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The Story

After reporting the incident to the authorities Sugar Cookie and Scootaloo returned to Ponyville. Scootaloo looked at Sugar Cookie and knew she was shaken up.

“Hey you did your best” Sugar Cookie said with sympathy

“But I know I didn’t” Scootaloo said with tears

Scootaloo ran to her home and just cried into her pillow. All she could think is that she was able to save Sugar Cookie so why not Gumdrop Heart. Sugar Cookie along with Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood stood right outside her door.

“Sweetie we didn’t mean to hurt you we just…really messed up” Mane Allgood said with regret

“Just go away” Scootaloo said broken and full of tears

The next day Sugar Cookie met up with Sour Lemon who had just gotten out of the hospital.

“I am worried about Scootaloo.” Sugar Cookie said

“She won’t come out of her room, she won't eat anything, she won’t sleep, she is turning everyone away and she keeps mumbling about seeing the horrors of pony kind in her mind.”

“We need to give her time.” Sour Lemon replied “She will come around eventually”

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood ran right towards Sour Lemon and Sugar Cookie along with two other ponies. A dark brown male pony with light brown hair and chocolate chip cookie cutie mark and a light green female pony with dark green hair and a chocolate chip cookie with two mint leaves as a cutie mark.

“Hey we’re Sugar Cookies’ parents” Mint Chip said

“Have either of you two seen Scootaloo” Snap Shutter said with a panicked look on his face “She told me she was going to Mint Chip and Chip Chocolates’ house but they haven’t seen her either.”

“Oh no!” Sugar Cookie exclaimed “I remember her saying in her mumbling that she wanted to fix her mistake and I remember telling her before all this about how my parents have a collection of books on dark magic”

The six of them raced back to Sugar Cookies’ house and into her parents' library. The book on bringing back a pony from the dead was gone. The six of them all looked at each other in sheer abject horror.

“Mint Chip and Chocolate Chip look after Sugar Cookie and Sour Lemon” said Snap Shutter

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood ran and found Rainbow Dash

“Rainbow Dash we need your help” Said Snap Snap Shutter “Scootaloo ran off and she is in danger”

“We need you to talk to her”

“We are coming along too”

“This mess is at least partially our fault and we intend to fix it”

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood raced towards the place where Gumdrop Heart had been buried and Rainbow Dash followed along. Meanwhile Scootaloo had reached Gumdrops’ grave. She drew the incantation circle and began to chant the incantation. Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood and Rainbow Dash finally caught up with her but it was too late. Gumdrop popped her front left hoof out of the ground then her front right hoof and came out of the ground.

“Gumdrop it’s me try to remember who you are” Scootaloo said

Gumdrops’ memories were all jumbled. She put her front hoofs over her head and near her ears and cringed in agony. She then began to charge at Scootaloo with a blood lust look in her eyes and Scootaloo began to run. Rainbow Dash charges in and upper cuts Gumdrop Heart with her front left hoof. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood join the fight. Snap Shutter pins Gumdrop Heart to a tree nearby.

“Scootaloo you have to reverse this” Exclaimed Snap Shutter

“No I have to fix this” Scootaloo said “My entire family was based on a lie, I don’t even know if my aunts were really in love with each other”

“With all the new knowledge I panicked”

“But I can still save her”

“Look I am sorry that we lied to you for so long” said Snap Shutter sympathetically “But look at her she is suffering you can’t save her”

Gumdrop Heart breaks free from Snap Shutters’ grasp, hits his right eye with her front right hoof, grabs hold of his front right hoof enough to break it and flings him into another tree. Half blind and unable to move, Snap Shutter was out of the fight. Scootaloo ran towards the incantation circle. Gumdrop Heart tries running towards her. Mane Allgood tries to block Gumdrop Heart with her left wing. Gumdrop Heart bites her wing and pulls so hard that it rips right off. Mane Allgood falls to the ground with blood coming out of her. Rainbow Dash drop kicks Gumdrop Heart with her front right hoof and holds her off. Scootaloo reaches the incantation circle and chants the reverse incantation.

“I have the second piece” whispered a mysterious voice

“Hey buddy are you okay” Asked Rainbow Dash not know what to say

Scootaloo begins to cry. Rainbow Dash uses her left wing to bring her close to her chest and then as a blanket as Scootaloo cries into her chest. After several minutes Scootaloo finally stopped crying.

“It looks like you’re gonna need a new caretaker hu squirt” Said Rainbow Dash “I think I would be willing to take you in”

“Really” Scootaloo said hopeful

“Of course I would be happy to” Said Rainbow Dash as the two of them hugged each other.

When the five of them got back Sour Lemon and Sugar Cookie raced towards Scootaloo and hugged her.

“Are you okay” Sugar Cookie asked

“I am alright” Scootaloo answered

“We’re glad to see that you’re okay” Sour Lemon said with relief

“I’m still a little shook up by all that has happened” Scootaloo said “But I am glad to know that I have ponies who love me and will help me through it”

“Plus I now have Rainbow Dash taking care of me”

“That’s wonderful” Said Sugar Cookie “So will you be coming to the family day fair”

“Of course me and my sister would love to come Rainbow Dash said

Scootaloo smiled and the two of them hugged.

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