it never landed. Her kick was stopped almost instantaneously, her leg was locked by a hand and a forearm pressing against it. She looked at the owner and scowled when she saw the pale colored girl.

The girl in question tossed her leg away, making it seem very easy. "What are you doing!?" Lightning exclaimed, regaining her balance. Her outburst caught the attention of her friends.

"She's had enough! Just leave her alone!" Bon Bon yelled.

Lyra was behind her with an anxious look on her face, her fingers fidgeting and wondering if she should step in as well.

"How about you stay out of this and mind your own damn business!"

"She's already on the floor, what more do you want!?"

Lightning didn't respond, her stare lingered on the pale girl for a few moments. Bon Bon was almost certain that Dust was going to attack, judging by the unmoving scowl she was receiving. Lyra was watching the henchmen and it appeared as if they were going to intervene.

Lightning ignored her and she swung her leg once again at Sunset only to be met with an abrupt crushing blow to her stomach. With barely anytime to react another blow connected to her face sending her to the floor; positively knocked out.

Bon Bon saw it coming from a mile away. She'd preferred not getting physical with them but Lightning wasn't going to listen and she doubted her yes-men were going to either.

As Lightning went to kick Sunset again, Bon Bon gave a swift but powerful shin kick to her abdomen before following up with another kick; confident that it would knock her out. Her shoe smacked against her face and it sent her to the ground with a daze look.

Her friends didn't even have time to register how quick she was when she spun around. Bon Bon ignored the skinnier ones entirely, she advanced on the more bulkier one. He tried to punch at her but she was quicker, much more experienced and had effortlessly dodged the first strike; catching the second punch. Locking her grip with her left hand, she rotated her body, finding herself behind the student. He yelped as his arm twisted along with her. In a swift yet precise motion, kicked the crook of his knee, pulling his head back with her free arm before finally letting go off his wrist and landed a quick elbow to his chest; effectively removing him from the fight.

He fell to the ground, still conscious but grimacing; a pained expression on his face.

She quickly turned to the two others who already coming at her. She threw a quick kick at one of them, he fell to the ground; clutching at his stomach. She then turned her attention at the other one who was in the process of throwing a punch. She ducked, simultaneously backing away while carefully watching the rhythm of his punches.

Finally, as he was throwing the next one; Bon Bon blocked it with her right hand. She quickly diverted it toward her left hand, allowing her to firmly lock it in place and gave an elbow to his chest. She finished him off with a knee to the abdomen and pushed him back against the locker with a kick.

The henchmen that she had kicked earlier began to get up but Bon Bon ran over and delivered a swift kick to his face; knocking him out.

She immediately scanned around, seeing everyone of the students staring at her in a mixture of amazement and shock but that's not what she was looking for. The bullies were laid out all over the floor. Lightning, her dazed look gone and now appeared to be napping. The bulky student was still holding his chest while holding up his other hand in surrender.

"You are all a bunch a cowards! Four on one and none of you decided to step in!? You're all pathetic!" Bon Bon shouted. No one said anything but the embarrassed, annoyed expressions were clear to read.

Taking the opportunity, Lyra walked over to Sunset and helped her up to her feet; noticing the red mark on her cheek.

"Okay, Bon Bon. Maybe this is our cue to get outta here?" Lyra gestured for them to leave the area. That was when Sunset finally noticed the fact that everyone was suddenly quiet, no longer cheering as they were when she was struggling against the bullies. The rainbooms looked on in a mixture of hostility and relief.

Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy wanted to go ahead and check on her but they all shared a mutual shame. Sunset may have been spreading their secrets, stuff that was only supposed to be known amongst friends but they never wanted this to happen to her. They felt betrayed and wanted their space, they did not want exact revenge her or attack her. However, the same couldn't be said about Applejack or Rainbow...

As Lyra, Bon Bon and Sunset went to leave, the crowd quickly scattered, forming a path for them to walk through. Once they left, the crowd dispersed, huffing in annoyance and went about their day.

Rarity turned to go her separate way when Rainbow stopped her. "Hey! Where are you going?" The audacity to act as if she did nothing wrong was beyond her.

"As if I would want to hang around you or you!" Rarity pointed at Applejack. "After what you did! I think it's best if we just stayed in our own lane for the time being." She concluded, seething with anger before she turned to leave.

"We didn't even do anythin'!" Applejack reasoned, pathetically.

"That is whole point!" Rarity snapped, her voice shrieked. She left before she ended up doing something she would later regret.

Applejack frowned before stealing a glance at Fluttershy who was still being comforted by Pinkie. The pink girl could only shake her head, a sad look before leaving with her crying friend.

Sunset hadn't felt this demoralized since the fall formal. The whole school staring at her with hatred, not forgiving like Twilight. The Rainbooms never forgave her, they never gave her a chance like Twilight did. They were only pretending.

She hated going to the nurse. She didn't need to be treated, the bruises would heal on their own. It's not like she caught the full beatdown, one fist floored her and she was lucky that's all she got. It was sort of the only way to show her gratitude to Bon Bon and Lyra by not disagreeing with their suggestion to go to the nurse even though she didn't need to or want to, for that matter.

Bon Bon and Lyra waited outside and the nurse was checking her injury. Thinking back to the moment she was ambushed by Lightning and her goons; she was flabbergasted at Bon Bon's kung-fu fighting skills. She never would've expected Bon Bon, of all people to be some type of master in martial arts.

But then again, Rarity had told her one time that she would sometimes practice Taekwondo which was shocking to hear; being the type of gal that she is. It's the ones you never expect.

