• Published 25th Apr 2022
  • 317 Views, 11 Comments

Seven Hundred Seventy Seven Whiskers... and a Dragon - FrostTheWolf

When trying to finish a project that she needs to turn in before summer break, Smolder comes across an unfamiliar creature that wants her help to prevent their tribe from going extinct. Shenanigans ensue

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Part 3- Of Changelings and Catfish

“So, how has your time been at the School of Friendship?”

While that might have been a simple question to some creatures, it wasn’t exactly an easy one to Ocellus. Considering everything that had happened over the course of a year and all the experiences that she had with her friends, it was hard for her to try and summarize everything in just a few words. Especially if the creature that was asking was Thorax, the king of the changelings (and cuddles, unofficially). She had only arrived earlier today to see how the rest of the hive had been doing while she had been away before coming back to Ponyville. However, those plans were set aside when Thorax found her first and asked if she could join him for a walk.

Now, as they were approaching a vast lake that was underneath a giant plateau, Ocellus tried to muster up the courage to form an answer for him, “I-it’s been going well. A-A little bumpy at first, b-but I think things are a bit smoother now. My friends and I are already thinking of ideas for what we can do during the summer break. W-what about you?”

“Well, unlike you, we haven’t had anything too interesting happen lately,” Thorax told her, “Though, I will admit, doing something during the summer does sound like an interesting idea. However, since all of this is still fresh in my mind, I haven’t really thought further than that.”

However, while that might have sounded good, Ocellus really didn’t want to admit that the ideas regarding summer vacation had one particular issue that blocked them from going any further. That issue being that, as a group, she and her friends can be rather indecisive. So many ideas from different perspectives that it was difficult for them to actually finalize a single choice that they could all agree on. Not only that, but they didn’t want to try and cram everything that they wanted to do all at once because it wouldn’t really give them enough time to actually enjoy those things.

“I see. What if-?”

Before the king of the love bugs had the chance to finish what he was saying though, both of them could hear the sound of squeaks and a voice call out from on top of the plateau behind them, “By the Big One, we made it!! This place is a perfect location for the festival, yes yes!

“Did you… hear that?” Thorax now asked, a bit baffled by the sudden outburst from where he and Ocellus were standing. Ocellus herself could only give a nod, before she looked up at the ledge to try and see if there was any creature up there.

Only to see a small catfish on two legs holding up a pair of fans that you would find in Neighpon. “WASSHOI!! WASSHOI!!

Gyoza, what do you think you’re doing!?

What? I’m praising the Big One for this blessing, yes yes! It’s because of them that I was set on this path!

You numbskull! If it wasn’t-

It was at this point that a third voice soon spoke up. However, unlike the previous two, Ocellus actually recognized this one. “Can you two not do this right now? Gyosei and I still need your help with putting up the last of these things you brought along and hearing you guys argue doesn’t help.

“W-wait… Smolder?”

Thorax couldn’t help but be a little curious as he turned to Ocellus, “You recognize them?”

“O-one of them,” Ocellus nervously admitted, before she looked back at . “D-do you remember the dragon that was with Ember on the first day of school?”

“Partially… Can you-?” For a brief moment, a teal flicker began to shimmer around Ocellus as she changed her form to look like the dragon that she was talking about. “Oh yes, I remember now. You two are good friends now, right?”

“Yeah,” Ocellus said as she returned to her normal self, “H-however, I… don’t know why she would be out here of all places or what she would be doing.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” Thorax said as he spread his wings and lifted himself off the ground, “Let’s go take a look.”

Before Ocellus even had the chance to comprehend what he was talking about, the changeling king was already flying halfway up the plateau as she hastily tried to catch up with him. When they made it to the top, the two of them found that the once empty plateau was in the process of being turned into a makeshift pavilion. The fish creature that Ocellus saw for a moment earlier was with two others, who all looked rather strange and similar to one another.

Of course, the main thing that caught her attention was the all too familiar dragon that was standing a short distance away from them, “Smolder? What are you doing here?”


“You know this one, one?” the voice of the first catfish creature, who was called ‘Gyoza’ asked.

“S-she’s a friend-”

“A friend? Then, she is here to help us, us?” The second voice, who Ocellus had heard but did not know the name of, spoke this time.

“I hate to interrupt,” Thorax now decided to speak up as he looked at the dragon, “But I’m now just as curious. What seems to be going on here?”

Smolder only let out a deep sigh as she looked back at both of the changelings. “It’s… a lot to explain.”

Some time later…

“So, let me see if I get this right. Professor Fluttershy was concerned about your grade in the class, and she assigned you a project for you to boost your grade?”

“Yeah, that just about summarizes it,” Smolder admitted as she scratched the back of her head with her claws.

