• Published 14th Mar 2022
  • 739 Views, 11 Comments

A Princess’s New Playmate: A MLP/Steven Universe Crossover - Lord Shadow Eclipse

When a certain jester-like rubber hose Gem arrives in Equestria, the feels are real.

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Chapter 5: Meeting Twi's "Other Friends"

Author's Note:

Here it is! The newest chapter of the story. Hope you all enjoy the crap out of it. If anyone wants me to include their favorite Gem, let me know in the comments. In fact, if anyone wants me to include their "Gemsonas" in this story, let me know in the comments.

With Twilight and Spinel

Both Twilight and her new Gem friend were still cuddled up underneath the trees of the Whitetail Woods. Twilight was being gently held in the snake-like arms of the very Gem who saved her life, having fallen asleep because the generous amount of heat Spinel's body seemed to produce. Twilight groaned softly and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Spinel's smiling face. She seemed to have long stopped crying and regained her cheerful mood. The second thing that Twilight noticed was that it was now nighttime. Twilight shot up like an arrow.

"It's night? How long have I been asleep?", Twilight asked, looking at Spinel. Spinel just gave Twilight a curious head tilt.

"'Asleep'? What does that mean?", Spinel replied.

Now it was Twilight's turn to look confused. "'Asleep'. Meaning when you were sleeping.".

The pink Gem just looked even more confused. "You mean that weird thing you did when you kept your eyes closed and didn't move for four hours? I thought we were playing the quiet game. Since you were the first one to talk, that means I win!", Spinel exclaimed while punching a fist into the air.

"No, I was asleep! You mean to tell me you don't need rest, too? You were in a pretty intense fight."

Spinel looked like she finally understood what Twilight meant by "sleep". "No, I don't need rest. Like, at all. Gems don't need sleep, food, water, or even a need to breathe".

Twilight was shocked by this revelation. A race of beings that don't have the same necessities as other creatures? That was something rather unheard of. Even Discord, the literal Embodiment of Chaos, had a necessity to eat, drink, and sleep. If Spinel and the rest of her kind don't need these kinds of things, that would make them almost akin to gods! Twilight was going to enjoy studying Spinel. She could only imagine the things that Gemkind were capable of.

Twilight had remembered that she was going to introduce Spinel to her friends before the Timberwolf attack. She could imagine the looks on their faces when they all got a good look at Twilight's savior. Rarity would love to get a closer look at Spinel's Gem. Pinkie and her would get along right off the bat because of their similar personalities. If Applejack found out that Spinel doesn't need food, she'll probably want to throw Spinel a whole feast. Rainbow Dash might want to challenge the Gem to an Iron Pony Competition after seeing her rubber-hose limbs. Fluttershy would probably be a little shy around Spinel at first, but will quickly warm up to her. And Spike...

Twilight's eyes suddenly widened with terrifying realization. Spinel saw the frightened look on Twilight's face and started to feel concerned for her bestie.

"Hey buddy! Are you okay?", Spinel asked, waving a hand from side-to-side in front of Twi's face. Twilight didn't move a millimeter.

"Oh no! Spike! He's a dragon. Dragons love to eat gems! What is he going to do when he sees Spinel?", Twilight thought in a panic. But then she remembered the ruthless brutality with which Spinel fought the Timberwolves. "A better question might be: what will Spinel do if he tries to eat her?".

The nighttime temperature around them started to drop. Twilight started shivering in her horseshoes, but Spinel seemed perfectly fine. Gems apparently don't get cold like ponies do. Wanting to get out of the cold, Twilight decided to take care of the dragon-Gem problem after they returned to the castle together. She turned to the smiling Gem.

"Okay, Spinel, I think we've stayed in the forest long enough. Let's go back to the castle so that you can meet my other friends.", Twilight suggested. Spinel's smile just grew bigger.

"Oooooooooh! More friends?! Yay! I can't wait to for us all to play together!"

Twilight gave Spinel a smile and they both left the Whitetail Woods.

At the Castle of Friendship

Spike had gathered the rest of the Main Six to the castle to try to search for Twilight. Being the Alicorn's adopted son and her number one assistant, he was obviously very worried about where she could've gone.

"The last thing she told me was that she was headed for the Whitetail Woods to go on a solitary walk and that she'd be back in two hours! And it's been six hours since then!", Spike recalled in a panic.

"Oh my! You don't think she got lost, do you?", Fluttershy asked with the most volume she could muster into her voice.

"If Twilight were lost, she could just fly up above the trees and try to get her bearings. That's gotten me out of a lot of bad situations.", Rainbow said to reassure the shy Pegasus.

"If she IS lost, hopefully she's not injured or bein' hunted by Timberwolves.", Applejack said.

"I can't imagine anything happening to our darling friend Twilight! But I'm sure she's fine. Timberwolves don't live in the Whitetail Woods, anyway.", Rarity stated to try to soothe her friends' emotions. It did little to help, but that was something.

Pinkie was exaggeratingly panicked. "What if she's been kidnapped by some Diamond Dogs or some yet unknown villain and is planning to use her as a bargaining chip to take over Equestria?!"

That cryptic question just made Spike even more worried for Twilight's safety.

"Everyone! If we don't move now, we may never see Twilight ever again! We have to leave now and comb the forest for any sign of Twilight!", Spike exclaimed. The other friends rallied behind him and started making their way to the front doors.

But before they were fifteen feet away from the doors, the doors burst open to reveal none other than Twilight Sparkle, alive and well! And in the company of a creature that none of them had ever seen before! But that didn't matter right now as Spike lunged at Twilight with such force and speed that he almost knocked her on her flank. The young dragon wrapped his arms around Twilight and hung on for dear life. The others were too interested in this strange pink creature to really focus on the fact that their "missing" friend was right there.