Once the nurse was done, Sunset got up from her seat. She didn't really want to go out there again and face everybody. It was already humiliating enough getting cornered. This was ridiculous, she should be out of here by now. She was so close to leaving this putrid cesspool. She shoved those thoughts away before she pushed open the door.

Lyra and Bon Bon appeared to be chatting to one another when Lyra noticed Sunset leaving the nurse's room. A nervous smile made it's way onto Lyra's face and she got up to greet her. "Hey, y-you okay?"

Sunset nodded, still feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Y-yeah, I-I..." Bon Bon then made her way over to them, a concerned look on her face. "I-I just wanted to thank you. W-what you did..."

"Well, actually what Bon Bon did but..."

"It's okay, I hate unfair fights anyways." Bon Bon nodded, a smile on her face.

"You know, speaking of fights... you're pretty good!" Sunset said, making a smile of her own.

Bon Bon made a face. "Eh... I guess so."

"Are you serious!? Why are you always so modest!? You whooped all of their butts!" Lyra interjected, happily.

"You should've helped me instead of just watching."

"You look like you could've handled them and you did!"

Sunset frowned. "Wait, do you know how to fight?" She asked, looking at Lyra.

"Oh, well Bon Bon practices much more than I do but yeah."

"There's a dojo near the school we always go to. Been going there for years." Bon Bon added.

Sunset was momentarily stunned at this bit of information. They've been practicing martial arts for years? Thinking back to when she first arrived at the school, at the fall formal; she was glad that she never really interacted with the duo back then. "That's... amazing. What's the place called?"

"Hardhead's Silat Club!" Lyra answered. "Maybe, you could come with us sometime? That's if you want to, of course."

"Speaking of which, what are you gonna do now?" Bon Bon asked.

Sunset shrugged. "I don't know. I was just gonna pack up my things and go. Clean out my locker, head back to Equestria."

"Not gonna bother staying a bit longer?"

Sunset couldn't help but scoff. "What's the point? Everyone here hates me. There's nothing keeping me here and Celestia barely does anything."

"You said you were going to clear out your locker, right?"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah."

"Would you like some help?"

"Just to make sure no one else bothers you." Lyra added, a small smile on her face.

Sunset frowned, thinking it over. The last thing she wanted was to have bodyguards escorting her to the locker that would just draw more attention to her, something that she did not want. She had hoped that with class being in session, the halls would be emptied out. "I-If it's alright with you guys but I'd rather just do this on my own."

Bon Bon furrowed. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, class should have already started so I doubt anyone's gonna be out."

They looked unsure about her decision and she reassured them. "How about this? We'll just exchange numbers? I'll call you guys if there's any trouble."

"Well, I still prefer to go with you but if that's what you want..." Lyra said.

"Yeah, it's alright. I'll be fine."

Once she gave both girls her number, she said her goodbyes. She kept her gaze on them for a few moments before they disappeared around the corner, presumably to attend their class. It was nice finally having a pleasant interaction with people.

Since this whole Anon-a-miss ordeal, everyone's been downright hostile toward her. She was willing to let some of it go, the name-calling, shrugging her off and ignoring her but now she had just been jumped. That was unprecedented, no one had ever physically attacked her before and her former friends; the rainbooms didn't do anything to stop it.

She could've swore she heard Fluttershy in the crowd, screaming at them to stop but it was chaos, she may have just been imagining it. There wasn't much point to worrying about it, she wasn't going to bother talking to them any time soon anyway. Besides, they didn't even want to talk to her in the first place. Soon, she'll be out of this school (hopefully) forever.

Sunset started making her way toward her locker. Thankfully the halls were cleared out, no one was left to gawk at her. A thought was stuck at the back of her mind, her locker being messed with. This may take a while if Lightning did fiddle with her combo. Maybe she really didn't have anything to do with it...?

No. She must've done something with it, she must've. There's no way, out of all the times the lock could jam. Even at the time, she was amused at how typical her "attempt" was at bullying, so unbelievably cliché... and ultimately laughable too.

If there was no success with the locker, she'll just give Bon Bon a call. She and Lyra or maybe just her can beat the combination out of the flamboyant misfit. She's the one who messed with her locker, she was going to be the one who fixes it.

Comments ( 17 )

Sequel perhaps?

Is there any chance of creating a sequel?

sequel please!!!

Eh maybe. I just wanted to write this small segment but I'll consider writing a sequel.

I'd like to see more of this too!

I want to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash's expressions once they find out it was the Crusaders's doing.

Nice story.

I'm pretty sure that with their current attitude, the powers they received from being 'Elements of Harmony' would not work. Not with their personalities like that.

Interesting story and I would love to read a sequel if you ever make one.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it bro!

Desperately, Sunset began backing up as the bullies swung at her, it was impossible to block both of their punches at the same time. Barely any combat experience left her at a severe disadvantage. Taking a leap of faith, Sunset threw a kick, knocking herself off balance. She hoped it would knock back one of them. It landed and it managed to hit one of them in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground but immediately; a mayhem of punches from the other henchmen began swarming at her and she threw up her forearms in an attempt to block them.

barely any combat experience? she for real soloing these guys

Will this continue?

And no teachers around. :facehoof:

Comment posted by The S1CKENING deleted March 31st

U good, bro? Completely lambasted my notification box xD

Comment posted by The S1CKENING deleted March 31st
Comment posted by The S1CKENING deleted March 31st

Hey bro, u got a discord? Any social media?

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