• Published 4th May 2022
  • 363 Views, 4 Comments

Equestria Girls Final Fantasy Adventures - GuardianDemonsWriter

After an encounter with a mysterious painting, Flash Sentry encounters a new world.

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FFIX Part 4

The group, consisting of Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Steiner, Flash, and Twilight arrived in the village of Dali. “We should find a place to stay for the night,” Zidane suggested. Everyone else nodded. It had been a long day for them, and it was time to get some rest. They went to the nearest inn. When they entered, the owner was asleep at the counter. “Excuse me, good sir? We would like a room or two please?” Zidane said.

The owner kept sleeping until a cat on the other end of the room went up to him and woke him up. “Huh?” he mumbled. “Oh, right, we have two rooms available, one for the gentlemen and the other for the ladies,” he said.

“Excellent, we’ll take them,” said Zidane. He, Steiner, Vivi, and Flash went to one room, while Dagger and Twilight went to the other room next door to it. Steiner and Vivi almost immediately fell asleep. “Heh, those two are pretty tired,” said Zidane. Flash nodded in agreement. They then heard voices from the other room.

“Do you hear that?” asked Zidane.

“Yeah, this inn must have thin walls,” said Flash.

“I know we shouldn’t eavesdrop on them, but they might be talking about us!” Said Zidane.

“Well, I’m going to respect their privacy. So you can listen to them if you want,” said Flash

“They are talking about us,” said Zidane simply.

Meanwhile in the other room, Dagger and Twilight were indeed talking about them. “So, it seems like Zidane was taking an interest in you,” said Dagger with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

“Don’t tell me that you were jealous. Because it was not like that at all,” said Twilight.

“Oh I’m not jealous,” said Dagger. “You on the other hand looked like you were about to burn a hole in that other boy’s head when I talked to him.

Twilight blushed at that statement. She was no Applejack, but saying that she was bad at fibbing was an understatement. “I-I was not jealous!” She replied. This only got her a weird look from Dagger.

“Then why didn’t you walk with him?” She asked.

“Well, I uh…” Twilight stammered.

“And it is pretty obvious that you somehow know him from somewhere. So spill it. What is your deal?”.

Twilight didn’t know what to say. “He…helped me. When I was in a jam,” she said.

“Oh really? Well I haven’t met him before now, so I don’t know how you’ve met him before, so go on!”.

“Well I was…framed for something and he cleared my name. I was…disguised as a commoner so no one knew that I was a princess. This one person framed me for a mess that…they made so I nearly got in trouble for it, but Flash came to my defense and proved my innocence,”. That should be good. Besides, Twilight was not technically lying. Flash didn’t know that she was a Princess when he defended her back then.

“Well, maybe you should ask yourself how you really feel about him. He seems like a nice enough guy,” said Dagger.

“Y-yeah, he is really sweet,” said Twilight.

“We should get to sleep,” said Dagger, “tomorrow, we can figure out how to get to Lindblum,”. The two of them then went to sleep.

The next morning, everyone got up. They all decided to explore the village and find out some way to get to Lindblum. Except Steiner who wanted to go to Alexandria and was trying to find some way to do so. He then decided to work for the local tavern. Meanwhile, Dagger was watching an old woman work on the fields.

“What are you working on?” she asked her.

“The crops,” the old woman responded, “gotta get these oglops off of them,”.

“Oglops? You mean like this?” said Dagger, holding up a small bug-like creature.

“Yeah, that’s it. Although girls your age usually freak out when they see one,” said the old woman.

Dagger, realizing that she should act more like a “normal'' teenage girl, threw the Oglop into the air with a shriek. The old woman was confused about the action, but disregarded it and went back to tending the crops.

Meanwhile, Vivi was watching the windmill slowly turn. He’d never seen one before, but his grandpa mentioned that humans and other races use them to generate power. He then heard a quiet sound coming from somewhere.

“Huh? What is that?” he wondered. Meanwhile, two children were watching him.

“Is that one of those things?” the boy asked his companion, a young girl.

“Looks like it,” the girl said. “We’d better tell one of th’ grown ups!” The two of them hurried off somewhere.

As Vivi was watching the windmill, Zidane ran up to him. “Hey Vivi, what’s up?” he asked.

“N-nothing,” said Vivi. “I just heard a weird noise,”.

“A weird noise? From where?” Zidane asked.

