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All of a sudden, the train shook as though bombarded by artillery fire. A dark red and yellow bus had slammed into the train, tossing it onto its side. Tizzy Humbug and Mort Swain were thrust against the wall while Quip Pundit was thrown across the room, barely catching himself with his wings before he hit the wall. The three were in a panic, rushing out the emergency exit to see what had happened.

As they exited the train, the bus backed up and parked next to it, the smiling face painted on its bonnet now frowning from the bend of the crushed metal. Two ponies, wearing the military green garments of the proletariat, burst out of the vehicle.

“Our scanners picked up powerful class struggle signals from this time period. We’re here to lead your revolution!” cried Doughnut Joe, holding out his hoof to the group.

Quip Pundit looked at him, eyes glistening at the prospects of revolution. Big Macintosh stood by his side, examining the damaged bus.

Tizzy Humbug looked irritated, “Your device must be malfunctioning. Ever since Our Friend and Liberator, Cadence, came, we’ve had perfect equality amongst all ponies.”

“Well, we’re using the ‘Horse Inequality Probe,’ which has proven to be incredibly accurate. HIPs don’t lie. We can see that only that which benefits unicorns gets done here, and that must end. Your civilisation may not have been blessed with a pony like Mane Zedong, but that does not mean you cannot fight back! Follow us, we must overthrow the unicorns!”

Quip Pundit took one look at his friends and walked away to join Big Macintosh and Doughnut Joe. Mort Swain grabbed him by the shoulder to pull him back.

“We already have equality, Quip. I’m all for murder and overthrowing governments, but not if they’re innocent. Life is meaningless anyway since we’ll all be gone in the end, so why work toward improvement at all?”

Tizzy Humbug stepped in, “What did the unicorns ever do to you? We have a stable government where you are represented by intelligent, upper-class unicorns who regularly fight for your well-being. And now what, do you plan to throw them out for trying to help you? Do you think you’re the only one suffering? I have to deal with constant anxiety, and I can barely get more than seven hours of sleep each night. What happened to you?”

Quip Pundit laughed at this, “Ha! Of course you, a unicorn, would think that you know suffering. You were too elegant to fight in the war. You never had to live in the trenches. You didn’t murder your own parents at the command of a unicorn who hadn’t even seen the outside of their palace! The only thing that could possibly stop me from joining the revolution is the fact that you might benefit from it. Good luck.” He trotted into the bus with Big Macintosh and Doughnut Joe, and after a brief period of sputtering, they drove off toward Crystal City.