• Published 19th Mar 2022
  • 394 Views, 1 Comments

Bolas' Reformed - Nemesis Sol

The Spirit Dragon, rather than imprisoning his brother on the Meditation Realm takes him to Equestria to get Reformed.

  • ...

The Mane 6 meet the Twins

Twilight was enjoying a book, and spike was helping around the library, until he belched a note.
Spike grabbed the note and read it.
"Twilight? Princess Celestia requests us." He said.
This caught Twilight by surprise.
"What does it say?" She asked.
Spike looked back at the note and read aloud; "Dear my faithful student Twilight Sparkle. I request you and your friends to come to the Cantorlot Palace for a unexpected situation that I think you can help me with."

Twilight then got up, and ran out the library to gather her friends, with Spike following behind.

(Cantorlot Castle)

Twilight, and her friends ran through the door.
"You requested to see us Princess Celestia..." Twilight slowly stopped talking as fear kicked in.
The Mane 6 also stopped in place as in front of them were two dragons. One standing, and one lying on the ground.
"Greetings." Said the one standing.
The all began to shake in fear as Celestia walked past Ugin to greet them. "Relax guys. He is friendly. Twilight I have requested you and your friends to help me, and this dragon with a problem about the one lying on the ground." She said.
Twilight relaxed and looked over at the dragon on the floor.
"Of course Celestia, but why?" She asked.
Ugin spoke.
"Please? My brother has done terrible things, I just want him to get better in his ways." He said.
Twilight and the others looked at each other.
Fluttershy gently flew up to Ugin.
"H-hi. My name i-is Fluttershy..."
Ugin stared at her barley hearing a word. But it was loud enough to make out at least, even if it was really quiet.
"Greetings Fluttershy, I am Ugin, the Spirit Dragon."
Fluttershy then looked at Bolas.
"Um... May I ask what's wrong with him?" She asked.
"He is unconscious. I have no idea when he'll wake." Said Ugin.

Rainbow Dash took noticed of his name.
"Ugin, the Spirit Dragon? Are you a ghost or something?" She said.
"Now now Sugar Cube we can't go to conclusions." Said Applejack.
Ugin chuckled.
"Yes, and no. I am technically dead, but I am very much alive. My body is a reformed essence of my original body that was slain by my brother." He explained.
They got on to that last part.
"Slayed you? Like he killed you." Asked Rarity.
Ugin sighed sadly. "Yes he did, it is one of the reasons I want him to get better."
Twilight spoke to Celestia.
"How can we help his brother?" She asked.
"Hmm. Why not have Fluttershy teach, and help him? She is great with helping others get better."
Ugin looked at Celestia, then back at Fluttershy.
"Do you think you can?" He asked.
Fluttershy looked around the place nervously.
"Um... I-i can try..." She said nervously.
Ugin lighten a bit. Maybe there was a different path his brother could take after all. Hopefully.

As all was said and done a low growl was heard. Like a bear not wanting to wake up, but knew it had to.
Slowly Bolas woke up. His whole body ached, and his vision was blurry. He looked around, and noticed many things.
One: he was on a plane he didn't know.
Two: he was in a building of sorts.
Three: he saw many shapes of different beings.
And four: his brother.
Throwing all that was around him aside he looked at his brother.
"I thought I killed you."
Ugin shrugged.
"Times change especially on the plane of Tarkir, where I died. You should get used to the idea."
"YOU should get used to the idea that I'm simply going to kill you again in a few minutes."
"Once you catch your breath?"
Ugin sighed.
"I don't think so brother, you are powerless, you don't have the strength to kill me in a few minutes, not even a millennia. You no longer have your spark."
"Then I'll take yours!!"
"I don't think so. Because lucky for me your gonna change your ways!" Said Ugin.
Nicol Bolas was confused. Really confused. He had just woken up, and now his brother was talking nonsense.
"What are you going on about?" He asked.
Ugin chuckled.
"I'll let them explain."
Nicol Bolas looked around him, and notice ponies.
One was white, and bigger than the others with a crown, a horn, and wings, then six others that were all different colors like a rainbow.
Twilight carefully went up to Bolas.
"Hi. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Your brother has requested we reach and help you learn to change your ways of evil." She said.
Bolas was getting angry.
"What is the meaning of this!!??" He roared at his brother specifically, and got up to strike him, but quickly sat back down as his body had not fully healed.
"Ow!" He exclaimed.
He looked at Twilight.
"Explain yourself!"
Twilight recoiled a bit, but did as he said.
"We were requested by our superior, and your brother to help you learn how to be better, and not a tyrant. Think of it as a therapy of sorts." She said.
"I see. Well since I lost, and I have nothing, what's the worst that can happen?" He said.
Ugin spoke.
"Brother, I love you, and I will never let that go! I just need you to realize the errors of your ways." He said.
Bolas thought for a second.
He began to remember something, or someone.
Their sister.
He looked at Ugin, and saw the truth in his eyes.
He began to remember his quest for revenge against the humans that killed her, their siblings misjudging them by their small stature, twin birth, and their names. He didn't just get revenge, he made his cousins kill each other, enslave others, and by looking at Ugin, maybe for the first time in his long life he felt angry at himself. He remembered trying to control Ugin, and how that caused him to planeswalk Away. And how he felt abandoned.
All of what he did, all started with the scary sight, and sounds of their sister dying.
He felt tears.
"Ugin. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you. I should have moved on and lived, but our sisters death haunted me, and I didn't want that fate! I enslaved others, I forced our cousins, and siblings to fight each other, and I did the same across the Multiverse for years. I'm sorry! When you first planeswalk I felt hurt, and abandoned. I truly did miss you, but I knew I caused that. I caused death across the Multiverse. Even yours, and I'm sorry! I don't want to be a god anymore seeing as that failed, I just want a second chance to realize the errors of my ways."
Ugin stared at his brother. He saw the truth in his eyes, and felt loved by him for the first time in many an age.
He walked up to Bolas, who recoiled a bit, but slowly relaxed as his twin hugged him.
"I forgive you."
Nicol released his tears.
He felt better than he had ever before.
It felt better than being a god.
'what is this?' thought Nicol.
Ugin stepped away.
"Brother I will leave you here on this plane. Try to change yourself, and I will visit I promise." He said as he vanished in a bright light.

The Mane 6 were confused.
"What just happened!?" Asked everyone of them.
"He is a planeswalker, an being born with the power to move between worlds." Explained Bolas.
The mae 6 were still confused, but got a little understanding.
Fluttershy flew to Bolas to greet him.
"H-hi I'm Fluttershy, and your brother wanted me to help you."
Bolas looked at the pegasus before him. Never in his life has he seen these beings, life is full of weird things isn't it?
"Thank you." He said.

"Well... That went well. I guess. I trust that all of you will carry out this task! You may return to Ponyville. Thank you all for accepting this problem!" Said Celestia.
"Your welcome Princess!" They said and bowed.
Nicol was still confused about this world. But maybe he can learn about it?

'Brother... I truly regret what I did.' he thought. He then noticed something on the ground. His Spirit-Gem. He picked it up, and placed it between his horns. 'powerless?' he thought as he felt nothing from the gem.

(Meditation Plane)
Ugin stared at the pool of becoming. He saw through the Spirit-Gem to spy on his brother, to see what he was doing.
He had placed protective barriers around his plane, and the plane of Equestria so no planeswalker could find, and get revenge on Bolas. "Revenge is a terrible thing." He said.

Comments ( 1 )

That recovery was a bit too fast. Unless the story is about to end?

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