“I don’t know, but the noise sounded like ‘Kweh’,” said Vivi.

“Huh, that’s the sound that chocobos make. But I have not seen any around here,” said Zidane.

Unknown to both of them, Twilight and Flash were watching from a bit away. “Chocobo's, what are those?” Twilight asked.

“They are a type of bird that is used for getting around in this world. Sort of like…” he paused unsure on how to say what he was about to say. He didn’t really want to talk about how humans ride horses in front of the girl who basically was a horse. Or pony in this case.

“Yeah? Like what?” Twilight asked.

“Er, how about we go check out that shop over there,” said Flash pointing to the item shop and running towards it.

“Flash! Get back here!” Twilight yelled as she ran after him.

Meanwhile, Zidane left to do his own thing while Vivi continued to watch the windmill. Not noticing a couple of men sneaking up behind him. Suddenly, they grabbed him and dragged him off somewhere.

Zidane and Dagger arrived back at the inn to see Flash and Twilight talking.

“So every year when we have a renaissance festival, Vice Principal Luna gets really into it! She uses old-timey speak like ‘thou should’t run in thy hallways!’,” Flash was saying.

“Ha Ha, yeah, the Luna in Equestria was like that when she visited on one Nightmare Night. She can be a bit theatric,” Twilight said, “What else?” she asked.

“Oh, one time, I think it was after a night where Principal Celestia drank a lot, over the announcements she revealed that Luna went through a whole ‘dark and broody’ phase when she was younger. Apparently she called herself ‘Nightmare Moon’,”.

“Hmm, interesting. Our Luna turned into Nightmare Moon because of her jealousy towards Celestia, but what happened with your world’s Luna is a lot tamer,”. The two suddenly notice Zidane and Dagger watching them.

“How long have you two been standing there?” Twilight asked.

“Long enough,” said Dagger. ‘Glad that she’s making progress,’ she thought.

“Have any of you seen Vivi?” Zidane asked?

“No we haven’t, it’s just been us two,” said Twilight.

“That’s weird, he was watching the windmill for a while, and that’s where I last saw him. We should go and investigate it,” said Zidane. The others agreed and went back to the windmill where Vivi was last seen. While looking around, they heard a faint noise like someone was crying. “Vivi? Is that you?” Zidane asked.

“Zidane?” a small voice asked. It was coming from a small hole in the ground.

“Vivi! Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“I-i think so…” said Vivi. “But I don’t know where I am,”.

“Stay right there, we’ll find you,” said Flash.

The four of them looked around and eventually found an entryway in the building next to the windmill. They went down into the cellar revealing an underground passageway. They decided to head down it to see if Vivi was anywhere.

As they were walking along, they saw two men escorting someone. It was Vivi! They made him get into a box and began to talk to each other.

“Don’t know how this one escaped,” the first man said.

“Eh, I don’t know why it matters since we are only getting paid to produce these things,” said the second man.

“True, but might as well put this one with the others,” the first man said.

As they were talking, Zidane, Dagger, Twilight, and Flash were watching from a hiding place. “Those scumbags!” growled Zidane as he began to take out his daggers. “I’m gonna teach them a little ‘lesson’,”. He started to walk forward, but was stopped by Dagger.

“Hold it,” she said. “Those images on those crates…they are Alexandria’s. Could mother be involved in this?” she wondered. As she was thinking about this, the two men left which allowed them to go over and free Vivi.

“Hey Vivi, are you alright?” asked Zidane.

“Y-yeah,” said Vivi.

“You know, what you should have done is defend yourself,” said Zidane. “You could have yelled ‘LEAVE ME ALONE!’ or use that fire spell you know,”.

Vivi was silent for a bit.

“We should look around some more,” said Dagger, breaking the silence. “I want to see what this has to do with my mother. The others agreed and looked around a bit more. They soon found out where the chocobo noises were coming from (one was kept in a pen) and after opening a door, they released a bunch of mist, which set monsters loose on them. After fighting off the monsters on their way through the hideout, they eventually came upon something strange.

It was a machine that was using the mist from outside to create things that looked like eggs. Another chocobo was running on a wheel in order to power the machine. “I wonder what those eggs are?” said Zidane. The group goes into the next room where they see what the eggs really were.

They are black mages. And they look similar to Vivi. The poor kid was shaking, clearly confused about all of this. “W-what?” he asked, barely able to get what he wanted to say out loud.