"T-t-t-twilight! I thought you were l-l-lost and we'd n-never see you again!", Spike said between sobs. Twilight just smiled and stroked his head spines lovingly.

"It's okay, Spike. I'm still alive. If not for my new best friend, I wouldn't be here right now."

It was at that moment that Spike finally took the time to look at Twilight's new companion. It didn't look like anything that he'd ever seen before. Spike didn't really care that much as he went to Spinel and hugged her tightly!

"Thank you so much for keeping Twilight safe, Whoever-You-Are!", Spike said. Spinel just smiled and hugged the relieved dragon back.

"You're quite welcome!", Spinel replied.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "It doesn't look like I'll have to worry about those two having any problems."

Rarity approached Twilight without taking her eyes off of Spinel. "Darling, we're ever-so-glad you're back safe and sound, but if I may ask: what is this unusual creature you've brought back here? I've never seen a creature like it."

Twilight made sure she had everyone's attention before speaking. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Spinel, my new best friend! She's a Gem, part of a race of sentient gemstones."

The others in the room were stunned by this, especially Rarity, who happened to know a thing or two about gems. She had worked with gems for years, but she'd never come across a sentient one.

Spinel took a place right beside Twilight. "It's true. Twilight was there when I was born, so that means...". Spinel suddenly started to sing.


This will be fun! Twilight's the lucky one! My cut is perfect and I'm pink, as well. I'll bring Twi endless entertainment! I'm her best friend, Spinel!


Twilight chuckled and began to explain everything to her friends: witnessing Spinel being "born", everything Spinel told her about Gems and the Gem Empire, how Spinel destroyed a pack of attacking Timberwolves, even how Twilight fell asleep in Spinel's arms. Twilight blushed at that last part.

With the rest of the Main Six being introduced to Spinel out of the way, the friends took their turn introducing themselves to Spinel. Rarity was the first one to approach the Gem.

"Darling, thank you so much for saving Twilight's life! And might I say, your Gem is absolutely divine!", Rarity said with all the poise of a noble from Canterlot. Spinel just giggled.

"You'd definitely fit in with the Upper-Crust Gems back on Homeworld. Most of them talk just like you do."

Rarity thought that seeing other types of Gems would be an endeavor worth pursuing. She made a mental note to ask Twilight about it later. Pinkie was the next one to come up to Spinel.

"Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's Party Pony! Since you're new to town, I should throw you a party! A Gem-themed party! I have so many ideas buzzing around my head!", Pinkie exclaimed with all her usual energy.

"Ooooh! I can't wait to make even more friends and playmates!", Spinel replied with just as much energy as Pinkie.

Suddenly, a blue face with magenta eyes appeared in front of Spinel's. "Hey there! I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria! Thanks for keeping my flying buddy safe.", Rainbow said, nudging Spinel in the shoulder.

A farmer-accented voice spoke up. "Hey there, sugarcube. The name's Applejack. Anyone, or Gem, that's saves another's life is A-okay in my book.", Applejack greeted the Gem with a warm smile.

Next up was the young dragon Spinel hugged earlier. "My name's Spike, Princess Twilight's number one assistant. I'm eternally grateful to you for saving Twilight's life. If you ever need help with anything, just let me know.", Spike said while shaking Spinel's gloved hand. Spinel just smiled.

"Yaaaaaaaay! I get not just one, but seven extra friends on the same day! I hope we can all play together forever!", Spinel exclaimed.

Later that night

After everyone went home, Twilight and Spike got ready for bed. Spinel was just watching them all go about their bedtime routines until Twilight went to her own room. With her Gem friend in tow, of course.

As Twilight lay on her bed, she felt a familiar warmth cozy up next to her. The Princess opened her eyes to see Spinel staring at her.

"Hey, Spinel? I know that Gems don't need sleep, but I do. And it's kind of hard to do if someone's watching you while trying to sleep."

Spinel put a finger to her mouth in thought. "Well, we don't need to sleep, but I think we can if we wanted to. How does sleeping work?"

"Well, first you close your eyes. Then you empty your mind of all thoughts. You let your mind drift away to peaceful sleep", Twilight responded.

Spinel tried the method her friend suggested and with a few minutes, Twilight could hear a light snoring coming from the Gem. Twilight got a good look at Spinel's sleeping face, even in the dim light of the room.

"She's somehow even more adorable when she sleeps!", Twilight thought before dozing off herself.

Unconsciously, Spinel reached out with her arms and wrapped them around Twilight, who returned the gesture. Soon, they were both wrapped up in a warm cuddle. That would be the best night's sleep of Twilight's life, and a great first day of Spinel's life.

With Peridot

Peridot had followed the trail of the Spinel and the organic it was with for about four hours now. Eventually, she followed them outside the forest and headed towards some sort of native primitive settlement. Peridot gazed upon the town in confusion.

"This doesn't look like a Gem-controlled territory. Where are the spires and temples dedicated to the Diamonds? Where are the light cannons used by the Army to defend it from this planet's creatures?", Peridot asked herself.

Again, Peridot saw no sign of Gem presence anywhere. The green Gem was eager to serve the Diamonds in any way she can. But so far, her only lead was a Spinel. Who just so happened to have gone into this weird settlement.

"Focus, Peridot! Find the Spinel, get her to take you to the nearest Gem colony on this planet and work to make this glorified rock a new addition to the Gem Empire!", Peridot said to get herself to focus. She had a mission to carry out, and she would do anything to achieve her mission's success.

Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by Kevin McCallister deleted Mar 22nd, 2022

Do you have a Gemsona or a favorite Gem? If you have a Gemsona, I’m going to need details about them. If you’re talking about a pony OC, then that’s going to be a maybe.

Can't blame you there a little hard to memorize something like that

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