“Okay,” Ocellus took a quick glance over at the ‘Namazu’ that were talking among themselves, “But how did that lead to-?”

“Well, for that project, Fluttershy wanted me to put what we’ve been learning in class into practice. So, I tried to go out in Ponyville to see if any creature needed help… only to get not so lucky,” Smolder then motioned the thumb of her right claw over to where Gyoza was, “Then, I found Gyoza passed out in an empty alley. After I… got him back on his flippers per se, he wanted for me to help him because he thought that someone like me was capable of helping his tribe.”

“So, given the criteria of the assignment you were given, you went along with helping Gyoza? With what exactly?” Thorax now asked.

“Well, early on, I couldn’t really tell what it was they needed help with, other than the ominous notion that if I didn’t, his kind would go extinct,” At this, the eyes of both of the changelings looked to be wide as saucers, and the dragon wasn’t quite done yet. “Later on, I met the other two, Gyosei and the self proclaimed ‘Suigetsu the All Knowing’. It gets a little bit weird after that because Gyoza claims to have seen visions from his ancestor and received a prophecy from them.”

“And that ties in how?”

“From the sounds of it, his tribe needs to hold a seven year long celebration every seven hundred and seventy seven years to celebrate the birth of their people. If they fail to do this, then the waters of ‘the one river’ that they see as sacred will dry up and they will cease to exist,” Smolder replied, “So, I got pulled along and I’m helping the best I can… somewhat.”

“I… see,” Ocellus blinked, shaking her head for a second as she tried to process everything that she had heard, “Smolder, if I may, why didn’t you ask one of our friends to help you with your project?”

The dragon then folded her arms as she let out a sigh, “Because I thought that, since this was an issue that only happened to me, that I should be the one to fix it. I didn’t want to drag the rest of our friends along into something that I only needed to-.”

“But you should, yes yes!”

At this point, both of the changelings and the dragon turned over towards the Namazu as Gyoza approached them, “Did you really think that this is a task that only we could do while everyone just sat on their fins? No, no!”

“Gyoza just told us that, according to the vision he had, his ancestor wanted us to bring in volunteers from all walks of life.” Gyosei needed. “So, these friends you mentioned would be perfect for such a festival.”

“And… how many Volunteers do you need?” Thorax asked, “Like a group or-”

“Over Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven,” Gyoza interjected, “And with all of us here, including you two, that means we need Seven hundred and Seventy One more!”

To Smolder, that seemed a bit sudden. However, to Thorax, the notion was actually an interesting one. The changeling king wanted to think of something special that the drones of the hive could do to not only celebrate summer, but also help others. So, despite the unexpected conscription into the Namazu’s efforts, something like this intrigued him.

“I see,” Thorax smiled, something that caught Ocellus and Smolder by surprise, “If you are okay with it, I can have members of the Changeling Kingdom assist you as well. Though, if you don’t mind, I have some questions for you.”

“Questions, questions? What kind of questions?”

“Just two, nothing more,” the king said, “First, what kind of volunteers are you looking for? Anything specific?”

“Well, we Namazu are mostly artisans by trade. However, there are those of our people who catch fish, gather plants and craft goods for a living as well, yes yes,” Gyosei replied, “If you want to lend a fin, perhaps some creatures that are familiar with such arts?”

“Ocellus, what is happening?”

“I think Thorax is… on board with this somehow.” the cyan changeling replied, who was just as confused by what was happening as Smolder was.

“I believe that can be done,” Thorax replied, “Now, for my other question. You said that you were planning a festival. Based on what I remember from Equestrian Culture, such large festivals would have activities to cater to those who are visiting. Did you have anything in mind for this?”

At this question, both Gyosei and Suigetsu turned towards Gyoza, “Our newfound volunteer brings up a point, yes yes. Do you recall anything in your vision about this Gyoza? What sort of activities did this festival entail?”

That was when Gyoza began to ponder… and ponder… and ponder for several long minutes as everyone just stood there and waited. However, after so long a wait, the answer that they got wasn’t exactly… hopeful.

“ … What matter of activities… Yes… yes…” he murmured, before shaking his head, “Apologies, friends and new volunteers, but even with my vision, my ancestor didn’t quite say what is to be done at the festival.”

It was at this moment that Smolder and Ocellus realized the steam that was coming off of Suigetsu’s head and slowly began to back away.

In one single moment, all the creatures of Equestria heard two words echo all around the entire star.


Author's Note:

6 down... 771 more to go.

Comments ( 2 )

Oh hey I remember this quest. Kinda. (It’s been over a year :p )

Not a bad start but you’ll need to crank up the comedy and random to really make it work in this format. If you strip out the gameplay and daily progression barrier the source story is insanely short.

I plan to try and add more over the course of time. But this is just toget things started. Heck, the operations camp isn't fully set up yet

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