“What are those things?” Twilight asked, “and…why do they look like Vivi?”.

“I don’t know but we shouldn’t stay here,” said Zidane as he led the group outside. In the distance, they could see an airship. “Hey, maybe that airship will take us to Lindblum!” said Zidane. As they started to head towards the airship, something swooped down in front of them.

“Hold it!” the creature demanded. “I am Black Waltz Number Two. You may have defeated One, but you won’t defeat me!” he said as he engaged in battle with the party. “Princesses, stand still while I exterminate these insects!” he declared.

The battle then commenced as Zidane and Flash attacked Number Two with their daggers, while Dagger and Twilight healed them if they got too injured. Vivi tried to use a Fire attack on him, but he only laughed. “You call that a fire attack?” he asked, “this is a fire attack!” he announced as he used a powerful fire attack on the entire group, seriously hurting them. But after a quick healing from Twilight and Dagger (and a few potions), they were back on their feet and eventually vanquished Number Two.

“Come on! Let’s get to the airship!” said Zidane as the group ran to the airship that was waiting in the field. When they got there, they saw that Steiner was standing right next to it.

“Hey Steiner, does this ship go to Lindblum?” Dagger asked.

Steiner didn’t respond right away. The ship was actually going to Alexandria, but the princess did not want to go to Alexandria. It would be best if he just plays along. “Er… yes,” he said. Twilight immediately detected a lie in his words, but before she could speak up, Zidane spoke first.

“Cool, nice of you to get us this airship, Rusty,” he said. Steiner just grumbled in response. The others started to climb the airship. Steiner going first, then Dagger, then Zidane, then Twilight, Flash, and Vivi. Although Zidane got a good feel of Dagger’s ass (“Ooh! Soft!”). Once on the airship, they discovered that the Black Mages that they saw back in the village were working on it. They did not respond when talked to. They eventually went up on the deck to get a good view. Unfortunately, they were being followed.

A smaller ship with the third Black Waltz along with Zorn and Thorn was following them. “I will succeed where One and Two failed,” Three said as the ship got closer. Right as they got right next to it, Three casted a thundera attack right at the ship.

“Gah!” Zidane cried out as the ship took damage. “What is happening out there?!”. He, along with Flash, Steiner, and Twilight ran outside to see what was going on as Dagger kept control of the ship. They saw Three floating above the deck. The black mage workers, along with Vivi, were standing in front of him. The black mages seemed to be protecting him from Three.

“What are you doing you fools!?” Three yelled at them, “Outta my way!”. He shot another thundera attack at them which caused a huge explosion. The black mage workers casted fire spells at him, but he brushed them off. “Fine, be that way you useless automatons!” Three yelled as he shot all of them with lightning causing all of the workers to fall off the airship as Vivi watched helplessly.

“Hey Vivi, are you alright?” Zidane asked. Vivi said nothing. He began to shine with a bright white light.
“They were alive…how could you do that to them?!” he said with anger as he began to glow brighter.

“Bah, they were mindless. They had no emotions!” Three said. “But it is strange, you are different somehow. Doesn’t matter. I’ll get rid of you just like the others!”.

“No,” Vivi said as he glowed brighter than before. “You. Will. Not!” And with a flash of light, he completed his transformation. His clothes were now all white, and powerful magic radiated off of him.

“What is going on?” Twilight asked Flash.

“That’s trance, it’s an ability from this world. It comes out during strong emotions,” Flash replied.

“I can feel his magic, it is very powerful,” said Twilight.

“FIRE!” yelled Vivi as he launched a fire spell at Three. “AND AGAIN!” he yelled as he launched another one.

“Gah!” Three yelled as the fire attacks, plus attacks from Zidane, Flash, Twilight, and Steiner, harmed him. He fell off the airship and back into his own. Severely damaged, he flew into a rage, causing Zorn and Thorn to bail out of the ship. “Princess…must…destroy…only…made…,” he mumbled as he casted a final powerful lightning spell at the airship and gave chase.

Meanwhile, Dagger was steering the ship towards the gate. “We are almost there Dagger, keep going!” Zidane yelled. The ship went inside the gate, but Three was not too far behind. And the exit was closing as well. Fortunately, the airship was able to make it through the gate, though not without sufficient damage to it. As for Three, his ship crashed while inside the gate.

“There it is,” Dagger said. “We finally made it to Lindblum,”.