• Published 12th Apr 2022
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Half Life VR, But The AI Is Self Aware, and in Equestria! - Stalin with Da Spoon

When Gordon and his friends Bubby, Coomer, and Tommy defeated Benry and had that sweet party at chucky e cheese, they expected to be transported back to black mesa, however, they have ended up in a far different land... As you expect, chaos follows.

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Prologue: Hello Gordon!

Chucky E Cheese.

Gordon's Perspective.

It was a good day for Freeman and the gang. Today, was Tommy's birthday, as several of Dr. Coomers clones danced up on stage, along with the original Dr. Coomer, Bubby, Tommy Coolatta, and even the G-Man, Tommy's father, as they all were busy dancing in the light, vibing to the epic music, as Freeman was busy looking out the window, at... The skeleton...

"Why won't you go away?" The skeleton simply flipped freeman the skeleton bird, before stepping behind a pole and vanishing. "I'm not gonna question it, you can't get rid of him, I guess, hes always gonna be there..." He sighed and shrugged, looking back to seeing a clone of Dr Coomer, or the original, he couldn't tell, as he rapidly hit a minion hanging from the ceiling rapidly with his crowbar, making angry noises as he did so.

"I am going to get your juicy candy insides, you pinata!" Tommy's dog, sunkist, was next to Coomer, as he just barked. Meanwhile, Bubby and Tommy were busy shooting their SMG's at what appeared to be Chucky E Cheese himself, as he was running around in circles. When Charles Entertainment Cheese The Third finally fell, Tommy and bubby celebrated, meanwhile, Dr. Coomer walked up to Gordon, facing him as he smiled at the doctor.

"Hello Gordon!"

"Hey Coomer, hows the party?"

"Its pretty cool, Gordon."

"Question, I thought you absorbed all your clones, why are they all here now?"

"Well, when we defeated benry, I released the energy I used to defeat him, and as such, the energy re-manifested itself as my clones!"

"Of course, you went and used the 'forbidden science' and became a knock off hulk as you beat Benry's ass, how could I forget? By the way, it was pretty fucking awesome."

"Indeed!" Bubby then noticed the conversation and joined in.

"I am personally very excited for when we get to see the outside world! I myself have never been outside, because you know, I was grown inside that damn test tube. Although, that G-man, or whatever his name is, said he would teleport us back to Black Mesa supposedly for... Clean up, or something."

"I mean, we did cause massive amounts of destruction and chaos."

"As well as wiped out the entirety of the united states military!"

"Yeah, can't forget about that big achievement. Also, gordon, what ever happened to your minigun arm?" Bubby asked as Gordon looked at his now fully healed right arm, his minigun attachment missing.

"Hey... Your right, its gone, but hey, I got my hand back!" Suddenly, the G-Man appeared right behind Gordon, as the HEV clad man jumped into the air in surprise.

"Jeez man, warn people when you do stuff like that!"

"Apologies Freeman, but anyways, you still have your minigun, just, you can only use it during more... Dangerous scenarios."

Gordon nodded, knowing full well what the strange man meant by 'Dangerous Scenarios'. Just then, Tommy came up to the group with his usual smile on his face as he spoke in a happy tone.

"Dad, this is the best party ever!"

"Only the best for you, my son... Now, do you wish to go see a movie?"

"A party at Chucky E Cheese, AND a movie all in one day? THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!" As the G-man created a portal to the theater, the gang walked through, as G-man entered last and the portal closed behind them, leaving behind the vanquished body of chucky himself.

At the theater...

As Freeman was busy getting some popcorn from the snack stand, Coomer came up next to him. "Gordon. I have a question."

"Yes, dr. Coomer?"

"When you eventually decide to power down the game... Will you leave us?" Gordon felt a sense of sadness overwhelm him. He didn't want to abandon his friends, he wanted to stay here with them and continue having the fun times. That's when he had an idea.

"Why don't we ask the G-man for ideas?"

"Excellent thinking Gordon!" As he said this, conveniently, the G-man appeared right next to them for a soda refill, as he turned to them.

"I believe I overhead something about you wishing to never have to leave this world, Gordon... I believe I can... Help with that." Gordon and Coomer looked at each other excitedly, happy that the G-man could help them.

"So, what can you do?"

"Oh, its quite simple really, I just render you within this world, then transfer your soul from your computer, and boom, your in the game."

"Wait, why is my soul in my computer?" Coomer slowly peeked over Gordons shoulder.

"Why else do you use it so often Gordon?" Gordon simply shrugged as the G-man extended his hand.

"Soooooo, do you accept?" Freeman nodded, as he gripped the G-mans hand, and promptly, and without warning, blacked out. And as he woke up on the floor, he felt... Different. Like he could truly feel himself on the floor, truly feel himself breathing... It worked! He was in the game, as everyone was gathered around him, cheering as he woke up.

"Wahoo, mr Freeman is alive!"

"Hello, gordon!"

"Phew, for a second I thought you died!"

"Nope, just transferred my soul into a videogame, nothing special." He said slowly standing up on his feet. "So, yall up for that bank robbery we were talking about?" The gang collectively nodded, as G-man walked over to the door of the theater and opened it, revealing a green portal.

"This way to leave, my friends... Have a good time with your friends, tommy!"

"I will dad! Weeeeeee!" He said running through the portal, bubby preparing to follow suit, as he charged forward.

"Geronimo!" As he entered, Dr. Coomer, turned to G-man and nodded, then to Freeman and smiled.

"See you on the other side, Gordon!" He said charging in. Finally, it was Gordons turn, as he faced the portal, psyching himself up.

"Alright, lets do this." He turned to G-man, giving off a salute as he charged right through the portal. Little did the gang know, they would end up in a far different place than they had expected...